Posts Tagged ‘ FTB ’

Abuse at the hands of the brothers who had been entrusted with their care

May 2nd, 2014 11:11 am | By

Amanda Banks at the West Australian tells us how the Catholic church in Western Australia dealt with abuse victims. With generosity and remorse and eagerness to make amends? No. With self-interested self-protective fighting and coercion.

The Catholic Church and Christian Brothers fought a class action by abuse victims from WA orphanages at every turn, using their strong legal position to open settlement negotiations with the offer that the men pay their costs.

By “the men” she means the abuse victims – so the church opened negotiations by demanding that the victims pay the church’s costs. The victimizer opened negotiations with a demand that the victims pay costs.

Slater and Gordon lawyer Hayden Stephens has told the royal commission

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Beautiful simplicity

May 2nd, 2014 10:50 am | By

Texas Freedom Network points and laughs at David Barton’s views on why the Constitution forgot to say that women could vote. He says it’s because the family is one, not many.

And you have to remember back then, husband and wife, I mean the two were considered one. That is the biblical precept. That is the way they looked at them in the civil community. That is a family that is voting and so the head of the family is traditionally considered to be the husband and even biblically still continues to be so …

See? It makes perfect sense. The family is one, and that one is the husband. Everybody else doesn’t count (until the male children grow up … Read the rest

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From Muslims for Progressive Values

May 1st, 2014 4:47 pm | By

The movie IJTIHAD: Feminism and Reform is available on Vimeo.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I’ve started with Part 2 because it has my friend Tehmina Kazi in it.… Read the rest

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Today’s lesson in irony

May 1st, 2014 4:20 pm | By

There’s a woman in South Dakota, Annette Bosworth, who is hoping to be a Republican candidate for the Senate. She has a campaign page on Facebook. On it she posted this attractive item:

Subtle, the comparison to animals, isn’t it.

The post shows 61,789 shares at the moment. There are a lot of hostile comments, so many of those shares must be of the “do you believe this bullshit?” variety.… Read the rest

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May 1st, 2014 4:05 pm | By

I get facetious in the afternoon…

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Some are going mad

May 1st, 2014 12:06 pm | By

Alexis Okeowo at the New Yorker blog on the kidnapped schoolgirls in Borno, Nigeria.

“I thought it was the end of my life,” Deborah Sanya told me by phone on Monday from Chibok, a tiny town of farmers in northeastern Nigeria. “There were many, many of them.” Boko Haram, an Islamist terrorist group, kidnapped Sanya and at least two hundred of her classmates from a girls’ secondary school in Chibok more than two weeks ago. Sanya, along with two friends, escaped. So did forty others. The rest have vanished, and their families have not heard any word of them since.

Sanya is eighteen years old and was taking her final exams before graduation. Many of the schools in towns

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The Jaafari Personal Status Law

May 1st, 2014 11:56 am | By

Another one it would be good to sign.

Tell Iraq: Don’t Legalize Forced Child Marriage

Any minute now, the Iraqi Council of Representatives will vote to legalize forced child marriage.

The specifics of the legislation (part of the Jaafari Personal Status Law) are terrifying:

  • There will no longer be a minimum age to legally marry (it’s currently 18) but the law provides policies for divorcing a 9-year-old;
  • A girl’s father would legally be able to accept a marriage proposal; and
  • The girl would be legally prohibited from resisting her husband’s advances and leaving the home without his permission. It’s a recipe for a life in domestic and sexual slavery.

Currently, Iraq has one of the most progressive policies on women’s

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Nightmares from the past

May 1st, 2014 11:34 am | By

The Irish Times reports:

The Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has been arrested in connection with the 1972 abduction, murder and disappearance of Jean McConville.

Detectives from the PSNI’s serious crime branch are questioning Mr Adams at Antrim station about the murder of the widowed mother of 10 children.

Mr Adams remained in police custody overnight following his arrest yesterday.

The BBC gives some background.

Mrs McConville, one of Northern Ireland’s Disappeared, was kidnapped in front of her children after being wrongly accused of being an informer.

The claim that she was an informer was dismissed after an official investigation by the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman.

The widow was held at one or more houses before being

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What’s in a name

May 1st, 2014 10:19 am | By

In more tooth-grinding news from Pakistan, a mosque in a suburb of Islamabad has been named after the guy who murdered Salmaan Taseer.

Taseer was shot and killed by Mumtaz Qadri, a member of his own security detail, at the Kohsar Market in Sector F-6 on January 4, 2011. The shooter Qadri has become a divisive figure in Pakistani society. He is hailed as a ‘hero’ by some and denounced as a cold blooded murderer by others. Clerics from the Barelvi school of thought are among those proclaiming Qadri’s ‘heroism’.

Perhaps this is why a mosque in the suburbs of the very city Taseer was killed in, has been named after Mumtaz Hussain Qadri. The mosque is constructed on

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Raif Badawi

Apr 30th, 2014 5:42 pm | By

From CFI:

30-year-old Raif Badawi, a Saudi Arabian writer and activist, was sentenced last year to seven years in prison and 600 lashes. Badawi’s crimes? Founding a website, Liberal Saudi Network, dedicated to fostering open discussion of religion and politics; and calling on his country to respect freedom of religion, belief, and expression, and women’s rights.

