Squishing the girls

Oct 2nd, 2022 8:41 am | By

Janice Turner on girls and those bumps:

Female puberty is like being bundled into a runaway car. Let’s put aside periods, the shock of blood, the tsunami of emotions. Let’s concentrate on a girl of 12 or so, who until now has wandered the world thinking little about her body, suddenly acquiring breasts.

At the same time, though, she is suddenly acquiring periods, the shock of blood, the blurghy achy feeling every month, the mess and tedium of it all, the risk of showing – all this and tits. It’s way too much. It’s too much and too early – the brain and the emotions are nowhere near adult. Honestly there ought to be a law. It’s widely agreed that children shouldn’t get married; it stands to reason that children also shouldn’t go through puberty. Later, please! In that sense I kind of understand the idea of putting puberty on hold for a few years, but unfortunately it can’t really be done.

This week — finally — the charity commission announced it will investigate Mermaids’ “approach to safeguarding young people” over its practice of covertly sending out chest binders to girls as young as 13 without parental consent.

A binder is a spandex corset that compresses the breasts along with the ribs and lungs. It’s hard to breathe in a binder: you feel dizzy, get headaches. You shouldn’t wear one during exercise: indeed trans lobby groups advise schools to excuse girls who bind from games. Binders damage developing breast tissue, cause chafing, skin infection, muscle wastage and even fractured ribs. 

This is why putting puberty on hold can’t really be done – there are side effects, bad ones.

For many girls binding is a passing craze, discovered via friends or YouTube influencers. (It recalls the Victorian tight-lacing fashion where girls competing to have the tiniest waist had to recline on “fainting couches”.)

Not to mention foot-binding. It’s funny how there are fashions for making women smaller, while men are exhorted to expand those biceps.

In 2019, a serious data breach by Mermaids, for which it was fined £25,000, gave a glimpse into its residential weekends for parents and children. “Huge respect to the guys who showed us (upon request) their top surgery scars,” said one post, “saved a lot of dodgy Google searches.” Girls, who are taught at such camps how to bind, are introduced to those who’ve graduated to double mastectomies — they even pass down their old binders.

In fact you don’t need “dodgy Google searches” to witness this horror. Just search #topsurgery on Instagram and find thousands of short-haired waifs displaying livid lateral scars, their nipples cut off to be sewn or tattooed on later. Some pose with grinning surgeons. One doctor appears with jars of breast tissue in formaldehyde, a rainbow flag Frankenstein. Another in Miami boasts about cutting off 40 pairs of breasts a week or, as she glibly puts it, “deleting the teets”.


Where are the voices in sex education saying entering womanhood can feel like walking through fire, that bodily discomfort is a logical response both to the strange rhythms of biology and daunting expectations? Studies show girls’ confidence, compared with boys, plummets around the age of 12. Rachel Rooney’s book My Body Is Me!, which encouraged young children to delight in their glorious human form, was cancelled as transphobic, yet a teenage version is urgently needed.

But if one is written and published it will be instantly deluged with righteous rage.

Good enough

Oct 1st, 2022 11:19 am | By

Stupidity and credulity are spreading like a poison gas.

Because he says he is; that’s good enough.

So, saying something=that something is true. Always, because saying is good enough.

So nobody ever lies.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Update seconds later: Apparently it’s a parody account. And yet, people do say that, if perhaps not quite so baldly.

It’s just not something you say out loud

Oct 1st, 2022 9:20 am | By

More credulous bilge pours out of people at the University of Southern Maine:

USM grad students in Professor Christy Hammer’s class say recent discussions on social gender and biological sex identifications got heated when Hammer told the class only two biological sexes exist, male and female.

All but one student walked out of class, feeling the professor’s comments were a personal attack on trans, non-binary and intersex students.

An utterly basic biological fact was interpreted as a “personal attack” on people who share the mass delusion that they can soar free of that basic biological fact.

“I believe that everyone should be accepted based on their identity,” [student Liv] Petersen said. “And I think the professor was in the wrong for invalidating her own students.”

In other words “everyone should be accepted” as whatever they claim they are, no matter how absurd, and people who pay attention to reality are in the wrong for “invalidating” such fantasies, even teachers in classrooms – in fact especially teachers in classrooms, because they’re supposed to get things right. In short the righteous students want their professor punished or removed for teaching reality instead of fantasy.

“It’s just not something you say out loud, especially with the current environment and stuff like that,” USM student Jalen Charles said. “It’s something you should really keep to yourself.”

Kind of like France under the Occupation, yeah? Keep your head down and above all don’t say anything.

