Trump used to pose as his own public relations man

Feb 24th, 2017 5:22 pm | By

Our very own Nazi windbag worked up the crowd at CPAC today by pissing on the news media some more, in his stupidly banal, repetitive, smirking way.

President Trump intensified his slashing attack on the news media during an appearance before the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, reiterating his charge that “fake news” outlets are “the enemy of the people.”

The opening portion of the president’s free-range, campaign-style speech centered on a declaration of war on the news media — a new foil to replace vanquished political opponents like Hillary Clinton.

“They are very smart, they are very cunning, they are very dishonest,” Mr. Trump said to the delight of the crowd packed into the main ballroom at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center just south of Washington. “It doesn’t represent the people; it never will represent the people.”

What gibberish; it’s not supposed to “represent” the people, it’s supposed to gather and report the news. The people need the news, not least so that they can tell when people like Trump are seizing power.

Mr. Trump, who once posed as his own public relations man to plant news stories in New York tabloids — and spoke frequently with reporters off the record during the campaign — called for an end to the use of “sources,” meaning anonymous sources.

“A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people because they have no sources — they just make it up,” he said. He added that his “enemy of the people” label applied only to “dishonest” reporters and editors.

Mr. Trump, who suggested revisiting First Amendment protections for the news media during the campaign, refined that attack on Friday, urging his supporters to use their free-speech rights to counter hostile press accounts from outlets like CNN, which he called the “Clinton News Network.”

“They always bring up the First Amendment,” Mr. Trump said of journalists. “Nobody loves it better than me.”

After spending 10 minutes listing the shortcomings of the news media, Mr. Trump said criticism “doesn’t bother me.”

He’s a clown but he’s a dangerous clown.

Hours after Trump delivered a slashing attack on the news media

Feb 24th, 2017 4:51 pm | By

Robert Reich on the orange monster’s attack on the press:

This is how authoritarian regimes operate:

Hours after Trump delivered a slashing attack on the news media today in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference – denouncing news organizations as “dishonest” purveyors of “fake news,” and mocking journalists for claiming free speech rights – the White House barred journalists from The New York Times, CNN, the LA Times, and Politico from attending a briefing by Trump’s press secretary. The White House only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations, including Breitbart News, the One America News Network and The Washington Times, all with conservative leanings.

“Apparently this is how they retaliate when you report facts they don’t like,” CNN said in a statement. The executive editor of the New York Times said “Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties. We strongly protest the exclusion of The New York Times and the other news organizations. Free media access to a transparent government is obviously of crucial national interest.”

Reporters from Time magazine and The Associated Press, who were set to be allowed in, chose not to attend the briefing in protest of the White House’s actions. Good for them.

But journalists from ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Fox News who were allowed in didn’t join Time and the AP in boycotting it. I can understand Rupert Murdoch’s Fox and Wall Street Journal cooperating with Trump, but why ABC and CBS?

The only way to fight authoritarianism is for everyone who believes in freedom and democracy to stick together.

They must be stopped.

“They always bring up the First Amendment,” Trump said to cheers

Feb 24th, 2017 4:29 pm | By


Once again, they manage to surprise me. And horrify and frighten. They’ve gone from verbally abusing the news media to shutting them out. The Times, one of the shut out news organizations, reports:

Journalists from The New York Times and several other news organizations were prohibited from attending a briefing by President Trump’s press secretary on Friday, a highly unusual breach of relations between the White House and its press corps.

Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and Politico were not allowed to enter the West Wing office of the press secretary, Sean M. Spicer, for the scheduled briefing. Aides to Mr. Spicer only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations that, the White House said, had been previously confirmed.

Those organizations included Breitbart News, the One America News Network and The Washington Times, all with conservative leanings. Journalists from ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Fox News also attended.

Reporters from Time magazine and The Associated Press, who were set to be allowed in, chose not to attend the briefing in protest of the White House’s actions.

They think they can do anything they want to. I hope someone makes clear to them that they can’t, very soon. A small minority of eligible voters voted for them, and nobody voted for them to establish a dictatorship.

“Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties,” Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The Times, said in a statement. “We strongly protest the exclusion of The New York Times and the other news organizations. Free media access to a transparent government is obviously of crucial national interest.”

Not acceptable.

The White House move came hours after Mr. Trump delivered a slashing attack on the news media in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The president denounced news organizations as “dishonest” purveyors of “fake news” and mocked journalists for claiming free speech rights.

“They always bring up the First Amendment,” Mr. Trump said to cheers.

Yes, they do, you miserable lying cheating assaulting wannabe-dictator pig. They bring it up and it exists, and nobody gave you permission to flout it, let alone demolish it.

It’s a god damn outrage.

The next name on the list?

Feb 24th, 2017 3:55 pm | By

Giovanni Gaetani at the IHEU on Mishu Dhar:

Following the murders of several fellow bloggers in his homeland of Bangladesh, and having received death threats himself, Mishu Dhar came to Sweden in search of asylum.

