Guest post: Ask any female comic book fan about ‘pornface’

Aug 16th, 2018 3:19 pm | By

Originally a comment by Freemage on Foreplay is supposed to hurt, yeah?

Yeah, when I encounter SWIFs, I’m always dumbfounded by the fact that they so readily dismiss the notion that people (individually) and society (collectively) are influenced by the media they consume. This is a damned staple of every social justice movement in existence–and yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe that porn (a genre meant to be consumed at precisely the moment you’re establishing some of the strongest emotional connections in your brain) will have no effect whatsoever.

As for the cultural impact of porn–ask any female comic book fan about ‘pornface’. Apparently, a large number of pencilers in the big comic-book houses (DC, Marvel and Image) make use of shortcuts to be able to crank out work quickly, and one of the biggest is tracing–you put the sheet over a picture of a real woman’s face, and then draw the lines in, then send it on to be inked and colored.

Well, starting in the nineties and oughts, a lot of women comic-book readers noticed that there was a particular set of expressions that seemed to be very, very common on female characters. The guys were basically tracing over the pictures of women in porn, most often ones suggesting oral sex. As a result, the women were consistently shown with their mouths in the classic “O” position–which, of course, is rarely actually used when merely speaking. (Greg Land, in particular, did this so often that it practically became a meme.)


With the face of a pig

Aug 16th, 2018 1:21 pm | By

Trump has always called women dogs, so lighten up already. Gail Collins is one of those women:

Hey, it was long ago, but it still comes up. Particularly now that we’re making lists of all the women our president has ever compared to a canine. Back when I worked for New York Newsday, he sent me a copy of a column I’d written, scrawled with objections, along with an announcement that I was “a dog and a liar” and that my picture was “the face of a pig.” At the time, he was only a flailing real estate developer trying to make a deal with the city, yet it still seemed so weird that at first I wondered if it might be a joke, or some enemy of Trump’s trying to embarrass him. But no, it was a missive from the man himself.

She thought it couldn’t be at first because normal adults don’t act like that. Period. An adult who sends personal abuse to a total stranger is badly broken somewhere. Trump has always been badly broken.

This week, of course, Trump referred to his ex-friend Omarosa in a tweet as “that dog.” I am going to go out on a limb and say that when the president of the United States insults a woman that way in a public statement, it’s a little bit more of an issue.

One that will never go away. As the temperatures rise and the forests burn and the crops fail, it will still be the case that the US once had a hateful bully as a president.

One of the worst things about this moment in our national lives is the fear that if Trump gets into trouble for doing something dumb and obnoxious, he’ll respond by doing something huge and maybe dangerous. Have you heard that Stormy Daniels is going to be on the British version of “Celebrity Big Brother”? What happens if she tells that story about a hotel room spanking session to a house full of smirking Europeans? He could declare a war.

Or not even declare a war but just do a Pearl Harbor and drop a few nukes on someone.

During the campaign Trump continually pointed out that he went to the Wharton School of Business. (“It’s like super genius stuff.”) That gave many people the impression he’d gotten the high-prestige Wharton M.B.A., but he was really just a transfer student into the undergraduate program. Skeptics suggested he only edged his way in because of family connections. He graduated without any honors or distinction, and went on to publish a best-selling memoir that was written by somebody else.

I’m betting there were no dogs in it.

When is targeted harassment not targeted harassment?

Aug 16th, 2018 1:01 pm | By

When slapping doesn’t mean slapping.

Wow, she says. Wow, when all she said was

You will get slapped and you will absolutely deserve it.

Does she want white men telling her she’ll be slapped and she will absolutely deserve it? I doubt it.

A tweet about protecting trans women, she called it – carefully not mentioning the “TERFs will be slapped and absolutely deserve it” part.

You couldn’t make it up.

Arrest that woman

Aug 16th, 2018 12:39 pm | By

Trump is triggered. His people have been telling him to ignore Omarosa and her book, which tells us that they’ve confused him with someone else.

Now advisers fear his rage at Manigault Newman is fueling irrational outbursts that bolster the claim in her book that Trump said the “n-word” during an Apprenticeouttake.

Irrational outbursts? Trump?? Surely not. It’s people like Brennan and Comey who go in for that kind of thing; Trump says so himself.

