Guest post: If you heard a two-year-old meow like a cat

Jan 10th, 2020 12:16 pm | By

Originally a comment by tigger_the_wing on Would she be able to think critically?

If you heard a two-year-old meow like a cat (they do that, and make other animal noises; it’s fun) and told her or him that the reason s/he liked particular toys, games and clothes was because s/he was really a cat, and that there are lovely doctors who can give her/him fur and a tail when s/he’s old enough, by the time s/he were four they’d be desperate to be turned into a cat. That is what ‘affirmation’ does.

The correct response to a small girl saying “I’m really a boy” is “Wow, really? Well, I’m really an elephant! Shall we go shopping for bananas?”

Of course, if you don’t keep telling little girls that only boys get to like, do, wear, and play with certain things, then you won’t get little girls thinking that you must be mistaken about their sex. If you don’t tell little boys that they aren’t allowed to play with dolls, or experiment with makeup, or get to prance around in their mum’s high heels with one of her skirts over their shoulders as a cape because only girls do that, you won’t have little boys thinking that they must really be girls.

There was no epidemic of ‘trans kids’ in the eighties. Have you seen adverts aimed at eighties’ kids? All the children, boys and girls, wore T-shirts, dungarees and trainers. All the children played with all the toys. My sons as well as my daughter had My Little Ponies (which actually looked like ponies back then, and not weird big-eyed, muzzle-less anime characters, and came in both sexes); my daughter, as well as my sons, had action figures, toy vehicles, train set elements (they each owned enough train set stuff that, when they combined their pieces, they could fill the ground floor. It was fun), bicycles, footballs, skipping ropes, jigsaw puzzles, books, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.

I never told any of them that they couldn’t do something because they weren’t members of the opposite sex, and no-one else was telling them that, either. And they’re raising their kids the same way.

This is also why I don’t believe in the labelling of generations. My parents (born early thirties) were comparatively progressive, so my generation was (born mid to late fifties) and so are my eighties children; but the ‘in-between’ generations? The parents who were about ten years older than mine (born in the early 1920s) were often very strict about gender roles, and so, in their turn, were their forties’ children (the ones about ten years older than me). Their children, about ten years older than mine, are the ones transing their teens for being gender non-conforming, and the parents in their twenties are the ones transing their toddlers.

Of course, there isn’t anything definitive about the above. But I sometimes think that the resentment against Baby Boomers is fed by the behaviour of those in the first half of my generation who spent their early childhood in austerity in the form of rationing (which ended in 1954) and surrounded by bomb sites (which had mostly been cleared and re-built with shiny new housing, shopping centres and offices by the time I was old enough to take notice), and with fathers who were either dead from the war, or traumatised (my grandparents were too old to be sent to fight). These early Baby Boomers often responded to the comparative misery of their childhoods by becoming greedy and selfish, in case it was all taken away again. My parents, who were old enough to live through the horrors of WWII but not old enough to fight, were relieved by the end of the war so the fact of continued rationing and the existence of devastated cities was nothing compared to hiding in bomb shelters and listening to the bombardment. They grew up with a sense of hope that things could always be better (because they had been so much worse) and that the best way to accomplish that was to fight for equality for all.

Ugly scenes

Jan 10th, 2020 9:02 am | By

Samples of Trump’s horrors:

Huh? What was that? What’s he talking about? What country did he “save”?

The BBC explains:

“I’m going to tell you about the Nobel Peace Prize, I’ll tell you about that. I made a deal, I saved a country, and I just heard that the head of that country is now getting the Nobel Peace Prize for saving the country. I said: ‘What, did I have something do with it?’ Yeah, but you know, that’s the way it is. As long as we know, that’s all that matters… I saved a big war, I’ve saved a couple of them.”

Although he did not name the Nobel Peace Prize winner or the country, it is clear that Mr Trump was referring to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said Mr Abiy was honoured for his “decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea”.

The two countries fought a bitter border war from 1998-2000, which killed tens of thousands of people. Although a ceasefire was signed in 2000, the neighbours technically remained at war until July 2018, when Mr Abiy and Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki signed a peace deal. So for two decades, the long border was closed, dividing families and making trade impossible.