The Swedish Migration Board has now rejected his application and decided to deport Mishu Dhar.

In a joint statement yesterday, Swedish PEN and the Swedish Humanist Association, Humanisterna, condemned that decision as contrary to the country’s commitment to protect freedom of expression.

The decision is baffling, from here. It’s not as if those people who went after a series of writers and bloggers were joking or bluffing.

In 2015, fellow blogger and activist Ananta Bijoy Das also had a visa application rejected by Sweden. He had been invited to a conference by Swedish PEN to discuss the murders of other bloggers and the threat to free speech in Bangladesh. Refusing his visa application, the Embassy of Sweden in Dhaka told Ananta they were rejecting his application because “you are unmarried and you do not have any children” and therefore are not “well established in Bangladesh… You belong to a category of applicants where there is always a risk involved when granting a visa that you will not leave Schengen area after the visit. Furthermore, the purpose of your trip is not urgent enough to grant you visa.” Ananta Bijoy Das was killed within weeks of receiving this rejection.

I remember that.

Mishu Dhar has a master’s degree in mathematics. He went to Sweden initially on a student visa, but already feared that he might be targeted and killed because of his blogging activities. For several years he had been receiving threats in the form of phone calls, text messages and emails. In 2013 fellow blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider was killed, Islamist extremists began putting bloggers on hit lists, and several other bloggers were put on trial by the government for “hurting religious sentiments”! In the summer of 2014 Mishu Dhar was himself attacked and beaten by unknown men. He went to Sweden in February 2015. As 2015 went on, several humanist and atheist bloggers and other freethinkers were attacked and killed in a spate of very similar machete attacks, claimed by various Islamist groups.

When Mishu Dhar’s student visa expired, he applied for asylum in Sweden. In March 2016 the Swedish Migration Board rejected his application for asylum, and in May the Migration Court confirmed the decision. An application to the Migration Board to appeal has now also been rejected and Mishu Dhar may be deported at any time.

“I am disappointed and scared,” says Mishu Dhar. “If I return to Bangladesh, I can be murdered in the same way as the other bloggers. It is life or death for me.”

Sweden’s Migration Board says Bangladesh is trying to prevent more violence and that they have the “ability” to do it. (What does that even mean? Nobody has that ability.)

International human rights groups including PEN International, Amnesty International, Freedom House, and the International Humanist and Ethical Union all supported the asylum application of Mishu Dhar.

“The question is whether Sweden can vouch for Mishu’s security in Bangladesh,” says Ulf Gustafsson, Secretary of the Swedish Humanist Association. “Otherwise, we take on a heavy responsibility by returning him there.”

In his blog has Mishu Dhar criticized Islam and defended women and ethnic and religious minorities. His secular and democratic views he shares the bloggers who have fallen victim to the killers. If he is rejected, he is a risk that Mishu will be the next name on the list of the murdered intellectuals in Bangladesh. And if the Immigration Service maintains the view that the authorities in Bangladesh can and want to protect secular bloggers, we can expect that more bloggers who sought refuge in Sweden will be rejected in the future.

I hope Mishu Dhar survives.

He will say he did it

Feb 24th, 2017 1:02 pm | By

IS is losing the struggle. I heard a news story yesterday or the day before that it has lost the access to the oil that was providing all its funding, so now it’s just resorting to criminal activities, a much less reliable and safe way of operating. And the Atlantic has a piece by a guy who was the head of the Pentagon’s Middle East policy shop under Obama that says the war against them is being won. The only problem is, Trump will take the credit.

When President Obama turned the affairs of state over to President Trump on January 20th, the Islamic State was in full retreat across Iraq and Syria. This was no accident: In the fall of 2015, while I was serving as the head of the Pentagon’s Middle East policy shop, the Obama administration ramped up its campaign against the group—and began to see the effects of that escalation when Iraqi forces retook Ramadi in December of 2015.

Over the course of a very difficult summer of 2015—one in which both Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria had fallen under the black flags of the Islamic State—civilian and military planners noticed an opportunity: For the first time since their campaign began in 2014, the U.S. and coalition forces surrounding the Islamic State were in a position to squeeze it from all directions.

So they did.

Primarily working with Iraqi and Syrian partners, the U.S. military and these local forces cut the main east-west lines of communication between Iraq and Syria. We got more aid to our Lebanese and Jordanian partners to help them defend their borders, and we re-started our initially ill-fated plan to train Syrians to fight the Islamic State, giving them specialized training and equipment. Oh, and we delivered an overwhelming amount of airpower in support of local forces fighting the Islamic State at a time when Iraqi forces trained by U.S. soldiers started re-entering the fight in replacement of previously ineffective units. These newly retrained units performed qualitatively better than the units they replaced, and the results on the ground bore that out.

One by one, cities and towns under the control of the Islamic State started falling. Because we were fighting with local partners, it was messier than if we had done it ourselves. The destruction to Ramadi and Fallujah, in particular, was breathtaking. And it took longer than it would have taken if U.S. forces had been in the lead. But it was also a lot less expensive, and only five U.S. servicemen were killed in the process —compared with almost 5,000 over the course of the earlier war in Iraq.

