Shills for Mohammed

Jul 22nd, 2024 9:46 am | By

NPR wants women to conceal their slutty hair.

When the 2024 Olympics start this week, France won’t allow its athletes to wear headscarves during the games – seemingly in contrast with the Olympic charter’s calls for respect of religion and protection of human rights.

Rules about what competitors can wear are secular and impartial. Religion is simply beside the point.

A recent report from Amnesty International calls France’s restrictions on religious attire blatant discrimination and a researcher for the human rights nonprofit told NPR’s Morning Edition that, beyond being unfair, the move could cause systemic issues for women athletes in France.

The bans have a wider impact on women in sports, dashing the hopes of female athletes in France, said Anna Błuś, a researcher for Amnesty International. Amateur soccer, basketball and volleyball leagues also don’t permit women to wear hijabs during play.

Because the rules have to be the same for everyone.

The International Olympic Committee said in a statement to NPR that the host country considers athletes representing it as civil servants.

“This means that they must respect the principles of secularism and neutrality, which, according to French law, means prohibition from wearing outwardly religious symbols, including the hijab, veil and headscarf when they are acting in their official capacity and on official occasions as members of the French national team,” the statement read. “The same secular approach also applies, for instance, to civil servants and teachers.”

What I’m saying. The games are secular – that means neutral. NPR is siding with theocracy. Don’t be like NPR.

Felon quakes

Jul 22nd, 2024 9:05 am | By

Normally, I think I wouldn’t be very keen on a prosecutor as the Dem candidate. They’re necessary of course, but the whole law & order lock ’em up crack down on the hoodlums thing tends to be vindictive right-wing racist dog-whistling. Normally. But given Trump’s flagrant criminality and hostility to all norms that don’t favor him, having a prosecutor up against him seems oddly reassuring.

Now that Biden has stepped aside — and with even more of her potential opponents planning to endorse her by the end of the day Monday — over a dozen advisers and close allies told CNN they think her candidacy will lean heavily on her background as a district attorney, attorney general and cross examiner in Senate hearings.

It is simple, they say: prosecutor versus felon.

And shameless felon at that. Brazen, determined, lifelong, ruthless felon.

“As a former prosecutor, Vice President Harris has a lot of experience holding convicted felons accountable,” said Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a former primary opponent in the 2020 Democratic race who quickly endorsed Harris after the news of Biden’s decision broke. “She was fighting on behalf of abused women. She was in the trenches against giant banks. She was out in the middle of multiple fights every day as a prosecutor and then attorney general in California.”

Warren noted that she first met Harris before either got to the Senate, when she was then setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the then-California attorney general was taking on big banks over the mortgage crisis.

“It’s such a beautiful juxtaposition,” said Mini Timmaraju, president of Reproductive Freedom for All. “Her whole career she’s been taking on tough cases and tough characters like Donald Trump. Her reputation has grown from her success in putting bad guys away. And now she has the chance to put the ultimate bad guy away for good.”

Well when you put it that way…

House prices in the West Midlands

Jul 22nd, 2024 8:06 am | By

BBC: cost of living.

At the top: a big glam photo of Emma Harris in a puffy-sleeves dress with flowing blonde hair. Caption: “Emma Harris says the fact that she can’t save for a deposit to buy a house makes her want to cry”

Only one in eight renters can afford to buy in the area in which they live, research suggests. High rent, bills and house prices mean it is more difficult for renters to buy their first home than it is for existing owners to move on, according to Skipton Group. Its new index, compiled by Oxford Economics, claims renters are four times less likely to be able to buy than homeowners.

Software engineer Emma Harris earns £50,000 a year and said the cost of renting and bills takes up about two-thirds of her salary. “I am not likely to ever own a house and it’s just depressing,” she said. She lives in Birmingham, and last year the average price of a first-time buyer home in the West Midlands was £215,000.

Ms Harris said: “I feel completely trapped in the situation I am in. The chances of me owning my own house are pretty much non-existent. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to shout, and do various other things but none of them solve the issue – that I don’t have the money to put away each month to scrape together the money for a deposit.”