Did Trump have anything to do with that? Anything at all?


He shames us all.

The crowd roared

Jan 10th, 2020 8:38 am | By

Greg Sargent at The Post underlines the obvious: Trump is an abusive monstrosity bent on destruction.

At a rally in Ohio on Thursday night, President Trump drew deafening cheers by boasting about his order to assassinate Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, deriding Democrats with petty schoolyard taunts and mocking the very idea that Congress should act to constrain his warmaking powers.

At his rally, Trump belittled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “not operating with a full deck.” He derided House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as “you little pencil neck.” The crowd roared, demonstrating how heavily Trump’s petty abusiveness figures as a factor in his appeal.

But what Trump really displayed here is that his deranged attacks on the opposition aren’t mere insults. Taken along with Trump’s mockery of congressional demands for input into decisions of war, they demonstrate a profound contempt for the very notion that his most consequential decisions should be subject to oversight and accountability at all.

Did we need any more demonstration of that? He’s made it very clear all along.

Mockery of the opposition is, of course, a constant in politics. But this is different. Trump regularly crosses over into a form of harsh belittling and abuse that is designed to delegitimize the opposition, that is, to tell his voters that the opposition has no legitimate institutional role in our politics at all.

Well…I think that attributes too much thought and deliberation to the abuser. Sure, the abuse delegitimizes, but he would do it even if it didn’t. He does it because that’s who he is, and because he thinks it’s funny, and because he thinks he’s a brilliant and successful insult comic, like Don Rickles but sexy and gorgeous. He does it because he likes doing it. That’s who and what he is: a person who loves insulting people, who can’t get enough of insulting people, who lives to insult people. He’s that guy. He’s a howling wilderness of ego and contempt, and the insults are an inevitable output of that recipe.

It’s a guessing game

Jan 9th, 2020 5:30 pm | By
It’s a guessing game

A British Columbia doula asks some questions:

Where do you see yourself in the hierarchy of birth? Are you at the bottom? The smallest player with the smallest voice? Or are you at the top?

Basically the doctor isn’t the boss of you. But what’s intriguing to me is the graphic that illustrates the hierarchy-dismantling.


Isn’t it fascinating that whoever created this graphic sees nurses and midwives as women and doctors as men, but the pregnant woman as the “birthing person”?

You’d think it would at least be consistent – nurse person, doctor person, birthing person, but no, the medical personnel are divided on the strictest of (outdated) lines. Somehow it’s only the one pushing out the baby who is portrayed as Mystery Gender.

Image result for lego people

Pencils have their uses

Jan 9th, 2020 5:08 pm | By


Trump’s campaign has been selling Schiff T shirts since last spring. For real.

Trump’s presidential campaign has started selling $28 “Pencil-Neck Adam Schiff” T-shirts that feature a drawing of Rep. Adam Schiff with a pencil for a neck and a clown nose.

So adult, so what you want in a presiding officer.


Image result for trump neck

Yet oddly enough Adam Schiff doesn’t call him walrus neck or similar.

Intentional calculated fraud

Jan 9th, 2020 11:42 am | By

We knew they knew, but now there’s even more evidence that they knew.

Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump took part in a fraudulent scheme to sell units in a luxury New York condominium-hotel and “knew they were lying”, according to a new book that explores how the current US president built his business empire.

Questions have long surrounded a criminal investigation into the Trump family’s dealings around the Trump SoHo that was dropped in 2011. Public disclosure of email correspondence revealed that Don Jr and Ivanka knowingly used figures that exaggerated how well the condos were selling in a ploy to lure more buyers.

Also how would they not know, also it was their responsibility to know. If you’re going to tell buyers a thing that will make them want to buy what you’re selling, you have a responsibility to make sure the thing you’re telling them is not a lie. I think it’s a legal responsibility as well as a moral one, because there is such a thing as fraud, and there are known ways to ensure one is not committing it. Step one: don’t just make shit up to flog your wares.

