Their own version of reality

Nov 22nd, 2019 9:30 am | By

Julie Bindel has a hot from the pan Spectator piece on this Labour policy confusion:

I was pleasantly surprised when I read Labour’s manifesto. Not only did the party promise to end ‘mixed-sex wards’ in hospitals but they also vowed to “ensure that the single-sex-based exemptions contained in the Equality Act 2010 are understood and fully enforced in service provision.”

Soon after the manifesto was published yesterday, a number of feminists tweeted relief and praise about the pledge. It marked a significant shift from Labour’s 2017 manifesto in which the party promised to: ‘…reform the Gender Recognition Act and the Equality Act 2010 to ensure they protect Trans people by changing the protected characteristic of ‘gender assignment’ to ‘gender identity’ and remove other outdated language such as ‘transsexual.’”

She wondered how it had happened, but not for long.

And then Dawn Butler and her Momentum pals began to tweet their own version of reality. This was done, I assume, either in an attempt to pacify the mob, or even worse, to pressure the party into doing something they have not officially committed to.  

First up, Dawn Butler tweeted that:

“UK Labour will reform the GRA to introduce self-declaration for trans people. We will remove outdated language from the Equalities Act. And there is no way spaces will be permitted to discriminate against trans people. That is illegal and it will stay illegal.”

Labour activist Ellie Mae O’Hagan then claimed that Butler’s rewrite is the Labour party “official position”, suggesting that the Equality Act is illegal.

O’Hagan’s linked tweet is [cough] not entirely straightforward:

To be clear, I spoke to someone directly at Labour comms to obtain this statement. I have had absolute confirmation that this is the party’s official position.

What does “someone directly at Labour comms” mean?

Another “absolute confirmation” that isn’t:

I’m delighted Labour has confirmed that “single-sex spaces” mentioned in its manifesto are trans inclusive, and that the party is committed to trans rights. See statement below from a Labour spokesperson:


Note the lack of name and source, but people tracked it down and found it’s not from a Labour official at all but from an LGBT&&& “activist” who doesn’t speak for the Labour party. Sly. It’s almost as if they don’t have good arguments so they have to resort to tricks.

Back to Julie:

One person close to the Labour party told me:

“This is now a matter of frontbenchers and senior staff over-riding the decision of the party at Clause 5. Unprecedented, in my view. If they can do it on this, they can do it on anything and there’s no point in having a democratic policy formulation process.” 

Another suggested that neither Corbyn or Butler really understand either the issues or the implications, saying that:

“Neither the top brass nor the likes of Butler understood what they were agreeing when they overruled the 2017 manifesto on sex-based rights, and now she and her Momentum mates are trying to override it because Butler has been called out by trans-activists. She can’t think in two dimensions, and is very opportunist, playing to a crowd.”

Which doesn’t mean she won’t get her way.

The single-sex-based exemptions

Nov 22nd, 2019 5:42 am | By

There is much confusion right now about Labour and its position on women and what exactly it is trying to say.

Yesterday @Womans_Place_UK tweeted:

WPUK is pleased to see that @UKLabour recognises the importance of the single-sex exemptions in the Equality Act is committing to upholding them. 1/2


But now there is waffling, or there isn’t but there is the appearance that there is.

Dawn Butler, Labour Women & Equalities Secretary, says nothing has changed.

.@UKLabour will reform the GRA to introduce self-declaration for trans people.

We will remove outdated language from the Equalities Act.

And there is no way spaces will be permitted to discriminate against trans people. That is illegal and it will stay illegal.

So when they say single-sex based exemptions (such as changing rooms and toilets) will be enforced they don’t mean it? Or they do, and Dawn Butler is resisting? The situation is unclear.

Sarah Ditum observes:

Labour putting a sensible-sounding position on gender identity and women’s rights in the manifesto, then giving an outrider the contradictory version the faithful want to hear, is such a dishonest idiot’s version of politics

I mean, it’s smart in that it puts the sane version where the sane people will see it, and the one for the Twitter nutters where the Twitter nutters can see it, and both groups get tell themselves they’re the wife and the other one’s the mistress

But if Labour is ever in power, there is no way here to write a functional policy. Then again who gives a fuck about policy when it only affects that capricious group of semi-humans called women

Kathleen Stock:

Like @helenlewis I’m deleting earlier tweets suggesting @UKLabour finally recognise that women are distinct group who need legal protection. I continue to hear from well-placed people this doesn’t reflect intention of manifesto but position’s destructively ambiguous to say least.

