Posts Tagged ‘ President Birther ’

Nazis gather

Nov 21st, 2016 11:48 am | By

Michael Goldfarb says “The term alt-right needs to be replaced by NYTimes/NPR et al and pronto.” He cites Joseph Goldstein’s story in the Times yesterday on a day-long meeting of followers of Richard B. Spencer near the White House on Saturday.

In 11 hours of speeches and panel discussions in a federal building named after Ronald Reagan a few blocks from the White House, a succession of speakers had laid out a harsh vision for the future, but had denounced violence and said that Hispanic citizens and black Americans had nothing to fear. Earlier in the day, Mr. Spencer himself had urged the group to start acting less like an underground organization and more like the establishment.

But now his

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Guest post: Critics see

Nov 15th, 2016 2:32 pm | By

Guest post by G Felis.

New York Times headline: “Critics See Stephen Bannon, Trump’s Pick for Strategist, as Voice of Racism”

Oh FFS! Steve Bannon’s history of waving the banner of both implicit and explicit racism is not a judgment call or matter of perspective. That’s like saying “Critics See Animal in this Picture as Duck-like.” If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and calls for the separation of the races like a duck and publishes racist rhetoric like a duck, it’s a racist duck.

(The duck pictured is just a metaphor, of course. I apologize for any implication that the duck in this picture is racist. He isn’t a racist, he just thinks ducks … Read the rest

We “urban” elites just don’t get it

Nov 14th, 2016 3:06 pm | By

Priya Jain says the “White Working Class” can kiss her brown ass.

I have read dozens of longform pieces this election season about the plight of the white working class. I’ve skipped over many more because I’m fucking done with it. The white working class was not under-covered. The problem is not that we don’t understand the white working class. The problem is that they’re not the only people here.

I am sick of being told, as I have my whole life, that middle America is the “real” America, and we “urban” elites just don’t get it because we don’t live there. As if that were our choice. As if we could just live our brown lives, our black

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The lying dog

Nov 14th, 2016 8:14 am | By

The Post reports reactions to Bannon’s appointment:

The announcement has produced intense hand-wringing in Washington and sharp denunciations from political observers and strategists critical of Breitbart News’s close association with the alt-right, a fringe conservative movement saturated with racially insensitive rhetoric and elements of outright white nationalism.

That puts it a good deal too tactfully. Breitbart News is a scurrilous racist hate-mongering rag of a website.

Ben Shapiro, a former Breitbart editor who worked closely with Bannon, called him a “legitimately sinister figure” in an article he published on the Daily Wire after Bannon joined the Trump

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Breitbart seizes power

Nov 13th, 2016 5:31 pm | By

So it’s official. Steve Bannon of Breitbart is to be “chief strategist and senior counselor” to the president. Also Priebus is chief of staff. A nod to the “traditional” party, along with elevation for the white supremacist piece of shit.

[T]he inclusion of Bannon, the former head of the far-right outlet Breitbart News, suggests another direction entirely. Rumored to be have been considered for chief of staff himself, Bannon “would have been the insurgent choice” for the top aide job, Eyder says. He is “known for his no-holds-barred approach to politics and his popularity among the alt-right,” as NPR’s Sarah McCammon reported last week.

We must accept the legitimacy of President Birther and his Birther staffing decisions.… Read the rest

The KKK celebrates

Nov 11th, 2016 5:29 pm | By

A chapter of the KKK says it’s holding a victory march for Trump next month.

Yeah. The president-elect is being celebrated by the Ku Klux Klan.

This is no dream. This is really happening.

A North Carolina chapter of the Ku Klux Klan announced it will hold a rally in December to celebrate Donald Trump’s presidential victory, in what a national hate-tracking group called the latest evidence that white supremacist groups are feeling emboldened since the election.

The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, North Carolina, one of the largest Ku Klux Klan groups in the U.S., said on its website it will hold the event on Dec. 3. The time and location of the event were not listed. The group

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Civil war

Nov 10th, 2016 9:49 am | By

Racists are feeling empowered.

In his acceptance speech on Nov. 9, US president-elect Donald J. Trump made a pledge of unity, promising to be a leader for “all Americans.”

But some of his supporters have not heard that message. Even as Trump was speaking, one person in the audience yelled “Hang Obama,” and online commentators spewed a steady stream of racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic messages on a YouTube livestream, directed to “Anti-whites,” “Killery,” and “Jews in Congress.”

It’s grotesque that Trump said that. He’s a man who boils with hatred and contempt, and spits it out whenever the mood strikes him, which it does every few minutes. He despises women, black and brown people, Mexicans, foreigners, Muslims, Jews, … Read the rest