Come at me bro

Apr 1st, 2024 6:35 am | By
Come at me bro

JKR has thrown down the gauntlet.

She starts with a string of parody “behold this lovely trans woman” tweets and then gets down to business.

In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex. For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of ‘woman’ to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women’s and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors. It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal. I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment. If you agree with the views set out in this tweet, please retweet it.

#ArrestMe #AprilFools #HateCrimeActScotland

I expect I’ll be retweeting it all day, and that everyone else will too.

Humza Yousaf threatens and abuses us

Apr 1st, 2024 5:46 am | By

But don’t worry, you have nothing to fret about, unless…

Yes but sir, you and your friends consider it “threatening” and “abusive” and “stirring up hatred” to say that men are not women. That means women in the UK have everything to worry about.

You smug fucking idiot.

The “odd” omission

Apr 1st, 2024 5:39 am | By

Day one of Scotland’s heightened war on women:

JK Rowling could be investigated by police for misgendering trans people under Scotland’s new hate crime legislation, an SNP minister has admitted. Siobhian Brown, the SNP’s community safety minister, initially stated that misgendering – for example calling a trans woman “he” – would “not at all” fall foul of the legislation. But after being challenged over calls for JK Rowling to be prosecuted under the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act, she then admitted it would be for the police to decide.

Speaking as the Act came into force on Monday, Ms Brown said: “It could be reported and it could be investigated. Whether or not the police would think it was criminal is up to Police Scotland for that.”

Ah yes – pass an insane law criminalizing women who object to laws that criminalize women, and then say it’s up to the poleees to decide which women are actually criminals.

The minister was also challenged over the “odd” omission of women from the list of protected groups included in the legislation. This means that threats made against Rowling and other feminists critical of trans ideology could not be investigated under the Bill. Ms Brown admitted “more work needs to be done” and said a misogyny Bill would be introduced.

Point missed. Why were women ignored in the first place? Why did you abject fucking tools pass a law making it a crime to say men are not women while ignoring the things trans “activists” say about women every minute of every day?

The new legislation covers hatred on the basis of age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

However, an amendment to add sex to the list of protected characteristics at this stage was voted down, despite cross-party MSPs raising concerns about why women were excluded.

What does that tell us?

Nothing good.

Happy incoherent rant to all

Mar 31st, 2024 5:10 pm | By

Trump’s lovely message for today:


Notable fact: that’s all one sentence.

Also note that he says happy easter including to all those many people he completely and totally despises.

Send the personalized meteor soon.

Repeat after me: get tf out of here

Mar 31st, 2024 4:51 pm | By

Gosh, I remember when NOW was a feminist organization. Now it’s all about men, and telling women to do what men tell them.

How is it white supremacy? What does it even have to do with white supremacy?

As for patriarchy – no, NationalNOW, what’s patriarchy is lying through your teeth about women who refuse to sign up to a religion that deifies men who say they are women. You’re the ones who are going belly-up for men; we are saying No.

NHS seeks more homeopaths

Mar 31st, 2024 10:43 am | By

What could go wrong?

Degrees in homoeopathy, computer science, English literature and human resources are being accepted as entry qualifications to train to become a physician associate, the Daily Telegraph can reveal.

The NHS is rolling out a mass expansion in the use of such workers, despite concerns that patients are being put at risk by workers with insufficient training.

And not just insufficient but QUACK. No one with a degree in homeopathy should be anywhere near the NHS.

The figures for 2021 to 2023 show Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge accepted two students with degrees in homoeopathic medicine, while Bournemouth University accepted degrees in anthropology, nutrition and computer systems engineering.

There’s no such thing as “homeopathic medicine.” Homeopathy is dilution, not medicine. Dilution is not a form of medicine.

Physician associates are supposed to share some of the duties performed by doctors, including taking medical histories, examining patients, making diagnoses and analysing test results. However, they are supposed to work under the supervision of a doctor at all times. In recent years, there has been growing concern that the workers are being used to do tasks which require a fully qualified doctor.

The concerns have deepened since the death of Emily Chesterton, 30, from Salford, who died after two appointments with a physician associate whom she believed was a GP. Ms Chesterton consulted the Vale Practice surgery in north London on October 31, 2022. Her symptoms included calf pain, a swollen and hot leg, shortness of breath and she was finding it increasingly difficult to walk. 

