Now we’re Cotton Mather

Jul 30th, 2019 4:24 pm | By

Oh good grief. I thought I was going to leave the subject for today but then I saw this piece at Inside Higher Ed, fatuously titled Taking Trans Lives Seriously. Because what, there are all these people making a big joke of trans lives? Are we supposed to take trans lives more seriously than any other kinds of lives? (Of course; stupid question.)

It is not permissible to debate in some academic parlor game the lives of people who are oppressed and murdered, writes Mark Lance.

“Some academic parlor game” says a professor of philosophy at Georgetown. Anyway people aren’t “debating the lives” of trans people in the way he wants us to think: debating whether they deserve to live or not. That’s a cheap, manipulative move which ought to be beneath a philosopher.

In 1702, the New England Puritan Cotton Mather produced a theological/philosophical reflection on the nature of the American continent and its inhabitants. He asserted that the heathen savages that Europeans had met here were probably put here by the devil, likely lacked souls, were more akin to beasts than humans and absolutely must be at least converted, and if not, removed (i.e. killed).

Oh, good opening – he’s going to say that’s what gender critical philosophers are doing, i.e. saying trans people should be killed. Nothing hyperbolic or unfair about that.

[A]t the dawn of the 18th century, as a mass influx of Europeans are launching one of the largest campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide in human history, these remarks are violence. They are an endorsement of genocide and played a very real role in facilitating it.

Recently, a small but highly visible group of scholars has taken to arguing against the growing acceptance of the gender self-identifications of trans people — insisting that trans women are really men, trans men really women, trans lesbians really heterosexual men and so forth — and often explicitly presenting these arguments as support for legal efforts to restrict trans folks’ access to public spaces.

Sure enough, that’s what he’s saying. Gender critical feminists are like Cotton Mather, and are endorsing and playing a role in facilitating genocide against trans people. Don’t be shy, professor. He’s not a trendy young woke philosopher, either, but a grown adult. Also, that bullshit about “support for legal efforts to restrict trans folks’* access to public spaces” – that sounds as if gc feminists want a blanket rule expelling trans people in general from public spaces in general. That’s incredibly dishonest. The issue is whether women are required to “include” trans women in all spaces reserved for women, and women do have a right to have opinions on that without being accused of facilitating genocide or advocating apartheid.

*”folks” yet again – it’s always “folks” – it’s a tell.

I do not suggest that the current situation around TE“RF” philosophers is as grim as the genocide of Native Americans.

He says, having just done exactly that.

Obviously, there are differences of quantity, and some of content, between what happened to Native Americans in the 1700s and what’s occurring in academe today.

What?? There are some differences of content? But it’s still pretty close to what happened to Native Americans in the 18th century? That’s just deranged (and defamatory).

But when trans folks are systematically reviled, mocked and disempowered; when they are disproportionately harassed by police, arrested and brutalized — both on the street and in custody — and when there are active campaigns or existing laws in many countries to deny them basic human rights, one cannot merely have a polite discussion about the nature of gender and sex. To produce arguments, in this context — that trans women are not women, or trans lesbians are not lesbians — is not just a view we can easily reject as confused and offensive. It is complicity with systemic violence and active encouragement of oppression.

So we have to just shut up, and wax J Yaniv’s balls, and nod approvingly when Morgane Oger gets funding taken away from Vancouver Rape Relief, and applaud when boys win girls’ races. Yes sir yes sir, anything you say sir, it’s not your rights being taken away but you’re the boss so yes sir, yes sir.

And to write pompous open letters about efforts to combat such complicity without mentioning any of the relevant context, to write as if this is simply an abstract question of academic freedom, to pretend that the cisgendered deniers of trans rights are the real victims because others criticize them is not nearly far enough from our hypothetical reaction to Cotton Mather.

But we’re not “deniers of trans rights.” We don’t want to take any rights away from trans people. We also don’t want trans people to take away our rights, and the reality is that a few trans women have made some major dents in our rights.

It is difficult for me to see how highly educated, highly intelligent people can fail to see these obvious points. Perhaps they do, or perhaps something more complicated or more sinister is going on. I don’t know, or really care, what is behind it. But everyone who cares about the current victims of social and institutional bigotry needs to denounce it.