The episode is re-examined with fresh reporting by the journalist Andrea Bernstein in her book American Oligarchs: The Kushners, The Trumps And The Marriage Of Money And Power, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian.

The Trumps left a damaging email trail, first reported by the ProPublica website in 2017, that Bernstein writes “showed a coordinated, deliberate and knowing effort to deceive buyers. In one email, the Trumps discussed how to coordinate false information they had given to prospective buyers. Because the sales levels had been overstated at the beginning of the sales process, any statement showing a lower level could reveal the untruths.”

The author continues: “In another email, according to a person who read them, the Trumps worried that a reporter might be on to them. In yet another email chain that included Don Jr and Ivanka, the younger generation of Trumps issued the email equivalent of a knowing chuckle, saying that nobody would ever find them out, because only people on the email chain or in the Trump Organization knew about the deception.

Hur hur. I bet their lives have been full of knowing chuckles. Princess Barbie Doll is a knowing chuckling crook, and the weirdly smooth hair can’t hide that.

“There was ‘no doubt’ that the Trump children ‘approved, knew of, agreed to, and intentionally inflated the numbers to make more sales,’ one person who saw the emails said. ‘They knew it was wrong.’ ‘It couldn’t have been more clear they lied about the sales and knew they were lying,’” another person said.

“Yet another said, ‘I was shocked by the words Ivanka used.’ Was there any doubt the Trumps knew they were lying and that it was wrong? ‘Ten thousand percent no.’”

Now the Princess has a security clearance. Isn’t life interesting?


Jan 9th, 2020 11:02 am | By

Meanwhile, during breaks from trying to start a war with Iran, Trump is trashing more environmental regulations.

The Trump administration plans to rewrite decades-old regulations to make it easier to build major infrastructure such as pipelines, which would have the effect of relaxing government efforts to fight the climate crisis.

“Relaxing.” That’s a nice word – a nice, soothing, pleasant word. The truth would be less pleasant: which would have the effect of weakening government efforts to fight the climate crisis. Or harming, ending, negating, nullifying, destroying. Relaxation really has nothing to do with it.

Trump announced Thursday morning the changes to National Environmental Policy Act rules, which requires federal agencies to assess the environmental impact of projects such as the construction of mines, highways, water infrastructure and gas pipelines.

Trump and administration officials said the changes are necessary to speed up approval for needed infrastructure projects.

But what if we need to address climate change more than we need to speed up approval for needed infrastructure projects? What if we’re being selfish by putting our current wants ahead of the future survival of people younger than we are?

Agencies will no longer have to consider “cumulative” effects of new infrastructure under the new rule, which courts have interpreted as a mandate to study effects of emitting more greenhouse gas emissions, according to The New York Times and The Washington Post, which reported the proposals earlier Thursday. That includes the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels.

Sure, just pretend that doesn’t matter, because hey we’ll be dead by then so let those younger people deal with it. Sucks to be them.

Thursday, asked if global warming is a hoax, Trump said: “No, no. Not at all. Nothing’s a hoax. Nothing’s a hoax about that. It’s a very serious subject.”

Oh god. You know what’s coming next. It’s what always does come next.

“The environment is very important to me,” he said. “I’m a big believer in that word, the environment … I want clean air, I want clean water.”

He says that every damn time – apparently he’s so bereft of healthy brain cells that he cannot grasp the difference between local pollution and climate change.

So that’s one more nail.

Would she be able to think critically?

Jan 9th, 2020 10:04 am | By

A heart-rending and infuriating but perhaps ultimately hopeful thread:

Oh god. Four years old. It’s unconscionable.

I think we can feel Carol’s fury with her – I think the typos are a kind of fury thermometer. I’m pretty sure I start missing keys when I get wrathful.

Great, the therapist thinks telling a girl that girls can have short hair and wear jeans is confusing while telling her she’s a boy is not confusing. I think we need a new Theory of Confusion.

Thinking critically is a good thing, including for therapists. Affirmation and Validation are not always the best thing for people.


Jan 9th, 2020 9:04 am | By

Many sources are saying it looks as though Iran shot down that plane.