Do they? Don’t they? It’s up in the air.

Picking at its complexities and difficulties

Nov 21st, 2019 5:33 pm | By

In other news, the event involving Kathleen Stock went ahead.

Happy to report that talk went ahead without incident. Turns out 6.3k likes for no-platforming campaign translates to 5 individual emails sent against me; meanwhile 3 emails were sent in support, one of which had over 300 signatures. (Thank you so much to all who wrote & signed).

I did. There were over 300 I think.

Being Human Festival has details on the subject matter and participants:

Diversity has become a divisive issue in today’s society. In this debate philosophers at the front line will be picking at its complexities and difficulties. What are the different forms of diversity? Why do they matter? Should we be promoting or managing diversity? Should we even be reducing it in the name of greater cohesion?

For this year’s Royal institute of Philosophy debate the antagonistic for/against format will be abandoned and instead speakers have been invited to have a more collaborative discussion in which increased mutual understanding matters more than winning. In an increasingly polarised society, people need to be brought together more than ever. Confirmed speakers include Tommy J. Curry, Onora O’Neill and Kathleen Stock with the BBC’s Ritula Shah as the chair.

Sounds interesting, to me, and well done dropping the tedious antagonistic for/against format, which I’ve never found interesting.

Top Three

Nov 21st, 2019 5:21 pm | By

A thread by Sarah Phillimore on the Fair Cop judicial review:

Home again after a hectic two days at #FairCopJR. Feel a lot more optimistic tonight than I did this morning. It’s hard to pick favourite moments out of so many but my Top Three have to be:

1. Judicial recognition that TERF is a slur
2. Both College of Policing and Humberside making it clear they didn’t understand the Equality Act
3. The carefully redacted document that was hiding the fact that the ‘victim’ had used hateful language herself

But the – possibly unseemly – glee provoked by watching someone stuff up their own case, line by line is tempered by the growing realisation that the Government have farmed out policy on such important areas to axe grinding pressure groups.

And that if more people don’t wake up, and soon then we risk huge damage to the rule of law and the structure of our society. Are the judiciary the last line of defence? I think they might be. I will await the judgment with great interest.

And well done to all @WeAreFairCop. Proof that we are greater than the sum of our parts and everyone has played to their strengths. I have learned a lot about the power of collaboration.

So I guess she is one of the Fair Cop team. Good on her, and them.

Dependent on a child’s changeable feelings

Nov 21st, 2019 5:01 pm | By

About that custody battle over the kid whose mother wanted to trans him while his father did not

The Younger case has gained much media attention, in the U.S. and beyond. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the BBC all seem to cast the father as the villain, in particular for his refusal to agree that his child is transgender. Rolling Stone opines that the Younger story has become a “terrifying right-wing talking point.” Vox is worried about Republican state legislators’ trying to introduce bills prohibiting chemical and surgical interference with the sexual development of children who say they’re transgender, and “what [this] could mean for families nationwide” when “legislators want to have a say in whether Luna Younger should be allowed to socially transition.” For the Left, the Younger story is a tale of backwards attitudes victimizing a child.

Not the whole left though – there are quite a lot of us who think it would be victimizing the child to let this fantasy ruin his life before he’s old enough to understand what people are doing to him.

Since there are no objective tests to confirm a transgender diagnosis, all of this is arbitrary and dependent on a child’s changeable feelings. To make aggressive treatment more acceptable, its advocates have come up with a media-friendly euphemism, “gender affirmation.” If it’s affirming, activists say, it’s also kindness, love, acceptance, and support. The opposite, trying to help a child feel more comfortable with his body, is a rejection: abuse, hatred, “transphobia,” or “conversion therapy” likely to lead to child suicide. This is a lie — a lie designed to obscure a critical truth: that neither a child, nor his parents on his behalf, can truly consent to experimental, life-altering, and irreversible treatments for which there is no evidentiary support.