Hero of living the contradiction

Oct 1st, 2022 8:49 am | By

LGBTQ Nation insults women not once but twice…or probably even more than that, I haven’t checked the whole list yet.

Secretary Levine is a man scooping up plaudits for being “the First Openly Transgender Four-Star Officer and First Female Four-Star Admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.”

Why is he a nominee? For having it both ways? Being first ever trans and first ever female? The fact that he’s trans=he’s not female. If he were female he wouldn’t be trans.

Stealing women’s firsts and getting counted twice; quite a racket.


Oct 1st, 2022 8:33 am | By

Insult & injury=

Gaslighting: How to Recognize it and What to Say When it Happens

If that’s liberal…

Sep 30th, 2022 4:04 pm | By

Back in July

The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s conservative majority ruled Thursday that a transgender woman cannot change her name because she is on the state’s sex offender registry and the law does not allow people on the registry to change their names.

The conservative majority, eh? So the “liberal” majority were in favor of letting a man change his name to a woman’s name despite being a convicted sex offender? Could there be any downside to that I wonder? Any downside that ought to be apparent to people who style themselves liberal?

The court’s 4-3 decision upholds the rulings of two lower courts, which rejected the woman’s requests to change her name and avoid registering as a sex offender.

Sex offenders are victims and the people they harass or assault or rape are the oppressors. Right?

The woman, identified in court documents only as Ella, was required to register as a sex offender after being convicted of sexually assaulting a disabled 14-year-old boy when she was 15. She is now 22.

And he’s not a woman.

According to court records, Ella was about 6-foot, 5-inches and more than 300 pounds (135 kilograms) at the time of the assault. The victim was 110 pounds, blind in one eye and autistic. After the assault, Ella taunted the victim on Facebook and told other students what happened, perpetuating his “victimization and trauma,” the court said.

Yeah yeah yeah but respect her idennniny.

The dissenting justices agreed that Ella’s arguments alleging an Eighth Amendment violation of cruel and unusual punishment fail. But they said she should be allowed to petition a court to legally change her name based on First Amendment rights.

The majority “discounts the burdens Ella faces as a result of the restriction,” Ann Walsh Bradley wrote. A person’s name is an essential part of their identity, she wrote, citing Muhammad Ali and Caitlyn Jenner as high profile examples.

Well Jenner did kill that woman by ramming her car on the Pacific Coast Highway, so the comparison makes sense but it doesn’t much convince me that the 6’5″ guy should be helped to persuade people he’s a woman.

“Requiring Ella to maintain a name that is inconsistent with her gender identity and forcing her to out herself every time she presents official documents exposes her to discrimination and abuse,” she wrote for the minority.

IDONTCARE! Emeğenerat I DON'T CARE! - Fugitive Tommy Lee Jones | Meme  Generator | Meme on ME.ME

This could suggest

Sep 30th, 2022 3:17 pm | By

Here we go again.

British Rowing today announces updates made to the 2016 Transgender and Transsexual Policy. A Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) has been released along with new guidance to help the rowing community at the grassroots. These documents can be found on the British Rowing Policies and Guidance page in the Diversity and Inclusion section.

The Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) is a revision of the British Rowing Transgender and Transsexual Policy (2016), which was found by British Rowing to be outdated and not fit for purpose. Following extensive consultation with stakeholder organisations, and taking into account more recent guidance provided by the UK Sports Councils’ Equality Group’s Guidance for Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport (September 2021), the revised policy and procedures provides clarity on the process for determining eligibility to compete in a category that does not match a trans or non-binary competitor’s birth sex.

In recognition that this is a fast-developing area in sport, in which new information is being provided all the time, British Rowing is committed to the regular review of this policy and its procedures to ensure that our approach is consistent with latest guidance, information, or studies. The Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Competition Policy and Procedures (2022) and associated guidance will be reviewed within 12 months.

Is it new information that’s being provided all the time? Or is it new manipulation, new yelling and whining, new stamping and holding of breath?

We encourage and welcome any feedback to support the ongoing improvement of the policy and its procedures and feedback can be shared via this dedicated Feedback Form.

British Rowing promotes a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination including transphobia.

We welcome comments, but not comments that deal with the issue.

From the FAQs:

What is the balance between fairness and inclusion?

There is no perfect solution to balancing fairness and inclusion. The UK Sports Councils’ Equality Group’s Guidance for Transgender Inclusion in Domestic Sport (September 2021) determined testosterone levels alone do not guarantee fairness, but it also accepts that in many instances it is the best measure available. There are a number of variables that lend themselves to a competitor’s success in rowing: technical ability, athleticism, fitness, knowledge and the experience and confidence to apply these areas. 