Slightly weird reporting, it seems to me. Strange emphasis on her wanting to cry and scream.

It turns out there’s a reason for that.

Ohhhhh. That explains it.

I saw the BBC story before I saw rip’s tweet, and it didn’t occur to me that “Emma Harris” is a man. I didn’t look carefully at the photo because one doesn’t, does one – we assume the respectable news outlet we’re reading doesn’t lie to us. Even after all this time we assume that. The Beeb nowhere says that “Emma Harris” is a trans woman, it just calls him “Emma Harris” and “she” – in short it lies to us.

So all the blither about wanting to scream and wail and sob and shriek is to ram home the message that this is a delicate fragile emotional maudlin WOMAN god damn it.

The BBC is really in the sewer.

How to do worthless research on purpose

Jul 21st, 2024 5:05 pm | By

Via Rev David Brindley, another case of researchers sabotaging their own research by including men in a study of women.

Submissions sought from ‘anyone who identifies as a woman, though they may have a different sex at birth’

Biological males who identify as female, and their doctors, are being encouraged to take part in a Victorian taxpayer-funded inquiry that was set up to investigate women’s pain, including chronic issues like endometriosis and menopause.

So they’re deliberately making their own research useless.

So what’s the point? Why not skip the whole thing?

The move has been panned by Women’s Forum Australia chief executive Rachael Wong, who said it “makes a mockery of women’s pain and women are understandably angry”.

“It’s absurd to have to state the obvious, but it is physiol­ogically impossible for men to experience female health conditions or the pain that comes with them,” she said.

“Many of these conditions, like endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), have a devastating impact on women’s quality of life, yet are under-diagnosed and under-treated.”

So why kneecap the study?

Maybe they’ve arranged things so that the data from the men are quietly separated from the real data? Maybe it’s all for show and the findings are thrown out while the men aren’t looking?

It is understood the decision to include transgender people in the inquiry was made after the government received backlash for not being inclusive enough during its Women’s Health Survey in 2023.

A Victorian government spokesman said: “A range of demographic data is being collected … to ensure recommendations are robust and reflect the diversity of women’s experiences of pain.”

Don’t be so childish. The diversity of women’s experiences of pain has nothing to do with men’s experiences of pain. If you want to do a study on people’s experience of pain then include trans women by all means, but this is said to be a study on women’s experience of pain. Pick one.

Next up

Jul 21st, 2024 11:08 am | By

Not a hoax.


President Joe Biden announced he will not seek reelection amid continued pressure following a disastrous debate performance last month that left many in his party questioning whether he should continue to seek reelection. He will serve out the remainder of his term.

So we’ve got about 15 minutes to campaign for Kamala Harris.


Jul 21st, 2024 11:00 am | By

Despite the risks

Jul 21st, 2024 10:00 am | By

JL at The Glinner Update:

A medical journal has published an article by a group of trans activist academics which advocates the taking of testosterone by trans-identified females during pregnancy, despite the proven and potential risks to the unborn child.

The trans activist academics are not, repeat not, academics in medical fields. They’re all sociologists.

Monthly medical journal, Qualitative Research in Health, has published an article titled ‘Medical Uncertainty and Reproduction of the ‘Normal’: Decision-Making Around Testosterone Therapy in Transgender Pregnancy’.

Scare-quotes on “normal.” That’s the ticket. Deliberately invite birth defects because “normal” is in the eye of the beholder. Yay sociology!

The authors are Carla A Pfeffer, an associate professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan whose work focuses on sex and gender, Sally Hines, a professor of Sociology at the University of Sheffield whose work focuses on gender studies, Ruth Pearce, a lecturer in Community Development at Glasgow University and senior fellow at the Centre for Applied Transgender Studies, Damien W Riggs, a research fellow at Flinders University in Australia whose work focuses on ‘family diversity’, Elizabeth Ruspini, a Sociology professor at the University of Milan whose work focuses on gender studies, and ‘non-binary’ Francis Ray White, a reader in Sociology at the University of Westminster whose work focuses on gender studies.

