How to liberate Michigan

Apr 28th, 2020 11:28 am | By

Barr is threatening states that take strong measures to slow the pandemic.

Attorney General Bill Barr directed all 93 U.S. attorneys on Monday to “be on the lookout for state and local directives” that curtail individual rights in the name of containing the novel coronavirus. 

Of course quarantines curtail individual rights, but you know what else does that? Death, and debilitating after-effects of damaged lungs and other organs. Sometimes individual rights have to give way to the rights of everyone else.

This new declaration by the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, who has heavily politicized the Justice Department during his tenure, should be read as a warning to governors and mayors that they may face challenges in federal court if they don’t move quick enough to relax restrictions.

On the other hand more people may die if they move quickly to relax restrictions.

To be fair…it’s not lotsa deaths versus zero deaths. The restrictions are bound to cause some deaths themselves – from domestic violence, from not being able to get medical help in time, from the heightened risks of extreme poverty, from risks taken to avoid extreme poverty, from suicide, and so on. It’s not risk v no risk, it’s x number of risks v y number of risks, with the informed medical opinion being that we need to slow the pandemic as a matter of urgency.

But Barr? Barr has proven himself such a shameless hack for Trump that it’s all but impossible to think he is weighing comparative risks now as opposed to being Trump’s consigliere.

Barr announced that his point men on “this important initiative” will be Matt Schneider, the Detroit-based U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, andEric Dreiband, the assistant attorney general who is best known for service as one of Ken Starr’s lieutenants during the investigation of President Bill Clinton. This seems notable because Trump has specifically decried restrictions imposed on residents by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who has been mentioned as a possible running mate for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and leads a top battleground state in the presidential election. “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!,” Trump tweeted on April 17.

Emphasis theirs. What a funny coincidence that he picked a Michigan one and a Clinton impeachment one.

Barr did not specify any policies in the memo, but he said the duo will review what’s going on and, “if necessary,” take corrective action. “If a state or local ordinance crosses the line from an appropriate exercise of authority to stop the spread of COVID-19 into an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections, the Department of Justice may have an obligation to address that overreach in federal court,” the attorney general wrote.

Do we trust Barr to decide fairly where that line is? No we do not.

A few weeks ago, Barr told Laura Ingraham on Fox News that he considers some policies “draconian” and telegraphed that a hardball approach was coming. “When this period of time, at the end of April, expires, I think we have to allow people to adapt more than we have,” he said, “and not just tell people to go home and hide under their bed, but allow them to use other ways — social distancing and other means — to protect themselves.”

But it’s not about “adapting.” We can’t “adapt” to this virus at this timescale – it won’t let us. Long term, maybe a race of immune-to-COVID-19 people would emerge, but lots of people who are alive now (and lots who have children and grandchildren) would like to avoid infection now.

Working 24/7

Apr 27th, 2020 4:25 pm | By

Well, you see, it was a very warm weekend.

Tens of thousands of people packed southern California beaches over the weekend, reigniting fears that large crowds in public spaces could reverse progress on containing Covid-19 in the US.

Photos of the gatherings in Newport Beach, Orange county, during a weekend heatwave sparked intense backlash and comparisons with Florida, where images of beachgoers raised alarms about the state’s coronavirus strategy. In recent days, beach and park reopenings have also prompted debates and public health concerns in TexasGeorgiaMississippiSouth Carolina and other regions looking to re-emerge from lockdowns.

But isn’t there some kind of magic thingy where crowded beaches don’t count? Because the sand scares the virus away? Something like that?

On Monday, California’s governor Gavin Newsom chastised those who crowded the beaches, saying “this virus doesn’t take the weekends off”.

“This virus doesn’t go home because it’s a beautiful, sunny day along our coast,” the governor, who last week urged beach-goers to practice physical distancing, said at his daily news briefing.

Ok it doesn’t go home but maybe it dozes while getting a tan, instead of infecting people?

People gathering on the beach north of Newport Beach pier on 25 April.
People gathering on the beach north of Newport Beach pier on 25 April. Photograph: Michael Heiman/Getty Images

Not very social distance.


Apr 27th, 2020 3:19 pm | By

I hope I never have to take any of that.

A challenge unlike any other

Apr 27th, 2020 11:25 am | By

Politico has a ridiculous piece about Hope Hicks (which many shockingly cynical people are suggesting is based on what Hope Hicks wanted them to say).

For Hope Hicks, it marked a challenge unlike any other — trying to develop a communications strategy for the president to carry with a wartime footing in an election year. As one of the few aides Trump implicitly trusts, the former White House communications director urged the president to act as a frontman for the coronavirus crisis — a leader who could offer calming messages, critical health information and important updates on the progress of the White House’s response efforts, instead of delegating those responsibilities to health officials or the vice president.

You see what I mean. What could be sillier? “a leader who could offer calming messages, critical health information and important updates on the progress of the White House’s response efforts” – IN WHAT UNIVERSE? In what universe could Donald Trump do any of that? A generic “leader” could, sure, but we’re not talking about a generic leader, we’re talking about Donald Trump. It’s as if they were reporting that Hicks urged a rabbit to write a brief on the virus for the New England Journal of Medicine.

It’s an approach in perpetual flux, thanks largely to a mercurial president who acts on his own instincts, prefers the spotlight in the crisis and offers up rhetoric often designed more for his base than the masses in the midst of an unprecedented situation.

Which Hope Hicks already knew, and that’s a very sanitized version anyway. Trump “acts on his own instincts” which tell him to talk about himself constantly, talk over everyone else 70% of the time, make shit up, get everything wrong, shout at reporters, repeat himself, and fail to talk like an adult.

[S]he has been a key figure in encouraging Trump to be front and center at briefings and events during the coronavirus response, viewing him as the voice that could break through and capture the most attention.

So she’s been a key figure in making everything much worse than it needed to be. It’s a bad thing that Trump has made himself front and center at briefings and events during the coronavirus response, because he’s ignorant and reckless, because he bullies reporters instead of answering their questions, because he burns up the time talking about himself and about his fatuous ideas on how to deal with the virus instead of giving the time to people who know something. All of that is bad, so Hope Hicks is not admirable or impressive for encouraging him to do it.

“Look, the briefings were clearly created and designed to try to fix the president’s political health and had very little to do with public health,” said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary under President Barack Obama who now serves as senior counsel for Bully Pulpit Interactive Media. “Even before Thursday’s disinfectant fiasco, the level of misinformation and contradictory messaging at a moment when the country needs clarity has been jarring and dangerous.”

To put it mildly.

Sarcasm goes meta

Apr 27th, 2020 10:40 am | By

I wrote a column for The Freethinker yesterday, a play on freethinking and free thinking i.e. a joke about the fact that some thinking is a good deal too free, like for instance Trump’s.

What’s funny about that is that several of the people commenting are…how shall I put this…missing the fact that it’s a joke and that there are many sub-jokes within the larger joke…Which is particularly amusing because the column is partly about Trump’s very free thoughts about how he was being sarcastic and all you dopes missed it.

Also one person thinks it’s a good sign that “stalwart Trump supporters like Benson are getting critical of him.”


Apr 26th, 2020 3:32 pm | By

Oh he was just thinking aloud.

After several days in which state public health officials have rushed to issue urgent warnings to Americans about the dangers of ingesting disinfectants, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, sidestepped the opportunity to amplify that message Sunday.

Asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper what the American people should know about disinfectants and the human body, she instead defended the President’s tendency to muse aloud about his ideas as he processes new information, and suggested that the media had missed the point of the White House presentation.

Birx noted that when Trump made the remark Thursday, he was engaged in a “dialogue” with William Bryan, the acting head of science at the Department of Homeland Security, about a study detailing the use of light and disinfectants to help kill the coronavirus on surfaces. 

Now wait just a god damn minute here. Trump was talking to the press, on camera, with much of the country watching. That’s not the time or place for him to have a clueless “dialogue” with one dude about injecting disinfectants and “light” into our bodies. You don’t have a dialogue with Party B by addressing Party A even if Party B is still in the room, and you sure as hell don’t do it when you’re addressing the press and the country during a pandemic.

Ok who told Trump about the Nobles?

Apr 26th, 2020 2:44 pm | By


First of all journalists don’t get “Nobles” or even Nobels. There is no Nobel Prize for journalism. Second, spelling. Third…everything. Saying that out loud, and not just out loud but on Twitter. Acting like a spoiled toddler with a toothache out in public where we can all see you. Fourth – you do realize you’re telling us all it upsets you that nobody gives you a Noble prize for journalism? And that that looks kind of stupid coming from a head of state? In short that we’re all going to laugh at you? That all you’re doing is humiliating yourself? That we’re laughing at you (at the same time as we very seriously want you out of that office immediately before you do more damage)?

Three hours those have been sitting there, not even taken down to fix the spelling as someone did this morning. I guess the staff have given up.

Give him his blanky and put him to bed. Strap him in.

Updating to add: they did get taken down so I’ll add the screenshots.


He was wondering aloud

Apr 26th, 2020 11:53 am | By

Who’s this guy? What is CBN? His profile says ” Chief Political Analyst, CBN News” – so what’s CBN News?

Ah. Doctor Google informs us that CBN is Christian Broadcasting Network.

So Christians are all about the rapist serial adulterer serial marry-er who brags about grabbing women by the pussy? All about greed and pugnacity and cruelty and lying? All about sending refugees back to be killed, letting children die on the floors of prisons, demanding the death penalty for the wrongly accused?

I’m not a big fan of Christianity but I think it has some better values than that (along with some crappy ones).

Anyway his point is not as cogent as he thinks. It’s true that Trump didn’t say “People should be drinking disinfectant,” but that doesn’t exonerate him of babbling dangerous nonsense about the potential curative powers of somehow getting disinfectant inside the body, “a kind of cleaning.” He didn’t say “Drink this,” he said “Drinking this might work.” Since the “this” was disinfectants, the second is not massively better than the first.

60 percent of the time

Apr 26th, 2020 11:17 am | By

The Post shares a numerical breakdown of Trump’s firehose of egotism at his virus rallies:

What began as daily briefings meant to convey public health information have become de facto political rallies conducted from the West Wing of the White House. Trump offers little in the way of accurate medical information or empathy for coronavirus victims, instead focusing on attacking his enemies and lauding himself and his allies.

He’s done 60 percent of the talking at the rallies disguised as briefings on the pandemic. He has by far the least to say of anyone there yet he uses up the majority of the time to say his tiny least over and over and over again.

The president has spoken for more than 28 hours in the 35 briefings held since March 16, eating up 60 percent of the time that officials spoke, according to a Washington Post analysis of annotated transcripts from, a data analytics company.

Over the past three weeks, the tally comes to more than 13 hours of Trump — including two hours spent on attacks and 45 minutes praising himself and his administration, but just 4½ minutes expressing condolences for coronavirus victims.

And the 4½ minutes were written for him to read by other people. Spontaneous genuine condolences? Zip.

Trump has attacked someone in 113 out of 346 questions he has answered — or a third of his responses. He has offered false or misleading information in nearly 25 percent of his remarks. And he has played videos praising himself and his administration’s efforts three times, including one that was widely derided as campaign propaganda produced by White House aides at taxpayer expense.

Most people would feel too much shame to do that, even if they wanted to. Trump can’t even perceive that it’s shameful.

The president repeatedly returns to the same topics, frequently treating questions as cues for familiar talking points. He has, for instance, mentioned the nation’s testing capacity in 14 percent of his comments, talked about the country’s ventilator supply in 12 percent and waxed on about his imposition of travel bans — particularly from China — in 9 percent. 

[“Waxed” isn’t a synonym for “talked” or “blathered.”] That repeated return to familiar [i.e. stale] talking points is a symptom of a very empty head, as well as Alzheimer’s.

Trump has also offered a response to a question posed to someone else more than a third of the time that occurred, including queries that the intended official had already answered.

He’s the least informed person there, but he talks over the experts. Conceit is a terrible, terrible drug, my friends. Give it a wide berth.

Expressions of empathy from Trump are rare. The president has mentioned coronavirus victims in just eight briefings in three weeks, mostly in prepared remarks. In the first week of April, when the nation’s focus was largely on the hard-hit New York region, Trump began several briefings by expressing his condolences for the victims there.

“We continue to send our prayers to the people of New York and New Jersey, and to our whole country,” Trump said on April 6, offering similar sentiments the following day: “We grieve alongside every family who has lost a precious loved one.”

That doesn’t actually count, because it’s reading someone else’s words. He doesn’t mean it, he doesn’t care about it, he just reads it aloud.

Last Sunday — as the death toll in the United States climbed past 40,000 and more than 22 million Americans were unemployed — a CNN reporter sparked Trump’s ire when he noted the grim milestones and asked, “Is this really the time for self-congratulations?”

“What I’m doing is I’m standing up for the men and women that have done such an incredible job,” Trump responded. He added that he was “also sticking up for doctors and nurses and military doctors and nurses,” before eventually angrily dismissing the question as “fake news.”

Not fake at all though.

Some administration officials, outside Republicans and other Trump allies say the briefings have increasingly become a distraction, and they fear they are doing more to harm than help the president’s reelection hopes. They worry that Trump is squandering the opportunity to demonstrate presidential leadership and be the “wartime president” he has claimed to be by picking petty fights and appearing childish and distracted.

Oh there’s no need to worry about that, he’s always picked petty fights and appeared childish and distracted. Sure it’s worse during a pandemic, but…but…but her emails, that’s what.

Never one to be upstaged

Apr 26th, 2020 6:56 am | By

West Point sent students home and were unsure about having a graduation ceremony.

The Naval Academy, for its part, decided it was too risky to recall its nearly 1,000 graduating midshipmen to Annapolis, Md., for a commencement. Those graduates will have a virtual event. But the Air Force Academy, in contrast to the other schools, sent home its underclassmen, locked down its seniors on campus, moved up graduation, mandated social distancing — and went ahead with plans for Vice President Mike Pence to be its speaker.

And so last Friday, the day before Mr. Pence was to speak at the Air Force ceremony in Colorado, Mr. Trump, never one to be upstaged, abruptly announced that he would, in fact, be speaking at West Point.

Uh oh! West Point didn’t know that, so a mad scramble was necessary.

The academy had been looking at the option of a delayed presidential commencement in June, but had yet to complete any plans. With Mr. Trump’s pre-emptive statement, they are now summoning 1,000 cadets scattered across the country to return to campus in New York, the state that is the center of the outbreak.

Come back and risk death so that Trump can have yet another vanity opp.

West Point officials said this week that they were taken aback by the impromptu announcement. Of the many graduation options under review, Mr. Trump had pre-empted their planning.

Because his vanity is more important than their safety and health. His vanity is more important than anything.

General Williams said in a telephone interview that returning seniors would be tested off-campus for the coronavirus. Those who test negative will then be sent to the school, where they will be monitored for 14 days before graduation. While the campus has enough dormitory rooms for the 1,000 seniors, General Williams said that he was still deciding whether seniors would share bedrooms on their return.

“All 1,000 of them will not intermix,” he said. “They’ll be in their rooms. They’ll have their masks on. Groups will be segregated in the mess hall when they eat.”

In other words they’ll be summoned back into a dangerous area and then held prisoner for two weeks just so that Donald Trump can do another strut.

Some faculty say this is not only inconvenient to cadets, but it is also a risk to their mental well-being. It has been an academic year marred by tragedy even before the outbreak. One cadet was killed and 21 others injured last June after a military vehicle overturned en route to a training exercise near the academy. In October, a cadet killed himself.

Never mind all that, because Trump.

Blame the WHO

Apr 25th, 2020 3:49 pm | By

To get revenge for his failures Trump is pushing to destroy the WHO altogether.

Trump and his top aides are working behind the scenes to sideline the World Health Organization on several new fronts as they seek to shift blame for the coronavirus pandemic to the world body, according to U.S. and foreign officials involved in the discussions.

Last week, the president announced a 60-day hold on U.S. money to the WHO, but other steps by his top officials go beyond a temporary funding freeze, raising concerns about the permanent weakening of the organization amid a rapidly spreading crisis.

At the State Department, officials are stripping references to the WHO from coronavirus fact sheets, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has instructed his employees to “cut out the middle man” when it comes to public health initiatives the United States previously supported through the WHO.

They’re redirecting money that would have gone to the WHO to public health NGOs.

At the United Nations Security Council, the Trump administration has delayed a resolution responding to the health crisis, which the French have been trying to advance for weeks, because it disagrees with draft language that expresses support for the WHO, European officials said.

And they blocked that G-20 statement on the pandemic because it failed to say “the WHO sucks.”

The White House is imploring allies to question the organization’s credibility and push claims that its employees routinely go on excessive “luxury travel,” as one White House official, Sarah Makin Acciani, told a group of surrogates in a recent phone call without offering evidence, a transcript of which has been obtained by The Post.

How repulsive – especially from Trump and his gang, who rack up huge Secret Service bills for Trump and his entire family every weekend.

European officials view domestic American politics as an obstacle to an effective response to the crisis.

“The U.S. administration is very fixated on the reelection campaign and on who can get blamed for this catastrophic covid-19 situation in the U.S.,” said a senior European official. “They are blaming WHO and China for it. Therefore it is very difficult to agree on a common language about the WHO.”

Scapegoat much?

