A bubble at the top

Oct 3rd, 2020 12:34 pm | By

People who have to work for and near Trump because of their long-term careers are pissed off.

Mask-wearing had become rare among Trump’s staff and the Secret Service agents and military service crew aboard Air Force One — even after national security adviser Robert C. O’Brien tested positive in July.

On the campaign trail, Trump’s sons Donald Jr. and Eric have spoken to packed audiences in indoor venues. And the Trump campaign violated state regulations limiting the size of gatherings in Nevada, earning a public rebuke from the governor after the president addressed thousands at an indoor event there last month.

While the nation suffered through an unprecedented and fear-filled lockdown, there was a bubble at the top, where Trump’s actions seemed to flout the laws of disease, and to embolden — or coerce —those around him to try it, too.

In other words military staff and Secret Service agents couldn’t wear masks around him.

Now, dozens of people — donors, aides, Secret Service agents — who had been close to Trump before his diagnosis wondered if they, too, might be infected. A whole world, with Trump at its center, suddenly faced the threat that the president had encouraged them to deny or understate.

Secret Service agents expressed their anger and frustration to colleagues and friends Friday, saying that the president’s actions have repeatedly put them at risk. “He’s never cared about us,” one agent told a confidant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the internal reaction.

Former Secret Service agents said it was unheard of for agents to openly complain about their president but that some currently in the ranks had become convinced during the pandemic that Trump was willing to put his protectors in harm’s way.

Agents who work in field offices around the country complained that since late August, they are no longer being tested when they return home from working at a rally for the president.

They’re not people, they’re part of Trump’s equipment.

“It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire senior team around the White House participating in this fiction that, ‘We can ignore it,’ ” said Simon Rosenberg, founder of the liberal think tank NDN. “They’re not in a bubble if they’re around other people and not wearing masks. The whole reliance [just] on testing was insane.”

And “for security reasons,” the Secret Service won’t tell us how many agents have been infected.

Maybe it was the fever talking

Oct 3rd, 2020 11:53 am | By

What Trump was busy with in the last hours before the news broke:

What ridiculous order?

Politico adds:

President Donald Trump vowed Thursday to reverse a move by the elite Navy SEALs to make its ethos gender neutral — marking the latest incursion by the commander in chief into the service’s operations.

And his latest attack on ideas of equality and fairness and opportunity.

American Military News first reported on Monday that the Navy SEALs and the Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen had changed their ethos and creed statements to remove words such as “man” and “brotherhood.”

A Navy spokesperson told the outlet that the ethos and creed were written before all combat posts were opened to women.

The White House declined to comment.

Ash Carter, who was defense secretary under former President Barack Obama, in 2015 opened all combat specialties to women. However, no women have yet qualified to become a Navy SEAL.

They could always recruit a trans woman…

They could easily stay in Mexico

Oct 3rd, 2020 9:26 am | By

Melania Trump married the right guy for her.

A former friend made some tapes public.

“They say I’m complicit,” Melania Trump says of critics of her husband. “I’m the same like him, I support him. I don’t say enough, I don’t do enough where I am.

“I’m working … my ass off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?”

Media figures were quick to remark on the irony of the first lady questioning her role in decorating the White House for the festive season, given her husband’s eager promotion of the so-called “war on Christmas”, a rightwing saw much pushed on Fox News which says liberals want to take the joys of the holidays away.

I’m sure he’s always been entirely sincere about that.

“OK,” the first lady says, “and then I do it and I say that I’m working on Christmas and planning for the Christmas and they said, ‘Oh, what about the children that they were separated?’ Give me a fucking break. Where they were saying anything when Obama did that?”

Very true! Plus where was he born? Where is his birth certificate? How do we know he wasn’t born on Neptune?

On the tapes, the first lady also doubts claims migrants are held in poor conditions, saying: “The kids, they say, ‘Wow I will have my own bed? I will sleep on the bed? I will have a cabinet for my clothes?’ It’s so sad to hear it but they didn’t have that in their own countries, they sleep on the floor.

