General Tatchell issues orders

Sep 29th, 2023 8:21 am | By

Tatchell telling women what we’re allowed to do and say and think, yet again.

Two men telling women we have to pretend men can be women.

Allons enfants de la voiture

Sep 29th, 2023 7:48 am | By

Cars identify as a vulnerable community!

Rishi Sunak is to prioritise the interests of millions of car owners with a series of measures that will provoke environmentalists and curb the power of local councils.

In a package expected to be announced at the Tory conference on Monday, the prime minister will set out his “plan for motorists” that will limit the number of 20mph speed restrictions and favour drivers over bus passengers.

Yeah, go after those spoiled selfish privileged bus passengers who bully and victimize poor huddled drivers of cars.

The “plan for motorists” is expected to include moves to limit English councils’ powers to place 20mph speed limits on main roads, and to restrict the number of hours a day that car traffic is banned from bus lanes.

It is also understood to include curbs on local authorities’ ability to impose fines – and thus raise revenue – from traffic infractions caught by automatic number plate recognition cameras, and on the use of such cameras in box junctions.

Why? Well, because drivers are People Like Us and bus riders are Those Other People, who don’t matter. Zoom zoom.

The proposals follow Sunak’s pledge in July to crack down on what he called “anti-motorist policies” after the unexpected Conservative win in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip byelection, which was aided by concerns about the expansion of London’s ultra-low emission zone.

It’s the new oppression. Brutal people, with their brutal legs and feet that allow them to walk all over the place and get in the way of the motorist, are taking away the human right to go as fast as possible in a large metal object that emits carbon dioxide.

At the time, Downing Street said Sunak had no plans to restrict the use of 20mph speed limits, which evidence shows can significantly reduce the numbers of road deaths and injuries.

Oh how cares about reducing road deaths and injuries? Drive that large metal object as fast as you can!

The transport charity Sustrans said the “plan for motorists”, if introduced, would mean Sunak was yet again failing those people who did not drive or own a car.

Psshhh. People who don’t own cars are the enemy.

Wear body armor and a hard hat to school

Sep 29th, 2023 7:32 am | By

This clip was doing the rounds yesterday. (Warning: it’s horrible.)

A transgender student of the male flavor, that is. Quite a strong male student by the looks of it.


Sep 28th, 2023 5:52 pm | By

Pliny on Wolf:

Based on extensive consultation

Sep 28th, 2023 5:48 pm | By

Yesterday it was the cancellation letter, today it’s the defense of the cancellation letter. The American Anthropological Association issues A Statement…one which we could probably all write for them.

The AAA and CASCA boards reached a decision to remove the session “Let’s Talk about Sex Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology” from the AAA/CASCA 2023 conference program. This decision was based on extensive consultation and was reached in the spirit of respect for our values, in order to ensure the safety and dignity of all of our members, as well as the scientific integrity of the program.

What’s “in the spirit of respect for our values”? What does it add to “via respect for our values”?

The first ethical principle in AAA’s Principles of Professional Responsibility is to “Do no harm.” 

They’re failing. They’re doing harm – lots of it.

The session was rejected because it relied on assumptions that run contrary to the settled science in our discipline, framed in ways that do harm to vulnerable members of our community.

Nonsense. That’s like saying it does harm to a child to say it’s fine to pretend to fly but not fine to jump off the roof. It’s not harm to say that fantasies are fantasies. (There are times when it’s pointlessly cruel, but the circumstances of those times are very limited.)

It commits one of the cardinal sins of scholarship—it assumes the truth of the proposition that it sets out to prove, namely, that sex and gender are simplistically binary, and that this is a fact with meaningful implications for the discipline.

“Simplistically binary” – that’s a good one. It’s so much more complex and sophisticated to say that people are a little bit of every sex [or gender] you can think of.

Forensic anthropologists talk about using bones for “sex estimation,” not “sex identification,” a process that is probabilistic rather than clearly determinative, and that is easily influenced by cognitive bias on the part of the researcher.

But that’s bones. It’s not every form of sex identification there is, it’s specifically bones. It could be that bones are not as unmistakably sexed as other body parts.

There is no single biological standard by which all humans can be reliably sorted into a binary male/female sex classification.

I’m seeing biologists rolling their eyes and saying “Yeah there is: gametes.”

