Golf day

Aug 4th, 2019 10:02 am | By

Yesterday Trump retweeted Pastor Darrell Scott saying

There is nothing racist about President #Trump‘s suggesting that those who regularly spew hate at #America might spend their time more productively elsewhere

Trump’s next tweet says

‘God be with you all’: Trump pledges full support for El Paso shooting victims as lawmakers also grieve.

I wonder if the first one is meant to absolve him of any responsibility for the El Paso racist murder-spree. Pastor Scott is wrong, unfortunately, despite being black himself. He’s wrong because the people Trump told to leave are all non-white. Pastor Scott is free to pretend that’s irrelevant if he chooses, but he’s still wrong, wrong on the facts and wrong morally. Trump’s racist record is long and by now boringly familiar, so yes, when he does something that looks racist, it’s safe for us to conclude that it is racist and he intends it to be racist and he does it with malice aforethought.

Seven hours later he shared his thoughts again:

Today’s shooting in El Paso, Texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people….Melania and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas.

Somebody wrote that for him, and whoever it was is a damn fool. Who cares whether or not “it was an act of cowardice”? What’s that got to do with anything? Why would that matter?

And we know it’s a lie about the heartfelt thoughts and prayers. We know perfectly well they don’t actually care at all.

Eight hours after that oops he had to mention another mass shooting; they’re coming every few hours now.

The FBI, local and state law enforcement are working together in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio. Information is rapidly being accumulated in Dayton. Much has already be learned in El Paso. Law enforcement was very rapid in both instances. Updates will be given throughout the day!

The cops arrived fast. That’s what he singles out for mention. We’re supposed to be thrilled about the sirens and the speeding cars, I suppose. Oooh it’s just like tv!

And the jaunty exclamation point at the end.

He’s been playing golf all day.

But he sent a message before he left.

God bless the people of El Paso Texas. God bless the people of Dayton, Ohio.

That’s fine then.

Elaine’s prayers won’t help

Aug 4th, 2019 9:24 am | By

Mitch McConnell yesterday:

The entire nation is horrified by today’s senseless violence in El Paso. Elaine’s and my prayers go out to the victims of this terrible violence, their families and friends, and the brave first responders who charged into harm’s way.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just now:

The House passed HR8, a Bipartisan Background Checks Act, 5 months ago and the Senate has yet to vote on it. It was one of our 1st major priorities after ending the gov shutdown. You’ve been sitting on it since February giving bogus excuses. Care to explain the people why?

I did an angry reply to McConnell myself yesterday. It’s stomach-turning watching Trump and McConnell pretend to be sad about El Paso when they are the very people who glorify guns, scream bloody murder at all efforts to control the sale of guns, and talk racist incitement every chance they get. Nobody wants their damn prayers.

He’s against “race mixing”

Aug 3rd, 2019 4:06 pm | By

If NewsOne is right the El Paso mass murderer is a white supremacist Trump fan.

While officials did not immediately announce the identity of the shooter, the Washington Examiner reported that “A law enforcement source in El Paso told the Washington Examiner that 21-year-old suspect Patrick Crusius from Dallas, Texas, has been taken into custody.”

A manifesto purportedly written by Crusius, perhaps even in the hours before the shooting attack that according to one report left at least 15 people dead, was left behind. Pages of the manifesto included anti-immigrant rhetoric with the author going into depth on why he is “against race mixing,” supports the idea to “send them back” and offering a prediction of “genocide.”

Lie down with pigs, get up covered in pig shit.

The step

Aug 3rd, 2019 3:45 pm | By

Good to see he protected his hearing before killing at least 18 people at random.

View image on Twitter


Aug 3rd, 2019 3:32 pm | By

Brilliant juxtaposition. So appropriate, so thoughtful, so sensitive.


Volodya? Is that you?

Aug 3rd, 2019 2:48 pm | By

Military Veterans Against Fascism:

Trump offered Putin help with fighting wildfires in Siberia…planes, personnel, money, and materials.

When California was burning from wildfires he blamed the state and threatened to stop federal funding from going to the state.

Analysts believe Trump’s call to Putin was him looking for more support (election meddling on his behalf) going into 2020. Given his pick of nominees for the head of the nation’s intelligence system is a Trump loyalist with no intention of preventing Russia from interfering…we may be seeing Trump actively colluding with Russia to rig the 2020 vote.

Moscow Mitch’s refusal to secure our election suggests the criminal conspiracy extends beyond the White House to several prominent GOP leaders.

