
Jul 20th, 2018 11:40 am | By

One ray of light in the stinking murk:

President Trump’s longtime lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, secretly recorded a conversation with Mr. Trump two months before the presidential election in which they discussed payments to a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump, according to lawyers and others familiar with the recording.

The F.B.I. seized the recording this year during a raid on Mr. Cohen’s office. The Justice Department is investigating Mr. Cohen’s involvement in paying women to tamp down embarrassing news stories about Mr. Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Prosecutors want to know whether that violated federal campaign finance laws, and any conversation with Mr. Trump about those payments would be of keen interest to them.

And the rest of us want to know all the “embarrassing” i.e. rapey or unfaithful or both news stories Trump used $$$ to conceal.

The recording’s existence further draws Mr. Trump into questions about tactics he and his associates used to keep aspects of his personal and business life a secret.

Doesn’t it just. This is what I want to know about. I want to see all the lying and concealment exposed, and all the pussy-grabbing and wife-abandoning made public.

Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, confirmed in a telephone conversation on Friday that Mr. Trump had discussed payments to Ms. McDougal with Mr. Cohen on the tape. He said the recording was less than two minutes long, said Mr. Trump did not know he was being recorded and claimed that the president had done nothing wrong.

It depends how we’re understanding “wrong.” Fucking around isn’t inherently wrong, but if it’s on the sly it arguably is. If Melania is and was and always has been fine with Trump using his penis on women who aren’t Melania (as it’s hard not to think she must be) then maybe he didn’t do anything wrong, but then why was he hiding it?

The Cohen investigation began with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, who is investigating the Trump campaign’s links to Russia. But as the Cohen case became increasingly focused on Mr. Cohen’s personal business dealings and his campaign activities unrelated to Russia, Mr. Mueller referred it to federal prosecutors in Manhattan, who are now leading the investigation.

Trump can’t pardon his way out of that.

American embassy told to ostracize Obama

Jul 20th, 2018 10:51 am | By

This one is just breathtaking in its petty vicious mean loathsomeness. Brian Sokutu in The Citizen:

The Mandela 100 commemoration became a mini battlefield in the ongoing US political war this week, as the Trump administration ordered that Barack Obama not be given any assistance other than security arrangements by the American embassy in South Africa.

The high-profile visit by the former president was mainly arranged and coordinated by the Nelson Mandela and Obama foundations, with no assistance from the US embassy in Pretoria – a break from the diplomatic tradition of offering support to any visiting American leader.

None of the US embassy staff had to play any role due to “instructions by Washington” that Obama should not be provided any assistance, according to a highly placed source.

In the past, the US embassy has always provided full support to any visiting American leader regardless of party affiliation.

That hideous gas-filled bladder of a man isn’t good enough to serve Obama lunch.

I’m not a patsy, you’re a patsy

Jul 20th, 2018 8:01 am | By

Trump calls Obama a patsy for Russia and stupid.

President Trump said in a television interview broadcast Friday that President Barack Obama was “a total patsy” for Russia, as he touted his own efforts to forge a better relationship with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

“Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia, is positive, not a negative,” Trump said during the interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” which was recorded Thursday shortly [before] the White House announced it was inviting Putin to Washington in the fall for another meeting with Trump.

He must have said that 40 thousand times by now. Yes, we know, a truce with a rival or even an enemy is often the best option. We get that. But a truce is not the same thing as an obsequious fawning craven submission.

Furthermore a negotiated truce conducted by informed experts is not the same thing as a private conversation conducted by an ignorant stupid headlong amateur.

Trump contended that he has been “far tougher on Russia than any president in many, many years, maybe ever.”

“Look at all the things that I have done,” Trump said. “Obama didn’t do it. . . . Obama was a patsy for Russia. A total patsy.”

Under the Obama administration, the United States issued multiple sanctions against Russia after its 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine. Russia was also expelled from the Group of Eight forum during Obama’s watch.

Total patsy.

Why can’t he be stopped?

Jul 20th, 2018 7:04 am | By

Brennan pointed out the obvious on Tuesday:

John Brennan, former CIA director in the Obama administration, said Russian President Vladimir Putin likely recorded Monday’s meeting with President Donald Trump and will be able to use it against him in the future.

“I would find it unbelievable if they didn’t [record it] in some manner,” Brennan said Tuesday morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “I think whatever Mr. Trump said in that meeting with Mr. Putin is now memorialized on Russian tape and it will be used as necessary by Mr. Putin against Mr. Trump.”

Brennan added that the president was almost certainly told by members of the U.S. intelligence community prior to the meeting of the possibility that Russia would be recording their one-on-one meeting in Helsinki, Finland.

Quite; but he ignored them.

The level of crazed reckless grandiosity it takes to think You Alone can take on a task that complex and dangerous when that has never been the way it works is terrifying to contemplate. Presidents work with colleagues, they don’t try to pretend to be miraculous Lone Geniuses. This stupid stupid stupid man, this ignorant conceited rash lawless toxin of a man, alone among presidents in history thinks he can do everything by the sheer force of his…what? His incoherent repetitive babbling? His lunatic facial expressions? His repellent body language? His grotesque clumsy meaningless gestures? What? What makes him think he has anything useful to add, let alone everything?

Unless of course that’s not the issue because it’s simply that Putin has him by the testicles and is forcing him to do it.

Either way, why can’t they stop him? Why can’t someone force him to stop doing treasonous shit right in front of us?

Ohhh, so that’s what that means

Jul 19th, 2018 5:59 pm | By

It’s like the scene at the end of The Miracle Worker when Helen Keller suddenly at last understands what language is, except stupid.

For 14 seasons, Donald Trump hosted The Apprentice, the reality show that gave millions of Americans the false impression that he is a business genius. But it was only today, July 19, 2018, that he realized what the title of the show meant.

Speaking to a crowd at a White House event called Pledge to America’s Workers, Trump came across a line in the prepared text that included the word apprenticeships. Then he went off script: “That’s an interesting word for me to be saying, right? The Apprentice. I never actually put that together until just now,” he said.

All good

Jul 19th, 2018 5:53 pm | By

No automatic alt text available.

A proposal that was made in sincerity

Jul 19th, 2018 5:30 pm | By

Oh great, now Treason Don wants Volodya to come to his house for a sleepover in the fall, just in time to fuck around with the elections.

President Trump plans to invite President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to Washington for another meeting in the fall, officials said Thursday, even as Mr. Trump’s top advisers groped for details of what the two leaders discussed in their last meeting in Helsinki, Finland.

Mr. Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, acknowledged frustration at being kept in the dark about the meeting, which included only the leaders and their respective interpreters. “If he had asked me how that ought to be conducted,” Mr. Coats said at a security conference in Aspen, Colo., “I would have suggested a different way. It is what it is.”

Well why is it what it is? Why can’t anyone do anything about this? Why can’t anyone stop him?

Meanwhile the White House is apologizing to Putin for turning down his totally reasonable request to be able to interrogate the ambassador and 11 others.

“It is a proposal that was made in sincerity by President Putin, but President Trump disagrees with it,” the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said in a statement.

“In sincerity”? Well sure it was – Putin would sincerely like to get his hands on people he considers troublesome to him. But who cares? Why is the White House press secretary burbling about Putin’s sincerity? Why is she kissing his bum? Why are her bosses telling her to do that? What is wrong with them all?


Jul 19th, 2018 11:39 am | By

I saw this tweet

so I looked it up. The Post:

House Republicans on Thursday approved a spending bill that excludes new money for election security grants to states, provoking a furious reaction from Democrats amid a national controversy over Russian election interference.

The spending bill passed 217-199. Democrats’ bid to add hundreds of millions more in election spending was rejected 182-232 — as Republicans were unmoved by Democrats floor speeches decrying the funding changes and chanting “USA! USA!”

At issue is a grants program overseen by the federal Election Assistance Commission and aimed at helping states administer their elections and improve voting systems; Democrats want to continue grant funding through 2019, while Republicans say the program already has been fully funded.

Let’s definitely err on the side of not spending enough, because hey it’s only elections.

Trump wants a second date with Pootie

Jul 19th, 2018 11:13 am | By

Oh well, no worries, call off the alarms: Putin is defending Trump from critics.

President Vladimir Putin on Thursday defended Donald Trump from angry criticism following their summit in Helsinki, as the U.S. president called for a second face-to-face meeting with his Russian counterpart.

Mr. Putin, in his first comments in days, praised the Helsinki summit and said it led to some “useful promises.” Little more than an hour later, Mr. Trump tweeted that he wanted a follow-up meeting with Mr. Putin to work on the issues he said they discussed, including terrorism, Israeli security, nuclear proliferation and cyberattacks.

And handing US citizens over to Putin on request.

“It is important that a full-fledged meeting took place allowing us to speak directly, and overall it was successful.” Mr. Putin said.

For Putin.

In the days after the summit, both the Russian defense and foreign ministries said they were either ready to begin or already had started working on agreements hashed out between the two leaders, but neither offered any details as to what they were.

The Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov, speaking to Russian media, said earlier in the week that a number of oral promises had been made between the two leaders.

Which, if true, is of course deeply unnerving, since no one here has any idea what those “oral promises” were. Unless the spooks managed to put a wire on Trump without his knowledge, which I hope they did.

The real enemy

Jul 19th, 2018 10:10 am | By

Today in Treason Trump:

President Treason calls the news media “the real enemy of the people.”

These things happen

Jul 19th, 2018 10:00 am | By

Sympathies all around.

A former UKIP councillor has been found guilty of murdering his wife, after he had an affair with their son’s partner.

Stephen Searle, 64, strangled his wife Anne at their home in Stowmarket, Suffolk, on 30 December.

Searle had previously told a jury his wife had uncovered his affair with Ms Pomiateeva, who is the mother to at least one of their grandchildren, months before she died.

Following the verdict, former politician Bill Mountford told BBC Suffolk he still considered Searle “a friend”, adding “these things happen”.

Mr Mountford, who was leader of UKIP at Suffolk County Council when Searle was a councillor, said: “I still regard Steve as fundamentally a decent man who has found himself in circumstances beyond his control.

“I’m not condoning it in any way but I was very, very sad to hear of Steve’s conviction.

“I’m well aware domestic disputes can get out of hand but I feel equally sorry for both Steve and his now deceased wife.”

Yeah. It’s so sad for him, and she was probably a total bitch about it.

Should be unthinkable

Jul 18th, 2018 5:30 pm | By

Bad bad very bad.

Guest post: The crowd laughed because they knew it was a game

Jul 18th, 2018 4:53 pm | By

Originally a comment by Screechy Monkey on Look at ambassadors not there.

Somewhat OT, but still on the subject of liars, here’s your next Supreme Court justice:

Asked at an American Enterprise Institute event in March 2016 if he could think of a case that deserved to be overturned, Kavanaugh said: “Yes.” Asked if he could specify a case, Kavanaugh first responded: “No,” prompting laughter from the audience.

Hahahahaha. It’s funny because they know he means Roe v. Wade (and hell, maybe Griswold v. Connecticut while you’re at it), but they know he can’t say it because one day he may get nominated to the Court and have to testify that gosh, he’s never really thought about whether Roe v. Wade should be overturned, I mean, he’s personally pro-life but you know, stare decisis is really super duper important and all that but on the other hand there are always exceptions like Plessy v. Ferguson was bad law, so you never know but I can’t prejudge a case and I’ve certainly never ever ever expressed an opinion on overturning Roe because it’s totally normal for an adult who’s been through law school and a couple of decades of a legal career to never think about one of the most famous cases in modern Court history.

The crowd laughed because they knew it was a game. Kavanaugh’s gonna commit perjury, and Susan Collins will pretend to believe it, and isn’t that hilarious! Checkmate, libs!

Another shunning

Jul 18th, 2018 4:32 pm | By

People in charge of an event called Modern Witches Confluence 2018 wrote a poisonous Facebook post today congratulating themselves on having banished and shunned the feminist historian Max Dashu, who was scheduled to be on a panel. No prizes for guessing why.

Dear Community,

We sincerely apologize for involving Max Dashu in our workshop line-up. Since your community concerns have been raised regarding Dashu’s trans-exclusionary views, we have removed Max Dashu from our teaching line-up, and she will no longer be an influence on the Modern Witches Confluence. We appreciate you voicing your concerns, and we apologize for not responding to them sooner.

We should have done our research before asking Dashu to join us for our event, and after this incident, we know to do our due-diligence. We do not support or endorse those who shame, oppress, or exclude others. The success of our gathering will be built on a shared vision of inclusion, and the collective desire to liberate ourselves from societal rigidity, hatred, and separatist categorization.

We hope that by righting this wrong, the LGBTQ community and beyond will feel safe and welcomed to join us for our event in October. Please keep letting us know how we can do better. This is a community of many diverse voices, and we will need to keep voicing concerns, and listening, in order to grow and evolve.

Contact us at:

with Love,


For what it’s worth, Max doesn’t even have “trans-exclusionary views.” She wrote a Facebook post critical of violence aimed at lesbians at the San Francisco Pride march recently, but that’s hardly “exclusionary.” She is a respected scholar in the field – but hey, somebody somewhere claims she has “trans-exclusionary views” so that’s the end of it. Shun her.

If Putin isn’t contributing trolls and bots to this “movement” he’s missed a trick, because they’re doing a fabulous job of dividing the left.

Hand over the suspects

Jul 18th, 2018 3:21 pm | By

A new item: Trump apparently told Putin “ok” to the suggestion that Russia should be able to question Americans Putin wants to “prosecute” i.e. push out of a high window.

Russia’s defense ministry says it’s ready to act on the agreements

Jul 18th, 2018 12:19 pm | By

Oh but that’s not what he meant, he meant the opposite, he didn’t hear the question, he was answering a different question, he had a pain in his bum right at that second, he didn’t mean “no” the way you’re interpreting it, he said yes but you just didn’t listen, he left out some of the letters, he meant to say wouldn’t, he forgot his homework, the dog ate his shoes, the sun will come out tomorrow, is that a zebra?

President Trump appeared to say on Wednesday that Russia was no longer targeting the United States, contradicting his own intelligence chief just a day after promising that his administration was working to prevent Kremlin interference in the upcoming midterm elections.

Hours later, the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said that Mr. Trump was answering a different question, and that “we believe the threat still exists.”

Certainly; he was answering a different question, that no one asked, that he made up in his head, that presumed the answer “no.” The question was…would you like the ceiling to collapse on your head right now? That’s the question he was answering. I don’t know why you’re all so suspicious.

What Coats has said:

“These actions are persistent, they are pervasive and they are meant to undermine America’s democracy,” Mr. Coats said in a speech on Friday.

And again on Monday: “We have been clear in our assessments of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and their ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy,” Mr. Coats said.

But on Wednesday, when the president was asked whether Russia was “still targeting” the United States, Mr. Trump said: “No.”

But he thought the question was: “Do you have a dog?”

The president’s changing statements about Russia’s intentions toward the United States underscore his pattern of questioning his own intelligence agencies.

The word you’re looking for is undermining…or perhaps better, sabotaging. He has a pattern of sabotaging his own intelligence agencies.

Which, in a president, looks kind of treason-like.

Mr. Trump’s latest vacillation on Wednesday drew more outrage, including from his own party.

“I’m dumbfounded by the statement he does not believe that the Russians are still up to it,” Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said on Wednesday. “We need to reconcile the difference between him and the intelligence community. I agree with the intelligence community. Tell me why I’m wrong, Mr. President.”

That and a nickel will get you a ride on the subway. Talk is cheap, Senator.

Mr. Graham said ignoring the threat posed by the Russians was “political malpractice” if the threat was real. “I believe it’s real,” he said.

Mr. Graham added, “If he is wrong, and the intelligence community is right and we get attacked because we didn’t prepare ourselves, that is a terrible legacy for him.”

It’s not great for us, either!

Though the details of the president’s meeting with Mr. Putin are not publicly known, Russia’s defense ministry announced that it was ready to put in motion the unspecified agreements Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin reached.

Oh, brilliant – we don’t know what they are and apparently have no way of forcing Trump to tell us what they are.

Look at ambassadors not there

Jul 18th, 2018 11:13 am | By

More lies.

“There’s been no president ever as tough as I have been on Russhah.”


