Trump is easily distracted by shiny objects

Jan 2nd, 2017 11:18 am | By

Again, the Times says Trump lies, in a headline:

Why Corporations Are Helping Donald Trump Lie About Jobs

The byline is The Editorial Board, so it’s not just one writer, it’s basically the whole outfit.

President-elect Donald Trump would like everybody to believe that his election is energizing the economy by forcing businesses to create thousands of jobs in the United States. And companies like Sprint seem perfectly happy to go along with this fiction because they know they can profit handsomely by cozying up to Mr. Trump.

They point to his lie about the 5000 Sprint jobs, and add:

In sum, Mr. Trump’s statement was hot air, just like his tweet in which he thanked himself for an increase in a consumer confidence index last month.

Lie, fiction, hot air.

It’s easy to see why SoftBank and Sprint might want to help Mr. Trump take credit for creating jobs.

It’s because he’s anti-regulation, including anti-trust regulation that would hinder their plans.

This is crony capitalism, with potentially devastating consequences. If Mr. Trump appoints people to the antitrust division and the F.C.C. who are willing to wave through a Sprint/T-Mobile merger, he will do lasting damage to the economy that far outweighs any benefit from 5,000 jobs, jobs that might have been created even without the merger. Individuals and businesses will find wireless service costs a lot more when they have only Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile/Sprint to choose from.

Also mergers cause huge job losses, not gains.

It has become abundantly clear that Mr. Trump is easily distracted by shiny objects, especially if they reflect back on him. He’s more interested in boasting about how he personally saved a thousand jobs at Carrier, say, than in policy details that could make a difference in the lives of tens of millions of workers. Never mind that Carrier is only keeping about 800 jobs and that its chief executive said that the company would get rid of some of those anyway through automation. This should greatly worry Americans, especially people who are counting on Mr. Trump to revive the economy and help the middle class.

They’re calling him stupid as well as a liar, as they must, because he so obviously is.

Upside the head

Jan 1st, 2017 5:46 pm | By

stop tweeting, batman slapping trump

Have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way

Jan 1st, 2017 3:39 pm | By

Trump is skeptical about the Russian hacking. He wants good evidence before he accepts the claims.

Speaking to a handful of reporters outside his Palm Beach, Fla., club, Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump cast his declarations of doubt as an effort to seek the truth.

I see what the NY Times did there. They said he’s bullshitting.

“I just want them to be sure because it’s a pretty serious charge,” Mr. Trump said of the intelligence agencies. “If you look at the weapons of mass destruction, that was a disaster, and they were wrong,” he added, referring to intelligence cited by the George W. Bush administration to support its march to war in 2003. “So I want them to be sure,” the president-elect said. “I think it’s unfair if they don’t know.”

He added: “And I know a lot about hacking. And hacking is a very hard thing to prove. So it could be somebody else. And I also know things that other people don’t know, and so they cannot be sure of the situation.”

Ah there’s Donnie from Queens – “I know something you don’t know, nananananana.”

It’s still bullshit, too. Of course he knows things “other people don’t know” but they probably aren’t things to do with the Russian hacking, since he’s been refusing to take his daily intelligence briefings. He knows a great deal less than he should know, as we can see every time he opens his mouth.

When asked what he knew that others did not, Mr. Trump demurred, saying only, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”

Spoken like a child. As always.

Then he gave us some important advice.

Mr. Trump, who does not use email, also advised people to avoid computers when dealing with delicate material. “It’s very important, if you have something really important, write it out and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way, because I’ll tell you what, no computer is safe,” Mr. Trump said.

“I don’t care what they say, no computer is safe,” he added. “I have a boy who’s 10 years old; he can do anything with a computer. You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier.”

Because a courier is way more secure than any stinkin’ computer. Call up Supreme Systems – several outlets near Trump Tower – and give the courier they send your top secret shit and you’re golden. There is no conceivable way a courier can be made unsafe, unlike a computer.

I can’t wait to see him start negotiating with North Korea.

He’s amazed

Jan 1st, 2017 11:34 am | By

The Woodward-Costa interview with Trump last April, part 2.

Woodward asks the great pussygrabber for his thoughts on why Lincoln succeeded. He doesn’t say what he means by “succeed” and of course Trump doesn’t ask.

But he does answer.

