Guest post: “Morality” sounds better than “submit or else”

Jan 31st, 2020 3:13 pm | By

Originally a comment by iknklast on “Militant secularists” again.

What values exactly, is there some secularist tome I can refer to

Barr probably knows, but assumes his audience doesn’t, or that they agree with him, that the only value they are really concerned about is the value of freedom to make up your own mind about god. The freedom to send your children to school without being converted to a believe they find unacceptable.

Barr believes that what secularists want is like what Christians want – to send their children to school to have their beliefs reinforced, and to convert all the other little kids to their beliefs. Some secularists probably want this, but on the whole, we want our kids taught to think, how to read, how to write and do math, and in general become educated, not brainwashed.

There is a lot of projection in this. The Evangelical Christians want unencumbered access to other people’s kids. They assume that is what the secularists want. They are afraid someone is coming for their kids because they are ‘coming for’ other people’s kids.

In short, the only value at stake here is belief in the god that Barr believes in. That is for so many Christians the true morality. Believing in God, worshiping God, submitting to God, becoming a “servant” to God. And making everyone else do the same.

But if they use the words “moral” and “values”, it sounds better than “submit or else”. They never actually have to specify those morals because everyone else will fill in what they think morality is. And they can see that morality in Trump because he is willing to force everyone to submit. That’s the only moral they really care about; all the rest are window dressing designed for control. Control people’s sex and diet, and you have them in your control. Mostly.

Scratch that one off the list

Jan 31st, 2020 2:54 pm | By

I hate quoting National Review

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said earlier this week that she would only nominate a Secretary of Education who was pre-screened by a “young transgender person” in order to ensure that her pick would be “committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone.”

Wellllll…except for women of course. But that’s ok, women are such a tiny minority compared to transgender persons.

Speaking Sunday at a townhall in Iowa, Warren responded to a question about how to address a lack of LGBTQ history and sexual education in public schools.

That’s a bad question in the first place. L and G are not the same as T, and most of their issues are different, and some of their rights are in tensions. Some of us think lesbians get to decide for themselves who their sex/romance partners will be, but some transgender persons think lesbians must have sex/romance with men who identify as lesbians. That’s a conflict.

“It starts with a Secretary of Education who has a lot to do with where we spend our money, with what gets advanced in our public schools, with what the standards are,” she replied.

The Massachusetts Democrat went on to explain that any candidate for the position first had to be a former public-school teacher, and then had to go through an interview conducted by a young transgender person Warren had met on the campaign trail who was worried about the lack of a “welcoming community” in public schools.

No. We don’t want to put schoolchildren in charge of Cabinet hiring, not even a small fraction of Cabinet Hiring. We’ve seen more than enough of that kind of thing from Don the Disgusting and we don’t want new instances of it.

Warren has released several plans highlighting her agenda to promote transgender talking points. A recent plan detailing how to restore “Integrity and Competence to Government after Trump” included a commitment to have at least half of Warren’s Cabinet be filled by “women and non-binary people.”

Again – no. “Non-binary people” can just mean men who call themselves non-binary so they can get that job in Warren’s Cabinet. No, a man who calls himself non-binary is not the same kind of thing as a woman, and hiring one doesn’t up the stats on hiring women. No.

In October, Warren released her criminal justice reform platform, which included an end to the “Trump Administration’s dangerous policy” of jailing prisoners based on their biological sex…

What’s genuinely dangerous is jailing men who say they are women alongside actual women.

No to all of this.

More bangs

Jan 31st, 2020 1:56 pm | By

Of course he has.

US President Donald Trump has lifted restrictions on the deployment of anti-personnel landmines by American forces.

Trump never met a form of violence (against other people of course) he didn’t like. So landmines linger on for decades after the war or insurgency or invasion is over, killing and maiming generations of children, farmers, and other people rash enough to walk in places where there are unexploded mines buried out of sight, so what? It won’t be Donald Trump they blow up so who cares?

The decision reverses a 2014 Obama administration ban on the use of such weapons, which applied everywhere in the world except for in the defence of South Korea.

Of course it does, because Obama is smarter and better than Trump, and Trump can’t be doing with that.

Thousands of people are injured and killed by landmines every year.

The US is not a signatory to the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, which restricts the development or use of anti-personnel land mines.

There are a lot of treaties and international agreements we’re not a signatory to. We’re a rogue nation, and we’re going downhill fast.

“The Department of Defense has determined that restrictions imposed on American forces by the Obama administration’s policy could place them at a severe disadvantage during a conflict against our adversaries,” a White House statement said, adding: “The president is unwilling to accept this risk to our troops.”

But he’s perfectly willing to accept the risk to the people who will be killed or injured by landmines long after the “conflict against our adversaries” is over.

Rachel Stohl, an arms control expert at the Stimson Center think tank in Washington, called the decision “inexplicable”.

“I have no idea if it’s posturing or a reality that the US is claiming back the right to use landmines,” she told the BBC. “It’s inexplicable given all we know about these deadly weapons and the amount of money the United States has spent demining around the world,” she added.

Ms Stohl said the decision put lives at risk and was another example of the Trump administration “defining its own rules and ignoring global standards of behaviour”.

It is explicable though. The explanation is that Trump hates Obama and loves violence that’s not directed at him.

Poison that well

Jan 31st, 2020 11:28 am | By

This is a very bad and stupid piece of writing.

Earlier this month, the Seattle Public Library decided that it will allow a group of trans-exclusionary “radical feminists” (TERFs) to hold an event centered on rejecting the rights and identities of transgender people.

The first sentence, and already so bad. It wasn’t earlier this month, for a start, but more to the point, the library did not decide it will allow a group of trans-exclusionary “radical feminists” to hold an event centered on rejecting the rights and identities of transgender people. The library accepted a booking from a feminist group to discuss and defend the rights of women in the context of ever-broader demands from men who identify as women.

Following widespread objections and calls from the trans community to cancel the event, the library has responded with by-now predictable talking points about the value of, and need to protect, intellectual freedom, a response that self-professed defenders of free speech have praised.

Notice how casually the author takes it for granted that “the trans community” should be able to shut down a feminist event on demand. Notice the clumsy sarcasm about the value of intellectual freedom and the contempt for its defenders.

This conversation isn’t new — we’ve been having some version of it for years.

Not all that many years though. This fad for people to Identify As the sex they’re not and then bully everyone in sight on the strength of their new Idenninny has not been around all that long.

For TERFs, leaning on dogmatic conceptualizations of free speech has been a convenient way to push bigoted, pseudoscientific claims about gender. TERF ideology most basically characterizes trans women as men-pretending-to-be-women, allegedly to “invade” women-only spaces, assault women or otherwise exercise misogyny. These arguments rely on cherry-picked biology and function as dog whistles to stoke prejudice and trans panic. And, unsurprisingly, mainstream TERFs and free speech dogmatists are apparently all hanging out together.

The shocking thing? This person, Sam Sumpter, is a graduate student in philosophy.


Jan 31st, 2020 10:51 am | By

Bet you haven’t seen anything this wack before!

I don’t think it’s wrong, sinful, for a girl baby to have a sleeper on.


Of course there’s a but.

It’s not sinful if she’s just, like, a month.

But hey once she knows those things are PANTS –

That’s whOle other kettle of fish, my friend. Whole other.

Men wrap each leg. Women DO NOT. Are we clear? This is a rule straight from God, so don’t be getting it wrong, or you know what will happen.

No to the photo op

Jan 31st, 2020 10:23 am | By

If Ivanka Trump invited me to a feminist event she was hosting at the White House would I feel flattered and hop right along? Hell no. I’m not the only one.

The Washington Post is now reporting that eight anti-trafficking organizations have decided not to attend an Ivanka-planned White House event on Friday ostensibly dedicated to combatting human trafficking, citing the administration’s inhumane policies. The event is centered around a new federal law that designates trafficking as a felony offense.

“We have such a chasm between rhetoric and reality. I don’t think any of us have the desire to be a part of a photo op,” said Martina Vandenberg of the Human Trafficking Legal Center, one of the organizations set to boycott the occasion.

Saying no isn’t necessarily a boycott, it can be just saying no.

The Post further reports that several of the groups focused specifically on the Trump administration’s stance on T visas, which are designed to allow trafficking victims entry into the United States.

“During that time, they are unable to work and unable to get medical care. We are talking about years where people are just stuck,” one victim explained of the lengthened process.

Once again, we see the Trump administration pretending to be an ally to a marginalized and abused demographic when a closer look reveals them to be an enemy. This president wants to use human trafficking as an excuse to impose his draconian immigration laws by saying his wall and stricter treatment of migrants will prevent trafficking when the reality is that most trafficking victims enter the country with valid papers. By twisting the reality of the problem to suit his own xenophobic agenda, Trump is doing grave damage to victims.

And Princess Dress-up Doll is just the decoration on that shit cake.

The government has intentionally rendered itself incapable

Jan 31st, 2020 9:45 am | By

China is making gigantic efforts to fight the Coronavirus. Laurie Garrett says the US won’t be able to match China’s efforts should the need arise.

For the United States, the answers are especially worrying because the government has intentionally rendered itself incapable. In 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure. In numerous phone calls and emails with key agencies across the U.S. government, the only consistent response I encountered was distressed confusion. If the United States still has a clear chain of command for pandemic response, the White House urgently needs to clarify what it is – not just for the public but for the government itself, which largely finds itself in the dark.

Obama built up a structure for dealing with epidemics during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014 and then afterwards.

To bring order and harmony to the chaos, rein in the agency egos, and create a coherent multiagency response overseas and on the homefront, Obama anointed a former vice presidential staffer, Ronald Klain, as a sort of “epidemic czar” inside the White House, clearly stipulated the roles and budgets of various agencies, and placed incident commanders in charge in each Ebola-hit country and inside the United States. The orchestra may have still had its off-key instruments, but it played the same tune.

Building on the Ebola experience, the Obama administration set up a permanent epidemic monitoring and command group inside the White House National Security Council (NSC) and another in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—both of which followed the scientific and public health leads of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the diplomatic advice of the State Department.

So naturally Trump smashed it all.

In May 2018, Trump ordered the NSC’s entire global health security unit shut down, calling for reassignment of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer and dissolution of his team inside the agency. The month before, then-White House National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert, to resign along with his team. Neither the NSC nor DHS epidemic teams have been replaced. The global health section of the CDC was so drastically cut in 2018 that much of its staff was laid off and the number of countries it was working in was reduced from 49 to merely 10. Meanwhile, throughout 2018, the U.S. Agency for International Development and its director, Mark Green, came repeatedly under fire from both the White House and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And though Congress has so far managed to block Trump administration plans to cut the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by 40 percent, the disease-fighting cadres have steadily eroded as retiring officers go unreplaced.

But, fortunately, it’s only about epidemics, not anything really important.

Regina says no

Jan 31st, 2020 9:05 am | By

I can’t find any other source for this or discussion of it so far; I hope it won’t be ignored.

They can’t be against the mutilation of the genitals of girls and women? Why not? Aren’t girls and women people too, as entitled to the protection of the state against violence as any other people? Is it because the practice is considered religious? Is it ok to cut people’s arms off if it’s a religious practice? Is there any limit on what religion is allowed to do to people?

“Militant secularists” again

Jan 30th, 2020 5:15 pm | By

Barr says the militant atheists are gonna eat your religious freedom.

Attorney General William Barr warned New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan of “an organized, militant secular effort” to suppress religion in “the marketplace of ideas” in an interview Wednesday.

“The problem today is not that religious people are trying to impose their views on non-religious people,” Barr told Dolan on his SiriusXM radio show Conversation with Cardinal Dolan. “It’s the opposite — it’s that militant secularists are trying to impose their values on religious people, and they’re not accommodating the freedom of religion of people of faith.”

“Freedom” is another one of those words that get deployed as silencers when in fact it matters what kind of freedom you’re talking about. “Religious freedom” can mean “freedom” to keep children out of school, to keep women out of universities, to beat children with sticks, to preach racism – it can mean a lot of bad things, many of them illegal. If William Barr is arguing for that kind of religious freedom he should stop talking.

Citing Democrats’ efforts to coerce religious employers to violate their conscience rights as well as their ongoing effort to expand abortion access, Barr has used his platform as attorney general to speak out about what he sees as encroachments on religious liberty.

Sure enough; this is what I’m saying. We don’t think people have a “religious right” to, for instance, refuse to provide an offered good or service to lesbians or gays on the grounds that god hates fags. We don’t think “conscience” means shunning or persecuting people because you don’t like their romantic and sexual choices.

He drew a torrent of criticism in October over a speech at Notre Dame Law School in which he said religiously convicted Americans face “social, educational, and professional ostracism.”


“We believe in the separation of church and state,” Barr stated [yesterday]. “But what permits a limited government and minimal command and control of the population — and allows people to have freedom of choice in their lives — and trust in the people is the fact that they are a people that are capable of disciplining themselves according to moral values.”

But moral values are not religious values. Many religious values are highly immoral, as I’ve been hinting.

No YOU’RE the doodyhead

Jan 30th, 2020 12:50 pm | By

The projection defense:

It is Donald Trump’s habitual practice to accuse political opponents of misconduct he excels at, from self-dealing to the use of nasty language to telling lies.

At the impeachment trial Trump’s legal team has invented a twist on the projection tactic, taking the charges against the president and seeking to turn them back on the impeachment managers, using the precise language of the prosecution.

No you’re the corrupt lying cheating sacks of shit!

Thus Trump’s lawyers have accused the House of Representatives of abusing its power by pursuing impeachment and of obstructing justice by running the impeachment process in a way the White House objects to.

Which is just stupid, but no doubt it will work all the same, because we’re stuck in Stupidworld.

In one provocative example, lawyers for Trump have taken on the Senate floor to accusing House managers of engaging in “election interference” by advancing a process that could take Trump’s name off the ballot in 2020.

Just as a woman who struggles free from a man raping her is committing assault.

Let’s just change the wording

Jan 30th, 2020 12:34 pm | By

From last week: Trump and his goons changed the definition of domestic violence so that there will be less of it to do anything about.

The Trump administration quietly changed the definition of both domestic violence and sexual assault back in April but the move has only just surfaced.

The change could have significant repercussions for millions of victims of gender-based violence.

That is, victims of violence against women. The “gender” in question is female.

The Trump Justice Department’s definition only considers physical harm that constitutes a felony or misdemeanour to be domestic violence – meaning other forms of domestic violence such as psychological abuse, coercive control and manipulation no longer fall under the department’s definition. 

Lisa Page, anyone? DoJ employee hounded out by non-criminal psychological abuse from the president of the United States?

Holly Taylor-Dunn, a senior lecturer at the University of Worcester who has been working in the field of domestic and sexual violence for 17 years, said she was shocked by the move.

The academic, who has worked in frontline roles in the domestic violence sector and used to be a domestic abuse officer for the police, argued the Trump administration’s decision turned the clock back 50 years. 

“I was massively surprised and really shocked,” she said. “It is quite scary how quietly it has happened. It is a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s. We have worked so hard since the 60s and 70s to get domestic abuse and sexual violence understood as being about more than physical violence. Changing the definition to take it back to being about physical harm completely undermines what domestic abuse is about”.

Dominance doesn’t necessarily ever raise a finger; it doesn’t have to. If you’re visibly carrying a gun, you don’t have to wave it around all the time; just the visible presence is quite enough to intimidate.

Suzanne Jacob, of UK domestic violence charity Safe Lives, said: “These changes are a huge step backwards that will have very real consequences for victims and survivors of domestic abuse in the States.

“Wherever you live, if you’ve experienced domestic abuse or listened to those who have, you know all too well that physical violence is never the whole picture – and many survivors tell us that the emotional and psychological abuse takes much longer to recover from.”

There is also the fact that dominance aka psychological abuse can be a step toward physical violence.

