Shifting the risk

Dec 5th, 2023 7:09 am | By

Prof Francione sums it up:

Unless they really really want to

Dec 5th, 2023 7:06 am | By

When in doubt, put trans women first. No actually skip the “when in doubt” part – just put trans women first, no matter what.

Trans women who have hurt or threatened women or girls will not be held in female prisons unless there are “exceptional” circumstances, new guidance states.

Men shouldn’t be held in women’s prisons at all, ever. Women aren’t bits of armor for men to put on when things get violent.

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) policy follows a public outcry after a rapist was sent to a women’s prison.

Really? A public outcry? Gosh, people are so touchy.

Under previous guidance drawn up in 2014, the prison service allowed all prisoners to be placed in facilities matching their gender identity, rather than their sex at birth, providing accommodation that “best suits the person in custody’s needs”.

And men who pretend to be women need to be in women’s prisons? That’s an actual need is it? While women’s need for physical safety is not a real need? Or if it is a real need it’s not as important as the pretending men’s need to terrorize women?

In short how did anyone ever manage to think this was a good idea?

Under the new SPS policy – which will come into force in February 2024 – a trans woman would not be allowed to move into the female estate if they had been convicted of, or were on remand awaiting trial for, a crime that harmed a female – unless there was “compelling evidence that they did not present an unacceptable risk of harm to those in the women’s prison”.

Oh fuck off. Quit carving out exceptions that put the man’s wants ahead of the women’s needs.

Scottish Trans, a project run by government-funded charity Equality Network, welcomed the new policy, saying it continued to recognise prisoners should not be considered to be a risk of harm to others “simply because they are trans”.

There’s that cheat again. The issue isn’t “they are trans”; the issue is they are male. Scottish Trans of course knows this perfectly well, and hides it deliberately with malice aforethought.

Alumni who joined in the atrocities

Dec 4th, 2023 3:11 pm | By

National Review tells us:

Germany announced it would be freezing funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a body specifically dedicated to Palestinian refugees, amid reports it has distributed antisemitic material, incited violence, and had alumni who participated in the October 7 atrocities in Israel.

So much for uniting nations.

Berlin has contributed nearly a billion dollars to UNRWA in the last five years, making it the single largest donor to the agency, which has come under renewed scrutiny since the Israel-Hamas war began for its record of failing to prevent foreign aid from falling into the terror group’s hands.

“UNRWA is not making a contribution to a peaceful solution,” Max Lucks of the Green Party said. “Not a single cent from Germany should reach teachers who glorify the terror of Hamas.”

“[T]here cannot be a status quo ante with UNRWA,” Falko Drossman of the left-leaning Social Democratic Party said, calling for “a new initiative” when it comes to providing aid to Palestinians.

Last Tuesday, the European Union similarly moved to withhold 39 million euros from dozens of Palestinian non-profits, including UNRWA, demanding the groups provide “procedures and tools used to enforce the contractual obligations stemming from the restrictive measures and anti-incitement clauses.” At least two of these NGOs have been accused by an official of engaging in “incitement of hatred,” the Irish Times reported last Thursday.

And the thing about incitement of hatred is that it doesn’t just stop at hatred. Same as what I was saying earlier today – it’s not just a matter of “offence” or “distress.”

Since Hamas invaded Israel in early October and massacred over a thousand people, reports have emerged which suggest that at least 100 terrorists who participated in the attacks were graduates of UNRWA-run institutions, and over a dozen educators within the system celebrated the attacks on social media.

“Allah is Great, Allah is Great, reality surpasses our wildest dreams,” wrote Osama Ahmed, a UNRWA teacher in Gaza, in a characteristic Facebook post publicized by UN Watch, a watchdog organization, in its report released in early November entitled, “UNRWA: Hate Starts Here.”

The report documents numerous senior-ranking members of the organization gloating about the October 7 atrocities, including Rawia Helles, the director of a training center in Khan Younis, a town in the southern Gaza Strip. Helles applauded the depraved acts of Palestinian terrorists, calling one operative a “hero” and “prince” for his actions.

Funny notion of “Relief” they must have.

Harvard’s ranking has deteriorated each year

Dec 4th, 2023 10:40 am | By

Harvard and The New Diversity:

Showing more:

Dear President Gay, Since my letter to you of November 4th to which you did not reply or even acknowledge, I have received substantial feedback and input from senior members of the Harvard faculty about a number of the issues I raised in my letter concerning free speech, antisemitism, and the impact of the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (OEDIB) at Harvard. I thought to share this feedback with you now as it may inform your testimony and potential questions you may receive from the Congress on Tuesday.