DT: Well, I think Lincoln succeeded for numerous reasons. He was a man who was of great intelligence, which most presidents would be. But he was a man of great intelligence, but he was also a man that did something that was a very vital thing to do at that time. Ten years before or 20 years before, what he was doing would never have even been thought possible. So he did something that was a very important thing to do, and especially at that time. And Nixon failed, I think to a certain extent, because of his personality. You know? It was just that personality. Very severe, very exclusive. In other words, people couldn’t come in. And people didn’t like him. I mean, people didn’t like him.

The mind reels. The mind fucking reels. He sounds like a fifth grader answering an exam question when he hasn’t done the homework. “…he was also a man that did something that was a very vital thing to do at that time.” That’s what you say when you know nothing whatever about the subject.

After that Woodward gets very pointed. He points out that Nixon wasn’t just disliked, he was a criminal. He did serial criminal acts.

BW: And time and time again, break in, get the FBI on this, get the IRS on.

DT: Sure. Sure.

BW: I mean, it is an appalling legacy of criminality.

DT: Right.

BW: And at the end, the day he resigned, an amazing day, he gives that speech which is kind of free association about mom and dad.

DT:    Right.

BW: He’s sweating. And then he said, “Always remember: Others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.” The piston was hate.

DT: Well, and he was actually talking very much about himself, because ultimately, ultimately, that is what destroyed him. Hate is what destroyed him. And such an interesting figure. I mean, you would know that better than anybody. But such an interesting figure. And such a man of great talent. I mean, Nixon had great potential, great talent. Unfortunately it was a very sad legacy in the end. It turned out to be a very sad legacy. Such an interesting figure to study. I think. . . .

BW: Do you take any lessons from that? Because what did is he converted the presidency to an instrument of personal revenge.


President Pussygrabber is doing that already, and he’s not even president yet.

BW: You’re my enemy, I’m going to get you. I’m going to get so-and-so on you.

DT:  Yeah. No, I don’t. I don’t see that. What I do see is — what I am amazed at is, I’m somebody that gets along with people. And sometimes I’ll notice, I’ll be, I have the biggest crowds. Actually we’ve purposefully kept the crowds down this past week. You know, we’ve gone into small venues and we’re turning away thousands and thousands of people, which I hate, but we didn’t want to have the protest. You know, when you have a room of 2,000 people, you can pretty much keep it without the protesters. When you have 21 or 25,000 people coming in, people can start standing up and screaming. What has been amazing to me — I’m a very inclusive person. I actually am somebody that gets along with people. And yet from a political standpoint, although I certainly have a lot of fans — you just said hello to Senator Sessions. Cruz and everybody wanted Senator Sessions as much as they’ve wanted anybody, and he’s a highly respected guy, great guy. And we have some— and he endorsed me. We have some amazing endorsements, some amazing people, but I’m amazed at the level of animosity toward me by some people. I’m amazed.

RC: But you’re going to have to overcome that, Mr. Trump, if you’re going to be the nominee and the president.

DT:  I think you may be right. I think you may be right.

Oh god oh god oh god.

Only thought process

Jan 1st, 2017 10:52 am | By

Going back to the roots of the catastrophe. Last April Bob Woodward and Robert Costa interviewed Trump. They asked him when the dream was born. He indicated that the earliest hint was perhaps while Romney was campaigning against Obama. He thought Romney was weak – very, very weak.

I thought that — I thought Obama was very beatable. Very, very beatable. You know, you had a president who was not doing well, to put it nicely. And I looked at that very seriously. I had some difficulty because I was doing some big jobs that were finishing up, which I wanted to do. My children were younger. And four years makes a big difference. And I also had a signed contract to do “The Apprentice” with NBC. Which in all fairness, you know, sounds like — when you’re talking about “president” it doesn’t sound much, but when you have a two-hour show, prime time, every once a week on a major network . . .  .

Certainly. It’s a tough choice. When you star on a quality show like The Apprentice, that’s stiff competition…if you think of the presidency as a chance to get more celebrity and money, and nothing else.

So, Woodward asks, when did the presidency win? It’s a big decision.

BW: This is the big one.

DT:  Big decision. Yeah, this is a big decision. And I say, sometimes I’ll say it in the speeches. It takes guts to run for president, especially if you’re not a politician, you’ve never . . .  .

BW: When did it become yes?

In other words, don’t go off on a tangent on how gutsy you are, answer the fucking question.