“They are taken care of nicely there. But you know, yeah, they are not with parents, it’s sad. But when they come here alone or with coyotes [human traffickers] or illegally, you know, you need to do something.”

She also says migrant children are coached by their parents to say they are in danger, because “they could easily stay in Mexico but they don’t want to stay in Mexico because Mexico doesn’t take care of them the same as America does”.

Erm…does Melania Trump remember that she is herself an immigrant? One who got a special visa that she wasn’t reeeeeeeally entitled to?

Melania Trump obtained US citizenship on a visa reserved for immigrants with “extraordinary ability” and “sustained national and international acclaim”, according to a report in the Washington Post.

Not seeing the extraordinary ability, I have to say.

Nicknamed the “Einstein Visa”, the EB-1 is in theory reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field – the government cites Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners as examples – as well as respected academic researchers and multinational executives.

Mrs Trump began applying for the visa in 2000, when she was Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model working in New York and dating Donald Trump. She was approved in 2001, one of just five people from Slovenia to win the coveted visa that year, according to the Post.

And now she’s shitting on other immigrants from a great height. What a peach.

In her own words

Oct 3rd, 2020 8:45 am | By
In her own words

Oh what have we here.

He didn’t defend me. He refrained from joining the other bloggers in trashing me, for a time, but he sure as hell didn’t defend me. He privately begged me to stay, while doing nothing to defend me in public.

Then, in the end, he broke down and did a post saying I needed to “own” my mistakes.

Also, I wasn’t dismissed. I left. That “her dismissal” is a lie. He may have forgotten by now, but the fact is I left.

A few more days, maybe

Oct 3rd, 2020 8:05 am | By

These people.

It’s not “an abundance of caution” (let alone “and abundance”), it’s what you’re required to do if you’ve been exposed. And it’s not “a few more days,” it’s a total of 14. This isn’t something you navigate by the seat of your pants, it’s a medical issue on which you do what the medical professionals tell you is needed. This casual amateurism is why this twerp’s balloon-head daddy now has the virus.

What is not allowed

Oct 3rd, 2020 7:58 am | By

Twitter claims to have a rule against wishing death on people. Cue hollow laughter.

Twitter has said that tweets wishing for Donald Trump’s death in the wake of the president’s diagnosis with Covid-19 violate its policies and could result in suspension.

But what about all those tweets wishing for JK Rowling’s death?

“Tweets that wish or hope for death, serious bodily harm or fatal disease against anyone are not allowed and will need to be removed,” the company said in a tweet. A spokesman told the Guardian this policy has been in place since April and applies to all users, not just Trump.

That last sentence is confused: they mean the rule applies to all targets, not just Trump. It’s a rule for all users, applied to all targets. Except of course that it isn’t.

The announcement came as a surprise to many Twitter users, especially people in marginalized communities who say they frequently experience abuse on the platform. Evan Greer said that as a trans woman and the primary spokesperson for the digital rights organization Fight For the Future, she receives death threats on a “weekly, sometimes daily basis”.

Thanks Guardian. Anything about actual women? Anything at all? (Spoiler: no.)

Many people on Twitter described the policy as hypocritical, and pointed out that some users regularly receive death threats with little response from Twitter.

Women, especially.

A crowded Rose Garden ceremony

Oct 3rd, 2020 7:16 am | By

That party last Saturday for the religious fanatic nominated to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s place appears to have been a super-spreader event.

A crowded Rose Garden ceremony last Saturday at which Donald Trump announced Amy Coney Barrett as his supreme court nominee has come under scrutiny after at least seven figures in attendance tested positive for coronavirus, including the president himself.

On Friday, the president’s former counsellor, Kellyanne Conway, announced she had tested positive and had “mild” symptoms. Two Republican senators, Thom Tillis and Mike Lee, also announced they have also tested positive.

Both senators say they will quarantine for ten days…which is interesting because it should be for fourteen days, and the confirmation hearings begin…just as they stop quarantining.

To be free of the leash

Oct 3rd, 2020 7:09 am | By

Jenni Murray on why she decided to walk away from Woman’s Hour and the BBC:

I was not leaving, contrary to popular rumour, as a result of ageism on the part of the BBC. I made the decision a year ago when it became clear to me that it was time to move on and be free of the leash which, in recent years, had caused me to be what I can only describe as ‘cancelled’.

