This is extremely dangerous territory

Nov 7th, 2018 4:28 pm | By

My congressional representative has issued a statement on Trump’s move to obstruct the Mueller investigation:

SEATTLE, WA – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, member of the House Judiciary Committee, released the following statement regarding the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

“This was no simple resignation: President Donald Trump fired Jeff Sessions the day after an election in which his party lost control of the House. This is extremely dangerous territory, placing our nation in the throes of a potential constitutional crisis. We must do everything we can to protect the Special Counsel’s investigation, and to ensure that this president does not obstruct justice.

“The president has made it clear for months now that he considered Attorney General Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein impediments to ending the Special Counsel’s probe into interference in our elections, the Trump’s campaign’s role in that and any potential obstruction of justice from the president himself. President Trump also criticized Attorney General Sessions numerous times merely for doing the right thing and recusing himself from supervising Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. Installing a new Acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, who has clearly and vocally been critical of the Special Counsel’s investigation and has called for limitations on Robert Mueller and his team, could—in and of itself—be another example of potential obstruction of justice by the president. Reports that Mr. Whitaker is seeking to take over the supervision of the Special Counsel’s investigation must be stopped immediately—we believe it is not only wildly inappropriate for Mr. Whitaker to supervise the Special Counsel, but actually illegal based on the existing regulations. The president may act as though he can simply hire and fire whomever he wants, but this is not the case if his actions are shown to subvert the rule of law and obstruct justice.

“The House Judiciary Committee Democrats have already begun issuing letters to key officials demanding that they preserve all relevant documents to ensure evidence remains safe from improper interference or destruction. There is bipartisan support for these protections. Now is the time for Congress to pass the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act and protect the Special Counsel’s investigation from any attempt to interfere and obstruct.”

It’s a bit of an emergency, really.

Is the coup approaching?

Nov 7th, 2018 4:06 pm | By

Also scary.


Nov 7th, 2018 3:48 pm | By

CNBC reports:

President Donald Trump’s new acting attorney general, Matthew Whitaker, will oversee special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

“The Acting Attorney General is in charge of all matters under the purview of the Department of Justice,” a spokeswoman for the department said Wednesday when asked if Whitaker would oversee Mueller’s investigation.

Which is kind of…how shall I say…shady, because Whitaker hasn’t been confirmed by the Senate.

Whitaker argued in an August 2017 op-ed for CNN that Mueller’s investigation is “dangerously close to crossing” the so-called red line not to look into the Trump family’s finances.

“It does not take a lawyer or even a former federal prosecutor like myself to conclude that investigating Donald Trump’s finances or his family’s finances falls completely outside of the realm of his 2016 campaign and allegations that the campaign coordinated with the Russian government or anyone else,” Whitaker wrote in the piece.

“That goes beyond the scope of the appointment of the special counsel.”

Less than a month earlier, Whitaker had defended Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., for accepting a meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Russian officials who had promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign.

“You would always take that meeting,” Whitaker said on CNN.

He sounds…how shall I say…shady.

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called on Whitaker to recuse himself, citing “his record of threats to undermine & weaken the Russia investigation.”

But if he’s shady he’s not going to recuse himself, is he, and he sounds shady.

The BBC has more:

CBS News is reporting that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is no longer leading the Mueller inquiry, and that Matthew Whitaker will now assume control.

The president cannot directly fire the special counsel, whose investigation Mr Trump has repeatedly decried as a witch hunt. But Mr Sessions’ replacement will have the power to fire Mr Mueller or end the inquiry.

Mr Rosenstein was summoned to the White House on Wednesday for what was described as a previously scheduled meeting.

This is not looking good.

Democrats were outraged by the attorney general’s removal, with the Democratic National Committee noting that the appointee has not been confirmed for the role by the US Senate as required.

The party’s Senate leader Chuck Schumer tweeted: “Clearly, the President has something to hide.”

“Given his previous comments advocating defunding and imposing limitations on the Mueller investigation, Mr Whitaker should recuse himself from its oversight for the duration of his time as acting attorney general.”

House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said: “It is impossible to read Attorney General Sessions’ firing as anything other than another blatant attempt by President Trump to undermine & end Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.”

Not looking good at all.

Thanks and so long

Nov 7th, 2018 12:16 pm | By

Bam, Sessions is out.

Can the coup be far behind?

Scary times.

Guest post: In the middle of red America

Nov 7th, 2018 11:49 am | By

Originally a comment by iknklast on Don’t worry, be happy.

In my state, the voters voted for Medicaid expansion – yay! But…these same voters voted to retain all of the Republican incumbents who loathe Medicaid expansion with a visceral hatred that springs partially out of their hatred of taxes and partially out of their hatred for the poor. So will we actually gain the expansion voted for? Not if our governor (who just got reelected in spite of the fact that he is vile) has anything to say about it.

Don’t try to tell me Republican voters are voting how they are because they want a better life and believe the Democrats won’t bring that to them because the Democrats are only interested in “identity politics”. Don’t even try to tell me that. I know better. I live in the middle of red America, and I hear what my neighbors say. And it isn’t “I need a job”. They believe no one listens to them because there are other people that are demanding equal rights with them, and that sometimes (not often, but sometimes) get listened to and have gained a great deal from the days when said people (i.e. women and all non-white people) were unable to vote, work for pay, or even leave the grounds without permission. They are angry not that their kids can’t pray in school, since they can and all the parents actually know that, but that other people’s kids can’t be forced to pray, and pray to the “right” god. They are angry because the Democrats put up a black candidate for president, and got him elected, and then put up a woman for president who seemed to think she was entitled to run. They are angry because they are not recognized as the warrior kings they are, and are instead considered the equal of those they consider lesser, rather than being masters of those they consider lesser.

So they vote not for jobs, not for enfranchisement, not for anything that pundits claim they vote for, but instead they vote for hate.

That’s a racist question

Nov 7th, 2018 11:25 am | By

Another highlight from the Trump Meltdown press conference.

Bad hair day.

Yew shud be aschamed

Nov 7th, 2018 10:39 am | By

Aren’t we cranky today.

There’s nothing quite like the irony of watching Donald Trump shaking his finger at Jim Acosta while saying “You are a rude, terrible person” while Acosta is in fact being perfectly polite.

Call for action to publicly condemn her views

Nov 7th, 2018 10:13 am | By

More raging hatred of women dressed up as progressive activism:

Oxford SU LGBTQ Campaign

Statement concerning Oxford University History Society’s decision to invite Jenni Murray, and Oriel College, Oxford‘s decision to host the event.

tw: transphobia, terfs, transmisogyny

edit: The original statement said the event was taking place on Saturday 17th November. It is in fact taking place on Saturday 10th November.

We, the undersigned, are deeply disappointed by the Oxford University History Society’s decision to interview Dame Jenni Murray on the topic of “Powerful British Women in History and Society” on Saturday 10th of November, and call for action to publicly condemn her views and, if possible, cancel the event. Oxford SU LGBTQ+ campaign believe that inviting publically transphobic speakers to the university, without challenge, further marginalises and unnecessarily compromises the welfare of trans students and staff.

Murray has made explicitly transphobic comments in an article for the Sunday Times, dated March 5th 2017. She has told trans women “don’t call yourself a ‘real women’”, that “it takes more than a sex change and makeup”, and repeatedly insinuated that transgender women and girls are not women and can only pretend to be women. Although Murray claims to believe trans people “should be treated with respect”, she has silenced her critics by alleging that trans women are “misogynistic” for pointing out transphobia in feminist discourse, and uncritically encouraged her readers to question whether trans women and girls should be allowed to use single-sex spaces such as changing rooms and bathrooms, whether trans girls should be allowed to join Girlguiding, and so on. She repeatedly fails to approach trans issues with the same respect that she calls for, in fact achieving the exact opposite: admonishing trans women and questioning their womanhood – the same beliefs which motivate much of the violence against trans women – cannot be reconciled with her supposed support for those she calls “transsexuals” and “transvestites”.

Her views, which clearly reflect a lack of engagement with the vast majority of actual trans people, and are in sum deeply harmful to trans women and trans feminine people, contributing to and exacerbating the harassment, marginalisation, discrimination, and violence that they already face.

This event is not framed as an opportunity to respond to Murray’s views but as an uncritical discussion led by Murray as a paragon of feminist opinion, emphasised by the title of the talk, “Powerful British Women”. Inviting Murray to talk in this capacity leaves her transphobic rhetoric essentially unchallenged. While there may be “ample time for questions”, the decision to offer Murray a platform is not apolitical or neutral, especially when her views cause tangible harm to vulnerable members of our society. Obsessive and sustained media focus on trans people has recently put the valuable progress made on trans rights under threat, and the consistent prioritising of voices like Murray’s over those of trans people has intensified this. In this environment, the decision to invite Murray to Oxford in this capacity, to promise her a microphone and the undivided and uncritical attention of a room, is a decision to propagate, validate, and normalise institutionalised transphobia.

Etc etc etc, blah blah blah. In other words: how dare you invite this feminist woman to speak. Meet the new boss, exactly like the old boss.

Don’t worry, be happy

Nov 7th, 2018 9:55 am | By

Well, I wanted Gillum and Abrams to win, and that Georgia election was filthy and I hope the NAACP sues the state. And of course I wanted the Republicans to lose the Senate but I knew it wasn’t at all likely. States like Wyoming with fewer people than Seattle (and 30 other US cities) have as many senators as California with its 30 million; we have no business calling ourselves a democracy.

But don’t worry! There’s always chocolate!

But good luck enjoying them if you have a chronic or life-threatening illness and can’t get health care, or if you’re accidentally pregnant and don’t want and can’t afford a baby but can’t get an abortion, or if you’re a recent immigrant and terrified Trump will change the rules such that you’ll be kicked out any moment, or if you were never even able to vote yesterday because the wait was 4.5 hours and your boss would fire you if you were away from work that long, or if the nature in your area burned to the ground last summer…and so on.

Yes, there are lots of good things in life that are not directly politics, but the freedom and health and flourishing needed to benefit from them are all rooted in political decisions. It’s wildly fatuous to think all those things just flow from the sky while we happily embrace them, while politics happens somewhere else with no connection to you and your kids and your friends. The point of politics isn’t how “good” it is, as in a tasting menu – the point isn’t aesthetic enjoyment. The point is that it sets the terms for how we live. It can set them such that a happy few get to revel in luxury in some Downton Abbey in the sky while everyone else slaves to support them, or it can set them more equitably. Claire Lehmann can eat all the brioche she wants but it won’t change that fact.

An unfortunate distraction

Nov 6th, 2018 12:28 pm | By

Fox News is shocked, shocked, at the way some of its “reporters” are out campaigning for Trump while posing as “reporters.”

On Tuesday, Fox News publicly rebuked Hannity and Pirro for appearing with Trump. “FOX News does not condone any talent participating in campaign events,” the network said in a statement to CNBC. “We have an extraordinary team of journalists helming our coverage tonight and we are extremely proud of their work. This was an unfortunate distraction and has been addressed.” Fox did not say, however, what actions it had taken to address the issue with two of its biggest prime time stars.

Let me guess. A mid-level executive told them, “Now Sean and Jeanine, don’t ever do that again” – and then all three had a damn good laugh.

In addition to the statement from Fox, Hannity said Tuesday that when he pointed at the pool of reporters and called them “fake news” at the rally, he did not mean the Fox News reporters who were among them.

We know. That is not, in fact, the issue.

With a cub that small and vulnerable

Nov 6th, 2018 12:01 pm | By

Sure enough. Several of you mentioned a drone in the Shermer’s ursine childrearing advice post, which was news to me, but y’all were right. Ed Yong at the Atlantic:

The video was uploaded to the ViralHog YouTube channel on Friday, and after being shared on Twitter, it rapidly went viral. At the time of this writing, it has been watched 17 million times. The cub’s exploits were equal parts gif, nature documentary, and motivational poster. It had all the elements of an incredible story: the most adorable of protagonists, rising and falling action (literally), and a happy ending. It was a tale of tenacity in the face of adversity, triumph against the odds.

And a morality tale on the benefits of a sink or swim approach to childrearing as opposed to the horrors of not letting toddlers fall down steep mountainsides.

But when biologists started watching the video, they saw a very different story.