The Republicans are selling America out to Russia to stay in power.

The Trump administration tried to keep the phone call a secret until someone leaked it and they had to admit it had taken place.

That’s not ominous at all.

If his next girlfriend is a cis woman

Aug 3rd, 2019 2:28 pm | By

Huh? What? What have women done wrong this time?

Diana Tourjée

Dear cis women, Your boyfriend & your brother like trans girls. When you find that out, I hope you remember what happened to these men after women in their lives shamed & rejected them. The stories in this piece are devastating, & sickeningly normal.

“This piece” was written by none other than Diana Tourjée.

It’s the story of Owen, whose girlfriend got so mad at him when she found out he lusted after trans women.

He’d love to have a healthy, public relationship with a trans woman. But it feels unlikely. He doesn’t really know where to meet trans women, and if his next girlfriend is a cis woman, he expects to keep this secret from her. The trauma of being shamed by his ex has marked him with paranoia. If found out again, he’s afraid he’d be ostracized completely, “scarlet letter style.”

Poor sad Owen! Mean Owen’s cis ex, who shamed him.

Owen is one of countless men who are attracted to trans women but are too afraid to say so publicly. I’ve reported on this for years, but the coverage rarely draws these men out of hiding. In July, though, an interview I conducted with four straight guys inspired many such men to speak up, across the internet, onto countless social media timelines, and in emails to me. Their reasons for hiding may seem obvious, a blend of homophobia and a fear of being stripped of their masculinity.

Countless, eh? That’s a convenient number.

Anyway, the point is, everybody is doing everything wrong, except for trans women.

Pretty stoked

Aug 3rd, 2019 11:58 am | By

McKinnon wins again.

You want some?

Aug 3rd, 2019 11:04 am | By

What Trump inspires:

A man has been charged after he punched an anti-Trump protester outside the president’s rally in Cincinnati Thursday night. Footage obtained by CBS affiliate WKRC shows Dallas Frazier, 29, being immediately arrested after hitting another man multiple times.

Before President Trump was set to give a speech inside U.S. Bank Arena, video shows Frazier, dressed in a green polo shirt, opening the door of a red pickup truck and going after 61-year-old Mike Alter. (The footage, which contains some profanity, can be seen here.)

Frazier is seen sizing up the victim and asking, “You want some?” –– before swinging at the man three times and knocking his sunglasses off. Officers then arrest him.

They go low.

Tell us more about the power differentials

Aug 3rd, 2019 10:10 am | By

A philosopher tackles some weighty issues in the disagreements between gender critical philosophers and what she chooses to call “transfeminist” ones. (What does that even mean? Identifies as feminist but is actually a misogynist?) I haven’t finished reading it yet because one item demanded immediate attention.

What about the claim – elaborated most fully in Dr. Stock’s Quillette column – that trans-inclusive institutional policies can constrain professors’ freedom to teach?

I think the answer here is mixed. Certainly, no one should mispronoun a non-binary person simply because they (the speaker) have adopted the scholarly view that there are only two genders. But there is an easy workaround. If, for some reason, I refuse to say “they”, then when engaging with a student who uses that pronoun, I can simply use their name instead.

That “the scholarly view that there are only two genders [sexes]” is funny-irritating. Yes, it’s a mere “view” that there are two sexes and not eleventy billion. It’s a mere view but it’s a scholarly view, as is the view that there are eleventy billion. We’re all scholars here, doing our scholarly thing.

But that’s not what made me stop reading in order to post.

But imagine an instructor whose expertise is in issues related to prisons and incarceration. Now imagine that, as is the case with many British GCF philosophers, the instructor believes that trans women in women’s prisons pose an unacceptable threat to the safety of inmates in those prisons. (For the record, I deny this view.) Does academic freedom permit that instructor to discuss this issue in the classroom? I think that it does.

Now, that’s bad news for trans students in the class. I don’t say this lightly. A classroom in which such ideas are taught is an inhospitable learning environment for trans students, in a world that is already plenty inhospitable for them. Not all of the costs of academic freedom are borne by faculty themselves. Responsible colleagues therefore attune themselves to power differentials that render students vulnerable, and seek to cultivate supportive learning environments. But universities can’t force them to do this.

That’s a strange move she makes there. Inhospitable for trans students, power differential, vulnerable…but what about the women in prison? Why does the transfeminist philosopher ache with concern for trans students but not for women in prison? Isn’t it likely that women in prison are a whole hell of a lot more vulnerable and at the mercy of a power differential than university students who identify as trans? Isn’t it in fact a near certainty? Which would you rather be?

