Jul 15th, 2019 3:05 pm | By

He writes it down. He thinks it’s so good that he writes it down and consults it while he babbles.

“It’s so SAD” – remember that – so SAD – remember to say SAD louder and angrier.

They sat in black SUVs outside the homes of accusers

Jul 15th, 2019 11:41 am | By

I was thinking Jeffrey Epstein would be denied bail because he’s a flight risk, but today I learned there’s another reason: he could use his millions to tamper with the case.

Further, prosecutors said Epstein could use his wealth to tamper with the investigation — and has a history of doing just that.

For example, prosecutors said in a court filing Friday that Epstein made $350,000 in payments to two possible co-conspirators after the Miami Herald’s stories were published in November 2018. The payments were made to two individuals who could potentially testify against Epstein at trial, the prosecutors said in the court filing.

“This course of action, and in particular its timing, suggests the defendant was attempting to further influence co-conspirators who might provide information against him in light of the recently re-emerging allegations,” prosecutors wrote.

In addition, police reports, court documents and interviews with victim attorneys revealed a number of intimidation and bare-knuckle tactics that accusers and witnesses told police they faced after Florida authorities opened their first investigation into Epstein.

During that probe, at least three private investigators who police believed were working on Epstein’s behalf tracked down accusers and possible witnesses to the alleged attacks, according to police reports. They sat in black SUVs outside the homes of accusers, questioned their current and former boyfriends, and chased one parent’s car off the road, according to police reports and a lawyer for three accusers.

Good grief.

The judge said he plans to make a ruling Thursday.

A lotta people love it, by the way

Jul 15th, 2019 11:17 am | By

C-Span has the whole video, most of which is a prepared speech that he reads haltingly and clumsily. Around 41:25 he opens it up for questions, so we get his full thought-vomit as opposed to snips.

He notes with fake surprise that his “go home” tweets were controversial, and adds that “A lotta people love it, by the way. Lotta people love it.” Yes, no doubt they do, and that’s a problem. Throwing raw meat to people who are already racist is a problem. Inciting racist hatred is a problem. A president who does that is beyond a problem – it’s hard to know what to call that, because all the existing words seem too mild.

Starting at 42:27 he pretends to think Pelosi said “Make America white again” when in fact she was commenting on Trump’s racism.

At 42:56 he names Omar.

“These are people that in my opinion hate our country.”


It doesn’t concern him

Jul 15th, 2019 10:27 am | By

Trump has been using his words and his voice and his powerful eloquence just now to explain why The Enemy Women in Congress should get out.

There’s applause in this one when he says “If you’re not happy you can leave.”

True to provocative form

Jul 15th, 2019 9:51 am | By

First the racist outburst, then the racist outburst responding to condemnation of racist outburst #1. This is the cycle we’re stuck in until this disease of a man either drops dead or is removed from office.

In the face of international condemnation – but very little comment from his own party – Donald Trump returned to the offensive against four Democratic congresswoman he targeted with racial invective on Sunday.

True to provocative form, the president accused the Democrats of “spewing” “racist hatred” – precisely the offence of which he has been widely accused.

Well, “provocative form” dignifies it too much. It’s form on the playground – “No you’re the poopyhead.” It’s form among belligerent narcissistic out of control people. It’s form among bullies and abusers.

In a tweet early on Monday, the president wrote: “When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said. So many people are angry at them [and] their horrible [and] disgusting actions!”

He added: “If Democrats want to unite around the foul language [and] racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular [and] unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I can tell you that they have made Israel feel abandoned by the US.”

Lindsey Graham knows what side he’s on:

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of President Donald Trump’s strongest allies on Capitol Hill, declined on Monday to condemn the President over his racist tweets against several minority members of Congress, instead calling them a “bunch of communists.”

Graham’s comments, which were later tweeted out by Trump, are the latest example of congressional Republican alignment with Trump in the face of fierce controversy.

“Well, we all know that (New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and this crowd are a bunch of communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own country,” Graham said during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.” “They’re calling the guards along our border, the border patrol agents, ‘concentration camp guards.’ They accuse people who support Israel of doing it for the Benjamins. They’re anti-Semitic. They’re anti-America.”