In recent days, Trump has called Manigault Newman “crazed,” a “lowlife,” and a “dog” on Twitter. His campaign filed an arbitration suit against her seeking “millions.” And Trump told advisers that he wants Attorney General Jeff Sessions to have Manigault Newman arrested, according to one Republican briefed on the conversations. (It’s unclear what law Trump believes she broke.)

No it isn’t! It’s perfectly clear: it’s the law against saying a single harsh word about Trump.

Another Republican recounted how over the weekend Trump derailed a midterm-election strategy session to rant about Manigault Newman’s betrayal.

Look. Election strategy is about other people as well as Trump. Manigault Newman’s “betrayal” is solely about Trump. Which one do you think he’s going to rant about? Let’s stay on our toes here.

One Trump person said it’s a death spiral. That would be good.

Unanimous consent

Aug 16th, 2018 10:03 am | By

Shameful that it’s needed.

Trump thinks they’re very duplicitous

Aug 16th, 2018 9:30 am | By

Well golly gee. Trump artlessly told the Wall Street Journal that he went after Brennan in order to obstruct justice in the Mueller inquiry.

President Trump drew a direct connection between the special counsel investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and his decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan and review the clearances of several other former officials.

In an interview Wednesday, Mr. Trump cited Mr. Brennan as among those he held responsible for the investigation, which also is looking into whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Mr. Trump has denied collusion, and Russia has denied interfering.

Much as a mob bus might tell a lieutenant that Jones has to be silenced because he knows where the bodies are buried.

“I call it the rigged witch hunt, [it] is a sham,” Mr. Trump said in an interview. “And these people led it!”

See what I mean by “artlessly”? He seems to think that we will take his calling it the rigged witch hunt as a decisive reason to agree that it is a rigged witch hunt. “Ohhhh, that’s what you call it, well that changes everything.”

He seems to think we’ll believe him. That’s an enormous gap between belief and reality.

Earlier in the day, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said the administration was also reviewing the clearances of former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey, and former National Security Agency and CIA chief Michael Hayden.

“I don’t trust many of those people on that list,” Mr. Trump said in the interview. “I think that they’re very duplicitous. I think they’re not good people.”

Says the most duplicitous and evil person on the planet.

Mr. Trump and Mr. Brennan have sparred publicly for months, with Mr. Trump frequently tweeting quotes by others critical of Mr. Brennan.

After Mr. Trump’s news conference last month with President Vladimir Putin of Russia, Mr. Brennan wrote in a tweet that Mr. Trump’s conduct “rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’ ” and called it “nothing short of treasonous.”

Last month, he likened Mr. Trump to Bernie Madoff, the investor who executed a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme, tweeting that the two shared “a remarkably unethical ability to deceive & manipulate others, building Ponzi schemes to aggrandize yourselves.”

Cool. I’ve compared Trump to Madoff myself. Mind you it’s a pretty obvious comparison. Famous Psychopaths We Have Seen.

Millions of U.S. citizens hold security clearances, needed for many government and private-sector jobs. The practice of having senior national security officials retain clearance after leaving the government is longstanding and serves various functions, national security officials and analysts said.

When the White House first threatened to revoke the former officials’ security clearances last month, national security analysts described the move as unprecedented.

“I cannot remember a time when the president of the United States got personally involved in the status of individual security clearances within the country,” said Larry Pfeiffer, a former chief of staff at the CIA. “This is an administration shooting itself in the foot by depriving itself of experience and knowledge that could be used for its benefit.”

That’s because it’s an administration that has no important goal other than the promotion and protection of Donald Trump.

Happy Independence Day

Aug 15th, 2018 5:38 pm | By

Taking liberties

Aug 15th, 2018 5:35 pm | By

Mo is showing solidarity with the victims of BoJo’s  cruel mockery.


The Patreon

Wild outbursts on the internet and television

Aug 15th, 2018 4:34 pm | By

Vox gives us Sarah Sanders’s disgusting performance “explaining” Trump’s attack on Brennan.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, reading a statement from the president during the daily press briefing on Wednesday, cited Trump’s “constitutional responsibility to protect the nation’s classified information” as justification for his decision to revoke Brennan’s clearance.

“Mr. Brennan has recently leveraged his status as a former high-ranking official with access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations — wild outbursts on the internet and television — about this administration,” Sanders said, reading the president’s statement.

I’m not a reckless lunatic, you’re a reckless lunatic!” Trump is the guy who goes in for wild outbursts on Twitter and at his “rallies” and on the global stage; Brennan talks soberly and seriously about the danger Trump is to all of us.

Oh well, breathing is for sissies

Aug 15th, 2018 4:08 pm | By

Oh hey, we here in the Northwest have the dirtiest air in the country (well somebody has to) and the worst air on record ever, at least for Seattle.

Also? Hottest summer ever.

Normally I can see 60 miles looking out my living room window – to the Olympics. Now I can see about 2, and everything beyond that is white blur. It’s disgusting.

Another giant step

Aug 15th, 2018 12:57 pm | By

I think Mimi Rocah is right.

This is dictatorship territory, and we are now in it. This is bad.

Which should not be the criterion. It should not be a criterion; it should play no role at all.

“Authoritarianism in its purest form,” Ben Rhodes says.

Citing “erratic” behavior

Aug 15th, 2018 12:34 pm | By

And now this:

In a remarkable attack on a political opponent, President Trump on Wednesday revoked the security clearance of John O. Brennan, the former C.I.A. director under President Barack Obama, citing what he called Mr. Brennan’s “erratic” behavior.

Trump calls Brennan erratic.

The White House had threatened last month to strip Mr. Brennan and other Obama administration officials — including Susan E. Rice, the former national security adviser; and James R. Clapper Jr., the former director of national intelligence — of their security clearances. At the time, Ms. Sanders said that Mr. Trump was considering doing it because “they politicized, and in some cases monetized, their public service and security clearances.”

The lying hack.

In a tweet this week, Mr. Brennan criticized Mr. Trump for the language that the president used to attack Omarosa Manigault Newman, his former top aide, who[m] he called a “dog.”

Mr. Brennan wrote, “It’s astounding how often you fail to live up to minimum standards of decency, civility, & probity. Seems like you will never understand what it means to be president, nor what it takes to be a good, decent, & honest person. So disheartening, so dangerous for our Nation.”

So the stupid worthless corrupt little shit took revenge.

Mr. Trump’s decision to revoke Mr. Brennan’s security clearance was announced by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary. Ms. Sanders said the president was reviewing the security clearances of other former Democratic officials who have been critics of the president. Those include, among others, Ms. Rice; Mr. Clapper; Michael V. Hayden, the former head of the C.I.A. and National Security Agency; and Sally Q. Yates, the former acting attorney general.

It’s war. If we can’t defeat him he will destroy everything.

The announcement of the change in Mr. Brennan’s security clearance came as the White House has been mired in a public relations crisis created by the allegations from Ms. Manigault Newman, who has said the president suffers from mental incapacitation and has used racial slurs.

Ms. Sanders read a statement from Mr. Trump that indicated that the reason for the revocation of Mr. Brennan’s security clearance was because he is among a group of former officials who have “transitioned into highly partisan” people.

It’s not “partisan” to know a lying worthless bullying shit when you see one.

Remember, he’s not a real Strzok

Aug 15th, 2018 12:21 pm | By

Trump has been on a Twitter binge. (Does he ever do any actual work?) One in particular got my attention.

What what what? That sounds as if the FBI has been doing Trump’s bidding. Who is this Swecker and where did Don get that weird assertion? So I googled Swecker’s name and got a Think Progress piece from a couple of hours ago:

As he’s in the habit of doing, on Wednesday morning President Trump tweeted out a quote from a friendly conservative commentator — his goal this time being to justify the controversial firing of FBI agent Peter Strzok.

Trump shared a quote from former FBI official Chris Swecker, who wrote in a Fox News column that the Strzok firing “was a deci[sive] step in the right direction in correcting the wrongs committed by what has been described as Comey’s skinny inner circle.”

The Fox column, as you can see, is dated yesterday. Think Progress continues:

But there’s a big problem with Swecker’s column that Trump seemingly missed — to make his case, he cited tweets posted by fake Peter Strzok Twitter accounts.

Oh good grief. I was fooled by that account for a couple of minutes right after Strzok was fired, and then I looked more closely and saw the @notpeterstrzok part. Apparently Swecker didn’t get that far.

“Strzok is now engaged in an unhinged Twitter rant of vitriol towards President Trump that matches the hatred he expressed for Trump in his texts with Page. He has even revealed new and possibly classified or confidential investigative detail – or simply told lies – on Twitter,” Swecker wrote, paraphrasing fake Strzok tweets.

