A small group of people that have very, very serious problems

Mar 15th, 2019 5:48 pm | By

It’s ok though, Trump says white nationalism is a minor thing.

Asked by a reporter on Friday if he sees an increase globally in the threat of white nationalism, the US president responded: “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. I guess, if you look at what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that’s a case. I don’t know enough about it yet.”

He says it’s terrible though. Yes yes. Terrible. Terrible thing. He says it two times, not just one.

There has been a documented rise in anti-Muslim hate groups in the US in the last three years, and the FBI has reported a steady increase in reports of hate crimes. Just last year, a shooter with far-right views killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

But that’s not because they take inspiration from Trump and Bannon and Miller and Gorka; no no no no no. It’s for other reasons entirely. Trump’s use of the presidency to bray racism at us day in and day out has had no effect of any kind.

Trump made the remarks about white supremacy at the Oval Office while announcing his decision to overrule Congress in his effort to protect his declaration of a national emergency and secure funds for a US-Mexico border wall.

Announcing his veto, the president said, “People hate the word invasion, but that’s what it is.”

That’s our boy – he sticks with the racist white nationalist bullshit about the wall and the “invasion” no matter how many mass shootings are going on in the background.

The most vulnerable people

Mar 15th, 2019 11:44 am | By

Anthony Watson wrote an open letter:


My name is Anthony Watson – an entrepreneur, a member of the Board of Directors of GLAAD(1), a Patron of Diversity Role Models(2), and a white, cis, gay man.

(“Entrepreneur”=rich dude.)

I am writing this letter alongside many other gay men of different privileges. Just as lesbians have shown their support through #LWithTheT we now stand in public solidarity with our trans siblings.

As gay men we have watched in horror at the cruelty inflicted upon the trans community. We are outraged. The most vulnerable people in our society are marginalised, scared and endangered. Trans communities, and in particular trans children, are under attack on a daily basis.

What? “The most vulnerable people in our society” – ? Who says? According to what metric? Are trans people more vulnerable than women? All of them? Really?

I don’t believe it. I think he’s making it up, and I think he’s ignoring the global and historical chronic vulnerability of women and girls to do so. I don’t think his cross-dressing friends are more vulnerable than menstruating girls in India or Nigeria. Not for a second.

What do trans people want?  They want the right to live their lives in peace, to be free from violence and discrimination, and to enjoy equal protection under the law.  What they want, in short, are the same basic protections and rights we as gay men enjoy.

Actually, no. The most “militant” among them want more than that: they want to be affirmed (constantly, endlessly affirmed) as the sex that doesn’t match their bodies, especially those of them who have male bodies. They want to be so constantly and warmly affirmed as women that they are entirely happy to shove women roughly out of the way.

The rest of it is just the usual vague meaningless bafflegab that ignores the real issues in favor of stating the obvious.

Jonathan Best comments:

And because he’s not a man to do things by halves, he shoehorns in a Nazi Germany reference:

We are reminded of Martin Niemöller’s poem “First they came for the for the…”

In case any of his readers haven’t got the point yet, he pushes it home with a chilling warning:

Transphobic people aren’t just coming for trans rights; they’re coming for all of us.

So who are these dangerous, vindictive transphobic people — and, more importantly, how the hell can we stop them?

I know who they are.

They’re the women who have been abused or raped by men and are now terrified of being in close proximity to a male-bodied person.

They’re the young lesbians who don’t understand why they’re made to feel shame for excluding male-bodied people from their dating pool.

They’re the feminists who want to be able to describe their oppression as they choose to describe it, without having their terminology and their politics checked by woke men.

They’re the women who just want to call themselves women — and not bleeders, menstruators, cis, non-trans or any other term selected by others.

Or, for that matter, Nazis.

Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

Mar 15th, 2019 11:03 am | By

Rachel Maddow pointed out last night that some advertising for guns in the US frames it as a matter of combat, and that there is no such thing as “combat” in civilian life.

Her source for the images may have been Mother Jones, which showed us some in 2012:

She went on to point out that normally consumer products that cause death and injury tend to lead to lawsuits, except for this one industry that is protected by law.

Background from the Giffords Law Center:

Civil liability plays an important role in injury prevention. In circumstances where legislators have been unwilling to enact regulations to improve safety, dangerous products and careless industry practices are normally held in check by the possibility of civil litigation that enables injured individuals to recover monetarily. This principle does not apply to the gun industry, however, because it has obtained unprecedented immunity from this longstanding system of accountability.

Immunity statutes grant legal protection to gun manufacturers and dealers, shielding them from liability for a wide range of conduct. Similar immunity laws have been adopted in some form by the federal government and 34 states.

A series of lawsuits in the 1990s held certain members of the firearms industry liable for particularly reckless practices. As a result, the industry began to push legislation in statehouses that limited this avenue of relief. Then, in 2005, after intense lobbying from the gun industry, Congress enacted and President Bush signed a law that gives gun manufacturers and sellers unprecedented nationwide immunity from lawsuits.

In 2005, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)1, a federal statute which provides broad immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers in federal and state court. Generally speaking, the PLCAA prohibits “qualified civil liability actions,” which are defined as civil or administrative proceedings which “result from the criminal or lawful misuse” of firearms or ammunition.2

Yesterday the Connecticut Supreme Court issued a ruling:

The Connecticut Supreme Court Thursday narrowly reversed a ruling by a lower court judge dismissing a lawsuit by the families of victims of the Sandy Hook shooting against Remington Arms Company, allowing the case to proceed.

In a 4-3 decision the court remanded the landmark gun case back to Bridgeport Superior Court and possibly created a path that other mass shooting victims can follow to get around the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, known as PLCAA, which has protected the manufacturers of the AR-15 assault rifle from lawsuits.

The ruling paves the way for the families to subpoena internal documents on how the gun companies have marketed the AR-15, which has become the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The gun manufacturers have closely guarded information on how they market the assault weapons.

In short: gun companies market their guns as being just the thing for mass shootings, and there is a law protecting them alone among manufacturers from lawsuits. That’s fucked up, as a couple of mosques in Christchurch are the latest reminder.

Congratulations Sophie and Julia

Mar 15th, 2019 10:29 am | By

Morgane Oger in action:

You couldn’t make it up. Two teenage girls raise $5000 for Vancouver Rape Relief and a guy who “identifies as” a woman has to swoop in to tell them they should donate to places that allow men into women’s shelters instead.

No, it isn’t. Excluding trans women from a women’s group is fundamentally the same as excluding straight people from a lesbian and gay activist group or excluding NRA members from an anti-violence group or excluding Trump fans from a liberal group. Groups are allowed to organize around commonalities and thus to exclude people who don’t share the commonality in question.

Source notes

Mar 15th, 2019 10:03 am | By

Remembering Srebrenica on the massacre in Christchurch:

Remembering Srebrenica is able to confirm that the terrorist who butchered innocent Muslim worshippers in the Christchurch Mosque attack was listening to a Serbian song glorifying Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadžić who was convicted for the 1995 genocide of Muslims on European soil in Srebrenica in Bosnia.

Whilst driving en route to committing this atrocity, the perpetrator was live-streaming. In the background is the Serbian song that glorified Radovan Karadžić with the lyrics “Wolves are on the move from Krajina. Karadžić lead your Serbs, let them see they fear no one” being played.

And in turn the Serbs were inspired by stories of the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, and no doubt the participants in that battle were inspired by ditties from the 5th century which drew on lore from a previous battle which drew on Homer who drew on Sources Unknown. Fight Fight Fight.

It is distressing to see that the nationalist words which fuelled hatred against Muslims that led to the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Bosnia have resurfaced. Hearing of the glorification of genocidal Serbian extremists during the attack on two mosques in New Zealand has particularly shaken survivors of the genocide and ethnic cleansing who had to flee to safety in Britain and elsewhere in the world. This barbaric act of violence which deliberately targeted ordinary Muslims, who had simply come together to pray in peace, was designed to compromise feelings of safety of Muslims anywhere in the West.