But perhaps more to the point, it was more of a local operation than a spasm of US imperialism.

But he says that:

And the success of the campaign was going to be more sustainable than that of our earlier efforts, we told ourselves, because Iraqis and Syrians were owning the fight—at tremendous human cost, I must add—and thus owning the victory.

Well yes. That does make a difference, I would think.

And Trump walks in at this late stage and he will say he did all of it.

But the fall of the Islamic State is going to happen, and it’s going to happen on this president’s watch. Like the American jobs he claims to have created that were announced long before he took office, Trump will take credit for the Islamic State’s defeat. It will be in his 2020 campaign speeches, and it will be a cudgel with which he beats the Democrats each time they (or John McCain) point out his incompetence on issues of national security.

And Americans need to be fine with that, because as much as many of us do not want this president to get the credit for the work of others, defeating the Islamic State is a national good that should be bigger than politics.

But it’s not just “politics” – or, defeating the Islamic State is also politics. It’s all “politics” in the sense of choosing between authoritarian bullying misogynist racist shits and the alternative. I don’t like seeing an authoritarian bullying misogynist racist shit take the credit for defeating other authoritarian bullying misogynist racist shits when he didn’t in fact do the work. I don’t like seeing an authoritarian bullying misogynist racist shit gaining credit and perhaps more of a veneer of success by taking credit for work he didn’t do.

They can’t even

Feb 24th, 2017 12:46 pm | By

Donnie is poking the FBI now. That went super well for Nixon, if you recall. (Remember who Deep Throat turned out to be? Deputy Director of the FBI.)

Good, Donnie. Keep doing that. Keep poking the bear.

Missing quality leadership

Feb 24th, 2017 10:29 am | By

Trump bestowed his magical presence on CPAC yesterday, to tell them how awesome he is and how lucky they are to have him.

The Post gives us an enlightening bit of background:

The speech marked the fifth time Trump has addressed the conference hosted by the American Conservative Union, which is showcasing how he has pushed the Republican Party and the conservative movement toward an “America first” nationalism that has long existed on the fringes.

Trump’s first appearance in 2011 offered clues to his political ambitions.

“America today is missing quality leadership, and foreign countries have quickly realized this,” he said six years ago.

“[The] theory of a very successful person running for office is rarely tested because most successful people don’t want to be scrutinized or abused,” he said. “This is the kind of person that the country needs and we need it now.”

Ah “successful” – he thinks he’s successful. He’s right in a sense, of course – he’s filthy rich and he’s stayed out of jail. But that’s all he’d succeeded at: piling up cash and evading prosecution. It’s a very narrow understanding of “success.” A better word for what he’s talking about would be “self-enriching” – but that sounds quite different in terms of running for office, doesn’t it. “The theory of a very self-enriching person running for office is rarely tested because most self-enriching people don’t want to be scrutinized or abused. This is the kind of person that the country needs and we need it now.” It doesn’t convey the same thing, does it. Self-enriching people don’t want to be scrutinized because they want to stay out of jail. More to the point, self-enriching people seem quite unlikely to have any skills that would transfer to public office. Self-enrichment is rather obviously the opposite of public service, and in tension with it.

Tell them we never did!

Feb 23rd, 2017 5:48 pm | By

Donnie demanded a cover-up from the FBI.

The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

But a White House official said late Thursday that the request was only made after the FBI indicated to the White House it did not believe the reporting to be accurate.

White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts, the officials said. The reports of the contacts were first published by The New York Times and CNN on February 14.

The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.

Yes but Trump thinks the rules don’t apply to him, because he’s just that special.

Comey rejected the request for the FBI to comment on the stories, according to sources, because the alleged communications between Trump associates and Russians known to US intelligence are the subject of an ongoing investigation.

It’s too bad Comey wasn’t that scrupulous about that ridiculous letter to Congress about “emails” – it’s too bad he saddled the country and the world with this enraged baby-man.

Another bad deal

Feb 23rd, 2017 5:23 pm | By

Trump is going all “we have to have the most” again.

In an interview with Reuters on Thursday, Trump revisited the issue, declaring that the United States has “fallen behind on nuclear weapon capacity.” He placed some of the blame for this on the 2010 New START agreement, a successor to the 1991 START agreement that was signed by President Barack Obama and aimed at further reducing the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the United States. New START, Trump said, was “another bad deal that the country made.”

“I am the first one that would like to see nobody have nukes,” he said, “but we’re never going to fall behind any country even if it’s a friendly country. We’re never going to fall behind on nuclear power.”

“If countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack,” he added.

But, funnily enough, other countries don’t automatically see it that way, and before you know it there are enough nukes to destroy all life on earth eleventy times over.

While it’s impossible to know exactly how many nuclear weapons each nuclear nation has (such things are generally not public information), the Federation of American Scientists puts together estimates. Per its numbers, the United States has an arsenal of about 6,800 weapons to Russia’s 7,000 — with the next most heavily equipped nation being France at 300.