Coal miner’s daughter

Nov 21st, 2019 11:36 am | By

A side note in Fiona Hill’s testimony at the impeachment hearing is of interest:

This is a bit of a sidebar to her testimony but Hill’s low estimation of the professional environment in the UK has not gone unnoticed.

“Years later, I can say with confidence that this country has offered for me opportunities I never would have had in England,” Hill testified. “I grew up poor with a very distinctive working-class accent.”

Julian Borger tweets:

Unfortunately, it’s worse than that. She’s saying even in 1980’s 1990’s, you couldn’t get recognition for your talent and expertise if you had a working-class accent.
It was an indictment of Britain. …

Robbie Gramer

In new testimony, Fiona Hill issues scathing rebuke of 1960’s England

That is, her rebuke was not just of 1960’s Britain but of 1980’s 1990’s, in fact decidedly the latter since she was born in 1965 so she wasn’t starting her career in the 60s.

She continued:

In England in the 1980s and 1990s, this would have impeded my professional advancement. This background has never set me back in America. For the better part of three decades, I have built a career as a nonpartisan, nonpolitical national security professional focusing on Europe and Eurasia and especially the former Soviet Union.

And then along came the rich boy from Queens.

It caused a strong reaction

Nov 21st, 2019 10:06 am | By

WeAreFairCop on the hearing day 2 – the whole thing is fascinating (and heroic work; well done to WAFC); I’ll just dive in at point x to give a sample. It’s shorthandy because done at speed. Counsel for P=for the Police.

Counsel for P – it caused a strong reaction – Judge – to ONE person. We have looked at the evidence. Reference to other people being upset. People don’t have the right to go through life not being upset. 

Counsel for P – I accept that but police have duty to engage with community and duties under EA Judge – I am afraid you will have to give me a specific reference to where it says police role is to act in community mediation …give me the reference please

Team Cop lawyer says Harry’s naughty tweet caused a strong reaction, the Judge says “to ONE person” – which is like what we’ve been talking about in regard to Oxford Brookes. One worked-up complaint about the sharing of two tweets, and that was all it took. What is the source of and reason for this instantaneous veto? People don’t have the right to go through life not being upset.  Team Cop lawyer says yes, I get that, but police have a duty to engage with the community. (Which community, would be my first question. Why isn’t Harry the community? Why aren’t women? Why can’t women call the cops when people call them “TERFs”?) The judge says you have to show me where it says police role is to act in community mediation.

Judge – ‘have due regard to the need to’… yup Counsel for P – due regard to need to foster good relations… Judge just a second – reads – doesn’t say anything there about acting as community mediation service

<nearby snicker>

Counsel for P – can I assist further Judge – No. no.


Counsel for P[olice] – can be no dispute that recording was in line with the guidance bearing in mind the complaint. looking at definition of non crime incident which is perceived by victim or another as motivated by hate.

What about when women perceive being called “TERFs” as motivated by hate? Can we call the P then? What if Harry perceived the complaint as being motivated by hate?

Judge – phobia is a particularly strong word. What do you say it means? Counsel for P – its almost irrelevant what it means


Wow indeed. We can tell Counsel for P, from years of experience, that it’s not irrelevant at all. Years of being accused of “transphobia” because we don’t believe lies=meaning of phobia not irrelevant.

Judge – if I find impact of PC Gul’s behaviour was to stop behaviour, that is classic example of state interference. Intention doesn’t matter.

Counsel for P – we know that wasn’t outcome as he continued tweeting

Judge – I take point, not conviction or fine etc.

Someone (it’s not clear who) mentioned a chilling effect.

Judge – what point are you making?

Counsel for P – chilling effect can only follow a sanction


Counsel for P – no definition in law

Judge – its US Supreme Court jurisprudence from 1950s. Accept no sanction in classic sense, accept all of that. but H[arryM[iller] Counsel says ‘take a step back. Look what happened. Threat of proceedings. All together has chilling effect’.

Fascinating that it’s from US Supreme Court jurisprudence – I’ll guess in the wake of McCarthyism.

