“No girls attending our school are allowed to study and get a degree”

Aug 23rd, 2016 6:01 am | By

God hates women who get higher education.

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis have banned women from going to university, The Independent has learned.

The strict Satmar sect issued the decree, seen by The Independent, warning that university education for women is “dangerous”. Written in Yiddish, the decree warns: “It has lately become the new trend that girls and married women are pursuing degrees in special education. Some attend classes and others online. And so we’d like to let their parents know that it is against the Torah.

“We will be very strict about this. No girls attending our school are allowed to study and get a degree. It is dangerous. Girls who will not abide will be forced to leave our school. Also, we will not give any jobs or teaching position in the school to girls who’ve been to college or have a degree.”

Dangerous for girls but not for boys? Why? Presumably because it would threaten the goddy arrangement by which men are the bosses and women are their inferiors who are required to obey and shut up about it – but the Indy doesn’t quote that part so maybe it’s not there. But that certainly is the implication. You can’t have a rule of that kind independent of the hierarchical implications. You could imagine an alternative world in which only inferiors have to get higher education, and superiors are free to skip it – but that’s not this world. In this world, forbidding Xs to get an education both says that Xs are inferior and does its best to make Xs inferior. It’s a relic, that way of thinking, an evil destructive relic.

Also, notice that they employ teachers who have no higher education – that they rule out teachers who do have higher education if those teachers are women. They insist on ignorant teachers to teach the girls (because obviously the only reason they have female teachers at all is to teach those worthless creatures, the girls). Girls can’t go to university, and they can’t even have university-taught teachers. Wham bam.

The decree was issued from the sect’s base in New York and will apply to followers of the faith group around the world.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews follow a pre-enlightenment interpretation of traditional Judaism and discourage interaction with the modern or secular world.

“There are probably other factors at play, but, ultimately, the results are devastating. Because people from similar communities are not provided with a foundational primary education, they cannot pursue higher education nor careers. When one does not have access to education, career opportunities are out of reach. It forces one to stay within the community as everyone’s personal lives are tied up with their professional lives as well.”

Like the Amish. Amish parents (fathers, that is) are allowed to pull their children out of school at 14 (cf Yoder v Wisconsin, one of the worst Supreme Court rulings in recent history), and the Amish are notoriously forced to stay within “the community.”

Dr Jonathan Romain, Rabbi of Maidenhead Synagogue and chair of the Accord Coalition which links religious and secular groups to promote inclusive education, told The Independent: “There is much to admired about the ultra-Orthodox, including the Satmar group, who are a very law-abiding community. However, their choice to separate themselves from much of the world around them is not a view shared by many other Jews, who see no problem with being both rooted in Jewish identity and integrated into wider society.

“Going to university is an experience to be valued, for both men and women, whom we regard as fully equal and who should have the same opportunities in education and the workplace. Limiting such abilities is a cause for regret.”

Or to put it another way, it’s a disgusting violation of human rights.

Ada just meant “Hello mate”

Aug 22nd, 2016 5:36 pm | By

Edinburgh SA is in the news again.

EUSA’s controversial LGBT+ officer Ada Wells is in hot water once again, after tweeting: “I sure hope more police die today”.

Ada, whose Twitter account has been private after a variety of controversies saw them in the public eye, followed the tweet with the hashtag #acab – an anti-police acronym standing for ‘all coppers are bastards’.


Ada said it again a week later.

Ada, whose full title is EUSA’s LGBT+ Liberation Group Convenor, has previously been extremely outspoken on LGBT+ matters.  Ada, who is trans and prefers to be called ‘they’, labelled women with vaginas as ‘cuntscum’, a remark that shocked members of the LGBT+ community in Edinburgh, the very people Ada is supposed to represent.

But “cunt” is not misogynist in the UK, we’re always told.

Ada has also called women who refuse to have sex with a penis transphobes, and has advocated for them to be expelled from the University of Edinburgh.

At last year’s student council meeting on whether to force EUSA to back a boycott, divestment, and sanctions policy over Israel-Palestine, Ada tried to get Imogen Wilson, one of the sabbatical officers at the time, thrown out of the meeting, for shaking her head.

Kids today, eh?

All the while insisting we call them “feminist”

Aug 22nd, 2016 4:28 pm | By

Meghan Murphy is amused by people who insist that Kim Kardashian really is a feminist even though she says she isn’t.

At this point, it’s basically illegal for celebrities not to call themselves feminist, even if they really hate feminism, so naturally dozens of hot takes were published over the past week explaining that actually Kim, you are feminist even if you say you aren’t and even if you think the idea of “women’s liberation” is totally ick.

Through said hot takes I’ve deduced that Kim understands why people might assume she is a feminist, writing, “I work hard, I make my own money, I’m comfortable and confident in my own skin, and I encourage women to be open and honest about their sexuality, and to embrace their beauty and their bodies.”

Well now slow down there, Kim – you don’t really mean you encourage women to embrace their beauty and their bodies – not women as such, women in general, women as in all women – you mean the ones who are in fact beautiful. You don’t want ugly women cluttering up the place embracing their bodies.

This is actually unintentionally pointed. The reason internet feminism is so insistent that Kim K is a feminist just like themmmm is because they have chipped away everything political and radical about feminism in order to turn it into merely a label someone can choose to wear. (I mean, how hard is it to just put on a t-shirt! Guys! Guys. Please just put on this t-shirt? You can wipe your jizzy hand on it after you’re done watching Latina Teen Gangbang IV!) We needn’t care about patriarchy and other systems of power that marginalize women, we must simply like sex (especially with men!) and we must feel “confident in [our] own skin” and “embrace our bodies”  in patriarchily-approved ways like by posting selfies of our objectified asses on the internet.

If we’re beautiful enough. Don’t go doing that shit if you’re ugly!

But more to the point, as Meghan says: that’s not what feminism is about. Nor is it about everyone.