Just wrapped a 2 day shoot

Jan 8th, 2020 4:33 pm | By

Speaking of DOCTOR Veronica Ivy formerly known as Rachel McKinnon…this is interesting.

Would DOCTOR Veronica be getting a feature in Bicycling mag if he were still racing as a man? Would he still be doing a two day photo/video shoot if he were still racing as a man?

Of course not. He was a dud as a cyclist of the male category. Nobody would be paying the smallest attention to his cycling if he hadn’t jumped over to the other side, where it’s so much easier for a man to grab the top spot.

It’s a win-win, because he gets to steal medals that belong to women, and he gets to milk the resulting objections and anger for publicity and photo shoots.

It’s an excellent wheeze if you can get away with it.

One day we’ll tell kids

Jan 8th, 2020 4:18 pm | By

I think Glinner summed it up nicely this morning.

Sophomoric and utterly unconvincing

Jan 8th, 2020 3:48 pm | By

Top Trump stooges “briefed” members of Congress today, leaving them underwhelmed.

The quartet of US secretary of state Mike Pompeo, the still relatively new defense secretary Mark Esper, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff Mark Milley and the historically-controversial CIA director Gina Haspel strode across Capitol Hill today to brief members of Congress on the Iran issues.

It would be like being briefed by the Marx Brothers, but less fun.

Senior Democrat and chairman of the House foreign affairs committee, Eliot Engel, who was deeply involved in the Trump impeachment inquiry, was unimpressed.

Democrat Pramila Jayapal said of the administration’s stated justification for assassinating Iranian general Qassem Suleimani in the Baghdad area last week: “There was NO raw evidence presented that this [Suleimani plotting against US] was an imminent threat.”

Now about that War Powers Act

US Democrats, who dominate the House of Representatives, are still furious that they were not consulted or even notified before Donald Trump took unilateral action late last week to assassinate senior Iranian general Qassem Suleimani as he was being driven away from the Baghdad airport in Iraq.

Presidents aren’t supposed to do things like that. Trump thinks he has infinite powers, but he’s wrong, but he refuses to learn otherwise.

It may be no more than a democratic gesture (given that the Republicans dominate the Senate and are foursquare behind their president, Trump) but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced the introduction of legislation to curb the president’s war powers, and it will come up for voting tomorrow.

Even some Republicans are not impressed by the briefing.

Republican maverick Senators of the day, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Utah’s Mike Lee, are also exasperated.

Lee told Fox News that the congressional briefing was “lame” and that it was “wrong” for the senior Trump administration briefers – the secretary of state, defense secretary, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and director of the CIA – to tell GOP members of congress that there must be “no dissension” in the ranks over any warlike actions from Donald Trump.

It seems the members were given very luke warm, unreassuring assurances over whether Congress would be involved in any near future further actions of aggression towards Iran.

Lee called it the worst briefing he’d ever heard in his nine years in the Senate.

Fewer and fewer people are willing to work for Trump, so what’s left is the dregs. Dregs don’t do good briefings.

What it might feel like for women

Jan 8th, 2020 12:41 pm | By

Many are praising Louise Perry’s review of Andrea Long Chu’s book Females. I like this passage:

The feeling of desperate, conflicted desire is a thread running through Chu’s writing. Where she departs from mainstream trans activism is in vocalising that conflict, rather than wishing it away: “What I want isn’t surgery; what I want is never to have needed surgery to begin with. I will never be natural, but I will die trying.”

It is impossible not to feel compassion, despite the fact that Chu does not spend even a moment wondering what it might feel like for cis women — a little over half the human race — to be the objects of all this longing. To engage with her writing as a female reader is to be constantly coming up against passages that trigger unease: 

I transitioned for gossip and compliments, lipstick and mascara, for crying at the movies, for being someone’s girlfriend . . . for feeling hot, for getting hit on by butches, for that secret knowledge of which dykes to watch out for, for Daisy Dukes, bikini tops, and all the dresses, and, my god, for the breasts. But now you begin to see the problem with desire: we rarely want the things we should.