Anyway that’s a sample. I find it fascinating, 5 stars, highly recommended. The judge is now considering, hopes to have a ruling before Xmas. Andy Lewis sums up:

The @WeAreFairCop Judicial Review currently underway is huge. Can police guidelines on following up accusations of ‘hate’ be seen as interfering with Article 10 rights? Can women describe themselves as adult human females without gender activists using the police as a weapon?

Can the law compel us to submit to a lie?

Can we all step back from our public duties now?

Nov 20th, 2019 4:36 pm | By
Can we all step back from our public duties now?

The White House issues a statement:

Shifty Schiff thinks he hasn’t gotten enough camera time. So during a brief break, he’s doing a press conference.

New hoax. Same swamp.
8:12 AM · Nov 20, 2019· TheWhiteHouse

Not a hoax.


Pawprints forever

Nov 20th, 2019 3:59 pm | By

Things from the past:

Many centuries ago, a cat walked over an Italian manuscript, leaving its paw prints on the document forever. 1445


You’re welcome.

There’s a reason for that

Nov 20th, 2019 3:39 pm | By

Oh, it turns out that the day Trump told Sondland “I WANT NOTHiNG I WANT NOTHiNG” was September 9, the day – here, Matt Lewis explains:

It’s important to note the timing of Trump’s “I want nothing..I want no quid pro quo” statement to Sondland: It occurred on September 9, the exact same day the House Intel Committee received the whistleblower’s complaint….

Most of the exculpatory evidence Republicans cite consists of things that happened AFTER Trump and Republicans realized the whistleblower had reported Trump’s activities.

No wonder he was in a bad mood.

Marc Ambinder adds:

Which is why the President would use that specific phrase — he knew he was being accused of precisely that. The White House had seen the complaint, which discusses said quid-pro-quo.

Matt Lewis:

Exactly. Trump would never randomly invoke the term “quid pro quo” just out of the blue.

Indeed not. Trump has to consult his notes before he can shout “I WANT NOTHiNG” twice. His vocabulary is not large, generous, capacious, ample, hefty…you get the idea.

Targeting only women

Nov 20th, 2019 11:45 am | By

Speaking of that Times article

A feminist artist who was due to speak at Oxford Brookes University yesterday had her talk cancelled at the last minute after students accused her of holding transphobic views.
The event featuring Rachel Ara, hosted by the university’s fine art research unit, was called off after the LGBTQ+ society sent a letter to Anne-Marie Kilday, the pro-vice-chancellor, condemning her invitation.

That’s all it took. One letter, from stupid uninformed people complaining of the sharing of two tweets.

The letter to Professor Kilday was signed by a number of people, including the chairman of the university’s Labour Party Club and the president of the LGBTQ+ society.

They should have read it more carefully.

Ara, 53, said that her art was clearly “too challenging for today’s youth” and lamented that “the world has gone slightly mad”.

She added: “I was going to be talking about feminism and art, and the difficulties that exist for women trying to break through. It was nothing to do with trans issues. I’m not transphobic. I have been openly gay for 35 years. I think this movement is misogynistic — they are only targeting other women.”

It’s unmistakably misogynist.

In another court far far away

Nov 20th, 2019 11:38 am | By

Also happening today – because there’s not enough going on?? – is that Fair Cop is in court tweeting the case of Harry Miller aka Harry the Owl, whose account was suspended for evilthought.

A selection of the tweets:

Opening by Harry’s counsel. Plainly a very important case involving freedom of speech in the internet era. Won’t go through all background facts but take the court to important documents. #FairCopJR

The involvement of the police in social media discussion about this. Judge interjects – want to lay down a marker. What is said against you is that recording a hate incident is not a sanction so not interference. And said your client is robust enough to comment.

Judge – suppose I find that combination of recording and remote potential for it to be disclosed and I find that PC Gul created impression that your client should stop – would all of that be sufficient to interfere with Art 10, not because it impacted YOUR client –

– but had chilling effect on others? Answer – yes. Recording under this policy, the publicity around what the police can do… if they had some deterrent effect on others that is sufficient – absolutely. #FairCopJR

Judge accepts that some of HM’s posting is capable of contributing to debate but not all. Counsel – will need to look in context.

