Properly appreciated

Dec 6th, 2017 1:11 pm | By

From another piece reporting on the Met and Balthus and the petition:

In a 2013 review of the Balthus show in The New Republic, critic Jed Perl called Balthus the “last of the mystics who transformed twentieth-century art.” Perl said mystics are “by turns revered, reviled, demonized, and ignored—and at one point or another in his very long career Balthus was regarded in all of those ways.”

Perl added that Balthus’s paintings of girls “have stood in the way of a full appreciation of his achievement.” He wrote that these works “can be properly appreciated only when we accept them as unabashedly mystical, the flesh a symbol of the spirit, the girl’s dawning self-awareness an emblem of the artist’s engagement with the world.”

Oh come on.

That’s one way of looking at it, certainly, and one way to appreciate it, but if it’s really the only way to appreciate it properly then Balthus fucked up, because another way of looking at it is pretty damn hard to ignore.

What it most obviously is is a very young girl in a skirt sitting with her legs apart in a way that young girls’ mothers teach them not to do when they’re wearing skirts and other people are around. Young girls’ friends and peers and enemies also teach them that, by laughing and shouting and taunting. It’s a thing girls grow up with: the fact that skirts make you vulnerable to accidentally showing your Naughty Bits, and to men and boys who like to put cameras in places where you show your naughty bits even though you’re standing up straight or sitting in a toilet stall.

The glaring fact here is that Thérèse Blanchard would not have been sitting that way in front of Balthus unless he had told her to. He posed her sitting that way. How, exactly, is that calculated pose (calculated by him, not by her) supposed to be unabashedly mystical? How can we tell the flesh is meant to be a symbol of the spirit? What indicates that the girl’s dawning self-awareness is an emblem of the artist’s engagement with the world as opposed to a “look up my skirt” self-awareness imposed on her by the artist?

Mystics forsooth.

Hovering between innocence and knowledge

Dec 6th, 2017 12:54 pm | By

The Met on a Balthus exhibition in 2013:

Balthus: Cats and Girls—Paintings and Provocations explores the origins and permutations of the French artist’s focus on felines and the dark side of childhood. Balthus’s lifelong fascination with adolescence resulted in his most iconic works: girls on the threshold of puberty, hovering between innocence and knowledge. In these pictures, Balthus mingles intuition into his young sitters’ psyches with an erotic undercurrent and forbidding austerity, making them some of the most powerful depictions of childhood and adolescence committed to canvas.

That’s a very Humbert Humbert sort of take. It frames the girls as budding prostitutes, gradually learning how to lure men. It also frames them as being all about sexuality and nothing else, when in fact it’s Balthus who is leering at them.

Between 1936 and 1939, Balthus painted the celebrated series of 10 portraits of Thérèse Blanchard (1925-1950), his young neighbor in Paris. They are regarded as his most perceptive and sensitive portrayals of a young sitter and are among his finest works. At this point in Balthus’s career, the artist was chafing under the burden of portrait commissions, which he resented. So his neighbor’s youth must have been a welcome respite. But then, Balthus always felt a kinship with children; even as a child himself, he had been conscious of childhood’s importance. The portraits of Thérèse show her reading or daydreaming, posing alone, with her cat, or with her brother Hubert.

Therese teaser


And lounging with one foot on the floor and the other on the same plane as her body, with Balthus positioned between her knees and her skirt dropped back toward her hips. She’s “daydreaming” and the nice man next door is painting her crotch.

Thérèse became the inspiration of the leitmotif in his oeuvre until the years toward the end of his life, as the artist found other models and muses. In Balthus’s work, all of the girls who play with cats peer into mirrors, read, daydream, or appear completely self-absorbed. Their ostensibly unself-conscious postures sometimes suggest sensuality and languor, sometimes ungainliness—a contradiction that is perfectly in keeping with the phenomenon of puberty. Balthus rendered his young models with as much dignity and importance as someone their own age would have perceived them.

And with their legs wide open for the viewer’s convenience.

I wonder what killed poor Thérèse Blanchard at 25.

Thanks to Sackbut for the link.

Trump says it’s the right thing to do

Dec 6th, 2017 12:19 pm | By

The confidence Trump has in his own judgement and rightness is astounding. He has no qualms about reversing decades of policy just because he glorious he thinks it’s an awesome idea.

President Trump on Wednesday formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reversing nearly seven decades of American foreign policy and setting in motion a plan to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to the fiercely contested Holy City.

“Today we finally acknowledge the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital,” Mr. Trump said from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. “This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.”

How would he know? What does he ever know about what “the right thing to do” is? He has a long history of doing the very very wrong thing, so why should we have any confidence that he can even see the right thing when he encounters it, let alone come up with it all by himself?

Oh but he has brilliant advisers, like his brave and stunning slumlord son-in-law, and…no, slumlord is it.

Mr. Trump emphasized the domestic political dimension of the decision. He noted that he had promised to move the embassy during the 2016 presidential campaign, and added, “While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today, I am delivering.”

Also? Electoral college. They said it couldn’t be done. Inaugural crowd. Her emails. Pocahontas. Everybody says. Good people on both sides. Covfefe.

“There will of course, be disagreement and dissent regarding this announcement,” the president said. He appealed for “calm, for moderation, and for the voices of tolerance to prevail over the purveyors of hate.”

Yes, let’s make that happen, starting with getting the Purveyor of Hate in Chief out of office.

Mr. Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem isolates the United States on one of the world’s most sensitive diplomatic issues. It has drawn a storm of criticism from Arab and European leaders, which swelled on Tuesday night after the White House confirmed Mr. Trump’s plans.

Pope Francis and the Chinese foreign ministry joined the chorus of voices warning that the move could unleash a wave of violence across the region. At a meeting in Brussels, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson was sternly reproached by European allies.

Standing next to Mr. Tillerson, the European Union’s top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, made clear that Europe saw the president’s decision as a threat to peace in the Middle East.

They like that; they see it as swamp drainage.

Mr. Tillerson has been largely shut out of the usual back-and-forth between Israelis and Palestinians that many secretaries of state spent much of their tenures conducting. Instead, Mr. Trump entrusted that task to his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.

Sure, why not? Why not let some callow little weasel with no experience or knowledge play Junior Secretary of State with one of the most highly charged issues on the planet. What’s the downside?

At least one former Obama administration official also weighed in with sharp criticism. John O. Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that Mr. Trump’s action was “reckless” and would “damage U.S. interests in the Middle East for years to come and will make the region more volatile.”

He’s just jealous.

# of the year

Dec 6th, 2017 11:02 am | By

Trump won’t like this. Person of the Year:

First it was a story. Then a moment. Now, two months after women began to come forward in droves to accuse powerful men of sexual harassment and assault, it is a movement.

Time magazine has named “the silence breakers” its person of the year for 2017, referring to those women, and the global conversation they have started.

The magazine’s editor in chief, Edward Felsenthal, said in an interview on the “Today” show on Wednesday that the #MeToo movement represented the “fastest-moving social change we’ve seen in decades, and it began with individual acts of courage by women and some men too.”

Well, it began with millennia of men groping and grabbing women without their consent.

Time’s 2017 runner-up for person of the year, Donald J. Trump, was accused during his presidential campaign by more than 10 women of sexual misconduct, from unwanted touching to sexual assault.

And he was elected president anyway! Make America Great Again.

In 1975, the magazine chose “American women,” profiling a dozen who it said “symbolized the new consciousness of women generally.” It would be a decade before Time selected another woman.

Yeah. “Raise your consciousness all you want, laydeez, knock yourselves out. Just don’t expect us real human beings to pay any attention. Is dinner ready?”


Dec 5th, 2017 5:38 pm | By

What is art? How do we know, how does anyone know? Does it become art when it’s framed and hung in a museum?

Like Balthus’s Thérèse dreaming for instance.

Image result for therese dreaming

Is that art? Or is it a voyeur peering up a teenage girl’s skirt and masturbating?

It may be art, but it for sure is an adult man posing a teenage girl in such a way that we’re staring at her crotch.

Phillip Kennicott, probably not a teenage girl, says It’s Art.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has made the right decision, to reject the demands of an online petition calling for the removal of an erotically charged work by the Polish French artist Balthus. The 1938 painting, “Thérèse Dreaming,” shows an adolescent girl sitting on a chair, with one leg raised to expose her undergarments. The petition, which has gained more than 9,000 signatures, argues that the painting “romanticizes the sexualization of a child.”

The word “sexualization” itself is too polite, too valorizing, too romanticized. It’s creepy peering up the skirt of an underage girl, is what it is, and making an ArtWork out of that so that we can all feel enlightened for looking at it and not screeching in disgust.

There is a difficult and emotional conversation to be had about Balthus’s works, which frequently depicted adolescent or pubescent girls in a sexualized way. No serious exhibition of Balthus, who died in 2001, can avoid confronting those issues.

BUT. You know there’s a but. Of course there’s a but. We can’t possibly just decide that making Art out of creepy perving on underage girls might be surplus to our aesthetic requirements. Nosir. We have to Confront the Issue, but only in such a way that no difference is made.

We must deal with sexual harassment and sexual abuse without losing all that was gained during the sexual liberation of the last century.

And if that means underage girls become fodder for men’s masturbation fantasies, it’s totally worth it because SEXUAL LIBERATION by god.

The danger in the wings is a new Puritanism that would only increase the shame surrounding sexuality (a convenient weapon wielded by abusers) while undoing the painful, 20th-century process of deregulating sexuality from religion and heterosexual male power.

And there should be no shame in this very natural desire men have to look up the skirts of teenage girls, it’s a healthy natural joyous urge, the display of which is part of the process of deregulating sexuality from heterosexual male power.

Or not. Whatever. Who knows. Just don’t take away the paintings of girls letting us peer up their skirts, that’s all.

But all of this changed in an instant

Dec 5th, 2017 5:17 pm | By

John E. Echohawk, Executive Director of the Native American Rights Fund, on Bears Ears and Trump.

A year ago, the Obama administration took the extraordinary and long-awaited step to designate Bears Ears National Monument in Utah. Bears Ears has been home to Native peoples since time immemorial, and we cherish it for its cultural, spiritual, and archaeological importance.

Indigenous people have been caring for Bears Ears for countless generations, but formal protections under American law for the entirety of the area were made permanent only with the creation of Bears Ears National Monument. Five tribes (Hopi, Navajo, Ute, Ute Mountain Ute and Zuni) worked with the U.S. Government to protect our sacred ancestral lands at Bears Ears, and it was an example of our government-to-government relationship in action. Last year’s announcement brought some closure, as well as a powerful sense of justice after decades-long goals had finally been met.

Notice that Trump doesn’t even mention that. He complains of far-away bureaucrats in Washington but says not a word about nearby tribes in Utah who worked to get the National Monument protection for their lands.

But all of this changed in an instant.

Today, President Trump made history by undoing all of this, walking back the progress that had been made with the federal government. Never before has a U.S. president tried to reduce a national monument to such a degree for so little reason.

President Trump does not have the authority to take the action he took today. Under the Antiquities Act, the president may create national monuments. That is all. He or she may not modify or revoke existing monuments — only Congress has that ability. Trump’s actions are illegal, unwarranted, and deeply unpopular. And they are a blatant attack on tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

Until the designation of Bears Ears, our sacred lands were under constant threat. Those unfamiliar with our cultures and our traditions contributed to the steady destruction of our sacred sites by looting, grave robbing, and indiscriminately drilling for oil and mining uranium at the expense of our heritage.

In a remarkable display of tribal unity, the five tribes joined together to protect Bears Ears National Monument. These five tribes worked tirelessly with the previous administration to voice our concerns, and to offer a detailed plan for preserving Bears Ears. These efforts led to planned visits by the administration, numerous consultations with Native community members, tribal and local governments, and businesses. While the tribes did not get everything they desired, the national monument designation (and protection) was a major and long-awaited victory. Trump’s executive order today dishonors the agreement reached between tribes and the federal government.

Did Zinke even talk to them?

In the hollow and politically-motivated national monuments review, spearheaded by the Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, the Trump administration failed to meaningfully consult tribal governments, despite claims to the contrary. In the lead up to Secretary Zinke’s visit to Utah this spring, tribes offered to meet with the Secretary, government-to-government. The hastily arranged hour-long meeting that was finally taken was an insult, and it confirmed the tribes’ doubts of the administration’s sincerity.

An hour. Wow, that is an insult. It’s almost worse than just a plain no.

They’ll see him in court. I hope they win.

A desert waste

Dec 5th, 2017 4:40 pm | By

Maybe it’s his eating habits that have warped him into the monster we see today.

“Trump’s appetite seems to know no bounds when it comes to McDonald’s, with a dinner order consisting of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted.”

This 2,400-calorie meal is among the details in a forthcoming book by Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and aid David Bossie, as described in a preview by The Washington Post.

That’s unhealthy af, obviously, but it’s also…well it tells us something about him. He could eat anywhere and order anything, and he chooses that.

Maybe he can’t even detect better things. You know, the way we can’t hear higher frequencies that dogs can? Maybe he’s so constituted that anything better than a Filet-O-Fish is too subtle for his palate, and he just can’t tune it in. If so, what a sad sad sad world he lives in.

The book’s authors, who traveled with Trump early in his presidency, write: “On Trump Force One there were four major food groups: McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza, and Diet Coke.”

That’s a sad sad sad world.

The food enters the President not only in abundance, but with haste. Ivanka Trump said in a 2015 interview with Barbara Walters, “I wish he would eat healthier and maybe slow down. Sometimes I tell him, like, ‘Oh, you have to, you know, slow down.’ But it’s the only speed he knows …”

All of this could be taken as simple evidence of Trump’s cultural vacuousness.

He should know other speeds; he has dined with other people. He should enjoy a wide array of foods; he has been afforded the opportunity to have anything he wants.

Maybe he simply can’t. Maybe he’s fried his taste buds so thoroughly that McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken are all there is.

Good chocolate? A tree-ripened peach? Gelato? Raspberries plucked from the vine?

He has no idea. He’s just passing through.

Flipping the table

Dec 5th, 2017 3:37 pm | By

Oh and also? In case we haven’t had enough yet? The Jerusalem thing too. I guess Trump is rushing to break everything he can before the cuffs are on.

President Trump told Israeli and Arab leaders on Tuesday that he plans to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a symbolically fraught move that would upend decades of American policy and upset efforts to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

He’s told Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II, although the embassy isn’t actually packing up the dishes and books yet because they don’t have a building in Jerusalem. Middle East experts say that’s weird, because all they have to do is change the sign on the consulate in Jerusalem.

Mr. Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital — and to set in motion an embassy move — is his riskiest foray yet into the thicket of Middle East diplomacy. Arab and European leaders warn that it could derail any peace initiative and even ignite fresh violence in the region.

That’s what he wants. He wants to make the biggest mess he possibly can. That’s literally all he wants.

King Abdullah II strongly cautioned against the move, “stressing that Jerusalem is the key to achieving peace and stability in the region and the world,” according to a statement from the royal palace in Amman.

“King Abdullah stressed that the adoption of this resolution will have serious implications for security and stability in the Middle East, and will undermine the efforts of the American administration to resume the peace process and fuel the feelings of Muslims and Christians,” the statement said.

Few details of the conversation between Mr. Trump and Mr. Abbas were released, but a P.L.O. spokesman said that the call had given shape to the worst fears of Palestinians — that the United States would break with decades of practice and longstanding international consensus by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Palestinians hope to make East Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian state, and the city is of great religious significance to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Don’t worry, Kushner will fix it all.

The wonders that exist there

Dec 5th, 2017 3:20 pm | By

A guy called Matthew Marciano on Facebook yesterday, dateline Bluff, Utah:

This is just a very small part of what we stand to lose in the Grand Staircase and Bears Ears. These are some of the most remote rugged parts of the country and that is why so many people don’t know of the wonders that exist here. Ancient puebloan ruins, unique geologic features and raw wilderness. This land belongs to all of us! Selling our lands off to private industries is wrong! Not all of these photos belong to me but I hope they inspire you.

There are 22 photos. Here are a couple.

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Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

A small handful of very distant bureaucrats

Dec 5th, 2017 11:31 am | By

More on the “thinking” behind this No National Monuments For You move:

Trump told a rally in Salt Lake City that he came to “reverse federal overreach”

What is that even supposed to mean? How is it “overreach” to keep public land for public use? Why is that called “overreach” in contrast to handing the public land over to private developers to exploit and damage? Why isn’t it “federal overreach” for Mr Pinchyhand to bounce in and remove protections from public land?

Trump told a rally in Salt Lake City that he came to “reverse federal overreach” and took dramatic action “because some people think that the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington.”

So by that logic there should be no public lands at all, right? So there should be no national parks, no freeways, no dams, no federal courts, no federal anything, because the country is just too damn big, is that it? But in that case what does Trump think he’s doing? Why is one very distant racist sexist pig located in Washington better than a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington?

But also, there’s “controlled.” What “controlled” means here is protected, preserved, shielded from harm and damage, kept for gentle public use as opposed to destructive exploitation. It means conservation…which you would think conservatives would see the point of.

It’s public. It’s for all of us. Trump, like the lying scum that he is, is framing it as if a few people in Washington were keeping us all out when in fact it’s private ownership or exploitation that would do that.

“They don’t know your land, and truly, they don’t care for your land like you do,” he said.

“Care for”? But the whole point is to remove the land from protection so that it can be exploited and damaged for the profit of a tiny few.

It’s Malheur all over again, of course – those ridiculous cowboys grabbing a federal wildlife reserve because they wanted ranchers to be able to exploit it (for free, of course) instead of leaving it undamaged for wildlife and people who like to observe and study wildlife.

And somehow they get away with the absurd reversal.

Rat shouldn’t visit party

Dec 5th, 2017 11:01 am | By

Not appropriate. Should not happen. Should be rejected. Should be turned away at door if it goes that far.

President Donald Trump will be traveling to Mississippi on Saturday to attend the opening of a new civil rights museum.

No. That’s insulting. The man is a vehemently openly unabashedly racist pig. He

  • was a “birther” for years
  • was sued for refusing to rent properties to black people
  • made a “Pocahontas” “joke” to three Native Americans in the Oval Office just last week, in front of a portrait of Andrew “Indian Removal” Jackson
  • told April Ryan to “make an appointment” for him with the Congressional Black Caucus at a press conference
  • took out a full page ad in the New York Times demanding the death penalty for the Central Park Five
  • said the Central Park Five were guilty after DNA evidence had shown that they were not
  • said Mexican immigrants are rapists
  • said Judge Gonzalo Curiel wouldn’t judge a case against Trump “University” fairly because he’s Mexican
  • said there were good people on “both sides” in Charlottesville
  • has ranted repeatedly for weeks about football players taking a knee instead of standing for the national tune in protest over racist police practices
  • has insulted John Lewis

And that’s just off the top of my head. He’s a noisy angry racist who spends a lot of time shouting his racism into the public discourse in order to make other people noisy angry racists too. He has no business going anywhere near any civil rights museum.

Put up a parking lot

Dec 4th, 2017 5:07 pm | By

Mr Destroy Everything hopes people will rush out to Utah in order to mine and farm and pave over the entire state without delay. He expects a cut of the profits.

President Trump said he would dramatically reduce the size of a vast expanse of protected federal land in Utah on Monday, a rollback of some two million acres that is the largest in scale in the nation’s history.

The administration said it would shrink Bears Ears National Monument, a sprawling region of red rock canyons, by about 85 percent, and cut another area, Grand Staircase-Escalante, to about half its current size. The move, a reversal of protections put in place by Democratic predecessors, comes as the administration pushes for fewer restrictions and more development on public lands.

Yeah. Let’s build condos on every inch of Yosemite, and shopping malls all over Yellowstone (supervolcano nothing – it will save a bundle on heating bills), and golf courses in Olympic National Park, and casinos in the Grand Canyon. Why the fuck not?

Image result for olympic national park

Look at all that wasted land, just lying there, with honest entrepreneurs not allowed to build hotels on it.

The decision to reduce Bears Ears is expected to trigger a legal battle that could alter the course of American land conservation, possibly opening millions of protected public acres to oil and gas extraction, mining, logging and other commercial activities.

Yay! No more public lands! All of it private and put to work and off limits to the smelly peasants.

“Some people think that the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington,” Mr. Trump said, speaking at Utah’s domed State Capitol. “And guess what? They’re wrong.”

“Together,” he continued, “we will usher in a bright new future of wonder and wealth.”

And money money money, and no dirty damp dangerous public lands for people to walk on and enjoy. If they want beautiful places and nature and mountain vistas they’ll just have to buy them!

Environmentalists and some native tribes say Mr. Trump’s move will destroy the national heritage and threaten some 100,000 sites of archaeological importance tucked into the monuments’ desert landscapes.

Oh blah, who cares. Read an old National Geographic, it’s the same thing.

For its supporters, the Bears Ears monument designation came to symbolize an indigenous victory after centuries of frustration.

For its opponents, it was an abuse of power by Mr. Obama, an infringement on the right of local people to decide what happens in their backyard.

“Our country places a high premium on consent,” said Phil Lyman, a county commissioner who lives at the edge of the monument. The designation, he said, “felt very nonconsensual.”

Wellllll…by “local people” and “their backyard” and “consent” they of course mean local white people and white people’s backyard and consent of white people. They don’t mean the browner people who were there long before the white people and who never gave their consent to all that moving in and taking over and calling it their “backyard.”

Related image


Dec 4th, 2017 4:04 pm | By

Oh gosh gee what do we have here:

A woman who reached a settlement with Bill O’Reilly over harassment allegations sued Mr. O’Reilly and Fox News on Monday for defamation and breach of contract, saying that public statements he and the network made violated the settlement and portrayed her as a liar and politically motivated extortionist.

The woman, Rachel Witlieb Bernstein, is one of six known to have reached settlements after making accusations against Mr. O’Reilly. (Her allegations did not include sexual harassment.) None of the others have said anything publicly about their claims, which involved sexual harassment.

Mr. O’Reilly has repeatedly said that the harassment allegations that led to his ouster from Fox News in April have no merit, that he never mistreated anyone and that he resolved the matters privately to protect his children.

Nope, says the lawsuit, it’s O’Reilly who’s the liar here.

Settlements involving harassment allegations often contain strict confidentiality and nondisparagement clauses, which some employment lawyers have said build a culture of silence around these issues and allow misconduct to continue.

Some? Not all? Of course nondisparagement clauses build a culture of silence around these issues and allow misconduct to continue; how could they possibly do anything else?

Ms. Bernstein’s lawyers, Neil Mullin and Nancy Erika Smith, have been vocal critics of the use of nondisclosure agreements and nondisparagement clauses to silence victims of harassment…

“Knowing Ms. Bernstein and Mr. O’Reilly’s other victims are afraid to speak out because he and Fox forced them to sign nondisclosure agreements, O’Reilly and Fox have made false and disparaging claims,” Mr. Mullin said in a statement. “They should release all victims from their NDAs and let the truth out. It is cowardly to publicly attack these women knowing they have been subjected to contractual provisions requiring absolute silence.”

Cowardly and shitty and harassy.

That’s not going to go well

Dec 4th, 2017 2:57 pm | By

Setting the cat among the pigeons.

In a mysterious trip last month, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, traveled to Saudi Arabia’s capital for consultations with the hard-charging crown prince about President Trump’s plans for Middle East peace. What was said when the doors were closed, however, has since roiled the region.

According to Palestinian, Arab and European officials who have heard Mr. Abbas’s version of the conversation, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman presented a plan that would be more tilted toward the Israelis than any ever embraced by the American government, one that presumably no Palestinian leader could ever accept.

The Palestinians would get a state of their own but only noncontiguous parts of the West Bank and only limited sovereignty over their own territory. The vast majority of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which most of the world considers illegal, would remain. The Palestinians would not be given East Jerusalem as their capital and there would be no right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants.

I guess Kushner came up with that “plan”?

The White House says that’s not its plan, and the Saudi government said it doesn’t support it. But of course “the White House” is such a steadfast liar these days that who knows what that’s worth.

Even if the account proves incomplete, it has gained currency with enough players in the Middle East to deeply alarm Palestinians and raise suspicions about Mr. Trump’s efforts. On top of that, advisers have said the president plans to give a speech on Wednesday in which he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, even though both sides claim it, a declaration that analysts and regional officials say could undermine America’s role as a theoretically neutral broker.

I think it’s safe to assume that Trump is assuming He Can Fix It where No One Else Can, and that he thinks that’s all he needs to know, and so that he’s probably perfectly happy to let his slumlord son-in-law pretend to be a policy expert in an area that has foiled actual experts for generations. Yeah that should work well.

Mr. Trump assigned the effort to reach what he calls the “ultimate deal” to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, aided by Jason Greenblatt, his top negotiator, and other aides. After nearly a year of listening tours to the region, they are developing a comprehensive plan but have kept details under wraps.

“We know what’s in the plan,” Mr. Kushner said in a rare public appearance on Sunday at the Saban Forum, a Middle East conference in Washington hosted by the Brookings Institution. “The Palestinians know what discussions we’ve had with them. The Israelis know what discussions we’ve had with them.”

Said a callow young nobody who should be doing rental accounts in a small dusty office in Hoboken, not playing Miracle Diplomat at the Brookings Institution.

The Palestinians are saying hell no.

Adding to the shock for Palestinians, according to Palestinian officials from Fatah and Hamas, as well as a senior Lebanese official and several other people briefed on the matter, was the claim that Prince Mohammed had told Mr. Abbas that if he would not accept the terms, he would be pressed to resign to make way for a replacement who would.

Several of the officials said the prince had offered to sweeten the agreement with vastly increased financial support to the Palestinians, and even dangled the possibility of a direct payment to Mr. Abbas, which they said he had refused.

Elegantly put – “even dangled the possibility of a direct payment to Mr. Abbas” aka offered a bribe.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, dismissed the accounts of the Riyadh meeting and the Saudi proposals as “fake news” that “does not exist,” and said the Palestinians were still awaiting a formal proposal from the United States.

But the main points of the Saudi proposal as told to Mr. Abbas were confirmed by many people briefed on the discussions between Mr. Abbas and Prince Mohammed, including Mr. Yousef, the senior Hamas leader; several Western officials; a senior Fatah official; a Palestinian official in Lebanon; a senior Lebanese official; and a Lebanese politician, among others.

Ahmad Tibi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Parliament, described a similar set of ideas that he said the Palestinians had received from the Americans and Israelis: a Palestinian state with only “moral sovereignty” and noncontiguous territory and without East Jerusalem as the capital; no Israeli settlement evacuation; and no right of return for Palestinian refugees.

And word of the plan has worried even some of the United States’ closest allies, who are eager for clarification from the White House.

Is this really just Trump, or Trump plus Kushner, doing yet another calculatedly off the charts extreme thing for whatever crazed reason Trump does such things? To rub everyone’s nose in it, to say Because I Can, to smash everything, to drain the swamp?

While the proposals may sound far-fetched on their face, they have deeply alarmed Palestinian and Arab officials because they come in a context of fast-moving new dynamics in the region.

Prince Mohammed, 32, is very close to Mr. Kushner, 36, both young men without much foreign policy experience who see themselves as creative reformers able to break with the ossified thinking of the past.

Uggggggggggh yes that’s what I was afraid of – young empty Mr Kushner thinking he’s a creative reformer. He has no foreign policy experience, none, zero; he is a slum landlord, period. He’s young, he’s shallow, he’s ignorant, he’s corrupt, he’s greedy, he’s happy to treat his wife’s horrible daddy’s job as permission to try to bully the Palestinians into giving everything up. There are rules against this crap, it should be stopped.

And the Saudi prince has made clear that his top priority in the region is not the Palestinian-Israeli issue, the fulcrum of Arab politics for generations, but confronting Iran.

Regional officials and analysts say they believe he might be willing to try to force a settlement on Palestinians in order to cement Israeli cooperation against Iran.


Alarms began to go off across the region last month, when Mr. Abbas started making phone calls to political leaders in the region after he had left Riyadh.

One Lebanese government official who received a call was most surprised by what he said was a Saudi suggestion that the Palestinians could have Abu Dis, a suburb of East Jerusalem, as their capital.

Abu Dis is separated from the city by a wall built as part of Israel’s separation barrier.

The Lebanese official said no Arab could accept that kind of gamesmanship, adding that no one could propose that to a Palestinian unless a person lacking experience was trying to flatter the family of the American president.

This is what the Giant Nepotism Takeover is reaping: the perceived need to flatter the family of the American president cutting gashes in the landscape all over the globe.

Guest post: You are the fucking system

Dec 4th, 2017 11:41 am | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on Tatters.

You know, this is the thing that pisses me off with the ANC too.

For the Trumpies:

You’ve got the Whitehouse, you’ve got congress, you’ve got the Senate, you’ve got the majority of governorships, hell you’ve probably got the local dog catcher. You are the fucking system.

And you know what, this is the same thing I found a little off-putting about Bernie Sanders. Okay I thought he was the best option in the last elections, he had genuine grass-roots support, his popularity rose the longer he was in the race, and he was capable of delivering Democratic policy in a soundbite format.

It also didn’t hurt that in a nation so proud of its Christianity he was a Jewish failed carpenter with a messiah complex.

Also he didn’t have the mountain of baggage Hillary Clinton had, but still, his message was essentially revolution, tear down the system.

But in the absence of some system of governance there isn’t a whole lot the government can do. Everything that has gotten built into the system by prior presidents was built so that there would be one more sphere of automation in government, one more thing that they wouldn’t have to think to hard about because it would be taken care of by the civil service.

One more thing to make their jobs easier. Bureaucracy doesn’t exist in order to hold government back, it exists to pump the brakes on bad decisions and make implementing the good ones easier. It exists to give government the information it needs in order to run.

In the absence of a system, inertia reigns supreme. You don’t get less corruption by cutting out your internal controls, less injustice by weakening bodies designed to bring about justice. In order to achieve anything, it takes people, and competent ones at that.

Well, what has your guy been doing since he got into power? He’s been trying to tear those systems down – whether it is the EPA or the diplomatic corps. Has he actually achieved anything?

No because his entire regime has been about “fighting the system” – the very thing he’s supposed to be running. He’s essentially been taking the wheels off the car he’s driving and wondering why he isn’t getting anywhere.

And you’ve been along for the ride. If you want to achieve stuff have some respect for what the system is. Stop pissing and moaning about how hard your job is, while unsolving the problems of the past and thus making it harder than it needs to be.

Republicans, stop whinging and start doing.

White jihad

Dec 4th, 2017 11:16 am | By

Deeyah Khan has made a film about white supremacists: White Right: Meeting the Enemy.

It focuses on the rise of nationalism in Donald Trump’s America, from the “alt-right” to all-out neo-Nazis. She spent time with various leaders in the movement, going to their meetings, including the August rally in Charlottesville where Heather Heyer, an anti-racist campaigner, was killed. She hung out with the followers of the movement, going out at night in the car with one as he leafleted a Jewish area with hate-filled flyers. She also met former neo-Nazis. “I’m a woman of colour,” she says at the beginning of the film as she sits down to interview Jared Taylor, a well-known white supremacist. “I am the daughter of immigrants. I am a Muslim. I am a feminist. I am a lefty liberal. And what I want to ask you is: am I your enemy?”