The video, they say, was clearly captured by a drone. And in it, they saw the work of an irresponsible drone operator who, in trying to film the bears, drove them into a dangerous situation that almost cost the cub its life. “I found it really hard to watch,” says Sophie Gilbert, an ecologist at the University of Idaho who studies, among other things, how drones affect wildlife. “It showed a pretty stark lack of understanding from the drone operator of the effects that his actions were having on the bears.” (It wasn’t just scientists, either; several drone pilots were also dismayed by the footage.)

The only information accompanying the video says that it was captured on June 19, 2018, in the Magadan region of Russia. No one knows who shot it, which drone was used, or how close it flew. But “it doesn’t matter how far away it was, because I can tell from the bears’ behavior that it was too close,” says Clayton Lamb of the University of Alberta, who studies grizzly bears in the Canadian Rockies and uses drones to map the area where they live.

The setting of the video is already suspicious, Lamb says. With a cub that small and vulnerable, it’s very unlikely that a mother bear would opt to traverse such a steep and slippery slope. “There’s no reason a female would normally accept that risk, unless they were forced into it,” Lamb says. Throughout the video, he notes, the mother is constantly looking up at the drone and clearly bothered by its presence. At some point, the footage zooms in, probably because the drone itself was swooping closer. That, Lamb says, explains why the mother unexpectedly swats at the cub, causing it to fall. She probably read the drone’s approach as a kind of attack and was trying to push her cub away.

But it’s ok, the drone pilot was doing the bears a favor, giving the cub a chance to toughen up and not look for handouts.

It’s all ON YOU

Nov 6th, 2018 11:27 am | By

Wait just a damn minute here.

ON US? Why? How? Says who? Why is it more on us than it is on American White Men?

Oh well I know why, really. It’s because so many people just cannot give up the fun of hating on women, no matter how thin the pretext.

Mind you there was a follow-up to deal with potential objections.

But benefiting from systemic racism is not the same thing as voting for Trump. Yes of course I benefit from systemic racism, but I don’t benefit from systemic sexism. Why is Munroe Bergdorf yelling at white women instead of white men? I can’t help thinking it’s for the reason above: Munroe Bergdorf hates women and likes to seize chances to yell at us.

“Covering” the rally

Nov 6th, 2018 10:50 am | By

Fox News is out campaigning with Donald “President” Trump.

Monday morning Sean Hannity, Fox News’ most-popular personality, tweeted that, despite what you may have heard, he was not going to campaign with President Donald Trump.

“In spite of reports, I will be doing a live show from Cape Girardeau and interviewing President Trump before the rally. To be clear, I will not be on stage campaigning with the President. I am covering final rally for my show. Something I have done in every election in the past.”

Fast-forward to Monday night. And there, standing onstage with Trump in Cape Girardeau, was Hannity, campaigning with the president. Trump called him up during the rally (the interview took place beforehand), and of course, Hannity obeyed.

Of course he did – to disobey would be treason.

Guess what he said when he got there.

“By the way,” he said, pointing to the back of the hall where reporters were gathered, “all those people in the back are fake news.”

Ahh that’s nice. Star of right-wing Fox News calls other reporters “fake news” just like the sack of wind next to him. Maybe once the election is over Trump can start arresting them all?

Jeanine Pirro, host of “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on Fox News, also appeared onstage, exhorting the crowd to vote Republican.

Meanwhile Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow were campaigning for Beto O’Rourke, right? No? They weren’t? Well that’s weird.

Grow stronger from adversity, kids!

Nov 5th, 2018 4:27 pm | By

There’s also Michael Shermer telling us that the right way to raise a child is to toss her onto a steep mountainside buried in deep snow, use crampons to rush up to the top yourself, and then stand there and watch while she slides down the slope repeatedly. Anything else is pathetic leftist pampering that turns the child into a tragic weakling.