According to the Saudi court, Badawi was guilty of ridiculing Islam. In the midst of his appeals process, Badawi could soon be charged with apostasy. The penalty for apostasy in Saudi Arabia is death.

To make matters worse, a Saudi court recently jailed Badawi’s lawyer, Waleed Sami Abu Al-Khair, for his human rights activism.

There are global protests May 3.

In support of

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Pogu Yaga wept

Apr 30th, 2014 4:28 pm | By

From the Washington Post, more on those “marriages” in Nigeria.

Village elder Pogo Bitrus told Agence France Presse locals had consulted with “various sources” in the nation’s forested northeast. “From the information we received yesterday from Cameroonian border towns our abducted girls were taken… into Chad and Cameroon,” he said, adding that each girl was sold as a bride to Islamist militants for 2,000 naira — $12.

The Washington Post could not independently verify such claims, and the Nigerian defense ministry didn’t immediately return requests for comment Wednesday morning. But if true, the news would add another terrifying wrinkle to an already horrifying set of events…

Oh I’m sure they were just grabbed to do a little mending for … Read the rest

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With faith and gratitude to Allah the almighty

Apr 30th, 2014 3:47 pm | By

The sultan of Brunei is going ahead with the introduction of ferocious punitive “sharia” despite objections from people who aren’t savage theocratic monsters.

“With faith and gratitude to Allah the almighty, I declare that tomorrow, Thursday 1 May 2014, will see the enforcement of sharia law phase one, to be followed by the other phases,” the absolute monarch said in a royal decree on Wednesday.

Plans for the sharia penalties – which will eventually include flogging, severing of limbs and death by stoning – triggered condemnation on social media sites in the tiny sultanate earlier this year.

Well, Mohammed didn’t say anything about social media, so fuck all that.

67-year-old Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah – one of the world’s wealthiest men

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And while I’m at it

Apr 30th, 2014 3:14 pm | By

The true meaning of nobility.

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Now that’s the way to treat a cough

Apr 30th, 2014 3:12 pm | By

H/t Ray… Read the rest

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Requirements of the Islamic Shari’a applicable to family and children

Apr 30th, 2014 10:38 am | By

That Telegraph article mentioned a “Sharia Law event at the Law Society’s headquarters on Chancery Lane, central London on June 24″ and provided a link but the link is a dud. However I found a link that works, and thus the event.

Developing services for Muslim clients – An introduction to Islamic Shari’a law for small firms

It’s not law. It’s not law. It’s not law. Stop calling it law. It’s not law.

Does your sole practice or small firm have a Muslim client base and practice in the following areas of law?

• Wills and inheritance.
• Family and children.
• Corporate and commercial (non-listed firms).

Do you want to better understand and serve the needs of your

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It’s not “law”

Apr 30th, 2014 10:06 am | By

The Telegraph reported a few days ago that the Law Society will be giving a training course in sharia this summer.


A new training course being run by the Law Society this summer is described as an “introduction to Islamic Sharia law for small firms”.

What the hell. Sharia is not law in the UK. Period. In the UK, law is what is enacted by Parliament, it’s not any old thing that’s called “law” by one group or another. Sharia is a religious thing, not a legal thing. It’s not something the Law Society should be giving “training” in.

Critics said the fact that the Law Society was offering training in Sharia law created the “perception” that

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Southall Black Sisters

Apr 29th, 2014 5:44 pm | By

At the protest yesterday. Via Chris Moos.

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At the Law Society protest

Apr 29th, 2014 5:40 pm | By

In London yesterday. Via Chris Moos.

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A police officer, not a doctor, by her bed

Apr 29th, 2014 5:03 pm | By

In El Salvador, a nightmare I can’t even read about without quaking with fury.

Cristina Quintanilla was 18 years old in October 2004 when, seven months pregnant with her second child, she collapsed in pain on the floor of her family home. “I felt like I was choking, like I couldn’t breathe,” she says, shaking at the memory.

Quintanilla, who lives in San Miguel, El Salvador, fell unconscious and, bleeding heavily, was taken to hospital by her mother. When she woke up, dizzy from blood loss and anaesthetic, and having lost her child, she says she was startled to find a police officer, not a doctor, by her bed.

Because she’s a woman and she had a miscarriage, so OBVIOUSLY … Read the rest

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Saudi Arabia demands criminalization of everything

Apr 29th, 2014 4:30 pm | By

Hahahahahahahaha this is the funniest headline I’ve seen in awhile – it’s in the Independent -

Saudi Arabia criticises Norway over human rights record

You must admit.

Ok so what’s the problem? What rights are they neglecting? Prisoners’? Children’s? Foreigners’? Asylum seekers’? Those of the disabled?

No, none of those. It’s the rights of Mohammed and Islam that Norway has been neglecting. How are those human rights, you wonder? They’re…not.

Saudi Arabia has criticised Norway’s human rights record, accusing the country of failing to protect its Muslim citizens and not doing enough to counter criticism of the prophet Mohammed.

Hey, you know what? No country should do anything to “counter criticism” of Mohammed or any other religious figure.

The gulf

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