All-time high

Jun 27th, 2020 10:28 am | By

We’re doing it wrong.

The number of confirmed new coronavirus cases per day in the US hit an all-time high of 40,000 according to figures released by Johns Hopkins on Friday, eclipsing the mark first set during one of the deadliest stretches in late April. It’s a resurgence that has led some governors to backtrack or at least pause the reopening of their states.

Wrong direction. Goal is down, not up.

… the Florida department of health reported that the state confirmed 8,942 new cases of coronavirus yesterday, breaking a record set earlier this week.

The Florida health department also reported a frightening rise in the rate of positive test results. On Thursday, 13.1% of test results come back positive, compared to 8.9% on Wednesday, confounding Donald Trump’s recent assertions, repeated on Thursday, that “if you did not do testing, you would not have cases”.

So…maybe…wearing masks would be a good idea?

On Friday, Texas governor Greg Abbott ordered a sharp reversal on reopening. He had pursued one of the most aggressive reopening schedules of any state and had not only resisted calls to order the wearing of masks but had refused until last week to let local governments take such measures.

Mandatory libertarianism.

And on Friday, just before the first White House coronavirus taskforce briefing in two months, the White House confirmed reports that Trump canceled his weekend trip his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Oh no, not his weekend golf trip!

He was severely criticized last month, when he went golfing over Memorial Day weekend as the US coronavirus death toll neared 100,000.

And there had been questions raised about whether Trump would have to self-quarantine in New Jersey because the state is currently requiring those who travel from states with high levels of community spread of coronavirus to do so for 14 days.

Earlier this week, Trump traveled to Arizona, which was included on New Jersey’s list of affected states.

Quarantine the shithead. Quarantine him forever.


Jun 27th, 2020 9:10 am | By

Behold: an advertisement:


I find it interesting because it’s so in your face, so perverse (not perverted, mind, perverse), so nyah nyah. Saying “we mean every” about a conspicuously male male, with beard and hirsute chest and legs, decked out in dainty catch me-fuck me laydeez underwear. They’re not saying it about a man seriously trying to “dress as” a woman or to look like a woman or to convince anyone he’s a woman, they’re saying it about an unmistakable man with a “Fuck you, bitch” look on his face, dressed and posed like a prostitute.

It’s hard to unpick all the levels here. There’s the “you WILL agree that this is a woman” level, but there’s also the “haha obviously this is not a woman but we get to force you to say it is” level and the “if you don’t agree that he’s a woman he’ll kick you in the cunt, you cunt” level. There’s the “I will cut you” face coupled with the passivity of the clothes – it jars and it’s meant to jar and the whole point of the jarring is to taunt and threaten and insult and bully women.

And it is, apparently, from a company that makes “lingerie” – i.e. sexualized underwear for women.

There is also the level of “this is what makes someone a woman: wearing chase me-fuck me underwear and adopting a fuck me pose.” That’s all there is to being a woman: sexy underwear and passivity. It’s so determinative of being a woman that the hostile threatening male stare is overruled by the stockings.

There’s also the level of “women can’t possibly do this, women can’t not shave and not pluck and not paint and then pose in sexy underwear with hairy legs and a ‘fuck you’ stare, but men can” level. Women have to scrape their bodies clean of every trace of hair, even between their legs, and then draw lines where their eyebrows used to be, but men can just pull the stockings up over the wiry black hairs and then dare us to say a word.

“Pride Weeks” forsooth.

Ozymandius on 5th Avenue

Jun 26th, 2020 4:09 pm | By

Dipshit lets us know what his priorities are.

As if.

He can’t just write new laws – he can’t write new laws at all. Congress is the legislative branch; he is not.

He’s so eager to see other people executed or given “long prison terms” for crimes they didn’t commit or for actions that are political acts as opposed to crimes. If it’s a crime to push down a statue of a Confederate (aka treasonous) general, what about the crime of putting up such a statue in the first place? And what about the crime of slavery? Eh?

I can’t wait to see this poisonous toad of a man disappear into his “tower” again.

What’s a few bounties between friends?

Jun 26th, 2020 3:50 pm | By


In a new bombshell report, the New York Times says the US intelligence community has concluded Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill US troops.

What? Trump’s darling sweetheart Putin did that?

From the Times:

American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there, according to officials briefed on the matter.

The United States concluded months ago that the Russian unit, which has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats, had covertly offered rewards for successful attacks last year.

