Next up: let’s teach toddlers how to fly planes

Jan 28th, 2019 9:19 am | By

Siva Vaidhyanathan reminded us of this thing he wrote four years ago about Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz, who has apparently announced that he’s running for president ffs.

The next time you order one of those faux-Italian-named sweetened coffee drinks at a Starbucks store, you are likely to receive a cup with the hash-tagged words “Race Together” written on it, just above your misspelled name. If you ask the Starbucks employee what it’s about, she or he will tell you that it’s part of a new corporate initiative to inspire customers to discuss racial issues with employees and among themselves.

Dear god. Why would I want to do that? Why would anyone?

Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz is no doubt sincere about his belief in Starbucks as a site and his employees as facilitators of measured deliberation about the legacies of 400 years of slavery, segregation, violence, and migration. But his commitment rests on the naïve arrogance of privilege.

Along with, I’m guessing, a generous helping of vanity.

“What can we do to create more empathy, more compassion, more understanding?,” Shultz asked his employees this week (the company calls them “partners” to mask the nature of the labor-management relationship). “Perhaps we could do something that could be catalytic for the country.”

While making hot drinks from combinations of coffee and sweet syrups, or making change at the cash register. I don’t think so.

All over the United States, teachers, clergy, police officers, and community activists have always fostered carefully moderated conversations about race. In communities large and small, these conversations have had modest but largely local effects. Even after years of experience and deep training in facilitating such discussions, those who run them don’t necessarily find them easy or comfortable. In fact, the less comfortable the discussions are, the more good they might do.

Schultz has expressed no recognition of these longstanding efforts and conversations that hard-working professionals have been pursuing through the public sector and houses of worship. He seems to think that Starbucks should fill some vacuum he perceives in American public life. In doing so, he overestimates the centrality of a corporate chain of overpriced coffee shops to that civic experience.

Which is putting it mildly. Teachers, clergy, police officers, and community activists all get some training or education in the field, especially if they’re going to be fostering conversations on it. Baristas, not so much. It’s of course possible that some or many baristas have deep experience and education on racial issues, but they don’t all have it because that’s a major part of their job.

But if he thinks his employees somehow magically know how to facilitate conversations on racial issues, no wonder he thinks he somehow magically knows how to be president.

Oh look, it’s a home down, I mean a touch run

Jan 27th, 2019 2:52 pm | By

They’ve done it – on a Sunday afternoon. Everybody’s watching the game, so nobody will notice!

We notice.

Trump and his co-conspirators have lifted the sanctions on Deripaska.

The Trump administration on Sunday lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions.

What possible motivation could he have to lie?

Jan 27th, 2019 12:17 pm | By

Roger Stone is fighting back (or punching himself in the face – one of those.)

Since Friday, Stone has engaged in a blitz of media interviews, an unusual approach for someone who has been indicted.

Asked what he hopes to gain, Stone said he wanted to draw attention to what he saw as the inappropriate way his arrest took place.

“This was an expensive show of force to try to depict me as public enemy number one, the OG, to attempt to poison the jury pool,” Stone said, using a slang expression that means “original gangster.”

“These are Gestapo tactics,” he said.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) later told ABC that Stone used arguments that are typical for someone accused of white-collar crime.

“I think he’s going to need a much better defense than the one you just heard,” said Schiff, a former federal prosecutor.

Larry Tribe explains why they’re not.

It’s not as if Stone is not the kind of guy who would destroy evidence if he had the chance, now is it.

Politico has more:

In a court filing Thursday, Mueller wrote that he wanted to keep the Stone indictment under wraps until the arrest because of a concern that publicizing the charges “will increase the risk of the defendant fleeing and destroying (or tampering with) evidence.” Stone was not persuaded by that logic.

“The idea that a 29-member SWAT team in full tactical gear with assault weapons would surround my house,“ Stone said Sunday, “17 vehicles in my front yard, including two armored vehicles, a helicopter overhead, amphibious vehicles in the back where my house backs on to a canal — that I would open the door looking down the barrel of assault weapons, that I would be frog-marched out front barefooted and handcuffed when they simply could have contacted me, I think people need to know about that.”

Stone said he had posed no flight risk and would not have tampered with evidence critical to the special counsel’s probe before the FBI searched of his residences in South Florida and Manhattan.

Oh well he says so, and he must be telling the truth, because he has such a long history of…lying.

You should feel anxious!

Jan 27th, 2019 11:30 am | By

This time Michael Shermer has annoyed his fellow academics.

Last term I received 3 letters from my uni’s disability office excusing students from taking tests in class, participating in discussions, & giving a talk (they all have to do an 18-min. TED talk in my class). Disability? Anxiety. My response: Good. You should feel anxious!

That’s so Shermer, isn’t it? Smug, clueless, dismissive, and sadistic, all in one.

Is it more of a guy thing?

Sauce for the goose is more sauce for the goose

Jan 27th, 2019 10:55 am | By

James Kirkup points out that Women get treated far worse than men in Labour’s transgender debate.

[I]f general run-of-the-mill Twitter is angry and stupid, gender-identity Twitter is angry and stupid on steroids. Simply liking the ‘wrong’ bit of content on Twitter can have you branded a transphobic witch and burned at the electronic stake, at least if you’re a woman. No one, or more accurately, no woman, is safe from the online inquisition’s charges of transphobia. You might think that JK Rowling was about as insulated as a person can be from online vitriol, since she’s lovely, kind, thoughtful, the creator of the world’s most popular wizard – and a billionaire. But you’d be wrong, because even JK has had her turn in the ducking stool (by the witch-finders at Pink News) for the heinous crime of ‘liking’ tweets that said Bad Things and, in one case, linking to a column by Janice Turner of the Times who is, of course, a Very Bad Person because, well, she has some weird idea that women should be listened to and children protected or something. The cow.

There’s also follow-crime – following someone already Disapproved by the people in charge of disapproving the people they disapprove. Never mind that you can “like” tweets for all sorts of reasons, never mind that the same goes double for following – just charge ahead and abuse anyone who “likes” a tweet by someone who follows someone who forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste tube.

Consider Ann Henderson for instance.

Henderson is a Scottish trade unionist and community worker who is currently serving as rector of Edinburgh University, elected by staff and students to chair the university’s governing body. She is also a Labour member from the left-wing/Momentum bit of the party that leaves a lot of Jewish people thinking hard about packing a bag and heading to the airport to buy a one-way ticket out of Britain.

In October the Edinburgh University student newspaper accused her of “transphobia.”


She retweeted about a meeting organised by A Woman’s Place UK, a feminist group largely run by left-wing women who organise public meetings to discuss changes to gender recognition laws to make it easier for men to change their legal gender and be recognised as women. The group worries such changes will undermine the legal and social standing of women, where ‘women’ is taken to mean ‘adult human females’.

But of course, in the looking-glass world of transgenderism, MPs talking to women about the law isn’t OK. It’s awful and transphobic, and so is anyone (or at least, any woman) with even the flimsiest association with such an event. So the mere fact of Ann Henderson sharing a tweet about that event with her 1,200 or so followers was enough to bring down condemnation from the university Labour Club, the Students’ Association and merit coverage in Scotland’s national press. Henderson has also been criticised by Lily Madigan, a transgender Labour activist and women’s officer, for the earlier offence of following WPUK on Twitter. How dare she, etc etc.

Just retweeting about the event, remember.

So far so normal, by the dysfunctional standards of the gender debate, where ‘woman gets shouted at for having opinion’ is the equivalent of ‘dog bites man’. But now Henderson has a new job. She was this week elected chair of the Labour Party National Executive Committee’s equalities sub-committee.

This, according to LGBT Labour, a party group, is an outrage. ‘We are appalled by the election of Ann Henderson to the chair of the Labour Party NEC equalities sub-committee given her history of sharing material that has been described as transphobic,’ the group said, in a statement (on Twitter, natch) first reported by LabourList.

Ahhhh will you look at that now, that careful ass-covering by means of “has been described as.” So agent-free passive voice, so conveniently vague, so meaningless, so idiotic, and yet so useful for insulating oneself from accusations of bullying or libel. The material has been described as transphobic; we couldn’t possibly comment – except to make a public attack on Ann Henderson for retweeting it.

But hey, she’s a woman, so she has it coming.

In September, according to the group, a [male] Labour MP did indeed meet a Woman’s Place UK and listened to their concerns about gender law reform and Labour’s policies. The MP’s name is John McDonnell and he is the Shadow Chancellor.

And if LGBT Labour or any of the other activists seeking to burn Ann Henderson for nothing more than a retweet have condemned him for outrageous transphobia, I can find no evidence of their outrage.

In short, a woman taps ‘RT’ once and is condemned. A man does rather more than that and nothing happens. Make of that what you will, but always remember: the gender debate is all about equality.

Which is to say, it’s eye-wateringly misogynist, and proud of it.

It’s about their proprietary violence

Jan 27th, 2019 9:18 am | By

The CBC points out that men who think they are owed sexual access to women are a large and threatening group. Quite a few of them are murderous.

Involuntary celibates or incels are an online brotherhood of men who say they are unsuccessful in their romantic attempts with women.

Romantic attempts? Sexual attempts, mostly. They want access a lot more than they want cozy evenings in front of the fireplace.

Incels interact in forums online, like 4chan, Reddit and a few public incel boards, and even on popular social media platforms including Facebook and YouTube. They often express extreme feelings of misogyny and hatred.

In the worst cases, their online misogyny turns to violent fantasies, where many online encourage rape, violence and in some cases, killing.

Experts interviewed by The Fifth Estate have identified 120 instances of extreme violence in Canada by right-wing groups, including incels, in the past 30 years. This is compared to only seven by Islamist-inspired extremists.

There is some overlap though, which is interesting. Islamists are also very focused on getting total control over women.

“It’s about their proprietary violence, that they think they have some sort of inborn inherent right and privilege to access women and women’s bodies and so that is the bit that animates them,” Barbara Perry, a criminologist specializing in hate crime at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, told The Fifth Estate.

I’ve known a few men who did think exactly that. It’s not unusual.

The term “incel” gained more prominence in 2014, when a 22-year-old man in Isla Vista, Calif. killed six people and injured 14 others before killing himself. It was discovered Elliot Rodger had an extensive online presence, including a series of YouTube videos he made and posted — reuploading as they were banned and removed.

He also left behind a 137-page manifesto he wrote titled “My Twisted World.” The last video he posted was called “Elliot Rodger’s Retribution.”

“Tomorrow is the day of retribution — a day of which I will have my revenge against all of humanity,” Rodger said in one video. “I will slaughter every single spoiled stuck-up blonde slut…. You will finally see I’m the superior one. The true alpha male.”

Like Revenge of the Nerds but with guns.

Elliot Rodger was an inspiration to Alek Minassian.

In the past four years, there have been several killings by people who either self-identified as incels or who mentioned incel-related names and writings in their internet postings.

Nikolas Cruz, the man who is charged with killing 17 people and attempting to kill 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last year, praised Rodger online, saying “Elliot Rodger will not be forgotten.”

On Oct. 1, 2015, Chris Harper-Mercer killed nine people and injured eight others in a shooting at the Umpqua Community College campus in Roseburg, Ore., before killing himself. Harper-Mercer posted online about being involuntarily celibate.

All because women are not a public utility like water, but autonomous human beings with their own choices and plans.

The Fifth Estate spent months infiltrating incel forums to get a sense of what goes on in these dark corners of the internet. Self-proclaimed incels often blame society and their genetics for not being successful in romantic endeavours. Using the term “involuntary,” experts say, indicates that incels have little self-awareness.

Incels believe women owe them sex, and in some cases people active on incel forums advocate for government-sanctioned girlfriends and sexual encounters.

Here’s a quick tip: government-sanctioned girlfriends are not actually girlfriends. Slavery and friendship are quite different things, even opposite things.


Ars longa

Jan 27th, 2019 8:28 am | By

In memory of


A bit much even for Trump

Jan 26th, 2019 5:52 pm | By

Perfectly normal, not a problem, move along, don’t stand there gaping. Trump meets with off the charts lunatic right-wing activist who is married to a Supreme Court justice.

President Trump met last week with a delegation of hard-right activists led by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, listening quietly as members of the group denounced transgender people and women serving in the military, according to three people with direct knowledge of the events.

For 60 minutes Mr. Trump sat, saying little but appearing taken aback, the three people said, as the group also accused White House aides of blocking Trump supporters from getting jobs in the administration.

It is unusual for the spouse of a sitting Supreme Court justice to have such a meeting with a president, and some close to Mr. Trump said it was inappropriate for Ms. Thomas to have asked to meet with the head of a different branch of government.

Inappropriate, yes, but since Trump has put his entire family in charge of foreign policy, the economy, war, peace, the environment, education, and fashion, a mere meeting with Clarence Thomas’s spouse is a mere blip in comparison.

During the meeting last Thursday in the Roosevelt Room, which was attended by about a half-dozen White House aides, one woman argued that women should not serve in the military because they had less muscle mass and lung capacity than men did, according to those familiar with the events. At another point, someone said that gay marriage, which the Supreme Court determined in 2015 was the law of the land, was harming the fabric of the United States. And another attendee was dismissive that sexual assault is pervasive in the military.

It’s kind of touching that there are people who think Trump ought to be even more spitefully right-wing than he already is. What else can he do? Poison school lunches? Drop vials of flu virus from planes? Bomb the Grand Canyon?

The meeting was arranged after months of delay, according to the three people. It came about after the Thomases had dinner with the president and the first lady, Melania Trump, the people said.

Aw, they have a social life.

Ms. Thomas — whose group, Groundswell, was formed in 2013 to strategize against Democrats and the political left and meets weekly — joined others in prayer at the start of the meeting. Some members of the group prayed at different moments as the meeting continued. At one point, Mr. Trump pulled in his daughter Ivanka, a West Wing adviser, saying she would be beloved if she were serving a liberal president, instead of getting negative news coverage.

No, she really wouldn’t. Why? Because she’s a zero. She wouldn’t be as despised as she is now if she were not leeching off Daddy’s job and if she weren’t making corrupt use of that job, but she would still be dismissed, because she’s a zero. But then she wouldn’t have the job she has without the daddy-connection, because she is such a zero. What could her job be? Modeling? Selling shoes? Modeling and selling shoes at the same time? So, no, Trump is idiotically wrong as always, because there is absolutely no reason whatever that Ivanka Trump would have a significant job working for “a liberal president,” and if she did have such a job she would be far from beloved. Her best hope would be to be overlooked.

Ms. Thomas, who was said to have opened the meeting by informing the assembled White House staff members that she feared being open because she did not trust the people there, has long been more conservative than her husband, and has often provoked controversy.

In 2011 she formed a government affairs firm called Liberty Consulting, which drew criticism for boasting on its website that Ms. Thomas would use her “experience and connections” to help clients.

“What, you mean this Supreme Court justice over here? I’m not supposed to mention him at all? You liberals, so obsessed with not being corrupt and sleazy. Communists!”

More recently, she hired as an assistant a woman fired by the conservative group Turning Point USA for texting a colleague a year earlier that “I HATE BLACK PEOPLE.” The woman, Crystal Clanton, was on the list of people Ms. Thomas’s group asked to have attend the meeting, the people familiar with the sit-down said.

She sounds nice.

How diminished the President seemed

Jan 26th, 2019 11:05 am | By

CNN is rubbing his nose in it.

The most shocking thing about Trump’s statement announcing the end of the shutdown was how diminished the President seemed.

He appeared to acknowledge his weakness later in a tweet he posted after absorbing the unflattering TV news coverage of his climbdown.

“I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession,” he insisted.

Hours before, aides had clapped as Trump entered the Rose Garden, often a setting reserved for grand presidential victory laps.

The man who bills himself as the ultimate winner was forced to disguise the most humbling loss of his two years in power.

Geddit? He lost. He’s a loser loser loser loser. Na na na NA na.

Under pressure

Jan 26th, 2019 10:51 am | By

Some of the European countries are putting the arm on Maduro.

Spain, Germany, France and the UK have warned Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro that he must call elections within eight days – or they will officially recognise the opposition.

Mr Maduro is under pressure after his rival Juan Guaidó declared himself “acting president” on Wednesday.

Venezuela, or rather Maduro’s people, told them to fuck off.

On Saturday, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez wrote on Twitter: “Spain has a responsibility to Latin America… we do not seek to change or remove governments, we want democracy and free elections in Venezuela.”

France and Germany also issued similar statements, in what looked like a co-ordinated demand that elections be held in Venezuela.

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the election in Venezuela had been “deeply flawed”, repeating his view that Mr Maduro was “not the legitimate leader”.

Kind of true here too, what with Comey’s October surprise and Wikileaks and the Russian thumb on the scale and the 3 million gap in the popular vote. Maybe Europe could help us out while they’re at it?

Russia, a UN Security Council member, has said foreign support for Mr Guaidó violates international law and is a “direct path to bloodshed”. China, Mexico and Turkey have also publicly backed Mr Maduro.

For once we’re not allying with Russia, China and Turkey, but supporting Guaidó with the other liberal states.

Discussions at the UN on Saturday were tense as nations clashed on how to resolve the crisis in Venezuela.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Russia and China of “propping up a failed regime” and said it was time to “support the Venezuelan people immediately”.

“No more delays, no more games. Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you’re in league with Maduro and his mayhem,” he said.

Pompeo works for the guy who just shut the government down and threw nearly a million workers into instant poverty in a futile attempt to build a giant racist provocation in Mexico’s face. Speaking of mayhem.

]Maduro] was re-elected to a second term last year – but the elections were controversial, with many opposition candidates barred from running or jailed.

Yes that will tend to make an election controversial.

The National Assembly argues that the presidential position is actually vacant because the election was unfair – and that under the constitution this means that Mr Guaidó, as head of the National Assembly, should take over as acting president instead.

Good luck to them.

What’s a mere 9 percent of your salary?

Jan 25th, 2019 5:42 pm | By

Remember when Wilbur Ross said government agencies were offering unpaid workers very low interest loans? Yesterday? (Never mind the fact that people shouldn’t have to pay interest, however low, on their own god damn salaries.) Turns out they’re not what a normal person would call “low” at all, at least not Wilbur Ross’s department.

The Commerce Department’s federal credit union is charging furloughed employees almost 9 percent interest on emergency loans to cover their missing paychecks, despite Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross saying Thursday that financial institutions were offering “very, very low-interest-rate loans to bridge people over the gap.”

Who wouldn’t want to pay 9 percent interest to get their own salary? Such a deal. I hear the commissary was selling milk for only fifty dollars a quart, too.

“During the Government Shutdown we’re here to help our members and non-member employees of the Department of Commerce & NOAA and its affiliates, the Executive Office of the President and the White House Management and Administration Offices,” the credit union’s website says.

Emergency loans of up to $5,000 are available for furloughed employees with repayment terms of up to two years, the site says. Two loan officers reached at the credit union’s telephone number confirmed the terms, which include interest rates “as low as 8.99 percent.”

Golly gee, that low. They’re right up there with Scrooge for generosity.

Hot spot

Jan 25th, 2019 3:41 pm | By

The governor of Washington state has declared a state of emergency because of the measles outbreak.

There are 25 confirmed cases in Clark County, and a single known case in King County after a man in his 50s contracted measles and was hospitalized following a recent trip to Vancouver, according to a news release from Inslee’s office. As of Friday, Clark County Public Health had posted even higher numbers, with 30 confirmed and nine suspected cases.

On Jan. 18, Clark County declared its own local public health emergency after the outbreak. Twenty-six of those suffering from the disease had not been immunized and the vaccination status of four others was unverified. Researchers called nearby Portland a “hot spot” for infections due to a high rate of non-medical exemptions from vaccines, according to The Washington Post.

But hey let’s hear more from the anti-vaxxers.

Russian intelligence operatives were behind the theft

Jan 25th, 2019 10:00 am | By

Roger Stone’s turn:

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, revealed on Friday the most direct link yet between the Trump campaign’s and WikiLeaks’ parallel efforts to use Democratic Party material stolen by Russians to damage the campaign of Hillary R. Clinton.

In an indictment unsealed on Friday, the special counsel disclosed evidence that a top campaign official in 2016 dispatched Roger J. Stone, a longtime adviser to President Trump, to get information from WikiLeaks about the thousands of hacked Democratic emails. The effort began well after it was widely reported that Russian intelligence operatives were behind the theft, which was part of Moscow’s broad campaign to sabotage the 2016 president election.

The indictment makes no mention of whether Mr. Trump played a role in the coordination, though Mr. Mueller did leave a curious clue about how high in the campaign the effort reached.: A senior campaign official “was directed” by an unnamed person to contact Mr. Stone about additional WikiLeaks releases that might damage the Clinton campaign, according to the court document.

Meanwhile Comey was busy working on his speech about…Clinton’s emails.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, sought to broadly distance Mr. Trump from the charges. “The charges brought against Mr. Stone have nothing to do with the president,” she told CNN. Asked whether he directed a campaign aide to contact Mr. Stone about the WikiLeaks emails, she repeated that the charges did not involve the president.

And how could we possibly doubt her?

A day before Mr. Stone and Mr. Bannon emailed about WikiLeaks, Donald Trump Jr. exchanged Twitter messages with the WikiLeaks Twitter account and asked, “What’s behind this Wednesday leak I keep reading about.”

At the end of that week, on Oct. 7, WikiLeaks released more than 6,000 emails related to John D. Podesta, the chairman of the Clinton campaign. The release came 30 minutes after The Washington Post published a recording of Mr. Trump bragging on the set of “Access Hollywood” about assaulting women.

And here we are, trapped with this criminal monster bent on destroying the country and having a lot of success at it.

The narrowness of the ideological viewpoint

Jan 25th, 2019 9:25 am | By

Alice Sullivan and Judith Suissa of University College London on the narrowness of the ledge we are allowed to stand on:

Academics who do not adhere to a particular line on gender and transgender issues have suffered intimidation by trans activists. The people under attack are not mavericks or extremists. They are feminists who question the trans-orthodox view that biological sex is a social construct while gendered identities are fixed and innate. They also seek to defend women’s sex-based rights. In this article, we explain what is happening and consider what steps the higher education community needs to take to ensure that academic freedom is not curtailed.

One reason why concerns about academic freedom have been crystallised by the trans activist movement in particular is the narrowness of the ideological viewpoint that it has sought to impose.

Emphasis mine.

National polling shows that only 19 per cent of people share the view that ‘trans women are women’, and dissenting opinion encompasses a range of views. Yet trans activists claim that questioning the position that a person’s ‘gender identity’ trumps their biological sex in legal and social contexts amounts to being ‘anti-trans’, and to denying trans people’s very right to exist.

They call it bigotry and transphobia and they and their non-trans but equally rabid allies do everything they can to shut it down.

When academics disagree with a piece of research, they would normally encourage debate, critique and more research. However, in the case of transgender issues, activists have derailed this process repeatedly. This is particularly troubling given the need for research into the rapid growth in the numbers of young people presenting with gender dysphoria.

It’s also particularly troubling given how thoroughly the whole thing has been politicized, such that claims about “authentic self” and “validation” are brandished like weapons to close down attempts to talk about the facts, aka the evidence. Researchers are assailed for trying to find out why there is such rapid growth in the numbers of adolescents claiming gender dysphoria.

The climate within academia is inevitably influenced by the broader political arena, where trans activists have sought to shut down debate, often using violent misogynistic language and behaviour. Trans activists have adopted the slogan and hashtag #nodebate, claiming that debate constitutes ‘real harm’ or even ‘literal violence’.

Read the rest.

Cohere or else

Jan 25th, 2019 8:56 am | By

The Telegraph has further details on the “Inspector Plod understands you have tweeted a tweet” incident.

Harry Miller, 53, from Lincoln was contacted on Wednesday by a community cohesion officer following a complaint that had been made about the plant and machinery dealer’s social media posts.

Ahhh a community cohesion officer, of course. Community cohesion is apparently mandatory and enforced by the police in the UK…but then what is it, exactly? We know it’s not about men threatening women because the police couldn’t care less about that – but it is about doggerel (it’s not a limerick) that makes fun of “gender identity”? We have to cohere when it comes to gender identity but we’re free to split apart when it comes to bullying women?

Citing 30 potentially offensive tweets, the PC singled out a limerick Mr Miller had retweeted which  questioned whether transgender women are biological women. It included the lines: “Your breasts are made of silicone, your vagina goes nowhere.”

I repeat: it’s not a limerick. Limericks are like sonnets in having a specific set of criteria for meter and length. Anyway, like many people, I have doubts about police officers monitoring what the citizens retweet.

PC Mansoor Gul told Mr Miller: “I’ve been on a course and what you need to understand is that you can have a foetus with a female brain that grows male body parts and that’s what a transgender person is.”

He’s been on a course, you see. Maybe next year he’ll be on a course that teaches him you can have a foetus with a human brain that grows giraffe body parts and that’s what a transspecies person is.

The investigation comes as crime in Humberside has gone up by 13 per cent in the year ending September 2018, above the 8 per cent national average. Violent offences are up 24 per cent, sexual offences are up 19 per cent and robberies are up 17 per cent. The number of officers on the beat has increased by nearly 200 in the past 12 months.

Well thank god they can still spare a few officers to monitor what we retweet.

Confirming that he had spoken to Mr Miller for 20 minutes, PC Gul told the Telegraph he made the remark about the foetus because he had “learned it on a training course ran by a transgender person last summer”.

Was the course titled Metaphysical Biology?

A spokesperson for Humberside Police said: “We take all reports of hate incidents seriously and will always investigate and take proportionate action.”

They don’t though. Ask Kate Smurthwaite for instance.


Jan 25th, 2019 8:20 am | By

Yesterday’s late breaking news:

Jared Kushner’s application for a top-secret clearance was rejected by two career White House security specialists after an FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him — but their supervisor overruled the recommendation and approved the clearance, two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

My first reaction was “we already knew that.” Didn’t we? There was plenty of coverage of Kushner’s failure to get a clearance, and administration bobbing and weaving about why he was allowed to be at meetings that were for people with security clearances, and then an obviously bogus clearance pushed through. Wasn’t there? But I guess the details weren’t pinned down.

The official, Carl Kline, is a former Pentagon employee who was installed as director of the personnel security office in the Executive Office of the President in May 2017. Kushner’s was one of at least 30 cases in which Kline overruled career security experts and approved a top-secret clearance for incoming Trump officials despite unfavorable information, the two sources said. They said the number of rejections that were overruled was unprecedented — it had happened only once in the three years preceding Kline’s arrival.

That’s fabulous, isn’t it? Maybe all 30 are feeding classified information to Putin. What an exciting world we live in.

The Trumpers tried to get him an even higher level of clearance that is granted by the CIA and not the White House, and the CIA said you must be joking. The CIA also wondered why Kushner had the clearances he did have.

But maybe it’s all worth it because of Kushner’s amazing talents?

Rep. Elijah Cummings, D.-Md., chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said in a statement that the NBC News report raised questions he hopes to answer as part of his investigation, announced this week, into how the Trump administration has handled security clearances.

“The system is supposed to be a nonpartisan determination of an individual’s fitness to hold a clearance, not an ad hoc approach that overrules career experts to give the president’s family members access to our nation’s most sensitive secrets,” he told NBC News.

“What you are reporting is what all of us feared,” said Brad Moss, a lawyer who represents persons seeking security clearances. “The normal line adjudicators looked at the FBI report … saw the foreign influence concerns, but were overruled by the quasi-political supervisor.”

The sources said they did not know whether Kline was in communication with senior political White House officials. They say he overruled career bureaucrats at least 30 times, granting top-secret clearances to officials in the Executive Office of the President or the White House after adjudicators working for him recommended against doing so.

But it will probably be ok. Won’t it?

The Washington Post, citing current and former U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports on the matter, reported last February that officials in at least four countries had privately discussed ways they could manipulate Kushner by taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience.

Among those nations discussing ways to influence Kushner to their advantage, according to the current and former officials, were the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico, the Post reported.

On the basis of potential foreign influence, the adjudicator deemed Kushner’s application “unfavorable” and handed it to a supervisor.

Oh well it’s only…um…China.

He mad

Jan 24th, 2019 4:41 pm | By

Or, “Nancy” as I call her

and she doesn’t want to hear more importantly the American people hear the truth

n I think that’s a great…BLAHHTSHHH

on the…incredible country that we all love

it’s a great great harrible mark

this is where people are ayfrayd to open up and say what’s going on

very very negative pard of histree

Now therefore

Jan 24th, 2019 3:35 pm | By

Trump is dreaming about the declaration of emergency again. His people are preparing a draft declaration.

“The massive amount of aliens who unlawfully enter the United States each day is a direct threat to the safety and security of our nation and constitutes a national emergency,” a draft of a presidential proclamation reads.

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C 1601, et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States,” the draft adds.

“The massive amount of aliens” – whoever wrote the draft doesn’t rite so good.

If the President proceeds with the declaration, it’ll likely be challenged in court and by Democrats in Congress, as critics have argued that Trump cannot use the national emergency authority to free up taxpayer funds and build the border wall he has long promised his political supporters.

The question of legality and court challenges is still one of the main hang-ups in using executive action to secure the wall funding. Trump’s advisers have cautioned that taking that route would lead to certain legal challenge, meaning the wall construction would still be delayed.

Well that’s no fun. He wants it to be all “I, Donald Trump, do here sine my naym in big thick black up and down loops and say that I can billd Wall” and the thing is done. He’s the boss! He should be able to have Wall just because he says so!


Jan 24th, 2019 11:32 am | By

Trump is a role model for bad heads of state.

Viktor Orban, Hungary’s increasingly autocratic leader, said Trump represents “permission” from “the highest position in the world.”

To Jair Bolsonaro, the new president of Brazil, the U.S. president is a barrier-breaker — proof that incendiary comments about women or minorities and a history of trafficking in conspiracy theories don’t need to stand in the way of taking power.

When the Nigerian army opened fire on rock-throwing demonstrators last fall, killing as many as 40 people, it defended itself by citing Trump’s threats to do the same at the Mexican border.

When the U.S. Embassy in Cambodia criticized ruler Hun Sen for cracking down on the opposition and the media, the authoritarian leader pointed out that Trump had his back — not the diplomats’.

“Your policy has been changed, but the embassy in Phnom Penh has not changed it yet,” he said, appealing to Trump to rein his embassy in.

And when members of the U.N. Security Council visited Myanmar’s commander in chief in late April to demand explanations for the expulsion of more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims, he used the phrase “fake news” — the only words he spoke in English — no less than a dozen times, according to people present.

He makes us proud.

That is not to say the United States has always had such an enviable record, as Trump himself is fond of pointing out. Napalm attacks on Vietnamese villages, torture at Abu Ghraib prison and coddling of friendly dictators are just a few examples that highlight the gap between American rhetoric and reality.

Not to mention genocide and slavery; very true; but Trump doesn’t get to point that out.

In the Philippines, local courts have proved incapable of mounting any serious challenge to the thousands of extrajudicial killings carried out as part of President Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war.

As a former American colony where respect and admiration for the United States still runs deep, the Philippines is particularly susceptible to Washington’s influence. Polls show that Filipinos trust the United States more than any other major country, and about 80 percent of the population believes the United States plays a positive role in the world.

But rather than rein Duterte in, Trump has seemed only to embolden him with his support. Trump has said he and Duterte have “a great relationship.” Duterte has called Trump “a good friend” who “speaks my language.”

“If a full-blown dictatorship is established in the Philippines, to a large degree, Donald Trump helped that,” said Neri Colmenares, a human rights lawyer and activist.

A guy needs friends.

Many thousands are in want of common necessaries

Jan 24th, 2019 10:50 am | By

Since Screechy Monkey and Pliny the In Between both quoted it, here is the full passage in A Christmas Carol:

They were portly gentlemen, pleasant to behold, and now stood, with their hats off, in Scrooge’s office. They had books and papers in their hands, and bowed to him.

“Scrooge and Marley’s, I believe,” said one of the gentlemen, referring to his list. “Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Scrooge, or Mr. Marley?”

“Mr. Marley has been dead these seven years,” Scrooge replied. “He died seven years ago, this very night.”

“We have no doubt his liberality is well represented by his surviving partner,” said the gentleman, presenting his credentials.

It certainly was; for they had been two kindred spirits. At the ominous word “liberality,” Scrooge frowned, and shook his head, and handed the credentials back.

“At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” said the gentleman, taking up a pen, “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.”

“Are there no prisons?” asked Scrooge.

“Plenty of prisons,” said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.

“And the Union workhouses?” demanded Scrooge. “Are they still in operation?”

“They are. Still,” returned the gentleman, “I wish I could say they were not.”

“The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?” said Scrooge.

“Both very busy, sir.”

“Oh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,” said Scrooge. “I’m very glad to hear it.”

“Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,” returned the gentleman, “a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?”

“Nothing!” Scrooge replied.

“You wish to be anonymous?”

“I wish to be left alone,” said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned—they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there.”

“Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”

“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides—excuse me—I don’t know that.”

“But you might know it,” observed the gentleman.

“It’s not my business,” Scrooge returned. “It’s enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people’s. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon, gentlemen!”

Seeing clearly that it would be useless to pursue their point, the gentlemen withdrew. Scrooge resumed his labours with an improved opinion of himself, and in a more facetious temper than was usual with him.

Charles Dickens