Pandemic’s lib

Apr 17th, 2020 11:50 am | By

Aaron Rupar on the eruption:

President Donald Trump can’t help but sow division, even at a time when Americans are largely united in supporting stay-at-home orders and social distancing to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

It’s not that he can’t help it, it’s that he loves doing it. He can’t help being the person he is, I guess, but the person he is loves doing malevolent cruel destructive things to people who are more vulnerable than he is, and to people who are not Donald Trump.

Just after 11:21 am Eastern time on Friday, President Donald Trump posted a trio of tweets endorsing the so-called liberation of a trio of states with Democratic governors from measures they’ve taken to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Liberate the virus! Liberate the pandemic!

These posts — which are among the most dangerous of Trump’s tenure — appear to have been inspired by a segment he saw on Fox News minutes earlier.

At 11:19 — two minutes before Trump’s Minnesota tweet — Fox News ran a segment about small groups of right-wing protesters in Minnesota and Virginia who have been agitating for governors there to relax stay-at-home orders so they can resume normal shopping and traveling activities.

Fox has extensively covered right-wing demonstrations in Michigan on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week, which echo the same theme.

Because public health measures are a left-wing plot, I guess.

Liberate Minnesota?

Apr 17th, 2020 11:39 am | By

Trump is erupting again.

Liberate them from…measures to slow the spread of the virus? Liberate them to get sick and die or survive with reduced lung capacity or damaged kidneys or both? Funny kind of liberation.

Jesus, the spectacle of Donald fucking Trump telling anyone else on earth to stop talking. He never shuts up and he never lets other people talk if he wants to talk over them. He interrupts reporters at those press briefing campaign rallies, shouting “Excuse me” and pointing his nasty stubby finger at them, then he talks and talks and talks and says nothing but bullshit. And he’s telling Governor Cuomo to stop talking.

Ah yes, the states do. It’s all the fault of the states.

But wasn’t that the states’ fault? You just said…

The thousands of cases in New York are not ridiculous.

In this chaotic effort

Apr 17th, 2020 6:57 am | By

Got a shortage of N95 masks? Then the thing to do is give a huge packet of money to a bankrupt company with no employees that has never made masks. Problem solved!

In this chaotic effort to obtain supplies, the Trump administration awarded a $55 million contract to Panthera Worldwide LLC, a company with no expertise in the world of medical equipment, for N95 masks, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Panthera’s parent company filed for bankruptcy protection last fall, and one of its owners last year said it had had no employees since May 2018, The Post reported, citing sworn testimony. It’s no longer listed as an LLC in Virginia, where its main office is, after fees went unpaid, the newspaper said.

So, perfect company for the job. What a good thing the Trump admin was able to find it.

James V. Punelli, one of Panthera’s executives, told The Post that the company was working with military contacts to obtain the masks.

“We’ve done [Department of Defense] medical training over the years and through those contacts with that community were brought sources of supply in order to assist in the COVID-19 response,” Punelli said in a text message to The Post. “We made the connection with FEMA and offered these supplies to them.”

They have contacts. But surely the government also has contacts? Is it really worth 55 million bucks to have Panthera ask its contacts to send along some masks? Can’t the government do that itself without handing 55 million to an irrelevant intermediary? One that’s bankrupt and has no employees and is being sued?

The Post reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was paying Panthera about $5.50 per mask, decidedly more than what the government pays companies with an established background in producing medical supplies such as 3M, which charges about $0.63 per mask.


Chuck Hagel, a former defense secretary, told The Post something was “amiss” about this order. “This is not how the government procures training or any type of supplies,” he said. “You just wouldn’t do business with somebody like that.”

But her emails.


Apr 16th, 2020 3:59 pm | By

The ACLU doesn’t already have enough to do, it seems.

Trans girls are girls, they tell us, superimposed on images of…two women. Not trans, not girls, just women. They’re actors: Blake Lively and Leighton Meester. Why is the ACLU telling us “trans girls are girls” with photos of two women?

Maybe the idea is that when we hear or read the phrase “trans girls” (or women? or have we officially reverted to calling women “girls” now, as if it were 1955 again?) we are supposed to visualize… Blake Lively and Leighton Meester. We’re supposed to visualize women, and not just women but young pretty smiling women.

That’s the whole point of women, I guess – being young and pretty and smiling. Women who aren’t any of that are just bitches, or cunts if they’re really ugly and frowny.

And then the slogan – “Trans people belong in sports — and everywhere else.” But what does that mean? Nobody belongs everywhere – other people’s living spaces without consent, to name one category. Very few people belong inside the cockpit of a 747, or an epidemic research lab, or the kitchen of your favorite restaurant.