It’s pretty breathtaking to see an academic who clearly considers herself – identifies as – progressive and woke and concerned in the right ways, so blithely jump right over the fears of women in prison to focus on the inhospitable learning environment for trans students created by talking about those fears of women in prison. The writer – Shannon Dea – apparently didn’t even notice that’s what she was doing. Class privilege anyone? Educational privilege? Freedom privilege? Not being in prison privilege? Being in a classroom privilege?

This is one of the many reasons I refuse to board their train, and it’s a big one.

80 million Olympic swimming pools

Aug 2nd, 2019 3:25 pm | By

Robert Reich:

Greenland’s ice sheet lost 11 billion tons of surface ice in one day. July is on pace to become the hottest month ever recorded. Wildfires are raging across the Arctic.

We are already feeling the effects of the climate emergency. But Trump and Republicans in Congress refuse to even acknowledge the basic science of this crisis, much less take action to address it. The oil and gas industry donated almost $24 million to Republican candidates last election cycle — and they’re getting their money’s worth.

He was linking to CNN:

After months of record temperatures, scientists say Greenland’s ice sheet experienced its biggest melt of the summer on Thursday, losing 11 billion tons of surface ice to the ocean — equivalent to 4.4 million Olympic swimming pools.

Granted we don’t know how many tons of surface ice Greenland normally loses on an August day.

This July alone, Greenland’s ice sheet lost 197 billion tons of ice — the equivalent of around 80 million Olympic swimming pools — according to Mottram. She told CNN the expected average would be between 60-70 billion tons at this time of year.

60-70 billion tons for the whole summer, for July, what?

Not clear, but it’s a lot, and it’s not a good trend. Meanwhile Trump is busy stirring up racists day in and day out.

Crow Tribe et al v. Zinke

Aug 2nd, 2019 2:53 pm | By

Oh no – Native Americans are destroying our Western way of life, at least so says Liz Cheney.

On a momentous day for Tribal Nations, Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), the House Republican Conference Chairwoman, stated that the successful litigation by tribes and environmentalists to return the grizzly bear in Greater Yellowstone to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) “was not based on science or facts” but motivated by plaintiffs “intent on destroying our Western way of life.”

Our Western way of life? Whose Western way of life? White people’s? Republicans’? White Republicans’? Cheneys’? Because from what I remember – correct me if I’m wrong – white people did quite a lot to ruin Native Americans’ way of life back in the day, and something tells me Liz Cheney doesn’t feel a whole lot of compunction about that.

In other words it takes quite a lot of gall for pale Republicans to complain about Native Americans spoiling any way of life.

One of the largest tribal-plaintiff alliances in recent memory prevailed in the landmark case, Crow Tribe et al v. Zinke last September, when US District Judge Dana Christensen ruled in favor of the tribes and environmental groups after finding that the Trump Administration’s US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) had failed to abide by the ESA and exceeded its authority in attempting to remove federal protections from the grizzly. Tuesday, USFWS officially returned federal protections to the grizzly.

“So, in striving to protect our culture, our religious and spiritual freedoms, our sovereignty and our treaty rights – all of which are encapsulated in the grizzly issue – we are ‘destroying’ Cheney’s idea of the ‘Western way of life’?” questioned [Tom] Rodgers. “I would remind the Congresswoman that at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition an estimated 100,000 grizzly bears roamed from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. That was all Indian Country. Now there are fewer than 2,000 grizzly bears and our people live in Third World conditions on meager reservations in the poorest counties in the US. Does she really want to talk about ‘destroying’ a ‘way of life’?” asked Rodgers.

Yes but you see her way of life matters and yours doesn’t.

That seems to be the new rule.

Shamelessness on full display

Aug 2nd, 2019 10:48 am | By

Now for Aaron Rupar’s report on the Cincinnati fascist rally:

Trump made it more clear than ever before that he conceives of himself as the president of the states that voted for him, and little more. At various points during his speech in Cincinnati, he ridiculed living conditions and violent crime in blue “inner cities” like Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Arguably the lowest point in Trump’s speech came when he escalated his one-sided feud with elected officials representing one of America’s blackest cities by turning victims of gun violence in Baltimore into a political cudgel to wield against Democrats. The spectacle of the American president trying to score partisan points on violent crime in an American city was a highly unusual one and left Baltimore residents gobsmacked.

It’s unusual for a non-fascist state, but it’s right out of the Nazi playbook.

Trump has made demeaning Democrats and the cities they represent a key feature of his stump speeches. That shamelessness was on full display at another point when his speech was interrupted by protesters holding a banner that read, “immigrants built America,” right after Trump started to talk about how many people were murdered in Chicago last year.

While the protesters were being forced out of the arena, Trump could be heard on a hot mic asking people in the crowd if the mayor of Cincinnati is a Democrat. After they confirmed that he is, Trump said to his audience, “you must have a Democrat mayor!” — as though the disruption wouldn’t have happened if the city was governed by a Republican.

This will all definitely end well.


Aug 2nd, 2019 10:38 am | By

Aaron Rupar at Vox covered Trump’s Cincinnati rally at Vox but before I get to that I want to say something about the photo above his piece.

Donald Trump And Mike Pence Hold “Keep America Great” Rally In Cincinnati

Andrew Spear/Getty Images

It’s shamingly easy to find pictures like that of Trump, and impossible to find any where he looks like a reasonable sensible grown-up human. The hair alone rules that out, and the hair isn’t all. But the thing is…you don’t see pictures like that of other political figures talking. Even Mitch McConnell, even Lindsey Graham – you don’t see photos of them rolling their eyes and screeching like lunatics. Trump? They’re everywhere. He looks unhinged…and that’s because he is.

Photos can be very misleading, but in Trump’s case they convey a hideous truth.

Racist enough yet?

Aug 2nd, 2019 10:11 am | By

Also the president of the US takes to Twitter to mock Elijah Cummings for having an intruder break into his house.

“Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.

Trump’s tweet came less than 24 hours after a report from WJZ, the CBS affiliate in Baltimore, that Cummings’ home had been burglarized early Saturday morning, hours before Trump launched a Twitter attack on the congressman.

He had another fascist rally yesterday.

At a raucous rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Thursday night, Trump continued to drag the city of Baltimore through the mud ― and extended his attacks to Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Trump claimed that Baltimore’s homicide rate was “significantly higher than El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala,” then asked his audience for more suggestions to embellish the comparison.

At one point, before protesters interrupted his speech, Trump also suggested that Democrats were at fault for murders in Chicago. And he blamed Democrats for the violence that plagues various urban areas, saying they “squeezed the blood” out of those places.

And so on and so on. It’s an early-stage fascist regime. It will continue to get worse.

A short talk but a good talk

Aug 2nd, 2019 9:45 am | By

Trump wants to help Putin with the fawrest fiyas because apparently we’re especially good at putting out fawrest fiyas.

It’s funny/disgusting that he twice explains to us how bad the fiyas are by saying they’re the worst he’s ever seen.

One – he hasn’t seen them. Two, why would what he’s seen be the measure of anything? Three, he’s relying on reports by people who do know what they’re talking about, just like the rest of us, but he frames it as if he had taken a godlike trip up above the planet to check on the size of the fires in Siberia. It’s just so dopy and clueless and inept.

Also of course he contemptuously brushes off the question of Russian interference in our elections – because that’s such a trivial little thing, and because if he’s lucky it will get him re-elected.

Almost the size of Belgium

Aug 1st, 2019 1:49 pm | By

Also, the fires that destroy forests that could have absorbed some of the CO2 also fill the air with soot which…raises temperatures further.

Russia has declared a state of emergency in five Siberian regions after wildfires engulfed an area of forest almost the size of Belgium amid record high temperatures as a result of climate change.

Officials said 2.7 million hectares of forest (about 10,400 square miles) were ablaze on Tuesday as soaring temperatures, lightning storms and strong winds combined, sending smoke hundreds of miles to reach some of Russia’s biggest regional cities.

Environmental groups worry that in addition to the destruction of carbon-absorbing forest, the carbon dioxide, smoke and soot released will accelerate temperature increases that are already melting permafrost in northern Russia. An estimated 12 million hectares of Russian forest has burned this year.

It will keep getting worse and it will keep getting worse faster.

The Greenland ice sheet

Aug 1st, 2019 1:41 pm | By

What happens when there’s nothing left to melt?

In years past, when it rained near Greenlander Toennes Berthelsen’s family camp, water would flood down as the mountain top ice melted, creating rivers where there usually are none.

Last week, when it rained there, there was no river at all.

“It was heavy raining, but we couldn’t see any flood coming down,” Berthelsen said. The ice cap at the top of the mountain was completely gone.

It’s been exceptionally warm in Greenland this year.

