You just don’t

Aug 19th, 2024 10:51 am | By

The quotation marks indicate a quotation, so I looked for it. Apparently it’s Fran Lebowitz who said it.

Anyway it’s true. It’s weirdly bizarrely shamingly true. I don’t know anyone as blatantly obviously shamelessly as stupid as Trump. It’s possible that I know some people who are approximately that stupid but if so they don’t flaunt it the way he does…which means they are less stupid than he is.

You can object that this unsurpassed stupidity of his got him elected president, but on the other hand it made billions of people aware of how profoundly stupid he is when they otherwise would have had no idea.

Anyway I really don’t know any other people who get up in public and babble like angry toddlers all day long. He really is uniquely thick in the head. It’s very shaming.

Shulgarh district

Aug 19th, 2024 10:00 am | By

In other parts of the world:

Radioactive hair

Aug 19th, 2024 4:51 am | By

Police in Iran shoot a woman in the spine, paralyzing her, because they don’t like her hair.

The family of Arezou Badri, a 31-year-old woman shot by Iran’s police on July 22 for allegedly violating mandatory hijab laws, is under intense government pressure to withdraw their complaint.

Badri, a mother of two, was left paralyzed after the shooting, an incident that has ignited outrage both within Iran and on the international stage.

The family’s complaint regarding Badri, who suffered severe spinal cord injuries and remains hospitalized at Valiasr Hospital in Tehran, was heard in a court this week. However, the family remains dissatisfied with the outcome and the judicial process.

This is because she has hair on her head. Women have slutty whorey seductive catch-me fuck-me hair on their heads, because they’re sluts, so if they don’t wear a huge bandage on their hair to conceal it, the cops get to shoot them. Women are so evil it’s beyond belief.

A warrant for the confiscation of Badri’s vehicle over an earlier alleged hijab violation led police to open fire from the rear driver’s side.

Say what? How could a “hijab violation,” i.e. not wearing a thick bandage on the head concealing all but the face “lead” police to open fire on the woman not wearing the bandage?

It’s all futile anyway you know. It’s not women’s fault that men think about sex a lot. If you bandage the hair it will be something else that turns the men’s thoughts to sex. If you do away with all the women you won’t have any people left. It’s a mug’s game trying to make men stop thinking about sex.

The Information Center of the Mazandaran Police Command confirmed the police shooting at the car in which Badri was a passenger, stating that the driver “continued to flee despite police orders, prompting the police to shoot at the car according to the law on the use of firearms.”

Yeah see that’s not a good reason. If the police are hassling her for existing, they don’t therefore have the right to shoot her in the back for trying to get away from them. Iranian law may allow it, but some laws suck.

She has two kids. Now their mother is paralyzed and will probably die. Because she didn’t hide her hair from lecherous men.

The impossible dream

Aug 19th, 2024 4:01 am | By

Hmm that’s a stupid title.

Tentative deal could allow transgender girls to keep playing on girls’ sports teams in N.H.

If boys play on girls’ sports teams then those sports teams are no longer girls’ sports teams. By definition. These boys who long to play on girls’ teams are yearning for the impossible, because by getting their wish they fail to get their wish. “Ok George and Fred and Bill you can play on the girls’ team, whoops now it’s a mixed team.”

Two transgender girls in New Hampshire whose families filed a federal lawsuit challenging the enforcement of a new state law that bars them from girls’ school sports may get a temporary reprieve.

Two boys, that is. If they get any kind of reprieve they will change the girls’ team into a girls’ and boys’ team. The thing they want is literally impossible for them to attain.

Legally recogniiiiiized

Aug 18th, 2024 2:53 pm | By

Julie Bindel on another cheating male athlete:

Valentina Petrillo, a 50-year-old biological male, is set to be the first transgender Paralympian. The International Paralympic Committee allows governing bodies to set their own policies, and World Para Athletics permits anyone legally recognised as a woman to compete in the women’s events.