That, and more. I’ve seen references to Dylan Roof as another inspiration, which of course he is.

Warmest and best but oh so fleeting

Mar 15th, 2019 9:33 am | By

Trump 5 hours ago, 7:30 in the morning in DC:

Trump one hour later:

Trump an hour after that:

His mind is never off himself for long.

They have been in the trenches for too long

Mar 15th, 2019 9:02 am | By

Meanwhile the more humdrum forms of oppression and silencing continue.

Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter has no right to public funds or grants say trans activists, arguing that’s because the shelter won’t provide services to trans women.

The shelter is up for a community service grant, which they have received in the past.

But trans activist Morgane Oger says the shelter shouldn’t qualify for city grants because it denies services to trans women.

Morgane Oger, a man who Identifies As a woman, is working hard to get funding taken away from a women’s shelter because it doesn’t provide services to men who Identify As women. I think it’s pretty safe to say Morgan Oger hates women.

“If Vancouver rape relief were to be looking for federal funding, they would be denied on the basis of their actions,” Oger adds. “An organization that discriminates against people on the basis of fundamentally protective rights should always be denied public taxpayers funding. Whether it’s in the form of charity receipts or indirect funding.”

So I guess that means – according to Oger – that women can’t have anything that’s for women only? And that if they try he will do his best to get it taken away from them?

Oger says a small group of speakers will attend Wednesday’s council meeting to voice their concerns and ask staff to reconsider giving VRR a community services grant.

“I do understand that they have fought since day one for women’s rights and sometimes people that have been in the trenches, they have been in the trenches for too long,” says Oger.

Wow. Yeah, those old hags have been there too long, shut them down to make way for hot young men who Identify As women.

And it worked; Oger got his way:

Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter says it would sooner turn down important funding from the City of Vancouver than change its policies, which currently exclude trans people from many of its services.

City hall heard a number of heated presentations Wednesday night, during which trans people spoke against the organization receiving renewed funding from the city. Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung made a proposal, which passed on Thursday, that will compel the anti-violence support group to open up all of its services to include trans people or not get funding from the city.

“Trans people” – so women can’t have women’s shelters any more, at least in Vancouver, because they have to be for women and trans people now. So if a man wants access to a woman who is trying to escape him, all he has to do is go to the women’s shelter where she has taken refuge and say he identifies as a woman. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Kirby-Yung made the proposal — which came in the form of an amendment to an existing motion on grants — because she wants trans people to feel welcome and included.

“I am personally concerned that they’re limiting their services to focus on women who are born biologically women at birth, and not wanting to provide a full suite of services to trans women or other people who identify as women,” she said.

So I wonder why Kirby-Yung thinks it’s more important for trans women and “other people who identify as women” to feel welcome and included than it is for women to feel and be safe. I wonder why Kirby-Yung thinks it’s so urgent for men who identify as women to have cuddly happy feels than it is for actual women to escape violent men.

Updating to add the tweet that alerted me to the story this morning:

The murders were live-streamed

Mar 15th, 2019 8:20 am | By

That’s not a statement we want to see, but it’s the reality.

The BBC reports:

The video, which shows a first-person view of the killings, has been widely circulated.

  • About 10 to 20 minutes before the attack in New Zealand, someone posted on the /pol/section of 8chan, an anarchist alt-right message board. The post included links to the suspect’s Facebook page, where he stated he would be live-streaming and published a rambling and hate-filled manifesto
  • Before opening fire, the suspect urged viewers to subscribe to PewDiePie’s YouTube channel.

We interrupt this murder to bring you a commercial message.

  • The attacks were live-streamed on Facebook and shared widely on other social media platforms, such as YouTube and Twitter

The revolution will be televised, only it’s the wrong kind of revolution.

Some basics:

Forty-nine people have been killed and at least 20 wounded in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described the incident as a terrorist attack and one of New Zealand’s “darkest days”. It is the nation’s deadliest attack.