It is not permissible to debate the lives of people who are oppressed and murdered. Those who treat this like an intellectual game should not be engaged with. They should be told to [unprintable here] — just as I hope we would respond to Cotton Mather. Every time.

I find that breathtaking.

Less carbon sequestered

Jul 30th, 2019 3:33 pm | By

Maybe it will help if we rake the forest floors?

The CBC reports a forestry professor has found that:

certain tree species are having a tough time growing back in areas that have been affected by wildfires due to warming temperatures — a discovery that could have major implications for both the forestry sector and long-term climate change targets.

Among Stevens-Rumann,’s work was a 2017 study of nearly 1,500 sites charred by 52 wildfires in the U.S. Rocky Mountains. Her research found that lower elevation trees had a tough time naturally regenerating in areas that burned between 2000 and 2015 compared with sites affected between 1985 and 1999, largely due to drier weather conditions.

More recently, a 2019 study written by her colleague Kerry Kemp found that both Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine seedlings in the Idaho’s Rocky Mountains — just south of B.C. — were also struggling in low-lying burned areas due to warmer temperatures, leading to lower tree densities.

One thing trees do is capture CO2, so if they’re not coming back well from fires, that’s one more item in the cascade.

In some places what was forest may become grasslands.

The concerns were echoed by University of British Columbia forestry professor and associate dean Sally Aitken, who co-authored a study that mapped out how landscapes in B.C. are changing in the face of changing climate.

Aitken said many areas in the province that were burned during the record-breaking 2017-2018 wildfire seasons were also recovering from previous wildfires.

When juvenile or seedlings burn before they’re mature enough to drop seeds, forest may experience what’s known as seed source shortfall.

Result: again, more forest lost to grassland.

While some areas at higher elevations are experiencing regrowth, both Aitken and Stevens-Rumann say some ecosystems will no longer be able to support tree species that have historically stood tall over the landscape.

With more grasslands dispersed through the province, the forests’ ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere is hampered, they said.

No mention of raking.

A nationally recognized expert

Jul 30th, 2019 12:32 pm | By

Chase Strangio is a staffer at the ACLU:

Chase Strangio is a Staff Attorney with the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project and a nationally recognized expert on transgender rights.

Strangio is also a trans man.

Strangio makes a melodramatic claim:

We die because we are told we can’t live. We die because people oppose the premise of our existence. We die because you want us to. Call me dramatic. Mock me. Threaten me but I am going to fight for my people to live. NO matter what you do.

Obligingly, I did call that claim melodramatic. That’s because it is. Trans people don’t flop over and die because people tell them things, and they are not told they “can’t live.” This is just a variation on the “you’re denying our existence” nonsense that we hear constantly, and it’s just as fatuous. Saying people can’t magically turn themselves into something they’re not by saying some words is not saying the people who attempt it don’t exist. Being wrong about oneself is not the same thing as not existing, or for that matter as sudden death.

Nobody “opposes the premise of their existence.” That’s more word-magic. What I for one oppose is not their private ideas about themselves but their bullying efforts to force everyone else to agree with them. That’s it. That’s all it is. We just are not obliged to endorse other people’s fantasies. We’re not obliged to, and being bullied for refusing is itself an injustice.

Chase Strangio of course is all for the “right” of boys to identify as girls and then compete against girls in sport and snap up all the prizes. What about those girls? What about the premise of their existence? Why is Strangio so indifferent to them?

And by “least” I mean “most”

Jul 30th, 2019 8:03 am | By


I can think of less-racist-than-Trump people without even resorting to Google.

He does say it. You can see him say it, and then go on to say a bunch of racist crap.

In order to be granted full rights

Jul 30th, 2019 7:34 am | By

More demands for more more more gender reform:

More than 100 LGBT organisations and celebrities are urging the government to reform UK gender identity laws, the BBC has learned.

But what if “gender identity” doesn’t actually mean anything?

But, in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, LGBT groups said the UK was “lagging behind” other countries “in terms of legal equality for trans and non-binary people”.

Is it? How? In what way do trans and non-binary people not have legal equality? What does “legal equality” in that sentence mean?

Ashleigh Talbot, a transgender woman, says the current process to get legal recognition is too negative.

“It’s an extremely bureaucratic process,” said Ms Talbot.