The goal is for both the US and Russia to have fewer, a lot fewer, and Trump’s deciding we Have To Have Most would scuttle that goal.

It’s not clear where Trump sees a threat to our nuclear position, if not from Russia. It’s not as though North Korea’s nascent nuclear program is going to suddenly challenge our own, necessitating a quick ramp-up in developing intercontinental ballistic missiles. If Trump’s concerned about Russia having slightly more nuclear weapons than us, well, it has for some time.

According to the FAS, Russia (then the Soviet Union) had passed the United States in the size of its nuclear arsenal before Ronald Reagan took office.

Trump was busy with other things then.

He wasn’t joking

Feb 23rd, 2017 2:03 pm | By

Oh, huh, it turns out Trump meant what he said, much to the surprise of people who rely on cheap labor to make them rich.

Jeff Marchini and others in the Central Valley here bet their farms on the election of Donald J. Trump. His message of reducing regulations and taxes appealed to this Republican stronghold, one of Mr. Trump’s strongest bases of support in the state.

As for his promises about cracking down on illegal immigrants, many assumed Mr. Trump’s pledges were mostly just talk. But two weeks into his administration, Mr. Trump has signed executive orders that have upended the country’s immigration laws. Now farmers here are deeply alarmed about what the new policies could mean for their workers, most of whom are unauthorized, and the businesses that depend on them.

Oopsy. What happened to the good old days when you could vote for low taxes on rich people and still keep your cheap labor?

“Everything’s coming so quickly,” Mr. Marchini said. “We’re not loading people into buses or deporting them, that’s not happening yet.” As he looked out over a crew of workers bent over as they rifled through muddy leaves to find purple heads of radicchio, he said that as a businessman, Mr. Trump would know that farmers had invested millions of dollars into produce that is growing right now, and that not being able to pick and sell those crops would represent huge losses for the state economy. “I’m confident that he can grasp the magnitude and the anxiety of what’s happening now.”

Oh that’s not Trump. Trump cares about Trump, not other business bros and certainly not the state economy, especially when that state is filthy Clinton-voting coastal elite Hollywood fake news California.

Mr. Trump’s immigration policies could transform California’s Central Valley, a stretch of lowlands that extends from Redding to Bakersfield. Approximately 70 percent of all farmworkers here are living in the United States illegally, according to researchers at University of California, Davis. The impact could reverberate throughout the valley’s precarious economy, where agriculture is by far the largest industry. With 6.5 million people living in the valley, the fields in this state bring in $35 billion a year and provide more of the nation’s food than any other state.

If they’re deported they can’t be replaced with a snap of the fingers.

Farmers here have faced a persistent labor shortage for years, in part because of increased policing at the border and the rising prices charged by smugglers who help people sneak across. The once-steady stream of people coming from rural towns in southern Mexico has nearly stopped entirely. The existing field workers are aging, and many of their children find higher-paying jobs outside agriculture.

Higher-paying and less back-breaking and pesticide-exposing.


Blasphemy in Viborg

Feb 23rd, 2017 1:03 pm | By

Denmark has decided it believes in something called “blasphemy,” and that people should be prosecuted and punished for it.

Denmark is reactivating its ‘blasphemy’ law, for the first time in 46 years, charging a man for posting a video of himself burning a copy of the Quran.

The accused (aged 42) posted the video clip entitled “Consider your neighbour: it stinks when it burns” to a Facebook group called “YES TO FREEDOM – NO TO ISLAM” (“JA TIL FRIHED – NEJ TIL ISLAM“) in December 2015.

A spokesperson from the public prosecutor’s office in Viborg said: “It is the prosecution’s view that circumstances involving the burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.” The case will now be heard in court at Aalborg, and if found guilty the accused could face a prison sentence, though prosecutors say they will probably ask for a fine.

Really. So it’s a crime to publicly scorn or mock religion?

Religion is a big doody-head.

There; I guess I’m a criminal in Denmark.

The Danish Humanist Society, Humanistisk Samfund, said the use of the ‘blasphemy’ law was “scandalous” and that “Legislation should protect  the individual freedom of speech and individuals against hate-speech and hate-crimes. Hateful and critical utterances directed at ideas, religions and ideologies should be fought with words and debate.” Lone Ree Milkær, chairperson of the Danish Humanist Society, said:

“Denmark should abolish the blasphemy law. We have freedom of religion and belief and it makes no sense to have a special protection of religions or worship. Imagine that we protected ideologies in the same way. In a secular democracy we should be able to tolerate utterances (and actions with no victims) that we dislike or disagree with and we should argue against them instead of punishing by law.”

Notice that even Milo Yiannopoulos is not being punished by law. He’s being ostracized, which is itself not something people should do for trivial reasons, but he’s not being charged with a crime.