Islamist militants, or armed criminal elements closely associated with them, are believed to have collected some bounty money, the officials said. Twenty Americans were killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2019, but it was not clear which killings were under suspicion.

Trump apparently doesn’t care.

The intelligence finding was briefed to President Trump, and the White House’s National Security Council discussed the problem at an interagency meeting in late March, the officials said. Officials developed a menu of potential options — starting with making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and a demand that it stop, along with an escalating series of sanctions and other possible responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the officials said.

I guess he’s been too busy fuming about monuments and…uh…monuments.

Survey your neighbors

Jun 26th, 2020 3:24 pm | By

The bosses still being irresponsible and reckless with the health of the population. “Do what seems best to you, it’s your choice, we wouldn’t dream of telling you what to do, freedom freedom freedom, we couldn’t possibly comment.”

Vice President Mike Pence was asked what message he wanted to offer on wearing masks, as evidence suggests face coverings can limit the spread of coronavirus.

“Well, we think that the first principle is that people ought to listen to their state and local authorities,” the vice president said, declining to offer a federal endorsement on wearing masks.

What kind of stupid “first principle” is that? It’s geographic, it’s not a principle. The virus is the virus, it doesn’t care about state and local and national. How about just giving the best medical advice and never mind whether it’s local or national?



Jun 26th, 2020 2:12 pm | By

I’ve just seen a 5-word tweet that makes my blood run cold.

“Work is introducing pronoun pins.”

I think “is introducing” here means “wearing them is not optional.”

Why stop at pronouns? Why not pins to point out all the obvious? How about species? Nationality? Height and weight? Age? Address? Politics? Voting record? Grades? Tax history? Religion? Favorite foods?

Grown up people don’t want to walk around wearing labels telling the world what brand we are. I wouldn’t want to wear a pin saying “woman,” either, because duh. Plus…it’s work. It’s not home, it’s not the coffee shop, it’s not a clubhouse. It’s work. It’s already a place where people get to tell you what to do (unless you’re the owner or CEO), because that’s the nature of work, so adding creepy “pins” to the mix is not appropriate.

Office Space - 15 pieces of flair | Office space meme, Office ...

Trump vandalizes federal property with his presence

Jun 26th, 2020 10:58 am | By

What’s Trump doing while Pence tells us everything is awesome on the pandemic front? Trump is raging about white supremacist statues again.

Moments ago, Trump sent a tweet sharing an FBI notice seeking information about those suspected of defacing the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square near the White House.

It’s interesting that the FBI thinks vandalization of a statue is a matter for the Violent Crimes Task Force. Don’t we consider violent crimes to be crimes against sentient beings? As opposed to statues?

But of course it’s even more interesting that Trump is so energized about vandalism against a statue of the man who committed a major genocide against the original inhabitants of the southern US, and so indifferent to a spreading pandemic that has killed over 120 thousand people in the US already.

Fauci ominously added

Jun 26th, 2020 10:38 am | By

Pence is holding the first coronavirus briefing in two months.

The vice president opened the briefing by heralding the progress made in hard-hit states like New York and New Jersey.

“We have made truly remarkable progress in moving our nation forward,” Pence said.

However, Pence then shifted to noting the high level of new cases in many parts of the country, which the president has sought to downplay in recent days.

Echoing the president, Mike Pence blamed the rising number of new coronavirus cases on increased testing.

However, public health experts have said the rising number of cases is more attributable to states reopening and Americans relaxing social distancing practices.

It’s also important to note that coronavirus hospitalizations are rising in many states, indicating the crisis is worsening.

Not just “more testing.”

Also, Pence says there is plenty of hospital capacity, which is also not true.

Striking a notably different tone than Vice President Mike Pence, Dr Anthony Fauci warned some parts of the country are facing a “serious problem” in terms of the spread of coronavirus.

The infectious disease expert applauded the states that have safely reopened their economies in a “prudent way that’s been effective.”

But Fauci ominously added, “We are facing a serious problem in certain areas.”

And it’s not just More Testing.

Pence said WHAT?

Jun 26th, 2020 9:48 am | By

So, Trump says to himself, there’s a novel virus cutting a swathe through the country, what should I do? Take away people’s health insurance, that’s what.

In a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Trump administration has reaffirmed its position that the Affordable Care Act in its entirety is illegal because Congress eliminated the individual tax penalty for failing to purchase medical insurance.

Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the government’s chief advocate before the Supreme Court, said in a brief that the other provisions of Obamacare are impossible to separate from the individual mandate and that “it necessarily follows that the rest of the ACA must also fall.”