Who gave Harvard permission to add “Belonging” to EDI (aka DEI)? Or does Harvard not need permission? Perhaps it’s Harvard that gives the permission. So anyway we’re now talking about a new and improved DEI that also has “belonging” on the badge. You might think that would be already covered by “inclusion” but…uh…no, I got nothin’.

On with the letter.

In several of your communications since October 7th, you have emphasized Harvard’s commitment to free speech as the reason why the university has continued to permit eliminationist and threatening language on campus – i.e., calls for Intifada (suicide bombings, knifings, etc. of Israeli civilians) and the elimination of the state of Israel “From the River to the Sea.” You explained your tolerance for these protests on October 13th: “[O]ur university embraces a commitment to free expression. That commitment extends even to views that many of us find objectionable, even outrageous.”

Hold on.

That’s another one of these escape mechanisms the Enlightened use to avoid spelling out exactly what they’re ordering us to do and think and say. The issue is not limited to emotions about speech. The issue doesn’t stop at objection or outrage. The issue is about speech that can end up at genocide. Ironically Harvard and President Gay weakened their own explanation for limiting free speech. I wish all parties would be honest about this.

Back to why Harvard isn’t the free speech hero it claims to be.

In my letter to you, however, I noted that In The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) Free Speech Rankings, Harvard has consistently finished in the bottom quartile in each of the past four years. I note that Harvard’s ranking has deteriorated each year, receiving its lowest free speech ranking ever for the 2023 academic year, last out of 254 universities with a rating of 0.00, the only university with an “abysmal” speech climate.

After sending my letter, I reached out to the faculty to reconcile your free speech absolutist commitment with Harvard having the lowest free speech ranking of any university. The faculty had a lot to say on this issue, as well as on antisemitism and the OEDIB. Notably, they were willing to share their views so long as I committed to keep their identities confidential. I have quoted their remarks below:

On Free Speech

“Years ago, Harvard stopped being a place where all perspectives were welcome.”

“Harvard is a place where loud, hate-filled protests appear to be encouraged, but where faculty and students can’t share points of view that are inconsistent with the accepted narrative on campus.”

“Harvard became a place where if you toed the party line, there was applause. If you disagree, you are drowned out. The gatekeepers of speech continue to further narrow what they deem acceptable speech.”

“The primary problem with speech at Harvard is that if you say the wrong thing, you will be cancelled, which leads to self-censorship. The result is what you actually think is not what you say.”

So Harvard is Pharyngula writ large. How bizarre.

On Antisemitism, Support for Hamas, and the Protests Against Israel

When I asked members of the faculty about the causes behind the Israeli/Gaza protests and the tolerance for antisemitism on campus, they explained: “Whiteness at Harvard is deemed fundamentally oppressive. Indigenous peoples are presented as in need of justice and reparations. Jews are presented as white people. It is therefore ok to hate Israel and Jews as they are deemed to be oppressors.”

Hang on. If Jews are white people what was all that about??? All what? You know what, but apparently The Enlightened don’t. They must think Auschwitz was a summer camp.

There’s more; later.

As your MP I will welcome you to look up my skirt

Dec 4th, 2023 8:36 am | By

Jeeeezus this guy. Notice anything a little off about this “campaign photo”?



Dec 4th, 2023 5:15 am | By

Takes my breath away.

Block that puberty! Take those cross-sex hormones! What could possibly go wrong?!

They’re not just saying we can help, they’re actively pushing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. They’re actively encouraging people to ruin their bodies and lives.

Make it like a Barbie doll’s

Dec 4th, 2023 5:00 am | By

Women are getting their genitals carved up to be more porny.

The increasingly popular cosmetic surgical procedure of labiaplasty is a western form of female genital mutilation (FGM), says Caroline de Costa, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology.

In modern culture, “the desire for labiaplasty is predominantly based on dissatisfaction with genital appearance and not on functional complaints”, says de Costa, adjunct professor at James Cook University in Cairns, Australia, who will be speaking at a Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) alumnae event in Dublin this week. Yet, relatively little is known about variations in the appearance of the labia, so what is perceived as “normal” is influenced by what somebody sees in idealised photographs in mainstream and social media…

Wait what? How many photographs of labia are there in mainstream media?

More exposure to porn and a wider use of Brazilian waxing to remove pubic hair are among the factors believed to be driving the demand for labiaplasty.

Waxing to strip away pubic hair is itself driven by porn. This revolting mutilation is all porn-driven.

Irish cosmetic surgeon Dr Cormac Joyce rejects the argument that labiaplasty is a form of genital “mutilation”. Work on the inner labia, which accounts for about 85 per cent of labiaplasty, is a “really quick, delicate procedure, a trim procedure”, he says, and he cannot imagine any trained plastic surgeon causing nerve damage in that area.