Tellingly, what really pissed off America’s liberal feminists is Kim’s definition of feminism. She writes:

“For me, a feminist is someone who advocates for the civil and social rights and liberties of all people, regardless of their gender; anyone who believes that women should have the same choices and opportunities as men when it comes to education and employment, their bodies and their lifestyles.”

She goes on to say:

“It’s not about he, she, gay, straight, black, white. The fight for equality is about all human beings being treated equally — regardless of gender, sexuality or ethnicity.”

Ha no. The fight for equality is about that, sure, but feminism is not, and feminism is no more about equality for evrybuddy than Black Lives Matter is about all lives mattering. As Meghan says, if feminism were about evrybuddy, why would it be called feminism?

A writer at fbomb points out that “the feminist label” has been “stigmatized” for years (and that Kim’s not helping by distancing herself from it). While this is true, the solution adopted by celebrities, mainstream media, and liberal feminists has been to depoliticize the word and water down the message rather than to actually be brave, and stand up for women regardless of that “stigma.” I mean, feminists are hated for a reason — and that reason is our message and our fight. The solution to opposition is not to cave and to cater to patriarchal, capitalist ideologies, selling our message in a way that placates our enemies — it’s to push back.

Quite. Feminism isn’t “being nicer to people” or “loving your body” or “empowerment through selfies.” It isn’t universally popular, and being universally popular isn’t its goal.

While Marcie Bianco at Quartz claims Kardashian is contradicting herself by saying she supports “women’s rights,” “equality,” and “women’s empowerment” but isn’t a feminist, she’s not. She knows full-well that she doesn’t want to be part of the feminist movement and she doesn’t support it’s goals. To her, “empowering women” just means she supports women’s right to, like, make money and get naked. She wants women to be free to do stuff (All sorts of stuff!), but doesn’t actually want to name or address the reasons why women are treated differently in this world and are dehumanized on the regular. Kim’s just being honest with herself and with the world, which is more than I can say for most of our liberal overlords who push sexual harassment and porn culture as “empowerment,” all the while insisting we call them “feminist.”

Kim’s a Kimmist. Let her go.

Choudary’s connections

Aug 22nd, 2016 3:59 pm | By

Well at least it’s clear that Anjem Choudary was in no sense a joke. The Daily Express reports that Scotland Yard wanted to arrest him for years but MI5 said no.

Counter terror officers believed they had enough evidence to build a case against the radical Islamic State sympathiser but were reportedly blocked from doing so because he was a vital part of MI5’s ongoing investigation.

Serious questions were raised as to why Choudary was allowed to continue spreading his Islamist poison across Britain for more than 20 years, but now a counter terror source has said MI5 were responsible.

Following his conviction of inviting support for ISIS it emerged Choudary was involved in at least 15 terror plots dating back as far as 2001.

Police also believe he has connections to around 500 of the 850 young British Muslims who have left the country to join-up with ISIS jihadis.

You can see how he would be a useful source of information, but you can also see how he was, not to put too fine a point on it, dangerous.

Raffaello Pantucci, a terrorism expert at the Royal United Services Institute, said: “Intelligence officers have to generate leads somewhere, so if you have got a kind of honeypot that is Anjem Choudary and every nutter in the UK is gravitating towards him and from there you just trail them and follow them, you can see how it’s doing your job for you in some ways.

“There is undoubtedly an element of security folk who work in the intelligence side who would probably see this as something that is potentially quite useful.”

Well yeah.

I’m seeing headlines saying he’ll be in solitary when he is banged up, so that he won’t be able to share his wisdom with the other prisoners.

4, 4, 7, 7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11…

Aug 22nd, 2016 9:54 am | By

Another one. Deutsche Welle reports:

Turkish President Erdogan has said the suicide bomber who attacked a wedding party in southeastern Turkey was a child as young as 12 years old. More than 50 people were killed in the blast – Turkey’s deadliest this year.

Nearly half of the victims were children too.

The explosion happened among people who were dancing at the wedding party.

The BBC:

One woman lost four children in the attack, the Haberturk newspaper reported. Emine Arhan told the title “if it wasn’t for my only surviving child, I would have killed myself”.

Another victim was a nine-year-old girl who had stayed on at the party to see the bride after her parents had left, according to the Vatan newspaper.

A disproportionately large number of women and children were killed in the attack because it targeted henna night, a part of the celebration attended mainly by women and children, says BBC Monitoring’s Turkey analyst Pinar Sevinclidir.

Officials gave no details of the victims, but in a tweet, New York Times reporter Ceylan Yeginsu listed the ages of those identified so far.

Tweet by Ceylan Yeginsu

Like getting chewed

Aug 21st, 2016 5:32 pm | By

Amanda Hess at Slate on Elizabeth Smart three years ago:

When Smart spoke at a Johns Hopkins University panel last week, she explained one of the factors deterring her from escaping her attacker: She felt so worthless after being raped that she felt unfit to return to her society, which had communicated some hard and fast rules about premarital sexual contact.

“I remember in school one time, I had a teacher who was talking about abstinence,” Smart told the panel. “And she said, ‘Imagine you’re a stick of gum. When you engage in sex, that’s like getting chewed. And if you do that lots of times, you’re going to become an old piece of gum, and who is going to want you after that?’ Well, that’s terrible. No one should ever say that. But for me, I thought, ‘I’m that chewed-up piece of gum.’ Nobody re-chews a piece of gum. You throw it away. And that’s how easy it is to feel you no longer have worth. Your life no longer has value.”

Why escape if people are going to think you’re just a dirty used rag?

As Jessica Valenti points out, the chewing gum analogy is a typical tactic employed by abstinence-only advocates to try to scare teenagers away from having sex. And while stunts like those are often delivered to coed groups, the messaging falls harder on girls: If one person is the gum, the other person chews.