It’s a miracle he didn’t call them cunts.

He’s tired of hearing it

Jul 14th, 2019 5:03 pm | By

More from the PhD candidate in Catholic ethics who is searching for a “carrier” to gestate a baby for him and his husband:

Stupid. A stupid argument, he says. Stupid and made by people who lack any understanding of the issue. (Would that apply to boodle, who already has the PhD and has produced two babies recently?)

What jumps out at me in that revolting tweet is his complete, self-satisfied, oblivious lack of empathy for women. I find it stunning that a guy who wants to find a woman who will gestate and give birth to a baby for him feels comfortable publicly dismissing women who point out that they are more than “carriers” – dismissing them and calling them stupid and uninformed for good measure.

I can easily believe it’s true that in certain contexts professionals do refer to “carriers” when it’s necessary to distinguish them from gestational parents aka birth mothers. In certain limited contexts that may be acceptable for convenience. But for the men in the equation? Who will never do this particular form of hard labor for anyone? For them to call the women “carriers” in public, on Twitter?

Not even close to acceptable.

Contempt and hatred for women is making a strong comeback these days, and callous shits like this guy are one of the reasons.

Time to getcher nonbinary on

Jul 14th, 2019 4:33 pm | By

Hey hey hey it’s International Nonbinary Day.

So that’s means it’s…most people day. So that’s exciting. Ok, as you were.

I’m Christian. Nonbinary femme. He/him/his and she/her/hers. Please don’t call me or refer to me as guy, man, bro, dude, sir, gentleman, Mr., etc. If there is a feminine version of a word (like “alumna”) use that for me. Happy #InternationalNonBinaryDay

WHAT IS NONBINARY FEMME??? What can that possibly mean??? If you call yourself “femme” how can you also call yourself “nonbinary”? What are even words?

Never mind, the important thing is, it’s all about him her alumna waitress princess nonbinaryette.

It’s only cis gays who owe herhimwaitress? Not cis straights? So I don’t owe him this sharing then, but never mind, I’m doing it out of sheer generosity.

He’s been working out the best way to correct everyone. That is some demanding labor, let me tell you; it can keep a princess up all night.

So true. All that profundity and correctingness is very hard to capture in a selfie.

H/t Josh


What about the civil liberties of girls?

Jul 14th, 2019 11:12 am | By

The ACLU yesterday:

Terry works hard to compete in the sport she loves. Her successes, just like all athletes’, should be celebrated, not attacked.

"It is both unfair and painful that my victories have to be attacked and my hard work ignored. Living in a state that protects my rights is something that I do not take for granted." Terry Miller, high school athlete. Trans people belong in sports.

Who is Terry Miller? The Connecticut high school athlete who, along with Andraya Yearwood, competes against girls in track despite having a male body.

Doing that is not a “civil liberty” and should not be on the ACLU’s list of things to defend.

“They choose their own identity”

Jul 14th, 2019 10:58 am | By

Formulas. Speaking in formulas. Speaking in dopy unreasonable unexamined formulas. It doesn’t make for good thinking.

Of course “trans men and non-binary individuals” are human beings. That’s not in question and never has been. Shouting that they’re human beings is answering a question that was never asked.

But as for “they choose their own identity” – that’s where the mindless formulas fall apart. We don’t get to “choose our own identity” in every sense. We can choose the aspects that are subject to choice, and not the others. We don’t get to choose to be raccoons or toothbrushes or planets. We can pretend to be those things, if we like, but we can’t literally choose to be those things or billions of other things like them.

“Identity” is a very baggy word, and it has become more baggy than ever with the new move to claim that sex is a matter of identity as opposed to material fact. It’s being used as a kind of magic wand to entitle people to claim to be something they’re not and physically can’t be, and the results are turning out to be less than salubrious.


Jul 14th, 2019 9:42 am | By

Wait, run that by me again?

The Guardian:

The presidential trolling, just ahead of the political talk shows, seemed guaranteed to light a fire, potentially as a distraction from Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids announced by Trump and due to be carried out in major cities on Sunday.