And more specifically, of course, they want us to understand that slogan to mean it’s fine for men who identify as trans to compete against women and thus deprive them of medals, prizes, scholarships, wins, fairness, equal access, rights, and…in fact…a sense of belonging.

It’s a pack of lies and it’s deeply hostile to women. The ACLU has jumped off a cliff.


Apr 16th, 2020 12:09 pm | By

The other G7 countries don’t want Trump at their lunch table right now.

Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.

Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.

Yes but the infections and deaths don’t matter, all that matters is Trump.

Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.

The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said: “There is a need for international coordination and the WHO is an important part of that collaboration and coordination. We recognise that there have been questions asked, but at the same time it is really important we stay coordinated as we move through this.”

The Gates Foundation also announced an extra $150m (£120m) donation, in a move the WHO welcomed.

The Gates Foundation was already donating as much as the US, so now it’s donating significantly more than the US did until Trump yanked it back.

In a statement after the summit, the EU council president, Charles Michel, called on world leaders to contribute to an international online pledging conference on 4 May to “enhance general preparedness and ensure adequate funding to develop and deploy a vaccine against coronavirus”.

The EU statement also sent a shot across Trump’s bows by stressing “multilateralism should be at the core of the action”. The EU also stressed that its pledging conference should be devoted to building African resilience, a theme that the French president, Emmanuel Macron, stressed at the G7 conference.

Never mind shooting across his bows, just fucking sink him.

A very appetizing opportunity

Apr 16th, 2020 11:50 am | By

This is startling.

Another 24 billion for Jeff

Apr 16th, 2020 11:40 am | By

The pandemic has been good to Jeff Bezos.

The Amazon CEO and entrepreneur, Jeff Bezos, has grown his vast fortune by a further $24bn so far during the coronavirus pandemic, a roughly 20% increase over the last four months to $138b.

Amazon is getting a lot of business of course because real world shopping is either closed down or restricted.

But the increased demand comes amid growing controversy over the retailer’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

Workers have reported severe strains on warehouse teams. Many are on the frontlines packing and shipping items at warehouses where Covid-19 can easily spread.

Meanwhile Amazon is running tv ads showing the workers grinning broadly as they skip and dance around the warehouse doing their fun easy healthful jobs. I know this because I’ve seen one.

Amazon reported its first warehouse worker death on Tuesday. The man, an operations manager who worked at the company’s Hawthorne, California, warehouse, died on 31 March.

So for two weeks Amazon did not report that death.

Several workers have organized strikes and walkouts in protest at lack of worker protections. Chris Smalls, a former manager assistant, was fired by the retailer after leading workers at the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New York, on a walkout.

Employees demanded Amazon temporarily shut down the facility for cleaning after multiple employees tested positive for Covid-19. Memos leaked by Vice News revealed company executives suggested coordinating an attempt to smear Smalls as “not smart or articulate” in response to the backlash over his firing.

Capitalism at its finest.

Several Amazon workers have since alleged retaliation for organizing. In an op-Ed for the Guardian, Smalls urged Bezos to spend more time on protecting his workers instead of stifling dissent.

And running perky tv ads saying we’re all in this together and look how joyous the workers are.

Return of “Lock her up”

Apr 16th, 2020 7:42 am | By

There are protests and then there are protests.

Thousands of demonstrators descended on the state Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, on Wednesday to protest Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s restrictive stay-at-home order, clogging the streets with their cars while scores ignored organizers’ pleas to stay inside their vehicles.

Not staying inside their anything is the whole point. Mommy can’t tell ME what to do.

The protest — dubbed “Operation Gridlock” — was organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition and the Michigan Freedom Fund, a DeVos family-linked conservative group. Protesters were encouraged to show up and cause traffic jams, honk and bring signs to display from their cars. Organizers wrote on Facebook: “Do not park and walk — stay in your vehicles!”

Many ignored the demand. Demonstrators, on foot, were seen waving American, “Don’t Tread on Me” and Trump campaign flags. At least two Confederate flags were spotted.

Protesters could be heard chanting “Open up Michigan!” At one point, there was a “lock her up” chant in reference to Whitmer.

It’s all the same thing, isn’t it – liberalism, virology, public health, women in top jobs, women taking our guns away – it’s all connected.

But then Michigan has one of the highest rates of infection, so maybe there’s a reason Whitmer signed a particularly restrictive order?

More than 27,000 cases have been confirmed in the state with at least 1,700 deaths. In Wayne County, home to Detroit, 820 people have died, per a Johns Hopkins University tracker. Wayne County has more deaths than any county in the U.S. outside of New York state.

Hmm Detroit, what’s Detroit known for? Besides cars? Those car factories made it a top destination for the Great Migration, so it has a large African American population. As we’ve seen, the virus is disproportionately infecting brown people. This “protest” has more than a whiff of the Charlottesville “protest” – more than a whiff of white supremacy.

See what I mean?

COVID cèilidh

Apr 16th, 2020 7:22 am | By

Social distancing at the BBC:


Apr 15th, 2020 5:38 pm | By

Well this is a hell of a thing. It’s local news, but it’s one of those big hit to a major city items of local news. A bridge that connects West Seattle to Seattle has turned out to be cracking, and it’s closed at best until 2022 and at worst forever. A major chunk of the city that has been sprouting high rises like crazy over the past decade or so is suddenly cut off from the rest of the city. It’s a bit like Hurricane Sandy…a reminder that big cities are far from invulnerable.

The key points: The high-rise West Seattle Bridge, closed for safety concerns 23 days ago, may not be fixable – SDOT “does not yet know” if it is feasible “technically or financially.” If they can fix it, it might last another 10 years, but that still means replacement would be needed a lot sooner than the original 75-year projection. Even if it’s fixable, it won’t be back in use any sooner than 2022.

Some bridges are just one of many. New York has several between Manhattan and Brooklyn/Queens, London has many across the Thames, Paris has many across the Seine. This isn’t that. It’s the only way to get from there to here. It doesn’t just cross a river, it also climbs a steep hill, so there’s only the one.

It’s kind of beautiful, at least from a distance. We can see it from here on top of this hill. I find it slightly nerve-racking to drive, but the views are spectacular.

It’s just, like the pandemic, another one of those “oh this life we’ve been living isn’t actually normal or eternal, it depends on all kinds of systems and situations that can break or end” reminders.

A whole new level of crazy

Apr 15th, 2020 4:44 pm | By

Trump’s threat to adjourn Congress isn’t going down hugely well.

Bartleby he isn’t

Apr 15th, 2020 4:22 pm | By

More coup-threatening:

Fact check: Trump says he will execute constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress so he can make recess appointments to fill vacancies.

“If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress,” Trump said.

No president has ever used that authority.

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in NLRB v. Noel Canning that the president cannot use his or her authority under the Recess Appointment Clause of the Constitution to appoint public officials unless the Senate is in recess and not able to transact Senate business. The Senate is in recess until May 4.

Trump was asked for details, and responded with his usual clarity and elegance.

Very simple. If they don’t act on getting these people approved that we need – we need them anyway, but we especially need them now because of the pandemic – we are going to do something that will be … something I’d prefer not doing, but which I should do and I will do if have to.

He’s joking about the prefer not doing, of course. He loves breaking all the rules and pushing everyone around.

How not to fix it

Apr 15th, 2020 12:54 pm | By

The BBC checks the evil pinhead’s assertions about the WHO:

US President Donald Trump has accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus after it emerged in China.

Because that’s what he did, so he needs to accuse the WHO of doing it, because that’s what runaway narcissists do.

He added he would halt WHO funding while his administration reviewed its actions.

Because that’s what evil pinheads do.

People who are not evil pinheads are not impressed.

US President Donald Trump has been heavily criticised for halting funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) amid the global coronavirus pandemic.

Philanthropist Bill Gates, a major funder of the WHO, said it was “as dangerous as it sounds”.

… UN Secretary General António Guterres said it was “not the time” to cut funds to the WHO, which “is absolutely critical to the world’s efforts to win the war against Covid-19”.

But the evil pinhead doesn’t care about that, he cares only about the fortunes of the evil pinhead.

Look at the roots!

Apr 15th, 2020 12:08 pm | By

A protest:

Hundreds of Michigan residents descended on the state capitol in Lansing on Wednesday in their cars and trucks for a vehicle demonstration labeled #OperationGridlock to protest Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s strict stay-at-home orders. 

Because what kind of totalitarian fiend wants to prevent mass deaths from a novel virus pandemic?

The order, one of the nation’s most stringent, included closing parts of big-box stores that sell gardening and home-improvement goods, limiting the use of motorboats, closing public golf courses, and curbing interstate travel, barring residents from fleeing the most heavily afflicted parts of the state to their cabins in rural Michigan.

I think maybe public golf courses should remain open for walking and exercise (not for golf), provided people can maintain distance, but the rest of it seems reasonable. Rural Michigan naturally has far less in the way of hospitals and medical workers, so people shouldn’t be going there from the cities.

