Charty McChartface

Jun 28th, 2019 10:02 am | By

Wait, wait, he’s explained it all! It’s totally clear now.

Now, granted, it’s not at all clear what that “chart” is supposed to mean, because “philic” isn’t the same thing as sex nor is it the same thing as gender, but never mind that, it’s a chart. I’m sure we don’t need more than that.

Updating to add an even more scholarly visual aid:

We also have

Jun 28th, 2019 6:38 am | By

Trump is joking around with his buddy Vladimir. (He calls him Vladimir. They’re tight.)

Donald Trump joked with Vladimir Putin about getting rid of journalists and Russian meddling in US elections when the two leaders met at the G20 summit in Japan.

As they sat for photographs at the start of their first formal meeting in nearly a year, the US president lightheartedly sought common ground with Putin at the expense of the journalists around them in Osaka.

“Get rid of them. Fake news is a great term, isn’t it? You don’t have this problem in Russia but we do,” Trump said.

To which Putin responded, in English: “We also have. It’s the same.”

Ho ho ha ha.

Twenty-six journalists have been murdered in Russia since Putin first became president, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), many of them investigative reporters scrutinising governmental abuses.

Where’s your sense of humor?

When journalists asked Trump just before he left for Japan what he would like to talk to Putin about, he told them it was “none of your business”. As they sat alongside each other, a reporter asked whether he was going to tell Putin not to meddle in the 2020 election.

Trump said: “Yes, of course I will,” drawing a laugh from Putin. Then, without looking at Putin, Trump said briskly: “Don’t meddle in the election, please,” and then repeated the phrase with a mock finger wag as Putin and the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, smiled broadly.

Hahaha heeheehee it’s all so hilarious.

“We’ve had great meetings. We’ve had a very, very good relationship,” Trump said on Friday. “And we look forward to spending some very good time together. A lot of very positive things are going to come out of the relationship.”

That’s what you get from someone with no vocabulary. Great, good, positive, very. That’s it; that’s all he’s got.

Trump later held talks with Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro. “He is a special man, doing very well, very much loved by the people of Brazil,” Trump said, smiling broadly. For his part, Bolsonaro told the US president: “I have been a great admirer of you for quite some time, even before your election. I support Trump, I support the United States, I support your re-election.”

Very very very very very very very.

As we did before the Enlightenment

Jun 28th, 2019 6:00 am | By

Quite a ratio on this one from yesterday.

So…there was no Sex Binary before the Enlightenment? Is that right? Ellis Cashmore is a sociologist, so he must know.

But then how do we explain Queen Elizabeth’s speech to the troops at Tilbury?

I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king.

Looks like Sex Binary to me.

How do we explain all those female characters (played by boys) in Shakespeare’s plays who disguised themselves as men? How do we explain the Wife of Bath? How do we explain Euripides’s Medea? How do we explain her famous speech about how hard it sucks to be a woman?

Of all creatures that have life and reason
we women are the sorriest lot:
first we must at a great expenditure of money
buy a husband and even take on a master
over our body: this evil is more galling than the first.
Here is the most challenging contest, whether we will get a bad man
or a good one. Besides, divorce is unsavory
for a woman and it is not possible to say no to one’s husband.
And when she comes into new customs and rules
a woman must be a prophet of what she could never learn at home:
how best to deal with her marriage partner;
and if we get it worked out well and a husband shares
our life with us, and he bears the yoke without violence,
life is to be envied. Otherwise we are better off dead.
But the man, when he is bored with things at home
he can go out to ease the weariness of his heart.
But we have just one person to look to.
They say that we live a life free of danger
at home while they face battle with the spear.
How wrong they are. I would rather stand three times
in the line of battle than once bear a child.

What can she mean, if there is no Sex Binary? What was Euripides talking about?

What about the first thing Odysseus did on his trip home?

The wind carried me from Ilium to Ismarus, city of the Cicones. I sacked the city and slew the men, and the women and riches we split between us, so that as far as I could determine no man lacked an equal share.

How did they know which to slay and which to split between them, when there was no Sex Binary?

It’s a puzzle.

The level of influence

Jun 27th, 2019 4:44 pm | By

Jared Kushner is acting like a parallel Secretary of State, doing diplomacy all on his own.