Lone Ree Milkær spoke at the United Nations in Geneva last year, on behalf of the Danish Humanist Society and IHEU, as a guest of the IHEU delegation. She urged Denmark to abolish the ‘blasphemy’ law, citing Denmark’s “international responsibility to be at the forefront in promoting and protecting the right to freedom of expression”. She also noted that ‘hate speech’ as such was already covered in the penal code, and that that ‘blasphemy’ laws around the world are used to persecute minorities.

IHEU and the Danish Humanist Society are among the partners in the End Blasphemy Laws campaign.

Blasphemers of the world unite.

Mishu Dhar

Feb 23rd, 2017 12:18 pm | By

PEN International on Sweden’s refusal of asylum to a Bangladeshi blogger facing death threats:

PEN International, the world association of writers representing members in over 100 countries, has learned with alarm about the imminent deportation of Bangladeshi blogger Mishu Dhar, whose final application for asylum in Sweden was rejected by the Swedish Migration Agency on 17 February 2017. The decision is based on the argument that the authorities in Bangladesh are ”willing and able” to protect Mishu Dhar’s security if he should return.

Mishu Dhar has been blogging under the pseudonym #JuliyasCaesar since June 2013. He publishes his writings online on Facebook and Dhormockery (a satirical website about atheism which extremists have been campaigning for the Bangladesh authorities to ban since 2013). He left Bangladesh on a student visa in 2015, after being threatened by Islamists over a long period of time, and physically attacked the previous summer. Since leaving the country, he has written under his own name, and has continued receiving threats via social media. His identity is now known, placing him at greater risk of attack in Bangladesh.

Dhar’s writings have focused on tackling communal violence, land-grabbing, discrimination of minorities and rape of indigenous girls and women in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. He has also promoted freedom of expression and secularism in his writings, and has been an outspoken critic of government policies and its lack of action in tackling extremism.

It’s grotesque for Sweden (or anyone) to claim the authorities in Bangladesh are ”willing and able” to protect Mishu Dhar’s security when we know very well they are neither.

Since 2013, secular, free-thinking, and rationalist writers and publishers have been the target of intimidation and violence in Bangladesh. Eight writers and publishers have been murdered, and several more have suffered grave injuries. PEN International has raised this issue in many fora, including the Human Rights Council in Geneva in June 2016.

The response of the Bangladeshi government and authorities has been inadequate. While they have made a few arrests in some cases, most remain unresolved. The government has not taken meaningful steps to prevent further acts of violence, such as protecting people who are being threatened by extremists. Instead of upholding the right to freedom of expression including on religious issues, political leaders have warned writers not to provoke religious sentiments. When some threatened bloggers have complained to the authorities, they have been told to lie low, to write on non-political and non-religious subjects, or to ”go abroad”.

Mishu Dhar has well-founded reasons to believe that he may face violence, or be killed, were he to return to Bangladesh. It is highly unlikely that he would receive police protection against the death threats to which he has been subjected, and furthermore there are credible concerns of collusion between the police and certain Islamist groups which further erodes trust in the police.

’The Swedish Migration Agency appears to have confused the presence of state institutions with their functional effectiveness in Bangladesh’, said Salil Tripathi, Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee.  ’Indeed, Bangladesh has a parliament, courts, police, and a constitution that protects freedom of expression with ‘reasonable’ limits placed on them. But its record in protecting human rights – of journalists, bloggers, writers, sexual minorities, and human rights defenders is appalling. The state, through acts of commission and omission, has failed to protect individuals who wish to speak freely, and the devastating consequence has been eight deaths of bloggers and writers since 2013. While Bangladesh has cracked down on fundamentalists after the the terrorist attack at a bakery last year, and this week arrested an absconding convict who had killed blogger Rajib Haider in 2013, those are actions taken after the heinous acts have already occurred. To view such an environment as normal and capable of protecting freedom of expression, as the Migration Agency has done, is shocking.’ 

In December 2016, the Swedish government presented a report to Parliament concerning Human rights, democracy and the principles of rule of law in Swedish foreign policy. In the report, the murders of secular bloggers in Bangladesh are mentioned as an example of religiously motivated violations of human rights. While the government, through the Foreign Ministry, points at this issue as a problem which Swedish foreign policy should address, another government agency, namely the Migration Agency, decides to send a secular blogger back to the country where his human rights are likely to be violated.

’The Swedish Migration Agency’s decision is deeply disappointing’, said Jennifer Clement, President of PEN International. ’The assumption the Agency has made – that authorities in Bangladesh are capable of providing security to Mishu Dhar – flies in the face of recent evidence.  There have been assassinations in recent years, including that of Ananta Bijoy Das, whose visa application was turned down by Swedish authorities; physical threats, intimidation, and warnings from fundamentalists, as well as ‘advice’ from Bangladeshi authorities to bloggers to write on safer topics and not offend religious sentiment. There have also been statements from the highest levels of the ruling party that atheist bloggers and writers should be careful about what they write. On what basis does the Migration Agency believe Mishu Dhar would be safe in Bangladesh? In rejecting his application, the Agency is failing to live up to the ideals of Swedish society, the spirit of its constitution, the rationale of international law, and the expectations of everyone who cares for freedom of expression.’     