Sugar daddy goes away

Sep 28th, 2023 11:57 am | By

There is some hope

Donald Trump’s real estate empire could collapse “like falling dominoes”, experts believe, following a New York judge’s ruling that the former president’s business fortune was built on rampant fraud and blatant lies.

According to Michael Cohen, his former attorney and fixer, Trump is already effectively “out of business” in New York after Judge Arthur Engoron on Tuesday rescinded the licenses of the Trump Organization and other companies owned by Trump and his adult sons, Eric and Don Jr.

“Those companies will end up being liquidated … the judge has already determined that the fraud existed,” Cohen told CNN, hailing Engoron’s pretrial ruling in a civil case brought by Letitia James, the New York attorney general.

On Wednesday morning, in a confrontational post on his Truth Social website that branded the judge a “political hack”, Trump said Engoron “must be stopped”.

Trump on the other hand is an everything hack, an omni-hack. Everything he touches turns to hackery.

In his post on Wednesday, Trump decried the judge’s $18m valuation of Mar-a-Lago, claiming it was worth “100 times more than he values it”.

Attaboy. Continue as you began: inflate everything.

William Black, a white-collar criminologist, corporate fraud investigator and distinguished scholar in residence for financial regulation at the University of Minnesota law school, said: “In finance, once the dominoes start falling, it becomes basically impossible to save it.

“These properties are even more damaged goods today because of the success in demonstrating they are massively overvalued. The most likely thing, if you get an honest agent or receiver, they’re going to sell the properties at a loss. And when you’ve got a whole bunch of properties, with the first one you just desperately need to get some action and that gets discounted the most.”

Black, who helped expose congressional wrongdoing in the Lincoln Savings and Loans scandal of the 1980s, in which the financier Charles Keating inflated his company’s worth to bilk taxpayers for billions, called Engoron’s ruling “devastating”. He believes Trump insiders and employees would have incentive to come forward with more information if he loses his wealth and influence.

“What we experienced in the Savings and Loan debacle, we would put in an honest manager and employees would start coming to that person over time and say, ‘You know, you really ought to look at this,’” Black said.

“Trump is monumentally, stupidly greedy in that he isn’t actually paying for a number of key lieutenants in terms of their legal needs, and they’re facing financial collapse of their own, [such as] the Rudy Giulianis of this world. But a lot of folks can sink Trump.

“Having this ability to control all these assets, even if they’re massively overvalued, meant hope springs eternal among the Trump folks that he can use that money and influence to help them, but if Trump instead ends up bereft of control over the overwhelming bulk of his assets, and has lots of liabilities, sugar daddy goes away.”

Thoughts and prayers, people, thoughts and prayers.


Sep 28th, 2023 6:41 am | By

Yes it’s so “fascist” to know that men are not women.

Nanoparticles that let you travel back in time

Sep 28th, 2023 4:42 am | By

Wolf and Fox together again:

Since mid-February, [Naomi Wolf] appeared at least seven times on Fox to discuss her views on the pandemic: twice apiece on Tucker Carlson Tonight and The Revolution with Steve Hilton, and three times on Fox News Primetime, the most recent of which came Monday night. Wolf cited the notorious anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during that interview to argue that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, the state of Israel, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were engaged in some sort of nebulous but sinister vaccine conspiracy.

In order to [your best guess here].

It is irresponsible for a news outlet to give Wolf that sort of credulous attention. Her social media channels are littered with absurd claims about the virus and its vaccines. Between her first and second Fox appearances alone, she tweeted that a new technology allowed the delivery of “vaccines w nanoparticles that let you travel back in time”; that the Moderna vaccine is a “software platform” that allows “uploads”; and that due to face masks, children now lack “the human reflex that they when you smile at them they smile back” and have “dark circles under [their] eyes from low oxygen.” 

On Sunday night, Wolf cited purported reports of women who “bleed oddly [from] being AROUND vaccinated women,” pointing her followers to a Facebook group which at one point had been titled “All Vaccines are Fake.”

Vaccinated women emit menstruomadness particles! It’s a proven fact!

Stronger Together

Sep 27th, 2023 3:16 pm | By

Via NightCrow, a collection of some of the stupidest arglebargle in a very crowded field: from the YWCA in June 2021:

Trans or Cis, Women Are Stronger Together

Men or Women, Women Are Stronger Together

Bosses or Workers, Workers Are Stronger Together

Rich or Poor, The Poor Are Stronger Together

Be stronger together by no longer being together.