Rex Tillerson, the former US secretary of state, has accused Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, of cutting top US diplomats out of meetings with powerful world leaders.

In a newly released transcript of a testimony to the House foreign affairs committee last May, Mr Tillerson outlined several instances in which he said Mr Kushner acted independently to meet foreign diplomats without informing Mr Tillerson or the state department.

The transcript reveals the level of influence that Mr Kushner, who serves as a Middle East adviser for his father-in-law, had over foreign policy at the start of Mr Trump’s time in office.

“Serves as” – is that like “identifies as”? Because Kushner has zero education or experience that makes him competent to be “a Middle East adviser” for the current president of the US. He’s a landlord. There’s no reason for a landlord to “serve as” a Middle East adviser to anyone, let alone a president.

There’s also, by the way, no reason to think he has any brains or talent or principles, either. He married into the hideous, corrupt Trump family; his father spent time in prison; schemes to make big profits off real estate are all he knows. He’s a zero. He’s wallpaper.

Mr Tillerson said he was not told of key meetings that had taken place between Mr Kushner and Arab leaders, including a meeting in May 2017 between Mr Kushner, former presidential adviser Steve Bannon and the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

In one of these meetings, the men allegedly discussed plans by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to impose a blockade on Qatar — which came as a surprise to both Mr Tillerson and Jim Mattis, who was then serving as defence secretary, when it was announced.

Not that there’s any reason to think Tillerson was up to the job either, but he wasn’t as callow and ignorant as the son-in-law is.

At the height of a heat wave

Jun 27th, 2019 4:15 pm | By

So the municipal pool in Grenoble has been closed.

According to a statement from the town hall, the lifeguards at the pools asked for the shutdown because “they are there to maintain safety and they can’t do that when they have to worry about the crowds”. It added: “We are working towards a positive solution.”

Meaning the protests were a distraction, I guess.

Seven burkini-clad women, accompanied by activists, went to the Grenoble pools on Sunday demanding the right to bathe despite the facility’s rules. They said the ban was discriminatory.

The women said they wanted the public pools, which currently require men to wear swim briefs and women to wear bikinis or one-piece swimsuits, to change their regulations to accommodate burkini wearers.

So then what if other people want to swim in jeans and sweat shirts? The pool would get pretty grubby pretty fast, I think.

H/t What a Maroon


Jun 27th, 2019 2:58 pm | By

Have a feel-good item. We need one.

They are never leaving

Jun 27th, 2019 12:07 pm | By

This is game over – the Supreme Court giving the green light to Republican gerrymandering from here to eternity (or terminal global warming). The Republicans hold the power now and they have permission to gerrymander to their hearts’ content so they will never be out of power, because they won’t allow it.

In a pair of cases out of North Carolina and Maryland raising the question of whether extreme partisan political gerrymanders can ever violate the Constitution, the five-justice conservative majority finally answered a decades-old question: The federal courts will have no role to play in overseeing whether political lines were drawn for the gain of the majority in violation of the Constitution.

Short version: we’re fucked.

To be sure, the chief justice knows how this all feels, to the millions of voters whose votes are and will be diluted and discounted by the majorities who draw lines: “Excessive partisanship in districting leads to results that reasonably seem unjust,” he concedes. “But the fact that such gerrymandering is ‘incompatible with democratic principles,’ does not mean that the solution lies with the federal judiciary.” The solution, he would suggest, lies in state courts, constitutional amendments, state redistricting commissions (which he has deemed unconstitutional in the past), Congress, and state legislatures, which is a tiny bit like putting the looters in charge of the looting problem.

Which was the goal.

He ends with the noble caution that “No one can accuse this Court of having a crabbed view of the reach of its competence.” And, indeed, nobody does. We have in recent terms witnessed the courts view of its competence to dismantle the administrative state, to curb union power, to overturn prior precedent, to gut the Voting Rights Act, and to use the First Amendment as an all-purpose civil rights stun-gun. But its competence to do sweeping and consequential change stops, today, at the door of the political gerrymander. In the chief justice’s telling, this is neutral minimalism.

