The real estate exemption

Oct 13th, 2018 9:44 am | By

The Times on Prince Jared’s awesome scam to avoid paying federal income tax:

Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

How? Via deduction for “depreciation.”

But the losses were only on paper — Mr. Kushner and his company did not appear to actually lose any money. The losses were driven by depreciation, a tax benefit that lets real estate investors deduct a portion of the cost of their buildings from their taxable income every year.

Every year? No matter what? But real estate values are going up in most places, not down.

In theory, the depreciation provision is supposed to shield real estate developers from having their investments whittled away by wear and tear on their buildings.

Excuse me??

Why? Why do we do that? Most of us don’t get to deduct anything for “wear and tear” so why do real estate developers?

I suppose the short yet complete answer is lobbying.

The law assumes that buildings’ values decline every year when, in reality, they often gain value. Its enormous flexibility allows real estate investors to determine their own tax bills.

And then use the money they save on taxes to buy the presidency and destroy everything.

The White House last year championed a sweeping revision of the nation’s tax laws that expanded many of the benefits enjoyed by real estate investors, allowing them to reap even larger deductions.

“The Trump administration was in a position to clean up the tax code and promised to get rid of some of the complexity that certain taxpayers use to their advantage,” said Victor Fleischer, a tax law professor at the University of California, Irvine. “Instead, they doubled down on those provisions, particularly the ones they have familiarity with to benefit themselves.”

Of course they did. There’s probably a deduction for eating two scoops of ice cream.

World record

Oct 13th, 2018 8:52 am | By

Talk about shameless…

Make sure they can’t vote

Oct 12th, 2018 6:00 pm | By

More shameless voter suppression, this time in North Dakota.

The high court decided 6 to 2 Tuesday to leave in place a state law that requires residents to provide an ID displaying a residential address rather than a P.O. box number to vote. Republican lawmakers who pushed for the measure say the rule is designed to combat voter fraud.

But tribal officials and Democrats say it appears aimed at making it harder for thousands of Native Americans to vote, particularly those who live on reservations without conventional street names. The law specifically bans the use of P.O. boxes as an alternative form of address, rendering many tribal ID cards invalid.

But tribal officials have a plan.

Native American activists have responded with plans to create addresses on the spot for those who need them on Election Day.

Tribal officials will stand outside polling stations on Nov. 6 with laptops and access to rural addressing software and a shared database of voter names. North Dakota is the only state that does not require voter registration, meaning eligible voters can generally show up at the polls and cast a ballot so long as they have proper identification.

No doubt Brett Kavanaugh will go there and tear up all those ballots personally.

In his pocket

Oct 12th, 2018 5:09 pm | By

Back in March there were news stories about Jared Kushner sharing intelligence with the Saudi dictators.

Jared Kushner discussed classified information from the president’s daily briefing with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who bragged that he had Kushner “in his pocket,” The Intercept reported on Wednesday, citing an unnamed source.

Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser,had access to the briefing, a highly sensitive intelligence update meant to be seen by only the president and his top advisers, before being stripped of his top-secret security clearance last month.

And, if this is accurate, he blabbed about it. To Saudi assistant-dictator Mohammed bin Salman, who apparently had Jamal Khashoggi killed last week.

When Salman became the heir to the throne in June, the daily briefing began to focus on shifting political allegiances in Saudi Arabia and named several Saudi royals opposing the crown prince, the Intercept report said.

Kushner then made a surprise trip to Riyadh in October, reportedly staying up until 4 a.m. with Salman to discuss strategy.

Several sources told The Intercept that after the meeting, Salman told close confidants that Kushner had spilled the names of the Saudi royals “disloyal” to the prince — something Kushner’s camp denies strongly.

Salman told the United Arab Emirates crown prince about the meeting with Kushner, bragging that he had Kushner “in his pocket,” The Intercept reported, citing “a source who talks frequently to confidants of the Saudi and Emirati rulers.”

Maybe it’s just gossip, maybe it’s true. There’s no way to know because Trump and his mob don’t adhere to the rules on transparency.