Ms Talbot added that for any other community to be required to prove something to a panel in order to be granted full rights would be an “absolute outrage”.

But that’s nonsense. Talbot is using “full rights” to mean something it doesn’t mean. People don’t have “full rights” to get government recognition for whatever “identity” they choose – helicopter, grapefruit, shark, Vesuvius, the War of the Spanish Succession. Talbot already has the same “full rights” everyone else has.

She continued: “I know people who have had their application turned down because of a perceived fault with the evidence – they were so humiliated.

“The stress and the emotional toll that it takes on members of the community, simply to have legal recognition, is all extremely damaging.”

In other words Talbot deployed the usual emotional blackmail. Talbot talks like an abuser – “Give me what I want or I’ll burn the house down with us in it.”

The Gender Recognition Act (GRA) sets out the legal process by which a person can change their gender.

It was last updated in 2004, and was the first piece of legislation that officially recognised transgender people but, since then, the way people identify has come a long way.

That is, since then the list of demands and threats has ballooned grotesquely.

The BBC does allow one dissenting voice through.

Dr Nicola Williams, director of Fair Play For Women – which campaigns for the sex-based rights of women and girls – said GRA reform would mean any male could change their birth certificate to say they were born female.

“Women have a lawful right to exclude males from female-only spaces when it’s necessary for privacy, safety and fairness,” she said.

It would make women’s existing legal rights “unworkable”, she added, and that advancing rights for one group “at the expense of another vulnerable group” is wrong.

But now let’s hear from the More Special Than That community.

Jamie Windust, an LGBT and non-binary activist who does not identify as a man or woman, says things need to change.

“Non-binary people like myself are not even given the option to change our gender identity through the GRA,” they said.

“This is not only invalidating, but having your own government not allow you to just exist is really painful.”

Except of course that the government is not “not allowing you to exist.” Windust is allowed to exist, and judging by the fact that the government quotes Them, Windust does in fact exist. It’s not “invalidating” for the government to reject an invented category for birth certificates.

Their dreams as star runners

Jul 29th, 2019 4:21 pm | By

The ACLU is worked up over the “right” of male people who claim to be trans to compete against female people in sports, again.

Terry and Andraya are two transgender girls who are following their dreams as star runners in Connecticut. But as athletes on the track, they face harmful discrimination instead of accolades.

We’re fighting alongside Terry and Andraya for our right to live as our authentic selves.

Live as your “authentic selves” all you like; knock yourselves out. But that doesn’t translate to mean you get to live as your physically inauthentic self at the expense of people who are oppressed and marginalized on the basis of their physically authentic bodies, aka girls and women.

Take the pledge, they tell us.

Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood are two transgender girls who are following their dreams as star runners in Connecticut. But as champions on the track, they face harmful attacks rather than the accolades they deserve. While Andraya and Terry’s teammates and coaches support them, some cisgender athletes want to keep them out of girls’ sports.

Let’s not forget that Miller and Yearwood were not star runners when they competed against other boys. They are “star runners” only when they compete against girls. They’re “following their dreams” by switching to competing against a class of people who can’t beat them, because of differences in skeleton, muscles, lung capacity, and the like. What they face are not “harmful attacks” but objections to the fact that they’re cheating the girls they’re competing against.

And I’m pretty sure the ACLU is lying when it says their teammates support them. I’m pretty sure we’ve heard from some who decidedly don’t.

Transgender people have the right to participate in sports consistent with who they are, just like anyone. Denying this right is pure discrimination.

But it’s not who they are. It’s who they aren’t. They’re not girls; they’re not boys who have the “souls” of girls and therefore get to compete against them. They may be boys who think they “feel like” girls, but I doubt it – I think they’re just straight up cheating.

And yes, it’s “discrimination” in the sense that we know how to discriminate between girls and boys. It’s not “discrimination” in the sense of unjust neglect or punishment or rejection.

The marginalization of trans student-athletes is rooted in the same kind of gender discrimination and stereotyping that has held back cisgender women athletes.

No it is not. Boys don’t get to appropriate the oppression of girls so that they can win races against them and get opportunities that should have gone to the girls.

When misinformation about biology and gender is used to bar transgender girls from sports it amounts to the same form of sex discrimination that has long been prohibited under Title IX, a law that protects all students – including trans people – on the basis of sex.

Girls who are transgender are girls. Period.

Period shmeriod – adding “period” doesn’t make it true. Are they six?

Updating to add: Josh points out that that photo is not of Miller and Yearwood, it’s a stock photo of female legs. Dishonest much, ACLU?

A very common toy sold for sensation play

Jul 29th, 2019 3:27 pm | By

Stupidest possible reaction to Karen’s tweet about a woman murdered by a “sex toy” which is to say a spiked wheel shoved up her vagina:

Strangling women is “breath play” and shoving spiked wheels up women’s vagina’s is “sensation play.”

What is wrong with people?

Open wide, darling

Jul 29th, 2019 3:07 pm | By

Dear god what is wrong with people?

Behold, a “sex toy”:

In what universe is that a sex toy???

Metro (UK) reported:

A man whose wife died during a 48-hour extreme sex session days after they got married has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Ralph Jankus, 52, killed his wife Christel, 49, when he inserted a spiked Wartenberg wheel inside his wife, perforating her bowel.

The wheel is normally used by doctors to check nerve reactions.

They failed to get medical help for four days, by which time nothing could have been done to save her.

How is sticking a wheel with roughly 24 sharp spikes on it up a woman’s vagina “extreme sex”? How is it sex at all? Since when is torture “extreme sex”? Since when is a man torturing a woman “extreme sex”? Why didn’t he have matching injuries up his bum? Why didn’t he too die because “they” failed to get medical help for four days? Why does “extreme sex” always mean the woman gets stabbed and strangled and thrown around the room and then dies, while the man fails to seek medical help?

What. the fuck. is wrong with people.

A con man, always looking for a score

Jul 29th, 2019 12:08 pm | By

Trump has been vomiting out his id for our inspection this morning.

In particular

Jul 29th, 2019 11:20 am | By

Open Labour is a group or organization or faction or ______ that aims to make the Labour Party more wonderful. Or something. What they stand for:

We represent Labour’s open Left: a practical, open-minded and tolerant type of democratic socialism. Our ideas and campaigns are based on a simple strategy: creating broad and diverse alliances behind policies which transform society.

We are realistic about public opinion, but we believe that Labour’s democratic left must seek to lead it. This will only happen if our party is vibrant and democratic – if it can include a wide variety of views and groups without intolerance or bigotry keeping members away.

So I guess the rest of Labour is impractical, closed-minded, and intolerant? And they don’t aim to create broad and diverse alliances behind policies which transform society?

I don’t know. It all seems quite vague to me, but I’d never heard of them before. I heard of them just now because they issued a statement on Twitter. It’s not on their website, just on Twitter – I don’t know if that makes it more official or less or if there is no difference.

The reason it caught my attention, along with the fastidiously prurient denunciation of “one of our committee members,” is the unmarked oddity of the first sentence.

At Open Labour we seek to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ people, and with trans people in particular in the struggle for respect and equal rights.

The unmarked oddity is “and with trans people in particular.” Why with trans people in particular? Seriously, why? That’s constantly implied and occasionally spelled out like that but it’s never (that I see) explained. Why are we endlessly told, implicitly or explicitly, that trans people are due particular, extra, emphatic, special solidarity?

If we understood that we would have a better grip on why it’s seen as acceptable and even admirable to single out women for threats and abuse if we fail in this duty to give particular solidarity. We would have a better grip on what they think they mean and why they think it, so then we might be able to make a dent in this idiotic claim.

Of course there is nothing at all in the statement itself that would help with that. It’s pathetic how this whole branch of activism relies on empty slogans endlessly repeated and just utterly fails to ground any of it in comprehensible reasons.

Guess what the criteria were

Jul 28th, 2019 5:20 pm | By

Great. Trump is replacing the Director of National Intelligence (Dan Coats) with a party hack.

President Donald Trump’s just-announced nominee to replace Dan Coats as director of national intelligence had already drawn national attention earlier this week, when he delivered an aggressive diatribe against former special counsel Robert Mueller.

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, called Ratcliffe’s questioning of Mueller “demagogic” and said the White House selected him for intelligence director because he “exhibited blind loyalty to President Trump.”