The young actress believed she had been seen by a GP – but instead, a physician associate prescribed her propranolol medication for anxiety.

Seriously? I have no medical training whatsoever but if I had those symptoms I would think I had a dangerous raging infection and needed to get to the emergency room.

Guest post: Resource packages for fetishists

Mar 31st, 2024 9:53 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on If colleagues object.

A set of ONS resources on “Gender Identity and Transitioning at Work” …

Is there any other hobby/delusion/fetish that has government departments drawing up resource packages so that employees in it can do so in the workplace? Do Furries get special breaks in order to be taken outside by their colleagues for “walkies”? Do men who enjoy being treated like babies have other staff members feed them and change their diapers? Why is one group of fetishists pandered to but not others? Have we found a specimen of Trans Privilege in the wild, after having been assured that no such creature exists?

Male use of women’s single sex facilities falls right in line with the “needs” of the other fetishists noted above. Each is an imposition that forces women to become participants, whether they want to or not, in some man’s sexual fantasy. Transgenderism is no different, except that it is being given the red carpet treatment by ONS management. If their union is all in with gender ideology, then these women have no-one but themselves and each other to rely upon in resisting this unreasonable demand; “their” union will join with management (and their “trans siblings”) in punishing them. Very solidarity. At this point these women are no longer considered “colleagues” and fellow employees, but are now relegated to being props, backdrops, extras, and audience for the man’s performance of “femininity.” I’m sure that the women in the ONS had no idea that when they joined the service, they were also going to be working in the theatre.

What does Scotland think it’s going to do?

Mar 31st, 2024 8:58 am | By

World to Scotland: you can’t police us all.

An English barrister will challenge the Scottish government’s “attempt to police the world” by flouting the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act when it comes into force on Monday.

Sarah Phillimore, a child protection lawyer and advocate of women’s sex-based rights, ridiculed Scotland’s “insane” new legislation which could have extraterritorial powers to prosecute crimes perceived as stirring up hatred.

“It’s not just that it’s a really bad law, it’s the fact that we are two countries right next to each other, and there’s the internet,” said Phillimore, who has offices in London and Bristol.

“What does Scotland think it’s going to do? Police the world? I was shocked to discover that if a thing is read in Scotland, it’s considered published in Scotland. People are going to go hell for leather on April 1 and actively invite the police to extradite us, just hoping to overwhelm the system and show how ridiculous this is.”

Especially at a time when the police and even the state consider it a crime to say that a man is not a woman.

The fears expressed by Fair Cop were raised last week after it emerged that a social media post by Murdo Fraser, the Scottish Conservative MSP, had been logged as a non-crime hate incident by officers, an action he described as “disproportionate, discriminatory, intrusive, irrational and otherwise unlawful”.

Fraser was reported by a member of the public in November after he shared a post on Twitter/X which was critical of the Scottish government’s “nonbinary action plan” and said “choosing to identify as non-binary is as valid as choosing to identify as a cat”.

Or a table, or a giraffe, or Delaware, or rain, or an engineer.

Concern has been raised because Police Scotland’s enhanced disclosure programme means that prospective employers can request criminal history information on any person. This can include unspent convictions, relevant spent convictions, information from the sex offenders register and other relevant information held by police. This last category would include non-crime hate incidents.

And of course “non-crime hate incidents” very much include saying that men are not women.

While the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act brings many areas of Scottish law broadly in line with legislation in England and Wales, there is belief that Police Scotland’s “victim-led” approach will penalise people who refuse to accept opinions such as “transwomen are women”, advanced by Stonewall, Scottish Trans and campaign groups part-funded by the Scottish government.

That belief is based on various actions of Police Scotland over the past few years. It’s not random.

If colleagues object

Mar 31st, 2024 2:43 am | By

Institutional capture:

Women working for the Office for National Statistics could face disciplinary action if they object to male-born colleagues using single-sex lavatories and changing rooms, documents leaked to The Sunday Telegraph reveal.

News flash: male-born=male. There are no male-born women. If yer born male you stay male, just as if yer born human you stay human.