Some 43.5 million women have experienced “psychological aggression” from an intimate partner in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than half of women murdered each year in the US are killed by an intimate partner.

The two are not separated as if by a gulf.

Concern about ‘sensitive’ community issues

Jan 30th, 2020 11:36 am | By

Khadija Khan writes:

A recent independent review into child grooming and abuse in Manchester in the mid-2000s has revealed horrific details of how the victims were denied protection, and turned away by British police officers and social workers. The victims had been deliberately hooked on drugs, groomed, and sexually abused for years by grooming gangs predominantly comprised of Pakistani men, while the authorities involved looked the other way. These revelations of institutionalized criminal negligence were soon followed by denials, accusations, regrets, and excuses.

Apparently, the neglect of the sexual exploitation of women and girls at least partly arose to avoid creating racial tensions in the area. Some still believe that discussion of paedophile gangs of Asian men grooming and sexually abusing white working-class girls should be avoided, because it could stir up racial hatred and disrupt British society.

This is where the magic word “intersectionality” really comes into play, isn’t it. Let’s look the other way when it comes to this thing because it might be bad for The Muslim Community if we paid attention. Let’s look the other way when it comes to this thing because it might be bad for The Trans Community if we paid attention.

I can’t help noticing a commonality. In both cases it’s women who have to give way, women who are considered less important than this other Community we want to protect. Also in both cases it’s men who are doing bad things to women so they’re the ones shielded by the intersectional decision to look away from what they’re doing.

It’s all made trickier by the fact that it’s not wrong to worry about racism or hostility to Muslims, just as it’s not wrong to worry about abuse of trans people.

The Manchester report is no different from earlier child abuse scandals in Rotherham and Telford, or over 20 other UK communities in which grooming gangs operated with impunity. According to the review, the girls were subjected to ‘the most profound abuse and exploitation.’ They were groomed and sexually abused by South Asian men of all ages, who would drug them, rape them and pass them around at sex parties like meat on a platter.

Given these horrific and inhuman revelations,  it is shocking that some people find discussion of the perpetrators’ backgrounds more disturbing than the scandalous nature of the abuse itself. The review revealed that Greater Manchester Police’s concern about ‘sensitive’ community issues was a reason why the perpetrators were not held accountable for their crimes.

The sensitive community issues matter, but so do those girls.

It is imperative to note that British authorities feared offending vocal, self-appointed Muslim leaders who represent a highly conservative cultural and religious viewpoint, and who do not welcome any kind of scrutiny or criticism from outside – or even within – the community. 

That, on the other hand, matters a whole lot less than concern about hostility directed at South Asians in general. Conservative theocratic men are pretty much the last people the cops should be protecting at the expense of girls abused by their fellow conservative theocratic men.

It is safe to say that the cover-up of the sexual exploitation of vulnerable women and girls was done to protect the sensibilities of a highly conservative section of Muslim communities, which view any criticisms as a direct attack on Islam and their culture.

Protecting multicultural sensitivities cannot justify the criminal cover-up of a scandal that has affected British women and girls for over a decade.  Progressive voices, and especially dissenters within Muslim communities, face harsh criticism from the liberal fringe as well as from hard-line Muslims. Muslim reformers calling out deep rooted misogyny in their communities are constantly slandered, and accused of fuelling tensions between communities.

Wrong turn at the intersection.

The main protagonist in this war on free speech

Jan 30th, 2020 10:36 am | By

Kathleen Stock explains the power and influence of Stonewall in many UK institutions:

The main protagonist in this war on free speech in the UK is Stonewall, a campaigning charity that was founded to promote the rights of the same-sex attracted, but which in recent years has switched its focus to an unconditional defence of (what it views as) transgender equality. Its website declares that “Trans women are women and trans men are men”, and—somewhat surprisingly to many gay people, given the charity’s original mission—that “of course” a lesbian can have “a trans woman as a lesbian partner” or “a gay man be with a trans man”.

And by “can” they mean “had better not refuse to.”

