Last three out

Aug 22nd, 2023 11:37 am | By

Ah good, they’re all safe.

Pakistan’s interior ministry says the remaining three people have been rescued from the cable car, meaning the operation has now concluded.

Life is precarious in mountainous regions with weak infrastructure. Homemade cable cars are abundant in north-western Pakistan.

Every word including “and” and “the”

Aug 22nd, 2023 11:28 am | By

The National (Scotland) publishes a sack of drivel by one Emma Grae about Graham Linehan the Heretic:

After I tweeted in defence of trans women following the jailing of convicted trans rapist Isla Byrson earlier this year, stating that painting all trans women with the same brush as her is equivalent comparing all cisgender women to Myra Hindley, he called me a “vichy feminist” and challenged me to name “a few more Myra Hindleys”.

What the hell is a trans rapist? Bryson is a real rapist. He’s a trans woman but he’s not a trans rapist. And that comparison is ridiculous. All women=half the people on the planet; all trans women=a tiny fraction of people on the planet.

Also it’s tarring with the same brush, not painting. Also it’s Bryson, not Byrson.

Also, it’s Vichy, not vichy. If you don’t know what Vichy was, ffs find out.

Looking back, his challenge is haunting in light of the recent conviction of Britain’s worst modern female serial killer, Lucy Letby – a cisgender woman. It certainly reflects the fact that it is wrong to suggest that trans and gender variant people are any more likely to commit heinous crimes than anyone else.

No it doesn’t. Why? Because it’s just one item. One is not enough to be statistically significant.

Glinner appears to be a man who wants to silence those who disagree with him, whether it’s by questioning their right to make a decision, name-calling, or simply by making his voice heard regardless.

Making his voice heard regardless is not silencing those who disagree with him. This piece is really dumb.

The fact that only 50 people turned up to his eventual gig outside the Scottish Parliament after a second venue cancelled the show once again shows that his views are not in line with the majority of Scottish people’s.

No it doesn’t. Canceling and changing venue is going to cut down on the audience with each tweak.

Although free speech is important, when it involves the targeted harassment of some of society’s most vulnerable people — in the last year alone, hate crimes against trans people doubled in England and Wales — restrictions have to be put in place.

Disputing trans ideology is not targeted harassment, and men who claim to be women are not some of society’s most vulnerable people.

What happened to quality control?

Origin myth

Aug 22nd, 2023 10:43 am | By

All the other Pythons went to the Imperial.

Trans heroes through history

Aug 22nd, 2023 10:11 am | By

The sack of Rome – the Black Death – crossing the Atlantic – the Hindenburg – trans people were front and center on all occasions.

C’est quoi ce rigolo?

Aug 22nd, 2023 9:19 am | By

And at the same time everyone is pointing and laughing at the eleventy seventh idenniny crisis of Mx Knox.

Oooooooooooh does he? Despite having done so before, and before that, and…? How exciting!

The Star hastily closed comments, but not before one speedy responder had time to say “No one cares.”

Led to believe

Aug 22nd, 2023 8:56 am | By

This is so pathetically stupid and destructive.

That’s the first tweet of…I don’t know, forty? Fifty? Way too many. The point of it all, of course, is that terfs are evil and it’s all their fault.

Only the third tweet of this enormous thread, and already we see the all too familiar problem: she thinks it’s “trans-hostile” to know that people can’t change sex and that trans ideology obliterates women’s rights. She confuses rejection of trans ideology with hatred of her “niece.”

Many tweets later –

That’s nice, that’s reasonable, that’s level-headed. People who know that boys are not girls are Nazis determined to destroy people.

Yep, she really is saying that we’re working up to genocide.

Stop those “riggers”

Aug 22nd, 2023 4:46 am | By

Trump uses racist tropes in his verbal attacks on prosecutors and similar.

Donald Trump’s aggressive response to his fourth criminal indictment in five months follows a strategy he has long used against legal and political opponents: relentless attacks, often infused with language that is either overtly racist or is coded in ways that appeal to racists.