So how’s it going?

But hey. This woman has GREY HAIR SHOWING. Getting that fixed is worth any number of lives, right?

Ok but put my name on it

Apr 15th, 2020 9:26 am | By

The Post reports:

The Treasury Department has ordered President Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans, a process that could slow their delivery by a few days, senior IRS officials said.

Also a process that coddles and encourages Trump’s disgusting vanity and egomania.

It will be the first time a president’s name appears on an IRS disbursement, whether a routine refund or one of the handful of checks the government has issued to taxpayers in recent decades either to stimulate a down economy or share the dividends of a strong one.

Because normal presidents, even the very empty-headed ones like Bush and Reagan, understand that they don’t cause everything.

Trump had privately suggested to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, that he allow the president to formally sign the checks, according to three administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

“Steve, can I sign them? Can I? Let me sign them, Steve. I hafta sign them. I’m the great and powerful Oz, and I need to sign the checks. Let me do it, Steve.”

But the president is not an authorized signer for legal disbursements by the U.S. Treasury. It is standard practice for a civil servant to sign checks issued by the Treasury Department to ensure that government payments are nonpartisan.

Huh? Whut? I don unnerstan, use shorter wurdz.

545 cases via one meatpacking plant

Apr 15th, 2020 9:17 am | By

News from South Dakota:

Gov. Kristi Noem reiterated Tuesday that she won’t be ordering South Dakota residents to stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic, as another 121 confirmed cases were reported in the state. The majority of South Dakota’s 988 total cases – 768 – are in Minnehaha County, which includes the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Sioux Falls, the site of one of the largest known clusters of COVID-19 cases in the country. 

That’s ok. The people who work there are mostly immigrants, so nobody cares what happens to them. The virus won’t spread from the plant to the world outside the plant because Donald Trump would never let that happen.

CBS affiliate KELO-TV reports Noem said 70% of the county’s cases could be traced to the plant: 438 employees and an additional 107 people who had contact with employees have tested positive for the coronavirus.

According to a New York Times analysis, as of Tuesday, the 545 cases made the Smithfield Plant the second largest hotspot in the country, surpassing Chicago’s Cook County Jail and trailing only under the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Well there’s your answer – just lock the doors of the plant with the workers inside.

Despite the numbers, Noem said she would not issue a stay-at-home order for Minnehaha and nearby Lincoln Counties, as Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken requested. Noem said a stay-at-home order wouldn’t have made a difference in Sioux Falls because the plant would have remained open as part of a critical infrastructure business.

“This plant here is incredibly important, not just to Sioux Falls, not just to South Dakota, but to our nation. It provides our food for us,” Noem said.

Not true, actually. The plant produces bacon, which is a treat rather than a staple, and the sales of bacon have tanked because of all the restaurant and fast food joint closures.

Smithfield’s CEO, Kenneth Sullivan, issued a statement that sounded like a protest.

“We have a stark choice as a nation: we are either going to produce food or not, even in the face of COVID-19,” he wrote, warning that closing such plants “is pushing our country perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply.”

Several industry analysts, however, disputed Sullivan’s dire predictions of meat shortages.

In fact, the pork industry is currently dealing with a glut of its product due to a collapse of demand from chain restaurants and food service companies that supply corporate cafeterias and schools.

And bacon is mostly fat and salt anyway; it’s a lousy source of protein.

“I gave the men liberty”

Apr 14th, 2020 3:55 pm | By

That other captain is also reminiscent of our current pumpkin head.

The duplicate key did exist

Apr 14th, 2020 3:49 pm | By

The old classics are the best.

Ah but the strawberries

Apr 14th, 2020 3:36 pm | By

Who knew Trump was a fan of mutiny?

So is he identifying with Captain Bligh or Fletcher Christian?

But lots of people are remarking that he’s more like Captain Queeg.

Bligh was actually not the demon the later stories portrayed him as. The mutiny was more about Christian’s reluctance to leave Tahiti than any special brutality of Bligh’s, and several of the mutineers were more forced into it than enthusiastic allies.

What oh what could it be?

Apr 14th, 2020 3:21 pm | By

Won’t someone please think of the people who need to go to Whole Foods EVERY DAY??

WOW, just imagine, she and her husband are not free to ignore the rules during a pandemic, WHERE IS OUR PRECIOUS LIBERTY?

Especially when the total deaths are 69 and will never go any higher because that’s how this works.

Of course she is asking WHY, she cares about our precious freedom to infect each other, MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN