“Why we chose to publish the information about the whistle-blower”

Sep 26th, 2019 12:26 pm | By

The New York Times, weirdly, chose to report information on the whistleblower…no doubt right around the time Trump was screaming threats at said whistleblower. Then it tweeted its explanation for doing so.

Dean Baquet, our executive editor, explains why we chose to publish the information about the whistle-blower http://nyti.ms/2loU4p0


That may be, but given that the subject of the whistleblower’s complaint is a raving maniac, it’s not the most urgent consideration.

(Mind you, I mentioned the chit-chat about Coats, but then I’m not the New York Times.)

Don and Roods are livid

Sep 26th, 2019 11:51 am | By

From the Guardian live:

Rudy Giuliani, livid over the whistleblower complaint alleging that he improperly tried to convince Ukraine to launch an investigation of Joe Biden, vented his frustration to an Atlantic reporter.

“It is impossible that the whistleblower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons – when this is over, I will be the hero,” Giuliani told the Atlantic.

He added: “I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government. … Anything I did should be praised.”

Giuliani’s role as the president’s personal lawyer has raised concerns about a private citizen getting involved in foreign policy.

Just a tad.

Trump Twitter-screaming:

Adam Schiff has zero credibility. Another fantasy to hurt the Republican Party!

Adam Schiff has zero credibility? In what universe? Have we watched Adam Schiff tell lie after lie after lie for the past 3 or 5 or 50 years?

An hour and a half later:

Liddle’ Adam Schiff, who has worked unsuccessfully for 3 years to hurt the Republican Party and President, has just said that the Whistleblower, even though he or she only had second hand information, “is credible.” How can that be with zero info and a known bias. Democrat Scam!

Bloated’ Donald Trump is losing what’s left of his mind.

Trump described reporters as “scum”

Sep 26th, 2019 11:27 am | By

Somebody at that event this morning recorded Trump’s ravings and gave the recording to the LA Times.

Speaking at a private event in New York, Trump described reporters as “scum” and raged at the Democrats’ new impeachment proceedings, which were spurred by the whistleblower’s complaint alleging that Trump tried to strong-arm Ukraine’s leader to interfere in the 2020 election.

The still-unidentified whistleblower acknowledged that he did not listen to Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, but cited information from more than half a dozen U.S. officials over the past four months as part of “official interagency business.”

“Basically, that person never saw the report, never saw the call, he never saw the call — heard something and decided that he or she, or whoever the hell they saw — they’re almost a spy,” Trump said.

“I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy,” he continued. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

Image result for ya dirty rat

The president brought up the whistleblower almost as soon as he began his remarks on a podium in front of a blue backdrop in the low-ceilinged hotel ballroom, again claiming that the phone call with Zelensky was “perfect.”

This is how out of control he is – he can’t do the job he’s supposed to be doing for even a few seconds before ranting about his own concerns at people he’s supposed to be congratulating.

In his remarks, Trump cited his awkward meeting with Zelensky on Wednesday where both leaders were asked about the implicit quid pro quo detailed in the call summary and whistleblower complaint.

“They said, ‘Was he pressuring you?’” Trump said, describing the question to Zelensky, who responded that he hadn’t felt any “push” but also said he didn’t want to get involved in a U.S. political squabble.

“You know, these animals in the press,” Trump went on. “They’re animals, some of the worst human beings you’ll ever meet.”

Yes that’s how we want a president talking about the press.

“They’re scum,” Trump continued. “Many of them are scum, and then you have some good reporters, but not many of them, I’ll be honest with you.”

He then accused Sen. Christopher S. Murphy (D-Conn.), who met with Zelensky in Kyiv this month, of pressuring the Ukrainian leader to accuse Trump of improper behavior.

“Democratic senators went over there and strong-armed the guy,” Trump said, affecting Murphy’s voice for a moment. “‘You better damn well do this or you’re not going to get any money from Congress.’ Oh, I see, that’s OK?”

“And then you have Sleepy Joe Biden who’s dumb as a rock,” Trump went on. “This guy was dumb on his best day and he’s not having his best day right now. He’s dumb as a rock. So you have Sleepy Joe and his kid, who’s got a lot of problems, he got thrown out of the Navy — look, I’m not going to, it’s a problem … so we won’t get into why. He got thrown out of the Navy and now this kid goes into Ukraine, walks away with millions of dollars, he becomes a consultant for $50,000 a month and he doesn’t know anything compared to anybody at this firm. He’s a stiff. He knows nothing. He’s walking away with $50,000.”