The early Republican presidential front-runner has used terms such as “animal” and “rabid” to describe Black district attorneys. He has accused Black prosecutors of being “racist.” He has made unsupported claims about their personal lives. And on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump has deployed terms that rhyme with racial slurs as some of his supporters post racist screeds about the same targets.

While this is a well-worn strategy for Trump, his latest comments come at a particularly sensitive moment. On a personal level, a bond agreement signed on Monday by Trump’s lawyers and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis imposes restrictions on his communications, including those issued through social media. And more broadly, experts worry Trump’s broadsides will worsen online vitriol and inspire violence.

Of course they will. That’s why he issues them.

Even before Trump was charged in Georgia last week with multiple criminal counts related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he spent days assailing the prosecutor in the case with unfounded accusations and race-related attacks.

He wrote online that Willis was a “rabid partisan.” He ran an ad that claimed without evidence that she hid a relationship with a gang member she was prosecuting — an ad she called “derogatory and false” in an email to staff obtained by The Associated Press. He lobbed accusations that Willis, the first Black woman to hold her role, was “racist” and using the indictment as a “con job.”

After the indictment was filed, Trump sent an email highlighting parts of Willis’ background. Under a heading titled “A family steeped in hate,” Trump’s email notes her father’s identity as a former Black Panther and criminal defense attorney, as well as Willis’ stated pride in her Black heritage and Swahili first name, which means “prosperous.” Willis has been open about her father’s history and her heritage.

Trump calls other people “steeped in hate.” You couldn’t make it up.

Trump’s reaction to the Georgia charges match how he has responded to earlier indictments and investigations.

He has slammed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is Black, as a “Soros backed animal” even though George Soros, the Hungarian American and Jewish billionaire who conservatives frequently invoke as a boogeyman, doesn’t know and didn’t directly donate to Bragg, according to a Soros spokesman. The former president also claimed Bragg was a “degenerate psychopath” who “hates the USA.”

In a message last September on Truth Social, Trump referred to New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is Black, as “Racist A.G. Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James.” The nickname is similar to a term used to insult Black people.

And so on and so on.

Do it to her

Aug 21st, 2023 4:42 pm | By


But Joanne Harris is herself white middle-class. She’s also female, which I assume “vulnerable” is code for. She’s playing the Karen card, because……………I have no idea why she’s doing that.

A pattern of behavior

Aug 21st, 2023 4:18 pm | By

Trump was trash-talking about Brian Kemp and Fani Willis just this morning.

Governor Kemp of Georgia is fighting hard against the Impeachment of the crooked, incompetent, & highly partisan D.A. of Fulton County, Fani Willis, who has allowed Murder and other Violent Crime to MASSIVELY ESCALATE. Crime in Atlanta is WORST IN NATION. She should be impeached for many reasons, not just the Witch Hunt (I did nothing wrong!). Willis should focus on out of control Murder, not “I will get TRUMP” over a Perfect Phone Call. Georgia does not deserve this GIANT MURDER WAVE!

He won’t stop just because he’s required to.


Aug 21st, 2023 3:53 pm | By

The BBC on Trump’s out on bailitude:

A judge in Georgia overseeing former US President Donald Trump’s election interference case has set a bail bond of $200,000 (£157,000).

Mr Trump and his 18 co-defendants have until midday Friday to surrender to a court in Atlanta.

The bail filing says Mr Trump can remain free pending trial so long as he does not attempt to threaten or intimidate witnesses.

But he will. He won’t be able to do otherwise. He doesn’t take orders from anyone.

Mr Trump is also banned from committing any crimes, and can only have contact with the other co-defendants in the case with lawyers present.

He’ll probably do both of those things too.

In cash sir

Aug 21st, 2023 3:39 pm | By

Out on bail.

Former President Donald J. Trump’s bail was set at $200,000 on Monday in a sprawling racketeering case charging Mr. Trump and 18 associates with election interference in Georgia.

The move came as it became clear that Mr. Trump and the other defendants will be required to pay cash upon being booked in Atlanta, unlike in the three other criminal cases involving the former president.