Have a good day Madam

Apr 25th, 2020 2:57 pm | By

Something in my eye…

Too pure

Apr 25th, 2020 12:49 pm | By

Speaking of bleach

Weeks after CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, tested positive for COVID-19, he announced that his wife, Cristina Greeven Cuomo, tested positive as well

Cristina Greeven Cuomo runs a health and wellness site called “The Purist,” where she blogged about her unusual regimen while battling the virus, including bathing in a bleach solution. She said she decided to give it a try as a “more affordable” alternative to an IV vitamin drip to purportedly “neutralize heavy metals” in the body.

Bleach is very affordable, that’s true, but it’s also very fucking toxic.

Also why do people with no actual medical training claim to teach “wellness”? I’m Googling her and all I see by way of training is

Her training is in Ayurveda, medical radiesthesia, radionics, energy healing, nutrition, herbal medicine and detoxification methods…

What is “medical radiesthesia”? It’s dowsing. I Googled that too, and it’s dowsing the body. “Her training” is in woo. She should no more be running a “health and wellness site” than Trump should be telling us to drink bleach. She and Gwyneth Paltrow should knock it off.

“While IVs are subject to cost and are not cheap (a vitamin drip ranges around $300 whereas a hospital will charge thousands of dollars for them and for medication that has no proven studies behind them), I wanted to try a more affordable way I heard about to neutralize heavy metals: take a bath,” Cuomo writes.

She writes that Dr. Linda Lancaster suggested a bath with “a nominal amount of bleach,” and explained that the idea is to “combat the radiation and metals in my system and oxygenate it.” 

No no that’s not the way to do it, the way to do it is to make passes in the air with your hands, sprinkle sugar over your dog, and paint a hex on your roof so that the flying demons will reverse course.

Cuomo says since she had no sense of smell or open cuts, she decided to try it. “So, I add a small amount—1/4 to 1/2 cup ONLY—of Clorox to a full bath of warm water (80 gallons),” she writes. However, many doctors advise against trying this and warn in stark terms that it could be dangerous.

And I bet zero doctors advise for trying this.

In an email to CBS News, microbiologist Dr. Dean Hart said bathing in bleach is a bad idea. 

“While [we] in science do not like to speak in absolutism, I have never heard, ever, of a bleach bath being recommended for the treatment of any disease,” Hart said. “Don’t do that. It is not a good idea, in fact, it’s a bad idea. It could hurt you. The air becomes toxic around a bleach or chlorine bath. This has the potential to be very harmful, whether you are observing through your skin or breathing.”

It’s a bad, dangerous, potentially lethal idea, yet there she is blithely advising it pn her health and wellness site called “The Purist.” Bleach makes you pure all right, pure and dead.

The president became increasingly excited

Apr 25th, 2020 12:14 pm | By

The NY Times on Trump’s little gaffe:

In Maryland, so many callers flooded a health hotline with questions that the state’s Emergency Management Agency had to issue a warning that “under no circumstances” should any disinfectant be taken to treat the coronavirus. In Washington State, officials urged people not to consume laundry detergent capsules. Across the country on Friday, health professionals sounded the alarm.

Injecting bleach or highly concentrated rubbing alcohol “causes massive organ damage and the blood cells in the body to basically burst,” Dr. Diane P. Calello, the medical director of the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, said in an interview. “It can definitely be a fatal event.”

Oddly enough, massive organ damage isn’t a cure for COVD-19.

“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute,” Mr. Trump said after a presentation from William N. Bryan, an acting under secretary for science at the Department of Homeland Security, detailed the virus’s possible susceptibility to bleach and alcohol.

Well it’s like this – lots of things are susceptible to bleach, or fire, or nuclear weapons. If you have flies in your house you can burn the house down to get rid of them (they’ll still be in the vicinity, but they’re not in the house any more), but then you have to deal with the no-house issue. It’s the same principle with chugging bleach to wipe out a virus. There’s this word “overkill”? Perhaps you’ve heard it? Chugging bleach would definitely be overkill.

“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Mr. Trump said on Friday to journalists gathered in the Oval Office. The president said he had posed his theory on cleaning the body with disinfectant “in the form of a sarcastic question to a reporter,” which also was not true — he had said it unprompted to Mr. Bryan.

“Unprompted” is a useful word when it comes to Trump. It so often describes what he’s doing. He’s startlingly random, which is one of our chief signals of the slushy state of his brain. Nobody asked him for his thoughts on drinking bleach, he offered them without any prompting at all whatsoever.