DT: What happened is, during that time that I was just talking about, I started saying I’d like to do it, but I wasn’t really in a position to do it. I was doing a lot of things, and I had a signed contract with NBC. But I started thinking about it. And the press started putting me in polls, and I was winning in the polls. In fact, the day before, I was on “Meet the Press” the day before I announced I wasn’t going to do it, and I got signed for another two years of “The Apprentice” and everything else. Which, by the way, I don’t know if you saw, but “The Apprentice” is a big thing. I made two hundred . . .  .

BW: You made a lot of money.

DT: Yeah. You were shocked. Remember this crazy man, Lawrence O’Donnell — he’s a total crazy nut — he said, Donald Trump only made a million dollars with “The Apprentice.” I said, “A million dollars?” You know, when you have a show that’s essentially number one almost every time it goes on, you can name it. . . . So anyway, when they added it all up — and these are certified numbers, because you have to do certified numbers — it came out to $213 million. Okay? That’s what I made on “The Apprentice.” That’s just — and that’s one of my small things. That’s what I made. You know? So it was put at $213 million, and it was certified. And your friend Joe in the morning said, “There’s no way he only made. . . .” They had a big fight, and O’Donnell, Lawrence O’Donnell started crying. I never saw anything like it. Do you remember? He started crying. [Laughter] He actually started crying. But that shows the level of hatred that people have. But what happened is, I made — I had a very, very successful show. And they put me in polls, and I was essentially leading right at the top, without doing any work. Not one speech, not one anything. But any time I was in a poll, I did very well in the poll.

And there you have it. We owe the fact that this stupid, ignorant, conceited, cruel, lying, cheating fraud of a man is president and could trigger a global nuclear apocalypse the next time he loses his temper to an idiotic television show. Donald Fucking Trump is president because of The Apprentice.

Neil Postman wrote a book called Amusing Ourselves to Death. He didn’t mean it this literally.

Trump then describes what he calls his thought process.

RC: What happened between 2011 and 2014?

DT: Well, that’s what — I mean. . . . Between 2011 and 2014? I would say, just thought process. Only thought process.

HOPE HICKS: A lot of deals.

DT:  Yeah, I mean, I was doing — but in terms of this, only thought process. So what happened, but during this period of time, I said, you know, this is something I really would like to do. I think I’d do it really well. Obviously the public seems to like me, because without any . . .  .

Why? Why did he think he would do it really well? It’s an utterly ridiculous thing to think, so why did he think it? High name recognition is not a reason.

Eventually he decided. Did the family object? Oh sure.

BW: Did anyone recommend no? Did your wife, or did your son?

DT: Oh. Yeah.

BW: Did anyone say, “Dad, Donald, don’t do it?”

DT: I think my wife would much have preferred that I didn’t do it. She’s a very private person. She was a very, very successful — very, very successful model. She made a tremendous amount of money and had great success and dealt at the . . .  .

BW: What’d she say?

DT: She was, she said, we have such a great life. “Why do you want to do this?” She was . . .  .

BW: And what’d you say?

DT: I said, “I sort of have to do it, I think. I really have to do it.” Because it’s something I’d be — I could do such a great job. I really wanted to give something back. I don’t want to act overly generous, but I really wanted to give something back.

BW: Well, that’s the important moment, when you say, I have to do it.

DT:  Yeah, I had to.

BW: That’s the product of the endless internal dialogue.

DT: Well, she’s a very private person, and very smart person. I’m sure you’ve seen a couple of interviews that she’s done. She’s very smart. And there’s no games. You know, it’s boom, it’s all business. But a very smart person. And considered one of the great beauties.

She’s some of the very best arm candy. Very best. Top. Other rich dudes don’t have.

Also he has an excellent grip on all the things. Excellent.

RC: Let’s say you’re the president, though. How do you see the office of the presidency?

BW: Other words, what’s the definition of the job?

DT: Okay. I think more than anything else, it’s the security of our nation. That’s always going to be – that’s number one, two and three. After that, many things come into focus. It’s health, it’s health care. It’s jobs. It’s the economy. But number one —and I say number one, two, three — is the security of the country. The military, being strong, not letting bad things happen to our country from the outside. And I certainly think that that’s always going to be my number one part of that definition.

Oh yay. I feel so cozy and safe now.

End of part one.

The list

Jan 1st, 2017 10:10 am | By

Reina in Istanbul joins Pulse in Orlando, Le Bataclan in Paris, the Sari in Bali, and the Hippodrome in Mali in the class of nightclubs that have been the scene of terrorist mass murders by Islamists. It’s not yet known that the mass murderer at the Reina in Istanbul is an Islamist, but slaughtering people at nightclubs is a fad with Islamists and not with anyone else (that I know of).