Under the conditions of his bond agreement, Mr. Trump cannot violate state or federal laws or communicate with any co-defendants in the case except through his lawyers. He was told not to intimidate witnesses or co-defendants, or “otherwise obstruct the administration of justice,” by threatening them or 30 unindicted co-conspirators in the case.

He will threaten them though. We know he will.

He was also directed to “make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against the community or to any property in the community” including “posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,” the bond sheet states.

He will though.

Mr. Trump in the past has made inflammatory and sometimes false personal attacks online against Fani T. Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, who is leading the case.

The costs clearly worry some of the defendants in the Trump case; one of them, Cathy Latham, a former Republican Party official in Georgia who acted as a fake elector for Mr. Trump in 2020, has set up a legal-defense fund, describing herself as “a retired public-school teacher living on a teacher’s pension.” The $3,645 she has initially raised is well short of a $500,000 goal.

Gee, maybe it was a mistake to help Trump try to steal the election.

Jenna Ellis, a lawyer who played a central role in efforts to keep Mr. Trump in power after he lost in 2020, expressed frustration a few days after her indictment in the case at the looming legal costs. “Why isn’t MAGA, Inc. funding everyone’s defense?” she asked last week on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Because Trump is Trump. Duh.

A person briefed on the matter said that Ms. Ellis had not asked for help from a legal-defense fund formed recently by Mr. Trump’s advisers but that she had sought help earlier and had been denied.

Mr. Trump has used a political action committee that is aligned with him, and that is replete with money he raised in small-dollar donations as he falsely claimed he was fighting widespread fraud after the 2020 election, to pay the legal bills of a number of allies, as well as his own.

But other defendants have been denied help with mounting legal bills long before they were charged. That includes Mr. Giuliani, who was also charged last week and whose lawyer and son have implored Mr. Trump to provide help with his mounting legal costs.

So they’ll all turn on him. Smart guy.

Uncontacted tribes AND biodiversity

Aug 21st, 2023 12:22 pm | By

No. Get out.

Ecuadorians voted against drilling for oil in a protected area of the Amazon, an important decision that will require the state oil company to end its operations in a region that’s home to two uncontacted tribes and is a hotspot of biodiversity.

Yasuni National Park is inhabited by the Tagaeri and Taromenani, who live in self-isolation. In 1989, it was designated a world biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, also known as UNESCO. Encompassing a surface area of over 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres), it boasts 610 species of birds, 139 species of amphibians, and 121 species of reptiles. At least three species are endemic.

Rock on birds and amphibians and reptiles.

H/t Anna

The most vulnerable

Aug 21st, 2023 11:22 am | By

Big weekend for cheating!

Define “therapy”

Aug 21st, 2023 9:51 am | By

The NY Times reports:

A federal judge in Georgia has temporarily blocked part of a state law that prohibits hormone replacement therapy for transgender minors. 

But is “hormone replacement” actually therapy? Or is it medical malpractice? Or something in between?

Calling it therapy puts a big thumb on the scale in this contested issue. What if it’s quackery rather than therapy? What if it’s the new thalidomide, driven by trendy but magical ideas about people “born in the wrong body”?

Judge Geraghty, who was appointed by President Biden, said in her ruling that the ban “is substantially likely to violate the Equal Protection Clause.”

But maybe the equal protection needed is protection from quack medicine sparked by wack ideas about magic gender?

The Georgia law, Senate Bill 140, prohibits doctors in the state from providing gender transition surgery and hormone therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria in people under the age of 18.

The law does allow minors who were already receiving hormone therapy to continue their treatment, and it allows doctors to prescribe puberty blocking medications to minors.

On June 29, the families of four transgender children filed an emergency request asking the federal court in Georgia to block the law from taking effect.

The plaintiffs said the ban violated the rights of parents to make medical decisions regarding their children; they also said it violated the “guarantees of equal protection by denying transgender youth essential, and often lifesaving, medical treatment based on their sex and on their transgender status.”