As this is published, the real Strzok has only posted two tweets, and neither of them attack[s] the president.

Trump promoted a column featuring fake Strzok quotes just minutes after he posted a tweet that employed circular reasoning to make a case that the FBI is infected with anti-Trump bias.

Lies piled on lies, obstruction piled on obstruction.

Fetish or latest woke thing?

Aug 15th, 2018 11:27 am | By

Oh, a new one – I thought it was just a joke/analogy to talk about “identifying as” an infant but no, of course not, I should have known: it’s a Thing. It’s Adult Babies.

It starts with Neville Southall and (of course) Twitter:

Big Nev has latterly taken to tweeting about social and political issues from a left-wing / liberal perspective, building his follower list to a hefty 144,000.

As part of his aims to spread awareness about various issues, he regularly hands over control of his account to different charities – past participants have been LGBT groups, sex worker groups and a drugs helpline.

Which brings us to Wednesday, when it was announced that a a woman who runs an adult nursery – that’s a nursery for adults who pretend they are babies for therapeutic reasons – would take over the account on August 21.

Grace Rogers, who runs Mummy Grace’s adult nursery and is also a psychotherapist, describes her business as “a welcoming space where Adult Babies… and those seeking to consider events of their early years are free to explore their younger sides.”

Then there was a “duck’s off” tweet – i.e. Southall canceled the adult baby takeover.

It turns out that some people replied to Southall’s and Rogers’ tweets announcing the takeover to say that ABDL (shorthand for the adult baby community, meaning adult baby diaper lover) is in fact a fetish and has a sexual element, something Rogers strongly denies.

Others complained that the act of dressing up like a baby was “triggering” to survivors of sexual abuse as children.


So – any bets? Will this be that time a fetish hilarious to outsiders almost became a social justice thing but didn’t and everyone laughed? Or will it be that time a fetish hilarious to outsiders became a social justice thing in a matter of hours. In a few months will the Twitter ranters be ranting about ABERFs instead of TERFs? You may ask what do radical feminist have to do with adult babies, but come on now – who is expected to do all the work when it comes to babies? Uh huh. It will be ABERFs if it’s anything.


Shermer devotes entire issue to lobster man

Aug 15th, 2018 10:43 am | By

Oh lord – just what the world needs.

Marsh – part of the brilliant team that organizes QED – remarks:

Egg or chicken?

Aug 15th, 2018 9:42 am | By

Greg Sargent at the Post notes that in primaries, Republicans who are critical of Trump lose to Republicans who passionately defend whatever he does, in particular his bragging about grabbing women by the pussy.

The big news in Tuesday night’s elections is the defeat of GOP establishment pick Tim Pawlenty in the Minnesota GOP gubernatorial primary, at the hands of a full-blown Trump loyalist. This makes a Democratic victory in the state more likely, and crucially, it probably makes it easier for Democrats to hold a couple of House seats they are defending in the state, which is key to Democrats’ hopes of taking back the lower chamber this fall.

Beyond this, Pawlenty’s loss provides a useful way to try to understand what is happening in the GOP of the Trump era. After it happened, Pawlenty told reporters:

“The Republican Party has shifted. It is the era of Trump and I’m just not a Trump-like politician.”

The phrase “Trump-like politician,” it turns out, is basically a euphemism for a “politician who is willing to defend President Trump at his most reprehensible moments.” The man who decisively defeated Pawlenty, local commissioner Jeff Johnson, actually ran an ad that blasted Pawlenty for failing to stand by Trump after the news broke of the “Access Hollywood” video, which featured Trump boasting in extremely lewd fashion about his ability to carry out sexual assaults with impunity.

He goes on to say it’s a pattern, and gives other examples, all centering on the pussy grabber tape.

In most of these cases, the offending act was not merely a personal betrayal of Trump. More precisely, the offending act was to display weakness — in the face of widespread moral condemnation of Trump’s reprehensible misogynistic boasting over his dalliances into sexual abuse and assault — when the stakes were high enough to demand fortitude in response to that condemnation.

In both ads cited above, the disloyal Republican was condemned for going weak-kneed when the Supreme Court (and with it, long-term conservative priorities) were “on the line.” As the ad from Johnson (who won in Minnesota) noted, it was a mark of him being a true “conservative” that he did not “panic when it matters most.”