Is it $50,000, or is it millions?

Updating to add:

He’s taking it well

Sep 26th, 2019 10:46 am | By

He’s losing it.

He’s all but screaming as he announces that Bidens father and son walked away with “millions of dollars from Ukraine, and then millions of dollars from [pause] CHYNAH.” Which is just made up out of his own rotting head.

Somebody needs to do something to make very sure he can’t take revenge on all of us.

Updating to add: CNN put up an instant fact check as Trump screamed lies about people into the cameras.

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In the old days when we were smart with spies and treason

Sep 26th, 2019 10:29 am | By

Trump this morning (after the complaint was released):

Trump told a group of staffers from the US Mission to the United Nations this morning that he wanted to know who provided information to the whistleblower and alluded to possible retaliation, according to the New York Times.

The Times reports:

The remark stunned people in the audience, according to a person briefed on what took place, who had notes of what the president said. Mr. Trump made the statement about several minutes into his remarks before the group of about 50 people at the event intended to honor the United States Mission. At the outset, he condemned the former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s role in Ukraine at a time when his son Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

Mr. Trump repeatedly referred to the whistle-blower and condemned the news media reporting on the complaint as ‘crooked.’ He then said the whistle-blower never heard the call in question. …

‘I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistle-blower the information because that’s close to a spy,’ Mr. Trump said. ‘You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.’

The event was intended to honor the United States Mission to the UN, but of course Trump talked about what concerned him instead, because he always does.

And he fantasized aloud about taking revenge on the whistleblower…you know, the very thing the whistleblower law is meant to prevent.

Speculation is that it’s Dan Coats. Hats off to him if so. Hats off to whomever.

It’s public

Sep 26th, 2019 6:29 am | By

The House Intelligence Committee has released the whistleblower complaint.

Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released the declassified whistleblower complaint. The complaint can be viewed here, and the Intelligence Community Inspector General letter regarding the complaint can be viewed here.

Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) made the following statement:

“The Committee this morning will be releasing the declassified whistleblower complaint that it received late last night from the ODNI. It is a travesty that it was held up this long.

“This complaint should never have been withheld from Congress. It exposed serious wrongdoing, and was found both urgent and credible by the Inspector General.

“This complaint is a roadmap for our investigation, and provides significant information for the Committee to follow up on with other witnesses and documents. And it is corroborated by the call record released yesterday.

“I want to thank the whistleblower for having the courage to come forward, despite the reprisals they have already faced from the president and his acolytes. We will do everything in our power to protect this whistleblower, and every whistleblower, who comes forward.

“The public has a right to see the complaint and what it reveals.”

I just read it (skipping the footnotes until later) and I’m duly gobsmacked. It wasn’t just Trump flailing around being random, it was a systematic effort over many months. They tried to get rid of all records of that phone call, by stashing them in a system that’s reserved for classified information (which isn’t normally interpreted to mean “the president’s dirty secrets”).

It’s gruesome.

Participation ≠ competition

Sep 25th, 2019 4:39 pm | By

Uh oh, McKinnon is cheating again.

IOC Charter, 4th Fundamental Principle of Olympian: “Participation in sport is a human right.”

You’re wrong. #sorrynotsorry


He said it in reply to a tweet that said “I don’t think competing in sport is a human right. Sorry.”

Claim: “I don’t think competing in sport is a human right.”

Counter-claim: “The IOC Charter says ‘Participation in sport is a human right.'”

Where’s the cheating? In the fact that participation is not the same as competing.

That’s especially true of sports/activities like cycling that can be enjoyed perfectly well without other people. Team sports are little fun by oneself; sports like running, cycling, archery, swimming can be plenty of fun by oneself.

That’s the cheating. The silly is treating the IOC as a disinterested source of absolute truth about whether or not sport is a human right. The IOC has an interest in promoting sport, and that might possibly color its interpretation of whether or not it’s a human right. The second silly is treating a random body saying “[participation in] sport is a human right” makes it true. The IOC said it, but the IOC is not a human rights organization or a legislature. McKinnon is all but in “because my dad said so!” territory here. “The IOC thinks it is” would have been a slightly less fatuous response.

McKinnon is remarkably sloppy for someone who teaches philosophy.


