Shameful to watch

Oct 1st, 2020 10:19 am | By

He’s still finding ways to get worse.

Stand by

Oct 1st, 2020 7:41 am | By

About Trump and the Proud Boys

The president was asked repeatedly by the moderator, Chris Wallace, to condemn violence by white supremacists and rightwing groups, such as armed militias, as well as criticizing leftwing protesters.

Instead, Trump addressed the Proud Boys, a far-right group whose members have been sentenced to prison for attacking leftwing protesters in political street fights, and said: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.”

The Proud Boys, whose uniform is a black polo shirt, immediately celebrated the president’s comment in posts on social media platform Telegram. One Proud Boys group added the phrase “Stand Back, Stand By” to their logo. Another post was a message to Trump: “Standing down and standing by sir.”

Ready to “do something” about antifa and the left sir.

In 2019, a New York judge who sentenced two Proud Boys members to prison for assaulting leftwing protesters after an event in New York City said that cracking down on political violence was essential.

“I know enough about history to know what happened in Europe in the 30s when political street brawls were allowed to go ahead,” the judge said at the Proud Boys’ sentencing, the New York Post reported.

And what happened in the 40s as a result.

Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, also condemned the president’s refusal to disavow white supremacists. “The president of the United States, in the year of our Lord 2020, refuses to condemn white supremacists,” she said.

Maybe they’ll make him their god when he loses the election.


Oct 1st, 2020 6:40 am | By

Good one.

Not so good.

Complete absence of thought

Oct 1st, 2020 6:23 am | By

Damn. There I was thinking no one would be rushing forward to say “Barbie Kardashian” is no threat to anyone and that it’s transphobic and evil to say he is. DINGDING wrong again.

They also posted the statement on Facebook.

We are profoundly disappointed with the recent piece shared by the Limerick Leader. The Limerick Feminist Network have been active in Limerick and working on the ground with the feminist community for several years and we are disappointed that we were not contacted for comment. Never the less, here are our views on the matter.

Trans women are not a threat to cis women. With the rise of the far-right and the huge increase in calls to domestic and sexual violence support services since the beginning of lockdown it is clear that some of the biggest threats to women right now are cis men and white supremacy.

The notion that cis men are pretending to identify as female, changing their names and obtaining certificates of gender recognition just to get access to abuse and victimise women is not only ludicrous but completely inaccurate and a narrative that makes trans women incredibly unsafe.

Trans women are women, trans men are men. We stand with all of our trans and LGBTQIA+ siblings and will continue to promote and practice feminism that is inclusive and intersectional.

It is never okay to dead name a trans person. There is no place for transphobia in Irish feminism.

We hope that the Limerick Leader takes the time to learn from this and urge them to contact and include the diverse voices of local community organisations in future.

So, you know, if you’re out and about in Limerick and you run into “Barbie Kardashian” on the street you shouldn’t turn and walk swiftly away, you should approach him and offer your warm kind compassionate intersectional inclooosivity.

Compare and contrast

Sep 30th, 2020 5:11 pm | By

The people of Twitter are disputing and/or reproaching John Cleese for signing the letter, but they’re not shouting or threatening or hurling sexual insults and fantasies about violence. Funny, that.

Sarcasm. Oh no not sarcasm!

Added to the signatories

Sep 30th, 2020 1:48 pm | By

So there.

Of course the nonsense follows swiftly.

MY hormones, mine mine mine, me me me. It’s personal.

Once more, with feeling: it’s not about existing. It’s about truth-claims. Truth-claims about the self are not the same thing as existence. If you say you’re forty feet tall and I say you’re not, you don’t abruptly pop out of existence. That’s not how it works.

What SurvivalSavvy said:

Oh John. Please say this isn’t so. Are you really abandoning inclusion and diversity for narrow minded anti-trans bigotry? So very disappointed.

Compelling stuff, for sure.

How is it any of a woman’s business that men want to take the word “women” away from women? The question answers itself.