Shortly after the brief appeared on the court’s docket late Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement: “President Trump and the Republicans’ campaign to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the coronavirus crisis is an act of unfathomable cruelty.”

In a speech on the lawsuit Thursday, Vice President Pence said he was proud of the ACA and denounced the administration’s position. “It’s cruel, it’s heartless, and it’s callous,” he said.

Wait, what? Pence said that? What’s happening? I literally had to read that paragraph three times to be sure I wasn’t misreading it. Since when does Pence denounce an administration position? Since when does he care that an administration position is cruel, heartless, and callous?

Eliminating the ACA would end medical insurance for more than 20 million Americans. It would also end widely popular provisions of the law, such as extending parents’ coverage to children up to the age of 26 and prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage based on preexisting conditions.

Normal prosperous democracies want their people to have health insurance, and make laws accordingly. The US is not that kind of democracy.

All women

Jun 26th, 2020 9:21 am | By

Yes but how do they know? How do they ever know? It’s never ever explained. If we don’t know how we know, and we can’t figure out how we can know because the rules don’t add up, then…how do we know what we’re supposed to do, and not do? If the rules contradict each other, how do we avoid thoughtcrime? Where is the island we can stand on, safe from sharks and strong currents?

The Women’s Institute is not the Women’s Institute now, it’s the Women’s and Men Who Say They Are Women’s Institute.

But let’s not go crazy here. There are rules. It’s just that they make no sense.

That bonkers instruction is in this two-page Transgender WI membership policy statement.

This policy has been written to provide guidance for members who have questions relating to transgender WI members. Transgender is an inclusive, umbrella term used to describe the diversity of gender identity and expression for all people who do not conform to common ideas of gender roles. Anyone who is living as a woman is welcome to join the WI and to participate in any WI activities in the same way as any other woman.

That’s all you need: Living Azza Woman. But what does that mean? Shut up.

What does gender reassignment involve?

It might involve surgery, hormone treatment or simply a permanent decision to live and dress as a member of the opposite sex.

Live and dress as – that’s quite funny. The airy unexplained vastness of “live as” coupled with the absurd tiny literalness of “dress as.” “Live as” could mean anything or nothing, so I guess for safety they added “and dress as”…but does that mean a man in jeans and a frilly blouse will be asked to explain himself at the door to the WI?

Is there a legal difference regarding whether someone has had gender reassignment surgery?

No and it is very unhelpful to think about anyone in those terms. Some transgender people may never have any kind of gender reassignment surgery but everyone is entitled to be treated in the same way, in the gender in which they identify.

Why? Why is everyone entitled to that? And why did “live as” get changed to “in which they identify”? They’re not the same thing, after all.

Can male to female transgender people join a WI and attend WI events?

Yes – anyone living as a woman is welcome to join the WI and take part in all WI activities. They should be treated in exactly the same way as all women who are part of your WI.

What about anyone identifying as a woman?

And then it ends with the bit Maya quoted.

Can crossdressers join the WI?

No – only those living as women can join the WI and take part in all WI activities.

And how in hell do you know which is which?

Can we ask for written evidence to prove that someone is a transgendered individual?

No – this could be very offensive and hurtful.

So then how do you know? How do you know who is a crossdresser and thus not entitled to join the WI and take part in all WI activities? How do you know anything about any of this?

It’s such an insult, not just to our intelligence, but to our ability to think, to reason, to question, to try to figure out where we are and who these people are and how we should behave around them. It orders us, with menaces, to stop knowing what we have known from earliest childhood, and to enter a world of arbitrary assertions and self-contradicting rules. I won’t fucking do it.

Ontology for beginners

Jun 26th, 2020 8:32 am | By

Excuse me?

They deserve more recognition, do they? Ok here’s step one: don’t call them not-men, as if they were a weird mutant failure.

Updating to add:

Not a very philosophical response.


Jun 25th, 2020 6:00 pm | By

From an interview yesterday with Nikole Hannah-Jones on Fresh Air, on the subject of reparations for slavery:

HANNAH-JONES: Reparations to me – and if you notice in the piece, which is quite long, we don’t even use the word reparations until the very end section of the piece because it’s such a charged word. But what it means to me is, it is restitution. It is when a country or a community or a corporation that has done something egregious to a person or a group of people tries to restore or repair the damage that was done. And that is what reparations is to me.

Which is not an eccentric or personal understanding; that is what it means. Reparations are owed. Why? Because of 2.5 centuries of slavery. The thing about 2.5 centuries of slavery, you see, is that it leaves the enslaved people very badly off, so they can’t just wave bye-bye to their former owners and go off to have a fine new life.

