Pink and purple hands are not the issue

Aug 26th, 2019 4:56 pm | By

Also in today – Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services tweets:

Are you a self-identified woman? Are able to commit 3 evenings a month to volunteering? Are you passionate about gender equality & ending violence? If you’ve answered yes to all of the above we want to hear from you. Full details;


Which, as many women angrily responded, is just a terrible thing to do. Women who need rape or sexual abuse services don’t want them from men. They don’t want them from men even if those men “self-identify as” women. Rape and sexual abuse services should not be a place for men to exercise their fantasies. Rape and sexual abuse services should be for women and focus on what women need, not what narcissistic fantasizing men need.

Guest post: It’s all because of the 16-year-old trollops

Aug 26th, 2019 4:38 pm | By

Originally a comment by Screechy Monkey at the Miscellany Room.

Can you stomach another article on Epstein?

This one is a Mother Jones interview with Stuart Pivar, who described himself as a close friend of Epstein, until he realized what Epstein was up to. Though he still continued to engage in some fairly gross apologetics for him, so I take the claimed separation with a grain of salt. (Pharyngula readers may recall that Pivar once sued PZ Myers for calling him a “crackpot.”)

Some notable excerpts. Those dinners with scientific stars:

There were lavish dinner parties with the likes of Steven Pinker and Stephen Jay Gould during which Epstein would ask provocatively elementary questions like “What is gravity?” If the conversation drifted beyond his interests, Epstein was known to interrupt, “What does that got to do with pussy?!”

Ha ha. Let’s get back to the important topics, amiright? Hmm — one wonders what the women scientists at the party thought of such…. ha, just kidding, obviously there weren’t any women scientists present. Which should have been a red flag to these distinguished male scholars, shouldn’t it? How come they didn’t wonder why Epstein didn’t cultivate any distinguished women scholars? It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the social company of women, after all.

As I said, Pivar’s claim that he stayed away rings a little hollow, given his attitude towards Epstein’s behavior:

What’s the difference between the punishment which befalls a murderer and a serial murderer? It’s the same. If Jeffrey Epstein was found guilty of fooling around with one 16-year-old trollop, nobody would pay any attention. The trouble is, what he did was quantitative and not qualitative.

What Jeffrey did is nothing in comparison to the rapes and the forceful things, which people did. Jeffrey had to do with a bunch of women who were totally complicit. For years, they went, came there time and time and time again. And if there was only one of them who did it, no one would have noticed—except he made an industry out of it. And why did he make an industry out of it? Because Jeffrey was a very, very, very sick man. For some reason that doesn’t get understood. Did you ever hear of nymphomania?

Ah yes, it was just 16-year-old “trollops,” they don’t count for anything. Why, everybody fucks one from time to time, you just shouldn’t make a habit of it, and anyone who does is obviously just ill, not evil!

He didn’t struggle with it. He was in a position financially to yield to it, big time. But nevertheless, he could not help himself. I’ve seen him do things which he couldn’t—couldn’t help himself, he was afflicted with it. If he had tuberculosis it wouldn’t be called a perversion, would it? Because he coughed too much?

Oh, indeed. Quite an apposite comparison. “(cough, cough) Oh, I’m so sorry, I seem to have gotten my penis in your teenaged vagina. Ooopsie.”

Anyone who did one thing, let us say, to some 16-year-old trollop who would come to his house time after time after time and then afterwards bitch about it— why, no one would pay attention. Except Jeffrey made an industry out of it.

The nerve of those 16-year-olds!

There are plenty of people with satyriasis like there are plenty of nymphomaniacs, except very few of them have the money to, let us say, treat themselves to sex three times a day with young girls. That was what he had to do. Other people, there are plenty of cases, presumably, if you want to read up on the subject—it’s called satyriasis, right? It’s the male version of—did you ever meet a nymphomaniac?

Ah, yes. “Treat yourself” to sex with young girls, just, you know, in moderation!

It goes on from there, often in circles. Pivar repeats himself, lectures the writer on how he should have talked to a psychologist about satyriasis, and read Kraft-Ebbing’s work on sexual perversion, threatens to sue the writer, etc.

They’re out of size small

Aug 26th, 2019 4:33 pm | By

The least useful message shirt ever:

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and text

Smirk smirk abortions not just for THE LADIES.

As if abortions were like earrings or Jimmy Choos or being on the cover of Vogue.

Lotta bugs

Aug 26th, 2019 3:41 pm | By

The Daily Beast last month on Trump and vermin (the literal kind):

Over the past few days, President Donald Trump has been on an extended Twitter tirade, going off on what he deems to be the rat infestation plaguing the city of Baltimore. But if anyone should know about the plague of vermin, it’s Trump.