A set of ONS resources on “Gender Identity and Transitioning at Work” includes a manager’s checklist for supporting a transitioning employee with a section headed “use of single-sex facilities”. It says: “Have you agreed when the employee will start to use single-sex facilities, such as toilets and changing rooms, appropriate to their acquired gender? This will usually be on the first day of transition.”

The document says that “if colleagues object to sharing facilities with employees going through transition, the situation should be dealt with through communication, discussion and education. If colleagues persist with unreasonable objections you may need to manage the situation via grievance or disciplinary procedures.”

Women objecting to sharing toilets with men are being “unreasonable” and must be forced to obey. Women’s safety and privacy don’t matter; all that matters is the man’s obvious human right to force himself on women in all places under all circumstances. Men matter; women are garbage.

Sex Matters, a gender-critical campaign group that has reviewed the ONS documents, said the policies showed the organisation had “complete disregard for all other employees”.

Fiona McAnena, Sex Matters’ director of campaigns, said: “The ONS staff documents that have been leaked are inaccurate, ideologically driven and inflammatory. This is what institutional capture looks like.” She added: “These documents would be a cause for concern in any public sector body. That they come from within the national statistics body helps explain why the ONS made such a mess of the census questions on sex and ‘gender identity’.”

Clever move, gobbling up the statistics branch.


Mar 31st, 2024 2:22 am | By

Trump inciting violence:

President Joe Biden’s campaign on Saturday excoriated former President Donald Trump for sharing a video on social media depicting what appears to be an image of Biden tied up and kidnapped in the back of a pickup truck.

“This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you’re calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the Proud Boys to ‘stand back and stand by,'” Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement to ABC News.

It’s also just childish. He’s both a clown and a deadly peril.

Evidence is not required

Mar 30th, 2024 2:07 pm | By

Ahhhh yes, this will go well.

There will be men who claim to be women “perceiving” hate incidents in their thousands every day. Since evidence of malice or ill-will is not required for a hate crime or incident to be recorded, there will be thousands of them recorded every day.

Fasten your seat belts.


Mar 30th, 2024 9:01 am | By

Gosh, the CBC asks, blinking rapidly, is there really a competitive advantage???

Right below the headline and subhead, we are treated to this heartbreaking photo and caption:

Aria McGowan becomes tearful as she reflects on a proposed policy in Alberta that would ban trans women and girls from competing against women and girls. (Samuel Martin/CBC)

Oh oh oh the puir wee lass, that’s so sad. Her big red eyes, her crinkled brow, her tilted head, her leather thumb on her trembling lip. What have we done???

The lede:

Aria McGowan picks up a football and gingerly takes a couple of steps back before throwing it to a teammate down the field.

Gingerly? Why gingerly? What possible work does that word do in that sentence? What sense does it even make? It’s just the same attempted manipulation as that stupid photo. She’s a tragic sensitive tremulous shy fragile wee girl, and she can’t bear it that we horrible leathery women are so mean to her. She can barely walk these days because we’re so horrible.

He’s the quarterback on a women’s football team in Edmonton.

She loves playing football, and it’s clear the football field is a place McGowan feels safe. But she and other trans athletes in the province could potentially see their athletic pursuits curtailed. 

In late January, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith proposed a slew of policies that could affect trans youth and adults, ranging from restrictions on gender-affirming health care to classroom pronoun policies. Among the proposed policies is a ban on transgender girls and women competing against girls and women in athletic competitions.

Which is only right, being as how transgender girls and women are boys and men.

“In those cases, we do want to have biological women — women who are born biologically female — have the choice of being able to participate in a biological-female-only category while still preserving the gender-neutral categories and co-ed opportunities so that everyone has the ability to participate.”

Details on these proposed policies are slim. Legislation for the suite of policies is expected to be introduced in the fall. If passed, Alberta would be the first province in the country to implement this type of ban.

How is it a “ban” if there are still “the gender-neutral categories”?

“Being told I’m not allowed to [play] would really suck,” McGowan said, holding back tears. “It’s just a lot of emotions.”

But he can still play in that scenario, just not on the women’s team.

In the last few years, debate has been raging in North America over who should be allowed to compete in sports. While the discussion revolves around concepts of fairness and inclusion, researchers say the science around whether trans athletes have a competitive advantage is unsettled.