Hm. Notice anything missing? Like, having a male body? Having a male body lends itself to a competitor’s success in rowing, I’m pretty sure.

This could suggest that exposure to greater levels of testosterone prior to testosterone suppression through hormone treatment may not necessarily be the decisive factor as to whether a trans person will be more successful in rowing competition.

And so it could also suggest that having a male body may not necessarily be the decisive factor as to whether a man will be more successful in rowing competition against women? Because if that’s the claim it’s bullshit.

Guest post: Chevron knew

Sep 30th, 2022 2:52 pm | By

Originally a comment by Mike Haubrich on Cue the stirring music.

The thing that I seriously don’t understand is that if capitalism is supposed to bring us the best of all possible worlds due to profit, why don’t these giant energy companies see themselves as energy companies as opposed to oil companies. Chevron knew that the carbon emission from their products was going to lead us to where we are now with climate change 50 years ago, but decided to hide their data and analysis, and find ways to drill deeper and farther offshore and keep us using gasoling and diesel fuel. They knew that it’s a finite resource, they knew that eventually they will have to rely on despotic governments to make contracts for drilling on their land. They knew that there are other sources of energy, and extraction is an engineering problem that could eventually be less expensive than drilling under 500 feet of water, or in the Arctic. Shell, BP, and these other giants make the commercials that this is spoofing, and promote all the wonderful things that their engineers are doing to find ways to protect the environment while giving up nothing from our mobile lifestyle.

But they continue to fight to keep it the way that it is through fracking, mountaintop removal, using ice roads to get drilling rigs over the Arctic, build drilling platforms in the North Sea and off of the Carolina coast (subject to hurricanes,) just to maintain an oil and coal based energy economy.

I’m not a commie, don’t worry. But, I’m also not a capitalist cheerleader. It’s short-term thinking when long-term was needed.

Hide the bad man’s name

Sep 30th, 2022 11:07 am | By

It’s the pettiness that’s so revolting.

The Wall Street Journal reported in May 2019 that the military had worked to obscure the USS John S. McCain ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to a neighboring ship in Japan. It was a decision that apparently stemmed from Trump’s feuds with the decorated war hero and late senator, who was added as a namesake for the ship initially named for his father and grandfather. But the senator had died just nine months prior, rendering the effort particularly bizarre.

And petty, spiteful, childish, ridiculous, contemptible.

It was not fake news, as a batch of newly released emails reinforces and details.

The emails, obtained by Bloomberg News reporter Jason Leopold and by the Wall Street Journal through Freedom of Information Act requests, fill out the story of military officials responding to a request from the White House Military Office. Among the discoveries:

They show military officials saying repeatedly that this was a White House request, but also that officials didn’t want to put it in writing.

At one point, a military official was apparently so taken aback by the request that the person asked that it be confirmed. “I could see that becoming a Tweet,” the official added.

Another military official responded the next morning by saying, “This just makes me sad.”

Nothing is too petty or whiny or infantile for him.

The council states clearly

Sep 30th, 2022 10:49 am | By

Political bodies think they have the power to change reality by passing motions.

A council can “state clearly” whatever it likes, but stating it doesn’t make it true.

A council can state clearly that carrots are alligators; that doesn’t make it true.

Also, it’s not “phobic” to spot an untrue statement.

The important stuff

Sep 30th, 2022 10:16 am | By
The important stuff

Eyes on the prize!

Mind you, he cheats at golf.

Boy gets girls punished for “harassing” him

Sep 30th, 2022 8:36 am | By

Tune in for another episode of “Surely you are making this up”:

Randolph High Schools girl’s volleyball team has been banned from its own locker room while school officials investigate a conflict involving a transgender student on the team.

Girls, you see. Always making trouble, always picking on the boys, always starting fights.

Vermont education policy says students can play sports and use the locker room corresponding to their gender. But some members of the Randolph girl’s volleyball team objected to having a transgender teammate in the room while they were changing.

No, it’s not the “transgender” they object to, it’s the boy.

Isn’t it funny how this doesn’t come up with boys and their locker rooms? No, it isn’t, because it’s so obvious why. Boys are predators and girls are their prey. Of course boys aren’t going to object to a girl stupid enough to take her clothes off in their locker room.

[Blake] Allen [one of the girls] says that the dispute started when the trans student made an inappropriate comment while members of the volleyball team were getting changed. She says her issue is not with having the trans student on the team or at school, but specifically in the locker room. “There are biological boys that go into the girl’s bathroom but never a locker room,” Allen said.