Identity is a relation

Oct 12th, 2018 12:14 pm | By

Jane Clare Jones explains to us about deconstruction and social construction and identity and trans doctrine.

The notion of identity, and what we mean by identity, is key to this whole story. And the infinite irony of the way mangled-post-structuralism is currently washing around in the background of this debate is that if I had to sum up the core of deconstruction in one line, I’d say ‘it’s the critique of identity.’ That is, deconstruction properly interpreted is actually a really useful tool for explaining what’s so wrong with trans rights claims that ‘I AM WHAT I SAY I AM,’ and ‘I am the determinant of my identity,’ and, equally, the idea that identity is ‘a simple case of individual rights.’ Because the core deconstructive insight, as I’ve laid out before, is not that nothing means anything, or that things are just what we randomly decide they are, or that everything is simply ‘discursively constituted.’ The key deconstructive insight is that the being of things – that is, their ‘identity’ – is not just something which exists only and exclusively inside those things. It is, rather, something that exists between one thing and other things. That is, the key deconstructive insight is that identity is, in fact, a relation.

Which of course is why there is any conflict at all. For the activist types it’s not just about being a woman, it’s about getting on Twitter and telling everyone else you’re a woman. With menaces.

That identity necessarily involves relation all becomes painfully, politically obvious in how this whole thing is playing out in practice. Someone can claim that trans people have an absolute right to determine their identity, but were that actually a simple ontological truth, then we wouldn’t be in an endless, fraught spiral about pronouns and misgendering and the world’s recalcitrant refusal to offer up the correct ‘validation.’ Being what you are is not merely a matter of a feeling, or of a ‘feeling of some fundamental essence.’ It’s a matter of being recognised by other human beings as the thing that you think you are.[2] It’s a matter of social relations. And this is why we’re in this whole fucking nightmare mess. Because we have a political movement claiming, on the one hand, that this is just a matter of identity, and it doesn’t affect anyone else, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a nasty evil bigot, while, at the same time, because identity is all about social relations, they’re throwing a ton of their political weight into trying to control people’s speech, and behaviours, to enforce the validation of those identities.

I think one reason this gets on my nerves more than it does some people’s nerves is that I was such a little egomaniac as a kid. All kids are to some extent, because of theory of mind, but I think I was toward the worse end of the spectrum, maybe because I was such an awkward dork in school. I’ve been leaning hard in the other direction ever since I realized how bad and stupid egomania is, so a political movement that revolves entirely around Muh Identuhtee and what the entire world has to do to “validate” it makes my skin crawl, and seems to be to be the antithesis of progressive. This post of Jane’s puts it in less emotive terms along with clarifying it beautifully.

Guest post: At the mercy of black box algorithms trained by skewed data

Oct 12th, 2018 11:47 am | By

Originally a comment by latsot on The AI did not like women.

The interesting part (well. at least to people like me) is this:

It penalized resumes that included the word “women’s,” as in “women’s chess club captain.” And it downgraded graduates of two all-women’s colleges, according to people familiar with the matter.

Nobody told it to take notice of the word “women’s”, it worked that out all by itself. This is one of the deeper problems of machine learning: the software can generate unexpected concepts and make decisions based on them and there’s often no way to know this is happening. Sometimes these concepts can perform well in a task, but then start to do badly when input data gradually changes. Sometimes they can bias future learning even more than it is already biassed.

There are lots and lots (and lots) of problems with algorithms running everything. Having no way to tell why particular decisions have been made is one of them. Trying to fix a bad process by training with the data that it produced is another (in the other room I mentioned the AI system lots of police forces use to predict crime. SPOILER: it picks black neighborhoods) is another.

But by far the biggest problem is the widespread assumption that if the programmers try hard enough, the algorithm can do everything. Which, to be fair, is an assumption everyone I have ever worked for has shared and is not only an AI issue. The UK’s porn filters and the proposed EU copyright filters are examples of systems that can not possibly work. Youtube’s copyright filter has proven this over and over again but nobody seems to take any notice.

I’ve drifted off-topic but my point is that this story is entirely unsurprising to anyone who works in the field (and, I assume, many who don’t). It’s going to happen more and more. We’re increasingly at the mercy of black box algorithms trained by skewed data with – for all anyone knows – capricious or malevolent intent. It’s as dystopian as hell.