First came the furore concerning an article I had written in which I acknowledged that I was entering the most controversial and, at times, vicious, vulgar and threatening debate of our day.

I made clear that I was not transphobic or anti-trans. Indeed, I emphasised my belief that everyone — whether transgender or those of us who hold to the sex assigned to us at birth — should be treated with respect and protected from the bullying and violence that so many like me have suffered.

I merely asked the trans activists to acknowledge the difference between sex and gender, a trans woman and a woman, respect our right to safe single-sex spaces and abandon the nonsensical idea that we should be known as ‘cis women’.

Merely. Merely, she says. Women have been fed to the lions for less.

We are women. No need for further definition. I begged trans activists to understand feminism and the struggle we had experienced in fighting for our right to be viewed as equals to men.

I reminded them that feminism had fought against sexual stereotyping, and that it was ridiculous to assume a girl who liked cars and trousers really wanted to be a boy, or a boy who loved dolls was ‘born in the wrong body’ and needed to be a girl.

Of course, I was branded a TERF — a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist — on social media and threatened with all kinds of violence. But what shocked me most was the BBC’s response.

I was roundly ticked off publicly and informed that I would not be allowed to chair any discussions on the trans question or the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act. I had lots of emails and tweets asking me why I had not been involved in this debate, as it was so important to Woman’s Hour listeners. You have the answer.

This is despite the fact that her show is Woman’s Hour. Women must echo the party line on trans women or be silenced; there is no other path.

It’s an interesting word, impartiality. For years, until recently, I and other broadcast journalists have written articles and books. In my case they were often controversial ones on marriage, abortion, pornography or bringing up boys, and I suffered no comeback from the BBC. At one point I was actually encouraged by a channel controller to write a regular column as a way of widening awareness of Woman’s Hour and Radio 4.

Impartiality was perceived as what a presenter demonstrated in the studio. It was not assumed that the radio or television audience expected the men and women who entered their homes on a daily basis to be dull ciphers with no opinions or personalities.

But that was before The Age of Trans Everything.

Blood libel

Oct 2nd, 2020 4:30 pm | By
Blood libel

This is blood-chilling.

A teenager commits suicide (if this implausible story is even true) and Councillor Penny Zenny (who is a trans woman) asks the teenager’s mother “Was it JK Rowling?” Objection, your honor: leading the witness. In fact grabbing the witness by the neck and trying to force words out of her mouth.

Penny Zenny is easy to find on Facebook. PZ (oh there’s a funny coincidence) now has a self-pitying post (also public) about the angry reaction PZ got from that vile accusation.

I expressed my disappointment at the suicide of a youth as a direct result of the things J K Rowling has been saying and I get a whole bunch of people attacking me, not knowing my history, or the fact I have been a Samaritan, etc etc. Seems people get off of hate and ignorance.

Except the claim that the suicide was “a direct result of the things J K Rowling has been saying” came from Penny Zenny. He hasn’t offered any other reason to believe it’s true. What a horrific thing to do.

He seems to have taken down the first post. Good move, but shit move to post it in the first place.

Four years ago today

Oct 2nd, 2020 3:57 pm | By

October 2 2016:

If he can do that for himself…

Oct 2nd, 2020 3:52 pm | By

Trump made a bye-bye video to let us know how delusional he still is.

I haven’t watched it yet. I have to pace myself on these things, or I lose the will to live.

Trump has tweeted out a video of him explaining that he’s headed to Walter Reed hospital, but reassuring Americans that he’s doing “very well.”

“We’re going to make sure that things work out,” Trump said. He added that the first lady is also “doing very well.”

He doesn’t have that power. He can’t “make sure that things work out.” The virus decides.

Also, just as Obama sent best wishes, the campaign released a disgusting dishonest attack on…Obama.

An abundance of caution

Oct 2nd, 2020 3:39 pm | By
An abundance of caution

Trump is on the way to Walter Reed.