The only sense in which this “treatment” can be “lifesaving” is if it prevents kids who are convinced they’re trans from committing suicide. It’s not lifesaving in a medical sense at all. The whole thing is in the head: it’s about ideas, feelings, thoughts, concepts. Sometimes medical treatments do help with broken or distressing thoughts and moods. Depression can respond to medical treatment, for instance, and that’s a good thing. The situation with “gender dysphoria” is different, and the “treatment” is drastically different. Prozac is one thing and cross-sex hormones are another.

The legal challenge to the Georgia law will move forward. During the litigation, transgender young people in the state will still be able to receive hormone therapy, but not gender transition surgery.

“It is vital that, as a family, we have agency in our own medical decisions that are in the best interest of our child — that includes gender-affirming care,” said Anna Zoe, one of the plaintiffs, in a news release after the emergency request was filed.

But maybe “gender-affirming care” is not in fact in the best interests of her child. Some people who have had it have massive regret.

Guest post: Far from its roots

Aug 21st, 2023 9:18 am | By

Originally a comment by Mike Haubrich on From Joe Hill to Rich Men North of Richmond.

The Republicans of today are benefiting from the abortion and gay rights strategy of the Moral Majority. Before they embarked on that, most Catholics were Democrats due to the social justice aspect of being Catholic. It also picked up on many of the blue collar workers who didn’t want rampant gay sex and loose women getting welfare checks during the Reagan era. These are now Trump Republicans who sincerely believe that he is going to drain the swamp and end child trafficking.

Our Billy Bragg has written a responsorial to this song (I know, I know!) Rich Men North of Earning North of a Million. Tonatically it’s a bit dreary, but perhaps it’s so intended. I used to like Billy until I found out about his ears of stone.

I’d like someone to write a responsorial to Jason Aldean’s “Try That in A Small Town,” too. I have some thematic ideas of what it’s like to grow up in a small town and not fit in. Country music is no longer listenable for the most part, and is far from its roots in Scots-Irish backwoods and early African-American expression of angst in poverty and survival in coal mines. Now it’s a bunch of “All Hat – No Cattle” guys waving the flag around.

Hate to see folk music going the same way.

Grandy narky

Aug 21st, 2023 8:14 am | By

This fool should be a dictionary entry for narcissism. “So whenever someone looks at me, and they can’t tell what I was born as – [thumb up] – that’s perfect to me.”

Perfection to this fool is strangers looking at xir and not being able to tell what xir “was born as.” Not a fiery sunset, or a walk in the forest, or making a baby laugh, or helping someone, or learning something, or laughing xirself breathless – but causing a stranger to pay xir extra attention.

What a pathetic, witless, empty, futile, claustrophobic form of “perfection.”

Exlusive incloosion

Aug 21st, 2023 7:31 am | By

Interesting. Innnnnnnteresting. It’s fine to have a Trans Pride event, but it is not permitted to have a lesbian/gay/bi event. No LGB without the T but definitely T without the LGB.

Why is that exactly?

I guess Maggie Chapman must be really quite thick? Not to have noticed? That she was promoting a trans event and in the same breath saying no lesbian gay bisexual without the trans?

Mere women

Aug 20th, 2023 4:53 pm | By

Sigh. Yes it is. Of course it is. Men don’t need to shed the endometrium every month. Men don’t have any endometrium, because they don’t have any uterus.

Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue, say Lib Dems

But it is, just as pregnancy is “just” a women’s issue. Women aren’t being selfish and mean by hogging all the menstruation – they’re stuck with it because of being women. It’s idiotic, insulting, frivolous, fatuous, rude, absurd, grotesque, for adult political parties to start whining that men get to bleed out their uterine linings every month too.

Sir Ed Davey’s party will vote on a policy proposal that insists period poverty is an issue that affects “some trans and non-binary people” in addition to biological women.

It’s not “in addition” to biological women, it’s just biological women. They can call themselves trans or non-binary but if they menstruate they’re women. Calling women trans or non-binary doesn’t create more women or new categories of people who used to be women. It just sticks a new and stupid label on existing women.