Further discussion about putting ‘offensive’ speech in context of national conversation. The consequences of amendment to GRA are far reaching.

Judge – I note in the Times this morning that Oxford Brookes have ‘disinvited’ a speaker.

Why? Because she shared two tweets that some “activists” disliked.

How about Uma Thurman?

Nov 20th, 2019 11:09 am | By

This could be an apocryphal or exaggerated story, but if not…

A Hollywood executive wanted Julia Roberts to portray Harriet Tubman in the leading abolitionist’s biopic, the screenwriter of the new film “Harriet” said.

After studying Tubman’s life in college, about how she helped lead enslaved people to freedom on the Underground Railroad, screenwriter Gregory Allen Howard was determined to adapt her story into a feature film, he said in an interview with Focus Features, the distributor of “Harriet.”

When he met with a studio president about the idea in 1994, his script garnered praise, Howard wrote in an essay in the Los Angeles Times. It also received a casting suggestion.

“Let’s get Julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman,” the executive told Howard.

Howard said the one other black person in the meeting said that would be impossible, as Julia Roberts is white.

The president replied, “That was so long ago. No one will know that,” Howard wrote.

But…what would the plot be then? Harriet Tubman spends a weekend with Richard Gere in an expensive hotel? Harriet Tubman meets scruffy bookseller Hugh Grant and his eccentric Welsh flatmate? Harriet Tubman dies young leaving her mother Sally Fields bereft but plucky?


Nov 20th, 2019 10:45 am | By

There is also the first page of Trump’s notes, the one where Sondland sets up the context of Trump’s I WANT NOTHiNG.


Wtf is going on over there? Was he sitting in bed transcribing the testimony himself, by hand?

He read all that to the reporters on the lawn. He read it twice, shifting into a more scratchy shouty voice for his own part of the dialogue. When he read the “HE WAS NOT iN A GOOD MOOD” part he said as an aside that [shouting] “I’M ALWAYS IN A GOOD MOOD, I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.”

What we knew and when we knew it

Nov 20th, 2019 10:22 am | By

A highlight reel of the statement:


Nov 20th, 2019 9:40 am | By

Trump did a quick cameo in the White House backyard. He took notes with him, in giant letters, so that he wouldn’t forget what he was supposed to say.


Now “I WANT NOTHING” is trending on Twitter.

He wrote that weird note himself. He always writes in all caps, like a true illiterate. All caps but he still dots the i.

THiS iS THE FiNAL WORD FROM THE PRES OF THE US, he wrote. Oh yes? So he’s resigning?

To call it a bombshell is to underestimate

Nov 20th, 2019 8:51 am | By

The Guardian pauses to take a breath and sum up:

With each line of his testimony, Sondland has blown another hole in Donald Trump’s defenses. To describe the testimony as a bombshell is perhaps to underestimate its potential for damage to Trump. To attempt to describe the shock that it is Sondland delivering this message is to come up short for words.

Since the impeachment inquiry began, Trump has ranted that there was no quid pro quo with Ukraine, no conditions placed on a White House meeting, no strings on US military aid, only a desire to fight corruption in Ukraine and to pursue the truth about 2016. It is all a witch hunt, a hoax, Trump has said.

But every bit of it is true, and most every word from Trump’s mouth and his Twitter about it has been a lie, Sondland is testifying. There was a clear quid pro quo, repeatedly stated, and explicitly ordered by Trump through his designated agent, Rudy Giuliani.

Sondland is saying: he did it.

Sondland is also saying: we did it. He is quoting emails demonstrating that the plot, which secretary of state Mike Pompeo once pretended ignorance to, was well known inside the state department, National Security Council and budget office – and by vice president Mike Pence. “It was no secret,” Sondland said.

Now he begins a cross-examination period sure to generate moments that will go down in US political history.

What did the Mike Ps know and when did they know it.

Schiff is driving down on what the Mike Ps – Pompeo and Pence – knew and when they knew it.

Did Pompeo ever deny the connection between investigations and the White House meeting?