The visual of Trump striding out alone to the helicopter is likely to be seen as a reassurance that his case of coronavirus is still mild.

Still mild today. Maybe less mild tomorrow and less mild again the next day.

It’s totally normal, says the White House. Nothing to see, says the White House.

White House officials have described the choice to move Trump to Walter Reed medical center as a choice made “out of an abundance of caution,” and have described him as “working from” Walter Reed for the next few days. But the move has prompted obvious questions: if the president has only “mild symptoms,” why move him to the hospital?

Because by “mild” they mean…erm…

Staff is very very very busy closing that barn door.

The White House issued a statement on the hospital move:

President Trump remains in good spirts, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day. Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days. President Trump appreciates the outpouring of support for both he and the First Lady.

For both he and the First Lady.

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It’s always the “consulting fees”

Oct 2nd, 2020 1:15 pm | By

It seems Princess Ivanka may have been detected in a crime.

A nugget in the New York Times’s investigation into the US president’s tax returns could potentially cause lasting damage to Ivanka, currently a senior adviser to the president and a leading surrogate for his re-election campaign.

Currently a sleazy nepotistic hanger-on helping her filthy daddy kill us all.

She apparently received “consulting fees” paid by the Trump Organization, helping reduce the Trump family’s tax bill, while she was simultaneously an employee of the organization.

“Trump’s private records show that his company once paid $747,622 in fees to an unnamed consultant for hotel projects in Hawaii and Vancouver, British Columbia,” the Times noted. “Ivanka Trump’s public disclosure forms – which she filed when joining the White House staff in 2017 – show that she had received an identical amount through a consulting company she co-owned.”

Joshua Kendall, author of First Dads: Parenting and Politics from George Washington to Barack Obama, said: “There seems to be an overlap in terms of her declaring that same amount of money on her financial disclosure so this really could be very, very damaging. There has been some speculation about a criminal prosecution. This could really be a turning point for her.”

We can hope.

All aboard

Oct 2nd, 2020 12:27 pm | By

After they learned that Hicks has the virus.

After White House officials learned of Hicks’s symptoms, Trump and his entourage flew Thursday to New Jersey, where he attended a fundraiser at his golf club in Bedminster and delivered a speech. Trump was in close contact with dozens of other people, including campaign supporters, at a roundtable event.

After they knew. This is how he treats friends and allies – it’s a wonder he doesn’t set the rest of us on fire so that he can make us into cheeseburgers.

The president did not wear a mask Thursday, including at the events at his golf course and on the plane, officials said. He was tested after he returned to the White House, but he also appeared on Sean Hannity’s TV show from the residence by telephone.

Two people who spent time with him said he did not show noticeable symptoms although he seemed tired and acknowledged to other aides later Thursday that Hicks was ill. During his fundraiser in New Jersey, “he said the things he usually says on TV,” said an attendee.

He always says the things he usually says. That’s all he’s got. It’s all very very usually, and much repeated and stale and please don’t say it yet again.

Trump has regularly appeared in public and in private without a mask — and has mocked Biden for wearing one and for curbing his campaign events for safety’s sake. The president has insisted that the virus is mostly dangerous to older people — a group to which he belongs — or those with health complications, although medical experts say the virus can strike anyone.

He’s older, he’s physically inactive, he’s very overweight. The virus kills some young healthy people too, but he’s not in a low-risk group.

At Tuesday’s debate, Trump was pressed on his insistence on having huge campaign rallies where no one is required to wear facial coverings or to socially distance.

“We’ve had no negative effect, and we’ve had 35 to 40,000 people at some of these rallies,” Trump said.

Welp that’s over.

The inner circle

Oct 2nd, 2020 11:52 am | By

I guess only the canaille wear masks?

Donald Trump‘s family ignored mandatory mask-wearing requirements at the debate between him and Democrat candidate Joe Biden on Tuesday.

So they’re mandatory because of a lethal pandemic, so what. Viruses don’t infect important people.

On Tuesday, members of the Trump family and the Trump administration entered the debate hall, where rules required everyone in the room wear masks, without masks, according to NBC News correspondent Hallie Jackson.

