If this is the reason women were not protected

Sep 24th, 2019 9:44 am | By

Get the L Out UK:

TRA’s best friends in Brighton = MRA police! #WPUKLab19

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A comment:

Never ever seen one police station flying the women’s liberation flag on IWD … yet they fly this baby pink/blue nonsense without reference to the fact it’s making political statement, which is not the police role. It discriminates against all other members of the public. Because they only fly selected flags.

Well we don’t want them flying white supremacy flags or UKIP flags, but still, yes – the zeal for “Trans Pride” from institutions that have never shown much enthusiasm for Black Pride or Female Pride is puzzling and, at this point, alarming.


This is very serious. If this is the reason why women were not protected yesterday then the police have allowed the public to be endangered on ideological grounds. They don’t get to pick and choose who to protect. We are tax payers too.

If the police have been trained to see feminist women as “TERFs” and “TERFs” as evil monsters, that’s a problem.

H/t Dave Ricks

Doing Putin a solid

Sep 24th, 2019 7:08 am | By

New in Trump:

Donald Trump ordered his staff to withhold nearly $400m in aid to Ukraine days before he repeatedly pressured the country’s president to investigate a political rival, it emerged on Monday night.

The revelation has further intensified demand among Democrats for the president to be impeached.

As news of Trump’s personal intervention broke, an influential group of seven Democrats, all first-term members of Congress with military or national security backgrounds, said that “if true”, the president’s actions regarding Ukraine, Joe Biden and the former vice-president’s son Hunter would “represent an impeachable offense”.

The Washington Post first reported Trump’s freezing of $391m in aid to Ukraine. Trump ordered acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, it said, to suspend the almost $400m payment “at least a week” before the 25 July call with Volodymyr Zelenskiy in which he reportedly asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate the Bidens – eight times, according to the Wall Street Journal.

So that’s how the call went. “Hi Volodymyr – wondering where that $400 million payment went? Yes? Ok here’s what I need you to do if you want to see the money.”

The US began providing military aid to Ukraine shortly after Russia illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. With Ukraine’s new president still grappling with separatist rebels in the east, the aid has long been viewed as a measure of Washington’s determination to push back against Russian president Vladimir Putin.

So Trump doesn’t want to send the aid in the first place, and the kneecap-Biden motivation is just a luxurious extra.

The response was that they didn’t give a shit

Sep 23rd, 2019 5:18 pm | By

The police just stood by at the WPUK meeting in Brighton, doing nothing while “activists” kicked the windows and shouted.

The meeting was disrupted by continual loud banging on the windows and chanting, to the point where there was a fear some windows might be broken and the excellent speech by
@rebelyarns was almost drowned out #WPUKLab19

I have never experienced such a level of threat, and I’ve been to a lot of feminist meetings. This was not a peaceful protest, it was an attempt to prevent the meeting going ahead, and it persisted throughout the equally excellent talk from @OnjaliRauf

The response from @sussex_police was inadequate to the point of negligence. Women’s right in law to congregate peacefully was not upheld by the police, who allowed a physically aggressive mob to continue their actions unopposed

It seems like the @sussex_police have been rainbow-washed to the point that the rights of women in Brighton are no longer being upheld and protected by the police. We have no law on our side in this city and we have no women-only services left either

I challenged several police officers on my way out as to why a woman’s right to hold a peaceful meeting was not being enforced by the police in attendance, and I can only report that the response was that they didn’t give a shit

I can also report that the meeting was a huge success and that the mob outside only doubled our resolve to talk and be heard. Brilliant women talked brilliantly. You can never stop us doing that.

IF they gave it out fairly

Sep 23rd, 2019 5:03 pm | By

Trump still thinks he should get a Nobel Prize…”for a lot of things.”

Banging on the window while the police did absolutely nothing

Sep 23rd, 2019 4:42 pm | By

Julie Bindel on the WPUK meeting:

State of this outside the venue where #WPUKLab19 were meeting to talk about women’s sex-based rights, a load of trans-activist misogynists screaming, shouting and banging on the window while the police did absolutely nothing:

For a bank, for a lobbying firm, and for a hedge fund

Sep 23rd, 2019 4:06 pm | By

Ok here we go, Adam Entous did a New Yorker piece on Hunter Biden in July.