Girls are the receptacle; the receptacle is what gets dirty. Girls are basically toilets. Boys get cleaner by having sex, and girls get dirtier.

As Smart’s story shows, administering broad sexual shaming to children can have disastrous effects for victims of assault. The same goes for all of the other “tips” that put the onus on the victim to prevent rape. When we instruct teenagers to dress modestly, abstain from alcohol, never go out alone, and certainly never engage in sex, we’re not actually helping them prevent rape—but we are telling them that when they are victimized, they are partially to blame. Sex educators can’t equip children to escape horrific crimes like the ones committed against Elizabeth Smart. But they can help build a society that refuses to compound the psychological effects of those crimes by shaming victims before the abductor even breaks in.

Let’s do that.


The g-word

Aug 21st, 2016 3:33 pm | By

How We Shun Now:

A public post about the naked Trump statue and whether it’s a good idea or not drew some comments.

There’s been an argument raging for years about what level of verbal anger or aggression or hostility or contempt is acceptable in internet discussions. There’s a lot of disagreement.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that calling people garbage is not acceptable. Calling people garbage over and over and over and over again is really not acceptable.

You’re a long way from whippets and sodomy

Aug 21st, 2016 2:52 pm | By

As a companion piece to the one about lesbian taco shells and queer consensual hot dog rolls:

Stop appropriating “Daddy”.

It’s like striking gold without even leaving the desk.

Take Daddy out of your straight vanilla discourse.

“Daddy” has deep fucking roots in places you have no fucking clue about.




Justin Bieber will never be “Daddy AF”. Get off Instagram.

Ain’t it great to live at this moment?

A new way to shout “witch”

Aug 21st, 2016 12:18 pm | By

Amanda Marcotte picks up on a new and, of course, revolting theme in Trump’s campaign: the evil of ambitious white women who neglect to have ten children and thus hand the world over to the teeming Hordes of Color.

Donald Trump has a new obsession: comparing Hillary Clinton to Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany. During a Monday speech, Trump denounced the “massive immigration” to Germany under Merkel, for which he blames crime rising “to levels that no one thought would they would ever see.” He followed up this speech with press releases and a hashtag aimed at equating Clinton and Merkel.

The choice is an odd one on its surface because most Americans don’t have an opinion about Merkel, even when they know who she is. But as Alice Ollstein of Think Progress persuasively argued on Wednesday, the meme makes more sense when one considers that white supremacists definitely know who Merkel is, because they hate her:

To white nationalist communities that fervently support Trump, Merkel has been a popular villain. Sites like the Daily Stormer, the White Genocide Project, American Renaissance, and The White Resister have posted constantly about her since the Syrian refugee crisis began escalating earlier this year. They have accused her of making a “deliberate attempt to turn Germany from a majority White country into a minority White country.” They have called her a “crazy childless bitch,” an “anti-White traitor,” and “a patron saint of terrorists.” They have asked, in articles about Merkel, “Why would you allow a woman to run a country, unless you were doing it as a joke?”

So I guess Trump’s people, browsing through these wholesome materials, suggested the Merkel-Clinton theme by way of responsibly terrifying all the racist men out there. Seems legit.

If blatant white supremacy is not acceptable in mainstream conservative circles, opposition to feminism is completely standard on the right. By mainstreaming this “white genocide” hysteria in terms that focus less on immigration and more on attacking “Western” women for having too much ambition and too few children, these arguments have made their way into respectable conservative circles.

“A new genre of declinist literature, ranging from anxious to apocalyptic, has appeared to warn of the coming population implosion and the loss of Europe to more fertile, faithful Muslims,” Michelle Goldberg wrote in her 2010 book “The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World.” She cites Mark Steyn’s “America Alone” and Pat Buchanan’s “The Death of the West” as books that raise the alarm about “Westerners” and their supposedly low birth rates. Both books focus heavily on blaming women for this purported decline.

Well they have to blame women, don’t they. Men can’t have the babies! Plus women are such selfish bitches anyway.

It’s impossible to know what Trump is thinking, but the campaign’s clear cooperation in putting out this message through press releases and tweets suggests this “Clinton=Merkel” narrative is very intentional. As ambitious women who haven’t had many children — Merkel has none and Clinton only has one — they make easy villains for those who fret about “white genocide” or “demographic winter.”

Trump is as usual playing with fire here. But the wider conservative movement shares the blame. For years now, mainstream conservatives, including Romney, have been elevating this theory that feminism is undermining the republic by discouraging breeding.

Women are also to blame for global warming, because we use too much electricity washing all those diapers.

Jezebel jezsplains to rape survivor Elizabeth Smart

Aug 20th, 2016 6:10 pm | By

Lauren Evans at Jezebel looks down at Elizabeth Smart from an immense height in order to sneer at her for pointing out that her kidnapper-rapist’s consumption of porn made her living hell even worse.

Elizabeth Smart’s abduction from her Salt Lake City bedroom in 2002 will go down in history as the realization of every American’s darkest nightmare. Now, at age 28, a healthy and happy Smart recalls the locus of at least some of her misery: Her captor’s obsession with porn.

The above video was posted on Friday by the anti-porn group Fight the New Drug. Whether porn is systematically destroying the moral fabric of America is a conversation for a different day, but one thing is certain: Hearing Smart talk about her hellish ordeal is every bit as bone-chilling now as it was 14 years ago.

But Smart didn’t say “porn is systematically destroying the moral fabric of America” or anything like it. She talked about her rapist and how he behaved. I can’t imagine why Lauren Evans felt the need to sneer at Elizabeth Smart in that way…or how she managed to go ahead and do it without wanting to vomit all over her keyboard.

God I hate libertarian “feminism.”

Guest post: Revanchism, racism, and religion

Aug 20th, 2016 5:54 pm | By

Originally a comment by Seth on The almost pathological suspicion.