Sep 25th, 2019 3:57 pm | By

Further illustration (not that any is needed) of how completely he doesn’t get it. He’s all at sea. He has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing or how he’s supposed to be behaving. He might as well have been kidnapped and taken to Mongolia.

Perfect, perfect, perfect.

It’s not a high school test. It’s not a bathing suit competition, it’s not a piano recital, it’s not gymnastics. It’s not about how “nice” he was or whether he stumbled over his words or not. None of what he says is relevant, it’s just wild off-topic babbling.

(Note, also, how artlessly he confides that Lindsey Graham was surprised he was “nice” on the call. Graham knows he’s not “nice” and doesn’t generally sound “nice” to people who aren’t Donald Trump. Note how artlessly he confides that most people don’t know how nice he is – very true, pretty much no one knows that, because it ain’t true.

Trump appeared baffled

Sep 25th, 2019 3:02 pm | By

Trump gave a deranged press conference just now.

Trump is recounting the meetings he has had this week as part of his UN visit and touting his administration’s foreign-policy achievements.

According to a PBS NewsHour reporter, the press conference could go on for a while.

Trump is reiterating his claim that he did not pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden“No push, no pressure, no nothing,” Trump said.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy made the same claim earlier today during his meeting with Trump in New York.

But the White House memo on Trump’s call with Zelenskiy showed that the president asked for “a favor” from Ukraine after the country’s leader mentioned military aid. Trump went on to suggest that Ukraine investigate Biden.

Trump appeared baffled that Democrats felt the White House memo on his phone call with the Ukrainian president had substantiated their announcement of a formal impeachment inquiry.

“Impeachment for that?” Trump asked.

Well…this is the trouble with being so lazy. He never bothered to learn anything about the presidency, or the US government more broadly, or the political history of the country, or the Constitution, or the basic norms that are supposed to govern how presidents behave in office. It’s always difficult to take in how absolute his emptiness is, but just tell yourself it’s the emptiest emptiness ever and maybe that will help. He has no idea, so naturally he has no idea that he can’t tell other heads of state to do harm to people he wants out of his way. He thinks he can do that, he thinks it’s just part of Winning the Contest; he thinks he can do whatever he likes, like a king in a fairy tale. To us it’s grotesque that he doesn’t understand that he can’t do that; to him it’s just Wednesday.

Water is the lifeblood of the planet

Sep 25th, 2019 12:15 pm | By

Also: the oceans:

As the world’s climate changes, ocean warming is accelerating and sea levels are rising more quickly, warns a new report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The report is a synthesis of the most up-to-date climate science on oceans and ice, and it lays out a stark reality: Ocean surface temperatures have been warming steadily since 1970, and for the past 25 years or so, they’ve been warming twice as fast.

Sea levels are also rising increasingly quickly “due to increasing rates of ice loss from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets,” the report states.

“For me, it’s the complete picture that’s kind of surprising and, frankly, concerning,” says Ko Barrett, vice-chair of the U.N. panel and the deputy assistant administrator for research at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the U.S. “This is, in some ways, a report about water. Water is the lifeblood of the planet.”

Also, there are these ocean heat waves.

“It’s sort of remarkable that prior to 2012 [or] 2013, nobody had thought about heat waves in the ocean,” says Andrew Pershing, chief scientific officer at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland, Maine. “And then, in 2012 we had a huge event here in the Northwest Atlantic, and the Gulf of Maine was right at the center of it. It was a real surprise.”

The abnormally hot water affected animals that live off the coast of Maine, including lobster and other creatures that are crucial to the local fishing economy. What’s more, it quickly became clear that the state wasn’t alone.

There was one here in the Pacific Northwest; it’s thought to be why the orcas are struggling.

Marine heat waves in recent years drove a cascade of changes in marine life off the coast of the Pacific Northwest, which in turn led to disastrous seasons for commercial fishermen.

“We had two federally declared fishery disaster seasons in 2016 and 2017,” says Noah Oppenheim, executive director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. “The disaster seasons that we’ve experienced lately put a lot of fishermen right on the brink.”

Abnormally hot water supported blooms of algae that polluted the Dungeness crab fishery on the West Coast, shutting it down for months. Meanwhile, the so-called blob of hot water off the coast was associated with drought on land, which decimated salmon runs, raised the risk of wildfires and strained water resources inland.

And starved the orcas, which rely on salmon.

And then there are the floods.