You will notice that they don’t have one single medical qualification between them.

Yeah I did notice that. It loomed quite large.

We might take a closer look at Ruth Pearce. He is a trans-identified male who describes himself as “A healthcare activist, punk musician, and feminist researcher, specialising in transgender studies and community development”. He says his specialist areas of research are trans health, ethnography and autoethnography, internet studies, women and gender studies, feminist and queer theory, and trans cultural studies.

He has a PhD in sociology from Warwick University.

Returning to the authors of this paper as a whole, they were the team behind the ‘Pregnant Man Project’ which was described as “An International Exploration of Trans Male Practices of Reproduction”. Not only only did they receive generous funding from Leeds University, the team also received a £500,000 grant from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The ESRC is a subsidiary of UK Research and Innovation, a public body of the UK Government funded through the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. 

That seems astounding to me.

All this “support” and “love” stuff is possible because it doesn’t cost anything, but giving away half a million pounds for fantasies about pregnant men? Why? Why would anyone ever?

The article is a quagmire of buzzwords and trans-speak such as ‘pregnant people’, ‘chest feeding’ and ‘cisnormative’. Pfeffer et al argue that ‘gendered’ pregnancy care is too focused on helping women to have healthy babies and that it is acceptable for ‘transmen’ to continue taking testosterone during pregnancy, despite the proven and potential risks to the foetus. They claim that the desire for ‘normal foetal outcomes’ is problematic because it is born of a wish to protect babies “From becoming anything other than ‘normal’” and reflects the “Historical and ongoing social practices for creating ‘ideal’ and normative bodies.

What the unprotected babies will grow up to think about it is irrelevant, it seems.


Jul 21st, 2024 9:04 am | By

Now for the fun part: feeling grumpy after that BBC shock-horror over a “pride” flag I clicked on a feel-good item about a guy who takes his parrots to Primrose Hill to fly around.

Meet Happy and Scarlet.

Mandatory pride flags every 10 feet

Jul 21st, 2024 8:54 am | By

The cops are in a fine old rage about the “hate crime” against a trans flag so I found myself wondering what the perps did to the flag that was so hate crimeish. Threats of murder and torture? Or not quite as harsh as that? So I went looking for the previous “hate crime.”

Pride flag vandalism investigated as hate crime

As hate crime” – meaning it’s not actually a hate crime but the cops decided to pretend otherwise, because after all, trans people are the most persecuted injured threatened tormented people on the planet. Don’t come at me with your Uighurs or refugees or migrants in tiny boats or women killed by the Taliban, they’re happy as Larry compared to our trans sisters.

What’s the vandalism? Paint. Someone painted over the pride flag.

The vandalism of Pride flags painted on a pavement in north-east London is being investigated as a hate crime, the Metropolitan Police has said.

Officers were called on Sunday after a large LGBTQ+ flag on the paving outside Forest Gate railway station was defaced with red paint. A further report was made on Wednesday after it was repainted, only to be targeted again.

Rude, yes, but then again, there’s a certain amount of rudeness in imposing all these “pride flags” in public spaces when other despised groups don’t get their flags painted all over everything. Where are the women flags? The people of color flags? The workers’ flags? The disability flags? Why does Pride get to suck up all the oxygen these days?

Maybe the people of Forest Gate have nothing against lesbians and gay men but are tired of seeing Pride flags painted all over everything and just don’t want another one. Did anyone even ask them?

Flag murder

Jul 21st, 2024 8:36 am | By

Oh my god not a flag!!!

The Beeb:

The Metropolitan Police has appealed to the public to help it identify a suspect after three painted Pride flags in north-east London were vandalised for a third time.

The incident, which happened outside Forest Gate railway station on 19 July, is being treated as a homophobic and transphobic hate crime, the force said. It follows previous incidents of damage on 23 and 26 June outside the same station.

Det Insp James Rush said the force would “not tolerate these disgusting, inexcusable hate crimes in Forest Gate”.

Do the police ever say they will not tolerate these disgusting, inexcusable hate crimes against women? Do the police even mention hate crimes against women much?

Det Insp Rush said: “We stand with the local LGBTQ+ community.”

Do the police ever say they stand with the local women community?

Not that I’ve seen. Maybe they’re too busy with flag crime. The BBC certainly is.

Appleby criticised the toxicity of the debate

Jul 21st, 2024 6:47 am | By

Lawyers accused of ‘dangerous and false’ trans suicide claims

That’s the Times saying that on Friday.

Activists lawyers are spreading “distressing and dangerous” claims that transgender children will kill themselves because of a ban on puberty blockers, a government review has found.

Professor Louis Appleby, the government’s adviser on suicide prevention, found that there was no evidence to support claims of a “surge” in suicides among trans children.

The Good Law Project, a campaign group led by the barrister Jolyon Maugham, has repeatedly invoked statistics on social media purporting to show an “explosion” in deaths among children being treated for gender dysphoria at the Tavistock and Portman NHS trust.

He loves attention, but perhaps not that kind of attention. Maybe that’s why he decided to write a love letter to himself and pretend it was from an admirer yesterday.

As a result, Appleby was asked by the government to conduct an independent review of NHS data. He found that it “does not support the claim that there has been a large rise in suicide in young gender dysphoria patients at the Tavistock”.

That’s interesting. Appleby conducted the review because of Maugham’s dangerous false claims. The latter must be feeling torn between thrills at the attention and rage at the exposure of his reckless harmful lies.

In his review, Appleby criticised the toxicity of the debate on social media. He said: “The way that this issue has been discussed on social media has been insensitive, distressing and dangerous, and goes against guidance on safe reporting of suicide. One risk is that young people and their families will be terrified by predictions of suicide as inevitable without puberty blockers — some of the responses on social media show this.

“Another is identification: already-distressed adolescents hearing the message that ‘people like you, facing similar problems, are killing themselves’, leading to imitative suicide or self-harm, to which young people are particularly susceptible.

“Then there is the insensitivity of the ‘dead child’ rhetoric. Suicide should not be a slogan or a means to winning an argument.”

Appleby is a psychiatrist based at the University of Manchester who leads the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England. His review detailed how the Good Law Project had shared online claims of a surge in suicides since puberty blockers were banned.

Maugham should be feeling and displaying scalding shame and remorse. He’s not. Instead he’s displaying new levels of vanity and narcissism.

Shouting and blinking

Jul 20th, 2024 5:10 pm | By

God this is brutal. The Telegraph on Biden:

“Anyway” is a word that is constantly being used by Mr Biden – seemingly when he senses he is starting to lose track of what he is saying.

The US president sometimes uses it as a filler, giving himself time to marshal his thoughts before returning to the subject. More disconcertingly, he often uses it to change subject abruptly or trail off altogether.

Mr Biden uses “look” in a similar manner to “anyway” – to throw himself a lifeline when he cannot remember how a sentence is meant to end.

The tactic, if not elegant, puts a stop to the long silences that marred his debate performance and stops him wandering up a rhetorical blind alley.

In a recent NBC News interview, he was asked about his “first reaction” to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.

“My first reaction was, “My God. This is –” Mr Biden said, and promptly lost track of the sentence. “Look, there’s so much violence now and the way we talk about it.”

He went on to use the word repeatedly in the interview while being pressed about his comments on putting Trump in a “bullseye”.

“I was talking about focus on – look,” he said, blinking rapidly and holding out his hands as if trying to physically grasp his answer. “The truth of the matter was what I guess I was talking about at the time was there was very little focus on Trump’s agenda.”

But recently his speech has become less distinct, as he slurs his words and mumbles to the point where it is impossible to work out what he is saying.

In his NBC News interview, this happened when he was asked whether he would drop out of the race if he repeated his disastrous debate performance.

“What happened…” Mr Biden said before tailing off. NBC’s transcribers gave up at that point, marking the rest of the sentence “INAUDIBLE”.

At the Nato press conference, he suddenly became animated by the subject of school shootings, which had not even been mentioned by his questioner.