Reading this, I happened to be sitting in a hospital waiting-room and looked at the women around me: tired nurses, frail elderly ladies, mothers pacifying screaming children, and not a pair of Daisy Dukes in sight. Observing femaleness in its unvarnished reality, I am forced to wonder whether Chu’s idea of womanhood is dependent more on an idealised image than on day-to-day reality: more on Solanas the dominatrix than on Solanas the person. 

Wonder no more: yes of course it is. That’s one of the things that drives us up the wall: the obsession with the surface, the trivial, the appearance-based, the sexy, and the indifference to coupled with ignorance of the ordinary humdrum every day reality. The thinking of “woman” as a fetish as opposed to a brute physical fact that brings a lot of ordinary human drudgery with it (as does being a man, of course).

Next comes the last paragraph, which is a gem.

But then Chu is hardly alone in her preference for fantasy. Females, and the praise for Females, is the product of a school of feminism now dominant in academia that has abandoned interest in the material aspects of women’s lives and has instead embraced confection and self-obsession. This form of feminism is far more interested in the supposedly liberating power of lipgloss and orgasms than in the difficult business of incrementally improving the lot of women and girls. When a porn-obsessed writer can be lauded as a feminist prophet for describing the “barest essentials” of “femaleness” as “an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes” we should wonder how on earth we got to this point. Chu’s writing may be funny, engaging and thought-provoking, but this is not a feminist book in any meaningful sense of the term. This troubled and talented writer is in need of a hard-nosed editor and a cold shower.

Keep your blank, blank eyes to yourself, bub.

Rebranding and its discontents

Jan 8th, 2020 12:05 pm | By

Rebranding: the conversation.

But they weren’t excluding people. There’s no need to name every subset of women in order to avoid excluding some particular subset. It can be a good thing to underline that all subsets are welcome, especially subsets that really do face oppression and neglect. (Which implies that I don’t think women who identify as men really do face oppression and neglect. That’s fair. I think the whole idea of being trans is a pretty elite phenomenon, and I also think not being constantly “centered” by everyone else doesn’t qualify as oppression and neglect.) It can be a good thing, but underlining that all are welcome does not require erasing the set.

Suppose you have a group that supports workers. You can underline that that means all workers, of all races, sexes, nationalities, immigration statuses, and so on – but what you don’t do is drop the word “workers.” You especially don’t do that to soothe the feelings of rich college kids who “identify as” workers.

We decided to take out the word “women”

Jan 8th, 2020 11:50 am | By

Oh has it indeed.

What could be more “inclusive” than removing women from everything?

From the (sorry) Daily Mail article:

A gynaecological health charity has taken the step to remove ‘women’ from its brand name in a bid to be more inclusive of transgender men and non-binary people and  ‘create an awareness of barriers for others’.

Because it’s women, you see. Women are not allowed to create awareness of barriers for women: that would be selfish and unwomanly, because women are required to put others first at all times.

Cysters in Birmingham has chosen to ‘cultivate a community that is supportive’ by changing its registered name from ‘Cysters – Women’s Support and Awareness Group’ to ‘Cysters’. 

Nice name; it sounds like an oozing infection.

The non-profit organisation, which was created by its founder Neelam Heera in 2015 to help tackle issues around reproductive help, hopes the move will allow people with different gender identities feel more included.

While women feel less included. Cool.

Founder Neelam Heera explained that the charity aimed to strip away the barriers that trans and non-binary people were left facing when it came to being able to access support for chronic reproductive illnesses. 

As opposed to the barriers women face.

Heera performed the usual Twitter ritual, telling “transphobes” to shut up and take it.

An anonymous non-binary person welcomed the change after struggling with a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis since they were 23. 

The 25-year-old said: ‘Ever since I got diagnosed with PCOS and Endo, I have searched for a space that is not branded with the colour pink, solely about fertility, and labelled both diseases as a ‘womans issue’.

I hate the whole women=pink thing myself, but I also don’t recall seeing much of it in medical settings. Is it really so obtrusive that it necessitates restructuring everything to omit women?

‘Trans men and non-binary people already struggle in silence with so many issues, our reproductive health should not be another door shut to us.