Why stop there? Why not legally recognize cheetahs as human and let them compete in races? Why not recognize dolphins as human and let them compete in swimming competitions?

Petrillo is being lauded not because he is a brilliant sprinter, but because he is the first transgender person to compete in the World Paralympic Games. Supporters of transgender ideology will approve of how inclusive the sporting world is – and the women who complain will be called bigots. Is this going to keep on happening until we are back to the bad old days, when no females competed in the Olympics? Perhaps women athletes have had their moment, won their quota of medals, and are now to be consigned to cheerleading?

It’s hard to see how that situation can be averted unless everyone retreats from the bullshit. If legal recognition is all it takes what will prevent all male athletes from simply demanding legal recognition and then taking women’s places?

The same science that has determined he has a disability can also determine that he is male. The sacrifices made by those hard-working female athletes in order to compete in this elite sporting competition can only be imagined by most of us. We must make no bones about saying that, whether deliberate or not, Petrillo is a cheat.

And that the people he is cheating are women.

Cheating dude tells women to “look within”

Aug 18th, 2024 2:24 pm | By

Let’s add insult to injury, shall we?

[O]utspoken Scottish golfer Hailey Davidson – born male but who transitioned to female – has shared her perspective on why athletes should look within when faced with defeat by transgender competitors.

There it is again – as pretty much always. The issue isn’t “transgender competitors”; it’s men intruding on women’s sports. When it’s the other way around it’s pretty much never a problem for the men. The news media flat-out refuse to cover this honestly.

Davidson was recently excluded from NXXT golf events due to the policy changes following her transition. She took to Instagram to express her views: “I will never understand athletes who blame a transgender competitor on their own athletic failures. If you don’t take accountability for your failures then you will never actually be good enough to make it.”

First of all, the guy is illiterate. He means “athletes who blame a transgender competitor FOR their own athletic failures.” Second, he’s a pig, taunting women who don’t consent to his intrusion into their sport. I will never understand pigs like Hayley Davidson who insult women for not wanting him ruining their sport.

Having last competed in men’s tournaments in 2015 and after her gender reassignment surgery in 2021, Davidson has seen victories in NXXT tournaments. Despite this, the organization’s updated inclusion policy as of January prevents athletes not born female from competing.

Despite what? Why would Davidson’s success at cheating women be a reason for the organization to continue letting him cheat? It’s not “despite this,” it’s “because this.”

A laborer from Shamokin

Aug 18th, 2024 12:11 pm | By
A laborer from Shamokin

Wait what?

Robert A. Bridy, 64, a laborer from Shamokin, Pennsylvania, traveled on Saturday to the rally to show support for Trump. He said the election feels tight in this state and added that his union and a close friend are trying to convince him to vote for Harris and other Democrats, but he has voted for Trump since 2016.

Bridy called Trump a “working class guy like us.” Trump is a billionaire who built his fortune in real estate.

How do people manage to think that?

The only explanation I can think of is insulting to the people in question.

Trump has never been in any sense working class. He was landlord class from the beginning.

What he can claim, I suppose, is that he lacks class in the cultural sense. He’s from Queens, and he remains all Queens despite the very tall property on 5th Avenue. You can buy the brownstone, you can build the tower, but you’ll still never be what old money is willing to sit down to dinner with. The tall garish tower will never be 47 and 49 E. 65th Street.

A different person could make that transition, but for Trump it’s completely out of the question. He’s determinedly sleazy and vulgar and trashy – he wants to be that, he enjoys it, he loves rubbing people’s noses in it.

Also a different person could remain loyal to his Queens roots but also be a decent human being, but again for Trump that’s just not a goal.

So really what the laborer from Shamokin, Pennsylvania is saying is that Trump is a bad cruel vulgar ignorant person “like us”…which is just too sad and horrific to believe.

The contrast

Aug 18th, 2024 11:12 am | By

This is effective.

Now you can say “Well sure but those are carefully selected clips, you could find other clips that would show the opposite” – but the reality is that you could not. Not in a million years could you find clips of Donald Trump talking to little girls the way Harris does. The reality is that Trump does think that “value” in women means “sexually appealing to Donald Trump.” The reality is that Trump thinks that’s the only kind of value women can have.