In speeches, Biden rarely talks about Hunter. But news outlets on the right and mainstream media organizations, including the Times, have homed in on him, reprising old controversies over Hunter’s work for a bank, for a lobbying firm, and for a hedge fund, and scrutinizing his business dealings in China and Ukraine.

He went to work for a lobbying firm right after he spent three years working in the Clinton administration. That’s not necessarily directly corrupt, but it is parlaying government employment into a job as a lobbyist, and not, I think it’s fair to assume, of the public interest kind. Lobbying for cleaner air is one thing and lobbying for weaker laws on clean air is another.

There is little question that Hunter’s proximity to power shaped the arc of his career, and that, as the former aide told me, “Hunter is super rich terrain.”

That’s the thing. Trump’s claims can all be bullshit, and they probably are, but this using proximity to power to get lucrative jobs pattern is its own problem. Hillary Clinton took huge fees from banks for talking to them and then ran for president, and that was not a good move.

Hunter Biden got his law degree in 1996.

Joe Biden was running for reëlection in the Senate, and he appointed Hunter as his deputy campaign manager. Hunter rented an apartment close to his father’s campaign headquarters, and also got a job as a lawyer with MBNA America, a banking holding company based in Delaware, which was one of the largest donors to his father’s campaigns. At the age of twenty-six, Hunter, who was earning more than a hundred thousand dollars and had received a signing bonus, was making nearly as much money as his father. In January, 1998, the conservative reporter and columnist Byron York wrote, in The American Spectator, “Certainly lots of children of influential parents end up in very good jobs. But the Biden case is troubling. After all, this is a senator who for years has sermonized against what he says is the corrupting influence of money in politics.”

Would a banking holding company hire a nobody right out of law school for a huge salary? (What would it be in today’s money? 200k?) I don’t think so. I think the huge salary was because he was Biden’s kid. In other words the bank was buying him to buy influence with Biden.

Then he got the job in the Clinton administration. Then…

In late 2000, near the end of President Clinton’s second term, Hunter again consulted Oldaker, who was starting a lobbying business, the National Group. Oldaker asked the co-founder of the firm, Vincent Versage, to teach Hunter the basics of earmarking—the practice of persuading lawmakers to insert language into legislation which directs taxpayer funds to projects that benefit the lobbyist’s clients.

It’s not illegal. Does that make it good?

Jumping ahead to Burisma.

Several former officials in the Obama Administration and at the State Department insisted that Hunter’s role at Burisma had no effect on his father’s policies in Ukraine, but said that, nevertheless, Hunter should not have taken the board seat. As the former senior White House aide put it, there was a perception that “Hunter was on the loose, potentially undermining his father’s message.” The same aide said that Hunter should have recognized that at least some of his foreign business partners were motivated to work with him because they wanted “to be able to say that they are affiliated with Biden.” A former business associate said, “The appearance of a conflict of interest is good enough, at this level of politics, to keep you from doing things like that.”

What I’m saying. The conflict is there even if nobody did anything shady.

They’d be getting the electric chair right now

Sep 23rd, 2019 3:21 pm | By

Trump is going farther out on that limb.

“Joe Biden and his son are corrupt,” Trump said, referring to unfounded claims that Biden’s son was involved in a corruption scheme in Ukraine.

Trump then claimed — with no proof — that, “If a Republican ever did what Joe Biden did, if a Republican ever said what Joe Biden said, they’d be getting the electric chair right now.”

Hmmyes, as a Republican did in that…um…er…

The President also denied claims he put pressure on the Ukrainian leader by threatening to withhold US aid, saying, “I did not make a statement that ‘you have to do this or I’m not going to give you aid.’ I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t do that.”

He would do that. He would do that. Of course he would do that. He would do anything. He would do anything that popped into his head and gave him a thrill. It’s part of his incredible stupidity that he thinks we’ll believe him when he says things like that.