On CNN’s State of the Union Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, was asked if Trump’s tweets “feed into this impression that the president is racist and is pushing a racist agenda”.

Cuccinelli said the tweets were examples of “rhetoric for the presidential race”.

Excuse me? Telling four brown women, three of whom were born in the US, to “go back” is election rhetoric? And we just brush it off that way? Where are you “from,” Mr Cuccinelli? Would you like to hear Donald Trump telling you to go back there? Would you brush it off as election rhetoric?

Pelosi hasn’t helped; she pretty much handed Trump the ammunition.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., responded to a dismissive comment by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about her supporters’ “public whatever” by tweeting that “that public ‘whatever’ is called public sentiment.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s remark was prompted by a comment from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who was quoted in The New York Times on Saturday criticizing the New York legislator and three of her Democratic colleagues — Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts — for voting against a border funding bill that had the support of a majority of House Democrats.

“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got,” Pelosi said, according to The New York Times.

She needs to stop doing that. (I’m sure it’s annoying to have young, new, inexperienced colleagues throwing their weight around, but that just is how electoral politics works, and she shouldn’t respond in ways that give Trump an opening for new horrors.)

Also, the Guardian (and anyone else who does it) needs to stop calling this kind of thing “trolling.” It might be trolling in a rando on Twitter, but from a president it’s dangerous racist incitement.

Saying no

Jul 14th, 2019 9:17 am | By

NOW can we start the impeachment hearings? Finally?


Jul 14th, 2019 9:11 am | By


Oh nononononononono



Droit de seigneur

Jul 14th, 2019 9:05 am | By

Money and power and status and malehood combined: one of the male royals may be unable to keep denying his part in Jeffrey Epstein’s hobby.

Prince Andrew faces further embarrassment from the Jeffrey Epstein scandal after a judge ordered thousands of secret documents relating to an alleged “sex slave” of the tycoon to be released.

About 2,000 files from a defamation case involving Virginia Roberts, an alleged trafficking victim, are due to be unsealed following a ruling by the US court of appeal this month. Roberts claims she was forced by Epstein to have sex with the Duke of York in London, New York and the Caribbean. Prince Andrew has strongly denied the claims.

Well he would, wouldn’t he.

In 2015 Roberts, now 35 and a mother of three, claimed she had been recruited as a “sex slave” by Epstein, a billionaire financier who was charged last week with trafficking girls as young as 14. Roberts alleged that she had been “procured for sexual activities” by Ghislaine Maxwell, who worked as a personal aide to Epstein and had been a friend of the duke.

Maxwell then called Roberts a liar in an interview, and Roberts sued her for defamation. The case was settled, but we’re not told what that means. Most of the court documents were sealed.

In a ruling this month, Jose Cabranes, a US appeals judge, said the public’s right to know outweighed the privacy rights of people who wanted to keep secrets. Days later Epstein, 66, was charged in New York with trafficking a “vast network of underage victims” between his homes in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Florida. Epstein denies the charges.

So, who knows, maybe the documents show that Andrew never did shtup underage Roberts. Or maybe they don’t.

Andrew is not the only illustrious acquaintance to be embarrassed. Trump described Epstein as a friend in 2002, adding: “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Bill and Hillary Clinton are also known to have been associates.

However, none of the investment banker’s friendships has raised more eyebrows than his relationship with Andrew. Epstein attended the Queen’s birthday party in 2000 and visited Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor Castle.

The Times gives details on how their movements track during the relevant time slots. Maybe Andrew just kept being in the same place as Roberts for no particular reason, or maybe not.

Pence says everything is FINE on the border

Jul 13th, 2019 5:38 pm | By

More on Pence’s brief visit to Theresienstadt a border detention center yesterday:

Agents wore face masks, and video showed detainees packed into their holding areas surrounded by chain-link fence, the concrete floors littered with silver thermal blankets. Reporters accompanying Pence described the facility as smelling “horrendous.”

A group of men detained behind chain link fencing shouted to news cameras, “No shower, no shower!”