Police in Istanbul are hunting for a gunman who opened fire at a well-known nightclub, killing at least 39 people.

The attack happened at Reina nightclub early on Sunday, as hundreds of revellers marked the new year.

Officials say some 15 foreigners were killed, including citizens from Israel, France, Tunisia, Lebanon, India, Belgium, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The killer escaped into the crowd.

The attack unfolded some 75 minutes into the new year as around 700 people gathered in the waterside Reina club, one of Istanbul’s most upmarket venues.

The attacker shot dead a policeman and a security guard at the entrance before heading into the club, which is popular with celebrities and foreigners.

At least 69 people are being treated in hospital, officials said, with three in a serious condition.

The motive for the attack is not clear, but suspicion has fallen on the Islamic State group.

Or a freelance fan of said group, or a rival Islamist group, or who knows. But not everyone with a political grievance and a determination to murder wants to target people in nightclubs. There’s a particular ideology behind that choice of target.

There is only one way to live

Dec 31st, 2016 3:33 pm | By

Muhammad Sabir is the founder of Slumabad, an organization that works to give homeless children access to education and economic opportunities. He posted a photo on Facebook yesterday and asked people to share it.

Please share it onward
ہم ایک گھر کے لیے خوار اور حاکم شہر
شمار گنبد و محراب کرتا رہتا تھا

This photo tells a story of poverty, inequality and deprivation of basic human dignity and rights. It puts all human development in question and asks basic simple questions from us:

Can we call ourselves civilized, while we see our fellow human beings living on footpath like animals?

Is there only one way to live left for millions of deprived souls?

کہ ہم غریب ہوئے ہیں انہیں کی دولت سے

Let us hope sun also rises for marginalized souls, I mean sun of equality, development and justice.

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

[It’s a billboard advertising Trump Tower Mumbai, with a big photo of Trump and the text “THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO LIVE. THE TRUMP WAY.”]

Who is the better human being? Donald Trump or Muhammad Sabir?

Tweeting in a more dignified manner

Dec 31st, 2016 3:03 pm | By

Dan Rather is underwhelmed by the New Year tweet by Donnie from Queens. I’m kidding: he’s not underwhelmed, he’s disgusted.

I guess the President-elect’s New Year’s resolution doesn’t involve tweeting in a more dignified manner?

Donnie from Queens doesn’t know from dignified. He’s vulgarity personified. He’s a living breathing insulting demonstration that vulgarity has nothing to do with poverty, except poverty of feeling and sense and consideration.


Dec 31st, 2016 11:47 am | By

NYT reports Trump continues to be more childish every day.

Americans woke up on the last day of 2016 to a message from President-elect Donald J. Trump wishing them a happy new year.

But the holiday missive, posted on Mr. Trump’s official Twitter account around 8 a.m., came with a pointed jab.

“Happy New Year to all,” Mr. Trump wrote, “including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!” (Some social media users homed in on Mr. Trump’s use of the word enemies, rather than opponents or another word for those who oppose him.)

That’s so typical, isn’t it, and so symptomatic. We have no right to oppose him or disagree with him or describe him accurately. We’re not legitimate critics, we’re just enemies. His Majesty the Baby speaks again.

Even a holiday known for its good cheer, it seems, could not dull Mr. Trump’s penchant for doling out taunts and insults via Twitter.

And this is the guy who will be president of the US in 21 days – a guy who loves to taunt and insult people on Twitter. He’s just another Milo Yiannopoulos, but he’ll be president.

The Times goes on to make the inevitable point that it’s a distraction. Sure, it is, but we can talk about both.

In the interest of our country and its great people

Dec 31st, 2016 10:16 am | By

I’ve been marveling at Trump’s “statement” on the Russian hack.

It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things. Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation.

I’ve been marveling at the grandiosity of it. He says it as if he’s doing us some big favor, some spectacular concession out of his deep love for our greatness and out of his own remarkable generosity.

He is such a lying fraud.

Taking a security briefing is not some kind extra favor he’s doing us, it’s an important part of his job, the job he got in part, it appears, because Putin helped throw it to him. It’s his job. He doesn’t get extra credit for doing his god damn job.

He gets worse every day, and there are more than 365 x 4 days to go, unless he’s impeached as a traitor and lying piece of shit.

