
Mar 9th, 2024 10:01 am | By

Chapter 2:

Guest post: A woman has said “No,” and gone unpunished

Mar 9th, 2024 9:55 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Major doubts.

I’m starting to think that Willyboy is really stupid enough to think that because something exists as a matter of law it is, ipso facto, illegal to deny it. [Francis Boyle]

I’m not so sure; I don’t think he would have seen this coming, and not because of stupidity or for having been blinded by his narcissism. Given how much the police had become the enforcers of trans ideology, Willoughby would have been justified in expecting the police to continue harassing and arresting those who resist and speak out against trans demands, or more accurately, those who defend women’s rights, particularly women themselves. We’ve certainly seen plenty of stories of police abuse in the name of trans “rights” from policing tweets and ribbons, limericks and stickers that said nothing different than what Rowling did.

Perhaps the tide is turning, and Willoughby chose the moment after the high water mark of trans influence to lodge his complaint. Or maybe, as I speculated above, Rowling was just too strong to target. But since the police have made it clear (in this instance at least) that calling a man a man, and referring to him as “he” and “him” is not a crime, all police persecution of anyone else doing the same thing should stop. It’s not a court decision but it is a precedent. It also shows that, in the eyes of this police department, in this instance, whatever documentation Willoughby has declaring him to be female, it does not turn him into one; he remains a man. This shouldn’t be news, but it is. Given the police’s eagerness to pursue gender heretics who refused to bow to Stonewall Law, this is huge.

I wonder if the department in question thought through the fact that they were unilaterally opening up this big new can of worms that’s going to effect policing itself. Feminists and other critics of gender ideology in the UK can now point to this police decision to protect themselves against police targeting and harassment. Considering how widespread the surrender of police services to the demands of trans activism is (along with the police’s own apparent internally motivated enthusiasm for GC witch hunts), it will be interesting and informative to see how this de facto change in policy plays out across the country.

I’m guessing this standard will not be applied evenly or consistently; some departments seem to be more “trans zealous” than others. Will they follow Northumbria’s lead? While the police’s taking up the position of trans “enforcers” seems to have been centrally devised and organized, the beginning of its abandonment of this Holy mission, as it has happened, surprisingly, in the Willoughby/Rowling case, might be a good deal more ad hoc and piecemeal, until government guidance steps in decisively. Will trans activists recognize the police response to this incident for the potential sea change it very well might be, if it were to be applied across the board? A woman has said “No,” and has gone unpunished; the police have declared that she did not break the law. Calling a man a man is now no longer a hate crime, not even a “non-crime hate incident.” How will they let this stand?

Now if the police took the next step and actually started citing trans activists for launching frivolous complaints of “misgendering” that waste police time and resources, that would be great. Mustn’t be greedy though; we should be happy with one miracle at a time.

In another neighborhood of hell

Mar 9th, 2024 8:22 am | By

News from Nigeria:

Nigerian security forces are searching for more than 200 children abducted from their school by gunmen on motorcycles Thursday, in the latest mass kidnapping to hit Nigeria.

Officials and witnesses have given varying figures of the number of students taken from the school in Kuriga, a town in northwestern Nigeria, with between 200 and 300 children reported to be missing, some of them as young as 8 years old.

It was the second such abduction in Nigeria in a week, after around another 200 people — mainly women and children — were kidnapped by militants in Borno state in the country’s northeast.

“Militants”? Funny kind of militancy.

If the higher total this week is confirmed, it could surpass the mass abduction in 2014 when Boko Haram militants kidnapped 276 schoolgirls from their dormitory in the village of Chibok.

The West African nation has been struggling to contain the kidnapping epidemic for a number of years now. More than 3,600 people were abducted between July 2022 and June 2023, according to Nigeria based SBM Intelligence group. But the actual number could be far higher, as many people do not report kidnappings for fear of reprisals.

Read the rest at your peril – it gets worse and worse.

A valued lone voice of dissent

Mar 9th, 2024 8:03 am | By

One has to wonder…why are the met arresting the guy protesting terrorism? Are we all pro-terrorism now? I seem to have overlooked that ruling.

His sign says “Hamas are terrorists.”

They batter him down to the ground in aid of arresting him for…saying Hamas are terrorists.

Funny idea of “training”

Mar 8th, 2024 6:38 pm | By

Bang crash thud, another massive limb falls off the tree.

A police force allowed a group which claimed gender-critical views are hate speech to carry out a training day for members of the local community. Staffordshire Police was criticised for permitting the organisation to carry out an “inappropriate and inaccurate” course in February. The session was delivered by the group Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate (USAH) at the force’s headquarters to members of the public.

The “against hate” bit is a joke, because what they’re doing is inciting hatred of women who know that men are not women. By the way it’s not “hate” to know which people are men.