A “trim” ffs – what a porny thing to say! Trimming is for hair and nails, it’s not for bits of flesh, especially not bits of flesh in on around the genitals!

Joyce confirms a growing demand in Ireland for what he says is the fastest-growing cosmetic procedure worldwide. It is carried out under local anaesthetic. The cost varies around the country but women can expect to pay anything between €4,000 and €7,000, depending on what is wanted and which practitioner they choose.

Oh well that’s fine then. It’s a nice little earner.

“It is so popular now; I’m doing two today, four next week. It doesn’t get the press because it’s an intimate topic.” Before leaving the UK to return to Dublin in 2020, he was doing 30-35 labiaplasty procedures every week and has seen numbers climbing here since.


This is a different generation, Joyce says. “They are young women and they know what they want.”

And what they want is what the culture has trained them to want.

All four corners

Dec 4th, 2023 4:34 am | By

Pattern detection.

Yes but he’ll do it in lipstick.

Gosh, no, everyone thought you’d just put in a few token hours, bro.

Narcissist detected.

He was elated

Dec 4th, 2023 4:24 am | By

Man brags that he won’t let women keep him from cheating women.

As soon as I put in a 180 – the highest score possible with three darts – shortly followed by the 110-close that I practice daily, the match was called.

I had just become the first transgender person to win the New Zealand Women’s Open in July 2022 – and I was elated.

But much more to the point, he had just become the first man to win the New Zealand Women’s Open. It doesn’t sound quite so fabulous put that way, does it. He was elated at his success in cheating a woman out of winning the NZ Women’s Open; go him.

Unfortunately, immediately after my victory [cheat], the yelling, screaming and protesting from spectators intensified.

Well it would, wouldn’t it. Immediately after he cheated, people pointed out that he cheated.

People were angry that I was a trans woman competing in a women’s tournament.

That’s right, and you’re a selfish opportunistic piece of shit to do it.

Adversity like this is something I’ve faced my whole life.

Oh fuck off. Stop to think about the adversity the women you cheated faced their whole lives.

Guest post: The next moral paradigm shift

Dec 4th, 2023 4:03 am | By

Originally a comment by Artymorty on The dream has curdled.

If we’re being charitable, we can look at the The American Dream as a symbol of the moral system that America embodied for two centuries: a dignity culture: “opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

Sociologists have argued that societies tend to develop from honour cultures to dignity cultures to victimhood cultures as the role of government grows.

The US started out with little centralized, organized authority to keep the peace. Conflicts had to be resolved personally, so blood feuds and duels became commonplace, and honour was the moral currency of the time.

At the turn of the 19th Century following the establishment of the U.S. Constitution, the government started to become stable enough to maintain law and order, and people began to derive moral worth from demonstrating resilience and personal achievement.

That moral paradigm shift was best exemplified when Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in order to restore his moral standing following a personal insult. The outcry that ensued showed that the honour culture Burr adhered to had been replaced by the dignity culture espoused by Hamilton. In the new moral paradigm, Burr’s act was viewed as deplorable, not respectable.

It looks like we’re in the midst of the next moral paradigm shift, to a victimhood culture. They emerge as it becomes clear that, while a moral emphasis on personal achievement does keep the peace, it does not eliminate unequal outcomes for all citizens, so appeals to authority are increasingly made to correct perceived injustices. Both the left and the right in the US appear to have taken on that mindset.

They tend to spiral out of control and bring about powerful, totalitarian states. In victim cultures, high moral worth derives from allegiance to a powerful authority (a governing body, or a collective mob) which is held up as the sole means to correct the perceived injustice that permeates the world and prevents everyone sharing in equal amounts of dignity.

Many of the countless communist revolutions across the world in the 20th Century quickly descended into bloody and brutal totalitarian regimes. Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, etc, etc.

Here in North America, whether we go MAGA or woke: both sides are hell bent on tearing down the checks and balances that keep the system from breaking down.

The moral balance between personal responsibility and appeal to authority, which the US has kept running for 200 years, is rapidly collapsing.

Wrong person for the job

Dec 3rd, 2023 4:28 pm | By

A news items from a couple of weeks ago:

The University of Alberta has fired Samantha Pearson, the director of the Sexual Assault Centre, after she signed an open letter penned by ousted Ontario MPP Sarah Jama that calls into question whether Israeli women were subjected to rape and sexual violence during a Hamas attack on Oct. 7.

If you’re the director of a sexual assault center your job is not to be skeptical of particular rapes and acts of sexual violence based on your political views.

