Posts Tagged ‘ President Fraud ’

Little more than a checkbook for Donnie Two-scoops

Dec 18th, 2018 9:40 am | By

There’s one.… Read the rest

Take thy reward

Dec 19th, 2016 9:37 am | By

Trump’s choice for very right-wing ambassador to Israel is a lawyer who helped Trump make out like a bandit from his company that went bankrupt. Ben Mathis-Lilley at Slate has the story:

In 1995, a company called Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts went public on the New York Stock Exchange. Trump was its chairman and, beginning in 2000, its CEO. The company lost money every year of its existence and went bankrupt in 2004. Its total 1995–2004 losses: $647 million. When it went bankrupt, bondholders had to settle for less than what they were owed. Employees lost their jobs and contractors went unpaid. IPO investors who held on until the end ultimately lost 90 cents for every

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To address any issues

Nov 30th, 2016 8:16 am | By

Trump is going to be in violation of his lease with the GSA the minute he becomes president.

The new Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., is in a historic federal building. A government agency called the General Services Administration, or GSA, negotiated the lease with the Trump Organization. And that lease includes this language: No elected official shall be admitted to any share or part of this lease or to any benefit that may arise there from.

Steven Schooner is a professor of government procurement law at George Washington University Law School; he read the lease and says it means what the words say.

I think that the only logical or reasonable reading of that language

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They talked about their first meeting

Nov 21st, 2016 2:55 pm | By

Ok the Trump-Macri story may not be true. It’s not completely clear that the reporter wasn’t joking.

On his popular Sunday night program “Periodismo para Todos” (Journalism for All), the muckraking Argentine reporter Jorge Lanata and his guests delivered an explosive claim: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump asked the country’s president for help getting permits for a stalled Trump tower project in Buenos Aires.

The story caught fire, but it may be just more fake news.

Ivan Pavlovsky, a spokesman for Macri who was present in the room during their call, said the claims were false and that “nothing like that ever happened.”

“They didn’t talk about any investments or any tower,” said Pavlovsky, reached by phone in Buenos Aires.

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Measure the headlines

Nov 20th, 2016 11:16 am | By

A drawback to getting news online is that one doesn’t necessarily see how the news is presented and ordered – what is above the fold in huge headlines and what is below it in ordinary headlines. Jamison Foser has shown me what I’ve been missing.

Big headlines right at the top of the page, the whole entire above the fold occupied by Clinton email news.

On the other hand…

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Other issues

Nov 20th, 2016 9:55 am | By

The Times suggests Trump’s imbecilic tweeting may be an intentional diversionary tactic.

But even as Mr. Trump’s transition team appeared eager to embrace a more disciplined approach to the process of building out his administration, the president-elect’s Twitter complaints about “Hamilton” and “Saturday Night Live” provided a distraction.

That may have been the intention. Mr. Trump’s Twitter posts diverted attention from other issues, including a $25 million settlement in a lawsuit against Trump University, concerns about conflicts of interest involving the president-elect’s business dealings, and questions about the propriety of potentially appointing his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to a White House post.

Not around here they didn’t. I posted about both.

That’s the thing about Trump, as I keep … Read the rest

Trump agrees he cheated those students

Nov 18th, 2016 4:39 pm | By

In more bad news, Trump has settled the lawsuits against Trump “University.”

Donald J. Trump has reversed course and agreed to pay $25 million to settle a series of lawsuits stemming from his defunct for-profit education venture, Trump University, finally putting to rest fraud allegations by former students, which have dogged him for years and hampered his presidential campaign.

The settlement was announced by the New York attorney general on Friday, just 10 days before one of the cases, a federal class-action lawsuit in San Diego, was set to be heard by a jury. The deal, if approved, averts a potentially embarrassing and highly unusual predicament: a president-elect on trial, and possibly even taking the stand in his own defense,

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