And the reality of course is that you could never find clips of Harris talking about anyone the way Trump talks about female people. For Harris female people have the capabilities that male people have; for Trump female people are items on the menu.

He’s so shell-shocked that

Aug 18th, 2024 10:39 am | By

Michael Tomasky at The New Republic notes that Harris is good at fighting back, something the Dems are often not very good at.

And Donald Trump is freaked out in ways he never imagined were possible. He has faced a lot of opponents—from 1980s New York Mayor Ed Koch to all his many creditors to the 16 dwarves he ran against in 2016 to a Clinton campaign that thought the race was over to prosecutors he has known for years how to slow down, especially with corrupt hack judges having his back. But Trump has never had an opponent that made him go: “Oh fuck, these people mean business.”

Now he does. And that it’s a Black woman who means this business makes it so great, so much better. The New York Times reported over the weekend that he is so shell-shocked by the turnabout in this race that he’s doubling down on racism and “stop the steal” delusions. He is in full-blown meltdown mode, in other words.

Let’s not get too excited, because Trump still has the massive advantage of being the worst person on the planet and lots of people just love that. But still: it is indeed nice to see the other team not just flopping around helplessly.

Extreme extremism is extremist

Aug 18th, 2024 7:25 am | By

The BBC is just a tiny bit evasive as it reports on misogyny and “extremism”…

Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans, the Home Office has said.

Tautology, dear BBC. Extremism will be treated as a form of extremism.

Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has ordered a review of the UK’s counter-extremism strategy to determine how best to tackle threats posed by harmful ideologies. The analysis will look at hatred of women as one of the ideological trends that the government says is gaining traction. Ms Cooper said there has been a rise in extremism “both online and on our streets” that “frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy”.

It’s still not clear how “extremism” is being defined.

The review will look at the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny or beliefs which fit into broader categories, such as violence.

Is the issue Islamist “extremism” or Islamist misogyny? Bundling everything into “extremism” just makes it all a soup, with no clarity about the ingredients.

This is also not the first time the government has considered misogyny as a form of extremism. For some years there has been concern around “Incel culture”, an online movement of mainly young men who describe themselves as “involuntarily celibate” and blame women and “alpha males” for their problems.

There is, of course, no mention of the misogyny of trans ideology.

Oh right, women exist!

Aug 17th, 2024 6:28 pm | By

Well there’s a surprise.

Extreme misogyny to be treated as terrorism

Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, has ordered a review of Britain’s counter-extremism strategy to urgently address gaps in the Government’s stance, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal.

It will look at tackling violence against women and girls in the same way as Islamist and far-Right extremism, amid fears that current Home Office guidance is too narrow.

It’s nice that they’ve at least noticed finally. I’m so sick of seeing the lists of persecuted groups that always always always leave women out. I saw another one just this morning.

The move comes after Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that violence against women and girls should be treated as a national security threat.

Speaking in the wake of a damning report into the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving Scotland Yard officer, he warned that hundreds of thousands of sex abusers and paedophiles were at large and tackling them would require more resources from future governments.

Last month, the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) published a major report into violence against women and girls, calling for an overhaul in the way it is dealt with owing to the “epidemic scale” of offending

Well it’s about fucking time. Did they think women are just expendable, or what?

He thinks it’s a beautiful phrase

Aug 17th, 2024 5:22 pm | By

The fragrant candidate from Queens:

Oh yes we can

Aug 17th, 2024 5:13 pm | By

A comment by a woman on Jo Phoenix’s post Talking about Asian grooming gangs:

An interesting and thought provoking article. One thing I find missing is the observation that not all cultures and religions are the same regarding attitudes towards women and girls. All are bad in their own way, but men of Muslim heritage and Muslim countries do have particularly oppressive and offensive attitudes about women and girls. Just because a subject raises unpleasant issues and is difficult to discuss doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be discussed.