A central aim of Stonewall is now to bring the public to agree with these pronouncements; and a major instrument is its “Diversity Champions” scheme. Many organisations see the association as useful branding and are keen to sign up. In 2018, Stonewall made more than £2.7 million in fees—a significant part of the organisation’s £8.7 million income—from membership of the Diversity Champions scheme and similar programmes, including providing speakers and consultancy. But scheme membership requires a host of further conditions upon institutional structure and provision that go well beyond existing law, and seek to control speech and attitudes about transgenderism and gender identity.

In 2020, several legal cases will challenge Stonewall-sponsored policy within organisations. One is against Oxfordshire County Council for its “Trans Inclusion Toolkit For Schools”; another is against NHS England and the Tavistock NHS Trust, for allegedly pursuing experimental medical treatment on under-18 trans-identifying children (see Helen Joyce, “Speaking up for female eunuchs”); and another against Girlguiding for allegedly expelling a leader for gender-critical beliefs. A further case being explored is against the National Theatre (unlike the other defendants, not a “Diversity Champion”, but currently selling Stonewall merchandise in its bookshop) for refusing to serve women wearing T-shirts bearing the (apparently) provocative words: “Lesbian: a woman who loves other women.”

Stonewall used to stand for lesbian and gay rights, but now it stands for a very different brand of “rights” which is in sharp tension with the existing ones, especially of women and gay men.

Stonewall’s big policy shift came in 2015. In its “Vision for Change: Acceptance without Exception for Trans People” document, it argued that trans people have the right “to determine their own gender” rather than leaving “intrusive and demeaning” medical panels or legal experts to decide for them.

That’s not a right though. They mean “gender” to include sex, and you can’t determine your own sex, any more than you can determine your own species or phylum. You can determine your own preferences in clothes and haircut and mannerisms, but you can’t easily determine other people’s reception of your preferences. That last one is somewhat subject to reform via campaigning of the kind Stonewall is doing, but it’s a slow and difficult process. Is it a right? Kind of, up to a point, but it’s somewhat tricky. You can see why lawyers aren’t encouraged to wear clown suits in court, for instance. If it is a right it’s a mushy sort of right, not one enforceable with a call to the nearest Community Officer.

It simultaneously lobbied to have an inner feeling of gender identity (in Stonewall terminology: “a person’s innate sense of their own gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth”) replace gender reassignment as a protected characteristic in the Equality Act; and to have non-binary identities (roughly, an inner feeling of being neither man nor woman) legally recognised.

That on the other hand is an absurd candidate for a “right.” It makes no kind of sense to try to make it a right – an enforceable right – to require other people to validate one’s Inner Feelings. “A person’s innate sense of their own gender” is necessarily internal to that person, so it cannot be imposed on all other people. Innate senses of this or that are not something that can be legislated.

And anyway it’s bullshit. Stonewall is just wrong about the “innate sense.” There is no such innate sense, there’s only what we learn from infancy onwards. We learn it far too early to be able to remember learning it, so if we don’t think about it much we may conclude that it’s “innate,” but the solution for that is to think about it more. Sure, some kids think no, that’s a mistake, I’m the other one, I’m like my brother not my sister or vice versa; some grow out of it and maybe some don’t. I say “maybe” because there’s so much fad-pushing right now that it’s impossible to tell. Either way, though, that’s just an idea in the head and it’s not something that can be forced on everyone else.

Perhaps most controversially of all, it lobbied to have exemptions for single-sex services and spaces removed from the Equality Act, so that there could be no space or resource designated only on the basis of biological sex. Goodbye, “exclusionary” bathrooms, changing rooms, and sport—or so Stonewall hoped.

Which wasn’t very considerate of it.

And so Stonewall’s lucrative diversity champions scheme ploughs onwards. In the education sector, most British universities are Diversity Champions, and so have been instructed to produce dedicated trans policies. These policies tend not to be confined to personnel matters, but also dictate what acceptably may be taught and said on campus about trans people. Some university policies require that “any materials within relevant courses and modules will positively represent trans people and trans lives”. (No such clause appears in university policy for any other group, to my knowledge.) Training reinforces such messages, during which people with PhDs are shown diagrams such as the “genderbread person”, shaped like a gingerbread man but with sex depicted between the legs and gender identity in the head. A glossy Stonewall document entitled “Delivering LGBT-inclusive Higher Education” tells universities that inviting “anti-LGBT” speakers who deny “that trans people exist as the gender they say they are” causes LGBT people “to feel deeply unsafe”. In this document Stonewall announces: “The most inclusive universities find ways to consistently communicate their support for LGBT equality throughout the year, in digital communications, at university events, and in their buildings and grounds.”