He’s hilarious. I’ve spent quite a lot of time watching primate mothers with their babies and I can let you in on a secret: they don’t toss their babies down and watch while they risk injury and death. (Ok sometimes a new mother will put her baby down briefly when she gets fed up. I once watched a first-time-mother gorilla do that at the zoo I worked at. The baby went staggering after mama, and when she got close mama got up and moved farther off. She did this three times and the fourth time she got up baby let out such a scream that mama hastily picked her up again.) (But please note this was in a zoo on a balmy afternoon, not a snowy mountainside in winter.) They use their arms and hands and fingers (also legs and feet and toes) to help the baby out, and the baby has the ability to grip mama’s fur. (You know how infants instinctively grab a finger? It’s that.) The mother bear didn’t help the cub because she had no way to help the cub. Bear cubs have a very high mortality rate. The mother bear wasn’t doing an awesome job of raising a self-reliant cub, she was doing what she had the tools to do, which was stand at the top of the slope and watch until the cub made it. There was only one cub. Maybe all the others fell down the slope to their deaths.

Plus, also…why yes, actually, if a human mother took a toddler out onto a mountainside and then raced to the top while the toddler struggled to follow and slid down the slope repeatedly, child protection services would indeed be called and the mother would indeed be arrested for child endangerment. Sick burn, Shermer!

Even for a libertarian he’s a jackass.

The mountaintop

Nov 5th, 2018 11:31 am | By

To the surprise of no one (but the disgust of most), Trump is at peak monstrosity.

President Trump is painting an astonishingly apocalyptic vision of America under Democratic control in the campaign’s final days, unleashing a torrent of falsehoods and portraying his political opponents as desiring crime, squalor and poverty.

Trump has never been hemmed in by fact, fairness or even logic. The 45th president proudly refuses to apologize and routinely violates the norms of decorum that guided his predecessors. But at one mega-rally after another in the run-up to Tuesday’s midterm elections, Trump has taken his no-boundaries political ethos to a new level — demagoguing the Democrats in a whirl of distortion and using the power of the federal government to amplify his fantastical arguments.

In Columbia, Mo., the president suggested that Democrats “run around like antifa” demonstrators in black uniforms and black helmets, but underneath, they have “this weak little face” and “go back home into mommy’s basement.”

In Huntington, W.Va., Trump called predatory immigrants “the worst scum in the world” but alleged that Democrats welcome them by saying, “Fly right in, folks. Come on in. We don’t care who the hell you are, come on in!”

It’s the best fun he’s ever had. He’ll miss it like crazy when he can’t do it any more…unless his head explodes first.

Trump has been fueling the baseless conspiracy theory that the caravan is being funded by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist and Democratic mega-donor who was the target of a mail bomb last month. The same conspiracy theory allegedly motivated the suspect in the mass slaughter at a Pittsburgh synagogue eight days ago.

“They want to invite caravan after caravan, and it is a little suspicious how those caravans are starting, isn’t it?” Trump asked at a Saturday night rally in Pensacola, Fla. “Isn’t it a little? And I think it’s a good thing maybe that they did it. Did they energize our base or what?”

Those people who got slaughtered in Pittsburgh? Meh. Worth it to energize the base, right?

Trump’s flood of misinformation has swelled to epic proportions in recent weeks, according to an analysis by The Washington Post’s Fact Checker. In the seven weeks leading up to the election, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims, an average of 30 a day. That compares with 1,318 false or misleading claims during the first nine months of his presidency, an average of five a day.

He has to keep upping the dose.


Nov 5th, 2018 11:13 am | By

Free speech:

For years, Oprah Winfrey’s campaign rally appearances and political endorsements have posed a difficult question for anyone who happens to be advocating for the candidate on the other side: How do you contend with the star power of a billionaire Queen of All Media who is also one of the world’s most influential people?

For one robo-call producer speaking into a microphone in what we can only assume is a dark basement, the answer is clear: an 11th-hour infusion of good old-fashioned racism.

“This is the magical Negro Oprah Winfrey asking you to make my fellow Negress Stacey Abrams the governor of Georgia,” the robo-call begins, before spewing nearly 60 seconds of racism coupled with a dash of anti-Semitism. Georgians began hearing the call last week, according to the Hill.

Free speech free speech.

The insidious tone of the poor-audio call was at odds with Winfrey’s words on the campaign trail.

She and Abrams are both black women from Mississippi, and the media titan spoke of the sacrifices their ancestors had to make to obtain the right to vote.