Jama, an Independent MPP from Hamilton, Ont., was the letter’s first signatory. She was booted from the NDP caucus last month after making controversial comments in support of Palestinians.

Pearson signed the letter on behalf of the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre.

The CBC also a couple of weeks ago:

Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama says she has removed her name from an open letter that voiced support for the people of Gaza and questioned the validity of sexual assault claims against Hamas.

The Independent MPP added her name to the open letter last week after the reopening of her constituency office, where someone presented Jama with a physical copy of the letter. 

Be careful what you sign. (The two accounts of the letter differ – the first says Jama wrote it, the second says someone handed it to her and she signed it.)

The director of University of Alberta’s sexual assault centre was replaced after endorsing the letter.

On social media platform X, formerly called Twitter, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs thanked the University of Alberta for its “decisive action” and asked: “Shouldn’t a sexual assault centre believe all victims, including the Jewish ones?”

You’d think.

Guest post: The dream has curdled

Dec 3rd, 2023 2:24 pm | By

Originally a comment by Rob on He channels their diffuse anger.

For years, decades really, the American Dream has been dead. For people born in America anyway. But politicians, pundits, and commentators have banged on about it regardless – I suspect mostly because if they admit that the Dream is over they would have to construct some other meaningful framework to hold this vast and disparate society together. As the Dream dies, so does the concept of American exceptionalism. Sure, America is still exceptional, but it is no longer singularly so. It is no longer the top dog in every field of endeavour and is unlikely to be so again. Arguably it never was, and where it was, that was often because of its willingness to embrace the talents of immigrants. To accept them as Americans contributing to the exceptional whole of the polity.

When was the last American generation that really benefited from the Dream? The 50’s, with the boom of well paid manufacturing and professional jobs? The 60’s with the Civil Rights movement and Americas assent to being the dominant world power and all that ensured? It certainly hasn’t been any generation since. Sure, there’s still opportunities, but individual success doesn’t equate to a National Dream. One person winning an obscene lottery every couple of years cannot be a unifying American Dream. Can it?

Instead we’re left with a significant portion of the population suffering from intergenerational disappointment and being unable or unwilling to comprehend the reasons for their disappointment. How their own consumer, social, and political choices contributed to the death of the Dream. Those people have become afraid of the future, afraid of the new, afraid of the energy of immigrants. They phone for mythical golden eras, but lack the will and knowledge to rebuild them. The Dream has curdled, and this diffuse anger will not age well.

He channels their diffuse anger

Dec 3rd, 2023 10:41 am | By

Sums it up perfectly.

I looked up the Salt Lake Tribune cartoonist: his name is Pat Bagley.

The truth for once

Dec 3rd, 2023 10:11 am | By

Why yes. Thanks for the admission.

Minimal privacy

Dec 3rd, 2023 9:58 am | By

If girls want privacy they should stay home, the little sluts.

Because of a mismatch

Dec 3rd, 2023 9:28 am | By

World’s first tampons for men

Vuokkoset, a Finnish company released the controversial new sanitary product earlier this month to coincide with Transgender Awareness week and International Men’s day. The product comes in a dark blue box which bears the words “For Men” on one side, but then extends this phrase around the packaging so it eventually reads “For Menstruation”. On another side of the packet it is stated that “periods are not a gender issue”.

Vuokkoset has said in a statement online that it launched the period product to “raise the issue of genderness of hygiene products and the anxiety related to menstruation in trans men”.

Yeah the “genderness” of products designed to absorb menstrual blood – why would such a thing be gendered why why I just cannot fathom it.

The company says that trans men – females who identify as male – might continue to experience menstrual cycles even while undergoing hormone treatment to change gender or may choose not to have such therapy at all and so will still have periods.

What the hell is “hormone treatment to change gender”? How is it “therapy”?

They added that studies show that 93 per cent of trans men have experienced menstrual-related gender dysphoria – a sense of unease a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity.

You know, we all have a sense of unease about a mismatch between something about us and our fantasies. We’d all like to be more something or less something or a different combination of somethings. It’s the human condition. It’s not a medical issue.

feminist groups and women’s health experts on Saturday lambasted Vuokkoset for separating the idea of being female from menstruation.

Anna Melamed, a midwifery lecturer, said: “For so many girls around the world period shame and a lack of period products is very much part of the sex-based inequality they experience.

“To make out that ‘periods are not a gender issue’ is a backward step for those of us trying to educate young people and quite frankly is an insult to the sexism girls and young women suffer every day because of their periods.”

Sometimes (most of the time) it seems as if the insult is the whole point.