A gunman identifying himself as an Australian live-streamed the rampage at Al Noor mosque to Facebook. He had espoused racist, anti-immigrant views.

Police say a man in his late 20s has been arrested and charged with murder.

The gunman live-streaming the attack from a head-mounted camera said he was a 28-year-old Australian called Brenton Tarrant. The footage showed him firing indiscriminately at men, women and children from close range inside the Al Noor mosque.

Everything is terrible and will get worse.

He totally predicted it

Mar 14th, 2019 5:15 pm | By

First, this, starting at 1:02 if you don’t want to listen to him explaining Brexit for the first minute. He says he predicted Brexit, people laughed, but he was right. He was at Turnberry and he predicted it.


He predicted it the day after it happened.

What a genius.

(Also he said Obama predicted the opposite, and he Trump was right.

Obama made no prediction.)

If only they had asked Trump’s advice

Mar 14th, 2019 4:48 pm | By

God I hate it when Trump thinks he knows better. (I know, he always thinks that, about everyone and everything, but I hate it when he mouths off about it.) He knows all about how Britain should leave the EU, and if only everyone had done what he said, everything would be fabulous now.

“I’m surprised at how badly it’s all gone from the standpoint of a negotiation,” he said.

Trump, who holds himself up as a master deal-maker, said he had given Prime Minister Theresa May his ideas on how she could negotiate a successful deal for leaving the 28-member group of nations. But “she didn’t listen to that and that’s fine. I mean she’s got to do what she’s got to do,” he said at the White House as he welcomed Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar for an early St. Patrick’s Day celebration.

Well, she’s got to do what she’s got to do in the sense that she’s got to ignore any instructions on any subject from Donald Trump.

Trump predicted later Thursday that the situation eventually would work itself out. The president said he and Varadkar discussed the issue during their Oval Office meeting. Varadkar opposes Britain’s EU exit and expressed concern about how such a move would affect Northern Ireland.

“We talked about Brexit, something that’s turning out to be a little more complex than they thought it would be,” Trump said at an annual Capitol Hill luncheon for the Irish hosted by the House speaker. “But it’ll all work out. Everything does. One way or the other, it’s going to work out.”

This is what I mean. No one should ever take advice of any kind from the fool who uttered that stack of bullshit. Brexit isn’t “turning out” to be more complex than they thought it would be; anyone who knows anything knew all along it would be complex. He, Donald Trump, thought it would be not-complex, because he’s an idiot, but people who know anything didn’t. Theory of Mind fail # 7 billion. And then that bland assurance that it’ll all work out and that everything does…how can someone be that stupid and remember to breathe?

Their kaupapa is not “inclusive” enough

Mar 14th, 2019 11:23 am | By

Another lesbian group kicked out of another Pride:

It’s Pride Month in Wellington and as a part of that Out Wellington Inc. hosts a fair called Out in the Park.

We had our place at the fair confirmed in early February so we’ve been planning on attending for some time. We were excited to go along and show that it’s okay to be a lesbian and proud, but instead we’ve been banned because our kaupapa is not “inclusive” enough.

Kaupapa is Maori for statement of principles. Not inclusive enough how? Let’s see if we can figure it out.

We agree with these core principles laid out by the Women’s Liberation Front:

Maybe that’s it? Maybe “female humans” is considered insufficiently inclusive? But if so…then…then women have to be banned from everything, right? It will be just men and trans women from now on, because only they are inclusive enough?

But maybe it’s not that. Maybe it’s this:

We want an end to all laws and institutions which perpetuate men’s aggression towards and dominance over women.

We encourage non-compliance with sex-role stereotypes. Heteronormativity is built on and maintained through sex-role stereotypes. Nobody should be harassed, threatened or abused for not complying to sex-role stereotypes.

Maybe that’s it? Maybe it’s considered not-inclusive of trans people to encourage non-compliance with sex-role stereotypes? But if so…then…then we can’t encourage non-compliance with sex-role stereotypes any more, which means we can’t have feminism any more.