I wonder if this “no showers” thing is even more sinister than it looks at first blush. It’s bad enough if it’s just a matter of imprisoning non-criminals without sufficient planning and organization to provide humane conditions, but it’s worse if Trump and the gang are doing it on purpose. If the detainees smell horrendous then doesn’t that just do more to make onlookers think they’re bad smelly dirty people who should be punished for trying to get asylum here? Doesn’t it choke off fellow-feeling and empathy and replace it with revulsion?

I leave it to your wisdom to determine.

Pence said afterward that what he saw was evidence of a “system that was overwhelmed.”

The experience did not appear to temper a statement he made earlier in the day that reports of mistreatment, filthy conditions and lack of basic necessities were “slanderous.”

Yes, that’s the problem here, “slanderous” reporting as opposed to the horrific conditions being reported.

The remarks were made during a roundtable discussion held after Pence toured a temporary holding facility near Donna-Rio Bravo International Bridge in Texas.

At the 1,000-capacity facility in Donna, Texas, most of the detainees were lying on mats on the floor. The location held about 800 migrants.

“I couldn’t be more impressed with the compassionate work that our Customs and Border Protection are doing here at this border facility,” Pence said.

What a warm, compassionate, generous man he must be.

He said President Donald Trump sent him so “the American people could see what’s happening here.” A reporter on the tour was not allowed to speak to children or adults being held.

“It’s time we moved past the harsh rhetoric of the American left,” Pence said at the roundtable held in McAllen.

It’s the left’s fault for objecting to the bad conditions, it’s not the right’s fault for imposing the bad conditions. Shoot the messenger; that will fix everything.

“Every family that I spoke to told me that they are being well cared for,” he said.

Which is not at all because they’re afraid of the guards. Definitely not. It’s slanderous to say it is.

Hope Frye, a San Francisco immigration attorney who said she has toured all the federal migrant facilities in the Rio Grande Valley, was adamant that conditions have been deplorable.

“The idea that this is false or exaggerated is really offensive to me,” she said. “It’s like saying migrants’ voices are untrue. It all paints the same picture — depraved indifference to the safety and welfare of children who come to us and are put in our care.”

Depraved but Republican, so that’s ok then.

Lindsey Graham wants them to be tortured more.

“The problem we have here can be fixed, literally overnight,” Graham said.

He sought support for his own legislation that seeks to force asylum seekers to apply for American safe harbor at home, immediately deport unaccompanied minors and increase detention time for migrant children.

We’re a light unto the nations.

A conqueror of unimaginable odds

Jul 13th, 2019 4:53 pm | By

Here’s the young woman who lost the gold medal to a man who changed his name to Laurel and competed against women:

Samoa’s new golden girl, Feagaiga Stowers, is not just a Commonwealth Games Champion. She is an overcomer and a conqueror of unimaginable odds.

But that wasn’t always the case.

Several years ago, Stowers’ young life hit a snag. The victim of abuse, she was among the survivors of sexual violence who sought refuge and [was] given a second chance at life at the Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G.).

She entered the Campus of Hope “shy and hopeless.”

Well that girl was not the one the world saw at Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre at the Gold Coast on Monday night.

When she stepped up to the competition platform in front of thousands at the stadium and millions watching from around the world, 17-year-old was smiling and confident, nailing the performance of a lifetime.

Stowers was up against the heavy favourite, New Zealand transgender athlete Laurel Hubbard.

But Hubbard dropped out because of an injury that time, so Stowers won the gold medal.

Yesterday, the President of the Samoa Victim Support Group, Siliniu Lina Chang, congratulated Stowers.

“Congratulations and best wishes Feagaiga.  We are so proud of you,” Siliniu said in a statement.

“At the Campus of Hope, Feagaiga was not into singing, dancing, sewing or cooking, but through weightlifting, she found a way to release her anger and her sense of hopelessness.”

“Under a partnership with the Samoa Weightlifting Federation in 2015, some of our girl survivors of violence took up weightlifting as part of their rehabilitation programme, included in them was Feagaiga.”