For further information please contact Cathy McCann at PEN International, Koops Mill Mews, 162-164 Abbey Street, London SE1 2AN |Tel.+ 44 (0) 20 7405 0338 |Fax: +44 (0) 20 7405 0339 |Email:

A personal call

Feb 23rd, 2017 11:40 am | By

Department of the Unclassifiably Bizarre, Trump White House Division.

An embattled White House terrorism advisor whose academic credentials have come under widespread fire telephoned one of his main critics at home Tuesday night and threatened legal action against him, Newsweek has learned.

Sebastian Gorka, whose views on Islam have been widely labeled extremist, called noted terrorism expert Michael S. Smith II in South Carolina and expressed dismay that Smith had been criticizing him on Twitter, according to a recording of the callprovided to Newsweek.

“I was like a deer in the headlights,” Smith, a Republican who has advised congressional committees on the use of social media by the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and al-Qaeda, tells Newsweek. “I thought it was a prank. He began by threatening me with a lawsuit.”

Check out Smith’s Twitter – not only is he Republican, he is also popular with the Trump regime:

Gorka seems to have used his personal phone (according to Smith) as opposed to a White House one, on which the call would be recorded.

Smith says he did not begin recording the call until after Gorka allegedly threatened to sue Smith. In an email to Newsweek, Smith said that, “Gorka asserted my tweets about him merited examination by the White House legal counsel. In effect, he was threatening to entangle me in a legal battle for voicing my concerns on Twitter that he does not possess expertise sufficient to assist the president of the United States with formulating and guiding national security policies.”

Gorka did not respond to an email requesting comment.

Gorka seems to be quite like his boss in finding it astonishing and wounding that total strangers would be criticizing him on Twitter.

The White House advisor was clearly wounded by Smith’s taunts. “Why is this vitriol popping out of you, every day now?” Gorka asked Smith in his call. ”I look at your Twitter feed once or twice a day and it’s half a dozen tweets about me, and I’ve never even met you.”

“Wow,” Smith responded. “Are you defeating jihad by monitoring or trolling my Twitter feed?”

Gorka expressed puzzlement several times that he was being attacked “by someone who’s never met me.”

“I’ve never met you and I’ve never attacked you,” he said to Smith, his voice rising in frustration and anger. “And your Twitter feed is an incessant berating of my professional acumen. Put yourself in my shoes, Mr. Smith. Have you done that? How would you like it if someone you’ve never met, daily and professionally attacked you?”

He’s overlooking one tiny fact that’s relevant to why strangers would be berating his professional acumen on Twitter: the fact that he’s working for the president of the US.

“Happens all the time,” Smith responded. Generally speaking, academics and journalists laboring in the field of public policy expect to be criticized for their views.

“It’s not happened to me,” Gorka said, “I can tell you. Maybe you can show me some trick on how you deal with it. This is the first time ever.”

Dear me, the dewy-eyed innocence of it. Public officials are subject to public criticism and disagreement. Gorka’s not a private citizen.

In fact, questions about Gorka’s views and credentials to speak authoritatively on Islam and terrorism were severely criticized in lengthy feature articles in The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal in recent days. He also received a wave of unfavorable publicity in January 2016 when he was arrested for trying to pass through a TSA checkpoint at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. carrying a loaded handgun. He was charged with a misdemeanor and sentenced to six months probation.

One of his most influential critics is Cindy Storer, a leading former CIA expert on the relationship between religious extremism and terrorism.

“He thinks the government and intelligence agencies don’t know anything about radicalization, but the government knows a lot and thinks he’s nuts,” Storer was quoted as saying in the Post.

Smith asked Gorka why he didn’t telephone Storer, “who called you nuts in the Washington Post,” to complain. Gorka responded that Storer’s remark wasn’t “in a Twitter feed that is being sent to people on Capitol Hill.”

So…people on Capitol Hill pore over Twitter feeds but ignore the Washington Post? Not sure that I agree with you 100% on your police work there Lou.

Funny stuff, except for the fact that Gorka works in the White House.

The world’s first

Feb 22nd, 2017 5:42 pm | By

You’ve seen the first ever trans doll, no doubt – it’s been in the news for awhile. The BBC has an explainer.

A new toy billed as the world’s “first transgender doll” has created a buzz on social media.

Thousands of tweets about the product unveiled by the Tonner Doll Company have been posted since it was announced that the doll would make its first appearance at this week’s New York Toy Fair.

The doll is modelled on a teenage activist who was born a boy, but lives as a female. Jazz Jennings shot to fame when she was interviewed about her gender dysphoria by US TV presenter Barbara Walters.

Image result for jazz jennings doll

Awesome, right?

Only…what’s trans about her?

The company explained that.

The question on many people’s lips on social media was: what exactly makes a doll transgender? In one post, the doll’s makers explained how the doll is a likeness of Jennings, but doesn’t have genitalia.

