Controversial spending and management decisions

Jul 3rd, 2018 9:47 am | By

The stories about Pruitt keep piling up.

Two of Scott Pruitt’s top aides provided fresh details to congressional investigators in recent days about some of his most controversial spending and management decisions, including his push to find a six-figure job for his wife at a politically connected group, enlist staffers in performing personal tasks[,] and seek high-end travel despite aides’ objections.

The Trump administration appointees described an administrator who sought a salary that topped $200,000 for his wife and accepted help from a subordinate in the job search, requested aid from senior EPA officials in a dispute with a Washington landlord[,] and disregarded concerns about his first-class travel.

The reason he’s still getting away with it is the fact that his supervisor is Trump.

Don Fox, former acting director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, said in an interview Sunday that the fact that the administrator asked federal employees to perform multiple tasks unrelated to their official work raises serious questions about whether the EPA administrator has violated federal rules of official conduct.

Fox said that because most of the behavior Pruitt has been accused of involves violations that fall under federal Standards of Ethical Conduct for executive branch employees, it is up to either the president or his chief of staff to respond.

“If we were talking about any other federal employee it would be that person’s supervisor to take disciplinary action, which could be anything from counseling to dismissal from public service,” he said. “This falls squarely on the shoulders of the president, and he seems to do nothing but go out of his way to praise Scott Pruitt.”

So Pruitt can take bribes from oil companies on national tv and still not be stopped.

I’m sure this is some kind of purple government ethics and it’s only weirdo coastal ayleeets who look at it squinty-eyed.

Keep your purple family values

Jul 3rd, 2018 9:24 am | By

He does have family values, they’re just not AyLeetist family values

Jul 2nd, 2018 4:05 pm | By

A senior editor at the Catholic magazine First Things tells us that we just don’t understand about Trump’s “family values.” Why don’t we? Because we’re the Koastul AyLeeet.

People I knew from college or had met in New York expressed distaste for Mr. Trump’s behavior. If they were religiously conservative, they stressed his infidelity while also objecting to his insults of women. If they were liberal, they objected to his treatment of women and viewed his infidelity as a sign that his religious supporters were hypocrites. Not a single peer of mine in New York — no matter how conservative or religious — publicly supported Mr. Trump.

In contrast, almost all of the people I know in my hometown in Nebraska proudly supported him. They glossed over his infidelities and stressed that he seemed to be a good father. They were impressed by his “respectful” sons and admired the success of his daughters.

But he doesn’t seem to be a good father. He bragged of spending no time doing things like playing with them in the park when they were little, let alone changing diapers. He punched Don Junior to the floor in front of his friends for not wearing a suit for a baseball game. He agreed with Howard Stern on live radio that his daughter is a piece of ass. He’s not a good father, he’s a rich father. He’s made them rich so they stick around.

The people I know in Nebraska have the same moral views as my religious acquaintances in New York, yet they had a totally different view of Mr. Trump as a standard-bearer for family values. What made the difference? In a word, class.

And geography, don’t forget geography. New York versus Nebraska. Subtle enough for you?

In their book “Red Families v. Blue Families,” Naomi Cahn and June Carbone popularized the idea of “blue” and “red” family models. Blue families prize equality and companionship between spouses while putting a low value on childbearing. Red families tend to be inegalitarian or complementarian, viewing the man as the primary breadwinner and the mother as the primary caregiver. Early marriage and multiple children are typical.

Red families tend toward conservatism, and blue tend toward progressivism, but the models share an upper-class stress on respectability and a strong taboo against out-of-wedlock birth.

A third model can be found among working-class whites, blacks and Hispanics — let’s call it purple. In these families, bonds between mothers and children are prized above those between couples. Unstable relationships are the norm, and fathers quickly end up out of the picture.

Baffling as it may be to elites, Mr. Trump embodies a real if imperfect model of family values.

Sure, and by the same token he follows a real if imperfect model of ethics.


Jul 2nd, 2018 3:46 pm | By

God they are such grifters.

Since her husband took office Melania Trump has earned six figures from an unusual deal with a photo agency in which major media organizations have indirectly paid the Trump family despite a requirement that the photos be used only in positive coverage.

President Donald Trump’s most recent financial disclosure reveals that in 2017 the first lady earned at least $100,000 from Getty Images for the use of any of a series of 187 photos of the first family shot between 2010 and 2016 by Belgian photographer Regine Mahaux.

It’s not unheard of for celebrities to earn royalties from photos of themselves, but it’s very unusual for the wife of a currently serving elected official. More problematic for the many news organizations that have published or broadcast the images, however, is that Getty’s licensing agreement stipulates the pictures can be used in “positive stories only.”

According to the revenue statement in President Trump’s May financial disclosure, Melania Trump earned between $100,000 and $1,000,000 in photo royalties in 2017 from the Getty deal.

Because that’s all the how precise they’re required to be. It was at least 100k but could be 1,000k…which is a decent piece of change. They could pay for a whole year’s worth of ice cream with that.

NBC News found at least a dozen organizations that had paid to use Mahaux’s restricted images of the Trumps in 2017, resulting in indirect payment to the first family.

Yahoo News, NBC News, Marie Claire, the Daily Mail, My San Antonio, Houston Chronicle, House Beautiful, and SF Gate, the website for The San Francisco Chronicle, are among those that have featured Mahaux’s highly stylized family portraits since Trump took office.

The February 2017 issue of the Russian edition of the fashion magazine Elle included a gilded Mahaux portrait of the first family.

A Mahaux group portrait of Donald, Melania and son Barron Trump was featured on the May page of the White House 2017 calendar that was on sale in the White House gift shop for $14. Bent Publishing, which publishes the calendars, confirmed that it licensed the Mahaux photo for the 2017 calendar.

So the White House gift shop is putting money in Don and Mel’s pockets. That’s not how any of this is supposed to work.

Several news organizations removed the images from their websites after inquiries by NBC News.

Yahoo took them down and said in a statement: “We were not aware of this specific arrangement with Getty nor was our editorial influenced by it. We have removed the image from Yahoo Lifestyle.”

The San Francisco Chronicle deleted the images from its website as well, and said it was looking into how they came to be used.

In a standard photo contract, the photographer gets royalties and the photo agency receives fees for each use of an image. Models are not paid royalties.

Paying royalties to the Trumps and limiting the use to only positive stories about a prominent politician is unusual, according to Akili Ramsess, executive director of the National Press Photographers Association. She said that while celebrity wedding or baby photographs are sometimes licensed so part of the fees flows back to the celebrity, it is rare for politicians. Keith Major, another Getty photographer who has also photographed Melania Trump, does not share royalties with her, and agreed that splitting income with a subject is unusual.

Unusual because greedy, sleazy, tacky, piggy. It’s a wonder they don’t send Barron out to Lafayette Park to sell lemonade.

News organizations likely would not have known about the payments to Melania Trump, but could have been aware of the published stipulation about positive coverage in the catalog.

Indira Lakshmanan, a media ethicist at the Poynter Institute, said, “If I’m a news editor, I would use photos that don’t have any restriction attached to them. There’s a lesson for editors, for public figures. There are plenty of photos out there that you can use that don’t have these restrictions.”

Most modern first ladies have launched books and other commercial products during their stints in the White House — and then donated the entire proceeds to charity. Laura Bush donated a book advance to education charities, and Michelle Obama gave the proceeds from her book American Grown to the National Park Foundation.

Yeah that’s not what Trumps do. They spend their own foundation’s money on themselves, so obviously they’re not going to give away payments for being photographed to some losers or other.

He will not be a punching bag

Jul 2nd, 2018 12:26 pm | By

Huh. The gruesome Michael Cohen says nope he’s not going to fall on his sword for Donnie.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney who has found himself at the center of multiple legal issues in recent months, told ABC News he will “put family and country,” ahead of any loyalty to the president.

“My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will,” Cohen told “Good Morning America” host George Stephanopoulos in an interview that broadcast on Monday. “I put family and country first.”

Or football teams and lemonade flavors. Whatever, anything, as long as it’s not Don.

The FBI raid against Cohen has prompted speculation that he might cooperate with federal prosecutors probing the Trump campaign and allegations that it colluded with the Russian government in 2016. In his interview with ABC News, Cohen said he would not tolerate any effort by the White House to discredit him.

“I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone’s defense strategy,” he said emphatically. “I am not a villain of this story, and I will not allow others to try to depict me that way.”

It’s almost as if Donnie’s strategy of being a shit to everyone doesn’t always pay off.

Petroglyphs shmetroglyphs

Jul 2nd, 2018 12:17 pm | By

Speaking of Trump’s assertive racism, and Bears Ears / Escalante, wait there’s more

While the Ancestral Puebloan people of the Southwest were building citadels like Chaco Canyon, the Fremont people were carving mysterious petroglyphs depicting horned, broad-shouldered triangular men and sweeping carvings of desert snakes. Nowhere is their legacy more apparent than in eastern Utah’s Molen Reef. Fremont artifacts dominate this cultural heritage site, but its rock art ranges from 3,000-year-old panels from the Barrier Canyon tradition to etchings by Mormon pioneers crossing the Utah desert.

They aren’t easy to see, but that’s not a bad thing. You won’t find these cultural treasures on a map, and Jonathan Bailey, a Ferron, Utah-based photographer and author of Rock Art: A Vision of a Vanishing Cultural Landscape, thinks it should stay that way. “There are hundreds of rock art panels in the Molen Reef, and maybe a dozen are known,” he says. “They are mostly pristine, unexcavated sites that have very little vandalism.”

So far.

Bailey worries about the resources being compromised by human activity before they can be cataloged and protected. But the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has different plans for the area. In January 2018, the agency approved the leasing of 32,000 acres for mineral exploration between the San Rafael Swell and Molen Reef—just as it has in many other places in Utah.

Because which is more important – some old cave art? Or the ability to drive the SUV to Costco and back?

In the past, Orr, Bailey, and other rock art enthusiasts have been able to persuade the BLM to defer leasing while they conduct field work to document petroglyphs, habitation sites, and geoglyphs that might be impacted by development. But in 2018, guided by the Trump administration’s “energy dominance” agenda, the BLM’s Price field office has overruled URARA’s protests.

“This is the first year we have not been able to withdraw these leases,” says Bailey.

The BLM this time says it won’t be a problem.

Federal law obligates the BLM to analyze lands nominated for leasing and offer them at auction if it determines that leasing will not harm non-energy resources. Despite the determination of his two predecessors that leasing could damage the rock art, current BLM state director Ed Roberson concluded it would not.

“BLM conducts additional site specific analysis before any surface disturbing activities can occur,” maintains Heather O’Hanlon, BLM’s Utah information officer, in an email“Strong stipulations . . . give us confidence that we can protect the cultural resources entrusted under our care.”

The rock art army is not reassured. Though O’Hanlon claims that “the BLM-Utah completed the most intensive pre-lease inventory survey that we have ever done,” Bailey says that the agency has yet to inventory many rock art sites around Molen Reef. “They have not inventoried a good chunk of this land, so they can’t judge the impacts,” he says.

But they have very good instincts, just like Trump.

Constant doses

Jul 2nd, 2018 11:08 am | By

Charles Blow on Trump’s rage junkies:

Trump is like a drug dealer who has addicted his followers to fear and rage and keeps supplying it in constant doses. His supporters have become rage-junkies for whom he can do no wrong.

Let’s be clear about the demographics of this base: While the overwhelming majority of blacks and Hispanics have an unfavorable view of Trump, just as many white people have a favorable view of him as have an unfavorable view of him, according to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll conducted last month.

Part of that is undoubtedly due to the increasingly racialized nature of our partisanship, but it is also because Trump has positioned himself as a white power president.

And, more overtly and obviously, as a president who is happy to fire off gross insults at black and brown people. There’s white power and there’s white contempt.

One of the things that his supporters like is the very thing that others detest: His unapologetic, unabashed crusade to fight off all efforts at racial and ethnic inclusion. They may not articulate it as such, but that is the nature of Trump’s policies: Promising to build a wall, disparaging Mexicans, separating immigrant families, the Muslim ban, decreasing even legal migration, denigrating protesting football players.

Calling Maxine Waters “very low IQ”; calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”; hanging a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office; making it obvious that he has no clue who Frederick Douglass is; slashing the size of Bears Ears and Grand Escalante Staircase monuments; the Central Park 5; birtherism. He’s an open, shameless, enthusiastic racist insult-comic.

Too blatant?

Jul 2nd, 2018 9:45 am | By

The normalization continues apace.

Ron Paul, for instance.

Former politician and presidential candidate Ron Paul shared a racist political cartoon featuring stereotypical caricatures of people of multiple races Monday morning — only to delete it minutes later.

“Are you stunned by what has become of American culture?” Paul’s tweet read. “Well, it’s not an accident. You’ve probably heard of ‘Cultural Marxism,’ but do you know what it means?”

Attached to the original tweet was a Ben Garrison political cartoon featuring racist caricatures of Jewish, Asian, Latino and black people with their arms melding together into a single red fist emblazoned with the communist hammer and sickle. The arm is seen punching Uncle Sam, and above it is a speech bubble coming from the four caricatures saying “cultural Marxism.”

Not “people” as Raw Story twice says, but men. Racist caricature PLUS erasure of women.

Image result for ben garrison cultural marxism

Not normal.

Not ok.

Not acceptable.

Updating to add: it’s not a Ben Garrison cartoon but a modification of one. I read somewhere that there’s a Reddit group dedicated to doing that.

Same day service

Jul 1st, 2018 5:23 pm | By

Huh. What a coincidence.

Ivanka Trump’s company won approval for three Chinese trademarks on the same day her father agreed to lift sanctions on ZTE, a Chinese telecommunications company that even a key Trump security adviser admitted is a national security threat.

According to records reviewed by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Ivanka’s business “received registration approval for three additional Chinese trademarks on June 7, 2018.”

President Trump struck a deal with ZTE on June 7, 2018.

The very same day. They’re taunting us, aren’t they.

Last year, Ivanka won provisional approval for three Chinese trademarks on the same day she dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at her father’s Mar-a-Lago estate, allowing Ivanka Trump Marks LLC to sell activewear, jewelry, bags, and spa services under the first daughter’s name. Days after the meeting, the president broke a major campaign promise to punish China for being a currency manipulator and denying that it was manipulating its currency at all.

Trump had called China “world champions” of currency manipulation a mere 10 days earlier.

The president’s daughter recently reported she earned $82 million last year, partially from her ownership of her businesses. She also reported debts and liabilities in the undefined range of millions of dollars. Before she started working at the White House, she gave up official positions in her business, handing it over to a trust managed by members of her family, but she still retains ownership and benefits from any profits.

Greedy, aren’t they.

The nominee will be supported with meaningless buzz phrases

Jul 1st, 2018 12:08 pm | By

Jeffrey Toobin says it’s important to spell out what Trump’s next Supreme Court pick is going to mean, because they won’t spell it out for us.

As with Gorsuch, the nominee will be supported with meaningless buzz phrases: he or she will be opposed to “legislating from the bench” and in favor of “judicial restraint.” Like Gorsuch, the nominee will rely on airy generalities rather than on specific examples. It’s all the more important, then, to articulate in plain English what, if such a nominee is confirmed, a new majority will do.

It will overrule Roe v. Wade, allowing states to ban abortions and to criminally prosecute any physicians and nurses who perform them. It will allow shopkeepers, restaurateurs, and hotel owners to refuse service to gay customers on religious grounds. It will guarantee that fewer African-American and Latino students attend élite universities. It will approve laws designed to hinder voting rights. It will sanction execution by grotesque means. It will invoke the Second Amendment to prohibit states from engaging in gun control, including the regulation of machine guns and bump stocks.

And these are just the issues that draw the most attention. In many respects, the most important right-wing agenda item for the judiciary is the undermining of the regulatory state. In the rush of conservative rulings at the end of this term, one of the most important received relatively little notice. In Janus v. afscme, a 5–4 majority (including Kennedy) said that public employees who receive the benefits of union-negotiated contracts can excuse themselves from paying union dues.

Them that’s got will get even more, them that’s not will lose even more.

Ignorant armies clash by night

Jul 1st, 2018 11:49 am | By

More on the Portland street brawls yesterday.

From CBS:

Two opposing protest groups — Patriot Prayer and antifa —  clashed in downtown Portland Saturday, CBS Portland affiliate KOIN reports. Portland police said failure to leave the area could leave to arrests, calling the demonstration a riot.

More than 100 members of Patriot Prayer group gathered at Terry Schrunk Plaza for a “freedom rally,” while more than 100 counter protesters with an antifa group gathered across the street at Chapman Square for rallies before a march. Police revoked Patriot Prayer’s permit for the rally after the two groups began to clash.

From NPR:

What began in downtown Portland Saturday as a permitted march by the far-right group Patriot Prayer was quickly declared a riot and halted by police after altercations with anti-fascist counter-protesters escalated, with reports of projectiles causing several injuries.

Supporters of Patriot Prayer, led by its incendiary leader Joey Gibson, who is also running for a U.S. Senate seat in Washington state, began to assemble in parks along Third Avenue in downtown Portland early Saturday afternoon.

Far-left antifa protesters congregated in similar or greater numbers nearby.

The two groups lobbed insults at each other across a heavy law enforcement presence, clad in riot gear, there to keep the two sides apart and screen for weapons.

Around 6 p.m. local time, Patriot Prayer initiated its permitted march, working its way along Third Avenue. But projectiles quickly began flying. Police then cancelled the permit, used bullhorns to declare the situation a riot and deployed flash bangs and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds.

Many fine people on both sides.

Image result for nazi street riots

Concentrated venom

Jul 1st, 2018 10:24 am | By

In light of the slaughter of journalists in Annapolis the other day, this promo by the National Rifle Association’s Dana Loesch hasn’t worn well.

H/t Asha Rangappa

I never

Jul 1st, 2018 10:11 am | By

Trump on June 27:

Trump on June 30:

“REPUBLICANS SHOULD PASS GOODLATTE II” and “I never pushed the Republicans to vote for Goodlatte II.” He’s such a cheerful unrepentant liar that he doesn’t even delete his own tweet before contradicting it.

Proud Boys and Patriot Prayers

Jul 1st, 2018 9:42 am | By

Yesterday in Portland (the Oregon one not the Maine one):

For the first time in more than a year of street brawling, Portland police today deemed a march by Proud Boys and other right-wing protesters too violent to continue.

Marchers with the right-wing protest group Patriot Prayer beat antifascist protesters with wooden and PVC pipe flag poles that federal police had allowed the group to keep.

Portland police policy is to confiscate all possible weapons, and they did not allow the antifascist protesters to have flag poles. At least one protester was severely injured in the brawl and lay motionless on the ground after police broke up the altercation.

Seems like a conscious deliberate attempt to recapitulate the rise of Nazism. Street brawls were the early Nazis’ bread and butter.

After two weeks where Portland’s leftist protesters drew national attention for blockading federal immigration offices, right-wing groups led by Congressional candidate Joey Gibson returned to Portland in greater numbers than have been seen since last summer, seemingly bent on wresting back the spotlight with street violence.

Patriot Prayer attracted far more attendees than usual, including many men wearing black-and-yellow Proud Boy shirts and others dressed in costumes with helmets. They had a permit to march in downtown Portland. Many arrived from out of town via a chartered former school bus.

Many fine people on both sides. On both sides.

Racism is not either a threat to democracy!!!

Jun 30th, 2018 4:00 pm | By

This one’s a jaw-dropper.

A Trump administration appointee to the State Department tore into standard UN documents that condemn racism as a threat to democracy.

The deputy assistant secretary for refugees and migration, a foreign service officer promoted by the White House to an unusually senior position for his rank, disputed the idea that leaders have a “duty” to condemn hate speech and incitement, and repeatedly rejected use of the words nationalism, populism, and xenophobia.

“The drafters say ‘populism and nationalism’ as if these are dirty words,” wrote Andrew Veprek, the deputy assistant secretary for refugees and migration, in documents obtained exclusively by CNN. “There are millions of Americans who likely would describe themselves as adhering to these concepts. (Maybe even the President.). So are we looking to here condemn our fellow-citizens, those who pay our salaries?”

If they’re racists and xenophobes we should be condemning their racism and xenophobia, yes. Hell yes. Hell yes times a thousand.

It may be theoretically possible to be a populist and/or nationalist without being racist and xenophobic, but that’s looking a lot more theoretical than actual at this historical moment.

Veprek also pushed to soften language about fighting racism and about racism in politics in his proposed amendments to a UN Human Rights Council resolution titled “The Incompatibility between Democracy and Racism” that is adopted without a vote, with much of the same language, every few years.

In response to one section that says national leaders have a responsibility to condemn hate speech, Veprek writes, “‘[d]uty to condemn’ goes too far. Our public figures can’t be obliged to police every intolerant thought out their [sic] at the risk of being condemned for intolerance themselves.”

He’s not even literate. “At the risk of” is not the phrase he’s looking for.

And he repeatedly argues against using the word “xenophobia,” or the fear of foreigners, writing in side notes that he has concerns over “the malleability of the term now and in the future.”