Liars. Either the CBC is lying or those “researchers” are lying.

McGowan played football as a teenager and said she enjoys how it is a team sport where trust is pivotal.

She joined the Edmonton Storm the year after her surgery and has been on the team ever since. McGowan said she’s not aware of any teammate or member of an opposing team expressing concern with her presence on the field.

Ah now why might that be? Is it possible that teammates and members of opposing teams don’t feel at liberty to express concern with his presence on the field? Has he ever considered that for one single god damn second?

“I’m not the biggest person, not the smallest. I’m not the fastest. I don’t see where an issue would lie with me playing. I’m not taking up anybody’s spot,” she said.

Of course he is.

McGowan fundamentally disagrees with Alberta’s proposed sports policy.

“Being told you can’t do something makes you think there’s something wrong with you, when there’s not,” she said.

Top class reasoning there. Being told you can’t rape a baby makes you think there’s something wrong with you, yeah?

The CBC is pathetic.

He idennifies as

Mar 30th, 2024 5:22 am | By

“I’m not understanding.”

It only takes a single face-painted rainbow cop

Mar 29th, 2024 3:02 pm | By

Wings Over Scotland tells us he’s closing down at least temporarily.

In the meantime you can hear of any developments, or get in touch, on my personal account @RevStu or on @TheGhostOfWings, both of which have had, or are about to have, all their old tweets wiped.

We’re not going to overdramatise, because we hope this is only for a few days. We’re optimistic that the Scottish Government’s abysmal, sinister and totalitarian Hate Crime Act, opposed across every sector of Scottish society and even by the police charged with implementing it, will not put an end to 12 and a half years of political journalism.

But you can’t write or tweet from a prison cell.

The Scottish Government and judicial system have repeatedly shown their eagerness to jail those whose views they consider troublesome. The SNP, driven insane by too many years of power, fundamentally consider ANY dissent to be a hate crime, and they and their client groups are champing at the bit to weaponise this law to that effect, and explicitly and specifically against this site.

“Their client groups” appear to include quite a few gender ideologues.

Our confidence in the police to apply any sort of sanity in the face of a deluge of co-ordinated complaints is essentially zero. Even if the vast majority of vexatious and malicious reports are ignored, it only takes a single face-painted rainbow cop who’s been “trained” by a hardline transactivist pressure group to take one of them seriously, and boom, you’re in a cell, with every electronic device you own locked up in a police-station cupboard for the next few months.

The Rev shares a slew of rainbow-decorated cop photos.

(Have you ever seen a Scottish polis attending an event with their face painted or their car bedecked in the suffragette colours for International Women’s Day this month, or flying a flag for Disability History Month, readers?)

Women mattered (a little) for around four decades, but then their contract expired.

So that’s the situation. We hope we won’t be gone too long, but Scotland is no longer a country where free speech is permitted, and even not living there may not afford much in the way of protection. Make no mistake, folks – even as we enter summertime in the early hours of Sunday morning, the lights will be going out all across the country.

I hope he’s exaggerating…

H/t NightCrow

Your fantasy is not our fantasy

Mar 29th, 2024 11:18 am | By

Bizarre male tv presenter says India Willoughby is “recognizably, and I think, as far as I know, is legally a woman.”

Recognizably? How? He doesn’t mean “recognizably”; he means something like convincingly. Those are very different things. Yes, some photos of Willoughby make him look quite a bit like a woman, but he’s not recognizable as a woman because he isn’t a woman.

The difference in meaning is matched by the difference in fact. Yes India Willoughby pretends to be a woman; no that does not make India Willoughby a woman. Anybody can pretend to be anything; the imagination is a fine thing; pretending to be X is not the same thing as being X. Willoughby’s fantasies about himself are not binding on the rest of us.

A 10 in Sophistic Gymnastics

Mar 29th, 2024 10:42 am | By

George M. Perry at The Federalist:

The IOC’s sophistic gymnastics to deny sex-based categories in sport prompted 26 researchers from around the world to rebut the IOC’s framework. Their paper, published last week in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, is the latest peer-reviewed study providing evidence of the obvious about sex in sports.