Tonner Doll Company: This is an 18

Apparently “specific parts” is Doll Company for “genitalia.” No genitalia. Just that smooth plastic curve we all remember.

But so then what makes it trans? It’s a stereotypical girly-girl doll, in the style of the Barbie doll. So what makes it anything other than a stereotypical girly-girl doll, in the style of the Barbie doll?

So now you understand

Feb 22nd, 2017 11:51 am | By

The best bits!


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We hope you enjoyed your brief visit to Reykjavik

Feb 22nd, 2017 11:35 am | By

Here we have an utterly baffling story of a Welsh Muslim teacher on a school trip to the US who was taken off the plane in Reykjavik and sent back to the UK for no known reason.

Juhel Miah, 25, told BBC Wales: “All I want is a reason, I want to know why they kicked me off the flight.”

Mr Miah had flown to Reykjavik, Iceland, with the party from Llangatwg Community School in Aberdulais, Neath, before boarding an onward flight to New York on 16 February.

But before the plane took off he was escorted off by security staff.

First Minister Carwyn Jones has written to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson for “urgent clarification” in the case, and Neath Port Talbot council has written to the US Embassy to “express its dismay” at the treatment of Mr Miah.

I’m left wondering what the US Embassy can have had to do with it – and which one?

But whichever one, are US embassies now in the business of throwing people off planes in other countries?

In the letter, Mr Jones says he understands Mr Miah was “escorted from the aircraft by US Homeland Security personnel”.

The US Embassy in London has been asked to comment.

Mr Miah, whose first name is Mohammed but is known as Juhel, was in charge of eight pupils at the time and said there were a total of 39 pupils and five members of staff on the trip.

The teacher, from Swansea, who says he has a visa which is valid until 2019 and does not have a criminal record, said: “Everyone looked at me like I’d done something wrong.

“It made me feel really small, even though it shouldn’t have. I repeatedly asked on what ground they were kicking me off the flight, no-one could give me an answer.”

Then why were they doing it?

Even Trump’s grotesque ban didn’t apply to people from the UK. The British government was given assurances on that point at the time.

Mr Miah said he has a British passport and does not have dual nationality. His family’s ethnic background is Bangladeshi.

“I can’t think why they wouldn’t want me on the plane, apart from maybe because I’m a Muslim,” he said.

He added that he had never been to any of the seven Muslim-majority countries included in an executive order signed by US President Donald Trump, temporarily barring people from those places.

An executive order which federal courts tore up and threw in the garbage.

Mr Miah, who teaches maths at the 700-pupil school, said he was also denied access to the US Embassy in Reykjavik.

He said if he was not given a reason for what happened, he “would like someone to put their hand up and say ‘sorry, we made a mistake’.”

A council spokesman said: “No satisfactory reason has been provided for refusing entry to the United States – either at the airport in Iceland or subsequently at the embassy.

“Understandably he feels belittled and upset at what appears to be an unjustified act of discrimination.”

Not to mention inconvenienced.

Maybe it’s one of those no-fly list things? Mistaken or real? But then why wouldn’t it have been caught before the first flight, and why wouldn’t that be given as the reason?

What a clusterfuck.


Feb 22nd, 2017 11:09 am | By

Indy100 reports that an Iranian chess champion has been kicked off the national team for not wearing a hijab at a competition in Gibraltar.

Dorsa Derakhshani, aged 18, has already won the Asian chess championships three times in a row.

On February 1 chess’ international governing body FIDE ranked her the 9th best under 21 female chess player on the planet.

During the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2017 which finished on 2 February, Derakhshani did not wear a veil.

As a result the Iranian chess authorities have banned her from playing for their national team, or playing in games that happen inside the country.

That kind of thing is why I detest this poster:

Image result for we the people poster

Hijab is not a symbol of liberation or solidarity or We the People or any other concept that belongs on the left. It’s a symbol of the suppression and muffling of women.

He needs constant supervision

Feb 22nd, 2017 10:24 am | By

Trump’s people have to manage him as if he were a particularly volatile four-year-old. That’s  not news, but it’s easy to lose sight of how extremely bizarre it is.

The in-person touch is also important to keeping Trump from running too hot. One Trump associate said it’s important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And If Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House.

Part of the current problem is Trump is still adjusting to his new circumstances and has plenty of time to stew over negative reviews as he spends time alone in the evenings and early mornings as his wife, Melania Trump, continues living in New York as his youngest son, Barron, finishes the school year.

That alone time played a factor in Trump’s response to revelations that his Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, had — days after Trump attacked whom he labeled a “so-called” judge for blocking his administration’s travel ban — criticized attacks on the judiciary.

White House officials anticipated that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch would distance himself from Trump’s attack and thought the planned comments would help the nominee’s bid, said a person with knowledge of the conversations.

The problem: Trump himself didn’t like Gorsuch’s “disheartening” and “demoralizing” critique. He fired off a tweet criticizing Sen. Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut Democrat who repeated the comments, digging up a controversy over the senator’s military record and accusing him of incorrectly characterizing Gorsuch’s comments. Afterward, Blumenthal and other Democrats criticized Trump and said the president’s comments would hurt his nominee’s chances.