“More children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death,” he shouted in an apparent fury, making stabbing motions with one hand while the other clenched his lectern.

His voice raised and brows tightly knitted together, he continued: “The United States of America. What the hell are we doing?” A few seconds later, he clenched his fist and waved it in the air.

Abrupt changes in volume have become a hallmark of Mr Biden’s speeches.

While he is prone to suddenly start shouting, at other times he will break into an exaggerated stage whisper without warning.

The habit is more common in press conferences than set-piece speeches, where the president seems to be suggesting to reporters that – even though up on stage with a microphone – he is confiding in them.

The effect can be slightly eerie, however. Unfriendly news outlets have dubbed it the “creepy whisper”.

He stares a lot.

In his first presidential debate with Trump in 2020, Mr Biden barely looked at his opponent and treated him as an irritating side-show.

While the Republican hectored, heckled and interrupted him, the Democrat stuck to his scripted remarks, addressing them to the studio audience or speaking directly to the camera.

The positions were reversed in their latest showdown in June. Mr Biden spent much of the night in profile as he turned over to stare at Trump, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in a permanent expression of befuddlement.

Recently, the Democrat has developed a habit of appearing to stare off blankly into space at public events.

At a “Juneteenth” concert in the grounds of the White House, Mr Biden appeared frozen, grinning vaguely while his arms stuck rigidly at his side. The impression was likely not helped by his spinal arthritis.

He appeared wide-eyed in a recent NBC News interview, as he defended himself from accusations of cognitive decline.

“My mental acuity’s been pretty damn good,” he insisted, sliding out of his chair towards interviewer Lester Holt, while staring at him unblinkingly. “I’ve gotten more done than any president has in a long, long time.”

And then there’s blinking.

A key sign that Mr Biden is struggling to recall something is that he will blink rapidly when he is trying to respond.

He spent much of the presidential debate struggling to dredge up various facts and figures, blinking constantly as he cast his mind back to practice sessions at Camp David.

During his NBC News interview, he blinked rapidly at the start of virtually every question as he tried to marshal his thoughts.

“The truth of the matter was what I guess I was talking about at the time was there’s very little focus on Trump’s agenda,” he said at one point, blinking 17 times in the space of a few seconds.


A blight on Kensington

Jul 20th, 2024 4:38 pm | By

Hm. Should we get in a huff because the Royal Parks admit that there are some aspects of the Albert Memorial that are a tad shall we say embarrassing?

I would say nah. The empire stuff is embarrassing. Also – and the Telegraph leaves this bit out – Al’s Mem has always been seen by many as a tad vulgar, to say the least. It’s also always been seen by many as an ugly blot on a beautiful park. It’s never been universally embraced as just a wonderful gift to the nation. Let’s not forget: Q. Victoria was considered very self-indulgent and derelict for going into such complete seclusion after Albert died. She had a job to do and she refused to do it; that was not universally admired.

The 176ft Albert Memorial opposite the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington Gardens, west London, was built to honour Queen Victoria’s late husband in 1872, when the British Empire stretched across the globe. 

It includes a golden sculpture of the Prince Consort himself, along with four groups of large statues representing the people and animals of four continents.

Asia is depicted as a woman on an elephant, America as a native American [man], and Africa as a woman riding a camel. The African sculpture also includes a white European woman reading a book to a black African tribesman.

Funny that the Telegraph thinks it needs to specify “woman” but “man” is automatic. Default-male much?

The Royal Parks website now says that the Albert Memorial’s “representation of certain continents draws on racial stereotypes that are now considered offensive”.

It tells how Victorian guidebooks about the memorial “describe how this ‘uncivilised’ man hunches over his bow. This pose was intended to represent him ‘rising up from barbarism’, thanks to his Western teacher. At his feet lie broken chains, which allude to Britain’s role in the abolition of slavery”.

Is it so terrible to include some commentary of that kind? I don’t think so.