He is making a good-will gesture

Dec 30th, 2016 3:58 pm | By

The Times on Trump’s embrace of Putin:

President-elect Donald J. Trump, who has pledged to reset relations with Russia, may have been tossed a lifeline by President Vladimir V. Putin on Friday. The Russian leader, skilled at keeping several steps ahead of his adversaries, announced that he would not retaliate in kind against the Obama administration for imposing new sanctions and expelling Russian diplomats from the United States.

That clears the way for Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin to declare that they are starting anew — just what both men have publicly called for.

Then they report on his fanboy tweet.

For effect, Mr. Trump “pinned” the post to the top of his Twitter feed, ensuring that it will remain the first message seen on his page. In a rapid demonstration of digital glasnost, within minutes, the Russian embassy in Washington retweeted it.

“Putin is going out of his way to not take Obama seriously,’’ said Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, who spent decades in the C.I.A. tracking Russia while Mr. Putin was rising in the K.G.B. Instead, he said, “he is making a good-will gesture, presumably with the hope and expectation that Donald Trump will respond in kind.”

And Donald Trump is not “smart” enough to surprise Putin.

Decline and fall

Dec 30th, 2016 3:50 pm | By

Trump four hours ago:

Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!

Trump one hour ago:

Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools – funny to watch, they don’t have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!

Scowl more

Dec 30th, 2016 3:36 pm | By

The Times got a candid shot of Trump talking to reporters yesterday.

In otherwise opaque comments

Dec 30th, 2016 3:17 pm | By

The Times has a little video clip of Trump trying to sound grownup and intelligent when he answers a question. He fails miserably, while making exaggerated duck face the entire time. It’s painful to watch.

The Times calls this word salad “remarks” that he made

late Wednesday, when he was asked at his Mar-a-Lago estate about Mr. Obama’s plan to take action against Russia. In otherwise opaque comments, Mr. Trump appeared to concede the need to make computers more secure.

That “otherwise opaque” is good. If you can’t bear to watch the clip:

“I think we ought to get on with our lives,” he said. “I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind, the security we need.”

He is so out of his depth. He’s like Mariana Trench out of his depth.

He said we should get on with our lives rather than paying any more attention to this tiny little thing about how Russia hacked the election.

The president-elect has bucked the consensus of his own party in Congress in repeatedly expressing skepticism that Russia was behind hacking during the election. His isolation was underscored by other Republicans’ responses to the Obama administration’s actions.

Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Thursday that the sanctions were “overdue,” but still blamed Mr. Obama for “eight years of failed policy with Russia.”

“Russia does not share America’s interests,” Mr. Ryan said in a statement. “In fact, it has consistently sought to undermine them, sowing dangerous instability around the world.”

Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina went further, saying they would push Congress for even stronger sanctions than Mr. Obama was seeking.

That is a direct challenge to Mr. Trump and his advisers, who mocked intelligence agencies this month for their conclusion that Russia was responsible for the hacking.

Well why don’t Ryan and McCain and Graham get on with their lives, the way Trump says we all should? Also we should all get on with our lives instead of asking about his conflicts of interest and his inability to utter a coherent sentence on the fly.

Back into harm’s way

Dec 30th, 2016 11:42 am | By

The Guardian has been investigating the way women are abused in family court in the UK:

Violent and abusive men are being allowed to confront and cross-examine their former partners in secretive court hearings that fail to protect women who are victims of abuse, a Guardian investigation has found.

Mothers involved in family court hearings have given graphic descriptions of the “torture” of being questioned by abusive men – a practice still allowed in civil cases but banned in criminal courts.

They describe how former partners can make repeated, sometimes spurious, court applications to continue the harassment.

In one case, a mother was cross-examined for two hours by her ex-husband despite him being the subject of a restraining order to keep him away from her.

Sarah, whose name has been changed, said: “I thought, why does the judge allow him to continue this abuse? I had escaped a really violent relationship, it was a very hard thing to do, and the court threw me back into harm’s way constantly. It was torture for me.”

It’s what One Law for All objects to in religious courts, but family court is part of the secular legal system.

The revelations have prompted one MP to demand a review of the way the court system operates and a change in the law. Peter Kyle, Labour MP for Hove and Portslade, said the situation amounted to the “abuse and brutalisation” of women by the legal system. “Mothers need the protection of the law and they need to know in advance that the system is there to look out and protect their interests,” he said.

“It only takes one woman to be placed in a situation where she can be legally be asked by the man who has violently abused her; ‘When did you last have sex?’. That only has to happen once to realise that the system is corrupted and domestic abuse is going on in our system in the courtroom.”