A big problem in Philadelphia

Sep 30th, 2020 9:47 am | By

What Trump refused to say is significant.

Fox News’s Chris Wallace — who had spent most of the debate with the demeanor of someone unexpectedly pulled from the audience to ride a bronco at a rodeo — pushed Trump on his recent reluctance to say that he would ensure a smooth transition should he lose.

“Will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period, not to engage in any civil unrest?” Wallace asked. “And will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified?”

Oh hell no. Of course he won’t.

“I’m urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen,” Trump said. “I am urging them to do it. As you know, today, there was a big problem in Philadelphia. They went in to watch. They were called poll watchers, a very safe, very nice thing. They were thrown out. They weren’t allowed to watch. You know why? Because bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things.”

In fact they were asked to leave because of the pandemic restrictions.

There is a utility to having poll watchers in place, people trained to track voter turnout or, for those with particular expertise, to assist those who might need help casting a ballot. What Trump is obviously encouraging is to poll watching what armed militias are to police: self-appointed experts whose priority is less keeping order than confronting perceived enemies. It wasn’t the first time that Trump had similarly called on his supporters to serve in that capacity, but it was probably the call that had the largest audience.

And let’s not forget that this is in a country with a long and murderous history of such “poll watching” to keep the descendants of slaves from voting. Black people were lynched for voting not that many decades ago. Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were murdered in 1964, when Donald Trump was 18.

That was in a different Philadelphia.

Hot mess–>dumpster fire–>train wreck

Sep 30th, 2020 9:34 am | By

The reviews are harsh.

Then Dana Bash says that was polite, she’s just gonna say it like it is: that was a shitshow.

Why are tv news personalities moderating these debates anyway? None of this is a good idea.

He interrupted, ranted, raged, spewed lies

Sep 30th, 2020 9:20 am | By

I hate presidential debates. I think it’s a bad thing that they’re taken so seriously and given so much attention. Debating isn’t a key part of what a president does – presidents aren’t legislators, they’re executives.

Add to that a debate where Trump is one of the debaters…and just no.

I did watch a few minutes, just to see, and was disgusted, and stopped.

Our shame can be seen from space.

Only one man looked remotely presidential on the debate stage in Cleveland, Ohio, and it was not the incumbent. He interrupted, ranted, raged, spewed lies and interrupted some more. Oh, and he passed on an opportunity to condemn white supremacists, instead telling them to “stand back and stand by”.

And the Fox News umpire did a shit job of keeping him under control.

Trump looked more like a challenger than an incumbent, butting in and hurling petty insults such as: “Don’t ever use the word ‘smart’ with me … There’s nothing smart about you, Joe.” The hapless Wallace struggled to gain control as viewers heard only a cacophony of voices. “I am the moderator of this debate, let me ask my question,” he almost pleaded.

Worst of all, when Wallace asked Trump if he was willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups, the president couldn’t do it, saying: “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by! But I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left.”

And that somebody might as well be white supremacists amirite?


Sep 30th, 2020 8:55 am | By

Well anyway they’ve written a letter too so ha. They’ve written their own Big Important letter that repeats The Dogma so there. Take that, Bad People.

Days after a host of prominent literary names signed a letter defending JK Rowling “against hate”, more than 200 writers, publishers and journalists including Jeanette WintersonMalorie Blackman and Joanne Harris have put their names to another stating their support for transgender and non-binary people.

In order to imply that The Enemy is undermining transgender and non-binary people.

The letter, which is described as “a message of love and solidarity for the trans and non-binary community”, was pulled together by acclaimed writers Kiran Millwood Hargrave and Daisy Johnson. With signatories also including Juno DawsonElizabeth DayMax PorterNikesh ShuklaSara CollinsIrenosen OkojieMary Jean ChanNaoise DolanOlivia SudjicSharlene Teo and Patrick Ness, it states that “non-binary lives are valid, trans women are women, trans men are men, trans rights are human rights”.

