The truth for once

Dec 3rd, 2023 10:11 am | By

Why yes. Thanks for the admission.

Minimal privacy

Dec 3rd, 2023 9:58 am | By

If girls want privacy they should stay home, the little sluts.

Because of a mismatch

Dec 3rd, 2023 9:28 am | By

World’s first tampons for men

Vuokkoset, a Finnish company released the controversial new sanitary product earlier this month to coincide with Transgender Awareness week and International Men’s day. The product comes in a dark blue box which bears the words “For Men” on one side, but then extends this phrase around the packaging so it eventually reads “For Menstruation”. On another side of the packet it is stated that “periods are not a gender issue”.

Vuokkoset has said in a statement online that it launched the period product to “raise the issue of genderness of hygiene products and the anxiety related to menstruation in trans men”.

Yeah the “genderness” of products designed to absorb menstrual blood – why would such a thing be gendered why why I just cannot fathom it.

The company says that trans men – females who identify as male – might continue to experience menstrual cycles even while undergoing hormone treatment to change gender or may choose not to have such therapy at all and so will still have periods.

What the hell is “hormone treatment to change gender”? How is it “therapy”?

They added that studies show that 93 per cent of trans men have experienced menstrual-related gender dysphoria – a sense of unease a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity.

You know, we all have a sense of unease about a mismatch between something about us and our fantasies. We’d all like to be more something or less something or a different combination of somethings. It’s the human condition. It’s not a medical issue.

feminist groups and women’s health experts on Saturday lambasted Vuokkoset for separating the idea of being female from menstruation.

Anna Melamed, a midwifery lecturer, said: “For so many girls around the world period shame and a lack of period products is very much part of the sex-based inequality they experience.

“To make out that ‘periods are not a gender issue’ is a backward step for those of us trying to educate young people and quite frankly is an insult to the sexism girls and young women suffer every day because of their periods.”

Sometimes (most of the time) it seems as if the insult is the whole point.

Senja Blomqvist, a brand manager for Vuokkoset, responded to the criticisms of the tampons “for men”, saying: “We fully acknowledge that the vast majority of individuals who menstruate are women and this is a significant part of the female experience. However, it is also a reality for some men and non-binary individuals.”

It’s not “the vast majority”; it’s all. No it is not a reality for some men. Female “non-binary individuals” are female.

“Recognising the experiences of all people who menstruate doesn’t erase anyone; it simply acknowledges and respects the diversity of human experiences.”

Actually it doesn’t. It does the opposite. Making a big fuss about bogus “diversity” just makes people not want to hear another word about “diversity.”

You have your instructions

Dec 3rd, 2023 8:13 am | By
You have your instructions

Who doesn’t love being told exactly what to say?

Also exactly what not to say?

Guest post: Egg donors aren’t like sperm donors

Dec 3rd, 2023 2:22 am | By

Originally a comment by Arcadia on I wanted them to be super fit.

If I may, “just deliver an egg” is quite minimising language about what actually happens. Egg donors aren’t like sperm donors, it’s not a pleasant process where she can just have a wank and catch millions of eggs in a sterile container.

Egg donation requires extensive hormonal medication to induce her to overproduce eggs, trigger shots to release them, lots of vaginal ultrasounds to determine the progress of the eggs, and the eggs are retrieved with a huge needle. None of it is fun, and risks are attached for her at every stage. Many women note how awful IVF is to undergo; egg donation is that process – the only part missing is having an embryo transferred. And all this may produce perhaps twenty eggs (if you’re lucky), of which perhaps half are viable. I’ve done IVF three times and the most I ever got was seven eggs, four of which were viable, two of which successfully fertilised, and none were suitable for embryo transfer.

I personally find it strange that so many members of the public are aware of how hard and risky IVF is, but are unable to connect that to any sympathy for egg donors.

None of it is easy, fun, risk free or even successful. She incurs all the risks, harms and the disappointment in the event that she “fails”.


Dec 2nd, 2023 4:42 pm | By

Not a problem.

Police have wrongly labelled hundreds of suspected rapists as women, The Telegraph can reveal – despite the Home Secretary saying they should not do so. Over the past four years, police forces have referred 260 “females” to the … (CPS) … to consider a charge of rape. A further 209 suspects have been recorded with an “unknown” sex, which is understood to include those who identify as non-binary. By law, rape can only be committed by a biological male.