An agenda published by the Liberal Democrats for their annual gathering in Bournemouth includes a motion on period poverty which is to be debated on Sept 23.

The document states: “Conference notes that… menstruation is not just a women’s issue, and also affects some trans and non-binary people.

Why the need to insult women? Why the need to say women are mere? Why the apparent belief that if something is for women it’s not worth doing because meh, women don’t matter? Why the relentless insults??? I for one am beyond fucking tired of them.

From Joe Hill to Rich Men North of Richmond

Aug 20th, 2023 3:32 pm | By

Kenan Malik on a trumpy version of a folk song:

A jobbing country singer from Virginia, [Oliver] Anthony’s video of his song Rich Men North of Richmond has gone viral over the past week, clocking up more than 20m views on YouTube, rising to the top of the streaming charts and becoming an anthem for conservatives from Marjorie Taylor Green, the reactionary Republican congresswoman from Georgia, to the rightwing political commentator Matt Walsh, all viewing Anthony as a righteous figure, whose “rawness” and “authenticity” speak to real Americans.

The kind who just love them a criminal billionaire who wouldn’t give them a sandwich if they turned up starving at one of his golf resorts.

Kenan compares Anthony to John Handcox, an actual working-class folk singer during the Depression.

In some ways, Rich Men North of Richmond echoes the themes of Handcox’s song, giving voice to a sense of a world divided into rich and poor, and of ordinary people as menaced by those in power. It also shows the degree to which the working-class tradition that Handcox helped forge has decayed, politically and culturally.

Handcox was not simply a singer or songwriter. He was first and foremost a union activist, and it was out of his activism that his music flowed. He stood in a long line of working-class troubadours. From The Ballad of Joe Hill to This Land Is Your Land, much of what is now called the Great American Songbook emerged from grassroot struggles, songs created to organise, inspire and console…

All helped create a movement in which music became a central strand in the struggle for justice and betterment. It was a tradition that, long before the civil rights movement, was committed to interracial solidarity. Not only were African Americans, such as Robeson and Handcox, an inextricable part of the working-class folk scene, but there was much cross-fertilisation across blues, gospel and folk.

Handcox was an organiser for the Southern Tenant Farmers Union (STFU), helping stage a major strike of cotton pickers demanding better pay in 1935. The strike was met with ferocious violence from planters, militias and the Ku Klux Klan. The union was crushed, and Handcox, blacklisted and threatened by lynch mobs, was forced to flee, joining the thousands who had formed a great exodus out of the dust bowl, the raw horrors of which were captured in Dorothea Lange’s photographs and in John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath.

Handcox would have understood Anthony’s lament in Rich Men North of Richmond about the precariousness of working-class life. But where he was committed to collective action and unionisation, Rich Men North of Richmond expresses individualised resentment. It is a resentment not towards bosses or the capitalist class, as in the old songs but, as has become fashionable today, towards a nebulous political elite, defined as much by its cultural alienness as by its economic power.

It’s a fiendishly clever ploy, of course. Never mind the billionaires squeezing the workers and tenants for huge profits; go after the organizers, the protesters, the lefties. That’ll work!

Most of those who laud Rich Men North of Richmond as being, in Greene’s words, “the anthem of the forgotten Americans”, have also long campaigned to deny those forgotten Americans their dues. They oppose unionisation and Medicare and abortion rights, view tax cuts for the rich as more important than support for the poor, and despise welfare payments as “money stolen”. A century ago, they would have condemned Handcox and Wiggins, Robeson and Guthrie, as treacherous “reds”, cheered on the strike-breaking militias, and probably joined them, too.

And instead of Roosevelt in the White House there would have been Henry Ford, famous for strike-breaking.

Performative hunger strike

Aug 20th, 2023 11:15 am | By

A hunger strike.

A violent man who claims to be a woman and told a rally to “punch a terf in the face” is demanding to be moved to a female prison so that he can terrorize yet more women.

Colin Montgomerie is on Team Men in Women’s Spaces of course.

The full sentence is “You have a seemingly willful blind eye for statistics, Colin, don’t you?”