The president’s restaurants, resorts, and golf clubs have all been cited for extensive health-code violations, including the presence of rodents.

Health inspectors have for years turned in stomach-churning reports of rats, mice, cockroaches, and other pests in the kitchens and food-preparation areas at Trump properties in New York, Florida, and Las Vegas. One infestation in the main kitchen of Trump’s Doral golf club in 2015 was so bad that health inspectors recommended that the place be temporarily shut down.

Say what? What was that again? Can you repeat that last bit a little louder?

One infestation in the main kitchen of Trump’s Doral golf club in 2015 was so bad that health inspectors recommended that the place be temporarily shut down.

So, definitely the very place we want to invite world leaders to get together to discuss the issues – a verminous golf resort, owned by the corrupt president, in Florida in August! What could possibly not be fun about that?!

In 2017, inspectors found “filth flies” buzzing around the food in the Trump Tower kitchen. Employees, they found in a separate inspection the same year, sported “soiled” garments and were not wearing hair nets. The year before, inspectors found live roaches.

Trump Tower’s roach situation, though, paled in comparison to the infestation at Doral, where Florida authorities reported 524 health-code violations from 2013 to 2018, according to state health records and research compiled by the Democratic super PAC American Bridge.

In 2015, they found “approximately 20-25 live roaches… on the walls, baseboards and floors in the kitchen food prep area and behind a utensil table inside a wall crack.” They also reported between 20 and 30 “live, small flying insects… in the kitchen and dishwasher room.”

Inspectors recommended that the state issue an emergency order and temporarily shutter the Doral kitchen. It’s not clear if it was ever actually shut down.

Mmmm, appetizing.

So uppity

Aug 26th, 2019 3:17 pm | By

McKinnon is continuing to show what a reasonable, thoughtful, decent, other-regarding human he is.

Nathan Oseroff thought the issue was David Koch:

I saw one of those show up in my feed and I’m wondering if they really think David Koch was a young woman?

McKinnon had to explain he’d been talking the same shit about Magdalen:

Oh, I also said it in relation to a really truly horrible TERF who’s dying of brain cancer.

It’s the latter that they’re so uppity about.

Magdalen is not horrible. “TERF” is just trans-english for “cunt.” We’re “uppity” because gloating about her terminal brain cancer is disgusting.

McKinnon on the Science of Fairness

Aug 26th, 2019 1:12 pm | By

Speaking of McKinnon – there’s an event in London in October:

Fri, 11 October 2019

6:45 pm – 8:00 pm

Transgender Athletes and the Science of Fairness
Dr Rachel McKinnon


The Tabernacle (Off Portobello)

34-35 Powis Square, Notting Hill, London,

W11 2AY

The science of fairness, eh? I’m not sure Rachel McKinnon is the person I would consult on the subject of fairness.

Should trans athletes participate in women’s sport? Philosophy professor, activist and world champion cyclist Rachel McKinnon sifts science and ethics from politics and prejudice.

Well now wait a second. McKinnon is a “world champion cyclist” only because he has a large muscular male body and he races against women. He does that and he boasts of being a world champion. That all by itself should be enough to disqualify him for lecturing on fairness.

It’s interesting that they didn’t opt to do it the other way – get a trans man to give a talk on participating in men’s sport. It’s interesting that they phrase the question as “should trans athletes participate in women’s sport?” when the issue isn’t trans athletes in general but male trans athletes. It’s interesting that they veil that fact even though it’s the issue. It’s interesting that they manipulate the issue before they even start.

An issue with profound consequences for society’s ideas of fairness, gender, and equality, the participation of trans women in women’s competitive sports has made regular front page news.

Dr. Rachel McKinnon is at the forefront. As the first openly trans woman to win a world championship in an Olympic sport, she faces constant harassment and abuse on social media, while as an activist and public intellectual, her campaigns, papers, articles and interviews have done much to shift attitudes in the world of international sport and beyond.

But why does McKinnon face all this “harassment and abuse”? Is it because trans? Or is it because male taking women’s places and women’s prizes?

In this talk, Dr. McKinnon will explore the ethics, law and science of fairness in sport, including whether biological restrictions such as testosterone limits violate principles of fairness and equality. Ahead of this autumn’s track racing world championship in Manchester, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from an internationally renowned athlete and scholar on how she is breaking down barriers and helping to overturn prejudice with science.

That is, breaking down barriers to men in women’s sports and helping to overturn the “prejudice” that thinks women’s sports should be for women.

Plus there’s the fact that McKinnon is personally, individually horrible, so horrible that today he is gloating at a feminist woman’s fatal brain cancer.

Sir, it just ended, Sir

Aug 26th, 2019 12:35 pm | By

Trump was too busy adding up how much money he was going to lose by making the G7 pay him for putting the next one in his hotel to make it to the climate session today. (It’s actually sort of relevant that the Doral is in Miami, because Miami is one of those scandalously reckless places that keep building giant hotels and condo towers on a sinking shore. Miami is committing suicide while the world watches, dumbfounded.)

Donald Trump did not attend Monday’s crucial discussion on climate and biodiversity at the G7 meeting of international leaders in Biarritz, missing talks on how to deal with the Amazon rainforest fires as well as new ways to cut carbon emissions.

Reporters noticed at the start of the session that the US president’s chair was empty.

Trump was later asked by reporters covering a meeting with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, whether he had attended the climate session. He replied: “We’re having it in a little while.” He did not appear to hear when a reporter told him it had just taken place.

He was hearing cash register noises in his head.

Next year let’s do it at his place

Aug 26th, 2019 12:22 pm | By

Trump says the best possible place to hold the next G7 is…you’ll never guess…one of his golf resorts. What a happy coincidence, because he’s in a position to get them a good deal.

Speaking as this year’s meeting of world leaders wrapped up, he told reporters that “my people” had toured venues across the US before concluding his Doral hotel would be ideal.

“It’s not about me, it’s about getting the right location,” he said at a news conference on Monday.

Of course. It’s never about him, it’s always about doing the right thing, and there is nowhere in the entire United States that would do as well for a meeting of world leaders than his personal golf resort in Miami.

Mr Trump’s property, the National Doral Miami, is located around 8 miles (13 km) from Miami’s airport.

He said Secret Service and “military people” were among his scouts who toured “all over the country and they came up and said this is where we’d like to be”.

Nah, they didn’t, any more than the world leaders came up to Trump and asked why the press is always harshing his mellow.

When asked by a reporter on the propriety of picking his own property to host G7, Mr Trump said doing so would actually cost him money.

“In my opinion, I’m not going to make any money,” he said. “I don’t care about making money… I think it just works out well.”

He insisted the idea was “not at all” to boost his own brand.

Obviously not. Why would booking a whole huge bunch of people into his hotel make him any money? How would that even work? Hotels don’t make a profit unless they’re kept empty, everybody knows that.

Earlier on Monday, during a news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr Trump said Doral was a frontrunner but that no final decision about the exact location had been made.

He added that so far, no other venue “could even come close to competing with” Doral.

“It’s got tremendous acreage, many hundreds of acres, so we can handle whatever happens,” Mr Trump said.

The Washington Post reported that Mr Trump originally floated the idea back in June of his 800-acre Doral property hosting next year’s G7 summit.

Mr Trump’s advisers cautioned against staging such an event at a Trump venue due to ethical questions that would arise, according to the Post.

Oh surely not. What ethical questions could possibly arise, seeing as how having more people paying to stay at his hotel will cost him money?

Hot or not

Aug 26th, 2019 12:02 pm | By

There are bigger things to talk about in relation to the G7, but all the same…

Bolsonaro jeers at Macron because Bolsonaro’s wife is hot and Macron’s isn’t.

That’s how we’re doing the G7? Playing Whose Wife Is Most Fuckable? Really?

French President Emmanuel Macron has lashed out at Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro for endorsing “rude” remarks about his wife.

A supporter of the Brazilian president mocked Mr Macron’s wife, Brigitte, 66, in a Facebook post.

The post contained a photo contrasting the French first lady’s appearance with that of Mr Bolsonaro’s wife, Michelle Bolsonaro, 37.

“Now you understand why Macron is persecuting Bolsonaro?” it reads.

In response to the comment, Mr Bolsonaro wrote (in Portuguese): “Do not humiliate (him)… man, ha ha.”

Hur hur. Hur hur hur hur. She ugly, geddit? That means he eunuch, geddit? Stud man get sex goddess, 37. Eunuch get urrggghhh, 66. Let the Amazon burn!

Mr Macron is spearheading efforts to get world leaders to do something about the fires ravaging parts of the Amazon rainforest.

Mr Macron has described the wildfires as an “international crisis”, which critics have blamed on Mr Bolsonaro’s anti-environmental rhetoric and lack of action on deforestation.

But Mr Bolsonaro, whose country is not in the G7, accused Mr Macron of having a “colonialist mentality”.

And a Nugly wife!

The right-wing Brazilian president has a long track record of making abusive comments about women, black people and minorities.

One of his most infamous remarks came during a heated debate in parliament with left-wing congresswoman Maria do Rosario in September 2014.

“I wouldn’t rape you because you don’t deserve it,” Mr Bolsonaro told Ms Rosario.

Mr Bolsonaro also caused uproar while talking about his own daughter during a public event in April 2017. “I have five children. I had four boys, and in the fifth, I weakened and a girl came,” he said at the time.

But his wife is hawwwwwwwt so let’s cut down some more rain forest before it all goes up in smoke.

Trans activist rejoices at woman’s impending death

Aug 26th, 2019 11:30 am | By

Less than four years ago, in October 2015, I wrote about Magdalen Berns’s candidacy for Women’s Liberation Group Convenor at Edinburgh University and the obnoxious way they labeled her “whorephobic” because she’s not pro-pimp. She wrote a guest post here in January.

She promptly went on to become a genius feminist star on YouTube – so the misogynist bit of the universe took her out with glioblastoma, pretty much the worst brain cancer there is. Last week she moved to hospice care. My opinion of these latter developments is that they suck.

“Rachel” McKinnon on the other hand is a fan.

Eh, if they’re a trash human actively trying to harm marginalized people because of who they are? I think it’s justified.

Even Adrian Harrop was taken aback.

You honestly think it’s acceptable or a sign of decency to take pleasure in hearing that another human being is going to die, at a relatively very young age, from an inoperable and incurable brain tumour? And then to express that pleasure publicly on social media?

Sure, dude, sure.

Again, if they’re going out of their way to harm an entire marginalized group? Sure. I’ve already posted about why it’s okay to be happy about shitty people like Koch dying.

Maybe live by the maxim whereby, “Don’t be the sort of person who people you’ve harmed are happy you’re dying of brain cancer”

Oh dear, McKinnon is misunderstood.

And, again, transphobes can’t read: I never said that *I* am happy that Magdalen is dying of brain cancer. I merely said that I think such an attitude is ethically justified when the person dying has engaged in extreme harassment of a marginalized group (she’s a HUGE transphobe).

Hey, remember when an entire sports stadium of people started CHEERING at the announcement that Bin Laden was killed?

Go clutch your pearls somewhere else, transphobes.

Hey, one, I do remember the raucous cheering outside the White House, and it made me cringe.

But also…



Sautez, m’sieu

Aug 25th, 2019 3:35 pm | By

Trump’s stupidest tweet of the moment:

The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”

Lordy. Every word.

Note “fellow World Leaders” for instance. “Get it? I’m World Leader and I get to hang with other (lesser) World Leaders. I am important!”

Note also “Mr. President” – from the guy who keeps, embarrassingly, calling his “fellow World Leaders” Angela and Emmanuel and so on in his tweets. He loves being called “Sir” and he loves being called Mister President” – but he should be called Giant Baby With Terrible Hair.

Note the ludicrous “Why are they rooting for it to fail?” Yes I’m sure they all used an archaic US colloquialism to ask a nonsensical question.

And so on, but most of all, of course, note what a giant lie that is. No he wasn’t no they didn’t no they don’t no it isn’t. Nobody asked him that ridiculous question. They’re not there to flatter his ego or to help him attack the free press, and they don’t think the US is doing so well and stronger than ever before.

Are there any cliffs in Biarritz? If so I’d like him to fall off one.

Each individual has the freedom to decide…but…

Aug 25th, 2019 1:16 pm | By

Karen L. Blair asks the age-old question, Who will date a trans person?

Who is Blair?

Karen Blair is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia; an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia; and Chair of the Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Issues (SOGII) Section of the Canadian Psychological Association.

So, not just a random activist on Twitter but an expert.

Regardless of your current relationship status, imagine for a moment that at some point in the future you were to find yourself single and looking. Under such hypothetical circumstances, which of the following people would you consider as a potential dating partner:

  • a cisgender[1] woman
  • a cisgender man
  • a transgender woman
  • a transgender man
  • or a person with a non-binary gender identification?

In a recent study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 87.5% of the participants who were asked this same question only chose the cisgender options and excluded transgender and non-binary individuals from their hypothetical dating pool.

But, she goes on, romantic relationships are important and healthy, so…what about the trans people?

What then, does this mean for trans people’s overall well-being if the majority of people within society won’t even consider them as potential dating partners under hypothetical conditions?

I don’t know, but the fact that romantic relationships are important and healthy does not impose an obligation on other people to provide them to people they don’t want to have romantic relationships with. This idea is an echo of Amnesty International’s infamous claim that sex [with someone else] is a human right. People who are not trans are under no obligation to be attracted to trans people.

However, despite the fact that most participants were unwilling to consider dating a trans person, there were certain demographic characteristics that were associated with more inclusion of potential trans partners. For example, while only 3.1% of cisgender, heterosexual individuals were willing to date a trans person, 55% of individuals who identified as queer or bisexual included trans persons as potential dating partners, perhaps due to their pre-existing ability to look beyond gender when choosing a partner.

Aka their confusion of gender with sex and their overall confusion on the whole subject and their burning need to be woke about it.

While the study did not ask participants about their reasons for including or excluding trans persons, the authors speculated that exclusion was likely the result of factors ranging from explicit transprejudice, such as viewing trans persons as unfit, mentally ill, or subhuman…

“Subhman”? I call bullshit.

Ultimately, each individual has the freedom to decide whom they date or are interested in dating, and thus the article does not suggest that any single individual must include trans people within their dating pool. However, the article does suggest that examining and following the overall societal patterns of including or excluding trans people within the intimate realm of dating can be used as an indicator of overall acceptance and social inclusion of trans people. In other words, it is one thing to make space for trans people within our workplaces, schools, washrooms, and public spaces, but it is another to see them included within our families and most intimate of spaces, our romantic relationships. We won’t be able to say, as a society, that we are accepting of trans citizens until they are also included within our prospective dating pools; at the very least, on a hypothetical basis.

In other words we’re not saying you have to include trans people in your dating pools but we are saying that you have to include trans people in your dating pools. Entirely up to you of course! But you have to.

Niche issues

Aug 25th, 2019 12:46 pm | By

The Guardian on Trump in Biarritz:

Senior aides in Donald Trump’s entourage have accused the G7 host and French president, Emmanuel Macron, of seeking to embarrass his US counterpart by making the summit focus on “niche issues” such as climate change, according to multiple US media reports.

Good scare quotes but there should be more of them, or else GIFs of scorn and derision.

Can we focus for just a second? CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT A NICHE ISSUE.

Not in any sense. Climate change is making the planet less inhabitable for most mammals, fish, birds, insects, and plants right now and it’s getting worse all the time, at a much faster clip than was predicted even a few years ago. It’s getting much worse much sooner than anyone thought, and that means for all of us, so how can that possibly be a “niche” issue? How stupid are these “senior aides”?

The spark for the fuse appeared to be lunch. Macron whisked the US president away for an impromptu meal for two on an oceanfront terrace at the Hotel du Palais. Trump initially appeared frosty but later called it “the best meeting we have yet had”.

That probably means he liked the dessert.

Senior administration officials quoted by the New York Times among others were not so sure, complaining the summit had moved from core issues such as global economics and trade to “niche issues” such as climate change, gender equality and development in Africa. The topics were chosen to appeal to Macron supporters, and even to embarrass Trump, who pulled the US out of the Paris climate accord, they said, as protesters marched the streets of the French city calling for action to tackle the fires ravaging the Amazon rainforest.

I guess these senior aides think they will go on being able to eat and drive their cars and live in their big houses even after all the peasants have starved to death? Because the food and fuel and police protection will be provided by Market Magic or The Ghost of Ayn Rand or careful prudent saving?

“It’s our view that with France trying to drive these other issues outside of global economics, national security and trade, they’re trying to fracture the G7,” one official told White House reporter Gabby Orr.

Trade is everything! Trade is God! Trade soars free of the earthly realities of growing seasons and people who know how to plant and harvest! Shut your eyes and just keep trading!

Days earlier, Larry Kudlow, the director of the White House’s national economic council, criticised Macron’s decision to ditch the usual consensus communique at the end of the summit in favour of “coalitions’ of like-minded states. “These coalitions produce politically correct bromides such as calls to ban everything from straws to fossil fuels,” he said in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece.

Sure, Larry, just keep calling it politically correct while the forests vanish and the tundra burns and Greenland melts and suddenly the food supply is nowhere to be found. That’ll work.

Holiday snaps

Aug 25th, 2019 11:51 am | By
Holiday snaps

Trump is hard at work at the G7.


Moments later:


Dude has his priorities straight.

Wait there’s more.


Colleagues, please, we can’t talk about climate at an ECONOMIC meeting

Aug 25th, 2019 11:40 am | By

Trump at the G7 is whining because Macron is doing things his way instead of Trump’s way. Isn’t the entire world supposed to do things Trump’s way? If not, why not?

Macron had ripped up the script before anyone even landed in the seaside resort of Biarritz: picking a fight with Brazil over Amazon forest fires, surprising the Europeans with a threat to block a trade deal with Latin America, and keeping allies guessing about what trick he would pull next.

Did Macron “pick a fight” with Brazil over Amazon forest fires, or is Bolsonaro picking a fight with all of us by clear-cutting the Amazon? Who is really the baddy here?

With mounting threats to the global economy, divisions over Iran, and the Amazon fires creating a sense of crisis about the environment, the French organizers also want to avoid leaks that could lead to the kind of public bust-ups that have marred other recent international gatherings. For better or worse, G-7 meetings are a critical institution when it comes to addressing truly worldwide problems.