Or maybe it’s this:

The LRAA is opposed to pornography and the sex industry because it is violence against women and girls. Members of the LRAA do not participate in anyones sexual exploitation.

Not inclusive of pimps and johns? Is that where we are now?

Back to the post:

Festival directors Drew Hadwen and Karen Harris emailed us seemingly out of the blue rescinding our stall and invoice. They said that because they “welcome all people, groups and organisations who want to join with us to celebrate the amazing diversity and creativity in our LGBTIQ+ community”  they can not have our lesbian feminist stall or “presence” at Out Wellington Inc. organised events.

Problem. Hadwen and Harris explain that because they welcome all people, groups and organisations therefore they have to banish The Lesbian Rights Alliance Aotearoa. That’s a contradiction, for a start, but it’s also bizarre given the L in LGBTIQ+. The LGBTIQ+ Pride fair welcomes all people, groups and organisations except the L part of LGBTIQ+? Makes.no.sense.


Our group was honest and transparent in our application. We applied with our names, as The Lesbian Rights Alliance Aotearoa and said we are “a new and growing lesbian group and we are starting to expand our events and social activities in Wellington.”

Our application was accepted and our attendance at the event was publicly announced on the Out in the Park Facebook page.

Our kaupapa has been publicly available online since 6 June 2018.

The Police, Corrections and Young Nats will all have stalls at the event.

Interesting. The cops are inclusive enough, the department of corrections is inclusive enough, the Young Nats are inclusive enough…

The New Zealand Young Nationals, more commonly called the Young Nats, is the youth wing of the New Zealand National Party, a centre-right political party in New Zealand, and a member of the International Young Democrat Union.

All those inclusive as fuck, but those pesky lesbian feminists…ewwwww no get them out.

All the toughs

Mar 14th, 2019 10:40 am | By

Trump has been threatening us again.

No matter what the White House says, President Trump has repeatedly and not-subtly suggested his supporters could be violent — sometimes in an approving manner. And there’s a common thread running through much of it: Again and again, Trump has suggested they could rise up if they feel either they or Trump have been wronged by the political process.

Aka by the fact that most of us hate him and want him gone.

In an interview with Trump-friendly Breitbart News this week, Trump talked about how “tough” the left was getting, relative to his supporters. His quote meanders a little bit, but stick with it and focus on the text in bold:

It’s so terrible what’s happening. You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you, I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher.

Don’t worry, I don’t think we need bold to see that as Trump threatening us.


Mar 14th, 2019 10:23 am | By

The essence of Trump.

He sees all thinking as “overthinking” because thought is so profoundly alien to him. He doesn’t know how to think. He reacts, he blurts, he exclaims, he feels angry or conceited, he watches Fox. That’s it, that’s his mental life.

He wants the issues to be “very simple” because very simple is all he can understand, and that is because he is lazy as well as stupid, so he’s never made any effort to improve the unpromising intellectual capacity he started with.

And the “should not be thought of any other way” is so classically trump-bully mode. “Think of it the way I tell you to think of it!” shouted the slumlord from Queens.

Selectively outraged

Mar 14th, 2019 10:04 am | By

From a State Department briefing on March 12:

MR PALLADINO: Let’s start with this: We are outraged to hear reports that the Iranian regime sentenced Iranian human rights defender and women’s rights activist Nasrin Sotoudeh to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes. This sentence is beyond barbaric. Her alleged crime was advocating for Iranian women’s rights and for defending other Iranian women who were arrested by the regime for peacefully protesting the mandatory hijab law. Nasrin was sentenced in absentia without a fair trial by the notorious revolutionary court, which is led by Judge Moghiseh, an accused human rights violator.