Others inside the administration raised questions about why Mr. Bryan, whose background is not in health or science, had been invited to deliver a presentation. Mr. Bryan, whose expertise is in energy infrastructure and security, is serving in an acting capacity as the head of the department’s science and technology directorate.

Also there’s a whistleblower complaint saying he manipulated government policy to serve his financial interests and then lied to Congress about it, but whatever.

Mr. Bryan was invited by the vice president’s office to coronavirus task force meetings on Wednesday and Thursday to talk about a study that his department had done relating to heat and the conditions in which the coronavirus can thrive or be dampened. On Thursday, Mr. Bryan presented a graphic to the room, according to four people briefed on the events.

A graphic! No wonder Trump paid attention.

Before Mr. Bryan took the lectern in the White House Briefing Room, Dr. Birx and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a member of the coronavirus task force, made a few revisions to his presentation, officials said.

As he listened to Mr. Bryan, the president became increasingly excited, and also felt the need to demonstrate his own understanding of science, according to three of the advisers. So Mr. Trump went ahead with his theories about the chemicals.

Oh lord. Trump getting excited. Trump getting increasingly excited. What a nightmare that conjures up.

Mr. Trump’s hopeful comments about disinfectant use coincided with an alarming rise in accidents with household cleaning products in recent weeks, according to doctors who monitor activity at poison call centers. On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a growing number of calls to poison control centers and a significant increase in accidental exposures to household cleaners and disinfectants.

The F.D.A. has moved to tamp down on merchants online that have encouraged the ingestion of products made with disinfectants and cleaning agents, including chlorine dioxide, a compound commonly used as a bleach. The products have found favor with conspiracy theorists and fringe activists online who peddle chlorine dioxide as “Magical Mineral Solution,” or M.M.S.

And then

Pledge on your pancakes

Apr 25th, 2020 11:38 am | By

MP=Misogynist Prat?

Apr 25th, 2020 11:05 am | By

We encountered John Nicolson MP a few days ago, calling AllianceLGB “sinister” while also saying he has no idea who they are. Yesterday he summoned the police to witness his new wild accusations.

Why is he summoning the police? Why is he doing so on Twitter? Why is he sounding like an anti-Semite ranting about Soros? What is wrong with him?

Replies are harsh.

Not so much visibility as disguise

Apr 24th, 2020 5:46 pm | By

Heyyy it’s Lesbian Visibility Week so…

Jane Fae isn’t a lesbian though, on account of how Jane Fae is a man. Men don’t get to steal lesbianism any more than they get to steal being a woman or women’s places in athletic competitions. Jane Fae aka John Ozimek is stealing a place on the Visible Lesbian List from an actual lesbian, and that is crap.

“Health problems” like rigor mortis

Apr 24th, 2020 5:38 pm | By

This should have been worded much more strongly.

There is no “can” about it, and by “health problems” they mean agonizing pain and then death.

Just breathing too much bleach is dangerous. Someone I know had to go to the ER after getting too enthusiastic while scouring the kitchen counters. The very idea of ingesting the stuff is nightmarish.

The CDC should have said very clearly that household cleaners and disinfectants are poisons, end of story. But the CDC is part of the executive branch so…

ChickenDonald is trending

Apr 24th, 2020 5:04 pm | By

He’s sulking.

A day after he floated the idea of using disinfectants and light to treat COVID-19, President Donald Trump declined to take any questions at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House.

“If you don’t like my brilliant ideas you don’t get to ask me questions any more.”


The briefing — which can sometimes last about two hours — was over in just over 20 minutes, following remarks from Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and FDA head Stephen Hahn. The two top government doctors charged with combating the coronavirus crisis, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, were not in attendance.

No party for Donnie today.

And really have that dialogue

Apr 24th, 2020 4:48 pm | By

Oh for heaven’s SAKE.

Yes, we know, we could tell. He was “digesting the information” that disinfectants can remove a virus from hard surfaces, and telling us all about it the way a toddler tells us all about what she just learned. It’s sweet when a toddler does it, it’s not sweet at all when a 73-year-old criminal who is president of the US does it.

He’s way too old and way too in a responsible job that he himself sought to be just learning basic facts of that kind, let alone babbling nonsense at us in public about what he just learned, let alone babbling nonsense of the type “it would be a good idea for everyone to drink Lysol to get the virus out.”

Of course he had just learned it. Of course he was vomiting out every stupid thought about it that floated through the mush inside his skull. We know all that. None of that makes it okay.