YWCA has always been at the forefront of the women’s rights movement, empowering women since our inception over 160 years ago. For this reason, we remain committed to centering the experiences of BIPOC communities, LGBTQIA+ folks, survivors of gender-based violence, people with disabilities, and immigrant, low income, and unhoused people in our work to eliminate racism and empower women.

“For this reason,” they say, “we remain committed to changing the subject.”

“For this reason, we acknowledge going forward that women don’t matter enough so we’ve added everyone else.”

Moving forward, we will continue to work to ensure that our platform centers ALL voices.

Women are stronger together so we’ll separate them by adding EVERYONE.

Also, if you center ALL voices you’re not centering any voices. You can’t center everyone, because there is no center without a periphery.

It’s dimwitted in the extreme to begin by patting the YWCA on the back for having always been at the forefront of the women’s rights movement and then immediately throw that overboard by adding everyone else. Just like no center without a non-center, no fight for women’s rights if it’s a fight for everyone’s rights. Everyone should have rights, and fighting for universal rights is good, but it’s not fighting for specifically women’s rights. Feminism is for women.

Especially the voices of Black women, trans women, and other women of color who are often diminished in the conversations about our collective truth. 

Trans women are men.

During pride month and year-round, it is critical for us to be allies to our trans sisters, taking on the responsibility of using our privilege and platform to promote education, camaraderie, and to rebuild trust across the spectrum of womanhood and sisterhood. Our collective liberation demands cooperation. Together, with common goals of gender equity and collective liberation, we can transition from general awareness to actions for mutual empowerment.

No, it isn’t. It isn’t critical at all. Men who claim to be trans have more allies than they know what to do with, and a marked hostility toward non-supine women. Women get to focus on women.

Accept that every woman has the right to define her own womanhood.

Sure, if you mean women. No, if you mean men. Men don’t get to “define” their own “womanhood” because they’re not women. It’s not a “right” for men to force the world to pretend they’re women.

All women experience life in different but overlapping ways. Our collective struggle has the potential to unify our mission and bolster our calls to action because they are one in the same. Our voices are amplified as we stand together against a common enemy: misogyny, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.


Trans women, especially trans women of color, often experience a dangerous cocktail of misogyny, sexism, and homophobia, which puts them at high risk of harm but also arms them with a unique intersectional experience. This experience allows them to understand the myriad ways that all marginalized are affected by persecution, providing them with unique insight into how our movements can be inclusive to all people and centers them as pioneers at the forefront of civil rights, gay liberation, and women’s movements. By embracing trans women and listening to their experiences, our collective work can change the world!

Look around you. How’s that going?

Uplift trans voices and center trans women, especially trans women of color, in women’s movements.

Not enough to include them, we have to center them. We have to sit in an obedient circle around the men in dresses telling us how things are and what we have to do.

Have you lost your damn minds?

Not you

Sep 27th, 2023 11:21 am | By

Keeping women safe is not important. Surely everyone knows this by now?

When they say “gender-based” they mean cool gender, exciting gender, new gender, gender for folks. They don’t mean boring old vanilla women.

Still, the invitation did look as though they meant the old humdrum kind.

“Every Gender-based violence survivor!” it says. You’d think they could squeeze women into that “every” somehow. (Why is “gender” capitalized? Is it officially a religion now? Muslims, Christians, Genders?)

Stripped of just about everything

Sep 27th, 2023 10:16 am | By

On a different note – apparently Trump is done.

Donald Trump is no longer in business. 

Worse, the self-proclaimed multibillionaire may soon be personally bankrupt as a result, stripped of just about everything because for years he engaged in calculated bank fraud and insurance fraud by inflating the value of his properties, a judge ruled Tuesday.

His gaudy Trump Tower apartment, his golf courses, his Boeing 757 jet and even Mar-a-Lago could all be disposed of by a court-appointed monitor, leaving Trump with not much more than his pensions as a one term president and a television performer.

It’s because of all those business licenses being cancelled.

Five Trump lawyers were each fined $7,500 for making “frivolous” arguments. 

A judge calling a lawyer’s argument “frivolous” is the equivalent of saying it is no better than nonsense from a drunk in a bar, as I teach my Syracuse University College of Law students. 