“[W]hat real or perceived offense is next to be considered ‘xenophobic?'” he writes. “How does that square with our historic respect for the right of free expression? The drafters need to focus on behavior and actions – which states can control – rather than attitudes and states of mind.”

It’s not clear that his scribbles have any force, but it’s telling that the deputy assistant secretary for refugees and migration thinks this way.

Rob Berschinski, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for human rights and member of the National Security Council under President Barack Obama, called Veprek’s changes to the documents “explosive.”

“It seems clear (Veprek) feels the UN language is targeted at the Trump administration, when it mentions racism in political circles,” Berschinski told CNN. “Clearly, he is making these edits to reduce the power of the resolution, as relates to racism in politics.”

Berschinski, now senior vice president for policy with Human Rights First, said that by eliminating references to terms like “populism and nationalism,” “xenophobia” and “the rise in racism,” the edits seem to suggest an administration that feels targeted by what are otherwise fairly anodyne diplomatic documents.

“Not being able to support this kind of language is indicative of an administration that has to defend a President who has said that Mexicans are rapists, white nationalists are ‘fine people,’ and that Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to travel to America,” Berschinksi said.

Basically Veprek is saying “This is all about Trump, isn’t it!!” and crossing it out for that reason.

Or else what

Jun 30th, 2018 3:02 pm | By

H/t Dave Ricks

Producers and directors

Jun 30th, 2018 11:49 am | By

Women don’t exist any more, apparently. Only “egg producers.”

Without the question about sterilization one would think she was talking to farmers.

The e-word

Jun 30th, 2018 11:20 am | By

Now he’s talking about eradication. Literally. Using that word.

To the great and brave men and women of ICE, do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements. So brave! The radical left Dems want you out. Next it will be all police. Zero chance, It will never happen!

Intent to deceive

Jun 30th, 2018 10:12 am | By

To the surprise of no one

U.S. intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months — and that Kim Jong Un may try to hide those facilities as he seeks more concessions in nuclear talks with the Trump administration, U.S. officials told NBC News.

The intelligence assessment, which has not previously been reported, seems to counter the sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after his historic June 12 summit with Kim that “there was no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”

Analysts at the CIA and other intelligence agencies don’t see it that way, according to more than a dozen American officials who are familiar with their assessments and spoke on the condition of anonymity. They see a regime positioning itself to extract every concession it can from the Trump administration — while clinging to nuclear weapons it believes are essential to survival.

And, luckily for them, Trump is both a moron and a preening narcissist, so it’s a doddle for them to bullshit him into granting concessions all over the place while getting nothing.

While the North Koreans have stopped missile and nuclear tests, “there’s no evidence that they are decreasing stockpiles, or that they have stopped their production,” said one U.S. official briefed on the latest intelligence. “There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S.”

Four other officials familiar with the intelligence assessment also said North Korea intended to deceive the U.S.

U.S. intelligence agencies have stepped up their collection against North Korea in recent years, and it appears to be paying off with greater insights into a country that has long been the world’s hardest spying target, officials say. NBC News agreed to withhold some details of the latest intelligence assessment that officials said could put sources at risk.

“There are lots of things that we know that North Korea has tried to hide from us for a long time,” a U.S. intelligence official said.

But Trump got his photo op.

Guest post: Getting the job versus doing the job

Jun 30th, 2018 9:48 am | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on The narcissists won long ago.

The thing that gets me with this research is it always looks at getting the job as an end unto itself.

So you have narcissists are very good at becoming CEOs – but you don’t really have them being good at being CEOs.

I mean if you look at Trump objectively so far his results are booming oil prices, North Korea making a fool of the US, war crimes on the border, increased tensions with Canada and Mexico stifling trade with both countries, and you have examples such as Harley Davidson opening factories elsewhere because his trade tariffs had the predicted result.

If he continues, as I believe he will, in the vein of Jacob Zuma, you can expect at a point for there to be massive revelations around state capture. There are already Bell Pottinger style operations dedicated to running distraction tactics to claim the MSM are in a conspiracy to make him look bad.

Sure he got the job, but how’s he actually done at doing it? How do any of these narcissists actually do and doing the job they so successfully got? Isn’t that kind important?

Because if they’re very good at getting the job, but not very good at doing it, well that doesn’t sound to me like we should be encouraging narcissism, that sounds to me like we should be re-looking at how we pick people for those jobs.