Rising water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico have also affected weather in that region. When sea surface temperatures are unusually high, it helps fuel larger, wetter tropical storms. For example, Hurricane Harvey and Tropical Depression Imelda came inland and dropped incredible amounts of rain on Texas in the past two years.

Now if we slashed carbon emissions right now

Yeah never mind.

Recall message RECALL MESSAGE

Sep 25th, 2019 11:02 am | By

Hilariously, the White House sent talking points about the memorandum to Congress, but they sent it to Democrats by mistake. Ooops!

The White House appeared to accidentally send its talking points on the Ukraine call to House Democrats. The talking points encouraged the president’s allies to argue that there was no direct quid pro quo conveyed in the memo and that the whistleblower complaint was handled “by the book.”

After realizing the error, the White House tried to recall the email to House Democrats. At the risk of stating the obvious: it seems a bit late for that.

Yeah there’s no such thing as “recalling” email, White House. That’s not how any of this works.

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Sure Tori!

makes busy hand gestures as if recalling something

There you go, all done! Message totally recalled!

I hope they understand how not to launch the nukes better than how not to send their talking points to the Dems.

Hey, it’s indirect, ok?

Sep 25th, 2019 10:16 am | By

Oof this is one of those days when you don’t dare close all the news sources and walk away because sheeeee-it.

For instance, the fact that Barr was involved means he had a giant conflict of interest when he ruled on the whistleblower report.

Sean Patrick Maloney: We didn’t know before today that Attorney General Bill Barr was involved in pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden. He’s the same AG who told Trump not to hand over the whistleblower complaint to Congress. “That’s a conflict. That’s a screaming red light.”

The whistleblower complaint must include Barr, so…yeah.

The Guardian half an hour ago (such old news now) said one of the main stories is the astonishment that the White House thought the memorandum would be good for Trump. It sure as hell astonishes me.

Republican strategist Rick Wilson:

How the fuck did Trump think this transcript was going to help him???

Former FBI agent Asha Rangappa:

Here’s what’s clear: Trump does not observe or recognize important legal distinctions. Not between official business and his campaign. Between private attorney and gov attorneys. Between taxpayer money and his money. Everything is an extension [o]f himself, to be used for his ends.

Former Obama adviser:

The fact that the White House apparently thought this transcript would be a letdown is absolutely chilling. Have they been surrounded by state-sanctioned lawlessness, self-dealing, and corruption for so long that it no longer registers?

Matthew Miller:

I can’t tell whether they actually thought that or are trying to bluff their way through it. This is going to be the ultimate test of the reality distortion field Trump has established over the Republican Party.

Adam Schiff calls it a classic Mafia-like shakedown.

Trump is defending himself with “It wasn’t a direct shakedown.”

“You don’t see a direct quid pro quo in this.” @BretBaier

Wow. That’s it? That’s what he’s going with? He thinks an indirect quid pro quo is ok???

He’s hanging himself. Right now, right in front of us.

We want a favor

Sep 25th, 2019 9:08 am | By

The memorandum of Trump’s gangster conversation with Zelensky is as squalid as everyone expected, and more so.

Like, the opening move to soften him up with “we do a lot for you” – coupled with “that Merkel, she does NOTHING for you, we’re the ones, she’s not, we are.” And then the immediate pivot to “we want a favor.” That part includes the damning “I would like to have the Attorney General call you.” Barr is in it; Barr is even dirtier than we thought. “Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it”…if you get my drift.

Also, chillingly, his tweets today indicate that he thinks the redacted memorandum is exculpatory. He thinks we’re going to read it and say oh gee there’s nothing there.

Then there’s bigging up Giuliani, as one might say “Tony is my guy, you don’t want to make Tony mad, trust me.” Giuliani is Trump’s personal lawyer, don’t forget, not a government employee. “I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General,” Trump says. Yeah, that’s so exculpatory. Godalmighty. Then three sentences later he gets to “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son” – as if Zelensky is as enthralled by what’s in Trump’s head as Trump is. Who? Who’s Biden? Why are you talking about his son? Can we talk about Ukraine at all? “…that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that” – no they don’t, that’s Trump’s magical “a lot of people” when he means himself trick. “so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”

Put that whole sentence together: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.” It’s a crime, it’s stunning, it’s grotesque. (What’s the crime? Soliciting a foreign government for help in an election.)

And in conclusion, to wrap up that paragraph, “Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.” Note the … after “look into it” – apparently there’s even more incriminating shit there.