I was born and raised in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, from a family of toilet cleaners and garbage workers and petty, unsuccessful business. Like Vance, I was cursed with insight into the hopelessness of my circumstance, and blessed with both the appetite and the extreme good fortune to claw my way out of the deep well of poverty and ignorance into which I’d been born. I’ve not read Vance’s book, but I’ve read reviews of it, and it seems he’s missed the three Rs of Southern poverty, without which nothing peculiar to Southern behaviour can be adequately explained. These are, in my order of estimation, revanchism, racism, and religion. I’ll do my best to briefly summarise them now.

The three are intertwined throughout the South, particularly the Deep and Old South. The Appalachias are the backbone of the latter from northern Georgia to Maryland. The pine gullies and hollers were peopled by Scottish and Irish and Welsh and Cornish peasants, people who suffered under the lash of indenture to English-blooded masters, and whose only relative station came from the fact that they were Christian and free, at least once the indenture that usually came as the price of their often-unconsensual transportation had expired. The same could not be said of the Africans who were transported and enslaved, which gave the settlers some fig leaf of pride to drape across the obscenity of the poverty in which they lived. That is the proximate cause of the racism that still haunts the South to this day; I present it first because it was the most deeply-rooted, though these days I believe revanchism weighs just a bit more heavily on the Southern psyche.

It is notable that the poorest areas of the South were those that resisted the Confederacy the longest, with the most remarkable (and successful) pocket of resistance being that of West Virginia, which did not exist until 1861. West Virginians counter-seceded from Virginia when the plantation owners and plutocrats in Richmond followed South Carolina’s lunacy, and West Virginia was admitted into the Union under the opening shots of the Civil War. Eastern Tennessee and northeastern Georgia attempted similar moves of loyalty to the United States; they were unsuccessful, but only because Jefferson Davis held them by force of arms under martial law. Appalachians acted thus because they knew—poor and ignorant as they indisputably were—that the Civil War wasn’t over “States’ Rights”…it was over the rights of wealthy Englishmen to keep profiting on the backs of labour they’d stolen. Make no mistake, West Virginians and eastern Tennesseans had no solidarity with slaves, racial or otherwise, but they were on the whole unwilling to send their sons off to die so that Englishmen could keep those slaves.

After Sherman and Grant and their confreres burnt the South to the ground from New Orleans to Richmond, the plantation fields lay fallow and the Englishmen of the plains faced the prospect of being every bit as poor as their Appalachian inferiors. The Union attempted a plan, the Reconstruction, that would have seen the economy of the South forever changed, and might well have lifted the Appalachias out of poverty…or at least kept them level with the plains. If Grant had had the courage and the forebearance to follow up on Lincoln’s design, the Confederacy might well and truly have died at Appomattox in 1865. Instead, the Englishmen of the plains insinuated themselves into the putative new order; they turned slavery into sharecropping and tenant farming, with the result that they could extract just as much labour out of their workforce without having to take any responsibility for their food, clothing, or shelter. Instead of breaking slavery, Union and Confederate money men did their level best to nullify the result of the war which over half a million of their fellow countrymen (and women) had died for, not counting the millions who suffered for decades afterward. For over a century, the social order of the South continued more-or-less unchanged, except with even more poverty for those unlucky enough to be born in a plantation house.

Revanchism is a curse brought on by a broken promise. In the South’s case, it was two promises that were broken: the promise of victory (by Davis and Lee) and, then, the promise of a just and fair Reconstruction by Lincoln. Over the century and a half since those promises were both broken, they’ve been largely elided in the poorest parts of the South, and the betrayal of the Reconstruction has been subsumed into an amnesiac support for the war that the Appalachians’ ancestors wanted no truck with when it actually happened. The Union, and hence the government in general, became the chief source of corruption and despair for far too many Appalachians, betrayed as they’d been both by Richmond and then Washington over the course of decades.

Religion means something a little bit different to the poorest Southerners, particularly Appalachians. There are plenty of churches, sure, most of them small community centres in or around towns. But the pews are usually filled with what passes for the middle class, people most concerned with appearances and social stature. Most of the people I knew growing up didn’t bother with going to church, and not just because nobody could afford a suit; religion is something that these people live, a story they tell themselves and one another, because they have so few better stories to tell. They pray not because they don’t know better, but because they know all too well that they’ll never feel the hand of human justice or prosperity, and the best they can do is hope for divine intervention in this world or, failing that, a place in paradise in the next one. Most of them have never read a word of the Bible, but they’ll swear up and down it’s the only way to live your life. In fact, plenty of them don’t even consider themselves “religious” at all—they have Jesus in their hearts, and that’s more than good enough, because their lives aren’t going to get any better otherwise.

I’m not an expert on the history of the South, but I know enough (and have lived enough) to claim with some confidence that anyone who tries to frame a discussion of Southern culture without extensive treatments of at least these three points is not worth wasting your time on. Read To Kill a Mockingbird instead; it’ll be much more entertaining, at least.

Trump’s candidacy is music to their ears

Aug 20th, 2016 4:57 pm | By

Someone who uncritically swallows the claim that J D Vance explains why the white working class loves Trump, apparently without noticing its extreme thinness: Rod Dreher at the American Conservative, who interviews Vance.

RD: A friend who moved to West Virginia a couple of years ago tells me that she’s never seen poverty and hopelessness like what’s common there. And she says you can drive through the poorest parts of the state, and see nothing but TRUMP signs. Reading “Hillbilly Elegy” tells me why. Explain it to people who haven’t yet read your book. 

J.D. VANCE: The simple answer is that these people–my people–are really struggling, and there hasn’t been a single political candidate who speaks to those struggles in a long time.  Donald Trump at least tries.