Senja Blomqvist, a brand manager for Vuokkoset, responded to the criticisms of the tampons “for men”, saying: “We fully acknowledge that the vast majority of individuals who menstruate are women and this is a significant part of the female experience. However, it is also a reality for some men and non-binary individuals.”

It’s not “the vast majority”; it’s all. No it is not a reality for some men. Female “non-binary individuals” are female.

“Recognising the experiences of all people who menstruate doesn’t erase anyone; it simply acknowledges and respects the diversity of human experiences.”

Actually it doesn’t. It does the opposite. Making a big fuss about bogus “diversity” just makes people not want to hear another word about “diversity.”

You have your instructions

Dec 3rd, 2023 8:13 am | By
You have your instructions

Who doesn’t love being told exactly what to say?

Also exactly what not to say?

Guest post: Egg donors aren’t like sperm donors

Dec 3rd, 2023 2:22 am | By

Originally a comment by Arcadia on I wanted them to be super fit.

If I may, “just deliver an egg” is quite minimising language about what actually happens. Egg donors aren’t like sperm donors, it’s not a pleasant process where she can just have a wank and catch millions of eggs in a sterile container.

Egg donation requires extensive hormonal medication to induce her to overproduce eggs, trigger shots to release them, lots of vaginal ultrasounds to determine the progress of the eggs, and the eggs are retrieved with a huge needle. None of it is fun, and risks are attached for her at every stage. Many women note how awful IVF is to undergo; egg donation is that process – the only part missing is having an embryo transferred. And all this may produce perhaps twenty eggs (if you’re lucky), of which perhaps half are viable. I’ve done IVF three times and the most I ever got was seven eggs, four of which were viable, two of which successfully fertilised, and none were suitable for embryo transfer.

I personally find it strange that so many members of the public are aware of how hard and risky IVF is, but are unable to connect that to any sympathy for egg donors.

None of it is easy, fun, risk free or even successful. She incurs all the risks, harms and the disappointment in the event that she “fails”.


Dec 2nd, 2023 4:42 pm | By

Not a problem.

Police have wrongly labelled hundreds of suspected rapists as women, The Telegraph can reveal – despite the Home Secretary saying they should not do so. Over the past four years, police forces have referred 260 “females” to the … (CPS) … to consider a charge of rape. A further 209 suspects have been recorded with an “unknown” sex, which is understood to include those who identify as non-binary. By law, rape can only be committed by a biological male.

So the police have ruled more than 400 men not guilty of rape, by the police’s own fiat. The police have ruled that more than 400 men are not men, which renders them not capable of and therefore not guilty of rape. Sorry wims; sucks to be you.

Dr Kate Coleman, director of KPSS, said that “the data is rendered useless”, which makes it impossible to “formulate a proper response at any level of criminal justice”.

Sorry wims. Maybe you should identify as men?

He’s just joking

Dec 2nd, 2023 12:11 pm | By

All perfectly normal yeah?

A former soldier turned keyboard warrior has been hit with a restraining order after a terrifying hate campaign directed at a number of successful women including a leading barrister.

David Mottershead, 42, who claimed to be standing up for ‘men’s rights’ sent death threats to various successful women including Dr Charlotte Proudman, leaving her fearing for her life.

The ex-soldier posted a chilling picture of himself holding a gun, with his face smeared in camouflage paint and his finger on the trigger aiming at Dr Proudman, telling her: ‘You’ll panic as I inhale your last breath’ in a tweet addressed to her.

Free speech innit.

Mottershead, who was later found to have armed himself with a knife, posted videos across TwitterYouTube, and TikTok last November after becoming enraged by Dr Proudman

Mottershead, from Machynlleth in Wales, who styled himself a ‘Men’s Rights Advocate’, compared the feminist Barrister to Hitler and threatened to destroy her career.

In perhaps the most chilling of his posts, the ex-army officer wrote, ‘I’ll find out your blood group so I can keep you alive long enough that you understand.’

In a TikTok Video filmed outside Aberystwyth Police Station, Mottershead repeats the line: ‘You’ll panic as I inhale your last breath’.

But apparently that’s not a threat.

Mottershead was cleared of putting Ms Proudman in fear that violence would be used against her by his course of conduct but found guilty of carrying a knife.

That’s hard to understand.

Dr Jess Taylor, a Chartered Psychologist who holds a PHD in Forensic Psychology, was also targeted by the ex-soldier.

Dr Taylor said: ‘I truly believe he’ll go on to do something really terrible. He is a really, really dangerous individual. And it’s the obsession and the fixation that makes him so dangerous. He will not stop. This has been going on for years.

‘He is obsessed with any successful, especially feminist women or women who talk about male violence.’

But it’s just talk. Until it isn’t.