The evidence obtained by the Guardian spans ongoing and completed cases, interviews with participants, lawyers and court officials. It reveals how the family court:

  • Allows men with criminal convictions for abusing their ex-partners to directly question them – sometimes repeatedly.
  • Is able to ignore restraining orders imposed by the criminal courts to protect the women.
  • Allows fathers, no matter how violent or abusive, to repeatedly pursue contact with children and their mothers.
  • Can ignore expert evidence that women are at risk from abusive men.
  • Fails to adequately protect vulnerable victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

What a horror.

When he lies, say he lied

Dec 30th, 2016 11:23 am | By

The big meal on the news media plate is how to deal with a president who tells shameless brazen lies all the time. They’re used to dealing with presidents (and members of Congress and similar) who conceal and obfuscate and dance around the truth, but not ones who just tell obvious lies many times every day, including on Twitter. They’re struggling.

Donald Trump is once again claiming credit for beating back the scourge of outsourcing, this time insisting that he is the reason that Sprint has announced plans to move thousands of jobs back to America from other countries.

“Because of what’s happening, and the spirit and the hope, I was just called by the head people at Sprint, and they are going to be bringing 5,000 jobs back to the United States,” Trump said, adding that the news of jobs “coming back into the United States” marks “a nice change.” Trump later added that the jobs were coming back “because of me.”

And yet – it’s at least not that simple, but most newspapers did a crap job of making that clear in their headlines.

Some headlines did manage to convey this basic underlying problem. Politico noted in its headline that Trump was touting “previously announced” jobs. Bloomberg was even better, stating flatly in its headline: “Trump seeks credit for 5,000 Sprint jobs already touted.”

I would like to propose a rule of thumb for these situations: If the headline does not convey the fact that Trump’s claimis in question or open to doubt, based on the known facts, then it is insufficiently informative. The Bloomberg headline does accomplish this. If the headline merely conveys that Trump claimed credit for something, without also conveying that this is open to doubt, then it risks being misleading, particularly since people often scan headlines without digging deeper into the stories and the factual details.

“Claimed credit” is a red flag for me, but then that’s because by now I know quite a bit about Trump’s habit of lying. I’ve primed myself to see “claimed credit” as a red flag. If I hadn’t I might miss it.

Why is this a risk any news org would choose to take, when it doesn’t have to? Look, it’s obvious that Trump has adopted a strategy of actively trying to game such headlines in his favor. Trump’s claims about Carrier jobs staying in Indiana turned out to be significantly less rosy upon closer inspection. And remember when Trump falsely claimed credit for keeping a Ford plant here that was going to stay anyway? It really doesn’t take much to convey it in a headline when Trump’s claim is in doubt.

And it’s not as if it’s not newsworthy, either.

Pretty much everyone already accepts that Trump’s nonstop lies and embellishment pose an unprecedented challenge to the news media. What’s more, we’ve already seen news orgs actively adjust their editorial approaches to cope with it. When the New York Times famously broke with precedent and called Trump’s birtherism a “lie” in a front page headline, executive editor Dean Baquet explained that this was necessary because Trump was going beyond the “normal sort of obfuscation that politicians traffic in.” In other words, Trump is forging new frontiers of dishonesty, and news organizations must adjust accordingly.

He lies. Constantly. He won the election by lying constantly. The news media have to report on him accordingly.

A way to leave other people holding the bag

Dec 30th, 2016 10:46 am | By

Back at the beginning of the month Paul Krugman pointed out at the Times the way scamming works for Trump. There was the issue of his tax returns for instance – he got away with simply not releasing them, and lying that it was because he was being audited.

[A]t this point it’s apparent that Mr. Trump believed, correctly, that he could violate all the norms, stonewall on even the most basic disclosure, and pay no political price.

Indeed, it’s clear that Hillary Clinton was in effect punished for her financial transparency, while Mr. Trump was rewarded for his practice of revealing nothing about how he makes money.

Which shouldn’t be how any of this works – and yet it did.

Therefore they will just go on refusing to be transparent, and probably get away with it.

Take, for example, the budget process. Normally, an incoming administration issues a fiscal plan conveying its priorities soon after taking office. But as the budget expert Stan Collender notes, there are strong indications that the Trump administration will ignore this precedent (and, possibly, the law) and simply refuse to offer any explanation of how its proposals are supposed to add up. All we’ll get, probably, are assurances that it’s going to be great, believe me.