The most persuasive and gruesome evidence

Oct 12th, 2018 10:57 am | By

The Post reports that Turkey says there is video of the torture and murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

The recordings show that a Saudi security team detained Khashoggi in the consulate after he walked in Oct. 2 to obtain an official document before his upcoming wedding, then killed him and dismembered his body, the officials said.

The audio recording in particular provides some of the most persuasive and gruesome evidence that the Saudi team is responsible for Khashoggi’s death, the officials said.

Turkey doesn’t want to share the recordings because they’re not supposed to be spying on other people’s consulates.

Mohammed has billed himself as a reformer and moderating force in Saudi Arabia, and he has become a key strategic partner in particular to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser.

Kushner has tried to promote Mohammed to skeptical national security officials, who have long viewed him as an impetuous and ruthless leader who has an overly simplistic view of the complex challenges the United States faces in the Middle East.

Now there’s a throbbing example of why we don’t want Trump’s ignorant stupid relatives holding powerful jobs in government: we don’t want Jared fucking Kushner trying to promote the thug MSB to skeptical national security officials, because what does Jared fucking Kushner know about it?

Not cricket

Oct 12th, 2018 9:58 am | By

Humanists UK has more:

Update, 2 pm: Gulalai has now been released on bail, but her passport has not been returned to her, and she is still unable to leave Pakistan because she is on an ‘exit control list’. Humanists UK is now focused on ensuring she is not prosecuted for any crime and regains the right to travel.

Original story: Pakistani human rights campaigner Gulalai Ismail was arrested at Islamabad Airport today on her return from the UK. Humanists UK has joined other humanist organisations from across the world in calling for her immediate release.

Gulalai was in London to attend the Board meeting of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), of which she is a director. She also attended Humanist UK’s Conservative Party fringe event as a guest speaker alongside Crispin Blunt MP and Humanists UK’s Chief Executive Andrew Copson.

But Pakistan has theocratic tendencies and it doesn’t like to see its people speaking at humanist conferences.

Among other human rights work, Gulalai is the founder of Aware Girls, an organisation which works to empower and educate women and girls on rights and leadership in Pakistan, and mentored Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, whom she also visited when in the UK last week.

That’s how I first learned of her: on Twitter, the day Malala was shot.

Humanists UK Chief Executive and President of IHEU Andrew Copson said:

‘We are gravely concerned for our dear friend and colleague. Gulalai is a brave humanist and human rights activist, whose tireless efforts for peace and human rights have earned her respect around the world. Pakistan should be proud to have produced such a daughter and we urge the authorities to release her, return her passport, and restore her freedom to travel.

‘We have written today to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Pakistan High Commission in London urging them to support Gulalai’s urgent release and offer her the full protection of the law.’

Crispin Blunt MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Humanist Group, said:

‘The news that human rights activist Gulalai Ismail was arrested in Pakistan on her return from the United Kingdom is a truly appalling apparent reflection on Pakistan and its attachment or otherwise to democracy, freedom of expression and the rule of law and a bitter disappointment to those of us who had such expectations of Imran Khan’s new administration. Has the education he received at the University of Oxford counted for nothing, quite apart from cricket’s lessons in fair play?

‘Gulalai has been a strong advocate of human rights, including building democracy, empowerment of women and girls, and countering violent extremism. I had the pleasure to speak alongside her just eleven days ago at Conservative Party Conference at a meeting of Humanists UK.

‘I am beyond concerned that such a prominent human rights advocate should be arrested on her return to Pakistan when she had made such a positive impression abroad, as well as winning admiration for her extraordinary courage.

‘I have written today to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Pakistan High Commission in London urging them to support Gulalai’s urgent release and offer her the full protection of the law.’

Gulalai with Malala earlier this week.

She would be incredible

Oct 12th, 2018 9:28 am | By

Special meaning of “everyone” – everyone he talks to, everyone on Fox, everyone in his administration.

Actually, in reality, probably not even all of them. Trump’s abysmal theory of mind is quite capable of translating one person who nervously said (when asked) that it would be okay into everyone actively wanting it.

Because why would anyone actually want Ivanka Trump as UN ambassador? She’s a fashion marketer with no obvious intelligence and very obviously no expertise or knowledge. You might as well want any random person you pass on the street to be UN ambassador.

Princess Ivanka is neither intelligent nor informed, plus she’s deeply tainted by most of what we know about her – by her father, her acceptance of a job in a presidential administration that she is in no way qualified for, her acquiescence in her father’s disgusting policies and actions, her marriage to the corrupt Jared Kushner, and no doubt more. It’s not just that she’s not good enough, it’s also that she’s much too bad.

And then there’s Trump’s breezy disdain for the law against nepotism. Yes, people would say making Princess Ivanka the US ambassador to the UN would be called nepotism, because it would be nepotism. Nepotism is bad and we don’t want it and there are laws against it. Trump thinks he gets to flout and laugh at laws that should constrain him, and that makes him a dictator.

Who is this “Steve Bannon”?

Oct 12th, 2018 9:13 am | By

About that citizenship question on the census

Wilbur Ross spoke with Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, before including on the 2020 census a question about people’s citizenship, the Justice Department said in a court document that appears to contradict what the commerce secretary told Congress.

The disclosure came in a lawsuit by more than a dozen states, cities and advocacy groups seeking to block the U.S. from asking the question, claiming it’s discriminatory and designed to reduce the accuracy of the count by cutting participation.

In other words, Ross “appears to” have lied to Congress. That’s a no-no.

Ross has denied speaking to Bannon, a vocal opponent of immigration, telling a congressional committee in March that he was “not aware” of any discussions with the president or anyone else in the White House about the citizenship question.

Remember when Steve Bannon was just one of the trolls? Those were the days.

An impolite arrogant woman

Oct 12th, 2018 8:38 am | By

John Kelly really doesn’t like women.

Remember the lies he told about Representative Frederica Wilson? It was just a year ago.

Kelly claimed Wilson had boasted of securing “$20 million” in federal funding to build a new FBI field office in Miami during the dedication ceremony for the building in 2015. He also called the congresswoman an empty barrel, saying her remarks focused more on her own actions than the heroism of the two FBI agents for whom the new building had been named.

But a Sun Sentinel video of the building dedication ceremony confirmed that she had not taken credit for the building’s funding.

Asked Monday if he felt like he needed to apologize for his comments about Wilson, Kelly said, “Oh, no. No. Never. Well, I’ll apologize if I need to. But for something like that, absolutely not. I stand by my comments.”

Apologize for telling disparaging lies about her? Absolutely not. A white military man in a powerful job apologize to a black woman for telling disparaging lies about her? Oh hell no.

And he doesn’t like Elizabeth Warren, either. She has the gall to talk to him as to an equal, to dispute him, to rebuke actions by the administration he’s part of. How dare she.

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Sen. Elizabeth Warren an “impolite arrogant woman” in a private email he exchanged last year with his top aide following a telephone conversation with the Massachusetts Democrat about the Trump administration’s travel ban.

“Absolutely most insulting conversation I have ever had with anyone,” Kelly, then serving as the secretary of homeland security, wrote to Kevin Carroll, who was then his senior counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, in an email from Feb. 8, 2017. “What an impolite arrogant woman. She immediately began insulting our people accusing them of not following the court order, insulting and abusive behavior towards those covered by the pause, blah blah blah.”

Not that it’s a pattern or anything.

Tickets cost between $72.48 and $228.44

Oct 11th, 2018 5:42 pm | By

Oh good grief.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are taking their show on the road.

You what? What show? They’re not performers.

The famous political couple, who individually charge well into six figures for an address, is launching a 13-city joint public speaking tour of the U.S. and Canada titled “An Evening with the Clintons” that kicks off Nov. 18 in Las Vegas.

Ew. Ew ew ew. The famous centrist couple, who have been way too cozy with the billionaire set all along, want you to give them even more money for the high privilege of watching them talk some more. Can you say “vanity project”?

The tickets are expensive; surprise surprise.

“Experience a one-of-a-kind conversation with two individuals who have helped shape our world and had a front seat to some of the most important moments in modern history,” the public relations copy for the tour reads. “From the American presidency to the halls of the Senate and State Department to one of the United States’ most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections, they provide a unique perspective on the past, and remarkable insight into where we go from here.”

That makes my toes curl with embarrassment. I know they like money, but couldn’t they try for a little dignity? They’re not a Vegas act.

The Clintons aren’t novices on the paid lecture circuit. From 2001 to 2015, they raked in more than $153 million in speaking fees for 729 events.

In other words, they’re greedy and they leveraged Bill’s presidency into an enormous pile of money…and now they want more.

The AI did not like women

Oct 11th, 2018 5:09 pm | By

Reuters reports: Inc’s (AMZN.O) machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women.

Garbage in garbage out, ya know. Misogyny in misogyny out. Underestimation of women in underestimation of women out.

The trouble is, they used resumes from the past ten years to train the computer models, and most of those came from – you’ll never guess – men.

Top U.S. tech companies have yet to close the gender gap in hiring, a disparity most pronounced among technical staff such as software developers where men far outnumber women. Amazon’s experimental recruiting engine followed the same pattern, learning to penalize resumes including the word “women’s” until the company discovered the problem.

Did they name the recruiting engine “Damore”?

Jordan Weissmann at Slate looks at the implications:

All of this is a remarkably clear-cut illustration of why many tech experts are worried that, rather than remove human biases from important decisions, artificial intelligence will simply automate them. An investigation by ProPublicafor instance, found that algorithms judges use in criminal sentencing may dole out harsher penalties to black defendants than white ones. Google Translate famously introduced gender biases into its translations. The issue is that these programs learn to spot patterns and make decisions by analyzing massive data sets, which themselves are often a reflection of social discrimination. Programmers can try to tweak the A.I. to avoid those undesirable results, but they may not think to, or be successful even if they try.

I feel as if feminism has been patiently explaining this since before Gutenberg, only to be sneered at and called politically correct (or a cunt). Biases against women are everywhere, they’re baked in, it doesn’t work to try to operate as if that all ended in 1971.

H/t Screechy Monkey

Wholly owned

Oct 11th, 2018 11:51 am | By

You don’t see presidents do this every day:

On Wednesday evening, Politico reported that Fox News, the last adherents of the air-every-Donald-Trump-rally-live philosophy, were backing off that policy. Fox News had been a respite for President Trump, who has praised the network for showing his rallies while other networks aired other coverage. Whatever else was going on, Fox could be relied on to stick with the president’s riffs and rants, no doubt to the enjoyment of much of its audience.

But Trump has already held six rallies this month, on 60 percent of the evenings in October so far. That’s a lot of time to devote to what is essentially the same thing over and over. Trump doesn’t have a stump speech, but he does have a stump patter. Pick out a string of four sentences from any of his recent events and they could probably slot, unedited, into any of the others. Why keep showing it? Ratings for the Trump Show, Politico reports, had started to slip below the standard ratings for the network’s prime time programming.

Not that Trump is at all boring or anything. It’s just that – oh look, is that a hedgehog?

So Trump got bumped. On Wednesday night, as Trump had a rally in Pennsylvania, Fox aired “The Story With Martha MacCallum.”

Asked about the move away from airing Trump’s rallies, unnamed White House officials told Politico that they “planned ‘to look into that,’ ” noting that the president’s current director of communications is Bill Shine, who came to the White House after years in a senior programming position at Fox News.

That. That’s what you don’t see presidents do every day. You don’t see presidents “look into it” when a network skips reporting on one of the president’s rallies, especially when that network has reported on all the preceding rallies as if they were visits from the Emperor of the Galaxy. You don’t see presidents leaning on news networks to give them free publicity.

Whether or not it was Shine’s work, Trump was back on Fox News in short order. At 9:20 p.m. — a little over an hour after the Politico piece was published — Fox sent out an alert: Trump would be interviewed in the 11 o’clock hour by host Shannon Bream. On Thursday morning, another late notice. Shortly before 7 a.m., the network informed the public that the president would also be calling in to “Fox and Friends,” his preferred morning cable news show.

Trump’s conversation with Bream and his call to “Fox and Friends” — a show with which Trump once had a deal to provide weekly call-in commentary — stretched for the better part of an hour, combined. On the morning program alone, Trump was given more than half an hour to expound on whatever subject he wished, loosely corralled by the show’s always generous hosts. The content was indistinguishable from the rally content: riffs about his various political opponents, vague assertions about his policy goals, disparagement of the news media. But because it was an interview, and not a rally, Fox aired it in full. And, for what it’s worth, other members of the media who might not pay much attention to a campaign rally tuned in, as well.

This is so ludicrous, and corrupt.


“What good does that do us?”

Oct 11th, 2018 11:27 am | By

The Post has more on Trump’s refusal to say “boo” to Saudi Arabia:

President Trump said Thursday that “it would not be acceptable to me” to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia in response to the disappearance last week of a Washington Post columnist after he entered the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, Trump said he was open to other actions but questioned the wisdom of not selling military weapons, saying Saudi Arabia could instead turn to Russia or China, hurting U.S. defense companies.

“What good does that do us?” Trump asked.

Spoken like a true narcissist. The issue isn’t doing us good, the issue is not supporting a regime that murders dissenters.

“We don’t like it, and we don’t like it even a little bit,” Trump said. “But as to whether or not we should stop $110 billion from being spent in this country, knowing they have four or five alternatives, two of them very good alternatives, that would not be acceptable to me.”

It’s all about the munnneee. They could shovel 90% of their population into incinerators and Trump would still talk about the munnneee.

This thing happened in Turkey

Oct 11th, 2018 10:52 am | By

Well there you go – he’s not even a citizen.

Stealing Georgia

Oct 11th, 2018 10:31 am | By

More on that being-stolen right in front of us election in Georgia:

It isn’t often you get to watch an election being stolen in real time, but that might be what is happening right now in Georgia.

When it comes to the nationwide, comprehensive, carefully planned Republican effort to suppress the votes of people who are likely to vote Democratic, particularly racial minorities, there is a menu of techniques Republicans employ — voter ID laws, voter purges, limiting early voting, closing polling places in heavily minority neighborhoods, and racial and partisan gerrymandering.

But Brian Kemp’s blatant theft is in a class by itself.

Paul Waldman recaps Ben Nadler’s reporting from yesterday then asks sarcastically who could have foreseen this.

We know who: the Republicans in the state legislature who passed the law and the Republican who’s implementing it. In fact, they passed their “exact match” law in 2017 after Kemp settled a lawsuit charging that a previous version of “exact match” was racially discriminatory. Kemp agreed to stop using it, but then the Republican-led legislature stepped in and wrote a new version of it into law so that the suppression could continue.

It’s a simple formula: the more difficult you make it to vote, the more you filter out people who lack time, resources, money, influence, social capital – in other words poor people, people of color, recent immigrants, single parents – people who don’t benefit from this system that tilts so strongly toward the prosperous and powerful, and thus vote for the party that does a little (a very little) more to try to make life less awful for those people.

We have to keep saying this: Suppressing the votes of Democrats is the whole point of these laws and procedures. Republicans claim to worry about “voter fraud,” and journalists dutifully repeat those claims because when one party says something over and over, you’re supposed to treat it as though it is serious. But everyone knows it’s nonsense. Voter fraud is almost nonexistent, and Republicans aren’t motivated by some deeply held abstract principle about the integrity of elections that they apply whether it helps them or not. It’s just a lie.

It’s also an example of how Republicans, who complain all the time about the stifling hand of big government, use their power to weaponize bureaucracy against people they don’t like. They impose “work requirements” on programs such as Medicaid, forcing recipients to navigate a bureaucratic maze in order to maintain their benefits — and if you make a mistake on a form, you can lose your health insurance. Did someone input an “i” in your name when it’s actually an “l”? Sorry, we’re suspending your registration. Haven’t voted in a couple of elections? We’re purging you from the rolls.

The final and perhaps cruelest piece of this puzzle is that Republicans have closed off the legal avenues for voters to challenge these discriminatory policies. In 2013, the Republican majority on the Supreme Court eviscerated the Voting Rights Act, in a case involving Shelby County, Ga. In a bit of head-spinning illogic, Chief Justice G. Roberts Jr. wrote that “largely because of the Voting Rights Act,” racial discrimination in voting had been greatly reduced, and therefore it was time to gut the Voting Rights Act. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg noted in her dissent, destroying the Voting Rights Act because it had succeeded in limiting discrimination was “like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.” Because of the Shelby County v. Holder decision, legal challenges to Kemp’s actions are unlikely to succeed.

Which probably explains why Kemp feels so comfortable doing all this in plain sight.


Oct 11th, 2018 10:11 am | By

X is jus making it a bit more inclusive, so it includes women of color, it includes trans women…

[through clenched teeth] “Women” already includes women of color, and it includes trans women for people who believe the formula “trans women are women.” The word “women” does not need to be “a bit more inclusive,” just as women don’t need to be colonized by men telling them to be more intersectional and inclusive by shutting up about women and talking about everyone else instead.

It’s both weird and alarming that the very word “women” is now being framed as selfish and exclusive.

Image result for cruella deville

Equal attention

Oct 11th, 2018 9:41 am | By

A pull quote I strongly disagree with.

“Feminism without intersectionality—in other words, without sensitivity and equal attention to other nexuses of discrimination and oppression, such as race and sexuality—is worthless.”


Feminism is feminism. It’s about resistance to and elimination of the subordination of women. Its attention is for that. Intersectionality is about awareness that there are other forms of oppression and subordination, all of which can affect women; it is not about giving equal attention to all forms of oppression and subordination.

I keep saying this, but I suspect it needs to be said more times than there are atoms in the universe: isn’t it interesting how it’s only feminism that is constantly shouted at for not shifting its attention to everything except its own oppression. Isn’t it just a classic illustration of why feminism is needed in the first place. Isn’t it interesting the way the entire world expects women to be the caretaking class and thus feminism to be the self-abnegating rebellion.

In short, fxck off.

If only it were an attempt to get away from patriarchal language

Oct 10th, 2018 5:53 pm | By

The BBC is on the “womxn” issue.

Womxn – to the untrained eye it may look like a typo.

But when the Wellcome Collection – a museum and library in London – sent a tweet promoting an event using the word it led to a Twitter backlash from hundreds of women, and an apology from the organisation.

Like women, womxn refers to females, but it is an attempt to get away from patriarchal language.

The hell it is. That was “womyn,” which was floated decades ago and was largely ignored. No, this is not about getting away from patriarchal language, it’s about making women more “inclusive,” which is quite a different thing. It’s about “including” men in the category “women.” That’s not anti-patriarchal.

Dr Clara Bradbury-Rance, fellow at King’s College London, said the spelling “stems from a longstanding objection to the word woman as it comes from man, and the linguistic roots of the word mean that it really does come from the word man”.

No, that’s “womyn.” A third spelling just confuses the matter.

The word is also supposed to be inclusive of trans women, and some non-binary people.

Men, in other words. (“Women” already includes trans women according to the “trans women are women” doctrine, so a new word for women is not needed.)

But the term led hundreds of people, many women, to mock and criticise the Wellcome Collection.

Guardian journalist Hadley Freeman said the museum’s “new gender categories are ‘men’ and ‘other'”.

Suzie Leighton said she would not be referred to as a womxn until men became mxn.

So did a lot of us. The omission is pretty striking. Isn’t it just so odd how it’s always women who are told to move over and give way and share and change and tweak in order to accommodate others (i.e. men) and never men who are told to do all that to make room for women?

The Wellcome Collection said it used the word womxn “with the intention of being inclusive”.

One of the groups that the term was supposed to include was trans women. But campaign group Trans Media Watch said it would never use that term.

Chair Jennie Kermode said: “We would generally just write women in the usual way because we feel it’s important for people to recognise that trans women are women.”

See? What I said.

The Beeb apparently hasn’t seen the Her Stories one yet.