Then he lets Zelensky talk a little then he says: “I will have Mr Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it.” Yes, President Zelenskiy, I will have my personal lawyer and the Attorney General of the United States both give you a call so that they can lean on you in my name to help us damage my political rivals, thanks a lot, love you loads, bye.

It’s just fucking breathtaking. Knowing he did it is one thing and seeing how crude it was even in the redacted version is another.

Guest post: Insane, cult-like, and authoritarian

Sep 25th, 2019 7:37 am | By

Derrick Jensen posted this on Facebook and told us to share widely. I’m making it a guest post for ease of reading.

i just got deplatformed here in Crescent City. the left is insane, cult-like, and authoritarian.

i was asked to do a talk as part of the climate strike. i said yes.

i was volunteering my time.

today i got a note from the “Del Norte Climate Justice Alliance” disinviting me.

here is their note.

Dear Derrick and Heather,

We are cancelling your talk this week for the Week For Future Generations. We would like to be transparent about the reason, the room that you would be using is a room used by students of color, trans, and queer students. This is a community gathering and meeting space that is all inclusive. There was new information brought to our attention that might jeopardize the space, values and standard we have created in this inclusive space.


i responded

this is appalling.

we can’t talk about the murder of the planet?

Congratulations for continuing to destroy free speech in this country.

you should be ashamed of yourselves.

leftists like Mario Savio who once stood for free speech would certainly be ashamed of you.

and don’t rope ‘people of color’ into your excuse. i’ve written extensively about racism.

yes, i disagree with queer theory and transgender ideology because i stand in support of women.

i can provide cogent critiques of both. i would be delighted to debate you or the person of your choice on those issues.

but of course you won’t agree to that, because deep in your gut you know your positions are indefensible. This is a primary reason queer theorists and transactivists _must_ deplatform anyone who disagrees with them, anyone who participates in any form of wrongthink, which big brother says is double-plus-ungood.

have you even read any of my work?

of course not.

Can you point to any place in any of my books where I even mention those issues?

of course not.

you are deplatforming someone whose books you haven’t read, whose books don’t even mention the issues over which you are deplatforming me, who was not going to speak about the issues over which you are deplatforming me.

yes, your position really is that absurd.

you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves.

it might not be a bad idea to remove the name ‘justice’ out of your ‘justice alliance,’ and ‘inclusive’ from your description below, because your use of those words are Orwellian.

Welcome to 1984.


i then received this note back from the person who first invited me.

I’m replying to you personally.

Yes, we can talk about the murder of the planet. And that’s exactly why we reached out to you. But we cannot risk you diving into your ideologies, the ones steeped in hate of an “other” while you are presenting. I hope you can respect this. We have a transgender teen doing coverage of the event, and I couldn’t imagine him feeling attacked by your views.

You’re right. There are probably many things we don’t agree on. And most of the time I am okay with that…but not when you are given a public platform from which to speak on whatever you want.

This is not about deplatforming you. This is about protecting trans people and making sure any risk of folks feeling threatened is not part of our work.

Climate Justice work is about much more than environmental justice…you know that.


The left is completely fucking insane. please broadcast widely. This sort of outrageous behavior needs be recognized for what it is.

Denying him competition

Sep 24th, 2019 3:51 pm | By

McKinnon again, shouting about his human right to compete against women.

Dysphoria Joe introduces him:

“Rachel” McKinnon says he has “human right” to race women because, well, he can’t win against men:


He’s quoting himself, probably because no one else would say something so stupid.

“Who the fuck am I going to race? There’s no other trans woman on my level. By creating a trans only category you’re denying me competition. If sport is a human right then you’re actively excluding me from that right.”

I don’t know why he keeps recycling that claim when it’s so OBVIOUSLY shifty. A right to sport is not a right to formal competition with prizes. The whole point of competitions is that they filter out most aspirants. There’s no “right” to play with Manchester United or the Yankees and there’s no “right” to compete in the Olympics. MacKinnon has the right to cycle his ass off, and to compete with people who want to compete with him, but he has no right to compete against women in official women’s races that are supposed to be for women. If he can’t find anyone else to compete with that’s just too bad – he can still train and cycle and get better and better: that’s his “right to sport.” Nobody is excluding him from that right but he wants to exclude women from competing in women’s races by displacing them.