What many don’t understand is how truly desperate these places are, and we’re not talking about small enclaves or a few towns–we’re talking about multiple states where a significant chunk of the white working class struggles to get by.  Heroin addiction is rampant.  In my medium-sized Ohio county last year, deaths from drug addiction outnumbered deaths from natural causes.  The average kid will live in multiple homes over the course of her life, experience a constant cycle of growing close to a “stepdad” only to see him walk out on the family, know multiple drug users personally, maybe live in a foster home for a bit (or at least in the home of an unofficial foster like an aunt or grandparent), watch friends and family get arrested, and on and on.  And on top of that is the economic struggle, from the factories shuttering their doors to the Main Streets with nothing but cash-for-gold stores and pawn shops.

But what does Trump have to do with that? Why is that a reason to vote for and support Trump?

The two political parties have offered essentially nothing to these people for a few decades.  From the Left, they get some smug condescension, an exasperation that the white working class votes against their economic interests because of social issues, a la Thomas Frank (more on that below).  Maybe they get a few handouts, but many don’t want handouts to begin with. 

From the Right, they’ve gotten the basic Republican policy platform of tax cuts, free trade, deregulation, and paeans to the noble businessman and economic growth.  Whatever the merits of better tax policy and growth (and I believe there are many), the simple fact is that these policies have done little to address a very real social crisis.  More importantly, these policies are culturally tone deaf: nobody from southern Ohio wants to hear about the nobility of the factory owner who just fired their brother.

Trump’s candidacy is music to their ears.  He criticizes the factories shipping jobs overseas.  His apocalyptic tone matches their lived experiences on the ground.  He seems to love to annoy the elites, which is something a lot of people wish they could do but can’t because they lack a platform.  

That is pathetic. The only item that makes any sense is “He criticizes the factories shipping jobs overseas,” and does Vance seriously think Trump would do anything about factories shipping jobs overseas? All that’s left is annoying the elites, and that’s not good enough. It’s childish.

This is incredibly thin stuff, and it’s annoying that there’s a media stampede to take it seriously.

Porn made her living hell worse

Aug 20th, 2016 4:23 pm | By

The Salt Lake Tribune:

Pornography made her captor more violent, Elizabeth Smart said in a video posted online Friday.

Produced by the anti-porn advocacy group Fight the New Drug, the 5-minute video delves into how Smart’s convicted kidnapper, Brian David Mitchell, would “just sit and look” at various “hard-core” porn magazines.

“I can’t say that he would not have gone out and kidnapped me had he not looked at pornography,” Smart says in the video. “All I know is that pornography made my living hell worse.”

Smart was held captive for nine months in the Utah mountains after Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Eileen Barzee, pulled the then-14-year-old Salt Lake City girl from her bed at knifepoint in June 2002. He continually raped her, Smart said, but assaulted her more frequently after he had been looking at porn.

“It just led to him raping me more, more than he already did — which was a lot,” she says in the video. “Looking at pornography wasn’t enough for him. Having sex with his wife after looking at pornography wasn’t enough for him. Then it led to him finally going out and kidnapping me. He just always wanted more.”

And there’s no better “more” than raping a kidnapped child. Now that is porn. Living the dream.

The almost pathological suspicion

Aug 20th, 2016 3:56 pm | By

Fareed Zakaria is also somewhat baffled by J D Vance’s explanations for why impoverished white working class people love Trump. He’s not as baffled as I am, and he’s more polite about it, but he sees some holes in the argument.

The other, larger gap in Vance’s book is race. He speaks about the causes of the anxiety and pain of the white working class, but he describes the causes almost entirely in economic terms. Their jobs have disappeared, their wages have stagnated, their lives have become more unstable. But there is surely something else at work here — the sense that people who look and sound very different are rising up. Surveyspolls and other research confirm that racial identity and anxiety are at the heart of support for Trump.

Vance touches on this sideways, when speaking about the almost pathological suspicion his hillbillies have for Barack Obama. Vance explains that it is because of the president’s accent — “clean, perfect, neutral” — his urban background, his success in the meritocracy, his reliability as a father.

Wait. What? Vance “explains” that Obama’s reliability as a father is a reason for working class people to be pathologically suspicious of him? Why? Do they consider that “elitist” too? Is it snobbish and latte-sipping to be a good parent? If that is what he’s saying it’s just horrifying. It’s a Iago-type reason to hate someone – “He hath a daily beauty in his life/ that makes me ugly.” Apparently Obama makes people feel bad by being a good parent – and instead of trying to be good parents too, they respond by resenting him and supporting a man with no apparent morals of any kind.

“And,” one wants to whisper to Vance, “because he’s black .” After all, over the years the white working class has voted for plenty of Republican and Democratic candidates with fancy degrees and neutral accents. That’s not what makes Obama different.

The white working class has always derived some of its status because there was a minority underclass below it. In his seminal work, “American Slavery, American Freedom,” Edmund Morgan argues that even before the revolution, the introduction of slavery helped dampen class conflict within the white population. No matter how poor you were, there was security in knowing there was someone beneath you.

The rage that is fueling the Trump phenomenon is not just about stagnant wages. It is about a way of life under siege, and it risks producing a “politics of cultural despair.” That phrase was coined by Fritz Stern to describe Germany a century ago. The key to avoiding that fate is not a series of public policies — whether tariffs or tax credits — but enlightened politics, meaning leadership that does not prey on people’s fears and phobias.

Preying on people’s fears and phobias is all that Trump does.

They lied to the judge’s face

Aug 20th, 2016 12:10 pm | By

A judge has referred Joe Arpaio for prosecution,

finding that they ignored and misrepresented to subordinates court orders designed to keep the sheriff’s office from racially profiling Latinos.

Federal prosecutors get to decide whether or not to pursue the case. Here’s hoping.

In his decision, Judge Snow removed several of Sheriff Arpaio’s powers, including his ability to oversee internal affairs investigations. The judge had already found that Sheriff Arpaio and his deputies had mishandled and manipulated such investigations, in part to obscure wrongdoing or neglect by deputies.