Those lawyers may well find it wise to hire their own lawyers as Judge Engoron’s findings could form the basis of disbarment proceedings, something already underway against Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, the former federal prosecutor, and John Eastman, a former dean of the Chapman University School of Law in Orange, Calif.

Without frivolous arguments, what does Trump have? Not a damn thing.

A non-jury trial before Judge Engoron next week will determine how much Trump will be fined for his years of bank fraud and insurance fraud. 

Barring a highly unlikely reversal by an appeals court, Trump’s business assets eventually will be liquidated since he cannot operate them without a business license. Retired Judge Barbara Jones was appointed to monitor the assets, an arrangement not unlike the court-supervised liquidation of a bankrupt company or the assets of a drug lord.

Creditors, any fines due the state because of the fraud, and taxes will be paid first from sales of Trump properties.

The various properties are likely to be sold at fire sale prices and certainly not for top dollar when liquidation begins, probably after all appeals are exhausted. 

Among these properties is the portion of Trump Tower that Trump still owns and leases to businesses as office and retail space; his own triplex apartment there; his golf courses; and Mar-a-Lago, the Florida mansion he bought in a corrupt mortgage deal decades ago. He also has deals to license his name on buildings and businesses, which similarly he can no longer operate and whose profits he must give up.

I look forward to watching it happen.

Let’s you not talk

Sep 27th, 2023 10:07 am | By

Now let’s read the response:

Dear Drs. Ramona Pérez and Monica Heller,

Open Letter: RE: 2023 AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting Cancellation

We are disappointed that the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian
Anthropology Society (CASCA) have chosen to forbid scholarly dialogue at the important joint
conference, themed “Transitions”, to be held in Toronto in November. Our panel, “Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology”, was accepted on July 13th, 2023 after the submission “was reviewed by the AAA’s Section Program Chairs or by CASCA’s Scientific Committee/Comité Scientifique de la CASCA”. From the time of this acceptance until we received your letter dated September 25th, 2023, no one from the AAA or CASCA reached out to any of the panelists with concerns. Thus, it comes as a shock to all of us that the AAA and CASCA canceled the panel due to the false accusation that “the ideas were advanced in such a way as to cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large.”

Just like that? No discussions, no negotiations, just BANG, you’re cancelled, more than two months after being accepted? It seems remarkably rude, even apart from the substance. And then that accusation…

Due to the serious nature of the allegation, we hope that, rather than maintaining
secrecy, the AAA and CASCA will share with us and its membership documentation about the exact sources and nature of these complaints and the correspondence that led to this decision.

We are puzzled at the AAA / CASCA adopting as its own official stance that to support the continued use of biological sex categories (e.g., male and female; man and woman) is to imperil the safety of the LGBTQI community. Our panel description, written by Kathleen Lowrey, acknowledges that not all anthropologists need to differentiate between sex and gender. One of the abstracts explicitly expresses concerns that ignoring the distinction between sex and gender identity may cause harm to people in the LGBTQI community. In “No bones about it: skeletons are binary; people may not be”, Elizabeth Weiss wrote: “In forensics, however, anthropologists should be (and are) working on ways to ensure that skeletal finds are identified by both biological sex and their gender identity, which is essential due to the
current rise in transitioning individuals.”

I don’t understand that last sentence. How can they possibly ensure that skeletal finds are identified by “gender identity”? I get that there can be and have been finds of skeletons with tools or clothes or the like that don’t “match” their anatomies, but (as has been pointed out) that doesn’t necessarily indicate gender bending, although it might. Gender identity isn’t the kind of thing it’s possible to “ensure” accurately identifying.

Kathleen Lowrey was key in bringing the panel together and in defining our unifying theme. Our panel included a group of diverse women, one of whom is a lesbian. In addition to having three fields of anthropology presented in our panel, our panel also included anthropologists from four countries with three languages – an international panel concerned about the erasure of women.

Ah well there you go then. That’s not allowed. Sorry it took more than two months to notice, but that’s how the halberd crumbles.

To be continued

Anthropologists made of crystal

Sep 27th, 2023 9:17 am | By

It gets worse every day. The pushback has gained strength (and pushbackers), but the petulant whiny nonsense from team Gender Idenniny Gets To Cancel ANYTHING It Doesn’t Like gets worse and worse and worrrrrse.

Let’s do see that cancellation letter.