I would put that more cautiously by saying that countries where Islam is more or less mandatory train men (and plenty of women) to be suspicious and contemptuous of women. Some men resist, some people grow up in more liberal secular families, yadda yadda, but the bottom line is that Islam teaches that women are always potential whores and have to be hidden and controlled and bullied.

Jo Phoenix’s reply, I’m sorry to say, is not impressive.

Not sure I agree. This is a generalisation. Catholicism? The Magdalen Schools in Ireland and csa by priests? Fundamentalism is a problem. Look at the legacy of Christianity in many African countries. We cannot say that Islam – as a religion – is more or less oppressive than Christianity.

First of all, yes, Catholicism, and the Magdalen laundries, and rapey priests. Yes, for sure. But that doesn’t translate to “Islam is not all that bad.” Yes it is. Look at Iran. Look at Afghanistan. Look at Boko Haram in Nigeria. Look at Saudi Arabia. And yes, look at Pakistan. The fact that Catholicism also sucks does not make Islam benign. There are reformist Muslims of course but the Taliban doesn’t pay a whole lot of attention to them. Of course we can say that Islam – as a religion – (what else would it be?) – is more oppressive than Christianity. Try telling the girls and women thrown out of schools and universities by the Taliban that Christianity is just as bad.

She goes on:

The generalisation comes in when you say ‘men of Muslim heritage’ – do you mean all men of Muslim heritage – if so this is the same as saying men of black heritage are problematic. 

Of course it isn’t. Black heritage is not a religion, it has no Mohammed, it has no Koran, thus it has no holy book that tells it women are sly rebellious lying whores and must be muffled and controlled. It is fair to say that some men of Muslim heritage reject the misogyny, and even resist Islamist rulers and “activists” – like the late Tarek Fatah for instance. It’s fair to say that and it’s good to promote them and their work. But one can do that without pretending that Islam as it is in the world today is a benign or even somewhat benign religion. Unless you think half of humanity is simply worthless, that won’t fly.

It’s actually much better

Aug 17th, 2024 12:11 pm | By

It seems Trump has finally said something that angers even the maga types.

Former President Donald Trump received an immediate backlash Thursday when he said the Presidential Medal of Freedom he awarded to Dr. Miriam Adelson, the widow of Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson, was “equivalent” and “much better” than the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award for bravery in combat. 

What was that Captain Bonespurs? You’re dissing combat veterans now?

Speaking from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, during an event on fighting antisemitism, Trump praised the late Las Vegas casino magnate as “one of the greatest businessmen in the world,” before addressing Sheldon Adelson’s widow to make a comparison between the Medal of Honor and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, which is typically given for significant achievements in the arts, public service and other fields. 

In other words it’s a fine medal but it’s not comparable to the one you get for risking your life. Bloated scam artists who’ve never risked a damn thing shouldn’t belittle the people who risk their lives.

“I watched Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version,” said Trump as he spoke from the podium in front of multiple American and Israeli flags. 

He added, “It’s actually much better because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they are dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman. And they’re rated equal, but she got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.” 

Remember when Trump skipped a planned visit to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and called the soldiers buried there suckers and losers? He just did the same sort of thing all over again. He’s not a fast learner.

But many veterans with prominent platforms on social media denounced Thursday’s remarks from the 2024 Republican presidential nominee, lambasting the comments about the medal as “offensive” and “disrespectful.” Trump’s statement about the Medal of Honor and his characterization of service members who receive the award became a top trending topic of discussion on X, the social media platform. 

Trump’s comments on Thursday evening recalled past criticism of the former president over his disparaging comments about the late Republican Sen. John McCain in 2015 when he said McCain was “only a war hero because he was captured” during the Vietnam War, adding, “I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

This is core Trump. He’s all about self-dealing – he’s all about self, period. That’s all there is to him. He’s just a flat endless wasteland of self. He’s a vision of hell.

The younger the better

Aug 17th, 2024 11:26 am | By
The younger the better

More on the arrest of Stephen Ireland:

The founder of an LGBT Pride organization in Surrey, UK worked with closely with local police while committing vile crimes against children. Stephen Ireland, 40, the head of Pride in Surrey, was ultimately arrested by the very officers who had been promoting his “anti-hate” efforts and campaign to teach gender ideology to local children.

If people can be trained to believe that men can be women, they can be trained to believe that raping children is a new way to “be kind.”

On August 14, Ireland, along with one of the volunteers from his organization, were both arrested and jointly charged with 15 offenses, including conspiracy to kidnap a child and conspiracy to sexually assault a child.

Ireland was separately charged with an additional 22 offenses, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, and six counts of making indecent photographs of children. In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13. His colleague, David Sutton, 26, was charged with an additional 7 similarly serious offenses.

If people can be trained to believe that sex is malleable they can be trained to believe that age is malleable.

Disturbingly, since founding Pride in Surrey, Ireland had been actively leading Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) seminars, and was a patron of the trans activist charity Educate and Celebrate.

Educate about what, one wonders. Celebrate what, one wonders.

The charity, founded by Dr. Elly Barnes, a teacher who received an MBE for her contribution to equality and diversity in education, sought to “embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric” of societal institutions.

Ah yes! Don’t they all! Including the cops. Embed gender ideology in everything, and utopia will arrive at last.

Educate and Celebrate additionally boasted of its global reach, having partnered with international schools to have their resources used in classrooms in Thailand and Cambodia.

Start them young.

Ireland was a patron of Educate and Celebrate alongside leading LGBT activist and Peter Tatchell, with whom Ireland has attended events and has praised as an “inspiration.” Tatchell has been widely regarded as a pedophile sympathizer by many, and, as previously reported by Reduxx, Tatchell has an unsettling history of downplaying the harms of child sexual abuse.

Iss diversiee innit.

No YOU stop spreading disinformation

Aug 17th, 2024 5:31 am | By

Fair Play for Women tell us more about the government of Taiwan’s efforts to control their speech.

Taiwanese authorities are trying to censor the comments we made about male boxer Lin Yu Ting following the Olympic boxing scandal. The office of the Taiwanese ambassador, Vincent Yao, contacted us on Tuesday to express their “gravest concern” that we had chosen to “verbally attack a biological female” and asked that we “put an end to the act of spreading disinformation and harmful comments.”

Which is odd, at best. Do ambassadors really not have better things to do? Do ambassadors generally think they get to tell random people what to say about the ambassadors’ compatriots?

What the ambassador’s office said:

We are writing to express our gravest concern over the recent statement made by Fair Play for Women on social medias regarding the gender issue of Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu Ting, who just won a gold medal in Olympics 2024.

In response to Fair Play for Women’s false comments, we would like to clarify that Lin Yu Ting’s eligibility to participate in women’s boxing in the Olympics has been clearly confirmed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

It is deeply regrettable to see that Fair Play for Women, an organization aiming for promoting women’s rights, has chosen to verbally attack a biological female based on unfounded accusations, misinformation and her appearance. Such action will only jeopardize the solidarity of women and undermine the genuine spirit of feminism.

Therefore, we sincerely urge you to pull out those inappropriate posts on social medias such as X in respect of Ling Yu Ting, and to put an end to the act of spreading disinformation and harmful comments.

Fair Play for Women didn’t “attack” Lin Yu Ting. It’s not attacking to point out that a man is a man.

Lin Yu Ting is not “a biological female.”

Men who pretend to be women in order to win sports competitions (thus depriving women of the chance to do so) are not doing that for the sake of “the solidarity of women and undermine the genuine spirit of feminism.” They couldn’t give two shits about women and feminism; if they did they wouldn’t be cheating this way. The “genuine spirit of feminism” is not about letting men steal prizes from women.

We sincerely urge the Taiwanese ambassador to mind his own damn business and leave UK women alone.