The issue is also with having the boy on the girls’ team, but whatever.

In an email to families, school officials wrote that the school has “plenty of space where students who feel uncomfortable with the laws may change in privacy.”

You mean a spare locker room they can use? No.

“They want all the girls who feel uncomfortable — so pretty much 10 girls — to get changed in a single stall bathroom, which would take over 30 minutes. Where if one person got changed separately, it would take a minute, like no extra time,” Allen said.

Yawn; this is about the boy’s opportunity to get attention, not the girls’ ability to keep playing their sport.

In the email to parents, school officials say they are conducting an investigation into allegations the girls harassed the transgender boy student.

There it is. School officials are framing this as girls harassing this boy in their locker room.

Vermont Agency of Education officials were not available for comment Wednesday. AOE policy states, in part, that “The use of restrooms and locker rooms by transgender students requires schools to consider numerous factors…” But it goes on to state that “A transgender student should not be required to use a locker room or restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity.”

Always always always the neutral neuter anodyne “transgender” student when the issue is the boy student. We’re not even allowed to name the problem, and the media obligingly perpetuate the coverup.

A larger spectrum

Sep 30th, 2022 3:23 am | By

Stupidity on the rampage:

Nearly two dozen graduate students at the University of Southern Maine are demanding their education professor be replaced after the professor allegedly said only two biological sexes exist.

“Allegedly.” The professor allegedly said humans don’t have wings.

The students said professor Christy Hammer’s remarks were inaccurate and transphobic.

The students were wrong.

All but one of them walked out, they demanded a “restorative justice” meeting (as if she’d committed an injustice), they got their wish but she refused to lie for them.

Biologists believe there is a larger spectrum to sex than just the male-female binary.

No they don’t. The link is to that SciAm article that SciAm should never have published.

University officials have yet to make a decision on the request, but students say they don’t want to return to class until they get a new instructor.

Waaa. Waaaaaaa. Don’t WANNA go back to class. Wanna new instructor!! One that will lie to us!!!!

“I want her to do some diversity training at least — or just retire,” said student Elizabeth Leibiger, who plans to become a high school English teacher.

And teach high school students that it’s inaccurate and transphobic to say there are two sexes.

One student wasn’t in class that day, a “non-binary” student who “uses the pronoun they.” “They” learned about the crime from other students.

When Leibiger arrived for the next class, on Sept. 14, they immediately brought up the discussion again.

“I asked [Hammer] how many sexes there were,” Leibiger said. “She said, ‘Two.’ I felt under personal attack.”

There’s the narcissism right there. Reality is a personal attack. Naming reality is a personal attack. Not participating in the fantasy is a personal attack. Meanwhile, what the stalinist students are doing to the professor is of course not a personal attack at all, it’s restorative justice.

Leibiger then gathered their things and walked out of class because they no longer felt respected.

Leibiger then gathered their things and walked out of class because they spotted an opportunity for extra attention.

“I let her know I didn’t think she was qualified to teach a class about positive learning environments,” Leibiger said. “It’s the ultimate irony.”

Back atcha, punk.

So they all got together in the hall and decided to demand “a facilitated restorative justice meeting with their professor and the single student who agreed with her.” How dare that student agree with her! There are at least 87 sexes, it’s been proven!

“We thought she was just speaking from a place of ignorance, not hate,” Leibiger said.

While also of course thinking they the students were speaking from a place of complete and perfect knowledge, not social contagion and tragic gullibility.

The meeting took place Wednesday, and the sole student who had disagreed reportedly apologized to classmates. But Hammer maintained her position on the binary nature of sex.

“I went in very optimistic, but at the end of the three hour session it felt like we weren’t listened to,” said Lombardi, who plans to teach high school science.

Three fucking hours of being harangued by a pack of delusional fad-embracing Young Adults. Imagine the tedium of it.

Lombardi said he wasn’t sure if he and his classmates would show up to the next scheduled class on Oct. 5 if university administrators didn’t agree to replace Hammer. But he’s hoping it will happen.

“Knowing in my heart, as a teacher, that I always want to have my ears open to what my students are saying, and then not have that reciprocated — it was very frustrating,” Lombardi said.

Yes so frustrating to be unable to bully their professor into teaching a stupid lie. I hope the university tells them to go swim across the Atlantic.

Cue the stirring music

Sep 29th, 2022 5:32 pm | By

It’s not what you think.


No need to comply

Sep 29th, 2022 4:11 pm | By

Jesus christ, I go outside to do other things for a few hours and look what I come back to.