What I wonder though is which part really weighs the most heavily. Is it really about the Supreme Court, with the pussy grabbing being just a painful hurdle to jump? Or is it the other way around? Is it really the sacred right of men to talk about women with hostile contempt, with the Supreme Court as just a nice bonus?

Or to put it less strongly, sure, it’s about the Court, but it’s silly to pretend the pussy grabbing is a big problem for them, something they have to struggle to tolerate in order to get forced-pregnancy judges onto the Court. They don’t mind the pussy grabbing because they share Trump’s hostile contempt for women. That’s part of why they want the forced-pregnancy judges on the Court, after all.

Their placards excluded men

Aug 14th, 2018 4:46 pm | By

There was a Dyke March in Vancouver. You’ll never guess what happened. Danielle Cormier was there:

Having chosen “lesbian heroes” as our theme for this year’s March, we carried homemade signs that featured lesbians we admire — our lesbian heroes — pioneers who have made significant contributions to lesbian culture or allies in the ongoing struggle for lesbian sexual autonomy.

Many of these women are on the ever-growing list of lesbians considered enemies and “bigots” due to their views on gender, female space, or our right to gather separate from males, among peers, and to determine for ourselves who those peers are.

The roster of lesbians whose names have become taboo, forbidden, and synonymous with hatred is notable. Lesbian feminist historian, Max Dashu, has been smeared as a “TERF” (trans-exclusionary feminist) and a bigot, no-platformed from the Witches Confluence in San Francisco after participating in the San Francisco Dyke March, along with allied lesbians, who carried signs reading “Proud to be Lesbian” and “Lesbian Visibility.” The works of women like Julie Bindel, Sheila Jeffreys, Janice Raymond, and Mary Daly are expunged from bookshelves, gender studies departments, and reading lists of LGBTQ centres. This makes them inaccessible to young lesbians wanting to know about their history. Protests are organized against spaces that carry the writings and stories of these lesbians — literal erasure (pun intended). Their crime? Analyzing how gender identity ideologies affect the material lives of women and women’s sex-based rights.

If women – lesbian and straight – can’t talk about what we mean by “gender identities” and how the ideas about them play out in real life, then how can feminism exist at all? Gender identity is the prison feminism has always wanted to tear down, not embrace while saying we can all pick our own.

Our group — The Lesbians Collective — wanted to honour and make visible our lesbian heritage by featuring some of the lesbians that have been erased from our history. We made many placards featuring our lesbian heros and included a quote from each one. Many of these quotes spoke to these women’s own experiences with the gender constraints imposed on all of us. One sign, for example, read, “When I was little, I told everybody I was a boy. I didn’t want a boy body, I just wanted the things boys have,” paraphrasing lesbian YouTuber, Peachyoghurt. Another paraphrases lesbian journalist Julie Bindel, and read, “I have lost count of all the times men have asked me how do lesbians manage to have sex without a penis.”

While we were gathering near McSpadden Park, where the march was to begin, we were approached by two members of the Vancouver Dyke March board. They told us that our T-shirts and placards excluded transwomen and since this was an “inclusive march” we would have to remove them if we wanted to participate. We were additionally told that if any of our signs, banners, or t-shirts included the venus symbol — representing  “woman” — (the two interlocked venus symbols have always meant lesbian) or “XX,” symbolizing the female sex chromosome, we would also have remove them.

Think about that. Think about it and then think about it again. It’s a Dyke March, and the dykes are being told they can’t carry signs quoting other dykes because they “exclude” men who identify as trans women. It’s a Dyke March, and the dykes are being told they have to be “inclusive” of men.

They respectfully declined to get rid of their signs and T-shirts, and joined the march, and so they were mobbed.

During the march, board members, organizers, volunteers, and their supporters — male and female — surrounded us, yelled “TERF bigots;” pointed a megaphone at us, chanting, “Tranwomen are women,” “This is an inclusive march,” and, “There is no room for hate at the Dyke March.” One particularly aggressive trans-identified male ran through our group repeatedly, yelling “Get your ‘Fuck TERFs’ pin!” in the faces of individual women in our group, and trying to hand out said pins, which we refused. Others formed a human barricade in front of us, separating us from the rest of the march, which had the effect of insulating us within the crowd of people who were harassing us, and shielding the rest of the march from witnessing this harassment.

The March board put out a statement afterwards. It’s not pleasant reading.

Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday, those who could not make it and sent their love and support, all the folks who donated to make this march possible, and especially our volunteers!

Unfortunately, a hate group showed up at the beginning of the Vancouver Dyke March. About thirty people, who we will identify as TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists), came to the March in an organized group behind the school at McSpadden Park.

Before the March, we took steps to improve safety and inclusivity at the event, which included volunteer training focused on anti-oppression, de-escalation, and non-violent conflict intervention strategies, obtaining radios for our volunteer marshaling team and peacebearers, placing additional marshals at points where folks may be intentionally made to feel unsafe, and reaching out to other organizations for volunteers and added support during the March.

As soon as we were notified of TERF presence at the March, we took the action based on our de-escalation strategy, which was created in consultation with folks from the community, including:

– At the beginning of our gathering at McSpadden Park, we were advised that rocks, and papers wrapped around rocks, with hateful and trans-exclusionary messages written on them had been scattered at the park and placed in the children’s playground. Our teams of volunteers and board members worked to find and remove these messages, while keeping their eyes out for further concerns.

– Our March radioed our Festival at Grandview Park for extra support, and volunteers were sent to act as additional marshaling support.

– Once the location of the hate group was identified, two board members spoke to this group. The group was informed that the Vancouver Dyke March is a trans-inclusive event, that we are working hard to create a safer and more inclusive space, and they were asked not to bring trans-exclusionary signs into the March, or wear trans-exclusionary shirts. They were advised of our participant code of conduct and that a coordinated effort to discriminate on the basis of gender identity is contrary to our code of conduct. They were advised of our safety ground rules, including that there would be no physical contact with other March participants. About two members of the group chose to take a physical copy of our code of conduct, the others refused.

– When the group refused to remove their signs and shirts, they were asked to leave. They walked away from our board members but refused to leave the area.

They shouldn’t have been asked to remove their signs and shirts, and they shouldn’t have been asked to leave.

– When the March began, we had marshals and peacebearers placed around the perimeter of the March. Our volunteer rainbow teams, which are teams of multiple volunteers working in groups with inclusive signs and positive messages, as well as our peace bearers, and additional marshals escorted the hate group. These teams used a megaphone to encourage inclusive chants to drown out exclusionary messages and raised trans flags to counter hate signs.

– The hate group continued past the festival. Their exit from the festival grounds was supervised by our rainbow team and peace bearers. Additional marshals were placed at entrances across Grandview Park to ensure they did not attempt to access the festival.

The Vancouver Dyke March is upset, angry, and disappointed by the actions of those people who sought to reject and exclude valued members of our communities, including trans folks.

The Dyke March is upset that some Dykes don’t agree that men can be lesbians – so upset that they tried to exclude them from the march and then bullied them throughout the march.

Back to Cormier:

The lesbians who originally began these marches out of a desire to celebrate lesbians and to have a space of their own, separate from men, would no longer be welcome in LGTBQ spaces or events today — even the Dyke March itself. In  2018, the Dyke March has become an event where lesbians who refuse to accept males either as peers and/or sexual partners are told they are not welcome, branded a hate group, and harassed and threatened if they defiantly and peacefully participate anyway. All under the dubious rubric of inclusivity. One must ask how “inclusive” it is to ban lesbians from the Dyke March?

Zero. It is zero inclusive. It’s also bullying, stupid, hostile, politically suicidal, and generally fucked up.

Lesbians are being told to accept males as female, and therefore to accept men as “lesbians.” Those of us who reject the notion that a man can be a lesbian and continue to maintain our sexual boundaries are labelled hateful bigots on account of being “trans-exclusive.” But there is no such thing as a “trans-inclusive” lesbian — lesbians are, by definition, adult females exclusively attracted to other adult females. If a female is attracted to male-bodied persons, she is heterosexual. If she is attracted to both males and females, she is bisexual. These are perfectly fine things to be, but do not make a woman a “lesbian.”

Similarly, there is no such thing as a male lesbian, as, again, a lesbian is an adult female attracted to other adult females. This has always been true. We did not just invent that definition — it has always excluded males. Eons before trans-identified males and the trans movement, lesbians were exclusively attracted to females. Lesbians have always and will continue to exist. This has always made men angry and continues to today.

Yes but now they have found the perfect way to force lesbians to put them first and at the same time to shit on all lesbians who won’t comply.