The lawsuit has already cost taxpayers more than $50 million in legal fees and contributed to Arizona’s reputation for bias against immigrants.

Gov. Doug Ducey has worked to redefine the state’s relationship to Mexico, bruised by the immigration law signed by his predecessor that empowered the police to ask about the legal status of anyone whom they suspected of being in the country illegally. Sheriff Arpaio, meanwhile, has remained a loyal ally of Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, amplifying his calls for a wall along the Southern border, paid for by Mexico.

Lie down with dogs, get up with motherfucking fleas.

The case was filed in 2007 on behalf of Latino drivers who claimed they had been systematically targeted by sheriff’s deputies during traffic stops and immigration patrols. Judge Snow agreed, ordering changes in training and procedures, including a requirement that officers relay by radio the reason for each stop before approaching a driver.

But in May, the judge found Sheriff Arpaio and his top deputies in contempt of court, saying that they had “engaged in multiple acts of misconduct, dishonesty and bad faith” and “demonstrated a persistent disregard for the orders of the court.” His decision to ask the United States attorney’s office to bring criminal charges came despite Sheriff Arpaio’s apologies and pleas by one of his lawyers, Mel McDonald, last month in court.

“One thing I’m convinced, judge, is that you want to see the process succeed,” Mr. McDonald said. He listed reasons against a criminal referral — Sheriff Arpaio’s age (he is 84) and “long career in public service,” his apologies for disrespecting the court’s order, and the “hundreds, if not thousands of hours” already spent to comply with it.

Judge Snow, who conducted the hearing on his feet because of a bad back, told Mr. McDonald that Sheriff Arpaio and Mr. Sheridan had “lied to my face” during the contempt hearings. Then he leaned closer to the microphone and said, “I am through putting up with that kind of stuff, and they’re going to be as responsible for what they do here as any other citizen of Maricopa County.”

Trump’s pals.

Trump said “They should be forced to suffer”

Aug 20th, 2016 11:17 am | By

As I’ve mentioned, because I’ve always avoided taking any notice of Donald Trump, I’ve missed much about his sleazy career. I just read up on one item from 1989, recalled by Matt Ford in The Atlantic a few months ago. I felt rising nausea as I read.

It was an otherwise unremarkable event when Donald Trump received the endorsement of the New England Police Benevolent Association, a union of police and correctional officers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, on December 10. As he addressed the crowd in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Trump restated his support for police officers and for the death penalty for those who kill them. Then he articulated a new proposal to demonstrate that support.

One of the first things I’d do in terms of executive order if I win would be to sign a strong, strong statement that will go out to the country, out to the world, that anybody caught killing a policeman, policewoman, police officer, anybody killing a police officer: death penalty. It’s gonna happen. OK? We can’t let this go.

But, Ford points out, the Supreme Court ruled against mandatory death sentences in 1976. Also most death sentences are a state matter, not federal. Also, there’s the little matter of separation of powers. Trump seems to think of the presidency as a dictatorship – which is another reason to hope he gets nowhere near it.

Finally, and most importantly, the president doesn’t have the lawful power to unilaterally impose a criminal punishment on anyone, whether it be a fine, a prison sentence, or death. Presidents can wield the pardoning power to reduce or remove punishments for federal crimes, but they can neither increase nor enact them. The American legal system delegates that responsibility to judges and juries. Infringing on that separation of power through executive order would, at minimum, violate the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments’ guarantees of due process.

Oh, that.

Trump has a history of invoking the death penalty without regard for its limitations. After the brutal rape of a white jogger in Central Park in May 1989 received widespread media attention, and amid a rise in crime rates nationwide, Trump took out a full-age ad in four New York City newspapers with the title “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY! BRING BACK THE POLICE!” He did not specifically reference the Central Park jogger attack in the ad, but its timing made the connection inescapable.

That’s where the nausea started to rise. Wtf? Who does he think he is?

The ad itself is truly emetic:

Mayor [Ed] Koch has stated that hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so. I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence. Yes, Mayor Koch, I want to hate these murderers and I always will. I am not looking to psychoanalyze them or understand them, I am looking to punish them. If the punishment is strong, the attacks on innocent people will stop. I recently watched a newscast trying to explain “the anger in these young men.” I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. I want them to be afraid.

How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalization of its citizens by crazed misfits? Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!

There speaks a terrible human being. There is displayed the reactionary mind at is ugliest. He makes me ashamed.

Five teenagers were arrested, tried and convicted of the rape.

When Trump published his full-page ads, police had already arrested five suspects for the crimes, all of whom were young black and Hispanic men between the ages of 14 and 16. Each had been named in connection with unrelated beatings and attacks in the park that night. Of the five teenagers, who would later be known as the Central Park Five, four were 14 or 15 years old. The U.S. Supreme Court had ruled the previous year in Thompson v. Oklahoma that executing a 15-year-old would be cruel and unusual punishment. However, the fifth defendant had been 16 years old at the time of the attack, and the Court had upheld the death penalty for 16- and 17-year-olds in Stanford v. Kentucky in the summer between his arrest and his trial.

But even if all of the Central Park Five had been old enough to qualify for death sentences, none of them could have been executed for the crime. The Supreme Court had already abolished the death penalty for rape over a decade earlier in the 1977 case Coker v. Georgia. The Court’s opinion, written by Justice Thurgood Marshall, avoided citing the vast racial disparities in death sentences for rape in its reasoning. But the justices, especially Marshall, were aware of those disparities and likely motivated by them. Between 1930 and 1972, only Southern and border states still imposed the death penalty for rape; over 90 percent of those executed for it were black.

Trump was born too late and too far north. He would have had a happy, fulfilled life as a Mississippi sheriff who retired in 1955.

And then there’s the kicker: the “Central Park Five” didn’t do it. (I did know that. It’s Trump’s intervention I had blocked out.)