“Not that I recall.”

In a meeting with the vice-president in Warsaw, Sondland said he told Pence that he thought the military aid would not flow without the announcement of investigations.

Pence remained sphynxlike, in Sondland’s telling:

The vice president nodded like he heard what I said and that was pretty much it.

Sphynxlike? I think the correct word for that is “stupid.” Pence nodded because his head is empty.

Now Sondland is talking about a phone conversation in which Trump told him there was no quid pro quo. Earlier Sondland had said he took the president at his word. Now Sondland is saying he and everyone else knew there was a clear quid pro quo.

Sondland said after “frantic emails to me and to others about the security assistance” from ambassador Bill Taylor, Sondland called Trump and asked, “what do you want from Ukraine… what do you want?”

It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood. He said I want nothing, I want nothing, there’s no quid pro quo. Tell Zelenskiy to do the right thing.

That’s Trump all right. “There’s no quid pro quo, tell Zelenskiy to do the right thing, get it?

But the Republicans want us to take the lies at face value.

Castor, the Republican lawyer, asks Sondland if Trump ever told him personally that aid or a meeting were conditioned on an announcement of investigations.

Sondland: “Personally, no.”

Castor: So how did you know Giuliani spoke for Trump?

Sondland: “Well when the president says talk to my personal attorney and then Mr Giuliani says ‘as the president’s attorney,’ we assume it’s coming from the president.

Then Castor splits hairs between Trump saying “Go talk to Rudy” and “Talk to Rudy”. It wasn’t an order, correct? Castor says.

We understood we had to talk to Rudy to get anything done on Ukraine, Sondland said.

Oh but no no no this was all a rogue operation by Rudy Giuliani, entirely on his own, nothing to do with Trump, Trump had no idea it was going on, he is shocked, SHOCKED to hear of it.

But Giuliani has insurance:

Is Giuliani going under the bus?

You’ll recall:

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, has said he is confident the president will remain loyal to him as an impeachment inquiry unfolds in which the former New York mayor has become a central figure.

But Giuliani joked that he had good “insurance” in case Trump did turn on him, amid speculation Republicans will seek to frame him as a rogue actor.

In a telephone interview with the Guardian, in response to a question about whether he was nervous that Trump might “throw him under a bus” in the impeachment crisis, Giuliani said, with a slight laugh: “I’m not, but I do have very, very good insurance, so if he does, all my hospital bills will be paid.”

Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, who was also on the call, then interjected: “He’s joking.”

Nah, he’s not. They’re both crooks and they know each other well.

Everyone was in the loop

Nov 20th, 2019 8:32 am | By

Apparently Sondland’s testimony is being very damning.

He read an opening statement saying he would be confirming the quid pro quo.

He said he and Volker didn’t want to work with Giuliani but they followed the president’s orders.

They tried to talk him out of it, but no.

In response to our persistent efforts to change his views, President Trump directed us to “talk with Rudy.” We understood that “talk with Rudy” meant talk with Mr. Rudy Giuliani, the President’s personal lawyer.

Let me say again: We weren’t happy with the President’s directive to talk with Rudy. We did not want to involve Mr. Giuliani. I believed then, as I do now, that the men and women of the State Department, not the President’s personal lawyer, should take responsibility for Ukraine matters.

Nonetheless, based on the President’s direction, we were faced with a choice: We could abandon the efforts to schedule the White House phone call and White House visit between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, which was unquestionably in our foreign policy interest — or we could do as President Trump had directed and “talk with Rudy.” We chose the latter course, not because we liked it, but because it was the only constructive path open to us.

Not exactly. He could have blown the whistle, or he and Volker together could have. But that’s not the issue, the issue is what Trump was doing, and the way Sondland is nailing it to the wall.

Sondland’s testimony continues to break in wave after wave of stunning statements contradicting previous testimony by Morrison and others that he was somehow acting alone:

We kept the leadership of the State Department and the NSC informed of our activities. That included communications with Secretary of State Pompeo, his Counselor Ulrich Brechbuehl, and Executive Secretary Lisa Kenna within the State Department; and communications with Ambassador John Bolton, Dr. Fiona Hill, Mr. Timothy Morrison, and their staff at the NSC. They knew what we were doing and why.