A doctor in a white lab coat was reported to have started to approach Trump family guests to ask them to put on masks, also offering them one in case they did not have one.

Well one wouldn’t have done them much good.

As the doctor got closer to them, Jackson said on the news channel’s live blog covering the debate, “someone shook their head and no one she reminded to put on a mask ended up putting one on.”

In other words “Go away interfering medicine person, you are not rich and important as we are rich and important.”

They wore masks when they arrived but then…took them off. Why? Unclear. Because of the cameras maybe?

I bet they’re sorry now.

Donors regret

Oct 2nd, 2020 11:16 am | By

Republican donors are freaking out.

Republican donors who attended President Donald Trump’s fundraiser at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club are panicking after being around the commander in chief hours before he announced that he was infected with the coronavirus.

Well, you know, being around Donald Trump is just not healthy.

“The donors have been texting and calling. Freaking out,” the person with direct knowledge said.

The donors to Donald Trump. Do I feel compassion for them? I can’t say that I do.

Trump’s campaign, as of Friday morning, has not sent out any official guidance to many of the donors involved with the event. After publication of this article, donors who attended the gathering were sent an email with an 11:18 a.m. ET time stamp. The email reminds them that no one was permitted within six feet of the president and advises them to contact their doctor if they start feeling coronavirus symptoms. 

Also it was totally responsible and ethical and fine for Trump to be out schmoozing his donors at his golf club during the pandemic. Not one thing wrong with any of that.

The gathering had tickets costing up to $250,000. Dr. Rich Roberts, a longtime Republican donor, told The Lakewood Scoop on Friday that Trump privately met with about 19 people at the event. Roberts estimates that the meeting lasted about 45 minutes.   

Plenty of time. Triple the danger amount.

Some Republican donors questioned the president’s decision to go to the event after his longtime advisor Hope Hicks became ill. Hicks tested positive Thursday morning after displaying symptoms Wednesday night while on a campaign trip to Minnesota with the president. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told reporters Friday that Hicks’ diagnosis became known just before the president left for Bedminster.

A normal person with a moral compass would have canceled the trip, but not our President Psychopath.

Protocols in place

Oct 2nd, 2020 10:44 am | By

At least now they’ve learned their lesson, right?


Jesus. “Duhhhhh I’ve been tested” – guess what, dude, you can test negative one minute and then positive the next. When YOU KNOW YOU’VE BEEN EXPOSED you shouldn’t be out there quacking into reporters’ faces.

“And that’s why I’m not wearing a mask.”

Tic toc tic toc

Try a little bleach

Oct 2nd, 2020 10:19 am | By

How ya like him now?

President Donald Trump has spent months trying to move the country’s focus away from the coronavirus. He’s purposely downplayed the threat it poses to Americans, pushed unscientific treatments and ensured the country that a vaccine would be arriving any day. In pre-recorded remarks at the annual Al Smith Dinner on Thursday night, Trump promised that “the end of the pandemic is in sight, and next year will be one of the greatest years in the history of our country.”

Hahahahaha cool, minutes later – oops Hope Hicks has the COVID, minutes after that, oops Trump has to quarantine, minutes after that, oops Trump has the COVID.

Just this morning, when I woke up, I was thinking sadly it might be days before he tested positive. I wasn’t daring to hope it had already happened, let alone hope for symptoms.

He’ll be fuming that he can’t get out there to shout at crowds of screaming racists. With no masks.

And according to the pool reporter traveling with Trump to and from the debate, “all family members who entered without a mask, members of his administration and other guests were not wearing masks.” A doctor affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic approached the group offering masks if they did not have them. No one in the group put on a mask. In addition, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on ABC News Friday morning that “no one was wearing masks in the room when we were prepping the President during that period of time, the group was about 5 or 6 people in total.”

I wonder how hard they’re all kicking themselves this morning.

What we do know is that Trump’s attempt to make these final weeks of the election about something other than the coronavirus failed the second he got his positive test back. Cable news will cover his illness — and the people he came into contact with and whether they are also sick — wall to wall for weeks. While Covid-19 was the lead story for most news outlets on most days for the last few months, it is likely to become the ONLY story for the foreseeable future.