“It’s clear that Rep. Ratcliffe was selected because he exhibited blind loyalty to President Trump with his demagogic questioning of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller,” Schumer said in a press release Sunday. “If Senate Republicans elevate such a partisan player to a position that requires intelligence expertise and non-partisanship, it would be a big mistake.”

They’ll do it.

Imagine for a moment

Jul 28th, 2019 5:01 pm | By

This is not a good argument.

It’s not a good argument because, first, any minority group? But that could be rapists, or psychopaths, or serial killers, or greedy landlords who don’t make repairs (hello Jared Kushner!), or members of the KKK. Being part of a minority group doesn’t automatically make people right about everything. And second because the trans lobby is in fact a special case, so swapping in for instance “feminist lobby pressure” wouldn’t do the work Stop Funding Hate wants it to do. The trans lobby does in fact apply fierce pressure to everyone it can reach to accept and echo and flatter the dogma about what it is to be trans.

I’ll quote again a bit from that Guardian piece that I quoted from yesterday:

Evans said that since his resignation he had become concerned that the debate around transitioning had been shut down by a vocal minority. “The mind that is free to think or ask difficult questions is treated as a real threat; TV producers and journalists continually report that while people are willing to speak in confidence to them about their reservations about treatment in these areas, they shy away from being named, for fear of being accused of being bigoted and transphobic and sometimes either disciplined or even sacked for speaking their mind.”

Emphasis added. We know that’s not a foolish or empty fear; we know it happens. We just saw it happen to another blog at Freethought Blogs earlier in the week. We saw it happen to the Vancouver Public Library, told it can’t be part of Pride because it allowed Meghan Murphy to give a talk in its building. We know it happens. The allegation is not a false one.

Guest post: Exactly zero work

Jul 28th, 2019 3:03 pm | By

Guest post by Josh Slocum

Lesbians and gays had to ask, beg, plead, protest, and keep it all up for decades just to get:

  • The right not to be fired for being gay
  • The right not to be evicted for being gay
  • The right to participate in the same tax incentive system that straight married people had

That’s all. That’s all we asked for. Nothing that took from, or imposed on, anyone else.

Trans comes along and is required to do exactly zero work. All they have to do is be a straight man in a wig and scream that they’re oppressed, and instantly laws are changed to make women’s space their legal property.

This is fucking obscene.

More than 170 code violations in Baltimore

Jul 28th, 2019 12:08 pm | By

Back in November 2017 there were fines.

Jared Kushner’s family real estate company has racked up more than 170 code violations in Baltimore after failing to comply with local laws, officials said Thursday.

Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz said local officials had to threaten sanctions to get Kushner Companies to address necessary repairs. The county withheld U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rental payments at nine of the company’s properties and issued $3,500 in fines.

“We expect all landlords to comply with the code requirements that protect the health and safety of their tenants, even if the landlord’s father-in-law is president of the United States,” Kamenetz said in a statement.

You know…this is really extraordinary. On Saturday the president of the US screams at a Congressional Representative about putative rats and filth in his district, and on Sunday we are directed to headline after headline after headline about that president’s son-in-law and illegal employee and his long string of code violations as a profiteering landlord. It doesn’t get much more sordid than that.

The company owns 13 apartment complexes in Baltimore County.

Inspectors found 173 failures when inspecting the company’s 701 HUD-supported units. Despite that, company spokeswoman Christine Taylor said the company is in compliance with all state and local laws.

Kamenetz called the compliance claim a “stretch.” The inspector’s office found the firm made repairs only when the office threatened to withhold HUD payments. The office handed out 35 correction notices, and all were handled except three locations.

Now why do profiteering landlords refuse to make repairs until they are forced? Because they want to keep the money for themselves. That’s who Jared Kushner is just as it’s who Donald Trump is. They’re greedy exploitative profiteering criminals and shits. And they’ve got their nasty mitts on our country.

Since issuing notices, the inspector’s office received five more complaints about Kushner properties.

“Baltimore County will continue to be vigilant…to ensure that residents of Mr. Kushner’s properties have healthy and safe places to live,” Kamenetz said.

It’s not Elijah Cummings, Don, it’s you, and your greedy ruthless family.