We write to inform you that at the request of numerous members the respective executive boards of AAA and CASCA reviewed the panel submission “Let’s Talk about Sex Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology” and reached a decision to remove the session from the AAA/CASCA 2023 conference program(me). This decision was based on extensive consultation and was reached in the spirit of respect for our values, the safety and dignity of our members, and the scientific integrity of the program(me). The reason the session deserved further scrutiny was that the ideas were advanced in such a way as to cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large.

So they say, but I don’t believe them. I haven’t read the panel submission, but I know something about Carole Hooven and the attempts to shut her up, so I’m pretty confident I know what kind of “harm” they’re talking about, and how paltry and worked-up and ludicrous it is. These aren’t college kids high on their own virtue, remember, these are grown-ass academics, groveling to the entitled bed-wetters who think they own all mentions of sex and/or gender.

While there were those who disagree with this decision, we would hope they know their voice was heard and was very much a part of the conversation

Oh fuck off. Not everyone is in need of this kind of baby talk. The dissenters don’t care about “your voice was heard,” they care about the substance, and the plunge into idiocy this decision reflects.

It is our hope that we continue to work together so that we become stronger and more unified within each of our associations.

It is their hope that everyone swallows the Kool-Aid so that there will be no need for such discussions ever again.

Going forward, we will undertake a major review of the processes associated with vetting sessions at our annual meetings and will include our leadership in that discussion.

Why are tedious bureaucrats so in love with “going forward” as a replacement for “in the future” or “from now on” or just nothing? What is the point of adding “going forward” when they already have the future tense “will” in two places? Going forward, we will turn the lights out as we leave the room. Thanks for clarifying that.

Anyway, they’ll “undertake a major review” of how anyone managed to get heresy smuggled into their annual session. That should be enlightening.


Sep 27th, 2023 4:05 am | By

Yes just what the public health service needs: lectures on an absurd new ideology that claims fantasy is true while reality is a lie.

Nine hours of listening to a guy in a dainty blouse talking about “trans awareness” – as if there hasn’t been enough public yammering about trans everything yet.

Justice Engeron and Chico Marx

Sep 26th, 2023 5:26 pm | By

The Times on the importance of the ruling that Trump committed fraud:

While the trial will determine the size of the penalty, Justice Engoron’s ruling granted one of the biggest punishments Ms. James sought: the cancellation of business certificates that allow some of Mr. Trump’s New York properties to operate, a move that could have major repercussions for the Trump family business.


The decision could terminate his control over a flagship commercial property at 40 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan and a family estate in Westchester County. Mr. Trump might also lose control over his other New York properties, including Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan and his golf club in Westchester.

See above.

In his order, Justice Engoron wrote scathingly about Mr. Trump’s defenses, saying that the former president and the other defendants, including his two adult sons and his company, ignored reality when it suited their business needs. “In defendants’ world,” he wrote, “rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air.”

“That is a fantasy world, not the real world,” he added.

And you can’t run a business from fantasy world because that amounts to cheating people.

Comedy interlude:

The judge also levied sanctions on Mr. Trump’s lawyers for making arguments that he had previously rejected. He ordered each to pay $7,500, noting that he had previously warned them that the arguments in question bordered on being frivolous.

Repeating them was “indefensible,” Justice Engoron wrote.

But it’s so Trump. Repeating lies is basically his life.

In a footnote, [the judge] added a line from the movie “Duck Soup” uttered by Chico Marx: “Well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

Beyond mere bragging

Sep 26th, 2023 3:34 pm | By

Trump ruled a fraud.

A judge ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump committed fraud for years while building the real estate empire that catapulted him to fame and the White House.

Judge Arthur Engoron, ruling in a civil lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, found that the former president and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing.

Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee the Trump Organization’s operations.

Beyond mere bragging about his riches, Trump, his company and key executives repeatedly lied about them on his annual financial statements, reaping rewards such as favorable loan terms and lower insurance costs, Engoron found.

Those tactics crossed a line and violated the law, the judge said, rejecting Trump’s contention that a disclaimer on the financial statements absolved him of any wrongdoing.

Engoron found that Trump consistently overvalued Mar-a-Lago on his financial statements between 2014 and 2021, inflating its value on one statement by 2,300%, and rebuked him for lying about the size of his Trump Tower apartment in Manhattan. Trump claimed the three-story penthouse was nearly three times its actual size, valuing the property at $327 million.

Thoughts about dick measurements inevitably intrude.