In 2018 she won a gold medal, but this year she lost the gold to a man. In a women’s competition.

Hubbard responded by blowing a kiss

Jul 13th, 2019 4:12 pm | By

More “this is all perfectly fine” reporting on “Laurel” Hubbard’s cheating.

New Zealand transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard clinched two gold medals as weightlifting competition concluded here today…

Hubbard was favourite to win the gold medal at last year’s Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast but had to withdraw mid-competition due to an elbow injury, which later required surgery.

Her appearance in the Australian city divided opinion as Hubbard – born as Gavin before transitioning in her 30s – entered a female event.

Opinion should be unanimous: this should not be allowed.

Hubbard was eligible to compete at Gold Coast 2018 because she passed the International Olympic Committee criteria for transgender athletes after proving her testosterone levels stayed below certain levels in the 12 months leading up to the event.

The criteria are woefully inadequate.

I just cannot get over the fact that we are watching the destruction of female athletics and the people in charge are cheering it on.

Hubbard put the controversy behind her, however, going head-to-head with Samoa’s Feagaiga Stowers and Iuniana Sipaia in today’s final, with the former having won Commonwealth Games gold last year in Gold Coast.

Hubbard won the overall title with a lift of 268kg, with Stowers and Sipaia completing the podium on 261kg and 255kg.

There was a cheer from the local crowd when Hubbard failed at a final clean and jerk lift, enabling Sipaia to take the gold medal in the discipline.

Hubbard responded by blowing a kiss and waved to the crowd before departing the competition platform.

Tee hee.

See the cold indifference

Jul 13th, 2019 3:58 pm | By

Brace yourselves; this is horrendous.

At the end Pence just turns and walks away.

Trying to find a carrier

Jul 13th, 2019 11:59 am | By

Man has deep thoughts on ethics – deep Catholic thoughts on ethics.

A carrier. A carrier. As if that’s all it is, like carrying a bag of groceries.

And yet all this constant thinking somehow doesn’t deliver up the thought that he shouldn’t refer to the prospective baby’s mother as a “carrier.”

But it’s not just carrying that gestating women do. It’s far from just that. First of all she contributes the egg. The baby is hers as well as the father’s. I know it must be painful for same-sex couples that they can’t conceive together, but that’s just how it is, and calling the mother “the carrier” doesn’t change that.

And it doesn’t end with the egg, obviously. That “carrying” includes nourishing the baby for nine months, sharing her entire body with the baby, living with the baby at all times. That’s a big deal.

Then there’s the giving birth part. I understand it’s not entirely painless.

Calling a woman who does that for someone else a “carrier” is dumbfoundingly insulting.

“Ethcis” my ass.


Jul 13th, 2019 11:22 am | By

Fascist president in action. (Yes literal fascist. This kind of open demonization of the press is right out of The Big Book of How to Fascist.)

Use it or else

Jul 13th, 2019 7:32 am | By

A lot of people are passing around this bit of genius:

Would you like to try our Lobster Special today?

All-caps all you like, but that doesn’t magically make your claims true.

“Cis” just means you identify with the sex you were assigned at birth, she tells us. Yes, we know, and that’s why we reject the word. I don’t “identify with the sex I was assigned at birth.” I just am it, that’s all. It’s simply a fact. I don’t “identify with” it or embrace it or glory in it or anything else along those lines, I just have the humdrum normal awareness of the fact of it. It is what it is, as we so often hear about pretty much everything except what sex we are. It is what it is. We’re vertebrates, we’re mammals, we’re primates, we’re great apes. Those are all names, or labels, of course, but the criteria for them are specific and well known. What sex we are is like that. It’s not subjective, it’s not a feeling, it’s not like the soul, it’s not Spiritual.

I don’t identify with it, and I wasn’t “assigned” it. I understand that it’s A FLIPPING WORD but all words are that, and we’re allowed to say some of them are inaccurate or tendentious or venomous or any number of other things that cause us to reject them. We’re not required to call ourselves cis or to agree with the confused ideology that tries to impose the word on all of us. Shouting in all caps ain’t gonna change that.