So the police have ruled more than 400 men not guilty of rape, by the police’s own fiat. The police have ruled that more than 400 men are not men, which renders them not capable of and therefore not guilty of rape. Sorry wims; sucks to be you.

Dr Kate Coleman, director of KPSS, said that “the data is rendered useless”, which makes it impossible to “formulate a proper response at any level of criminal justice”.

Sorry wims. Maybe you should identify as men?

He’s just joking

Dec 2nd, 2023 12:11 pm | By

All perfectly normal yeah?

A former soldier turned keyboard warrior has been hit with a restraining order after a terrifying hate campaign directed at a number of successful women including a leading barrister.

David Mottershead, 42, who claimed to be standing up for ‘men’s rights’ sent death threats to various successful women including Dr Charlotte Proudman, leaving her fearing for her life.

The ex-soldier posted a chilling picture of himself holding a gun, with his face smeared in camouflage paint and his finger on the trigger aiming at Dr Proudman, telling her: ‘You’ll panic as I inhale your last breath’ in a tweet addressed to her.

Free speech innit.

Mottershead, who was later found to have armed himself with a knife, posted videos across TwitterYouTube, and TikTok last November after becoming enraged by Dr Proudman

Mottershead, from Machynlleth in Wales, who styled himself a ‘Men’s Rights Advocate’, compared the feminist Barrister to Hitler and threatened to destroy her career.

In perhaps the most chilling of his posts, the ex-army officer wrote, ‘I’ll find out your blood group so I can keep you alive long enough that you understand.’

In a TikTok Video filmed outside Aberystwyth Police Station, Mottershead repeats the line: ‘You’ll panic as I inhale your last breath’.

But apparently that’s not a threat.

Mottershead was cleared of putting Ms Proudman in fear that violence would be used against her by his course of conduct but found guilty of carrying a knife.

That’s hard to understand.

Dr Jess Taylor, a Chartered Psychologist who holds a PHD in Forensic Psychology, was also targeted by the ex-soldier.

Dr Taylor said: ‘I truly believe he’ll go on to do something really terrible. He is a really, really dangerous individual. And it’s the obsession and the fixation that makes him so dangerous. He will not stop. This has been going on for years.

‘He is obsessed with any successful, especially feminist women or women who talk about male violence.’

But it’s just talk. Until it isn’t.


Dec 2nd, 2023 11:26 am | By

Reem Alsalem is quoted as saying things about the violence against women on November 20. The format is rather odd, though I guess it’s normal for press releases from orgs – it’s a long string of “she said” without saying where when how she said. It’s a press release awkwardly put into the third person. What for? Why not just put her name on it as author?

Anyway, for the record, she does mention Israeli women.


GENEVA (20 November 2023) – Women and children have disproportionately borne the brunt of the conflict in Israel and Gaza, a UN expert said today.

“While these atrocities affect both women and men, their impact is gendered and disproportionately affects women,” said Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences.

“Women and girls of all ages are among those held hostage and killed by Hamas, as well as those injured and killed by Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip,” Alsalem said.

There, that’s the once, at the top of the report.

(You see what I mean about the bizarre godlike third personism of the article, right? Who wrote this? How does the person who wrote it know what Alsalem said? Where did she say it? Or did she write it? Or what? Why all the mystery? I know it’s normal press releaseism but it’s annoying anyway.)

She noted that for decades, the Israeli occupation and the denial of self-determination have subjected Palestinian women to an onslaught of multiple layers of egregious and systematic discrimination and violence.

Etc etc etc for nine more paragraphs, with nothing further about Israeli women.

Perhaps too special

Dec 2nd, 2023 11:06 am | By
Perhaps too special

This in an ongoing theme, or pair of themes or set of nested themes – the selectivity of concerns about violence, slaughter, rape, genocide, torture, kidnapping, massacres.

One place you really don’t want to see that kind of selectivity is the UN.

Soft landing

Dec 2nd, 2023 10:27 am | By

George Santos too much even for some Republicans.

The difference between the first two unsuccessful expulsion attempts and this one was the release of a damning ethics committee report that provided extensive details of alleged misconduct by Mr Santos.

“Damning” may be an understatement, in fact. The 56-page report detailed “substantial evidence” of corruption, fraud and misuse of campaign funds that included personal expenditures on clothing, Botox treatments and OnlyFans, a platform where users pay for content, including pornography.

Hahahahahaha botox and porn. What a twerp.

When combined with Mr Santos’s well-established lying about his personal history during his 2022 congressional campaign and his multi-count federal indictment for money laundering, fraud, identity theft and falsifying documents, a near majority of House Republicans had more than enough cover to finally abandon their colleague.

Oh is that all it took. How very ethical they are.

He can still enjoy the privileges afforded former members of Congress who leave under less controversial circumstances. As long as he isn’t criminally convicted, and doesn’t work as a foreign lobbyist or advocate for a specific piece of legislation, he will be able to stroll the halls of the Congress and access the floor of the House of Representatives. He can dine in the exclusive House restaurant, exercise in the Capitol gym and borrow books from the Library of Congress.

And no work to do! Win-win!

“I wanted them to be super fit”

Dec 2nd, 2023 9:18 am | By

This is how they talk about the woman they pay to gestate a baby for them:

The egg donor. Them. That person. Someone.

And then the consumerist box ticking – must be both gorgeous and brilliant. Nothing but the best for team Manufacture a Baby!

Remember them by ignoring them

Dec 1st, 2023 4:11 pm | By

Oh my god.

First I saw this:

So I dug around (had to dig since U of T had closed everything) and found this:

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

which has the subtitle

Care, Healing, and Justice: Addressing Transmisogyny and Ending Gender-Based Violence for All

Even on this one day, even when they’re pretending to talk about violence against women, even then they make it about men who call themselves women. Even then.

U of T smugly goes on:

On December 6, U of T joins communities across Canada in remembering the 14 women killed in a devastating act of misogyny at the engineering school at Montreal’s École Polytechnique in 1989. 

This event is co-hosted by the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office, the Community Safety Office, the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office at UTM, the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office at UTSC, the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, Hart House, The Division of People Strategy, Equity, & Culture, the Institutional Equity Office, the Sexual and Gender Diversity Office, and the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Centre. 

Anti-racism, safety, equity, people, gender – but not one appearance of the word “woman” or “women” – as if it’s become the worst blasphemy and filth in the language. But oh yes this is still National Day of Blah Blah Blah about women.



This event will include a keynote presentation from a Toronto-based writer and performer on the rise in transmisogyny and violence against queer and trans women globally. Together, we will co-create a space for healing, and move towards meaningful, intersectional action that prioritizes an end to gender-based violence for all.

Keynote. A keynote from a man, talking about men, on a day – the only day – intended as a day to talk about women.

It’s a deliberate punch in the face. They must all be laughing themselves silly.

Guest post: Having burst upon this world trailing clouds of gender

Dec 1st, 2023 11:09 am | By

Originally a comment by Sastra on Define “suitable”.

… there’s an exercise at the end. It’s a Gender Comparison Activity. Children are asked to write down things which make them feel like the gender they are – like the way they dress, their favourite colours, the way they act, the games and toys they like to play with. Then they’re asked to make a separate list of things which are associated with the opposite gender – like if they are a boy but they like to play with dolls (that is the actual example given).

Then the children are asked to think whether those lists make them feel any differently about their gender.

If they weren’t thinking about themselves and what they like in terms of conforming to gender stereotypes before, they will be now.

Earlier in the book there’s a section on how it’s fine for men and women to break gender stereotypes ( man wearing make up, woman with toolbox) and if all the other stuff about transgender identities was eliminated, I could see the above exercise helping drive home the point about non-conformity. That is, I could see it helping if it didn’t mention how these things make us “feel the gender we are.” And I could imagine it being useful if we weren’t talking about young children at a stage of development which makes them much more likely to be impressed by the lists of What Boys Are Like and What Girls Are Like than a follow-up mention that oh, hey, no, they’re not… always.

Add in the trans stuff and it absolutely reinforces gender stereotypes. Even adults can’t describe what makes a trans person who doesn’t conform to the socially constructed beliefs about gender nevertheless identify as trans. It’s like describing God — if you haven’t experienced it, you can’t understand it. What’s concrete and comprehensible, on the other hand, is stereotypes.

The steadfast belief that children and teens simply could not be influenced into thinking they’re trans if they’re not really trans reminds me of the similar conviction regarding children and sexual molestation during the Satanic Panic and similar panics on child abuse. No matter what leading questions were asked or what coercive techniques were used over what amount of time, a five year old would never say someone touched them inappropriately if it didn’t happen. Never — it’s like a special gift of clarity and purity that rises above the massive evidence we have on psychological influence under social pressure.

Thus, kids who aren’t trans absolutely know their gender with the unerring accuracy of those who know their true gender doesn’t match up to what others see. Perhaps that’s why the book skips over defining critical terms. The kids already know, having burst upon this world trailing clouds of gender. The lesson is only to jog their memory.

Very Romantic.

Must push back

Dec 1st, 2023 10:42 am | By

Really? They’re going with that? “No safeguarding for children in schools!!!” They think that’s a good move?

Royal footprint

Dec 1st, 2023 9:21 am | By

What we say not what we do.

King Charles III challenged a gathering of world leaders to take “genuine transformational action” to slow the spiral of greenhouse gas emissions, declaring that “the hope of the world rests on the decisions you must take.”

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the United Nations climate summit in Dubai, Charles listed a cascade of climate-related natural disasters that had afflicted the world in the last year: wildfires in Canada; floods in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh; cyclones in the Pacific; and a drought in East Africa.

He’s not wrong, of course, but…

For Charles, who was asked by the British government not to attend the 2022 COP meeting in Egypt, this was a high-profile return to the stage on an issue he has championed since before climate change was part of everyday vocabulary.

“I’ve spent a large proportion of my life trying to warn of the existential threats facing us,” said Charles, who recently turned 75. But despite his efforts, he noted that “there is 30 percent more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now then there was” when he first began warning about greenhouse gas emissions.

Yes but…

Bien sûr

Dec 1st, 2023 8:54 am | By

Of course. Of course some horses are tigers. Of course some cars are hammers. Of course some trees are daffodils. Of course some people are witches. Of course we can just announce that words now mean something new and absurd and order everyone to agree with us on pain of banishment.

Define “suitable”

Dec 1st, 2023 7:34 am | By

This is a book for FIVE year olds??

 When I saw that Jessica Kingsley were publishing a new book for children on gender, I was immediately interested. Jessica Kingsley are a respected publisher who often produce specialist psychology books. They have a solid reputation and I have many colleagues who have published books with them. I was predisposed to liking the book.

I order The Gender Book. It is advertised as suitable for five to twelve year olds, but the illustrations make it clear that it’s focused more on the younger kids. It’s brightly coloured and looks like lots of other picture books. The characters are ethnically diverse and wide-eyed. Two of them, Casey and Ellie, are our guides. They start off by telling us their pronouns.

Little kids don’t think in terms of “pronouns,” let alone luxury personalized pronouns.

There’s only one mention of biological sex in this book. It’s this.  “When each person is born, they’re given an assigned gender at birth based on their perceived biological sex. Generally this gender will be either male or female’. 

Excuse me? In a book for young children? Wtf is an “assigned gender” to a small child? It’s nonsense to sane adults, but to little kids it’s just jabberwocky. And as for “perceived biological sex”…come on. That one word “perceived” stands for a tricky abstract concept that is way beyond the ken of a 5 or 6 or 7.

The language seems quite complicated for five-year-olds, and I wonder how they’ll explain ‘perceived biological sex’. They don’t.

Understatement. It’s absurdly complicated for fives.

In the next page we’re told that being assigned male or female at birth is determined by chromosomes, but there’s no explanation of reproductive differences or what being male or female actually means.

Fives know all about chromosomes do they?

From here on in it gets more confusing.  We’re told that people can be gender non-conforming – the picture shows a man with long hair and make up, and a woman with short hair and a tool box. Then we learn about cis people and trans people, there’s a cis man baking cookies and a transwoman knitting.  We’re told that there’s a difference between gender identity and gender expression. The gender identity is the ‘gender that most feels like ours’ – but how do we know? What does it mean to feel like a male or female? The book doesn’t explain.

The book continues to throw confusing statements at us. We meet new people, one of them is agender, another is greygender. It’s not clear what any of it means or why a person might decide that that is the right label for them. We’re told that 1.7% of people are ‘intersex’, which seems a bit complicated for young children who may not yet have learned how to add and subtract – but it’s also wrong. This statistic is often quoted and is not backed up by evidence because the definition used for ‘intersex’ is not a valid one. The real figure is 0.018%.

Enough. Throw it all away. Give the kids Pooh and Tigger, Laura and Mary and Ma and Pa, Ballet Shoes, Mary Poppins, Swallows and Amazons. Let kids be kids.

He added captions

Dec 1st, 2023 5:48 am | By

The gag order tells Trump not to shout insults and threats at the judge and his staff, so what does our resourceful monstrosity do? He shouts insults at the judge’s wife. Of course he does.

Trump on Wednesday attacked Dawn Engoron, the wife of the judge, Arthur Engoron, and the judge’s clerk, on his social media platform Truth Social.

He called Dawn Engoron a “Trump hating wife” and said that she and Arthur Engoron’s law clerk had “taken over control of the New York State Witch Hunt Trial aimed at me, my family, and the Republican Party”.

On Thursday, the gag order against him, which had been paused two weeks ago, was reinstated, but it did not stop Trump lashing out further. The order only specifies comments about members of Judge Engoron’s staff, not his family.

Trump posted screenshots of vulgar and profane anti-Trump messages on X, formerly known as Twitter, purported to have been made by Dawn Engoron – prompting her swiftly to assert that she does not have an account.

“I do not have a Twitter account. This is not me. I have not posted any anti-Trump messages,” Dawn Engoron told Newsweek.

It’s a wonder he didn’t call her a bitch and a slut and a whore.

One meme shows Trump digitally altered into wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and mopping floors. The caption read: “He’ll never be in the WHITE HOUSE again. He’s headed for the BIG HOUSE.”

Trump then added captions to his posts, such as one that read: “This is the Judge’s Wife and Family that are putting these things out. I am not entitled to a Jury under this Statute. Can this be happening in America?”

Can it be happening that we all have to live in the horrible school playground that is Trump’s brain?

Guest post: Their desperate oppression envy

Nov 30th, 2023 4:10 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on No YOU are.

And I’m pretty sure no GC feminist has told anyone who is trans (or an ‘ally’) to die in a grease fire. I am willing to be corrected on that if anyone has evidence otherwise.

If transactivists had evidence for any of the horrible things that feminists have been accused of doing, they’d be broadcasting it 24/7. They would only need one example, and they’d be repeating it over and over. Forever. But they don’t. They can’t even honestly report the actual words of JKR, because they’re completely innocuous. But because she says “No” she is bigoted, subhuman scum. If she was a tenth as evil as her reputation amongst trans activists (and the Three Ingrates she made rich and famous), she’d already be serving multiple life sentences for crimes against humanity.

Despite their desperate oppression envy, the threats, bullying, and violence are all in the other direction. Do women stalk and harass transactivists? No. Do they try to get trans meetings and events cancelled, or disrupt them when they can’t? No. Do women regularly assault transactivists, and openly call for their murder on their placards and online-purchased apparel? No. So transactivists have to resort to dogwhistles, innuendo, and subtext (in which “misgendering,” for example, can be indicative of anything and everything up to and including “trans genocide”). But trans activism’s awfulness to women is the gift that keeps on giving. They keep doing and saying horrible things, perpetually refreshing the ever-growing compendium of examples of terrible behaviour.

He’s 18; they’re 14

Nov 30th, 2023 4:00 pm | By

Wisconsin Public Radio reports:

The U.S. Department of Education is opening an investigation into whether the Sun Prairie Area School District failed to report sexual harassment following an incident this spring involving a transgender student in a girls’ locker room.   

Note the usual obfuscation – a transgender student who is male, they mean but carefully don’t say.

Dawn Matthias with the department’s Office for Civil Rights sent a letter to the conservative law firm, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, on Wednesday, confirming the Title IX investigation.  

So the progressive law firms think girls should just shut the fuck up about boys in their locker rooms? What’s progressive about that?

WILL filed a complaint against the district in June alleging the school district violated Title IX rules in March, when, according to the law firm, four 14-year-old freshman girls at East High School were exposed to the genitalia of an 18-year-old senior who is transgender.

That is, the school forced them to share their locker room with an 18-year-old boy, on the grounds that he claims to be a girl. That doesn’t sound at all progressive to me.

Lux said the Sun Prairie Area School District does not condone “any student of one sex being present in a state of undress in the presence of students of another sex on school property, or a student of one sex showering in the presence of students of another sex.”

“What happened in this incident was not in line with our district’s practices,” Lux said. 

So it’s not school policy to let boys who claim to be girls use the girls’ locker room?


H/t J.A.