We can guess that, Krugman says, because we can already see that it’s what they’re doing about the health insurance scam.

Obamacare has worked. It’s not perfect, by a long shot, but the number of uninsured Americans has plummeted to its lowest level in history. And Americans newly insured thanks to Obamacare are highly satisfied with their coverage.

So what can the G.O.P. offer as an alternative? We know what Republicans want: a free-for-all in which insurance companies can discriminate as they like, with minimal regulation and drastic cuts in government aid.

They want what there was before: basically a fuck you to people who didn’t get insurance through their jobs – coupled with complete freedom for employers not to provide insurance to their workers. Indeed, and to the surprise of no one, health insurance was one of the benefits Trump was refusing to provide workers at his Las Vegas casino until he hurriedly settled with the union a couple of week ago. Republicans want Nothing: a “whatever” system where the fortunate get coverage and the rest get Nothing.

Their plan is to delay doing anything until after 2018 (but then why not delay until after the next election, and the one after that, and so on? I don’t know), and figure out a way to blame the Democrats when they do repeal it.

It’s all very Trumpian, if you think about it. An honest memoir of the president-elect’s business career would be titled “The art of the scam.” After all, his hallmark has been turning a profit on failed business projects, because he finds a way to leave other people holding the bag.

In this case, the effort to replace Obamacare will clearly fail miserably in terms of serving the American people, perhaps especially the white working-class voters who backed Mr. Trump. But it could nonetheless be a political success if the public can be convinced to blame the wrong people.

And after seeing what just happened, we know that the public probably can be convinced of that, because it can be convinced of anything. (Enough of the public, that is. Not the whole public. Not even the majority…) As Krugman says –

You might think that this would be impossible, given the obviousness of the ploy. But given what we’ve seen so far, you have to take seriously the possibility that they’ll get away with it.

Especially when they have so much of the opinion-offering class helping them, with all this bullshit about the angry white working class, as if Mr No I’m Not Going To Provide Health Insurance Trump were the buddy of the working class. Oh never mind all that, they murmur, anxiously pushing it behind a door. Just read that brilliant J D Vance fella and repent your elitist ways.

Scam scam scam.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Dec 29th, 2016 6:04 pm | By

The self-pity of godbotherers never ceases to amaze.

Pop open the mulled wine, fill-up on minced pies, enjoy the office parties, swap presents, take a holiday – but whatever you do, don’t mention Jesus. In fact, don’t even mention the word ‘Christmas’ – say festive season, winter break, or happy holidays.

Sounds like a joke, right? Wrong. It’s Christmas in Britain 2016. No, it’s not all pervasive, but it’s happening, the fist-in-a-velvet-glove reality for any number of people, particularly Christians, in workplaces up and down the country.

And it has led the British Prime Minster, a Catholic bishop, and the UK’s equality commissioner to speak out about this sort of nonsense – it has to stop.

Ah there it is – the fuming outrage at non-existent fists in gloves combined with eagerness to tell other people what to do. “It has to stop” – what does? People not wanting religion forced on them? That has to stop, does it? According to whom, and what will be the penalties for disobedience?

Bishop Mark Davies has warned of a ‘strange silence’ fuelled by a ‘terrible perversion’ of political correctness that is making Christians fearful of speaking publicly about their faith.

Bollocks. Nobody’s afraid. Nobody’s being attacked or punished, and nobody’s afraid. Some of us don’t want to hear people blithering on about “their faith” but that’s not a reason to be afraid. People don’t go around quaking in terror about being asked to stop talking during the movie at movie theaters, and they don’t go around quaking in terror about being asked to keep their religion to themselves, either. They may not like it, but that’s not fear.

“There has been a danger of a strange silence falling over our land which has recently led the Prime Minister to urge Christians never to be afraid of speaking freely in the public space,” said Bishop Davies.

“She insisted that our Christian heritage is something of which everyone can be proud, and Christians must ‘jealously guard’ their right to speak publically about their faith. The Prime Minister is doubtless conscious of the strange phenomenon of local authorities and public bodies who fear that even to mention the word ‘Christmas’ might be a cause of offence.”

Christians don’t have an unfettered “right to speak publicly about their faith.” They have the normal free speech rights that everyone has (in the UK, which is the issue here), but that does not mean they get to force religious discourse on people who don’t want it.

“Somewhat more sinisterly, people tell me how they have felt inhibited or even intimidated in their places of work when speaking of their Christian faith and how it shapes their conscience and values.