In this context of course “LGBT” means T.

Stonewall is also active in primary and secondary schools. It provides “toolkits” for early years, in order to “prevent children from developing . . . transphobic attitudes”. It provides assembly plans and various other guides aimed at teachers, and holds conferences for children and young people. Another significant indirect source of influence is via local authorities, whose own membership of the Diversity Scheme leads them to insist on policies and toolkits in local schools, provided by Stonewall or other like-minded organisations. One such toolkit (not one of Stonewall’s) tells children: “Remember that a pupil who identifies as a girl but was assigned male at birth is not a ‘boy dressed as a girl’ but is a girl.” In a society with increasing numbers of children and teens identifying as trans—sometimes with lifelong medical consequences—this degree of discourse control has worrying implications.

Children are told by their schools that a boy is a girl if he “identifies as” a girl, even though that statement is factually untrue, aka a lie. Schools telling children that a boy thinks of himself as a girl would be one thing; telling them he is one is another.

The next bit is horrifying in its scope.

With local variations, a similar-looking story can be told about most major public and third-sector institutions in this country, as well as many big companies. Membership of the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme brings policies, training, propaganda, the regular marking of special days, and attempts to control language and ultimately thought. Among the 750-plus members of the Diversity Champions scheme are the Crown Prosecution Service, several police forces, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Office for National Statistics, the Scottish Prison Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Foreign Office, the Department for Education, NHS Trusts, the Scottish Government, the Labour Party, the Bank of England, the Serious Fraud Office, city and county councils, London boroughs, the Department for Health, Sport England, the Football Association, and the Royal Navy and other armed services; as well as businesses such as Marks & Spencer, law firms (Allen and Overy), financial services (J.P. Morgan) and arts and heritage organisations like the Tate and the National Trust. No doubt most of these outfits originally came, laudably, for the gay rights and associated warm fuzzy feelings; but they stay for mandatory trans policies and training for staff and stakeholders. The Diversity Champions scheme now allows Stonewall to exert a chilling grip on free thought and expression about gender identity. While the government consults the public on whether to reform gender laws, it simultaneously pays Stonewall to lobby to change them.

Pervasive, ain’t it.

If it could be argued, then argue it

Jan 29th, 2020 12:31 pm | By

Argument creep: don’t do it.

Also everyone else! Don’t do this!

Where facts fail them

Jan 29th, 2020 11:29 am | By

I missed this one back in October:

Ironically, or aptly, what Jefferson was complaining of there was not an invention.

Maybe that’s what Vonky meant!

Hahaha no, just kidding. The odds that Princess I has ever heard of Sally Hemings are slim.

The aggravating features

Jan 29th, 2020 11:07 am | By

Metro UK reports:

A transgender police community support officer was left feeling ‘upset and embarrassed’ after a teen yelled out:’ Is it a boy or is it a girl?’

Declan Armstrong, 19, saw PSCO Connor Freel when he was on duty in Mold, North Wales on October 16 last year.

When the officer looked over at him, he repeated the comment ‘very loudly’, Rhian Jackson, prosecuting, said.

Ms Jackson said: ‘Due to his transgender, when Connor heard Declan say what he said, it left him feeling upset and embarrassed.’

Armstrong was given a curfew requirement and ordered to pay £590 at Mold Magistrates’ Court today after he was found guilty of making the comments to PCSO Connor Freel following an earlier trial.

People shouldn’t yell taunts or insults at people in the street.



I wonder how often men have to pay £590 for shouting insults and taunts at women in Mold, North Wales (or anywhere else).

Armstrong, of Victory Court, Mold, was convicted of a public order offence following a trial earlier this month but the court heard he still denied making the comments.