Will there be a sympathy vote?


Oct 2nd, 2020 9:00 am | By

You already know, but just to get things started…

You reap what you sow.

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus, the President announced early Friday morning, an extraordinary development coming months into a global pandemic and in the final stretch of his reelection campaign.


He’s been laughing and jeering and sneering, he’s been putting other people in danger in their thousands, he’s kneecapped the national response to the pandemic so thoroughly that we have the worst death toll in the world, so it’s only fair that he should get it himself.

The White House doctor says

The President and First Lady are both well at this time, and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence.

The fact that they’re “well at this time” means nothing. The disease can start out mild and then become not mild and then kill you.

Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments.

Blah blah blah. Virus gonna do what virus does.

Guest post: If you require the affirmation of others to exist

Oct 1st, 2020 4:16 pm | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on Grab that pen and sign.

Saw on a comment about Stephen King coming out in support of Rowling:

Eva Webb: Adorable Antifascist Pumpkin Queen

because agreeing to disagree means agreeing to not exist, and agreeing to let the other person write papers that effect policy that affects the lives and rights of the people she’s attacking. there is no agree to disagree when you’re lobbying to have someone’s legal rights taken away or restricted

You don’t have the right to force other people to see you the same way you see yourself, otherwise we’d all want most of the world to see us as ultra-rich billionaires, and the tax authorities to see us as ultra-poor non-profits. That people see you differently to how you see yourself isn’t some sort of phobia on their part, nor is it an unbearable trauma, it’s life.

If you require the affirmation of others to exist, you don’t actually exist. Reality is real whether we agree with it or not, if your existence is contingent on the words of JK Rowling, then you don’t actually exist, any more than Hagrid actually exists.

Rowling is a rich author in the UK. She is not directing UK policy, never mind global policy. Freedom of speech is a right, not all of the “rights” asserted by trans lobbyists actually qualify as such.

For example, there is no right to compete in sporting events under your preferred category. Otherwise the featherweight champion of the world in boxing, would be a mediocre heavyweight. A heavy person identifying as a light person would not be considered as having their existence or rights denied by boxing boards for this rule.

Now I’ve disagreed with some feminists on the issue of abuse shelters before. I think that there is a need for abused persons to have services geared towards them regardless of sex, that abused men do have a need for services directed towards them.

However, it doesn’t help abused men to close shelters that cater solely to women. The needs of the abused should take precedence over anybody’s feelings over the matter, and women who do not wish to face men after being abused, have the right to such safe places free of men even if you disagree with their personal feelings. “I’m a man and I would never…” doesn’t mean that she is in a state to face you, and her state of mind is the important thing in that situation.

People recovering from trauma should not be expected to be at their most emotionally stable, you don’t expect someone to run when their leg is broken, why do you expect the equivalent to people escaping abusive situations? There is a time and a place for discussing such issues, an abuse shelter is not one of them.

And what goes for men, goes for trans too. The answer to abuse suffered by trans individuals isn’t to shut down Women’s Place, it is to create shelters and services that cater to the needs of trans abuse sufferers. If you demand that shelters perform in a way that suits your politics rather than the needs of their residents, then you’re putting your politics ahead of the needs of abuse sufferers. Your rights do not trump the rights of those in need of such services.

It isn’t a denial of trans rights to state as such, anymore than it would be a denial of men’s rights to state as such.

Finally, if Rowling’s position on trans issues was simply ignored, then it would be largely unknown to the general public. Her advocacy only has the meaning it does now, because of the over-the-top reactions of ideologues who are chasing clicks and the latest sensation. It is as important as it is, mainly because of the rush to the virtue signal that has highlighted how lacking in virtue the signalers really are.

In the UK you have the Conservative Party in charge. In the US you have the Republican Party.

There are a lot of issues which should be taking precedence in both countries, and your press is arguing over the views of a children’s book author. There is this plague of highlighting the trivial to distract from the substantive, which only serves to undermine any real progress on any real issues.