“There was no pressure put on them whatsoever. I put no pressure on them whatsoever. I could have. I think it probably, possibly would have been OK if I did,” he said.

He thinks a lot of things are ok if he does them, but he’s wrong, and he’s stupid to think he can just consult his own hunches to know whether they’re ok or not. He’s never done any homework for this job, and he has no prior experience that would be relevant, and he just carries on doing whatever he feels like anyway.

But all the same I would like to know why Hunter Biden remained on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his father was vice-president.

Can barely hear for the banging on the windows

Sep 23rd, 2019 11:59 am | By

There’s a Woman’s Place UK meeting happening in Brighton right now. It’s being loudly and threateningly disrupted. There are police present but they’re not stopping the disruption.


Thank you to all the people and speakers for persevering tonight in the face of a noisy, threatening protest. The police are here but seem incapable – unwilling? – to stop protestors banging on windows. Democracy for some it seems. The law is an ass @BrightonPolice #WPUKlab19

An attendee:

Unbelievable mob outside the @Womans_Place_UK meeting in Brighton tonight, banging and pounding the windows, the din inside is deafening. Coming in we ran the gauntlet of hostile aggression, this is hate-filled public disorder and the police are not stopping it. #WPUKLab19

Another attendee:

#WPUKLAB19 ran the gauntlet of a very threatening group of people objecting to a group of women and men calling by me and others scum – for wanting safe space for women and to discuss gender and sex issues. Free speech threatened!


Attending an all women (feminist) meeting @AWomansPlaceUK and run the gauntlet of a disgusting protest outside. Can barely hear for the banging on the windows. Absolute fuckwits. So women can’t gather to discuss women and girls issues without being threatened now? #WPUKLab19

The police are doing nothing:

Women trying to attend @Womans_Place_UK meeting this evening are being met with intimidation – and @sussex_police not intervening.
Women have the right to meet without the fear of violence or intimidation. #womensrightsarehumanrights #freedomofassembly #freedomofassociation

Police reply:

We are present and ensuring that those wishing to attend are not obstructed.


You are not stopping the protestors intimidating our audience. You are not stopping them banging violently on the windows of the room we are in. The venue may wonder why you are allowing them to do this to their building. #WPUKLab19

New boss just like the old boss: women must not be allowed to gather or organize or speak.

They’re all dirty

Sep 23rd, 2019 11:13 am | By

On the other hand – it would be better if Joe Biden’s kid had never gone near any Ukrainian natural gas company (or any other kind of company).

It would, in fact, be better if this whole business of leveraging a political career into big cash flows from private companies and corporations had never been embraced. It would be nice if US politicians had always seen that as a profoundly wrong and bad and indefensible move, and stayed away. Instead we have the opposite – everybody does it, it’s normal, shrug shrug. That’s all Trump and Giuliani need. The fact that Trump is doing the same thing but more so is neither here nor there.

The BBC traces the path:

Mr Trump and his allies have been suggesting that Mr Biden, as Barack Obama’s vice-president, encouraged the firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor because he had been investigating a company that employed Mr Biden’s son.

Hunter Biden became a director at Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma in 2014 while his father also held a key role in US policy towards Ukraine.

There. That’s your problem right there. Don’t do that. Biden senior should have seen it was dirty, Biden junior should have seen it was dirty, Obama should have told them both to back the fuck off.

Hunter Biden is well embedded in the DC politics-lobbying loop:

Hunter Biden was appointed by Bill Clinton to serve in the United States Department of Commerce[8] under Secretaries Norman Mineta and William M. Daley. He was director of E-commerce policy issues in the Department of Commerce,[8] a position he held from 1998 to 2001.[9]

From 2001 to 2008, Biden was a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden, and Belair, LLP, a Washington DC-based lobbyist firm [10] and law firm.[11]

Boom, done, he’s made for life – he gets a Clinton job at age 28, puts in three years, and then whizzes off to cash in at a lobbying firm. It’s totally routine and normal and it’s sleazy as fuck.

What Trump did and is doing is much worse but by god the Bidens handed him plenty of ammunition.

Strident avoidance syndrome

Sep 23rd, 2019 10:14 am | By

When reporting goes bad:

Nancy Pelosiwho has stridently avoided calling for impeachment, wrote in a letter that continued White House obstruction over releasing the whistleblower complaint about Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president would trigger severe consequences.

How do you stridently avoid calling for something? How do you stridently avoid anything?

I think they meant “strenuously advised against.”

It’s live reporting, so of its nature they do it quickly and without time for proofreaders to check it…but at the same time it does kind of hint at that unconscious bias thing we all drag around with us. Whether you agree with Pelosi or not, it is after all her job to advise for and against things, and why do women get called “strident” so easily?

Anyway…meanwhile Giuliani continues to lie and bluster in the service of the worst human in the world:

Rudy Giuliani, who serves as a lawyer to Trump, was asked on Fox News about whether the president threatened to cut off aid to the Ukraine if the country did not investigate Joe Biden.

The former New York mayor initially denied the reports as a “false story.” But when pressed on whether it was “100 percent” false, Giuliani said, “I can’t tell you if it’s 100 percent.”

According to reports, Trump repeatedly pressured the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to work with Giuliani on a probe into Biden. Giuliani has previously suggested that Biden leaned on Ukraine to stomp out corruption because of an investigation into a natural gas company with connections to his son, Hunter Biden. But there is no evidence of wrongdoing on the younger Biden’s part.

That has not stopped Giuliani from cranking out baseless conspiracy theories apparently meant to try to deflect attention away from Trump.

Such as a tweet early today:

If Dem party doesn’t call for investigation of Bidens’ millions from Ukraine and billions from China, they will own it. Bidens’ made big money selling public office. How could Obama have allowed this to happen? Will Dems continue to condone and enable this kind pay-for-play?

Baseless conspiracy theories aka libel.

Trump says you have to talk about corruption.

Arriving at the UN General Assembly in New York, Trump said he was talking Democrats’ talk of impeachment “not at all seriously.”

The president also dubiously argued that his conversation with the Ukrainian leader was appropriate given the importance of discussing corruption.

“It’s very important to talk about corruption,” Trump said. “If you don’t talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt? … It’s very important that on occasion you speak to somebody about corruption.”

But it’s one thing to bring up a country’s history with corruption and quite another to suggest that the country investigate one of your political rivals.

Also, can we talk about Trump’s corruption now?

They were there to see Las Meninas

Sep 23rd, 2019 9:20 am | By

Way back on August 22

President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani confirmed Thursday that the State Department assisted his efforts to press the Ukrainian government to probe two prominent Democratic opponents of the president: former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Specifically, Giuliani has wanted Ukrainian officials to look into any impropriety related to the former vice president’s push to crack down on corruption in Ukraine and his son Hunter Biden’s involvement in a natural gas company there. Giuliani also sought to have Ukraine examine whether the Democratic National Committee worked in connection with Ukrainian officials to harm Trump’s 2016 campaign by releasing damaging information on the president’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

Giuliani had conversations with Andriy Yermak, a Ukrainian official closely allied to Zelensky, on the phone and in person in Madrid. (Why in Madrid? Was Giuliani trying to play Casablanca? Madrid is neutral territory so if he talks to a Ukrainian official there it doesn’t count as a violation of the Logan Act? Or just that Giuliani is more interested in Madrid than Kiev? Who knows.)

Trump’s attorney [i.e. Giuliani] confirmed to NBC News that the State Department helped put him in touch with Yermak.

“Times completely turned a story about astounding allegations of serious crimes of state concerning Dems into a piece trying to suggest I did something nefarious except they can’t say what it is,” Giuliani told NBC News in a text message Thursday. “Typical spin against Trump or anyone close to him.”

The State Department put Yermak “in contact with me,” Giuliani said. “Not other way around, and I told him they should not be cowered [out of] fully investigating serious possible crimes like bribery, extortion, fraud, money laundering and illegal interference in 2016 election.”

But but but Giuliani wasn’t (and isn’t) a government employee. He’s Trump’s personal lawyer. What business does he have meeting with foreign officials? Especially given the fact that Yermak wasn’t clear about his status?

The Times reported that Yermak was sent to Washington to build relationships with U.S. officials, discuss sanctions related to a Russian oil pipeline and lay the groundwork for a meeting between Trump and the Ukrainian president…

Yermak told the Times he asked Volker to arrange discussions with Giuliani, additionally saying it was unclear to him whether Giuliani was representing Trump in their discussions.

Which means Giuliani and the State Department people were careful not to make it clear to Yermak that Giuliani is not a government employee and was not representing Trump as part of his administration but only as his dirty personal lawyer.


Sep 22nd, 2019 5:22 pm | By

That gabble of Trump’s this morning actually confirmed that he leaned on Ukraine to lean on Biden.

Trump told reporters on Sunday that his phone call with Zelensky was “absolutely perfect” and that he “did absolutely nothing wrong.”

Trump said his conversation with Zelensky focused on corruption and on “the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, [contributing to] the corruption already in Ukraine.”

He didn’t say “contributing to,” hence the brackets. He said “creating to” – which is gibberish.


Later, he told reporters he “had every right to” bring up Biden because “we don’t want a country that we’re giving massive aid to to be corrupting our system.”

No, he doesn’t have every right to try to bully Ukraine into sandbagging one of his political rivals, using funding Ukraine needs to defend itself against Putin’s Russia. Nope, that’s not a right he has.

Trump signaled he is open to [releasing the transcript] Sunday in Houston, Texas, telling reporters “it would be fine” to release the transcript; he also said he might “give it to a respected source, they can look at it,” but did not specify whether he meant a news source he sees as credible or to someone within the government. He again stood by his words, however, saying of the transcript, “what I said was so good … everybody will say that.”

“Look, Mommy, look, I said words to the nice man! What I said was so good, wasn’t it Mommy? Wasn’t it perfect? Wasn’t it absolutely perfect and so good?”

Dinesh needs a better map

Sep 22nd, 2019 4:01 pm | By

Dinesh D’Souza being…well, Dinesh D’Souza.

Children—notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks—were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique! Looks like today’s progressive Left is still learning its game from an earlier Left in the 1930s


Left. In the 1930s. Goebbels.

The Nazis were not “the Left.” Not then and not at any time. They killed every communist and socialist they could get their hands on. The left in the 30s was socialist or communist or somewhere between the two, and it was anti-fascist when most people were ignoring the whole subject. The Communist Party did stab all that in the back when Stalin signed the pact with Hitler and CP policy reversed itself overnight, but that doesn’t make Nazism “the Left.”

Dinesh D’Souza is a toe rag.

His full and alarming incoherence

Sep 22nd, 2019 3:43 pm | By

Australian journalist sees Trump press conference for the first time, is taken aback by how much stupider he sounds than the press has reported. I know how she feels, even though I’ve listened to him babble extempore many times – he keeps surprising me even though I already know. He’s that bad.

But watching a full presidential Trump press conference while visiting the US this week I realised how much the reporting of Trump necessarily edits and parses his words, to force it into sequential paragraphs or impose meaning where it is difficult to detect.

That but also he sounds and looks so much more cracked than even a fully accurate transcript can convey, because of all the head-twitching and lips-funneling and smirking and other live-action habits.

The press conference I tuned into by chance from my New York hotel room was held in Otay Mesa, California, and concerned a renovated section of the wall on the Mexican border.

I joined as the president was explaining at length how powerful the concrete was. Very powerful, it turns out. It was unlike any wall ever built, incorporating the most advanced “concrete technology”. It was so exceptional that would-be wall-builders from three unnamed countries had visited to learn from it.

See? She’s summarizing too, and the mere words can’t convey the mannerisms and grotesqueries that go along with them.

The wall went very deep and could not be burrowed under. Prototypes had been tested by 20 “world-class mountain climbers – That’s all they do, they love to climb mountains”, who had been unable to scale it.

It was also “wired, so that we will know if somebody is trying to break through”, although one of the attending officials declined a presidential invitation to discuss this wiring further, saying, “Sir, there could be some merit in not discussing it”, which the president said was a “very good answer”.

The wall was “amazing”, “world class”, “virtually impenetrable” and also “a good, strong rust colour” that could later be painted. It was designed to absorb heat, so it was “hot enough to fry an egg on”. There were no eggs to hand, but the president did sign his name on it and spoke for so long the TV feed eventually cut away, promising to return if news was ever made.

The words alone don’t do it. The man in all his crazy and idiotic is the only thing that can.

In writing about this not-especially-important or unusual press conference I’ve run into what US reporters must encounter every day. I’ve edited skittering, half-finished sentences to present them in some kind of consequential order and repeated remarks that made little sense.

Yep. What I’m saying. He has to be seen and heard to be believed.

I’ve read so many stories about his bluster and boasting and ill-founded attacks, I’ve listened to speeches and hours of analysis, and yet I was still taken back by just how disjointed and meandering the unedited president could sound…

I’d understood the dilemma of normalising Trump’s ideas and policies – the racism, misogyny and demonisation of the free press. But watching just one press conference from Otay Mesa helped me understand how the process of reporting about this president can mask and normalise his full and alarming incoherence.

We know. We know.

WHY lord WHY

Sep 22nd, 2019 11:53 am | By
WHY lord WHY


[I removed the image; see comments]

Tiffany @catgirlsister asks

WHY are cis lesbians so transphobic

and adds

pls tell me I won’t be alone forever

Maybe it’s mean to make fun of what Tiffany says…but then again women who are accused of being “transphobic” or “cis” or lesbians or all three are subject to quite a lot of meanness themselves, often set off by people like Tiffany saying things like the things Tiffany said in those tweets.

So I’ll point at what Tiffany says, and ask why Tiffany feels entitled to demand that lesbians do something to prevent him from being alone forever. Why is that lesbians’ job? Why is it lesbians’ fault that Tiffany is alone? Why isn’t Tiffany hooking up with other trans lesbians? Surely it can’t be because Tiffany is transphobic…can it?

A separate tweet:

“Tiffany” tried [to] walk into a lesbian support group but chickened out. Tiffany wants to cry. Tiffany is the real victim here, not the lesbians who just want some fucking space.

[I removed the image; see comments]

Tiffany apparently thinks lesbians ought to welcome him as a lesbian without even looking at him as he walks in the door.

Honestly I think Tiffany would feel more at home around Trumpys than around lesbians.

How many inappropriate things he says with the whole world listening

Sep 22nd, 2019 10:50 am | By

The Post yesterday:

It is no secret that Trump and his attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, have been pressuring Ukraine to open a corruption investigation into Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. Their contention is that Biden, as vice president, encouraged the firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor because he was probing a company that employed Biden’s son. Numerous journalists have shown that this accusation is bogus. The prosecutor was notoriously lax in pursuing corruption cases. So rather than fomenting corruption, Biden was fighting it. Trump and Giuliani have been acting in a highly improper fashion to induce a foreign government to lie on Trump’s behalf.

Notice how filthy this is. Biden and Obama were leaning on Ukraine to get corruption out of its justice system. A corrupt justice system benefits rich crooks, and no one else. Making a justice system non-corrupt is a good thing, not a bad thing. Trump and Giuliani see this and, instead of thinking “a good move for the people of Ukraine,” they think “we can flip this to smear Biden.” What kind of people think that and then go on to do it? People like Trump and Giuliani – and, apparently, Trump and Giuliani themselves. It’s filthy. Not content with corrupting everything in the US, they want to spread the corruption to the rest of the world, so that they can have more power and money and corruption.


On Sept. 5, The Post’s editorial page reported that Trump had put a hold on $250 million in U.S. military aid to Ukraine to force Zelensky to launch a probe of Biden. Several congressional committees are now investigating this explosive accusation for which there is considerable circumstantial evidence.

Kiev’s own readout of the call between Zelensky and Trump says that Trump urged Ukraine to “complete investigation of corruption cases, which inhibited the interaction between Ukraine and the USA.”…

Oddly enough, just as Congress began looking into these allegations last week, the White House finally released its hold on the $250 million for Ukraine.

Oh gee, I wonder why.