Everyone was in the loop.

Now Sondland quotes from an email that the state department has refused to release.

Significant are the names CC’d – the secretary of state, secretary of energy, the acting chief of staff… all of whom have refused congressional subpoenas to testify or provide documents:

Within my State Department emails, there is a July 19 email that I sent to Secretary Pompeo, Secretary Perry, Brian McCormack (Perry’s Chief of Staff), Ms. Kenna, Acting Chief of Staff and OMB Director Mick Mulvaney (White House), and Mr. Mulvaney’s Senior Advisor Robert Blair. A lot of senior officials.

Here is my exact quote from that email: “I Talked to Zelensky just now… He is prepared to receive Potus’ call. Will assure him that he intends to run a fully transparent investigation and will ‘turn over every stone’. He would greatly appreciate a call prior to Sunday so that he can put out some media about a ‘friendly and productive call’ (no details) prior to Ukraine election on Sunday.” Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney responded: “I asked NSC to set it up for tomorrow.”

Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret. Everyone was informed via email on July 19, days before the Presidential call. As I communicated to the team, I told President Zelensky in advance that assurances to “run a fully transparent investigation” and “turn over every stone” were necessary in his call with President Trump.

All of which meant not clean up corruption in Ukraine but find or manufacture dirt on Biden.


Another trophy bagged

Nov 19th, 2019 4:02 pm | By

The Oxford Mail has the story on the abrupt last minute cancellation of Rachel Ara’s talk:

A FEMINIST artist who was due to speak at Oxford Brookes University tonight has had her talk cancelled at the last minute after accusations from students that she is transphobic.

Rachel Ara announced on Twitter this morning that her event had been cancelled after complaints from students and speculated that her art is ‘too challenging for today’s youth’.

It comes after Oxford Brookes LGBTQ+ society sent a letter to the university’s pro-vice chancellor, professor Anne-Marie Kilday, condemning the invitation to the artist to speak at the university because of her alleged transphobic views.

Ms Ara, who won the Aesthetica Art Prize 2016 for her project This Much I’m Worth, was due to speak today about her work at Oxford Brookes School of Arts.

Her work? Who cares about that? All that matters is that somebody somewhere said she is transphobic. What kind of monster gives a damn about her work??!

In the letter to the professor, the LGBTQ+ society said: “Rachel Ara is a trans exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) who frequently shares transphobic discourse on her social media.

In other words they found two (2) retweets that they consider “sharing transphobic discourse.” Watch what you retweet, bitch!

“She has openly showed support for the “LGB Alliance” which is openly transphobic and seeks to isolate trans people within the LGBTQ+ movement.”

That’s “shown” in English, and no it isn’t and no it doesn’t. Why are the people in charge so reluctant to tell these twerps to fuck off? Why do they take this illiterate mindless garbage so seriously?

“She has also openly shown support for Selina Todd, who is a strong advocate of “A Woman’s Place, a transphobic organisation acting under the guise of academic freedom.”

Selina Todd is an award-winning feminist historian who specializes in the history of working class women, but don’t let that slow you down.

The creeps are proud of their letter and shared it (OPENLY, to use their censorious word) on Twitter:




And Oxford Brookes, astonishingly, did what these two creeps told them to do.

Ontology for fantasists

Nov 19th, 2019 3:31 pm | By

Oh good, another smug stupid slogan from another group that should know better. Lambda Legal tweets:

Qualities that make someone “a real man”:

1. Identifying as a man.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.


Can anyone play?

Qualities that make someone a real pilot:

1. Identifying as a pilot.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.

Good? Compelling? Obviously true?

Qualities that make someone a real Beluga whale:

1. Identifying as a Beluga whale.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.

Qualities that make someone a real planet:

1. Identifying as a planet.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.

Qualities that make someone a real daffodil:

1. Identifying as a daffodil.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.

Qualities that make someone a real Model-T Ford:

1. Identifying as a Model-T Ford.
2. See above.
3. See above.
4. See above.

It’s all so enlightening, isn’t it?