In addition, just this week, the regime cynically announced that as they enter the fifth decade of the Iranian Revolution, they would appoint Ebrahim Raisi, a man involved in mass summary executions of prisoners of conscience, as the head of the regime’s judiciary. The Iranian regime makes a mockery of the entire legal system in Iran, placing innocent people at the mercy of accused human rights violators. We condemn Nasrin’s sentence in the strongest possible terms and call on all of our partners and allies to speak out and demand the release of this courageous human rights defender and all those arbitrarily detained immediately. The Iranian people deserve a government that respects their legitimate demands and the human rights of all in Iran, not one that subjects them to prosecution in a justice system led by accused human rights violators.

There were several questions on various subjects and then:

QUESTION: Can I ask you, on a separate topic, your statement at the beginning on Iran and the sentencing of a women’s rights activist: Why didn’t you issue a similar statement when Saudi Arabia arrested women rights activists there, including a State Department International Women of Courage Award winner, Samar Badawi?

MR PALLADINO: We’ve – I mean, this particular case really was barbaric. Many others have spoken out on this as well. Thirty-eight – this is a – basically, a lawyer representing women clients that’s been sentenced to 38 years and 148 lashes. That kind of barbarism is something that must be called out.

In regards to other countries, Secretary Pompeo – we’ve spoken about – we speak about human rights, frankly, when we engage – when we travel the world engaging partners, allies. We do this regularly. It’s something that we stand for. It’s something that we’ll continue to do.

QUESTION: But why not do it from the podium in a similar fashion?

MR PALLADINO: I’m not sure what specific case you’re referring to. We choose different ways to communicate our – to promote the value – human rights values. It’s something we’re going to continue to be outspoken about and we raise this regularly with all partners.

In other words, Saudi Who?

It has emerged

Mar 14th, 2019 9:37 am | By

You don’t say.

Male sex offenders can skew crime statistics and put women at risk by claiming to be female when arrested, it has emerged.

Ya think?

It hasn’t “emerged”; feminists have been pointing this out for years. Remember the murder of a lesbian couple and their son in Oakland a few years ago? The suspect was reported as a woman but was in fact a trans woman. That’s just one example.

Humza Yousaf, the justice secretary, confirmed in parliament yesterday that criminal incidents are tracked according the self-identified gender of victims, witnesses and suspects. It prompted concerns that Scotland is introducing “self-identification through the back door” by allowing police and courts to record crimes according to the gender suspects feel they are.

Politicians, experts and women’s groups have warned that this could distort crime statistics and result in offenders who are male-bodied being placed in female-only refuges, exposing other inmates to danger and upset.

Not “could” but would, and in fact already is. And the male-bodied offenders are also people who grew up with male privilege and entitlement, however much they also felt not at home in those bodies.

Joan McAlpine, a fellow SNP MSP, had raised concerns that sexual offences are disproportionately perpetrated by biological men and asked whether self-identification would therefore lead to a “misleading” rise in the number of women recorded as sex-offenders. Official statistics show that 1,007 men were convicted for sexual crimes from 2017 to 2018, compared with 46 women.

Ms McAlpine, 57, said: “Aside from the statistical corruption, I cannot be the only woman who finds it deeply offensive that male sexual violence can ever be badged as a female crime.

Indeed she cannot, and she is not. Lots of us find it infuriating.

She highlighted the case of Katie Dolatowski, 18, a transgender sex offender who preyed on girls in public toilets in Fife and was housed in women-only accommodation after being convicted. Ms McAlpine said the policy meant Dolatowski was “recorded as a woman, when this person doesn’t even have a gender recognition certificate and is therefore legally male”.

And is housed in women-only accommodation despite the conviction for preying on girls in female-only toilets. It’s grotesque.

Home of all bad ideas

Mar 13th, 2019 5:45 pm | By

Even Rex Tillerson told Kushner he had no business meddling with US foreign policy. (Neither did Tillerson, but giving big policy jobs to CEOs didn’t start with Trump.)

Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was confronted by two of the most senior US government officials for mixing his personal interests with US foreign policy, according to a new book.

Kushner, an envoy to the Middle East for his father-in-law, is said to have been robustly challenged by both Rex Tillerson, then secretary of state, and Gary Cohn, formerly Trump’s top economic adviser.