From a maja figga

Jul 20th, 2024 3:56 pm | By
From a maja figga

Oh man. There isn’t enough cringe in the world to deal with this one. Jolyon Maugham claims to be in receipt of a drooling mash note from someone Very Important, but when you go to read the mash note you find that it’s obviously written by Joly himself. Nobody else on the planet could or would possibly have written it. I’m genuinely surprised he didn’t realize how obvious that is. It’s like “I agree with PollyO” all over again.

Excuse me excuse me. People don’t talk like that.

Cringe cringe CRINGE.

But he’s Irish

Jul 20th, 2024 11:03 am | By

We’re waiting for the wings to fall off before we decide to make an emergency landing.

Democrats were caught in an apparent stalemate on Saturday as a dug-in Joe Biden continued to endure high-profile calls to end his re-election campaign after a week of astonishing party moves to unseat the president in favor of a candidate many hope will be more likely to beat Donald Trump.

In the weeks since his disastrous debate performance against Trump, the 81-year-old Biden has attempted to fight off calls for him to step down from the top of the ticket amid concerns that his age and mental acuity are no longer up to the job.

Well you can see his point. There’s no need for mental acuity in the job he’s going for.

Frustration within the Democratic party establishment at what they see as Biden’s intransigence comes as the outlet also reported on Saturday that the president in private is complaining that former aides to presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton would be lecturing him on election strategy after Democratic 1994 and 2010 midterm election losses that he had avoided in 2022.

There’s that mental acuity now. The issue isn’t so much election strategy as it is the wings have fallen off and the ground is getting closer by the second.

According to the Washington Post on Saturday, the tight-knit Biden family has not called an emergency meeting to discuss the spiraling crisis, but is instead exchanging usual daily phone calls and text messages.

Rising anger within the family, which has enjoyed nearly half a century of Joe Biden’s power in Delaware, both as a senator, vice-president and president, is fueled by the belief that his dismal debate performance could still be overcome by a determined fight back and a display of loyalty. “It’s like they don’t know he’s Irish,” the Post quoted a person close to the family.

Oh fuck off with that. We don’t care that he’s Irish. We care about those wings that are gone.

Guest post: The real complexity of the moral struggles of the past

Jul 20th, 2024 10:31 am | By

Originally a comment by Alan Peakall on Progress has a plan.

Perhaps better history teaching covering the real ugly complexity of the moral struggles of the past should be part of the solution. A good example to start with would the the checkered relationship between the anti-slavery Republican Party of Lincoln and the nativist penumbra adjacent to it which gave rise to a vociferously anti immigrant state government in Massachussets with a sterling record of socially reformist measures. Instead popular culture gives us Gangs of New York.

Around the beginning of the current century the aphorism that Marxism filled a God-shaped hole was succeeded by the wisecrack that European integration filled a Marx-shaped hole. I think that Francis Spufford captured the idea more elegantly at the conclusion of Red Plenty in the rhetorical question “Can it be otherwise?”. It’s because we are human that it can’t be otherwise and equally because we are human that we can’t accept that it can’t be otherwise.

GLP exposed

Jul 20th, 2024 9:14 am | By

Jolyon must be feeling So Important.

Review dismisses claims youth suicides rose after NHS curbed puberty blockers

A government-ordered review has dismissed claims that suicide rates in young people with gender dysphoria have risen sharply since the NHS restricted access to puberty-blocking drugs.

A report by the government’s adviser on suicide prevention also found that the claims – made by the campaign group the Good Law Project – were not supported by data and could prompt children under the age of 18 to take their own life.

See there? A shoutout to Jolyon and his project – a shoutout saying he was wrong at best and lying at worst, but hey, it’s still a shoutout. He does love attention, that man.

The health secretary, Wes Streeting, last week asked Prof Louis Appleby, a leading authority on mental health at Manchester University, to look at suicide rates among current and former patients of the now-discontinued gender identity development service (Gids) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS trust.

He looked, and reported he had found no evidence to back up the claims.

“The data do not support the claim that there has been a large rise in suicide by young patients attending the gender services at the Tavistock since the High Court ruling in 2020 or after any other recent date,” his analysis concluded. It covered the care received by and outcomes seen among patients of the London-based specialist mental heath trust.