Maggots started coming out of the living room carpet

Jul 28th, 2019 11:24 am | By

Also, from way back in May 2017 – ProPublica on Kushnerville, Baltimore:

Tenants in more than a dozen Baltimore-area rental complexes complain about a property owner who they say leaves their homes in disrepair, humiliates late-paying renters and often sues them when they try to move out. Few of them know that their landlord is the president’s son-in-law.

I blogged about it at the time, so if it’s familiar to you that may be why.

The worst troubles may have been those described in a 2013 court case involving Jasmine Cox’s unit at Cove Village. They began with the bedroom ceiling, which started leaking one day. Then maggots started coming out of the living room carpet. Then raw sewage started flowing out of the kitchen sink. “It sounded like someone turned a pool upside down,” Cox told me. “I heard the water hitting the floor and I panicked. I got out of bed and the sink is black and gray, it’s pooling out of the sink and the house smells terrible.”

But Prince Jared rushed to fix it and compensated her for the damage?


Cox stopped cooking for herself and her son, not wanting food near the sink. A judge allowed her reduced rent for one month. When she moved out soon afterward, Westminster Management sent her a $600 invoice for a new carpet and other repairs. Cox, who is now working as a battery-test engineer and about to buy her first home, was unaware who was behind the company that had put her through such an ordeal.

But please, tell us more about the “infestation” in Cummings’s district.

The garbage piled in the back yard included decomposing rat carcasses

Jul 28th, 2019 11:05 am | By

Speaking of rats, and garbage, and filthy conditions…it turns out Prince Jared is a slum landlord who turns a blind eye to such conditions for his tenants.

The refuse piled in the back yard of 118 East 4th Street was “Dickensian,” says longtime tenant Jennifer Hengen. It filled the sunken yard at least five steps high, and included “decomposing rat carcasses.” The building also went without gas for almost five months. Tenants got service turned back on in early March after they filed an “HP action” lawsuit in Housing Court demanding repairs from their landlord, Jared Kushner, and then filed a motion to hold him in contempt after his representatives didn’t show up for the first hearing.

That was 2016, before the prince’s anointing.

The building is one of more than 50 that Kushner—who married Donald Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka in 2009—has acquired over the last four years. He has spent more than $400 million buying portfolios of properties in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Astoria, but most are in the East Village, making him the neighborhood’s second-largest landlord after the notorious Steven Croman, says Brandon Kielbasa, an organizer with the Cooper Square Committee.

At least 40 of his buildings were purchased from Ben Shaoul and Stone Street Properties, owners who specialized in buying buildings that contained large numbers of rent-stabilized tenants, and inducing them to leave with a combination of trumped-up eviction notices, buyout offers, and messy, all-hours construction in the vacated apartments. Once the empty apartments were renovated, they could be rented out at luxury rates.

Kushner, who also owns the NY Observer, has used those tactics, but usually buys buildings that have “already been worked over,” says Kielbasa, who has worked with tenants in buildings owned by Kushner and Shaoul. Kushner, he says, treats both rent-stabilized and market-rate tenants badly, and seems to feel that he can get away with not maintaining buildings because the housing market is so tight he can keep them full anyway.

He can’t spend money on maintaining buildings, he has to spend it on luxuries for self and family.

Garbage is the most common complaint. At 170 East 2nd Street, “by Sunday, you couldn’t walk in the hallways,” says Siwek. “Garbage was out of control,” says one East Village tenant. “Garbage everywhere,” says another. At 118 East 4th, Hengen says, the problems began when Westminster began putting garbage in the back yard because they were getting summonses for putting it in front of the building.

Interesting detail in the circumstances, isn’t it?

Some choice words

Jul 28th, 2019 10:42 am | By

The Baltimore Sun editorial board:

In case anyone missed it, the president of the United States had some choice words to describe Maryland’s 7th congressional district on Saturday morning. Here are the key phrases: “no human being would want to live there,” it is a “very dangerous & filthy place,” “Worst in the USA” and, our personal favorite: It is a “rat and rodent infested mess.” He wasn’t really speaking of the 7th as a whole. He failed to mention Ellicott City, for example, or Baldwin or Monkton or Prettyboy, all of which are contained in the sprawling yet oddly-shaped district that runs from western Howard County to southern Harford County. No, Donald Trump’s wrath was directed at Baltimore and specifically at Rep. Elijah Cummings, the 68-year-old son of a former South Carolina sharecropper who has represented the district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1996.