The confrontations are detailed in Kushner Inc by the journalist Vicky Ward, who also describes interference in foreign relations by Kushner’s wife, Ivanka Trump.

The Guardian’s been reading it.

Ward reports that Tillerson blamed Kushner for Trump’s abrupt endorsement of a provocative blockade and diplomatic campaign against Qatar by Saudi Arabia and several allies in June 2017. The US has thousands of troops stationed in Qatar.

Tillerson “told Kushner that his interference had endangered the US”, an unidentified Tillerson aide tells Ward.

And then there’s that 666 Fifth Avenue thing…

Meanwhile, Cohn is said to have rebuked Kushner in January 2017 after it was revealed Kushner had dined with executives from the Chinese financial corporation Anbang, which was considering investing in the Kushner family’s troubled tower at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

“You’ve got to be crazy,” Cohn is said to have told Kushner in front of others. Kushner met the executives around the time he hosted Chinese government officials at the Fifth Avenue tower. The building was eventually refinanced by a Qatari-backed investment fund.

Well he needed the money. What’s he supposed to do, not use his wife’s daddy’s theft of the presidency in his own financial interest?

Ward’s book portrays Kushner and Ivanka Trump as relentlessly ambitious operators who are loathed by many forced to work with them. She reports that White House staffers mocked Kushner as the “secretary of everything” for his wide-ranging meddling and derided Ivanka Trump’s team as Habi – “home of all bad ideas”.

Other than that, they’re a lovely pair.

Unkoo Tham Thaying hith pwayoows

Mar 13th, 2019 11:17 am | By

Trump retweeted this last night.


That’s not what she said

Mar 13th, 2019 10:52 am | By

Trump could pardon Manafort and probably will, but that’s not the end of the story.

Paul J. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, has been charged in New York with mortgage fraud and more than a dozen other state felonies, the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., said Wednesday, an effort to ensure he will still face prison time if Mr. Trump pardons him for his federal crimes.

News of the indictment came shortly after Mr. Manafort was sentenced to his second federal prison term in two weeks; he now faces a combined sentence of more than seven years for tax and bank fraud and conspiracy in two related cases brought by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Trump’s pardon power works only in federal cases.

The indictment grew out of an investigation that began in 2017, when the Manhattan prosecutors began examining loans Mr. Manafort received from two banks.

Last week, a grand jury hearing evidence in the case voted to charge Mr. Manafort with residential mortgage fraud, conspiracy, falsifying business records and other charges. A lawyer for Mr. Manafort could not immediately be reached for comment.

The loans were also the subject of Mr. Mueller’s investigation and were the basis for some of the counts in the federal indictment that led to Mr. Manafort’s conviction last year in Virginia. But the Manhattan prosecutors deferred their inquiry in order not to interfere with Mr. Mueller’s larger investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

In recent months, prosecutors in the district attorney’s Economic Crimes Bureau resumed their inquiry and began presenting evidence to the grand jury, several people with knowledge of the matter have said.

The district attorney’s office determined some time ago that it would seek charges whether or not the president pardoned Mr. Manafort.

Meanwhile Manafort’s liar in the federal case is still lying.

When girls are pushed out of sports

Mar 13th, 2019 10:10 am | By

The ACLU has fully bought into the dogma.

The title does not inspire confidence:

Banning Trans Girls From School Sports Is Neither Feminist Nor Legal

But nobody is talking about “banning trans girls from school sports.” That’s not the issue.

The first paragraph is no better:

Andraya Yearwood, a junior at Cromwell High School in Connecticut, recently finished second in the 55-meter dash at the state open indoor track championships. But instead of well-deserved accolades from her community, she now finds her achievements being publicly challenged — simply because she is transgender.

No, not simply because she is transgender, and in fact not because she is transgender at all. It’s because she has a male body and is visibly much bigger than the girls with female bodies she raced against.

Next we get a sensible paragraph, about the long history of sex discrimination against female people in athletics. Then we get a lurching non sequitur.