Gary Harvey, defending, said: ‘He doesn’t hold any prejudice against anyone in society.’

The court heard Armstrong, who acts as a carer for a man he considers his father, had been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and suffered from anxiety and depression.

Sentencing, district judge Roger Lowe said the aggravating features of the case were that Mr Freel was performing a public service as a PCSO and the incident was in a busy town centre where other people could hear what was said.

He said the sentence had been uplifted from a low level to a medium level community order because of its transphobic nature.

Does that apply to misogynist taunts in the street? Racist taunts in the street? Xenophobic taunts in the street? Anti-Semitic taunts in the street? Anti-Muslim taunts in the street? Homophobic taunts in the street? Or is it just transphobia that results in a £590 fine?

For a guy who couldn’t

Jan 29th, 2020 10:16 am | By

Trump has been making a compelling case for something John Bolton something something is lying something. Compelling, I tells ya.

Note the compulsive “sir” mention. Note also the blithe admission that people told him it was a bad idea and he did it anyway and now he’s screaming at us about it as if it were someone else’s fault that he did a typically stupid incompetent reckless thing. Note all of that. Note that he admits he hired someone who would have gotten us into three wars by now if he hadn’t been fired. Note that he admits he hired a reckless crazed warmonger and is whining about it now only because Bolton is a threat to his personal ass. Note it note it note it.

I don’t know, Don, but more to the point, why didn’t you? If Bolton would have taken us into three wars then why did you hire him?

Why non-trans women don’t matter

Jan 29th, 2020 9:43 am | By

Another man who “identifies as” a woman says this is all fine and poses no harm to women.

Alex Sharpe is “a social and legal theorist, legal historian and gender, sexuality and law scholar and activist”; source Garden Court Chambers. Sharpe is also a trans woman.

The article is pay-walled, and very expensively so – $42 for a single article! – but we can read the abstract.

This article considers and rejects claims [that] reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) to allow gender self‐declaration will undermine non‐trans women’s rights and lead to an increase in harms to non‐trans women.

Note that he calls us “non-trans women” as opposed to just women. We’re just one category of women now, and being explained to ourselves by men who say they are women. It’s not getting more convincing or persuasive over time.

A good job on HER actually

Jan 29th, 2020 9:01 am | By

When not putting targets on SEALs, they’re putting targets on women reporters.

Hurr hurr, smirk smirk, wink wink.

X marks the target

Jan 29th, 2020 8:58 am | By

Trump’s buddy Eddie Gallagher has publicly outed the SEALS who reported him.

Former Navy SEAL and accused war criminal Eddie Gallagher put service members in jeopardy with a new video attack launched from his social media accounts on Monday. Gallagher’s video revealed sensitive information about the Navy SEALS who testified against him in his war crimes trial, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

In the three-minute-long video posted to his Facebook and Instagram pages, Gallagher identified his accusers by posting their names, photographs, duty status, and the units they serve in — which experts said jeopardizes those Navy SEALS’ safety.

The identities of SEALS are always kept secret, from everyone, by everyone. It’s a rule.

“As a matter of policy we do not identify our special operators,” Capt. Tamara Lawrence, a spokesperson for Naval Special Warfare Command, told the Union-Tribune. “We don’t identify them by name, or by any other manner, due to the nature of their work, for the protection of their teammates and their families, and to protect on-going and future missions.”

Trump’s wonder boy blew through that rule in order to retaliate.

In the video, Gallagher calls the service members “cowards” for testifying about his actions in Iraq. Those service members accused Gallagher of shooting civilians and killing an ISIS fighter by stabbing him in the neck — both of which are considered war crimes. Gallagher was acquitted on some of the charges but was convicted of posing with the corpse of a dead ISIS fighter.

Fox News hosts lobbied Trump to pardon Gallagher for his conviction, which Trump eventually did.

We definitely want Fox News hosts setting government policy.

Trump also forced out the secretary of the Navy who did not agree with Trump’s order to go over Navy leadership’s head to demand the restoration of Gallagher’s rank — which had been reduced thanks to his conviction.