Gender-critical group WeAreFairCop attended the event, and accused the trainers of having a lack of knowledge regarding hate crime legislation. Harry Miller, from WeAreFairCop, attended the training day on Feb 28 and claimed USAH had a political motivation.

A spokesperson for Staffordshire Police said: “This event was delivered and facilitated by Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate, and was solely for members of our local community. The session aimed to stimulate conversation and enable sharing of a wide range of views, with the intention of encouraging tolerance and increasing understanding of the impact of hate crime.”

By saying that women who know which people are men are engaging in hate speech.

WPATH who?

Mar 8th, 2024 5:09 pm | By

The wheels are coming off.

Wobble wobble wobble.

Major doubts

Mar 8th, 2024 4:56 pm | By

Oh darn, foiled again.

Police will not pursue a complaint made by India Willoughby about JK Rowling as ”its not a crime to call a biological man a man.”

What I was just saying a few hours ago. You can’t make it a crime to say true things like “that man is a man.” It’s not workable. Laws have to be workable.

Northumbria Police confirmed on Friday that it did not believe the Harry Potter author had committed a crime by calling India Willoughby, the former Celebrity Big Brother contestant, a man. Willoughby had complained to the police over the comments, in which Rowling also repeatedly used “he” pronouns, following a row between the pair on X, formerly Twitter. The 58-year-old said that the writer had “definitely committed a crime” and claimed to be “legally a woman”.

That is, Willoughby claimed to be legally a woman. Remember to write clearly, please. Anyway, well done Willz making yourself look even stupider and more absurd than you already did.

[L]egal commentators expressed major doubts over whether calling a trans woman a male constitutes a crime under UK law and Northumbria Police confirmed that no action would be taken.

“On Monday, March 4, we received a complaint about a post on social media,” a spokesman for the force said. “While we recognise the upset this may have caused, the post was reviewed and did not meet the criminal threshold. The complainant has been updated of this.”

Make a note of it Willz.

Also: you’re a man.

The criminal threshold says it’s never heard of him

Mar 8th, 2024 12:01 pm | By

Turns out it’s not against the law to say water is wet.

Broadcaster India Willoughby’s accusation that author JK Rowling misgendered her online did not “meet the criminal threshold”, Northumbria Police have said. In an interview with Byline TV earlier this week, Willoughby, a trans woman and broadcaster, said she had reported the Harry Potter author to the police for calling her a man.

Let’s pause a minute. It can’t be made illegal to say a man is a man, because that would create total chaos. We’re allowed to know which sex is which, and we’re allowed to say which sex is which. If that changes none of the trains will run on time.

On Sunday, Rowling posted a criticism on X of trans women being allowed into women’s changing rooms and in the thread she spoke about Willoughby. The author wrote: “India didn’t become a woman. India is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is.”

In the interview with Byline TV, Willoughby, 58, said of the posts: “JK Rowling has definitely committed a crime. I’m legally a woman. She knows I’m a woman and she calls me a man. It’s a protected characteristic.” Willoughby added that she had contacted Northumbria Police to report Rowling’s comments, which she described as a “hate crime”.

Which makes him a man who is also a shameless bully, and quite stupid.

Thumb verification

Mar 8th, 2024 11:33 am | By

It’s so inspiring to watch people going out of their way to insult women because it’s International Women’s Day.

Dilatory Don

Mar 8th, 2024 10:38 am | By

Rapey Don has finally had to pony up some cash.

Donald Trump has posted a $91.6m (£71m) bond as he appeals against the verdict in E Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit against him. A jury in January found Mr Trump owed the former columnist millions of dollars for defamation when he denied he sexually assaulted her.

A judge had rejected the former president’s request for more time to secure a bond to cover the penalty…In this year’s trial, the jury found Mr Trump liable of defamation for lying about the assault in 2019, and in January he was ordered to pay her $83.3m, much of it in punitive damages.

Judge Kaplan made the verdict official in February and gave Mr Trump 30 days to post a bond or put up the cash. On Thursday, Judge Kaplan said Mr Trump waited too long – 25 days – before seeking to delay the payment. “Mr Trump’s current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions,” he wrote.

Well he’s been busy because there are these other cases…

In February, Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Mr Trump to pay $355m – which amounts to more than $450m with interest – for fraudulently inflating his assets to secure better loan deals. An appellate judge rejected Mr Trump’s request to post a bond for just a fraction of the penalty in that case.

He’s upbeat about it though.

“I have a lot of money. I can do what I want to do,” he told Fox News on Tuesday.

Contributors please note.

Box cutter politics

Mar 8th, 2024 9:32 am | By

This time the painting wasn’t protected by a glass screen.

A portrait of Lord Balfour, the former prime minister, at the University of Cambridge has been damaged by a pro-Palestinian protester.