What the French hosts can’t control is a U.S. leader who already seems on edge, after spending Friday lashing out at the Federal Reserve and China as the trade war he began risks tipping the world into recession.

Trump “already seems on edge”? Trump is permanently both deranged and stupid. He’s not in a mood, he’s always on the edge of some abyss or other.

As soon as they landed, U.S. officials complained that Macron was trying to fashion the weekend’s agenda to isolate Trump, framing it around climate change and straying from the G-7’s original purpose as an economic bloc. French officials at every level had been difficult to deal with in preparation for the summit, the Americans said.

How do these US official propose to separate economic issues from climate change? Do they think there’s no connection? Do they think global fires and rising sea levels and crop failures are not going to touch the economy? Do they think famines and mass migrations and wars float free of economics?

Such a yawn

Aug 25th, 2019 11:15 am | By

Trans activism does wonders for your feminism, I must say. Stamps it right out.

Sally Hines, Professor of Sociology and Gender Identities:

Re GC feminist protest pranks @ManchesterPride, please, just…[GIF of woman making the “sit down and be quiet” gesture]

Thing is, most of them are (at least!) my age and they really have only *just* discovered protest! Such a yawn. I don’t want to people watch them. They have nothing to teach me. I say, with #pride, Please. Just. Go. Away. You are not fun. You are not pretty (though yep, vacant)

Old, boring, and ugly, the professor of gender identities calls feminist women.

We get more progressive every day!

(It’s a Sex Pistols joke, the people cry. Oh well then, not misogynist at all!)

It’s just wrong

Aug 25th, 2019 10:26 am | By

Jolyon Maugham continues to be petulant and self-admiring instead of actually listening to women who point out [what ought to be] the obvious.

Hi Janice, It’s just wrong for you to suggest I am indifferent to women’s safety. There is no reasonable basis for that suggestion. It’s also wrong of you to smear me because I hold a view (shared by most sporting regulators) regarding the participation of trans women in sport.

That was in response to Times reporter Janice Turner:

It’s clearly unfair for those who’ve gone through male puberty to compete against women. But this is actually dangerous. What will it take, Jolyon, the legion of silent men & woke sports bodies, to persuade you women’s lives matters. A woman with a broken neck? A dead woman?

It’s hard not to conclude that some men are enjoying this. They’re amused that women are losing places in their own teams, that women get splattered in contact sports or 40-year-old mediocre ex-men beat young female weightlighters. If you DON’T think its funny, say something.

Of course it’s not wrong for Turner to say he’s indifferent to women’s safety, given the content of that BBC article that giggled about the potential for the male-bodied player to injure women. Maugham’s tweet sharing that horrible article said only “How the simple joy of sport can transcend fear and hate. Wonderful reporting.” He overlooked or deliberately ignored the several mentions of the danger to women. He told Turner, self-righteously, that “There is no reasonable basis for that suggestion,” but there is reasonable basis: his indifference to the dangers that the article itself mentioned. That’s the basis, and it’s reasonable.

Also notice his careful distortion of the issue:

It’s also wrong of you to smear me because I hold a view (shared by most sporting regulators) regarding the participation of trans women in sport.

But it’s not about “the participation of trans women in sport.” It’s about male-bodied people being allowed to play against or compete with women, thus depriving them of places and depriving them of any chance to win. The women Maugham is ignoring and misrepresenting are not trying to prevent trans women from participating in sport; it’s gruesomely dishonest of him to claim we are.

I keep on about it because it’s so unnerving, seeing how determinedly blind people can be while still insisting they’re on Team Right and Good.

Can we put them in a box for 5 weeks?

Aug 24th, 2019 6:12 pm | By

And he wasn’t even elected.

Boris Johnson has asked the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, whether parliament can be shut down for five weeks from 9 September in what appears to be a concerted plan to stop MPs forcing a further extension to Brexit, according to leaked government correspondence.

An email from senior government advisers to an adviser in No 10 – written within the last 10 days and seen by the Observer – makes clear that the prime minister has recently requested guidance on the legality of such a move, known as prorogation. The initial legal guidance given in the email is that shutting parliament may well be possible, unless action being taken in the courts to block such a move by anti-Brexit campaigners succeeds in the meantime.

On Saturday Labour and pro-Remain Tory MPs reacted furiously, saying that the closure of parliament, as a method for stopping MPs preventing a potentially disastrous no-deal Brexit, would be an affront to democracy and deeply irresponsible, particularly given the government’s own acceptance of the economic turmoil no-deal could cause.

And the fact – striking to an outsider at least – that Johnson isn’t even an elected PM.

Shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer said: “Any plan to suspend parliament at this stage would be outrageous. MPs must take the earliest opportunity to thwart this plan and to stop a no-deal Brexit.”

The prominent Tory remainer and former attorney general Dominic Grieve added: “This memo, if correct, shows Boris Johnson’s contempt for the House of Commons. It may be possible to circumvent the clear intention of the House of Commons in this way but it shows total bad faith. Excluding the house from a national crisis that threatens the future of our country is entirely wrong.”

Maybe the idea is to get ahead of climate change by smashing everything ourselves first.

Wait, we can ask questions of that kind?

Aug 24th, 2019 6:00 pm | By

Rebecca Kukla – Philosophy, Georgetown, and cop of all things trans – has a public Facebook post from last week about how her piece for the Institute of Art and Ideas was drastically cut without her knowledge and how the Institute of Art and Ideas didn’t tell her it was a multi-person piece and that she would be posting in the company of TERFs. She includes the uncut piece, and what she says in one of the cut parts is interesting.

There is no such thing as ‘the’ transgender experience and identity of course; the experiences of transgender folks are as varied as the experiences of anyone else, and transgender people also do not share a single identity. Some trans folks identify with one of the two binary genders and some do not. Some take themselves as always having had their current gender; others experience their gender as shifting. Some care about medically altering parts of their body and others do not. No philosopher can speak to ‘the’ experience or identity of a whole group.

No doubt, but on the other hand, if it’s that various and undescribable, I have to wonder what the word “trans” even means. Some identify with one of the genders and some don’t – ok so what does it mean then? Anything and everything?

But what comes next is what really interested me.

That said, I think that philosophy can contribute a lot to contemporary discussions of gender and transgender identity. Indeed, each of the traditional major branches of philosophy provides useful tools and lenses for thinking about these issues. Using the tools of metaphysics, or the study of what exists and how, we can ask what it is to have a gender, and what personal identity is. A metaphysician might ask what role gender plays in identity, whether one’s gender is (or is sometimes) essential to one’s personal identity, and what it means for gender and identity to change. Epistemologists, who study knowledge and justification, can examine how each of us knows our own gender, and by what standards, and – separately – how we take ourselves to know other people’s genders. If I feel certain of my gender, is my certainty warranted, or could I be wrong?

We can do all that, can we? We can ask what it is to have a gender, and what personal identity is? If we can, why is it that we get yelled at and called names when we do? We can ask what role gender plays in identity, whether one’s gender is (or is sometimes) essential to one’s personal identity, and what it means for gender and identity to change? But the people Kukla calls “TERFs” do ask those questions, and Kukla ostracizes them and demonizes them. We can examine how each of us knows our own gender, and by what standards? We can ask how we take ourselves to know other people’s genders? We can ask if we could be wrong about our gender? We who are not trans can ask that too? But then why does Kukla call philosophers who do ask those questions “TERFs”?

That’s a real question. I don’t get it. She lays down how people can systematically think about this subject, but meanwhile she is prominent among the philosophy academics who do their best to ostracize and punish people who do try to systematically think about this subject. She was one of the fiercest voices attacking Rebecca Tuvel for her attempt, and at the beginning of this post she says:

Today I found out that without giving me any hint of this in advance, it was published as part of a symposium including Bindel, Stock, and Lawford-Smith, among others. This completely recontextualizes my original piece. I would not have agreed to what looks like a friendly ‘debate’ with them and would have written a different piece if I had.

Because they ask what it is to have a gender, and what personal identity is.

You couldn’t make it up.

If you read the post don’t miss the comments, because “Rachel” McKinnon turns up under the name “Her Thighnes” [sic] and goes on at massive length about how important it is to nail these things down first and how he does lots of meeja and here is his whole correspondence with the BBC and are you impressed? It’s hilarious, in a disgusting way, and all the more so because Kukla after an initial groveling acknowledgement ignores him.

Beware the limousine-liberal meltdown

Aug 24th, 2019 4:40 pm | By

Isaac Chotiner at the New Yorker introduces us to an academic who thinks white people are Superior:

Amy Wax, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, is the academic who perhaps best represents the ideology of the Trump Administration’s immigration restrictionists. Wax, who began her professional life as a neurologist, and who served in the Solicitor General’s office in the late eighties and early nineties, has become known in recent years for her belief in the superiority of “Anglo-Protestant culture.”…

Last month, in a speech at the National Conservatism Conference, in Washington, D.C., Wax promoted the idea of “cultural-distance nationalism,” or the belief that “we are better off if our country is dominated numerically, demographically, politically, at least in fact if not formally, by people from the first world, from the West, than by people from countries that had failed to advance.” She went on, “Let us be candid. Europe and the first world, to which the United States belongs, remain mostly white, for now; and the third world, although mixed, contains a lot of non-white people. Embracing cultural distance, cultural-distance nationalism, means, in effect, taking the position that our country will be better off with more whites and fewer non-whites.”

“Let us be candid” – that’s academic for “This is not politically correct but.”

Also, does the US belong to Europe and the first world? Are we sure? It’s an outlier on a hell of a lot of metrics – proportion of the population locked up in prison; maternal mortality rates; infant mortality rates; proportion in poverty; levels of inequality; number of people in debt; murder rates; gun violence – and so on. Does that look very first world?

Chotiner interviewed her.

During our conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, Wax expounded on her beliefs that people of Western origin are more scrupulous, empirical, and orderly than people of non-Western origin, and that women are less intellectual than men. She described these views as the outcome of rigorous and realistic thinking, while offering evidence that ranged from two studies by a eugenicist to personal anecdotes, several of which concerned her conviction that white people litter less than people of color.

He asked her if she was promoting cultural-distance nationalism, and she said she was.

I was basically speaking to my fellow-conservatives. I was speaking bluntly, and with elision. I was saying, “Well, if you do discuss it or you even advocate for it, people are going to say, ‘Oh, you are saying we are better off with more whites than non-whites. That is the equivalent of the position you are taking, and that is going to spook conservatives.’ ” Not knowing that there would be this limousine-liberal meltdown, I probably should have spelled out in more explicit terms that the media and people on the left are going to interpret your neutral criterion as a racial one, or at least they will be upset that it has racial effects, and you will be tarred with that.

Ah yes, limousine-liberal, because liberals are all rich and conservatives are all poor but honest. Trump for instance – never seen a limousine in his life, or even a golf cart. Did not take a golf cart while the other G7 leaders walked that one time.

The rest of the interview is just bizarre because there’s no mention of scholarship or research, it’s just Wax talking off the top of her head about trying to figure out why some countries are So Awesome and others are shitholes, and she offers up some explanations she thought up inside her own head. But the subject is an empirical one, and there is research on it. I’m pretty sure Jared Diamond brought a lot of it together in Guns, Germs and Steel and I’m also pretty sure there are syntheses for more scholarly readerships too. It’s not a subject people can figure out by just thinking about it and offering examples of what they see when they visit France.

We can make observations about this, and, frankly, every summer I do the grand tour of the upper-middle-class, cognitive élite watering holes to visit all my friends, and I notice that these are places that people love to go. They love to go and hang out with other people from the quote-unquote “same ethnicity” in nice, quasi-European, decorous, neat, clean, quiet, litter-free, beautifully maintained, orderly places. That’s where they like to go.

People like to hang out with people of the same ethnicity. Is that what you said?

Yes. Yes, they do. I mean, I was recently in the Berkshires. If you look around, it’s ninety-eight-per-cent white. Why do people go there? It’s not very vibrant. It’s not very diverse.

You think they go there to be with other white people, you mean?

Well, I don’t think they think about it that way, but that’s the result.

Is that why you go there, or that’s why you think other people go there, or both?

I go there because it’s nice.

When you asked—

That’s how we have nice things. It’s nice. We go to places that we consider nice.

There’s a funny bit where she explains how Trump has his good points.

I mean, the President is impulsive, crude, boorish. He’s indecorous. That whole indictment is absolutely right. But, on the other hand, there are many things he says and does that I think are completely consistent with our core values. He engages in locker-room boasting about grabbing women, but, the fact is, he’s a serial monogamist but at least he’s gotten married. He’s never fathered a child out of wedlock.

Chotiner delicately hints that she doesn’t actually know that, but if I’d been there I would have zeroed in on the “at least he’s gotten married” bit. Well, yes, but he was violent to Ivana and he was fucking Stormy Daniels while Melania was recovering from childbirth so, you know…how does that count as a plus, exactly?

But, anyway, he does believe in freedoms. He does believe in free speech. He does believe in democracy.

Inexplicably, Chotiner ignored that one. He what? The hell he does. He believes in free speech for himself; for everyone else it’s subject to conditions, especially the condition “how does it affect Donald Trump?” And he doesn’t believe in democracy either; he’s trying his best to suppress the vote of anyone who might not vote for him. He insults everyone in government who doesn’t kiss his ass. He insults people who don’t vote for him, he insults whole states, he insults Democrats and liberals and independents and socialists, he pretends he can make us do what he wants just by saying “I hereby order.” He loves Putin, he loves Kim, he loves the Saudis. He doesn’t in the least believe in democracy.

The University of Pennsylvania Law School is apparently embarrassed by her.