The enactment of Title IX, the federal statute banning sex discrimination in school programs and activities receiving federal funds, was intended to end such discrimination, and it has indeed resulted in a dramatic increase in girls’ participation in sports. But girls — and particularly girls of color — still face stark inequalities in opportunities, funding, and resources.

The marginalization of trans student athletes is rooted in the same harmful history of gender discrimination and stereotyping that has impeded the achievement of gender equality in sports as a whole.

Like hell it is. It’s not the same history at all. That dramatic increase in girls’ participation in sports thanks to Title IX is because girls were able to have their own teams so that they could compete against each other. Allowing trans girls, i.e. girls with male bodies, to play on the girls’ teams takes that away from them.

Old stereotypes regarding athleticism, biology, and gender are being directed at transgender girls, who are frequently told outright that they are not girls (and conversely transgender boys are told they are not really boys). This policing of gender has been used to justify subjecting transgender student athletes to numerous additional barriers to participating in sports, from onerous medical requirements to segregation in locker rooms to outright bans on their participation.

It’s not policing, it’s reality. Bodies are what they are. Female bodies are different from male bodies, and that’s not a “stereotype,” old or otherwise, it’s just factual. The list of male athletic advantages is long; sad but true.

The truth is, transgender women and girls have been competing in sports at all levels for years, and there is no research supporting the claim that they maintain a competitive advantage.

That is a shamefully absurd claim, and the link – to Everyday Feminism! – is worse. Take one look at Hannah Mouncey looming over the women and tell us that again.

When girls are pushed out of sports, they miss out on the community building, leadership skills, and all of the other benefits that being part of a team can offer. This is particularly harmful for transgender students, who face detrimental effects on their physical and emotional wellbeing when they are pushed out of affirming spaces and communities.

I wonder if the authors – Shayna Medley and Galen Sherwin – paused to consider whether girls might be pushed out of sports by the presence of hulking trans girls depriving them of all possibility of winning. I wonder if that worried them for even a second before they plowed ahead with taking real sport away from girls and women.

Court is one of those places where facts still matter

Mar 13th, 2019 9:20 am | By

CNN is reporting live on Manafort’s sentencing hearing before Judge Amy Berman Jackson. I admit to a morbid interest in the subject, not so much because of the Trump connection but because of the horrors of his role in Ukraine.

Have a few highlights from Judge Jackson:

Judge Amy Berman Jackson expressed that she was not happy with how Paul Manafort approached the final stretch of this case.

 “Court is one of those places where facts still matter,” Jackson said.

She said Manafort has begun to “minimize his conduct and shield others.”

Jackson admitted she couldn’t tell from an FBI document if Manafort was actually asserting false facts or not.

Jackson believes he’s repeating a lie in his sentencing memo.

She went on to say that Manafort believed he had the right to manipulate the court proceedings and that he’s made overblown statements about where he was housed in jail when it was his benefit to do so.

Judge Jackson took issue with one of the points noted by Paul Manafort’s lawyer Kevin Downing earlier today.

Citing Downing’s words — that but for the special counsel, Manafort wouldn’t have been charged in the first place — Jackson said, “Saying ‘I’m sorry I got caught’ is not an inspiring plea for leniency.”

Jackson talked about how Manafort may not have been repeating some points for the person he was trying to persuade as she put her hands on her chest and not for “some other audience.”

Judge Jackson is now calling out the defense’s memo, which stated that the special counsel was never able to charge Russian collusion (this was their approach to the sentencing memo).

“It’s hard to understand why an attorney would write that,” she said about Manafort’s defense team’s approach. “No collusion” is “simply a non-sequitur.”

The judge said Manafort’s argument about the Russia investigation won’t affect her sentence.

“The defendant’s insistence” that this shouldn’t have happened to him “is just one more thing that’s inconsistent with the notion of any genuine acceptance of responsibility,” Jackson said.

Just in: the sentence is 43 months in addition to his sentence last week.