In video posted on social media by Palestine Action, a member of the group is seen spray-painting and slashing the portrait at Trinity College. A woman can be seen defacing the work with red paint before slicing the canvas with a sharp object.

She didn’t “damage” the portrait, she destroyed it. She slashed it into shreds.

The good news is it wasn’t a Rembrandt or similar, but still, let’s be accurate.

Balfour was one of the chief supporters of creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine, cemented by the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which gave British backing to the movement.

So denounce him. Hand out leaflets denouncing him. Write a book denouncing him. Use your words.

Update: That’s a pricey backpack the “activist” is sporting.

Sorry for interrupting but

Mar 8th, 2024 7:34 am | By

It’s International Women’s Day so the Oxford Mail observes it with…

Retired Oxford soldier, 87, among UK’s oldest trans women | Oxford Mail

Dee Hawley lived as David for most of her life before finally coming out as trans in her late 70s.

She has since undergone breast implant surgery but has so far held back on full reassignment surgery.

Before coming out as trans, the dad-of-three lived in Oxford with her wife of 62 years, before moving to Moseley in Birmingham.

So obviously he’s exactly the right person to chat with on International Women’s Day.

Infant George

Mar 8th, 2024 7:21 am | By

Sleb hilarity.

Powerful arguments, you have to admit.


Mar 7th, 2024 4:42 pm | By

Ah look at the mask come off. What a surprise.

But “putrid cunt” is totally a term of endearment in Scotland.

Little more than a pressure group

Mar 7th, 2024 11:09 am | By

While the mainstream meeja carefully ignore the WPATH files, Malcolm Clark at The Critic underlines some items.

No organisation has played a greater role in the adoption of the pseudo-science of so-called “gender affirming healthcare” globally than the World Professional Association of Transgender Health. That’s why this week’s release of leaked discussions between some of its leading figures suggesting possible medical malpractice could prove a pivotal moment in the Gender Wars. It’s been a long time coming.

The truth is WPATH is little more than a pressure group made up of a mixture of saucer-eyed trans activists and self-professed experts in disciplines like endocrinology, psychiatry and surgery. “Experts” who just happen to pocket huge profits from the mutilation and sterilisation of deluded people who are convinced they were born in the wrong body. 

Speaking of deluded people who are convinced they were born in the wrong body, I have to wonder how many of those people now become thus convinced precisely because there is such a fad for talking about and flattering and promoting deluded people who are convinced they were born in the wrong body. “Listen up kids, you too could be an influencer like Dylan Mulvaney, step right up and become a girlier girl than any of the girls you know!”

Yet by a combination of external bullying and internal feeble-mindedness, some of the world’s top medical authorities from the BMA to the American American Academy of Pediatrics have given WPATH the stamp of approval, citing its regularly updated Ethical Guidelines and Standards of Care as clinical best practice

Once even the NHS was happy to genuflect to the organisation. No longer. The revelation that the latest version of the Standards of Care (SOC8) included a new chapter asserting that being a eunuch is a gender identity has led the NHS to distance itself from WPATH.

Ok NHS so now go the rest of the way: grasp the fact that a “gender identity” is a silly concept and not something to aspire to.

The leaked documents from WPATH’s own private message forum and a video recording of an internal panel discussion were released by the noted journalist and whistle blower Michael Shellenberger and his team at the campaign group Environmental Progress. The WPATH Files, as they’ve been dubbed, were refreshingly light on castration porn but when it came to medical ethics were almost as jaw-dropping.

Clinicians were revealed to be allowing adolescents to dictate their own treatment plans such as hormone dosage despite the fact they knew these kids had no clear goals and often changed their minds. Girls were effectively being encouraged to masculinise their bodies and boys feminise them in real-time experiments, even though cross-sex hormones have powerful effects on emotions and states of mind meaning these patients risked being trapped in a pharmaceutical maelstrom.

You have to wonder how much of this was genuine trying to help the adolescents and how much was a sly unacknowledged research program. Try it and see what happens, eh what?

That was nothing compared to the fact that some young people were diagnosed as psychotic. In one discussion clinicians considered how to gain consent for life-changing surgery from a teenager with multiple personalities. The multiple personalities could not agree. Nor could the clinicians who weighed in with suggestions. With this level of unethical behaviour perhaps it’s unsurprising WPATH doctors dismissed concerns about regret for genital surgery as “part of the journey” and promoted treatments to parents as a way to lessen the risk of their youngster’s suicide despite two recent studies in Denmark and Sweden suggesting suicide can be up to 7 times higher among those who undergo “gender affirmation surgery” than the general population. 

Um. Let’s avoid the risk of suicide by doing something that makes suicide much more likely.

Yo, BBC, NY Times, New Yorker – any interest? Hello?