The Good Law Project’s executive director, Jo Maugham, said in response: “I was not contacted in advance of the statement being released and will obviously need time to respond. I do have difficulties with the figures and analysis and will respond in due course.”

Diddums wasn’t contacted. Diddums is caught saying untrue things about suicide among teenagers and Diddums is annoyed that he wasn’t contacted.

As well as finding no evidence to support the suicide claims, Appleby also highlighted “the way that this issue has been discussed on social media has been insensitive, distressing and dangerous, and goes against [Samaritans] guidance on safe reporting of suicide”.

“The claims that have been placed in the public domain do not meet basic standards for statistical evidence,” he added.

He flagged up the possibility of “already-distressed adolescents hearing the message that ‘people like you, facing similar problems, are killing themselves’, leading to imitative suicide or self-harm”.

Which many people have been pointing out to Maugham all along, and which he has determinedly ignored.

Making up history

Jul 20th, 2024 8:45 am | By

Radio 4 has a thing on…LGBTQ Life in Weimar Germany

There was no such thing. For some reason, Weimar Germany was not 2024 London, so it didn’t have people throwing paint around at the Tate Gallery and it didn’t have LGBTQ life. It was a different place and it was a century ago. Different things are different.

Gonna do it anyway nyah

Jul 20th, 2024 8:15 am | By

Under the counter hormones for the kids:

The former CEO of trans youth charity Mermaids is launching a private clinic that will “exploit a legal loophole” to bypass the ban on puberty blockers, [i news] can reveal.

Susie Green, who left the controversial charity in 2022, will open Anne Health this weekend to provide a range of medical, pharmaceutical, and psychological support services – including puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and counselling – to transgender people of all ages.

But puberty blockers are not “medical services” for transgender people.

But the loopholes that Ms Green’s clinic will use to provide medication to young people raise questions about the effectiveness, scope, and robustness of the government’s ban. i understands that DHSC officials are willing to explore the possibility of criminal sanctions against anyone involved in the supply of puberty blockers.

Maybe science can come up with just plain adulthood blockers, so that people can remain 11 years old for 60 or 70 extra years. No doubt they will have some harsh side effects but it will be worth it.

The clinic will defer to treatment protocols established by WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, she said.

WPATH is not without controversy. It is a membership-funded advisory body that provides guidance on transgender health to a wide range of organisations, but has come under fire recently for using low quality sources. Ms Green co-authored the most recent version of its guidelines.

Cool, so she’s promising to defer to her own guidelines. How very responsible of her.

The reason he was able to keep going

Jul 19th, 2024 6:03 pm | By

Oh hey, it turns out Mridul Wadhwa is on involuntary leave. At long last. Now they need to make it permanent.

Mridul Wadhwa, a man who identifies as a woman, was sent home in May by the board of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) after being identified as the “invisible hand” behind a “heresy hunt” designed to force out Roz Adams, a counsellor with gender-critical views.

The outcry over Wadhwa’s behaviour intensified following the sentencing this week of Cameron Downing, a coercive and manipulative male sex offender, who identified as non-binary and claimed to have received extensive support from ERCC.

It’s almost as if trans ideology/activism attracts poisonous people, isn’t it.

Downing, 24, was sentenced to six years in prison after he was convicted of ten charges including assault, sexual assault and domestic abuse. He falsely accused a male partner of rape and then blackmailed him into carrying out sexual acts. He was also convicted of sexual assault against three women and another man.

Before his arrest, Downing said ERCC was the reason he was “able to keep going” and he “cannot put into words how much they’ve helped me”.

ERCC helped him do all that? So it’s not so much a rape crisis centre as a rape encouragement centre?

It has now emerged that Wadhwa was suspended when a tribunal concluded nine weeks ago. “Mridul is not on leave voluntarily; she has been put on leave,” a source said.

Wadhwa was found to have orchestrated a campaign against Adams after the counsellor had expressed sympathy with a victim’s wish to have only a female counsellor.

He’s a truly poisonous man. Running a rape crisis centre. Now will they believe this ideology isn’t the latest best most compassionate thing?