Jul 18th, 2018 10:55 am | By

Trump has been burning the place up since yesterday. He called John Brennan “a very bad person,” he called Montenegro “aggressive” and speculated it could get us into World War III being so aggressive, he ranted about Trump Derangement Syndrome and its responsibility for our failure to be awed by his success at kissing Putin’s bum.

Vanity Fair:

“Membership in NATO obligates the members to defend any other member that’s attacked,” Carlson said to Trump. “So let’s say Montenegro, which joined last year, is attacked. Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend it from attack?” In response, Trump told Carlson that he sympathized with his view. “I’ve asked the same question. Montenegro is a tiny country with very strong people,” the president said. “They’re very aggressive people. They may get aggressive, and congratulations you’re in World War III.”

By casting doubt on the founding principle of NATO, Trump again seemed to side with America’s adversaries over its allies. As Nicholas Burns, who served as the U.S. ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, explained to me last week, the NATO alliance is only effective as a deterrent against Russian aggression if President Vladimir Putin believes that the U.S. and the alliance’s 28 other members will respect Article 5. “The big danger here is that Putin needs to believe that Trump is the leader of NATO, is willing to defend NATO countries that could be threatened by Russia,” he told me. “That is what deterrence is all about, that is how deterrence works, right? The other guy, in this case the adversarial power Putin, has to believe in his heart of hearts that he cannot take aggressive measures toward NATO countries because Trump and the other leaders would stand up to him.”

Well that ship has sailed.

CBS News:

President Donald Trump lashed out at former CIA Director John Brennan after Brennan criticized Mr. Trump for remarks he made during a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I think Brennan is a very bad guy, and if you look at it, a lot of things happened under his watch,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in Helsinki on Monday. “I think he’s a very bad person.”

The traitor tweets:

The slope gets steeper every day.

Unlocking all the doors

Jul 18th, 2018 9:26 am | By

They’re smoothing the way for Putin.

The White House eliminated the position of cybersecurity coordinator on the National Security Council on Tuesday [last week], doing away with a post central to developing policy to defend against increasingly sophisticated digital attacks and the use of offensive cyber weapons.

A memorandum circulated by an aide to the new national security adviser, John R. Bolton, said the post was no longer considered necessary because lower-level officials had already made cybersecurity issues a “core function” of the president’s national security team.

Cybersecurity experts and members of Congress said they were mystified by the move, though some suggested Mr. Bolton did not want any competitive power centers emerging inside the national security apparatus.

Yes sure that’s all it is, a power play by Bolton. Nothing to see here, don’t worry.

It is unclear how those issues will now be managed in the White House. Mr. Bolton has virtually no cyber-related experience. When he was last in government, as ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, cybersecurity was not formally considered a national threat. It is now listed as the No. 1 threat in the annual assessment that the director of national intelligence sends to Congress.

Mr. Bolton has talked about “streamlining” the N.S.C., and so far that appears to have involved reducing many of the new positions created over the past decade.

Let’s have less security now.

The elimination of the cybersecurity role is likely to increase concern that the Trump administration is short-handed and unprepared to deal with increasing cybersecurity threats. The White House still has not presented a coherent plan to protect election systems in advance of the fall midterm elections.

Russian hackers are believed to have penetrated election computers in a number of states, though there is no evidence that vote counts were changed. And authorities say hackers with Kremlin ties engaged in a wide-ranging campaign to attack the computer systems of Democratic officials and spread misinformation on social media before and after the 2016 presidential election.

Security experts are also worried that hackers operating out of Iran or Russia could renew their efforts to penetrate computer systems in the United States, including machines that operate critical infrastructure like the electric power grid.

But other than that it’s no big deal.

Wrong target

Jul 17th, 2018 5:52 pm | By

Oh honestly.

Talk about tribalism, or groupthink, or living in a bubble, or whatever you want to call it. It takes some heavy duty ignorance of Obama not to realize that he has been saying this pretty much his whole life. It’s his theme. He annoyed colleagues at the Harvard Law Review when he was editor because he kept seeking out conservative contributions. It’s actually quite likely we’d be better off now if he’d been more of a street fighter for team slightly-left, but whether that’s true or not it’s absurd to claim he hasn’t urged listening to a wide range of opinion until just now.