In the context specifically of Black Americans, reparations has to do with 250 years of chattel slavery, followed by another 100 years of legalized segregation or apartheid and racial terrorism and how that impacted the economic well-being of Black Americans, how that prevented generation after generation Black Americans from acquiring the type of wealth or foothold in the economy that allows you to live a life that is much more typical of white Americans, that allows you to truly take advantage of the bounty of this country. So reparations to me is about repair.

Which should have happened a long long time ago. Instead, guess what – the opposite happened. More exploitation, more deprivation, more terrorism.

HANNAH-JONES: Well, actually, the concept of reparations for slavery begins even before emancipation. Enslaved people who had gotten their freedom had begun trying to sue to get some kind of compensation for their enslavement even during slavery. But what happens at emancipation – we are often taught in this country that Black people are emancipated, and then everyone is on an even footing. We don’t often question, what does that mean to be emancipated after 250 years of bondage, to be emancipated with no job, no home, no money, no clothes, no bed, no pots, nothing? Enslaved people were unable to own anything or to accrue anything at all.

And so what happens at emancipation is this expectation that the government should help formerly enslaved people to get a foothold. And what Black people wanted more than anything was land. They didn’t want dependency on the government. They wanted to be given some of the land that they had worked for generations so that they could become independent, so that they could make their own money and be independent of the white people who had ruled over them.

And there were Black men who had served in the Union army – there was a meeting that was held between some of these men and some generals from the Union army. And they asked, well, what do you want? And what they said is, we want land. We want land so that we can be prosperous and be our own people. So General Sherman takes that to heart, and he issues Field Order No. 15. And Field Order No. 15 declares that Black families will get 40 acres of former Confederate land, and that they will be able to work that land. And actually at the time, it was a loan. It wasn’t even being given to enslaved people. It was on loan, and they would eventually make enough money and pay for the land. And for a brief period of time, this is what happened. A small number of formerly enslaved people in the Georgia Sea Islands and in coastal South Carolina had the land that they had once worked for white people turned over to them, and they began to farm it.

But Lincoln was assassinated, and Andrew Johnson replaced him, and Andrew Johnson was a shit. He grabbed the land and gave it back to the Confederates, the ones we have all those statues to.

HANNAH-JONES And that ended the only real effort in the history of this country to provide reparations for those who had been enslaved. And it really left formerly enslaved people in absolute, devastating poverty. There are stories of mass starvations of Black people after they had been freed, you know, having to leave the plantation and find shelter in burned-out buildings, of trying to forage for food in burned-out fields. It was a devastating period for Black people, and this country decided that it was going to do nothing, that it owed these people nothing.

GROSS: And the Black people who had been enslaved had worked their lives for no pay, no property, no right to keep their family together. And slavery ends, and they get nothing; they’re left with nothing.

HANNAH-JONES: Exactly. I mean, think about this great wealth that was created, was literally created through their labor and the way that the laws around slavery were, that Black people could not own property. As property, they could not own property. So anything that they accrued, everything that came from their labor, went automatically to the people who owned them. Their children belonged to the people who owned them. It was illegal for Black people in many places to even make a will. You could not have heirs if you were Black. You could not bequeath anything onto your children. So everything that you earned, that you made, all of the products of your labor went to the enslavers.

And none of that has ever been paid back.

A book of utmost public importance and concern

Jun 25th, 2020 4:36 pm | By

The niece’s book hasn’t been stopped, so far.

An attempt to block publication of a book by Donald Trump’s niece has been dismissed by a court in New York.

Ted Boutros, an attorney for Mary Trump, tweeted that a court in Queens dismissed a lawsuit brought by the president’s brother, Robert Trump.

“The court has promptly and correctly held that it lacks jurisdiction to grant the Trump family’s baseless request to suppress a book of utmost public importance and concern,” Boutros said.

“We hope this decision will end the matter. Democracy thrives on the free exchange of ideas, and neither this court nor any other has authority to violate the constitution by imposing a prior restraint on core political speech.”

He wasn’t a political figure when she signed the NDA. He wasn’t the lying corrupt bullying incompetent criminal reckless murderous president of the US when she signed the NDA.

A brother of Trump’s thinks it’s “a disgrace.” Are they taught that word at birth, the Trumps?

In a statement to the New York Times after he left hospital the 72-year-old said: “Her attempt to sensationalize and mischaracterize our family relationship after all of these years for her own financial gain is both a travesty and injustice to the memory of my late brother, Fred, and our beloved parents. I and the rest of my entire family are so proud of my wonderful brother, the president, and feel that Mary’s actions are truly a disgrace.”

He’s not wonderful. They shouldn’t be proud of him.

No one wears a mask

Jun 25th, 2020 4:13 pm | By

Again. Again the Trump monstrosities refuse to wear masks during a raging lethal pandemic because they’re just that shitty.

Members of the Trump administration, including Donald Trump himself, have frequently declined to wear masks throughout the coronavirus pandemic despite CDC recommendations to do so.

It’s as if they strolled around the White House and Congress firing guns every few minutes. Sometimes people are injured, sometimes they’re killed, just part of the game when you’re in Trump World.

Bournemouth is so…bracing?

Jun 25th, 2020 3:19 pm | By

People are nuts.

A major incident was declared after tens of thousands of people defied pleas to stay away and descended in their droves on beaches in Bournemouth and other stretches of the Dorset coast.

The local authority, BCP council – covering Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole – said it was forced to instigate a multi-agency emergency response to tackle issues ranging from overcrowding on the beaches, traffic gridlock and violence. Security guards had to be used to protect refuse collection teams.

The Bournemouth East MP, Tobias Ellwood, said half a million people had flocked to the beaches and said the situation was so overwhelming that the UK government should step in to help the council deal with the crisis.

He said: “A lot of people have chosen to be not just irresponsible but dangerous. We’ve made such progress tackling this pandemic. I’d hate to see Bournemouth be the one place in Britain that gets that second spike.”

And it wasn’t even a chance to watch Trump do a crap stand-up act.

Apparently it was because the lockdown had been eased?

So that’s the UK’s stats about to soar.


Jun 25th, 2020 12:21 pm | By

Contagion is freedom! Masks are tyranny!

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell encouraged Americans to wear masks to limit the spread of coronavirus, as more than half of US states report increases in new cases.

“I think that’s what people ought to do,” the Kentucky Republican told an ABC News reporter. “That’s what we’re doing in the Senate, and that’s what I’m counseling other people to do.”

Some other Republicans have said similar things, Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio among them.

However, other congressional Republicans have taken a much more laissez-faire approach to encouraging mask usage.

Because that’s how contagion works – it’s all a matter of choice. You choose to let the virus infect you, or you choose not to. The virus chooses you, or it chooses the person beside you. Your immune system chooses to blow everything up, or it chooses not to. You choose to die, or you choose not to.


At the end of a House freedom caucus press conference moments ago, caucus chairman Andy Biggs was asked whether his Arizona consitutents should wear masks. “It’s up to them,” Biggssaid.

Up to them. Choosy choice. Choose to infect people, or choose not to. Up to you.

After eight staffers tested positive

Jun 25th, 2020 11:32 am | By


All of President Donald Trump’s campaign staffers who attended his rally in Tulsa on Saturday are quarantining this week after interacting with several colleagues later tested positive for coronavirus, CNN has learned.

Now about all those people in the audience…

After eight staffers tested positive, several of the campaign’s top officials decided to quarantine for the week instead of going into the office, two sources familiar with the situation told CNN. Staff had only recently returned to the office after months of working from home because of coronavirus restrictions.

They’re working to re-elect the guy who put them in harm’s way for his own selfish purposes.

The fallout from Trump’s push to hold a rally with thousands of attendees has continued in the days since he returned from Tulsa — and as the nation as a whole remains engulfed by the pandemic. The three most populous states set records for new coronavirus cases daily and there are fears of “apocalyptic” surges in major Texas cities if the trend continues.

Can we quarantine Texas?

Florida and Texas announced Wednesday that they’d recorded more than 5,000 new Covid-19 cases the prior day, a new daily record. California reported more than 7,000 cases, obliterating a record hit a day earlier.

On Wednesday night, CNN confirmed that multiple Secret Service officers were also instructed to self-quarantine after two of their colleagues who were on site for the rally tested positive.

Well just stop testing them and everything will be fine!

Oh grow up

Jun 25th, 2020 11:03 am | By

Trump plans to have a fireworks & sojers party at “Mount Rushmore” next month. What a disgusting idea in every way.

Trump’s plans to kick off Independence Day with a showy display at Mount Rushmore are drawing sharp criticism from Native Americans who view the monument as a desecration of land violently stolen from them and used to pay homage to leaders hostile to native people.

Desecration and uglification. That thing is a monstrosity.

The event is slated to include fighter jets thundering over the 79-year-old stone monument in South Dakota’s Black Hills and the first fireworks display at the site since 2009.

Loud noises! Bangs! Roars! He can understand those.

Trump has long shown a fascination with Mount Rushmore. South Dakota’s governor, Kristi Noem, said in 2018 that he had once told her straight-faced it was his dream to have his face carved into the monument.

Oh ffs. What could matter less? It’s about as significant as a Paul Bunyan statue outside a diner.

The National Park Service stopped staging pyrotechnics at Mount Rushmore in 2010 out of concern that it could ignite wildfires under drought conditions, the Washington Post reports. The memorial is surrounded by 1,200 acres of forested lands, including ponderosa pines, and lies next to the Black Hills national forest’s Black Elk Wilderness.

A multi-state effort was focused on Thursday on fighting a wildfire that started in nearby Custer state park on Wednesday, burning about six miles from Mount Rushmore, the Rapid City Journal reported.

So by all means let’s start a new wildfire so that we can have some loud bangs.

The monument was conceived in the 1920s as a tourist draw for the new fad in vacationing called the road trip.

What I said. It’s like a Paul Bunyan statue, not like the Lincoln Memorial. It’s tacky as well as ugly and intrusive and kind of white supremacistish. (Behold our Giant White Faces, Lakota people, and be overawed.)

Why girls need a little privacy

Jun 25th, 2020 10:10 am | By

Oh what do you know look at that – the Independent in 2018 doing a whole piece on the need for girls’ toilets in schools.

Unesco is urging governments around the world to prioritise providing single-sex toilets in schools, warning as many as 1 in 10 girls in some countries are missing out on lessons because of their period.

The UN’s education body surveyed 189 countries as part of its sixth annual gender review, obtained exclusively by The Independent ahead of International Women’s Day.

While the report found some progress had been made in gender equality in education, it said one in three countries still failed to allow equal numbers of boys and girls into primary school.

One “obstacle” to girls attending school was a lack of segregated toilets in schools, review director Manos Antoninis said, adding the agency found there was “little focus” on menstrual hygiene in schools in 21 low and middle income countries.

So sex-segregated toilets are needed for girls to be able to attend school? Is that what we’re saying?

“Improved sanitation to address adolescent girls’ concerns over privacy, particularly during menstruation, can influence their education decisions,” he said. “Single-sex toilets are desperately needed to overcome girls’ barriers to education.”

Huh. But we’ve been told it’s the worst kind of transphobia for women to say that women and girls need privacy in the toilets.

In Bangladesh, 41 per cent of schoolgirls aged between 11 and 17 reported missing three days of school every month because of a lack of adequate sanitary care, according to the report.

Meanwhile, in rural areas of west African nations including Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia, less than a fifth of schools had four or more of Unesco’s five recommended menstrual hygiene services. These include separate sex toilets with doors and locks, water and rubbish bins.

And one more thing…

Unesco also for the first time recommended children be taught about power dynamics between boys and girls in school.

Teaching children about the relationship between the genders in sex education classes would not only tackle gender-based violence, but also help reduce teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, Unesco said.

Not a word about trans girls in the whole piece. Was anyone sacked?

Man wins Female District Leader position

Jun 24th, 2020 6:49 pm | By

M. K. Fain on that election in Queens:

Emilia Decaudin, a man, has won the Female District Leader position for New York City’s 37-A district, which resides in Queens. Last year, Decaudin successfully petitioned to eliminate the sex parity rule in New York Democratic Leadership Council roles—a rule which was put in place by feminists to ensure women’s fair and equal participation in the democratic process.

And along came a man to say no, let’s not ensure women’s fair and equal participation in the democratic process. Let’s keep women out, instead.

Decaudin, who identifies as transgender and non-binary, defeated Deirdre Feerick, a woman, for the female position by a margin of about 5.5 points. Feerick was an experienced politician who enjoyed the endorsement of the Queens Democratic Party. Decaudin appears to have only recently moved to the district after residing in Westchester County.

In October, City Democrats insisted that changing the rules “would NOT affect the gender parity of (half of the seats reserved for women) outlined for elected office seats such as District Leaders.” This has proven to untrue—as was expected by feminists. District 37A will now be represented by two white men, despite the fact that the District as a whole is a “majority minority” District, largely consisting of Hispanics, and does, in fact, also contain women, who have now been deprived of a representative.

Sorry, wims, sucks to be you.