Nicola Williams replied to the ambassador, asking him to “confirm that Lin has XX chromosomes and an ordinary female phenotype, including testosterone levels in the normal female range.” His response:

Regarding your question and request, President Thomas Bach of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has made it clear that Ms Lin Yu Ting is born as a woman, raised as a woman, has a passport as a woman and has competed for many years as a woman.

Yet again. Yes, Thomas Bach said words. We know. Words are not magic. Assertion is not evidence. As a woman is meaningless. Williams requested confirmation of physical facts, not burbling about passports and cheating for many years.

Of course no such confirmation was forthcoming.

Multiple counts

Aug 16th, 2024 5:28 pm | By

In related news…

Surrey Pride founder faces child sex abuse charges

The founder and former director of Pride in Surrey has been charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse against children.

Stephen Ireland, 40, and David Sutton, 26, both from Addlestone, were arrested on Wednesday. Mr Ireland founded Pride in Surrey in 2018. Mr Sutton was a volunteer with the organisation. The pair were suspended in June this year.

When the Beeb said multiple counts it wasn’t kidding.

Mr Ireland and Mr Sutton face a series of charges including six counts of conspiracy to sexually assault a child, conspiracy to kidnap a child, voyeurism and arranging the commission of a child sex offence.

In addition, Mr Ireland is facing a further 22 charges, including rape of a child under 13, sexual assault, making indecent photographs of children, and possession of an extreme pornographic image. Mr Sutton is also charged with a further seven offences, including making indecent photographs of children and distributing indecent photographs of a child.


Update: Oh look there’s more.

He’s a diversity trainer – of course he is. He gives DEI training to the police – of course he does.

Different rules for the wimz

Aug 16th, 2024 5:19 pm | By

Uh oh uh oh he failed a doping test, he’s out.

But that Khelif fella punching all those women at the Olympics, that’s just fine.

Going back to the roots

Aug 16th, 2024 4:16 pm | By
Going back to the roots

Jo Phoenix wrote an article a week ago titled Talking about Asian grooming gangs: some history and a few realities.

On Sunday 4th August I accused Kellie-Jay Keen (KJK) of being a populist extremist hell bent on inciting violence. She reposted a video made a few years previously about Asian grooming gangs in a tweet that said “the left would rather you be a rapist than them be accused of being racist. Women and girls don’t matter. # Rotherham”.

At the time she posted this tweet and video, a group of approximately 750 anti-immigration ‘protestors’ had surrounded a Rotherham Holiday Inn which accommodated asylum seekers. The ‘protest’ had already turned violent. The hotel was in the process of being smashed up and rioters were trying to set fire to the hotel. I was horrified both at what was happening in Rotherham and by Kellie-Jay Keen’s tweet and video.

So that’s part of the background to this open letter I blathered about earlier. It makes more sense of it.

Just to remind readers – the recent riots were started by disinformation about the identity of the boy in Southport who attacked a girls dance party, knifing many and killing three small girls. The disinformation was that he was Muslim, a migrant, on an MI5 watch list. Many of the populist extremist accounts spread this disinformation. As of today, there has been at least one arrest for incitement to racial hatred and false communication.

I received a lot of criticism for my tweet, most of which boiled down to this: you can’t call us racists for talking about Asian grooming gangs. Some of the responses horrified me almost as much as KJK’s original tweet – especially in relation to the highly negative racial stereotyping (let’s call it what it is – racism) that was [in] play. Asian grooming gangs and ‘Muslim Pakistani’ men were treated as though they were to blame for the problem of child sexual exploitation in England and Wales and the tragedy of Rotherham was treated as an example of the problems of immigration.

So I tweeted a few of these responses and said that I considered them racist. I was asked by one individual how we are supposed to talk about Asian grooming gangs if even mentioning it is seen as racist. This blog is my attempt to answer that question. It is long but the length is necessary so as to counter the misinformation that extremists are using to manipulate people’s discontents.

I recommend it, length and all.

They fought for the dress codes

Aug 16th, 2024 12:52 pm | By

He’s not wrong.