“Make your voice heard on Nov. 6. We have this incredible opportunity to make history. We have our inalienable right, because the one place that all people are equal is at the polls,” she told voters.

“And I’m here today because of the men and because of the women who were lynched, who were humiliated, who were discriminated against, who were suppressed, who were repressed and oppressed, for the right of the equality of the polls. And I want you to know that their blood has seeped into my DNA, and I refuse to let their sacrifices be in vain.”

And on the other hand, more racism.

If the voice and the overtly racist tone on the robo-call sound familiar, it’s because it’s from the same studio that stuffed a “We Negroes” robo-call down the throats of Florida voters, who are deciding whether they want Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum to be the state’s first black governor.

“Well, hello there,” that call begins, as the sounds of drums and monkeys can be heard in the background, according to the New York Times. “I is Andrew Gillum.”

“We Negroes . . . done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an’ stone.”

Free speech.

No YOU’RE the racist

Nov 5th, 2018 10:51 am | By

CNN, NBC, FOX and Facebook have all rejected Trump’s racist ad. Apparently reporters asked him about it this morning on his way to another fascist rally.

My hope for tomorrow: Democrats win in House and Senate and Trump’s head explodes at 11 p.m. Eastern time.

Updating to add the video where he says it:

Now that we’ve pocketed the $$$ we’ll stop

Nov 5th, 2018 9:27 am | By

Really? How much effort does it take to figure out that Trump’s racist campaign ad is racist?

NBC said on Monday that it would no longer air an immigration-themed advertisement approved by President Trump that CNN had refused to run after deeming it “racist.”

“After further review we recognize the insensitive nature of the ad and have decided to cease airing it across our properties as soon as possible,” NBC Universal said in a statement.

After further review – come on. That might pass if the people who approved the ad were all newly arrived from a distant planet, but otherwise, no.

But then of course NBC is the network that landed us with this monster in the first place.

The 30-second prime-time ad, paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, aired in the middle of a highly anticipated “Sunday Night Football” broadcast, stirred fear of a migrant caravan making its way through Mexico that is still hundreds of miles from the United States border.

Football and racism. It’s too bad NBC didn’t manage to figure it out before airing it in the middle of a football game.

It was a shorter version of an ad that the president shared on Twitterlast week, which falsely claimed about Mr. Bracamontes that Democrats “let him into our country” and “let him stay.” CNN dedicated substantial editorial coverage to the longer ad, sometimes showing clips as anchors and chyrons declared it “racist.”

The 30-second version run by NBC did not include the false claim about Democrats, but it still drew a direct connection from immigrants to crime, a tactic the president has repeatedly used. (Many studies have shown immigrants do not drive an increase in crime.)

Inch by inch by inch. Genocidal regimes don’t form overnight; it takes years of prep work. We’re in the prep work phase, and it’s not the least bit clear that we’re going to reverse course.

Updating to add: even Fox has stopped running the ad (after several days and only hours before the election).

They cannot even implement an order of the country’s highest court

Nov 5th, 2018 9:01 am | By

Asia Bibi’s lawyer has left Pakistan to avoid being murdered by the fanatics.

Pakistani Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry defended the government against allegations that a deal reached with an Islamist party was capitulating to extremists.

He said the government would “take all steps necessary” to ensure Asia Bibi’s safety.

One, of course it’s capitulating to extremists. What else would it be? The court ruled, the murderous theocrats rioted, the government made a “deal” with the theocrats by preventing Asia Bibi from leaving Pakistan to escape the fanatics who want to murder her. That’s capitulation.

Two, of course the government won’t take all steps necessary to ensure Asia Bibi’s safety; it rescinded the very first step necessary to ensure her safety. It’s already reversed itself on one such step so why should anyone believe it will take all the others?

Mr Mulook, however, called the agreement “painful”.

“They cannot even implement an order of the country’s highest court,” he told AFP before he boarded the plane to Europe.

Mr Mulook said he had decided to leave as it was “not possible” to continue living in Pakistan, adding: “I need to stay alive as I still have to fight the legal battle for Asia Bibi.”

Pakistan is such a train wreck.

Normal presidents encourage us to vote

Nov 5th, 2018 8:43 am | By

Voter intimidation straight from the president of the US.