The researchers reviewed studies from “evolutionary and developmental biology, zoology, physiology, endocrinology, medicine, sport and exercise science, [and] athletic performance results within male and female sport” to refute the IOC’s position that male athletes warrant “no presumption of advantage” over female athletes based on “biological or physiological characteristics.”

It’s been a mere illusion all this time that men are bigger, stronger, and faster than women. Just an old fable that we all believed for no reason whatsoever. If even the IOC says so it must be true.

And even if it isn’t true, surely if we just suppress testosterone all the differences melt away, right?

Last week’s paper builds on research by lead authors Tommy Lundberg, Emma Hilton, and others who demonstrate the persistence of male advantage after testosterone suppression.

While testosterone suppression decreases various measures of anatomy, physiology, and physical performance, those changes are a small fraction of the differences between men and women on these metrics. A testosterone-suppressed male will have less muscle mass than his former self, but as a category, testosterone-suppressed men remain larger and stronger than women. Further, testosterone suppression does not change attributes like height, bone length, or hip and shoulder width.

So the question is, will the IOC pay any attention at last?

International Transgender Day of ____

Mar 29th, 2024 9:57 am | By

Oh great, because there aren’t enough trans days in the calendar yet. There should be at least 50.

Also yay for more trans visibility, because our trans siblings have been far too bashful and retiring up to now. Step up, sibs! Take a bow! Tell us about yourselves! Then tell us more!

A patriotic copy

Mar 29th, 2024 9:41 am | By


Former President Donald Trump is officially selling a patriotic copy of the Christian Bible themed to Lee Greenwood’s famous song, “God Bless the USA.”

“Happy Holy Week!” Trump announced on social media Tuesday, during the most solemn period of the Christian calendar, the last week of the Lenten season marking the suffering and death of Jesus. “As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

Patriotism n Bibleism n corruption n greed n sadistic bullying – what a package!

Sacred Dick Mission

Mar 29th, 2024 6:43 am | By

When we say “Women’s House” of course we mean…

Honestly you couldn’t make it up. The Catholic church and men who pretend to be women unite to squash women even harder.

Guest post: Every one of those virtues has an inversion

Mar 29th, 2024 5:39 am | By

Originally a comment by maddog1129 on Flying Bats FC won every match.

[T]he Flying Bats FC stand strongly for inclusion, and pride ourselves on safe, respectful and fair play, the promotion of a supportive community for LGBTQIA+ players, officials and supporters, and the significant physical, social and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings, especially to marginalised members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

You can “pride yourselves” on your so-called virtues all you want, but every one of those virtues has an inversion. It reminds me of Mark Twain’s “The War Prayer,” in which a man stumbled into the church and preached the ugliness of blight, death, injury, and pain to be inflicted on the enemy and all their friends and relations, as a result of the patriotic prayer for victory that is usually seen as pure and sacred in normal pious sermons.

Flying Bats “stands strongly” for “inclusion,” by excluding lesbian women from their very own team. They “pride themselves” on “safe” play, by making play extremely UNsafe for all their opponents, and even the actual women who play for the Flying Bats. They tout themselves for “respectful” play by utterly trashing and disrespecting and insulting and undermining and destroying the rights every actual woman in any match or league or tournament in which they play. They brag about their “fair play,” while personifying lying and cheating. They claim to be “supportive” of “LGBTQIA+” players, officials, and fans, while denigrating the “LGB” cohort of the forced-teamed coalition — which they have piggybacked and parasited on, hollowing out and consuming the work of the LGB community, to leave the husk of a former civil rights movement as a dead casualty — and ignoring every non-male TQIA+ person. Their support is ever and only in favor of the men, against women. As to “the significant physical, social and mental health benefits that participation in sport brings,” those benefits are the same for the men, even when they play on men’s teams. However, they are insistent on denying those very same benefits to every woman who otherwise would be playing on this women’s team — this “lesbian” team — and to every woman on any opposing team. The women on opposing teams lose any chance to play fairly, respectfully, or safely. The “Flying Bats” might have to have a new logo or mascot: a pink-and-blue barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat. That’s some “Flying Bats,” all right. Either that, or change the name to “Team Misogyny FC.” It’d be more truthful.