All five teenagers were eventually tried, convicted, and sentenced to multiple years in prison for the Central Park rape. Then, years later, it was revealed that none of them had actually committed the crime.

The “park marauders,” the “roving gang,” the “crazed misfits” were fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen years old. The confessions they gave, as children, had been false, spun out under the pressure of hours of police interrogations. (They were, had anyone been ready to acknowledge it at the time, also inconsistent; they also had parents whom they weren’t able to see before their questioning.) The boys were sent to prison. One of them, Kharey Wise, who at sixteen was the oldest and sentenced as an adult, was still there when, eleven years after the rape in the park, he happened to cross paths with a prisoner named Matias Reyes. It occurred to Reyes that it was his fault that Wise was there. He confessed that he, and he alone, had raped and beaten Meili, as he had raped other women over the years. He described to police how he had tied her with her clothes; it had been part of his M.O. in other cases, something that gave credibility to his confession. It moved beyond a doubt when a DNA test matched Reyes to the semen found on Meili’s body. The DNA hadn’t matched any of the teen-agers—one of the many details that got blinked over in the trial. They were exonerated twelve years ago, and the charges were formally dropped.


Good thing Trump didn’t get his way with that ad.

But he wasn’t finished.

The Central Park Five sued the city for their wrongful prosecution and received a $40 million settlement in 2014, $1 million for every year of their lives wrongfully spent behind bars. Shortly after the news of the settlement broke, Trump published an op-ed in the New York Daily News calling it “a disgrace.”

Forty million dollars is a lot of money for the taxpayers of New York to pay when we are already the highest taxed city and state in the country. The recipients must be laughing out loud at the stupidity of the city.

Speak to the detectives on the case and try listening to the facts. These young men do not exactly have the pasts of angels.

That’s all the nausea I can take right now.


Aug 19th, 2016 5:45 pm | By

The New York Times on Tuesday:

Roger Ailes, the former Fox News chairman ousted last month over charges of sexual harassment, is advising Donald J. Trump in preparation for the all-important presidential debates this fall.

That’s nice, isn’t it? Good opening? Major party candidate for the presidency signs up a guy who was fired because of multiple accusations of sexual harassment. That tells women what Trump thinks of us.

How many women have accused Roger Ailes of sexually harassing them? At least 20.

[A]fter former Fox host Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Ailes, at least 20 other women have contacted Carlson’s attorneys too. A handful of those women reached out as witnesses, but almost all of them said they had personally experienced harassment from Ailes — who has denied all allegations so far.

Right now it looks like “at least 20” may be a conservative estimate of the number of women who have stories to tell about Ailes, although it’s not clear just how conservative. In addition to the women who reached out to Carlson’s attorney, numerous women, including current and former Fox employees, have spoken out publicly about their stories. Some have used their real names, and others have shared their stories with reporters anonymously.

Of course, some of the women sharing their stories publicly may also be among the 20-plus women Carlson’s attorneys have heard from. On the other hand, at least a few probably aren’t: Carlson’s attorneys told the Guardian they saw stories published in the Daily Beast that didn’t resemble stories they’d already heard from the women who reached out to them.

And he’s Trump’s buddy, and helping him with his debating skills. Vote the rape ticket.

Put that guy on the team

Aug 19th, 2016 5:20 pm | By

Via Daily Kos:

Just pointing out there’s a lesbian taco

Aug 19th, 2016 2:32 pm | By

When I saw this yesterday I thought it was satire – I assumed it was satire, I took it for granted it was satire. I had a good laugh and shared it on Facebook, thinking it was satire. Then I learned that it’s not satire – they mean it.

The title is We Messed Up. What follows is a hyperbolic, endless confession of wrong-doing over…a movie review and a lesbian taco shell.

And it’s not satire.

Yesterday we published a review of Seth Rogen’s new animated film, Sausage Party. After we received feedback about it from our Trans Editor Mey Rude, the members of the QTPOC Speakeasy and Facebook commenters, we decided to un-publish the piece. Here’s how the review came to be published on Autostraddle, why it was a problematic decision, and what we’re doing to avoid mistakes like this in the future.

Lordy. If you read that first paragraph of a long piece, wouldn’t you assume it was satire? Wouldn’t you assume no one, however Politically Woke, could be that po-faced and humorless? “Our Trans Editor Mey Rude”?? Do admit.

On Saturday we received a pitch from a freelancer who enjoyed Salma Hayek’s portrayal of the animated queer taco in Sausage Party; she found it to be surprisingly nuanced. Hers was the only pitch we received about the film. None of the senior editors saw the film or wanted to. I spent about an hour reading reviews over the weekend. Every review I read that made note of the film’s cultural caricatures also indicated that those caricatures were pushed so far beyond the point of absurdity that they actually became a subversive parody of stereotypes. In interviews, Salma Hayek expressed unbridled enthusiasm about the role.

Well who wouldn’t? Who wouldn’t rave about playing an “animated queer taco” in a Penis Joke Movie by Seth Rogen?

Then we get a long collection of snippets from reviews confirming the wonderfulness of the taco part. Then we get, gawdelpus, a transcribed discussion among the editors. A tiny sample:

Yvonne: i think it’s fine heather! i think i wouldn’t watch the movie because it’s in the category of movies i hate and i hope our readers can make that distinction for themselves. and it’s not like we’re endorsing this movie, just pointing out there’s a lesbian taco

Would you have known that wasn’t satire? Would anyone? I ask you.

After we published the review, we heard from Latinx readers who believe the portrayal of Salma Hayek’s taco was racist and that it reinforced harmful stereotypes. We heard from readers who were upset that we labeled the taco a lesbian when it seems more likely that she was bisexual. We heard from readers who questioned the consent of the sexual encounter between the taco and the hot dog bun. We heard from readers who found the taco to be a damaging portrayal of a predatory queer woman.

