Posts Tagged ‘ President Racist ’

The Nazis who fled to South Africa

Aug 25th, 2018 11:19 am | By

Stewart alerted us to this Facebook post by Steve Russell:

Mr. Trump is innocent of history, but I don’t know if he would care. My attention was gotten back when the UT Main Library was closed stack and I requested a very old book titled “The Race Problem in South Africa.” It turned out to be a book about the relations between Brits and Boers. The Boer War did not not settle it. The Brits would go so far as to intermarry with the indigenous Africans and that’s why when the Boers had their day, they had to create a special classification for “coloreds.” The Asian population was mostly Indian with a few Chinese, but for reasons too complicated

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Blowing past Charlottesville

Aug 23rd, 2018 6:10 pm | By

Stewart at Gnu Atheism:

If you haven’t been lurking in far-right groups in recent years, this may not have jumped out at you, but this Trump tweet is, in its signalling to the most extreme racist elements in society, a quantum leap more serious than just saying “on many sides” and “some very fine people” after Charlottesville. It is a dog-whistle of far more piercing intensity than anything we have yet heard from him.

That full Read the rest

A textbook case of how dehumanizing rhetoric works

May 17th, 2018 10:09 am | By

Trump’s “They’re not people, they’re animals” is not being forgotten in the onslaught of news.

So I did read it; it’s outstanding. A few highlights:

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The Voting Rights Act

Nov 19th, 2016 12:44 pm | By

Ari Berman points out in a Times op-ed that the Trump Supreme Court appointments will very likely kill the Voting Rights Act.

The ruling in Shelby was bad enough. What was the result of Shelby?

Fourteen states had new voting restrictions in effect in 2016, including strict voter ID laws, fewer opportunities for early voting and reductions in the number of polling places. These restrictions depressed turnout in key states like Wisconsin, particularly among black voters.

Now it will get much worse.

A grave danger comes from the Supreme Court. If Donald J. Trump appoints a justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia to fill the current vacancy, as he has pledged to do, there could be five votes

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Meet the white supremacist Attorney General

Nov 18th, 2016 11:48 am | By

Ari Berman tells us more about Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Trump’s pick for Attorney General.

Donald Trump has chosen a white nationalist as his chief strategist and a white nationalist sympathizer as his pick for Attorney General. Like the Confederate general he is named after, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has long been a leading voice for the Old South and the conservative white backlash vote Trump courted throughout his campaign. Sessions, as a US senator from Alabama, has been the fiercest opponent in the Senate of immigration reform, a centerpiece of Trump’s agenda, and has a long history of opposition to civil rights, dating back to his days as a US Attorney in Alabama in the

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A racist and a Tea Party hire

Nov 18th, 2016 10:58 am | By

Today in Trump-horror news:

President-elect Donald Trump announced Friday that he plans to nominate Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general and Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) as CIA director, a pair of hard-line conservatives who offer early signs of the shape of Trump’s Cabinet.

Trump also confirmed the news reported a day earlier that he has selected retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn as his national security adviser, a position that, unlike the other two, does not need to be confirmed by the Senate.

Sessions, 69, was Trump’s first endorser in the Senate and quickly became the then-candidate’s chief resource on policy, but the fourth-term senator has been dogged by accusations of racism throughout his career.

In 1986,

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Racists and anti-Semites are rejoicing

Nov 18th, 2016 10:44 am | By

David Duke is in bliss.

Duke: Bannon, Flynn, Sessions: the 1st Steps in Taking America Back!

Now it’s time for – LAW & ORDER!

Mr. Trump’s appointment of Bannon, Flynn and Sessions are the first steps in the project of taking America back.… Read the rest