Trump’s defense — that he would not “say anything inappropriate with a foreign leader” knowing that others were listening in — is unconvincing, given how many inappropriate things he says with the whole world listening.

I’ve been thinking about that one. It’s an absurd defense, because he has no idea what’s inappropriate. None. Nearly everything he says is inappropriate. He has said thousands of inappropriate things on Twitter, knowing that others were listening in; of course he would do the same (and has) when talking to a head of state. He shoved the prime minister of Montenegro aside knowing that cameras were running; he has no clue how to behave or what not to say.

Trump has already won an election once with foreign help. If he is now misusing his office to force a foreign leader to help him in 2020, the House would be compelled to impeach, even if the Senate wouldn’t convict, simply to show that Trump is not a king who can violate the law with impunity.

Compelled how, though? Compelled by what or whom? It’s a very boneless, non-specific claim, especially when we the people have been yelling for impeachment until we are hoarse and cranky, and nothing ever happens. I think this idea of agentless “compulsion” is magical thinking.

I’d love to be wrong though.

Morning centaur

Sep 22nd, 2019 9:59 am | By

Just confirming that he really does stand funny.


The knees are locked, the butt sticks out, the torso tilts, the hands dangle, the jacket flaps.

Via reporter Jennifer Jacobs.

No cars? We’ll show them!

Sep 22nd, 2019 9:21 am | By

Typical Trumpy behavior – if there’s an island that had had a ban on motorized vehicles since 1898, why, what’s there to do but go to that island with 8 SUVs and parade around in them.

Vice President Mike Pence arrived at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in an eight-vehicle motorcade Saturday, prompting cries of “sacrilege” on social media.

Cars are generally banned on the island, and that century-old ban is integral to its charm.

When President Gerald Ford visited the island in 1975 — the only sitting president to make such a visit — he and first lady Betty Ford traveled by horse-drawn carriage.

Pence, who spoke at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, is the first sitting vice president to visit the island. He traveled to and from the airport with a cluster of monster SUVs shipped to the island Friday night.

It was the first-ever motorcade on Mackinac .

Who but a Trumpy would want such a first-ever?

With largely corruption

Sep 22nd, 2019 8:57 am | By

Trump this morning gave an eloquent defense of his phone call with the president of Ukraine:

While Democrats stepped up calls for impeachment, President Donald Trump directly acknowledged Sunday that he spoke with the president of Ukraine about an investigation into political opponent Joe Biden, but called the talk appropriate.

Speaking with reporters en route to a trip to Texas and Ohio, Trump said: “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption – all of the corruption taking place – and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

His brain is like a broken record. The word “largely” gets into it somehow and then it gets stuck, and he can’t stop saying it. And he can’t find the word “contributing” when he wants it so he swaps in “creating.”

He described the call as “absolutely perfect.”

It’s odd the way he keeps telling us how “beautiful” his talks with heads of state are. It’s very odd, and seems like classic protesting too much. Why do people protest too much? Because they’re worried or afraid or insecure about the X they’re protesting too much about. What’s Trump insecure about? This whole business of talking to heads of state – of pretending to be a grownup and a normal functioning professional when in reality he’s a child and a bizarre incompetent amateur. He keeps bragging about the talks because he wants us to think he aced this difficult task of faking the Head of State on the Phone act. It’s no good though – we know he didn’t because we know he’s incapable of it.

The plans for Trump’s day out are almost as bizarre.

Trump spoke before a day of travel to Texas and Ohio in the company of foreign leaders.

First comes a visit to Houston for an event with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be held at the city’s pro football stadium. The administration is billing the Texas event – dubbed “Howdy, Modi!” – as the largest gathering ever for a foreign leader (except for the Pope).

And…why? Modi is dreadful. He’s a Hindu nationalist, which is no more benign than being a Christian nationalist or an Islamist. Theocracy is a bad thing, and Modi is a theocrat. Why is Trump giving him the Top Dog treatment? Hell if I know.


Sep 21st, 2019 5:40 pm | By

But don’t worry, the Ivankas are still enjoying their White House Years.

When in Rome …


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