In her dissent, Justice Elena Kagan calls out this learned helplessness in her very first line: “[F]or the first time ever, this Court refuses to remedy a constitutional violation because it thinks the task beyond judicial capabilities.” She adds that the doctrine here clouds the issue that:

The partisan gerrymanders in these cases deprived citizens of the most fundamental of their constitutional rights: the rights to participate equally in the political process, to join with others to advance political beliefs, and to choose their political representatives. In so doing, the partisan gerrymanders here debased and dishonored our democracy, turning upside-down the core American idea that all governmental power derives from the people. These gerrymanders enabled politicians to entrench themselves in office as against voters’ preferences. They promoted partisanship above respect for the popular will. They encouraged a politics of polarization and dysfunction. If left unchecked, gerrymanders like the ones here may irreparably damage our system of government.

And they will be left unchecked, so, yeah, game over.

Shame not the kink

Jun 27th, 2019 11:24 am | By

It turns out that what Louis CK did was a kink.

It’s kink-shaming and mainstream (not in a good way) to say that a powerful man shouldn’t trap two less-powerful women in his hotel room and masturbate in front of them.

It’s complex, you see. We have to slow down and take a deep breath and pause to admire the complexity of Louis CK’s kink and the way he trapped two women into doing the watching for him.

I’ve also seen vehement, even angry claims that choking (aka erotic asphyxiation) is a kink and that calling men choking women during sex “violent” or “dangerous” is kink-shaming.

People are weird.

A heat wave bakes the continent

Jun 27th, 2019 11:05 am | By

There will be more and worse.

Oppressively hot weather has broken records across Europe this week as a heat wave bakes the continent. Monthly and all-time temperature records were broken Wednesday in parts of Germany, Poland, France, Spain, and the Czech Republic. Clermont-Ferrand, France reported a record high of 105.6 degrees Fahrenheit. And forecasters expect parts of France could see temperatures rise to 110 degrees Fahrenheit by Friday.

“The whole government is mobilized,” French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters on Monday. Public health warnings for heat have also been issued in Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland.

Temperatures like that can kill, especially if you’re not used to them or have to work in them or both. (The utility of being used to them is very limited though. There are hard borders on how much heat the human body can handle.)

Europe’s hot weather this follows some unusually warm temperatures in other parts of the world this month, including the Arctic. Temperatures in Greenland surged up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit above what’s normal this time of year, leading to the largest ice melt this early in the season on record. A heat wave in India this month has already killed dozens.

The high temperatures in Europe also stand to harm millions of people. And as average temperatures rise due to climate change, these spans of extreme heat are poised to get longer, more intense, more frequent, and deadlier.

But the good news is

No, there isn’t any.

Such blasphemous filth these days

Jun 27th, 2019 5:57 am | By

Department of we can sell it but you can’t say it.


It’s real.

It’s another real-life joke! This is the story. This is part of the Billy Connolly routine. And this is a recent screenshot from Asda’s online store:

Go there to see the screenshot.

J and M on Patreon.

Understanding what is our business

Jun 27th, 2019 5:23 am | By

Spoken like a true dictator.

Ahead of his expected meeting with Putin on the sidelines of this weekend’s G-20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, the president told reporters that while he expected to have a positive conversation with Putin, he would not divulge whether he will press the adversarial leader about election interference.

“I will have a very good conversation with him,” Trump said, adding, “What I say to him is none of your business.”

It is though. It’s every bit our business, and given his incompetence and criminality and profound stupidity, it’s more our business than it is his. He has no business being president, let alone talking secretively to Putin.

He’s looked at their eyes, Tucker

Jun 26th, 2019 5:24 pm | By

Holy shit.


Mark Morgan, the White House choice to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said during a Fox News interview earlier this year that he can judge the likelihood that an unaccompanied minor will become a gang member by looking into that child’s eyes.

“I’ve been to detention facilities where I’ve walked up to these individuals that are so-called minors, 17 or under,” Morgan said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in January. “I’ve looked at them and I’ve looked at their eyes, Tucker — and I’ve said that is a soon-to-be MS-13 gang member. It’s unequivocal.”

That knocked the breath out of me for a second. It’s staggering. It’s worthy of Göbbels.

The view that unaccompanied minors are more likely to become criminals is unsupported by statistical evidence. Studies have shown immigrants — legal and undocumented — are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.

Sanaa Abrar, advocacy director with the pro-migrant United We Dream, said Morgan’s remark reflects the Trump administration’s broader efforts to target immigrant youth.

And their inclination to see them as monstrous, and to try to convince us of that horrible distortion too.