Because why? Silly question. Cummings is not a Republican and he’s not white and he’s not an admirer of Donald Trump.

In pointing to the 7th, the president wasn’t hoping his supporters would recognize landmarks like Johns Hopkins Hospital, perhaps the nation’s leading medical center. He wasn’t conjuring images of the U.S. Social Security Administration, where they write the checks that so many retired and disabled Americans depend upon. It wasn’t about the beauty of the Inner Harbor or the proud history of Fort McHenry. And it surely wasn’t about the economic standing of a district where the median income is actually above the national average. No, he was returning to an old standby of attacking an African American lawmaker from a majority black district on the most emotional and bigoted of arguments.

One word: “infested.” It’s a tell.

Finally, while we would not sink to name-calling in the Trumpian manner — or ruefully point out that he failed to spell the congressman’s name correctly (it’s Cummings, not Cumming) — we would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval Office, the mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women’s private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin and the guy who insisted there are “good people” among murderous neo-Nazis, that he’s still not fooling most Americans into believing he’s even slightly competent in his current post. Or that he possesses a scintilla of integrity. Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.

We’re infested with Trumps.

Many experts were living in fear of being labelled transphobic

Jul 27th, 2019 3:56 pm | By

Even the Guardian has started to notice.

School counsellors and mental health service providers are bowing to pressures from ‘highly politicised’ transgender groups to affirm children’s beliefs that they were born the wrong sex, a leading expert has warned.

Marcus Evans, a psychotherapist and ex-governor of the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, whose Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) is the only NHS clinic to provide gender counselling and transitioning, said many experts were living in fear of being labelled transphobic, which was having an impact on their objectivity.

Because it’s not just a matter of “being labelled transphobic” and then walk away – it’s a matter of being labelled transphobic and then being shunned and demonized and berated on social media, of losing friends and publication opportunities and even jobs, of being treated as a thousand times more evil and harmful than even Donald Trump or Boris Johnson.

The number of children referred annually to GIDS has risen from 468 in 2013 to 2,519 in 2018. Some claim social media is a factor in the increase.

Ya think?

Evans said that since his resignation he had become concerned that the debate around transitioning had been shut down by a vocal minority. “The mind that is free to think or ask difficult questions is treated as a real threat; TV producers and journalists continually report that while people are willing to speak in confidence to them about their reservations about treatment in these areas, they shy away from being named, for fear of being accused of being bigoted and transphobic and sometimes either disciplined or even sacked for speaking their mind.”

Because it happens. We’ve watched it happen. We’ve watched it happen many many times by now.

Since his high-profile resignation, Evans’s concerns have broadened as parents approach him for advice about their children.

“They confirm that a gender-affirmative approach is being adopted by many school counsellors and CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services),” Evans notes.

“These parents all expressed alarm that, after their children suddenly announced they believed they were the wrong sex, practitioners were immediately endorsing the belief that this was the cause of the child’s distress, rather than offering time to explore perhaps long-standing psychological/developmental issues.”

Satanic panic all over again.

Which is the disgusting part?

Jul 27th, 2019 12:50 pm | By


So we’re paying Eric’s bills too

Jul 27th, 2019 12:35 pm | By

Wait, what?

The Scotsman reports on payments from the US State Department to Donald Trump’s golf resort in Scotland. So far so corrupt and so familiar. But there’s an extra twist.

Last summer, The Scotsman, detailed a series of payments made by the State Department to SLC Turnberry Limited.

The first, for $10,113 (£8,112), was approved on 5 April 2018, followed by $39,602 (£31,768) and $30,074 (£24,125) on 10 and 11 July respectively.

The latter two payments were for hotel accommodation for Mr Trump and key members of his administration. The president was photographed playing two rounds of golf during his two night stay at Turnberry, part of his visit to the UK.

It is understood the April payment related to a visit to Turnberry by Eric Trump. the executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organisation.

By Eric Trump? What does that have to do with the State Department? State shouldn’t be pouring money into Trump’s businesses anyway, but the usual scam is for them to book half the administration into Trump hotels while on official business. But Eric Trump is in no way part of the administration, so why are his bills being added to the tab? It’s second-level graft.

The Scotsman doesn’t explain.