Come on. How is that not satire?

There are several reasons I should have listened to the alarm bells of unease I felt about the Sausage Party review. First and most damning: we allowed a non-Latina writer to cover a story about a caricature of a Latina, and while the review didn’t specifically mention the film’s stereotyping, by praising the film as a positive portrayal of a queer Latina, we allowed a white writer to, in effect, condone that stereotyping. Second, when I was looking for reviews, I trusted the opinion of mainstream newspapers and websites and didn’t specifically seek out reviews written by women of color, generally; or Latina women, specifically. Furthermore, if the review had been written by a staff writer we would’ve talked it out with the writer in Slack if we had concerns and asked them more questions. Since the writer was a freelancer, we chose not to reach out to ask follow up questions over email; instead, we plowed forward for the sake of a time-sensitive article. Third, we did not consult with our full team to see if anyone had heard anything positive or negative about the film’s portrayal of a queer Latina character. And finally, we put the burden on Yvonne of being the conscience and voice for all queer Latina women.

I want to personally apologize to every reader who was hurt by the Sausage Party review. I failed you as a senior editor of this website and I failed you as an ally. I am wholly sorry for the pain and anger I caused you. I offer you no justification. I was blinded by my own whiteness existing inside a system of white supremacy. I must do better. I will do better. I also want to take full responsibility for not working more closely with the freelancer. This was not her fault. This was an editorial failure. I should have asked more critical questions about the film, especially since no one I know had seen it.

A note from Yvonne: I want to apologize to our Latinx readers specifically because I could’ve stopped this from happening, especially when I recognized the red flags and didn’t stop to question them. I knew the taco was a racist caricature but attributed it to a systemic problem in media that wasn’t necessarily our problem. But it became our problem when we used our voice as a queer publication to write a positive review of that racist caricature and perpetuated a racist narrative for the sake of the queer representation in the film. I was wrong for not stopping this immediately, especially when it deeply effects my own people. I’m a Latina and I’m also susceptible to the racist, oppressive system we live in. I know how incredibly challenging it is to find genuine Latinx representations in media and I’m sorry I was a disservice to Latinxs by not demanding better. These aren’t our stories and we deserve better. I’m deeply shamed by this deplorable mistake and I will definitely learn from this and make sure I can provide the best representation for people of color going forward.

Then there’s a long thing about what they’re doing to make sure this never happens again.

I hope help reaches them in time.

They identify as prats

Aug 19th, 2016 1:57 pm | By

This one is just frivolous, but it’s so peculiar I can’t resist it.

The CBC reports:

A Washington state couple preoccupied with reliving the Victorian era — from their icebox to their undergarments — were asked to change out of their traditional costumes or leave Butchart Gardens near Victoria.

I remember reading about that couple; I thought maybe I’d blogged about them but if so I can’t find it. They do their “Victorian” thing all the time…except of course that they don’t, because for instance they blog about it, and Victorians didn’t have “blogs.” But apart from the internet and similar minor details, they pretend to be living in the 19th century full-time.

The Port Townsend couple booked tickets to lunch at Butchart Gardens in advance and couldn’t wait to see the world-famous floral displays.

Sarah wore a floor-length striped frock and hat, while Gabriel looked smart in a suit.

But they could not believe it when they arrived and were refused entry — because of their clothes.

“We’ve worn this type of clothing before and we’ve never been turned away before. Never had this sort of official banishment,” Gabriel told CBC News.

Sarah Chrisman

Sarah Chrisman enjoys the foliage in her finery at Abkhazi Garden in Victoria. (Sarah Chrisman/Facebook)

There’s another not-quite-Victorian item – Facebook.

But you know…if I had a garden that people paid to look at, I wouldn’t much want her in it either. Why? Because the way she’s dressed is attention-grabbing, and I wouldn’t want people being distracted from the flowers when they’d paid to look at the flowers rather than Sarah Chrisman. She’s both conspicuous and silly-looking (because who the hell voluntarily wears a corset and a skirt down to the ground? in summer?), and I would probably want to tell her to go away just for that reason.

They of course are pretending it’s a Political Issue.

They protested loudly on their blog This Victorian Life, and many readers chimed in with their dismay and support.

The couple said there seemed to be a concern at the gardens that they’d be confused for Butchart staff members.

But then they were offered the loan of staff uniforms so they could still tour the premises, which made no sense to the resplendent pair.

“It would go entirely against our principles to do so. Our clothes are part of our identity,” said Sarah. “Clothes are far too intimate a thing to allow someone to strip off of us.”

Ahhh there it is – the plaintive cry of the Identity Bird.

Clothes are just clothes. In public there are certain conventions about them, some of which can be pushed or ignored but others of which can’t. Mostly people are free to prance around the town in costume, but what they can’t do is expect no one to notice. People do notice costumes, and that’s why Butchart Gardens has a longstanding policy against them.

In a written statement, Butchart Gardens said the policy to ban costumes has been in place “for many years,” as it distracts visitors trying to enjoy the gardens.

“For the enjoyment and safety of all visitors, and to preserve our tranquil atmosphere, the Butchart Gardens joins many international attractions … in not permitting costumes or masks to be worn on-site,” Butchart said.

The gardens noted that Disney theme parks, SeaWorld parks, and the Houston Museum of Fine Arts also have costume and mask restrictions.

But the pretend Victorians of course don’t see it that way.

Our clothes are wrapped up in the most intimate way possible with our own identities. (I’ve written an entire book on the subject, for goodness’ sakes.) This man was telling us that to enter this place we had paid an inordinate amount of money to visit, we would first have to strip off our very identities. No.

So entitled, so self-absorbed, so self-important. She seems to expect the people at Butchart Gardens to know all this about the couple, and to care, and to suspend their own rules because of it. Why would they do that?

That one word “identity” has a lot to answer for.