He has never recognised the imperative of truth

Sep 24th, 2019 3:30 pm | By

On this same day (stretching over many time zones) Boris Johnson also had his arse handed to him.


If Boris Johnson does nothing more, his name in history is already inscribed as the man who lied so hard he nearly broke the constitution. He certainly broke the law, as definitively interpreted by the supreme court today. Any leader with respect for the responsibilities that come with high office, and capable of shame, would immediately resign. Nothing in Johnson’s record suggests he is such a person. He clambered to Downing Street over the wreckage of his own former beliefs, ruined friendships and betrayed relationships. He has never recognised the imperative of truth, so takes no instruction from it now.

The new pinnacle of Johnson’s career as a peddler of falsehood is his claim that parliament’s suspension earlier this month was procedural – a conventional legislative reboot ahead of a Queen’s speech to set out a new domestic agenda. No one believed him. His own ministers struggled to hold the line, blurting out the true motive, which was to limit MPs’ control over Brexit. By unanimous verdict, the country’s most senior judges ruled that prorogation did indeed have the effect of “preventing or frustrating” the legislature in pursuit of its constitutional duties – passing laws, holding ministers to account and, crucially, representing the public in Commons debates. The court noted that those functions were uniquely urgent, given the proximity of the Brexit deadline. The stymying deed had to be undone.

I always did wonder how that could be a legitimate thing to do, so I’m glad to learn that it’s not.

The hand descends on the shoulder at last

Sep 24th, 2019 3:16 pm | By

Welp, it’s on.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday evening that the US House of Representatives will launch impeachment proceedings into Donald Trump, setting up an extraordinary constitutional clash over allegations he sought the help of a foreign country to harm a political rival.

“The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law,” Pelosi said on Capitol Hill moments after 5pm on Tuesday.

After months of resistance amid calls from many fellow Democrats in Washington, Pelosi determined that Trump’s alleged conduct and his administration’s refusal to comply with congressional requests for information and testimony has forced the House’s hand, leaving them no choice but to move forward with a formal impeachment inquiry.

The sharp change of course comes as Democrats from across the party amplified their calls from impeachment after revelations of a whistleblower complaint that the intelligence community’s internal watchdog, Gen Michael Atkinson, deemed credible and an “urgent concern”. The White House has refused to share the complaint with Congress as typically required by law, arguing that the allegations do not fall within the intelligence community whistleblower statute.

With impeachment, from what I understand, it will be harder for the trumpies to refuse to hand over the evidence.

I hope Trump is having a screaming fire-everyone pants-wetting meltdown right now.

The future belongs to fire flood and famine

Sep 24th, 2019 11:27 am | By

Also disgusting:

Nice to see

Sep 24th, 2019 11:09 am | By

Trump of course also found it necessary to jeer at Greta Thunberg. He retweeted WIRED:

”People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.” Watch Greta Thunberg speak at the UN Monday morning.

And commented:

She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!

Yes it’s all so hilarious. He’s doing what he can – which is quite a lot – to make the futures of everyone her age bleak and horrible.

Misery at the UN

Sep 24th, 2019 10:39 am | By

Trump just gave the world nausea by addressing the UN General Assembly.

“Wise leaders,” he says, idiotically, “always put the good of their own country, and their own people, first.”

No they don’t. Wise leaders want to avoid wars, and Trump’s formula is a formula for war.

Wise leaders also want to avoid looking like an absolute dick in public, so that lets Trump out. Standing up at the UN General Assembly and saying “Us first us first us first!!!” makes a leader look like an absolute dick, and Trump a thousand times more so. It’s all too obvious that what he’s really saying is “Me first me first me first” – that he wants and demands all the money, all the respect, all the prizes, all the flattery, all the bowing and scraping, all the military parades, all the unctuous slaves doing his bidding, all the ice cream, all the pussy, all everything.

His zombie-like delivery did not go down well.

Patrick Wintour:

No expert on Trump delivery style, but at UNGA he is reading a speech threatening evil regimes as per usual, but reading his words as though overdosed on mogadons. Somnambulant, sleepy, sleepy Don

David Nakamura:

It’s been said before when he sticks to the Teleprompter but it seems like this is the first time Trump has ever read/seen his own remarks. The reading of this speech is painful.

Eileen Truax:

I can’t stomach this. The guy suffers when he has to read from a teleprompter, not understanding what he’s saying.
(Or maybe just when he has to read, period).

Trump last.