In trans activist and social justice circles online and in the real world, it is commonly and openly agreed that using the word female or female specific language is “exclusionary” and proof someone is a bigot — an oppressor. There is now a concerted campaign to make the word female and all female language forbidden. This is the literal erasure of women.

As with Planned Parenthood talking about “people” having abortions.

But it doesn’t stop there. Being branded a “TERF” forever guarantees a “shoot now, ask questions never” approach tied to a “you asked for it” attitude where, increasingly, any and all retaliatory behaviours are considered justified. A fundraiser for Baltimore Pride was held this year, called QueerQrush. The event description read:

“#QueerQrush is an ALL INCLUSIVE dance party that’s welcome and open to everyone that wants to come! That does NOT include you if you participate in racism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, misogyny, sexism, bigotry, or general creepiness. This is NOT a safe space for abusers and any of the above behaviours will NOT be tolerated…

…TERFs will be hung by their necks.”

TERFs will be murdered by lynching. You couldn’t make it up. How did we get here? How did we get to a place where women who don’t agree that men are women are told they will be lynched?

You will notice that self-identified “transmen” (who are born female) are not campaigning to bully gay men into dating them or sleeping with them. Transmen have not invented a term like the “cotton ceiling” to refer to the “problem” of gay men who refuse someone of the opposite sex as a sexual partner.

Because girls and women are never allowed to develop a sense of entitlement that colossal, while apparently men are. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Foreplay is supposed to hurt, yeah?

Aug 14th, 2018 3:24 pm | By

Guess what: porn has a bad effect on teenage boys’ ideas about sex.

High school rapists are so influenced by pornography and so lacking in sex education, they think their victims’ tears are “part of foreplay,” says Laura Bates, founder of the Everyday Sexism campaign.

Bates shared this shocking finding at the Edinburgh Book Festival, as she warned of an epidemic of sexual assault in British schoolyards — where a rape a day occurs during term time. In the three years to 2015, 600 rapes in U.K. schools were reported to police, according to the Times of London.

Due to schools’ lack of sufficient policies for dealing with the problem, victims of assault are then being returned to classrooms with their attackers. The ongoing absence of mandated sex and relationship lessons — which Bates thinks should begin before students reach their older teen years — also means there are no correctives for the “misogynistic and dehumanizing” nature of pornography that can be easily accessed online. And with schools using guidance formulated 20 years ago, “for all these people experiencing online porn and sexting there is absolutely no advice at all,” Bates said.

“I went to a school recently where they had a rape case involving a 14-year-old boy and a teacher had said to him, ‘Why didn’t you stop when she was crying?’ and he looked straight back at her, quite bewildered, and said, ‘Because it is normal for girls to cry during sex,’” Bates recalled.

Well, it’s normal for girls to cry if you stab them or pinch them hard or yank their hair out, too, but is that a reason to keep doing it? I’m having a hard time understanding the thinking here. If she’s crying she’s not happy; that’s not “during sex” it’s “while I’m hurting her.” If she’s crying, how about stop whatever you’re doing and ask her why? How about treat her like a person not an orgasm-dispenser?

What is the matter with people? (Porn, is clearly one answer, but there’s still the problem of thinking “that other person who isn’t me is crying, good-oh, I’ll keep doing more of the same.”)

“I go into schools and talk to children around that age all the time who think that crying is part of foreplay because they have seen so much online porn that normalises violence and treats women in a way that is incredibly misogynistic and dehumanising.”

I guess it’s just hopelessly naïve to think sex should be erotic rather than dehumanizing.

The most taboo word of all

Aug 14th, 2018 11:52 am | By

Planned Parenthood on Facebook:

Image may contain: text

It’s common to have a wide range of feelings after an abortion. Some people may feel anger, regret, guilt, or sadness, but many ultimately feel relief. And the truth is that most people who have an abortion don’t regret it.

Women. The word is womenWomen have abortions. Men do not. Generic “people” do not. Women do. This refusal to say the word “women” has got to stop.

That guy to the left of the purple caption? That’s a guy. He didn’t have an abortion, so he can’t regret his abortion, because he didn’t have one. He’s not part of the class of people who can need abortions, because he’s not part of the class of people who can get pregnant. There’s no reason to be “inclusive” of that guy.

Wormleighton St Mary

Aug 14th, 2018 11:24 am | By

By way of refreshment: