How do we be more scary?

Jan 23rd, 2024 10:02 am | By

The Telegraph on the Jo Phoenix win:

The Open University “feared” being seen to support gender-critical beliefs when it failed to protect a professor from harassment, a judge ruled.

But the Open University apparently didn’t fear being seen to throw feminist women to the wolves.

Why is that?

Why is opprobrium from team luxury gender so much more terrifying than opprobrium from feminist women? Why do the small number of men who pretend to be women matter so vastly much more than half the population?

A ruling found that the Open University’s failure to protect her from harassment from colleagues and trans activists was motivated by “fear of being seen to support gender-critical beliefs” and “fear of the pro gender identity section” of the university.

So how do we get institutions to fear us even more than they fear trans activists? How do we get more scary? Halloween masks? Brandishing swords? What?

The tribunal heard that in June 2019 The Sunday Times published a letter signed by Prof Phoenix and other academics registering “disquiet over a perceived inappropriately close relationship between the LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall and UK universities”.

Her views were described as “problematic and scary” by senior lecturer Dr Deborah Drake, the hearing was told and another staff member demanded she be punished.

In October 2019 Prof Louise Westmarland reduced Prof Phoenix to tears when she raised her gender-critical views in a meeting.

“Prof Westmarland said to [Prof Phoenix] that ‘having you in the department was like having a racist uncle at the Christmas dinner table’,” the tribunal found.

I wonder if Louise Westmarland ever apologized. I wonder what she’s thinking now.

When he heard the word cognitive

Jan 23rd, 2024 9:49 am | By

Trump tells us how very very very intelligent he is.

Who’s “we”?

Jan 23rd, 2024 9:40 am | By

Guardian columnist Zoe Williams says what now?

THIS MUCH uncritical air time to gender critical feminists? THIS MUCH? WHAT “this much”? They’ve given a lot of uncritical air time to men who pretend to be women and very god damn little to women who say men can’t be women.

Also note that because Woman’s Hour talked about a gender critical feminist on one episode Williams thinks trans enthusiasts should get a Trans Hour for “balance.” One episode for Woman’s Hour, an entire daily hour-long program for Trans Hour. “Balance.”

What a contemptible antifeminist backstabbing creep.

In other news

Jan 22nd, 2024 4:44 pm | By

There’s also the tribunal. “SU” is service user.

Updating to add: Background and initials at Adams vs Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

Why in HELL would a rape crisis center employ “nonbinary” people? Other than because a man who pretends to be a woman is the boss and he told them to?

Note the scrupulous rule about “not disclosing sex information about staff” coupled with the complete lack of scrupulous concern about the women they’re supposed to be helping. It’s sick.

A biological woman!

What a nightmare.

Who believe

Jan 22nd, 2024 4:20 pm | By

Meanwhile in good news –

Open University academic wins tribunal case over gender-critical views

A professor of criminology, who was compared with “a racist uncle at the Christmas table” because of her gender critical beliefs, has won an unfair dismissal claim against the Open University.

Prof Jo Phoenix, a lesbian who set up the Gender Critical Research Network (GCRN) at the OU, was also found to have suffered victimisation and harassment, as well as direct discrimination.

She becomes the latest in a series of gender critical feminists, who believe sex is biological, immutable and should be prioritised over gender identity, to win employment tribunals.

“Should be prioritised over gender identity” is a funny way of putting it. Gender idenniny is irrelevant to sex. It’s like saying sex should be prioritized over lipstick. Lipstick isn’t the same kind of thing as sex! Sex is more than accessories.

Phoenix resigned from the OU in December 2021. The tribunal found that she was constructively unfairly dismissed because the university breached the implied terms of trust and confidence in her employment contract and the duty to provide her with a suitable working environment. Remedies will be determined at a later date.

Hurry up.

It is though

Jan 22nd, 2024 4:07 pm | By
It is though


Being trans isn’t a belief system?

Then what is it???

Of course it’s a belief system. Without that it’s nothing: just a vacancy.

Saying otherwise is like saying being Catholic or Muslim or Mormon is not a belief system.

Unless, perhaps, RMW is being nitpicky about the “being” bit. Being or calling yourself trans (or Mormon etc) isn’t itself a belief system, it’s trans or Mormon ideology that’s the belief system, but I really doubt RMW was being that nitpicky. I think he was saying trans ideology is not an ideology. Ha. It so is.

All backwards

Jan 22nd, 2024 2:22 pm | By

The Guardian cautiously explains:

Westminster city council and Social Work England last week became the latest to join a list of organisations – including Arts Council England, a barristers’ chambers and a thinktank – found to have discriminated against a female worker because of their gender-critical beliefs.

No, her gender-critical beliefs. Just four words past “a female worker” we get the terrified “their” – how pathetic is that?

The social worker Rachel Meade’s win against the council and her profession’s regulator means she joins a select but growing group of gender-critical feminists who have successfully brought discrimination claims on the basis of their beliefs.

Their “beliefs” ffs – as if it weren’t something everyone knew until about ten years ago.

Gender-critical feminists believe sex is biological and cannot be changed…

No we don’t “believe” that; we know it. Everyone knows it, but a small set of people pretend not to, and try to force everyone else to pretend too.

On Monday, a tribunal began hearing a constructive dismissal claim from Roz Adams against Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. Next month, Kenny McBride’s case against the Scottish government is due to be heard in Glasgow, while judgments are pending in a claim from Prof Jo Phoenix against the Open University and that of the Green party’s former deputy leader Shahrar Ali against the party.

In all four cases – and more in the pipeline – the claimants argue they were discriminated against because they hold gender-critical beliefs.

Lewis said there would always be “bad eggs” but compared the situation to legal cases on manifestations of religious belief at work, such as wearing a cross.

But we’re not the ones with the religious belief! We’re not the ones wearing a fucking cross. We’re the ones who refuse to lie about who is what sex.

That’s quite an odd “perspective” then

Jan 22nd, 2024 1:59 pm | By
That’s quite an odd “perspective” then

Analogy failure.

The “questions being asked” are of course questions about magic gender.

Notice that “they” starts by boasting of “their” in depth understanding of biological sex and gender – the kind of “in depth” understanding of course that thinks men are women if they say they are.

But that pales in comparison to announcing that non-adherence to gender ideology is comparable to racism, homophobia, and misogyny.

What a piggy little twerp.

Updating to add information about this genius:

Che Barnes is a Gender Diversity and Inclusion Trainer – helping organisations bridge their knowledge gap on Gender Equality, inc intersex, transgender & non-binary. Science based talks, workshops & online course.

I’m sure it’s all very in-depth.

Temple v temple

Jan 22nd, 2024 11:22 am | By

Hindu nationalism marches on:

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the consecration on Monday of a grand temple to the Hindu god Lord Ram on a site believed to be his birthplace, in a celebratory event for the Hindu majority of the world’s most populous nation.

Believed by whom to be his birthplace? Certainly not everyone. Lord Ram is a “god”: a supernatural being. He wasn’t born anywhere, because he’s a fiction. He may be a very meaningful fiction, but that doesn’t make him a real person who had a real birthplace.

Hindu groups, Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and its affiliates have portrayed the temple opening as part of a Hindu renaissance after past centuries of subjugation by Muslim invaders and colonial powers.

In other words they’ve intensified the same old Hindu-Muslim rivalry that saw so many people massacred during Partition.

For decades, the temple site was bitterly contested by Hindus and minority Muslims, leading to nationwide riots in 1992 that killed 2,000 people, mainly Muslims, police say, after a Hindu mob destroyed a 16th-century mosque that had stood there.

So let’s have more of that, yeah?

India’s Hindus say the site is the birthplace of Lord Ram, and was holy to them long before Muslim Mughals razed a temple at the spot to build the Babri Masjid, or mosque, in 1528.

Nearly 5 centuries ago – but do let’s keep the quarrel going!

Guest post: Forced teaming within the chimeric “trans community”

Jan 22nd, 2024 10:58 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? at Miscellany Room 11.

Yet it’s gays and lesbian who are being smeared with the whole alphabet soup communniny phenomenon. It’s STRAIGHT men who are entering women’s sports and spaces, not gay men, yet you never hear of some HETEROTQAI+ communniny.

Excellent point. That’s why they’re so keen on enforcing “TWAW” and demanding the acceptance of transbians. They think it hides the paraphilia the same way they think they pass.

…the whole incoherent, asinine taxonomy of the trans system.

There’s forced teaming within the chimeric “trans community” itself, not just between the T and the LGB. What’s the common ground between AGP males forcing their way into women’s locker rooms for their own sexual gratification and teenage girls desperate enough to escape the strictures of femininity that they’re undergoing radical mastectomies and taking T? Which group is most likely to be driving the trans “movement” as a whole, and to whose benefit?

I wonder how much of the belligerence and bullying would disappear from the discussions around gender identity if you could remove the AGPs, and the trans “allies” who are only in it for the “righteous” misogyny? And if you could subtract those who would desist, the social contagion bandwagoneers, duped autistic kids, and trendy, spicy-straight “queers,” would that leave behind only a small(?) core of genuinely dysphoric people, for whom watchful waiting will not be enough? Likely a very small group, whose needs are poorly served by the current configuration of gender identitarianism? We’ll never know.

Watch your mouth

Jan 22nd, 2024 10:22 am | By

Prizes for avoiding Bad words like “girls” and “boys”:

More than 300 schools have been told to stop calling pupils ‘boys and girls’ after signing up to a scheme run by a controversial trans rights lobbying group.

Primaries, secondaries and even nurseries teaching children as young as two receive awards from the charity Stonewall if they ‘remove any unnecessarily gendered language’ from the classroom.

They are urged to use ‘they’ instead of ‘he’/’she’ and ‘children’ or ‘young people’ instead of ‘boys and girls’. 

That’s pretty crappy journalism (Daily Mail; sorry), since it makes three conflicting claims in those three sentences. Which is it? Have schools been told to stop? Or are they being bribed to do so via awards? Or are they urged to?

Anyway, we get the gist. Gendered words are bad. If we stop using them Utopia will ensue.

Other demands include installing gender-neutral toilets and making both boys and girls wear the same uniforms.

Are they demands? Or are they requests, or are they ways to earn rewards? Plz clarify.

Stonewall’s website says ‘any educational institution catering for pupils aged 2-18’ can sign up to the School & College Champions programme, with membership costing £99 for the first year.

One secondary that won the award in 2021 said its activities included ‘writing a trans-inclusion policy, adapting the School Journey policy to be LGBTQ+ inclusive, and collating LGBTQ+ inclusive lessons from across the curriculum’.

Trans trans transy trans.

I guess Stonewall is just bored with dreary old lesbians and gay men. So last year. Before long they’ll be bored with transy trans, and move on to something else. Don’t mention giraffes, perhaps.

If they didn’t expect

Jan 22nd, 2024 4:12 am | By

Do hit the play button on this one.


Jan 22nd, 2024 3:47 am | By

Won’t somebody please think of the men who just want to cheat women? Their journey, their heartache, their fear?

Oh he’s been “accused of” having an unfair advantage has he? Just because he can hit a ball farther? It’s not that he obviously does have an unfair advantage and people are pointing it out, it’s that he’s accused by a bunch of unreasonable hatey liars? While news outlets carefully pretend he’s a man?


EO 13988

Jan 21st, 2024 4:34 pm | By

And then there’s Biden.

Rock, meet hard place.

More of a connection

Jan 21st, 2024 4:21 pm | By

Trump walking on water Trump will win we’re all doomed blah blah blah. The Guardian:

“The funny thing is that everything the other side seems to accuse Trump of they’re guilty of themselves,” said Steve Baird, 52, a chief financial officer. “I feel more that Biden seems to be running the country like a dictator with all his executive orders and everything else.

“Trump might be a billionaire but I feel more of a connection, that he’s more of a president for the people and that he’ll follow the constitution more than what the current establishment is doing.”

More of a connection. A president for the people. I bet I know what that is. It’s because Trump is so deeply utterly consistently stupid. That makes him just like the rest of us! Never mind the “glamorous” wives, the solid gold 80 million square feet penthouse, the gorgeous ageless blond hair, the stubby fingers – it’s his slushpool of a brain that makes him the perfect guy to put in charge of the nukes. A president for the people!

Aced it

Jan 21st, 2024 11:04 am | By

Is there anything left in there?

Nikki Haley on Saturday questioned whether Donald Trump is mentally capable of serving as president again after he repeatedly seemed to confuse her with former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a campaign speech.

As she campaigned in Keene, New Hampshire, Haley referenced Trump’s speech the night before, in which he mistakenly asserted that Haley was in charge of Capitol security on January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the building seeking to stop the certification of his loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

Trump first said that Haley turned down security offered by his administration on Jan. 6 and then again mentioned Haley, adding, “They destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it.”

Haley, Pelosi, what’s the difference? They’re both female, they both talk, they both don’t suck Trump’s dick, so what the hell is the difference between them? Nothing of significance, obviously.

“It’s a distinction without a difference. It’s Nikki and Nancy,” Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita said to reporters Saturday night. “What’s the difference?”

See? What I’m saying. Their names both begin with N, too. How much more identical can you get?

At his rally Saturday night in Manchester, Trump said that he took a cognitive test and “aced it.”

Nah. He didn’t take a test, and if he had he wouldn’t have “aced” it. He’s a skilled criminal, that much is clear, but intelligent, no.

“I’ll let you know when I go bad. I really think I’ll be able to tell you,” he added. “I feel my mind is stronger now than it was 25 years ago. Is that possible?”

In his case?

The question answers itself.

Nimbra, Bimbra, whatever

Jan 21st, 2024 10:51 am | By

Oh we’re going here again are we?

On Friday, for example, Mr Trump took to social media to refer to Ms Haley as “Nimbra”, a misspelling of her birth name Nimarata, and to baselessly suggest she was ineligible to serve as president or vice president in the US.

The jab against the US-born Ms Haley – whose parents emigrated to the US from India in the 1960s – was reminiscent of the false birther attacks Mr Trump deployed against former President Barack Obama.

It’s all the more attractive in someone whose own paternal grandfather was not Born in the USA.

Keeping rape trauma fun

Jan 21st, 2024 10:00 am | By

Worse and worser.

Before I go on to the rest of the tweet I’ll say that my first thought was “Do you need clinical qualifications to run a rape trauma center? Isn’t it a managerial job rather than a clinical one?” It was many other people’s first thought too, and the answer is that you don’t need them if you are indeed just managing but he hasn’t been just managing, he’s been “counseling” too. For that you need qualifications. Why? Because you need training.

It’s all too easy to imagine what a shit job he does of “counseling” when he has no training and he hates women.

The rest:

He has only the following:

1. MSc in the Management of Training and Development from the University of Edinburgh, @EdinburghUni

2. BA English Literature from the University of Pune, @UnivOfPune

3. Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology from MSIHMCT, Pune, India

He also does not have a GRC (for what it’s worth), yet was doing a job that was advertised as being open to women only. And, instead of just a management role, he carried out regular therapeutic interventions with women who had been raped. His words: “I do see survivors – four a week usually – who help me stay connected to the cause …it’s important to keep it fun”.

It’s important to what?!!

These questions need answering:

1. Why was a man with no clinical qualifications allowed to carry out direct work with vulnerable women?

2. Did the women seeing Wadhwa know he had no clinical qualifications; if not, has a crime been committed?

3. Did Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre employ him and allow him to carry out counselling whilst knowing he was not qualified to do so?

4. Did @MaggieChapman and those on the interview panel know Wadhwa would be carrying out clinical work when he was appointed?

5. Did they know he didn’t have a GRC and was still therefore legally a man?

Mridul Wadhwa’s total unsuitability for this role (besides the fact that he is a man), is shown by his saying, it’s “important to keep it fun”.

This NOT how trauma is treated. The therapeutic goal of trauma therapy is to help someone process the emotions, memories and, the re-experiencing of the event and to prevent this from continuing to adversely affect their daily lives.

Only someone with absolutely no idea about what they were doing would say it was about “keeping things fun”. Maybe that’s why Wadhwa allegedly asked women if they had orgasmed during their attacks? Maybe that was the “fun” bit for him.

By the very fact that Wadhwa was not clinically qualified in any way, he could have caused FURTHER INJURY to the women seen by him. Because:

1. They were being forced to participate in his lie that he is a woman. Remember these are rape victims.

2. He had no therapeutic training, so WHAT WAS HE DOING IN THE SESSIONS? Was he just asking random questions about their attacks and thereby reactivating their trauma?

3. Without training in how to de-intensify and reframe the reactivated emotions Wadhwa could have left these women ‘open’ and in a very dangerous emotional state.

We need urgent answers to these questions.

In the meantime, Wadhwa needs to be IMMEDIATELY removed from his job. Otherwise, he will be seeing another four more women this week. How many women’s lives has he damaged already? This is a national scandal. Please RX. This mustn’t be allowed to blow over.

It’s just grotesque.

Radical reshaping

Jan 21st, 2024 5:34 am | By

A new consignment of geriatric shoe manufacturers from the ACLU via Chase Strangio:

In the span of just a few years, transgender people have had their rights and lives radically reshaped by a litany of political attacks against our freedom, our dignity, and the health care many of us need to live.

Wait a second. Who have had what “radically reshaped”? I’d have thought the radical reshaping was being done by surgeons like Sidhbh Gallagher of “yeet the teets” fame.

As part of a coordinated national effort to erode legal protections for trans people and push us out of public life, a wave of bills targeting gender-affirming health care for transgender people have effectively banned it for nearly one-third of transgender youth in the United States. These laws uproot entire families and communities, alarm doctors and medical experts, and endanger the very young people they laws claim to protect.

Sounds alarming, but it relies on various assumptions about what “trans rights” are and what “trans dignity” is and what “trans health care” is.

There’s no such thing as “gender-affirming health care.” Gender in the sense of magic counter-factual sex has nothing to do with health care. Affirming a delusion is not health care. Making people’s fantasies about themselves a matter of law has nothing to do with rights. As for endangering very young people, what about the way Chase Strangio of the ACLU actively promotes the claim that very young people can be in the wrong bodies and need drastic life-altering medical intervention to affirm the wrongness of their current bodies.

In each of these challenges, we are committed to exhausting every option we have with the goal of protecting the ability of our community to access this care for as long as possible. 

But it’s not care. It’s not care. It’s tinkering, and not the good kind.

This contested term

Jan 20th, 2024 10:44 am | By

Guardian rant by trans man Finn Mackay:

In December, five years later than promised, the Tories finally delivered draft, non-statutory guidance for schools on “gender questioning children”…

The document doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know about this government’s hostile stance on trans identities, inclusion and rights; but, unfortunately, what it does do is further solidify in official documentation and language the politicised phrase “gender identity ideology”.

Well speaking of “politicised” what exactly do you mean by “trans rights”? What are they and how do you know?

It is in fact quite obvious what the government means by “gender identity ideology.” It means the ideology that claims men can be women and women can be men. It means the ideology that claims people invariably are what they say they are in the case of sex/gender. It means the ideology that claims people can literally be the opposite sex of their own bodies. It means the ideology that claims ideas in the head can cancel physical realities. It means the ideology that claims the brain is the only sex organ. It means the ideology that claims that vaginas and penises, ovaries and testes, are just trimming, and wholly beside the point when it comes to knowing who is which sex/gender.

The government is attempting to bring into the mainstream this contested term, a creation of rightwing sex and gender conservatism that dates back to the 1990s, and which forms a key part of renewed attacks against the LGBTQ+ community.

Liar. Saying men are not women is in no way an attack on lesbians and gay men.

As used in this context, the phrase “gender identity ideology” is actually nothing to do with gender, as in masculinity and femininity, and how this shapes our identities. 

Pffff. As if Mackay would agree he’s merely “masculine” as opposed to being literally in every sense a man.

The real gender ideology is the binary sex and gender system that requires all of us to be either male-masculine-heterosexual or female-feminine-heterosexual; and which attaches harsh penalties to those who deviate from this script.

More bullshit. Knowing which people are men does not require all of us to be either male-masculine-heterosexual or female-feminine-heterosexual. Yes, sure, there are some people who dislike girly men and boyish women, but that fact is not the same as knowing which people are which sex.

One thing this ideology does do is ruin people’s thinking skills.