She felt fear many times while making the film, but she wanted to know what kind of people they are.

In White Right, the men who emerge are strikingly similar to the men in Khan’s previous film, Jihad, which explored what attracted British recruits to the jihadi movement. “Their cause is different, but their motivations and the personality types are the same. You have the guy who just wants violence and wants to find a cause he can dress his violence with. But the vast majority of the people are either lost and looking for a sense of belonging or looking for a sense of purpose. This is true for the jihadis and these guys here. They’re looking for something to contribute to and give to the world – in their opinion – in a positive way.”

Khan has come away from her recent experience, she says, both more afraid and less. “What makes me more afraid is how organised, how galvanised [the white far right] are. They truly believe they are the victims. They feel like they have everything to lose and that’s worth fighting for.” But she also feels less frightened, personally, than she did. “I spent my life hounded by men like this and I left liberated from the fear because I realised they’re people who are just as messed up, in pain, broken or struggling as any of us. They just don’t have either the support or means to deal with some of the things they’re dealing with in a healthy way. I absolutely am not asking for people to feel sympathy for these guys – I don’t feel sympathy for them – but that does not exclude my ability to try to empathise with them. Having experienced racism my whole life, I decided that hating them or being afraid wasn’t enough for me any more.”

White Right: Meeting the Enemy is on ITV on 11 December at 10.40pm

We are not Trump’s peons

Dec 4th, 2017 9:16 am | By

Trump’s lawyer thinks Trump is an absolute monarch.

Trump continues to make it chillingly clear that his unceasing attacks upon the system are neither accidental nor a mistake borne of naïvete. Trump believes he commands the government with the same totality he commands his business. His lawyer, John Dowd, has elevated this assumption to official presidential doctrine in an explosive interview with Mike Allen. A “president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution’s Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case,” he says.

So Trump can do anything he wants to, and no one can stop him. That’s a dictatorship. John Dowd is saying Trump is a dictator.

Dowd is claiming on Trump’s behalf virtual immunity from the law. The powers he is asserting, and the dangers it would bring, have almost no limit.

There are two ways a president could abuse the power of law enforcement. The first is offensive, to direct it as a weapon against his political enemies. The second is defensive, shielding himself and his allies from any accountability, and thereby enabling them to commit crimes without consequence. Trump has expressed frequent interest in both methods. Trump has harangued the FBI and the Department of Justice for failing to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server. Clinton’s email server was investigated by the FBI in 2016, but the bureau concluded no rational prosecutor could bring charges. Trump has shown no compunction in asserting his belief that, now that he controls the presidency, if Trump demands the FBI lock somebody up, they should lock her up.

More pertinent to Trump’s needs of the moment is his demand for immunity from any mechanism of legal accountability. Trump does not accept the legitimacy of any legal restraint. He repeatedly demanded the FBI director pledge personal loyalty to him, and fired him when he failed to demonstrate his obsequience* to the president’s satisfaction. He did something similar to the U.S. Attorney in New York, who has legal jurisdiction over much of Trump’s financial world. He has publicly attacked Special Counsel Robert Mueller and threatened, publicly and privately, to fire him.

He seems to think the whole thing is just more The Apprentice, with a wider reach. It would be nice if he had acquired a little knowledge of how our system is supposed to work before running.

It is true, as Trump’s Republican defenders say, that he does not grasp the differences between his role as business owner and his role as elected official. But that is not a defense. It is a restatement of the accusation.

Trump’s belief that the entire government should operate on his personal behalf in exactly the same way as his employees at the Trump Organization is a worldview incompatible with republican government. Imagine the 2020 election conducted in an atmosphere in which Trump can sic law enforcement upon his opponent, and in which his supporters can commit any crimes they want on his behalf, secure in the knowledge that the president will protect them from prosecution.

He has to be gone long before then. Has to. Has to.

*Yo that’s not a real word.

Taking it

Dec 4th, 2017 7:58 am | By

So, Mary Beard and Hillary Clinton, together at last.

Since the Cambridge professor began presenting TV programmes on the Romans nearly a decade ago, she has become world famous, as well as wildly popular for her robust refusal to stand for misogynistic online abuse. Trolls are publicly challenged; one was memorably shamed into taking Beard to lunch to apologise for calling her “a filthy old slut”. Her latest book, Women & Power: A Manifesto, brings an illuminating historical perspective to the contemporary abuse of powerful women.

I have that book. Maureen sent it to me as a surprise.

The pair met briefly four years ago when both received honorary degrees at the University of St Andrews University in Scotland. Beard had been advocating a more combative strategy towards trolls than Michelle Obama’s famous injunction to “go high… when they go low”. The latter having failed to work for Clinton, she and Beard fall at once to discussing how women in public life can deal with misogyny…

Mary Beard What I remember us talking about when we met was the sense that it was extremely important to say: “Hang on a minute, mate, you are not right.” Or: “Please take this tweet down.”

Hillary Clinton Learning about the ongoing grief you took over standing up for women’s rights and accurate history was quite enlightening to me.

MB It’s gone on, too, actually.

HC Well, as you rightly point out, it has only continued, and in some ways gotten worse. The ability of people in public life or in the media to say the most outrageous falsehoods and not be held accountable has really altered the balance in our public discourse, in a way that I think is endangering democracy.

MB To me, what’s really interesting is that, although they look as if they’re going for what we said, what they’re really going for is the fact that we dared to say anything, almost. It’s not about having an argument about, say, migration. It’s about telling you to shut up.

HC That’s right. I know that very well, and so do you, and we have perhaps thicker skin than a lot of other people. But it is still distressing to be told, either explicitly or implicitly: “Go away. You have nothing to say.”

MB The friendly advice when it happens to you is always: “Don’t pay attention. Don’t give them oxygen and publicity. Block them and just move on, dear.” And you think, sorry, that is what women have been told to do for centuries. If somebody accuses you of having a smelly vagina that stinks of cabbage, you’re supposed to say: “Just block him.” Actually, no. Somehow, even among the people who are trying to support you, it’s basically saying: “Shut up.”

HC It’s interesting you say that, because, in my book, I try to talk about the dilemma that a woman faces between “be calm and carry on”…

MB You’re quite good at that!

HC Yes, I’ve had a lot of practice. You know, when Trump was stalking me [in the 2016 televised presidential debates] and leering and, oh, just generally trying to dominate me on this little stage, my mind was like: OK, I practised being calm and composed, you know, because that’s what a president should be. But, boy, would I love to turn around and say: “Back off, you creep.” But I didn’t, because I thought then his side will say: “See, she can’t take it. If she can’t take Donald standing there like the alpha male that he is, then how’s she going to stand up to Putin?” A ridiculous argument, but nevertheless one that might get traction. And, as you say, even your friends are like: “Oh, come on, don’t take the bait. Don’t take the bait.”

They have a good extended conversation about taking the bait, taking it and running with it.

He said it

Dec 3rd, 2017 5:40 pm | By

I was wondering if Billy Bush was going to say anything about Trump’s recent claims that “we think the voice wasn’t mine” – the voice on the Access Hollywood tape that is, the one we listened to repeatedly weeks before the piece of dung was elected. I was wondering if Billy Bush was going to say hey I was there and yes he did too so say it.

He has.

He said it. “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

Of course he said it. And we laughed along, without a single doubt that this was hypothetical hot air from America’s highest-rated bloviator. Along with Donald Trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time, and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass standup act. He was performing. Surely, we thought, none of this was real.

We now know better.

Recently I sat down and read an article dating from October of 2016; it was published days after my departure from NBC, a time when I wasn’t processing anything productively. In it, the author reviewed the various firsthand accounts about Mr. Trump that, at that point, had come from 20 women.

Some of what Natasha Stoynoff, Rachel Crooks, Jessica Leeds and Jill Harth alleged involved forceful kissing. Ms. Harth said he pushed her up against a wall, with his hands all over her, trying to kiss her.

“He was relentless,” she said. “I didn’t know how to handle it.” Her story makes the whole “better use some Tic Tacs” and “just start kissing them” routine real. I believe her.

Kristin Anderson said that Mr. Trump reached under her skirt and “touched her vagina through her underwear” while they were at a New York nightclub in the 1990s. That makes the “grab ‘em by the pussy” routine real. I believe her.

It’s not as if it seems bafflingly out of character, is it. It’s hard to think of anyone for whom it would seem more in character.

In 2005, I was in my first full year as a co-anchor of the show “Access Hollywood” on NBC. Mr. Trump, then on “The Apprentice,” was the network’s biggest star.

The key to succeeding in my line of work was establishing a strong rapport with celebrities. I did that, and was rewarded for it. My segments with Donald Trump when I was just a correspondent were part of the reason I got promoted.

NBC tripled my salary and paid for my moving van from New York to Los Angeles.

Was I acting out of self-interest? You bet I was. Was I alone? Far from it. With Mr. Trump’s outsized viewership back in 2005, everybody from Billy Bush on up to the top brass on the 52nd floor had to stroke the ego of the big cash cow along the way to higher earnings.

NBC did this to us. I like Maddow, but she doesn’t make up for that.

They think all of you are worthless

Dec 3rd, 2017 4:53 pm | By

Qu’ils mangent de la brioche aka let them eat cake, wot wot? Shoo the complaining peasants away and throw a few rotting cabbages at them.

After pretending for a brief moment in 2016 that the Republican Party stood for working people, the Republican-controlled Congress reverted back to trickle-down form on Friday when they passed a tax reform bill that overwhelmingly favored the rich. Not to be outdone, though, Senator Chuck Grassley made clear his disdain for those not benefiting under the new tax law.

“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies,” Grassley told the Register in a story posted yesterday.

So he means men, not people. Don’t they always.

At any rate – is he even aware that many jobs don’t pay very much? That working class jobs don’t pay as well as they did for that short period between the war and the oil crisis? That unions have been all but wiped out? That health insurance (ahem) is expensive? That housing in many cities is grotesquely expensive? Does he really think poor people are poor because they spend all their money on…movies?

For a lot of working class people, there is a sense that lazy people living down the street from them are mooching off the government (and hey, there are some bums out there), which draws them to Republicans’ policies. But here’s the thing: Republican elected officials see everyone in the working class as bums. They’re not making a distinction between you and some of the folks around you. They think all of you are worthless if you don’t have a multi-million dollar estate. That’s the Republican Party.

Well put.