Guest post: The banner of forced teaming

Sep 26th, 2023 3:19 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Mandatory shop bags.

How is it the shop’s business to have anything to say about a customer’s decision to accept or reject a shopping bag? The “Progressive Pride” flag is not, as we have discovered, a neutral statement. It’s no longer even friendly. It is the banner of forced teaming, of aggressive, insistent parasitism of trans activism on gay and lesbian rights. It is a statement of a political ideology and religious belief. It is the promotion of an anti-that is profoundly anti-women. It is the flag of an occupying army flexing its muscles in yet another power play, and the shop’s behaviour confirms it: they called the fucking police. And even more unbelievably, THE FUCKING POLICE FUCKING RESPONDED! The correct answer on the operator’s part would have been to tell the wannabe Stasi informant to go away and stop wasting the police’s time or face charges. But no. It turns out that the police are quite happy to waste their time and intimidate members of the public by jumping to the call of furious, authoritarian trans “allies” who can’t stand the thought of anyone failing to accept with fervour and gratitude the Flag of Enforced Compliance being thrust upon them. Off to re-education camp for them!

At least police in the UK don’t seem to be as heavily armed or trigger-happy as American cops, otherwise there might have already been bloodshed over stickers, ribbons, limericks, or sarcasm.

Surrogacy Program Manager

Sep 26th, 2023 3:04 pm | By

Donor Concierge introduced Kylee on Facebook in August 2020:

Introducing Donor Concierge’s new Surrogacy Program Manager: Kylee Warren!

Kylee joined Donor Concierge in 2020, and she has over 8 years of experience working in the third party fertility field.

Oh is that what they call it. “Third party fertility” – how elegant – how mollifying. It’s not renting a woman to cook someone else’s baby, it’s third party fertility. Public Relations wins another round.

She previously worked for a top U.S. fertility clinic, focusing on egg donation and gestational surrogacy. Kylee recently earned her Masters in Global Public Health and holds a BS in Health Sciences and Pre-Nursing. Kylee’s deep medical experience, passion for family building and leadership have made her perfectly suited to take on this new role!

This new role treating women like machines for the manufacture of other people’s babies.

There’s a photo of her, in which she looks perfectly pleasant and decent. I’m not sharing it because it’s not the point; it’s the soothing “this is all perfectly normal” wording and the actions behind the wording that I find revolting.

Note that Donor Concierge doesn’t say anything about the profits. I suspect they’re not small.

Most institutions have at least one

Sep 26th, 2023 11:08 am | By

Helen Joyce explains one reason so many institutions have gone all trans-ideology:

…by now most institutions have at least one senior employee who has socially, and perhaps medically, transitioned a child—and who is likely to spend the rest of their lives justifying that decision to themselves.

It’s a terrible, difficult choice, what to do about it, she says: make their child furious and miserable, or make their child happy at least in the short term.

But that second option amounts to a promise to the child that parents cannot keep without involving everyone else in a pretence. If you tell your child that yes, he “really is a girl” or she “really is a boy”, you require all the rest of us to play along, not just now but always. You require the child’s school to tell the teachers and pupils that Anthony is now Adelaide and that they must never again mention the truth. Anthony has to be allowed into the girls’ toilets, changing rooms and sports teams. When the time comes Anthony will have to go on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and probably get surgery. All of society must be rearranged to accommodate Anthony as really, truly a girl and then a woman. Because anything else means that the parents have made a horrific mistake.

I know of several parents in influential positions in British public life who have made this choice. Each, whether or not intentionally, casts a pall of collective dishonesty over an entire organisation. Any colleague of theirs who knows about the child will feel gagged when it comes to speaking about the dangers of childhood transitioning or the overreach of trans lobby groups. If the parent is in senior management, they may be able to impose “trans-friendly” policies across the organisation, such as gender-neutral toilets or pronouns in email signatures.

I hadn’t really thought of it this way. It would explain a lot. Just one person high up at the ACLU, at Planned Parenthood, at NOW, at the BBC, the New York Times, The Atlantic, and on and on.

It’s grim.

Mandatory shop bags

Sep 26th, 2023 9:58 am | By

Meanwhile, if the shop hands you a carrier bag (one you have to pay for) and it has anything about trans world on it, it is against the law for you to refuse it.

How is the shop entitled to control who says what in “the shop’s vicinity”?

The police ignore rape but get very busy on gender heresy in public.