“In a country founded on the Christian faith, it is a terrible perversion of political correctness that would so intimidate people from speaking of Christianity: the very faith and moral path which has shaped our way of life.”

That’s so ludicrous. If co-workers don’t want to hear it, they don’t want to hear it. Bishops don’t get to force them to hear it. It’s not persecution to say no thank you, I’m not interested.

Prime Minister May, a practising Anglican and the daughter of an Anglican vicar, expressed her opinions on the treatment of Christians in the public square in response to a question from Fiona Bruce, a member of parliament, in late November.

Mrs Bruce asked the Prime Minister to welcome a new report by the Evangelical Alliance and the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, called Speak Up.

The report, she said, “confirms that in our country the legal rights of freedom of religion and freedom of speech to speak about one’s faith responsibly, respectfully and without fear, are as strong today as ever.”

The Prime Minister welcomed the report, adding: I’m sure that we would all want to ensure that people at work do feel able to speak about their faith, and also be able to speak quite freely about Christmas.”

Mrs Bruce also highlighted comments made by David Isaacs, the UK’s Equalities Commissioner, who is concerned that Christians were now fearful about mentioning their faith in public.

Speaking to The Sunday Times newspaper, Mr Isaacs criticized organizations, including public institutions, which have dropped references to Christmas unnecessarily from cards and celebrations out of fear of offending people of other faiths or none.

Or maybe not out of “fear of offending” but rather out of desire to be considerate. What about that, eh? And what’s wrong with that? Not a damn thing. It’s simply true that Christians are not the only people there are, and that a lot of people enjoy the solstice party who are not Christians.

There’s no war on Christmas, but there certainly is a war on being thoughtful.

Hapless Adm yourself

Dec 29th, 2016 2:08 pm | By

Throwdown. 35 Russian diplomats have 72 hours to get out of Dodge.

The US has expelled 35 Russian diplomats as punishment for alleged interference into last month’s presidential elections, giving them 72 hours to leave the country.

It will also close two compounds used for Russian intelligence-gathering.

President Barack Obama had vowed action against Russia amid US accusations it directed hacks against the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Well at least no harm was done, because Clinton’s opponent is a responsible, thoughtful, reasonable, compassionate guy who will do a good job.

Or, rather, he’s the opposite of all that, as well as a liar and a thief and a pussygrabber, so I don’t admire the Russians’ prank.

The move follows calls from senior US senators to sanction Russian officials who are believed to have played a role in the hacking, which some lawmakers referred to as America’s “political Pearl Harbor”.

Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, who led the calls for sanctions, said they “intend to lead the effort in the new Congress to impose stronger sanctions on Russia”.

A Kremlin spokesman told journalists in Moscow that President Vladimir Putin would consider retaliatory measures.

Dmitry Peskov said the actions were “a manifestation of unpredictable and aggressive foreign policy”, and called them “ungrounded and not legal”.

And the Russian embassy in the UK tweeted a visual gag calling the Obama presidency a lame duck.

Russian Embassy tweets: President Obama expels 35 🇷ussian diplomats in Cold War deja vu. As everybody, incl american people, will be glad to see the last of this hapless Adm.

Cold War nothing. Putin is no communist, so this is not a continuation of the Cold War.

In a joint statement by the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of the Director of National Security, and the FBI, US officials appeal to companies to “look back within their network traffic” and report any signs of “malicious cyber activity” to law enforcement.

The Russian hacking, which the US intelligence agencies describe as a “decade-long campaign” included methods such as “spearphishing, campaigns targeting government organisations, critical infrastructure, think-tanks, universities, political organisations, and corporations; theft of information from these organisations; and the recent public release of some of this stolen information”.

Emails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and from the servers of the Democratic National Committee were released during the 2016 presidential election by Wikileaks.

Yet many people are still insisting Julian Assange is a lefty hero.

For visiting a city without her husband

Dec 29th, 2016 5:58 am | By

News from Afghanistan:

A woman has been beheaded for visiting a city without her husband, officials in Afghanistan have said.

The 30-year-old was decapitated and stabbed to death on Monday evening in Lati in the Sar-e-Pul province of northern Afghanistan.

The Middle East Press claims a government spokesman told them Taliban militants killed her for the “infidelity act” of going shopping without a male guardian.

National broadcaster Tolo News reports that the provincial governor spokesman Zabiullah Amani said the woman’s husband is in Iran, and that they do not have children.

No doubt they did the stabbing first, to make sure she would feel it.