Morgan’s comment echoed statements by President Donald Trump. During an event last year in Long Island, N.Y., Trump said unaccompanied minors “look so innocent,” but aren’t in reality.

If you want true evil all you have to do is look at President Donald Trump.

Walter Shaub has it right.


Jun 26th, 2019 4:10 pm | By

Trump is feeling bumptious today. He did a shout-fest with reporters on the driveway again today, in which he shouted that it was the Democrats who caused the drowning of Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria on Monday.

Image result for oscar and valeria ramirez

Then he shouted that Mueller committed a crime.

Donald Trump, without offering evidence, on Wednesday directly accused former special counsel Robert Mueller of committing a crime, saying Mueller had illegally “terminated” FBI communications as part of his Russia investigation.

The Justice Department declined to comment.

“Mueller terminated them illegally. He terminated all of the emails. … Robert Mueller terminated their text messages together. He terminated them. They’re gone. And that’s illegal. That’s a crime,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network, referring to two former Federal Bureau of Investigation employees who exchanged disparaging messages about the president.

Shall we talk about all the crimes – actual crimes, not notional ones – Donald Trump has committed? How many days do you have?

Malory Towers

Jun 26th, 2019 12:24 pm | By

All the tomboys are being converted into trans or enby.

Julie Bindel looks at a character of Enid Blyton’s who is getting the treatment:

When I was growing up in the 1960s and 70s, I took pleasure in rejecting feminine frippery such as frilly pink frills and girly shoes. I refused to have bows and ribbons in my hair, and I was not the only one in my friendship group that preferred dungarees to dresses.

I kept good company in a character from Enid Blyton, who was also a hard-core tomboy. Wilhelmina, better known as Bill, was the girl in Malory Towers – a series of books based on a fictitious all-girls boarding school, which chronicled the adventures of a group of friends getting up to high jinx.

A new stage version is now coming to the Bristol Old Vic, and has the Bill character played by a non-binary person. In today’s ‘woke’ parlance, non-binary, also known as genderqueer, is, according to Wikipedia, “a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine—‌identities that are outside the gender-binary”.

I thought that’s what feminism had fought for? To not have to acquiesce to sexist stereotypes because we are female? Should we not simply be encouraging girls to reject the rules imposed upon them as to how they should behave? As the director of the new production, Emma Rice, says in the Telegraph today: “feminism is at the heart of Malory Towers”.

Why then can we not just celebrate Bill as a girl who refuses to bow to convention?

Because we’re too sick of being screamed at by woke Twitter?

Now I’m worrying that somebody is going to do it to Nancy Blackett of Swallows and Amazons. Come at me, bro.

Priss Jawwy’s plan

Jun 26th, 2019 11:22 am | By

Shallow Princess Ivanka’s shallow husband Shallow Prince Jared has a Plan for Peace in the Middle East, gleaned from his several years of experience renting overpriced apartments.

The Middle East Economic Plan, dubbed “Peace to Prosperity” is the brainchild of Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of US President Donald Trump. Its 136-pages read like a glossy magazine, with photos of children walking to school and smiling farmers adorning the document.

But the images come from USAID development projects that were stopped due to massive cuts imposed on the agency’s funding in the West Bank and Gaza.

Well…yes, but…the photos are meant to be of future children walking to school and smiling farmers. They’re not supposed to be documentation, they’re supposed to be inspiration. Like advertising! They don’t have to be true, they just have to motivate people to buy the product bullshit.

At Tuesday’s long-anticipated economic workshop in Manama, Bahrain, Kushner officially presented his plan as the “deal of the century.” The political part is set to follow, but no one actually knows when. It is not expected until after Israeli elections in September.

The project “Peace to Prosperity” is detailed in 40 pages, divided into three chapters. Some 96 pages summarize the programs, projects and statistics. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) described the plan as consisting of only “abstract promises.”

Which Prince Jared doesn’t have the power to deliver.

The first part of the plan outlines combatting corruption, opening up The West Bank and Gaza Strip to regional and global markets and connecting the two with a railway link. Yet Kushner’s proposal does not explain how something that has not happened for years will now materialize.

There are promises to strengthen the private sector and introduce 4G, LTE and 5G mobile networks. The latter doesn’t even exist yet in the US. The West Bank only acquired a 3G network in 2018 because the Israeli government finally allowed it, after many years of waiting.

According to Kushner’s vision, Gaza and the West Bank could, “just like Dubai and Singapore,” benefit from their strategic location to become a regional financial center.

But unlike the Palestinian territories, Dubai and Singapore have airports. The plan, instead, is to expand airports in neighboring Lebanon and Jordan.

Tsss, Deutsch Welle is being so literal. These are dreams, plans, slogans, aspirational fantasies. Get with the program!

Education is another theme in the proposal, which promises online education platforms and international exchanges.

But how Palestinians’ freedom of movement would be expanded and their travel restrictions loosened, remains to be seen. There are generations of people in the Gaza Strip who have never been allowed to leave the territory.

Kushner envisages investments in cultural institutions and a revamping of the health sector. But here too, there has been no indication of how to go about it.

What do they mean “how to go about it”? You just do it. Prince Jared says it and someone does it. Simple!

Although the economic plan is only meant to be implemented after a peace plan has been achieved, it is clear that Kushner’s vision does not include an independent Palestinian state.

US officials have already let it be known that the so-called two-state solution, which has been supported by numerous countries worldwide, has been rejected by the president’s son-in-law.

Why the president’s son-in-law has anything to do with it remains a mystery.

Then, she persisted to do the same things

Jun 26th, 2019 11:02 am | By

More from the “Stone the TERF JK Rowling!!” faction:

A heap of sludge from one Phaylen Fairchild (they do love those flattering neo-names, don’t they) at Medium:

It’s been a long time coming, but finally we have a definitive answer. JK Rowling is a TERF.

There have been multiple instances wherein the (in)famous Harry Potter author demonstrated solidarity with radical feminists who have waged a vicious smear campaign against transgender women.

Or not so much waged a vicious smear campaign as disagreed with, but you know, gotta fan the flames.

While the LGBT community and our allies have stood back and watched a rather ominous narrative form around JK Rowling, it has been without any direct confirmation or statement from the author herself. It’s as if she is conditioning the world to accept it rather than rebuke it. First she stuck her toe in the water, was caught, claimed it was a misunderstanding and we accepted that. Then, she persisted to do the same things… again and again.

She was “caught” – having her own opinion instead of prostrating herself before someone else’s. She “persisted” – as the US senator complained about Senator Warren when she wouldn’t stop talking simply because he told her to.

Finally, we have some confirmation of Rowling’s stance against the transgender community. She has followed one of the most hateful and aggressive anti-trans radical feminists on Twitter, Magdalen Berns.

Out of her 14 million followers, Rowling herself follows less than 700 people on social media, so it’s safe to presume her perspective aligns with that of the well known transphobe whose account is solely committed to espousing misinformation and dangerous rhetoric toward transgender women. This clearly isn’t another middle-aged moment. Instead, it seems more like Rowling unapologetically pulling back the curtain and finally ending what little left there was to speculate about with any optimism.

The terrible writing doesn’t help, but you get the idea.

There’s also an indignant public Facebook post:

so the question that you in no way need answered, that you probably weren’t thinking about at all until you saw this tweet, is:

“Is J.K. Rowling a terf?”

I just went through all the accounts she follows — it’s a pretty small list, under 700 — and here’s what I found.

Pause to admire the dedication, the altruism, the commitment it takes to investigate what accounts another person follows in search of evidence of…well, of following those accounts.

@/magdalenberns is a terf. her timeline is just crammed with anti-trans hostility.

@/damcou is a sneering transphobe. search “from:damcou trans”.

@/glosswitch speaks up in support of Bindel and believes that trans women are violent men.

@/hadleyfreeman, another bindel supporter, supports transphobes and transphobic causes while trying to claim she’s not a terf.

@/victoriapeckham is a high-profile terf who believes trans kids don’t really kill themselves all that often, and is incidentally a swerf as well

@/jolyonMaugham says trans women are women… except when any specific policy issue comes up, or self-ID, when he about-faces into ‘it’s complicated’ and ‘both sides’. search “from:jolyonmaugham trans”

@/claireshrugged thinks that trans women are ‘biologically male’ and cannot be lesbians.

Etc etc etc, with Jess Phillips and Frances Barber and Graham Linehan hauled in. Wrongfollow! Wrongfollow in the highest degree!

She’s a fucking terf. She has been all along. The only reason she hasn’t said so openly is that she wants to keep raking in LGBTQ fan dollars.

When you give her your money, you’re giving money to a terf. When you support her claims to being lgbtq positive, you’re providing rhetorical cover for a terf.

When you play the new harry potter game on your phone, you’re giving support and ad dollars to a terf.

You have been warned.

Smile for the cameras

Jun 26th, 2019 7:52 am | By

Princess Ivanka gives us commoners a glimpse into her rarefied royal life.

Will you look at that? Can you imagine a single other “senior adviser” issuing a glam shot of Self Entering The Chamber?

And then there’s the whole “what the hell do you know about it?” problem. What is that spoiled vain shallow fashion model doing prancing into the Senate and giving a “keynote” on a grab bag of subjects she has zero expertise in?

Also, as Joyce Vance points out, how dare she.

Get me protocol

Jun 25th, 2019 5:15 pm | By

More personnel turnover:

The Trump administration official in charge of diplomatic protocol plans to resign and isn’t going to Japan for this week’s Group of 20 meetings, where he would have played a sensitive behind-the-scenes role, according to people familiar with the matter.

Trump has a protocol boffin?? Who knew? He doesn’t seem to have been doing much of a job…

Sean Lawler, a State Department official whose title is chief of protocol, is departing amid a possible inspector general’s probe into accusations of intimidating staff and carrying a whip in the office, according to one of the people.

Ah. So Trump has a protocol boffin who carries a whip in the office. Makes sense.

The protocol chief assists the president on overseas trips, and when foreign leaders visit the White House, by making introductions and briefing the president on protocol. Lawler, a fixture in the Oval office during dignitaries’ visits, served as the president’s liaison to the diplomatic corps at the State Department.

Diplomatic fine points handled by the protocol chief include helping determine where to hold meetings and in what order participants should enter a room.

And which hand to hold the whip in.

Oooh she follows a wrongthinkist

Jun 25th, 2019 4:46 pm | By

More finger-pointing hissing venomous garbage from Pink News:

The Harry Potter author JK Rowling has been heavily criticised for following the “self-professed transphobe” YouTuber Magdalen Berns on Twitter.

Berns has uploaded numerous anti-trans videos to YouTube with titles including, “There is no such thing as a lesbian with a penis,” “Gender is NOT a social construct,” and “Non binary bullshit.”

Berns has also called for people to stop using the term TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist), saying it is an attack on free speech.

Berns is a hero. You regular readers here got to know about her well before her videos made her famous. I wrote about her back in October 2015 when she was running in an Edinburgh University Student Association election and people were calling her “whorephobic” for the usual backassward reason. We chatted a lot; I think she’s brilliant. These days she’s dealing with a lethal brain tumor, so Pink News could have decided not to throw any mud on her, but no, of course not, it wouldn’t do to miss a chance to try to punish her some more.

Rowling’s following of the account was discovered by pro-transgender account Trans Advocate, who tweeted a screenshot and noted that Rowling had followed Berns during Pride month.

“Discovered” – as if it were a Mayan temple or how to cure brain tumors. Congratulations to Trans Advocate for searching out who follows whom in order to summon wrongdoers before the Inquisition.

The discovery was met with disappointment from many of Rowling’s fans, who say they cannot support the Harry Potter franchise if she shares Berns’ stance on transgender people.

I don’t think she’ll be giving any refunds.

PinkNews reached out to Rowling’s representatives for comment, and were told: “J.K. Rowling won’t be commenting. However, we know she follows on Twitter a wide range of people she finds interesting or thought-provoking.”

So fuck off and mind your own business you creepy little wannabe cops.

Only be sure always to call it please “research”

Jun 25th, 2019 12:15 pm | By

But have you done the RESEARCH? Where is your RESEARCH?

That’s how you do RESEARCH. You read an article in Jezebel and a thread on Twitter. That’s RESEARCH.

She’s a bizarre character, Dr. Dorothy Kim. She has an…impoverished vocabulary, to put it politely, and she’s free with the epithets. She’s also an academic, in the English department at Brandeis.

“Violent misgendering” – what’s that when it’s at home? How can the made up faux pas of “misgendering” possibly be violent?

She reported me to the authorities yesterday. I don’t think they paid any attention.