But the door isn’t shut. Not being mentioned by a chosen label is not the same thing as a closed door.

‘Cysters was the first place that I saw a post that used the words ‘anyone who gets a period’. It meant the world to me to have the same information presented in a more gender neutral way.

‘It was so welcoming, and I finally felt included in a conversation about my own health and my own pain, without feeling dysphoric, or like I was reading information for someone else.

“Finally, some recognition for my precious narcissism.”

However not everyone was supportive of the move and BBC journalist Cath Leng tweeted: ‘You’ve erased women here.’

Women should do their own self-erasing, yeah?

Quite a strange situation

Jan 8th, 2020 7:25 am | By

The Times Higher on what it’s like to be a gender critical academic:

“It is quite a strange situation to work somewhere where people make it clear that they loathe you,” reflected Kathleen Stock, professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex, on the backlash she faced for her views on gender identification.

Some of it is just hot air.

In late November, a failed campaign to bar her from speaking at the Royal Institute of Philosophy’s annual debate generated 6,300 likes on Twitter, but just five emails from outraged complainants.

And the campaign failed. Did I mention it failed? It failed, you know.

But it is at traditionally left-wing Sussex where Professor Stock has encountered some of her biggest critics: students have made several formal complaints against her, while some colleagues have made it obvious that she is not welcome, Professor Stock told Times Higher Education.

“I’ve found it quite a hostile environment – [some] have claimed my position is bigoted and I should be sacked,” she explained. Recently, she was asked to teach in a different academic building and arrived to find numerous transgender pride flags hanging from office doors near her teaching room. “It is a grey area where, in apparently being kind [to one group], you can get away with some very targeted behaviour,” said Professor Stock.

Sussex may be traditionally left-wing as the THE says, but if it thinks trans ideology is left-wing it’s tragically mistaken. The ideology is deeply reactionary.

Avoiding controversial issues because of such sensitivities is anathema to Professor Stock, she admitted. “I was always encouraged to discuss fundamental things like identity and social kinds, but now we are being told to accept a highly ideological view that a person is whatever they feel they are,” she said.

Highly ideological and also highly absurd. Trump “feels” he’s a great man, and very very smart and tuff and shrewd and good at everything. Hypertrophied ego is not the straight road to certain knowledge.

While unpopular closer to home, Professor Stock’s views are seemingly striking a chord with a larger audience outside academia – with 24,000 accounts following her on Twitter. Last month her blog on the employment tribunal ruling against Maya Forstater, the tax expert who lost her job after claiming that transgender women could not change their biological sex, was liked by more than 3,300 people.

While unpopular closer to home, Professor Stock’s views are seemingly striking a chord with a larger audience outside academia – with 24,000 accounts following her on Twitter. Last month her blog on the employment tribunal ruling against Maya Forstater, the tax expert who lost her job after claiming that transgender women could not change their biological sex, was liked by more than 3,300 people.

However, while some hailed 2019 as the year that gender-critical feminism reached the mainstream “thanks to the tireless efforts of many women”, Professor Stock was less optimistic that colleagues were listening. “Most academics only read the BBC or The Guardian which refuse, in general, to talk about these things, so the issue is still badly understood in academia,” she said.

There’s an irony there. It’s the highly educated people who think people can become whatever they like just by thinking.

Anybody can tweet a flag

Jan 7th, 2020 4:41 pm | By

This makes the blood run cold.

You know the one:


Jan 7th, 2020 4:21 pm | By

So I guess this is what Trump was going for?


At least 10 rockets hit al-Asad airbase in Iraq, which houses US forces, a Sunni commander of the paramilitary forces in a nearby town told CNN. The attack comes days after the US killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in an airstrike in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

The administration has sought to cast that strike as an attempt to de-escalate tensions with Iran, but Tehran has vowed revenge for the killing, which it says was an “act of war” and “state terrorism.”

Like hell it was an attempt to de-escalate.

Trump was briefed on the reports of rocket attacks, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said.

“We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team,” Grisham said.

That’s the scariest thing they could have said. Better Trump should be in a coma right now, and while we’re at it make that a permanent coma.