Now, the same heat dome that cooked Europe is forecast to raise temperatures in Greenland into the 70s Fahrenheit on parts of the coast, and the ice sheet is in the midst of one of its most extreme melts on record, said Xavier Fettweis, a climate researcher at the University of Liège. On July 30 and 31, more than half of the ice sheet had at least some melting at the surface, Denmark’s research institutions reported on Polar Portal.

“The current melt rate is equivalent to what the model projects for 2070, using the most pessimistic model,” Fettweis said. That melting has global implications—if Greenland’s ice sheet were to melt entirely, it would result in about 20 feet of global sea level rise.

Again, it looks as if it’s all going to happen a lot faster than was predicted.

Both Fettweis and Mottram said the extreme melt happening now is something that climate models have not done a good job accounting for.

“By mid to end of the century is when we should be seeing these melt levels—not right now,” Mottram said. “[The models] are clearly not able to capture some of these important processes.”

Keep a packed bag by the door.

Not Emmett Till

Aug 1st, 2019 1:10 pm | By

Updating to add: The article is from August 2016 so obviously the inspiration must be the other way around. H/t clamboy for noticing.

Yaniv has inspired imitators. Of course.

A transgender woman in Charlottetown has filed a complaint with the P.E.I. Human Rights Commission alleging she was refused service at a local salon because of her transgender status.

Kristen McKay says she went into Carrie’s Esthetic Salon in downtown Charlottetown on Tuesday afternoon to get her nails and makeup done and for makeup lessons.

Behold the transgender woman in question:

Krystalle Ramlakhan/CBC

McKay said a woman at the salon informed her that she didn’t do services for men, and when McKay replied that she’s not a man but a transgender woman, McKay was still refused service.

“I felt like I was a piece of garbage. I was worthless,” said McKay.

I don’t believe he felt anything of the kind. I think he felt happy about his chances for getting into the papers.

If you go to a supermarket and ask them to fix your car, you don’t get to complain of feeling worthless if they say they don’t provide that service.

In a written statement, salon owner Carrie MacFadyen said she would serve a transgender customer if she felt safe and secure in a room alone with them.

McKay said MacFadyen tried to give her an address for another salon to get her nails done, but McKay refused. She left, filed a complaint with P.E.I. Human Rights Commission and went to the media with her story.

Of course, because going to another salon wouldn’t be any fun, and wouldn’t give him the chance to play Civil Rights Hero Like John Lewis or Elizabeth Eckford.

“It is discrimination. I’m a human being. I have rights and people should know what people’s rights are and if you’re going to run a business you should know what rights are,” said McKay.

Nobody said he wasn’t a human being. He’s the one who should know what people’s rights are. This isn’t the Greensboro Woolworths lunch counter and he isn’t a black person denied a public service on racial grounds. He’s a stubbly white man who wants to make life unpleasant for women in the service industry.

Also, he’s been stalking the salon owner.

“It is unfortunate that the situation is being referred to as a transgender issue when the only issue is about my safety. I have absolutely no issues with transgender people and support their cause,” MacFadyen said in the statement.

It goes on to say that McKay is often standing or sitting on the street where MacFadyen parks her car and that — along with the fact that McKay then showed up at her work — made her uneasy.

Gee, I wonder why.

Give back those medals

Aug 1st, 2019 10:47 am | By

The dictator strikes again:

Navy officials said Wednesday they are pulling achievement medals from prosecutors who argued the case against a decorated Navy SEAL who was acquitted in the death of a wounded Islamic State captive after President Donald Trump intervened.

Trump tweeted earlier Wednesday that he had directed the secretary of the Navy and the chief of naval operations to “immediately withdraw and rescind” the Navy Achievement Medal from prosecutors who argued the case against Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, who was acquitted by military jurors earlier this month. “The Prosecutors who lost the case against SEAL Eddie Gallagher (who I released from solitary confinement so he could fight his case properly), were ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal,” Trump complained, adding, “I am very happy for Eddie Gallagher and his family!”

And so it was done.

Navy spokesman Cdr. Jereal Dorsey said that on Wednesday, after Trump’s tweet, Navy Secretary Richard Spencer rescinded the awards. As secretary, he has that authority, Dorsey said.

The move appeared to be a highly unusual presidential intervention in a case Trump had personally championed and drew immediate condemnation. Former Pentagon spokesman David Lapan, a retired Marine colonel, said the move represented the “further politicization of our military” and was a “ludicrous” move “in the face of so many more important and pressing personnel issues.”

Dictators gotta dic.