Quick, distract them

Mar 7th, 2024 10:12 am | By
Quick, distract them

Consult Google News on “Samantha Hudson” and you get headlines like

Nasty right-wingers, they just won’t let a nice trans laydee “influencer” alone.

The BBC is all concern:

The company that makes Doritos cut ties with a transgender influencer after reports she posted about violence and paedophilia. Samantha Hudson, a singer and actor from Spain, has around 370,000 Instagram followers and was part of a social media campaign for the brand.

In a statement Doritos condemned Hudson’s social media posts. But its short-lived campaign led to calls, led by right-wing activists in the US, to boycott the snack food.

I hope you’ve understood which parts of this story are important – that the transgender influencer is a “she” and that the whole issue is the fault of right-wing activists.

Jenna Ellis, who was part of Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign legal team and who recently pleaded guilty in connection with an election interference case in Georgia, tweeted: “This is disgusting. Give Doritos the Bud Light treatment.”

Ahhh there you go. Thank god they found that; now we can ignore the whole thing, right? Jenna Ellis disapproves therefore obviously this “influencer” fella is as wholesome as tortilla chips.

Also [whispers] don’t mention the WPATH files.


Mar 7th, 2024 9:53 am | By

Gosh it seems like only last week the media were all over that story about the “woman” who murdered a man in Oxford, but apparently the reckless mutilation of children isn’t newsworthy?

National papers:






@DailyMirror London:


@MetroUK Regional:




@LivEchonews (and all the others!) Scotland:




@pressjournal Wales and NI:



@BelTel Even if journalists don’t approve of the findings of the WPATH Files, they surely have a responsibility not to pretend it hasn’t happened!

You first, no you, no you…

How are the rules made?

Mar 7th, 2024 8:57 am | By

“Well we just spoke to Maya Forstater from Sex Matters about the row between JK Rowling and the trans journalist India Willoughby”

Hahaha yes very good, trans journalist indeed. I wish newsreaders would learn how to pronounce Rowling though – rhymes with bowling not howling.

“and judging by iron box [???] our inbox a lot of people at home think that you’re a bit ridiculous on this issue Tom.”

Tom of course jumps to explain how he’s not at all ridiculous but in fact the only reasonable person talking about it. He thinks there are crazy people on either side of the issue, and that it’s rude and wrong not to call people “she” if they want to be called “she.”

Ok why? Why is that a rule of manners or etiquette or political virtue? Is it a general rule? If someone wants to be called Admiral (but is not an actual admiral) is it rude and wrong to fail to oblige? If a criminal defendant wants to be called “Your Honor” in court is it rude to ignore the demand?

Not that I know of. It’s not a general rule, or a generalizable rule, so why is it a rule when it comes to “gender”?

I don’t know the answer to that question. We’re relentlessly and noisily told it is a rule, but I don’t know why, and I don’t really understand how the new and peculiar “rule” about it got so entrenched so fast.

Love the blouse

Mar 6th, 2024 4:56 pm | By
Love the blouse

Well what do you know – a homemade tv news hobby that operates out of someone’s bedroom invited both “India” Willoughby and JK Rowling to do an interview and for some massively perplexing reason only Indier accepted.

The hobbyists are very excited to have coaxed Willz to take part – they call the result EXCLUSIVE. Hahaha that’s cute guys (something tells me they’re guys) but of course it’s exclusive. Nobody cares what Willoughby thinks.


Mar 6th, 2024 10:30 am | By

Blither blither blither.

Fairfax School District Sued for Allowing Transgender Students into Girls’ Restrooms, Locker Rooms

As usual, the wording misses the point. The issue isn’t trans students in girls’ restrooms, it’s male students in girls’ restrooms. The problem isn’t being trans in girls’ facilities, the problem is being male there.

The plaintiff is an anonymous female student who has been enrolled in the Fairfax school district since the third grade. Because of her deeply held Roman Catholic beliefs, she doesn’t support the rule and feels that its requirement to use preferred pronouns “forces her to lie,” the filing states.

It’s got nothing to do with Catholic beliefs, deeply held or otherwise. The Catholic church is no friend to women.

FCPS adopted the first version of Regulation 2603, entitled “Gender-Expansive and Transgender Students,” in October 2020. It was later updated in April 2022.

Under these guidelines, students must take the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” test. One of the questions asks whether “a student has the right to be called by their chosen name and pronoun,” according to a copy of the form.

No. That’s a stupid idea of a “right.” If a student’s chosen name is “Donald Trump” does that student have the right to be called “Donald Trump”? And pronouns aren’t a matter of choice any more than verbs or nouns are. You can call a dog a basketball if you want to, but your conversations will be unduly complicated. Language conventions aren’t generally a matter of “rights” but of mutual comprehension.