Trump the awesome Christian

Jan 7th, 2020 11:37 am | By

It doesn’t get much more phony than this:

They came to pray with their president, though in truth many came just to worship him. Donald Trump’s Friday launch of his so-called “coalition of evangelicals”, an attempt to shore up the support of the religious right ahead of November’s election, had the feel of any other campaign rally, except this time with gospel music.

An estimated 7,000 “supporters of faith” packed the King Jesus international ministry megachurch in Miami to hear the word of the president, and decided that it was good. The Maga hat-wearing faithful cheered Trump’s comments on issues calculated to resonate with his churchgoing audience, including abortion, freedoms of speech and religion, and what he claimed was a “crusade” from Democrats against religious tolerance.

So never mind the cruelty, the bullying, the greed, the self-dealing, the endless lies, the trashy insults, the egotism, the cynicism, the corruption, the racism, the hatred and contempt for most people and nearly all women. Never mind the absence of kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy, dedication, discipline, effort, responsibility, humility, honesty.

Religions make large claims about being beacons of morality for poor weak struggling humans. A religion that sees Donald Trump as someone to cheer and support and help get elected to the top US job is a religion that’s just plain admitting it doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any of that.

It was exactly what evangelical Christians in the audience wanted to hear. Some, like Michael David Layne, a 62-year-old US army veteran who regularly attends the King Jesus church, marries what he sees as Trump’s “strong leadership” with “solid Christian values”, which he said the president showed in Thursday’s military strike. “We can get anybody, anywhere, anytime, anywhere there is terrorism,” he said.

I’m not seeing the Christian values. I’m seeing the self-defense values, but those are universal and inherently self-regarding, as opposed to Christian or religious or self-abnegating.

Layne acknowledges that Trump’s life – which includes three marriages, adultery and alleged affairs with porn stars – might appear less than pious, but is able to overlook it. “He might be a little rough around the edges for some people, but he says it like it is, and if some of the things he says or the actions he takes upset some people it doesn’t make him less of a man of God.”

Well that’s shit framing. The sex and cheating branch of Trump’s shit behavior is a very minor branch; the active cruelty and bullying is much more significant. You can see that Mr Layne knows that, since he calls Trump “rough around the edges” and admits he “upsets” people when he “says it like it is” – i.e. insults and bullies and threatens anyone who annoys him.

The moral poverty of this kind of thing is nauseating.

Others who came to hear Trump preach were similarly unfazed by the president’s questionable religious credentials.

“I believe he has moral character and that he is a man of God,” said Steven Johnson, 65, from New Jersey. “I also believe that he believes people have to pick up the banner and do what’s right. If you don’t pick up the banner then are you really Christian?

On the basis of what? On the basis of what does he believe that Trump has “moral character”? And what “banner” is it that people have to pick up? The one with “Jesus rocks!!” on it in BIG LETTERS?

“It sickens me the people that say they’re Christian, and they’re praying for people, but they’re stabbing them in the back. It’s a shame. We need a revival in this country and get back to common sense, moral values. We’ve gone way off the deep end.”

And so for common sense and moral values we look to Donald Trump? At the shallow end?

“In 2016 evangelical Christians went out and helped us in numbers never seen before. We’re going to blow those numbers away in 2020,” Trump said. “I really believe we have God on our side.”

For Rose Ann Farrell, 74, from Florida, the claim rang true. “I really believe he was sent to us,” she said. “From one to ten, he’s a ten. He lives in a Christian world and we needed a strong Christian, somebody who is not afraid. He speaks for us, has the guts and courage to speak what we want to say. His actions, his intentions, are Christian.”

So much the worse for Christian values.

What’s the harm?

Jan 7th, 2020 10:26 am | By

Paltrow and Goop are funny, but they’re not just funny – they’re also dangerous.

Why is the third a box of ashes? Because he died of flu at age 2. He’d been vaccinated but not all the herd had been.

It’s a weird thing about celebrity and “wellness” advice. Celebrity doesn’t usually make people think they can be pilots or engineers with no training…so why does it make some people think they can be medical experts with no training?