Cannon rules Trump lawyers don’t have to clarify claims on Mar-a-Lago documents

Judge Aileen M. Cannon told Donald Trump’s lawyers Thursday that they did not need to comply with an order from special master Raymond J. Dearie and state in a court filing whether they believe FBI agents lied about documents seized from the former president’s Florida residence.

Thursday’s ruling was the first clash between Cannon, a Trump appointee who has generally shown the former president deference in litigation over the Mar-a-Lago investigation [YA THINK???], and Dearie, a federal judge she appointed as an outside expert in the case, who appears to be far more skeptical of Trump.

Dearie last week told the former president’s legal team that they couldn’t suggest in court filings that the government’s description of the seized documents — including whether they were classified — was inaccurate without providing any evidence. He ordered them to submit to the court by Oct. 7 any specific inaccuracies they saw in the government’s inventory list of seized items.

It would have been a key test of Trump’s legal strategy, as his lawyers decided whether to back up Trump’s controversial public claims that the FBI planted items at his residence and that he had declassified all the classified documents before leaving office — or whether they would take a more conciliatory approach.

But according to Cannon, who has the authority to overrule Dearie’s orders, such a decision is not required right now.

Judge Fixy McFixface has done Trump’s bidding.

She also said Trump could have weeks more time than Dearie had allowed.

H/t Screechy Monkey

Updating to add the quick and dirty version:

Cannon: Shut up. He doesn’t have to answer your stupid questions. You don’t even go to this school.

CFI wins a round

Sep 29th, 2022 12:10 pm | By

Here’s a bit of good news:

This morning, a three judge panel for the D.C. Court of Appeals, the highest court in the District, reversed the dismissal of suits the Center for Inquiry brought against Walmart and CVS over claims that they deceived customers by marketing fake medicine as if it were real.

Walmart and CVS shelve homeopathic products alongside real medicine. This placement is deceptive to consumers who can easily confuse it for scientifically-tested products that provably work – which they are not. CFI’s suits had been dismissed by two lower D.C. courts.

This is not a joke. The local big drug chain, Bartell Drugs, does the same thing. It’s infuriating. Of course consumers are confused by it. Homeopathic cold remedy=water.

But today, in a unanimous opinion written by Senior Judge Phyllis D. Thompson, the appeals court ruled that the placement of products on a store shelf does, in fact, communicate information to consumers that they can rely upon and be deceived by.

In addition, the court reversed the lower courts’ rulings that held CFI cannot bring claims on behalf of consumers under the D.C. law because it is not a consumer protection organization. The appellate court correctly determined that CFI’s longstanding work against the fraud of homeopathy and all pseudoscience qualifies it as a consumer protection organization.


Dinner plates or salad plates?

Sep 29th, 2022 10:42 am | By

Katy Montgomerie is throwing his weight around again.

Montgomerie is a white man and a full-time bully. He’s not part of a “vulnerable minority.”

Eleven is a LOT.

Mermaids training sessions

Sep 29th, 2022 8:48 am | By

At last:

Mermaids is being investigated by the Charity Commission after The Telegraph revealed “red flags” in its dealings with children.

The regulator said it had opened a “regulatory compliance case” after concerns were raised about the trans charity’s “approach to safeguarding young people”. The charity has been sending potentially dangerous breast binding devices to children behind their parents’ backs and discussing with them how puberty blocking drugs are “totally reversible”.

Mermaids, which receives funding from the taxpayer and runs training sessions for schools, the NHS and police forces, has been contacted by the regulator.

“Training sessions” forsooth. For schools and the National Health Service and the police – all institutions where you really want to get the training right.

Just go to the Plaza

Sep 29th, 2022 6:40 am | By

It’s all very well to order people to evacuate, but a lot of people have no way to evacuate. In order to evacuate you need at least two things: a destination, and a way to get there. The Post tells us:

As Hurricane Ian barreled toward the nation’s third-most-populous state, millions were urged to evacuate. Many did, clogging up highways as they fanned out across Florida and beyond. But countless people defied the orders — even in some of the most vulnerable parts of the state, which could get up to 18 feet of storm surge.

[Rafael] Baca, who is riding out the storm with his in-laws, wife and her brothers, said they talked about leaving but decided they couldn’t afford it.

“We don’t have the money for it now, to just leave,” he said. Hotel stays, gas and meals can easily top $1,000 and could be much steeper if evacuees can’t return home for several days.

That applies to a lot of people.

It starts slowly

Sep 29th, 2022 5:35 am | By

A storm surge in action.