He can’t be left alone, even for a few hours.

How do you FEEL

Feb 21st, 2017 5:24 pm | By

The theocrats are still trying to silence Maryam.

When I spoke at an event organised by the LSE Human Rights Society on 27 January, the restrictions imposed were absurd. Initially I was meant to debate “whether human rights is possible under Sharia/Islamic Law” but those approached refused to debate me or pulled out at the last minute. One of those approached, Omer El Hamdoon, the president of the Muslim Association of Britain, asked to do a solo talk instead, which he did in November 2016. The stark difference in the way he and I were treated at LSE speaks volumes. Despite speaking on the very same topic (making the usual response of “what can you expect when you discuss Sharia” irrelevant), Hamdoon came and went without any concerns being raised nor any restrictions placed on his talk.

In contrast, my talk, which was initially meant to be a public event, was restricted to LSE students and staff due to “security concerns”, LSE followed “special procedures”, referred it to the “Communications Division” and imposed a chair whilst none of these were demanded of Hamdoon. When I arrived at the LSE on the night in question with a number of colleagues, the security told me I had to enter alone – instructions from the “very top” (the university eventually allowed me to enter with two of my colleagues).

It does make one wonder how I am the “security concern” (with instructions issued from the “very top”) whilst Hamdoon who has defended the shunning of ex-Muslims and death by stoning in an ideal Islamic state (audio available here) faces no restrictions whatsoever?

I think it’s probably the way black people are “security concerns” at Trump rallies – because the racists might attack them. Maryam’s a “concern” because Islamists might attack her or tear the place up. That kind of “security concern.”

She’s scheduled Tariq Modood on Secularism and Diversity at Westminster University on 24 February. The university hasn’t told her to stay away; instead it has invited the theocrats to do so:

The Islamic Society of Westminster is aware of the number of students who got in contact with us, expressing their frustration regarding Maryam Namazie being allowed to speak at our university for a ‘debate’.

Their frustration – that Maryam is allowed to speak. That’s theocracy for you. It thinks only theocrats should be allowed to speak.

Slaves looked to the US as the promised land of universal freedom

Feb 21st, 2017 4:34 pm | By

Trump went to a place today, and he said words there. Some words. Very very words. The White House wrote them down for us, so that we.

He was at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

It’s amazing to see.  I went to — we did a pretty comprehensive tour, but not comprehensive enough.  So, Lonnie, I’ll be back.  I told you that.  Because I could stay here for a lot longer, believe me.  It’s really incredible.

I’m deeply proud that we now have a museum that honors the millions of African American men and women who built our national heritage, especially when it comes to faith, culture and the unbreakable American spirit.  My wife was here last week and took a tour, and it was something that she’s still talking about.  Ivanka is here right now.  Hi, Ivanka.  And it really is very, very special.  It’s something that, frankly, if you want to know the truth, it’s doing so well that everybody is talking about it.

Yep. It’s all about the unbreakable American spirit. It’s very very special. It’s incredible. American spirit, unbreakable.

Etched in the hall that we passed today is a quote from Spottswood Rice, a runaway slave who joined the Union Army.  He believed that his fellow African Americans always looked to the United States as the promised land of universal freedom.  Today and every day of my presidency, I pledge to do everything I can to continue that promise of freedom for African Americans and for every American.  So important.  Nothing more important.

Oh certainly. Runaway slaves most definitely always looked to the United States as the promised land of universal freedom. Where else would they look? Places that didn’t have slavery? No no no. They looked to the slave-owning United States as the promised land of universal freedom. So important.

This tour was a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.  The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.

Well, that would have to start with the guy mouthing those pious words. That would have to start with hate-mongering crowd-working racism-inciting Donald Trump. Donald Trump is all about hate and prejudice and evil, so he looks pretty ridiculous talking platitudes about needing to root it out. Start with yourself, Donnie.

HUD has a meaning far beyond housing.  If properly done, it’s a meaning that’s as big as anything there is, and Ben will be able to find that true meaning and the true meaning of HUD as its Secretary.  So I just look forward to that.  I look forward to watching that.  He’ll do things that nobody ever thought of.

I also want to thank Senator Tim Scott for joining us today.  Friend of mine — a great, great senator from South Carolina.  I like the state of South Carolina.  I like all those states where I won by double, double, double digits.  You know, those states.  But South Carolina was one, and Tim has been fantastic how he represents the people.  And they love him.

And freedom-loving slave states.

So with that, we’re going to just end this incredible beginning of a morning.  But engraved in the wall very nearby, a quote by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.  In 1955, he told the world, “We are determined…to work and fight until justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

And that’s what it’s going to be.  We’re going to bring this country together, maybe bring some of the world together, but we’re going to bring this country together.  We have a divided country.  It’s been divided for many, many years, but we’re going to bring it together.

Says the hate-mongering divider.