There it is again – the empty meaningless jargon, robotically repeated. It’s like the Doxology or the Pledge of Allegiance or the Dale Carnegie ego-booster.

The statement was put together in the wake of an open letter signed by 58 writers including Ian McEwan, Lionel Shriver, Susan Hill and Philip Hensher, which highlighted the abuse directed at Rowling, and the “insidious, authoritarian and misogynistic trend in social media”.

So let’s have another insidious, authoritarian and misogynistic letter. Can’t have too many, can we.

And when you look at the people who signed

Sep 30th, 2020 8:41 am | By

The Bookseller reports on Mslexia’s shunning of Amanda Craig:

Amanda Craig has been dropped as a competition judge by women’s writing magazine Mslexia over her signing of a letter to the Times in defence of J K Rowling.

…Craig has said she is “very disappointed” by the decision taken after her involvement protesting “relentless bullying and death threats to a fellow author”. She also called on professional bodies, including the Society of Authors and English PEN, to defend authors from such bullying.

Craig had been appointed a judge for the Mslexia Fiction & Memoir Competition 2020 alongside novelist Kiran Millwood Hargrave and literary agent Joanna Moult. Hargrave said on Twitter that she “wasn’t comfortable to sit on a panel of judges alongside Amanda because of the letter”. She said she had offered to step down herself in order to let Craig remain on the panel.

Craig said: “I was going to judge this prize as a favour to a magazine I’ve supported virtually since it began. I’m very sad, because I love finding new talent,” said Craig. “But I am just very disappointed in them [Mslexia] because it seems quite clear to me what I am protesting against, like the other signatories, is the relentless bullying and death threats to a fellow author. It’s clear that is what that letter was about. It wasn’t about views on trans matters, which I know there is a broad spectrum of opinion about; it was to show someone I very much admire as a writer support. So it’s disappointing and ironic that a magazine, founded to support and champion women writers, should have fallen in this ridiculous way. I’m afraid it’s pretty damaging for them.”

All the more so when the point of contention is whether or not men can literally transmogrify into women. If anything short of agreeing – noisily, enthusiastically, publicly – that men can become women is grounds for punishment and ostracism, then we’re in a realm of thought-policing in the most grimly literal sense possible.

Hargrave–who was to be Craig’s co-judge on the panel and has since been attacked on social media over her stance on the issue–said from her point of view she was glad Mslexia had “taken a stand in support of a persecuted minority”. 

Men? Men are not a persecuted minority.

One of the organisers behind a letter published in the Guardian on Wednesday (30th September) in solidarity with the non-binary and trans community, she said: “Following Amanda’s signing of the Times letter, I spoke with Mslexia and offered to step down as my views are antithetical with the signees. I’ve seen a lot of talk about how it was a letter opposing bullying, but where was the support for the trans community Rowling put in harm’s way with her views?”

Rowling didn’t put “the trans community” in harm’s way with her views. That’s the usual manipulative lying crap and it is a pack of lies.

“I do not support hate speech, towards anyone. I never condone or participate in it. And when you look at the people who signed –Graham Linehan, Lionel Shriver–it’s clear there is alignment with transphobia. That is unacceptable to me, and to Mslexia, who are after all a magazine for women who write. You can’t exclude trans women from that definition and truly represent all women.”

Yes you can. That’s exactly what you can do. What you can’t do is the other thing: include men in the definition of women and truly represent all women. Support and help and love and hang out with gender-nonconforming men all you like, by all means, but don’t try to bully us into agreeing that their gender nonconformity means they are literally women. That’s just stupid.

“If they had asked me to step down, I would have without fanfare or public statement. I’m disappointed the same courtesy wasn’t afforded me, and that I have been subject to character attacks by people with a track record of spreading hatred. The debate has become a binary of ‘supporting’ Amanda, or ‘supporting’ me and Mslexia.”

Whose fault is that? Nothing required Hargrave to ostracize Craig; the decision to do so was all hers, and was malevolent and destructive. Yes it created a “binary” but she’s the one who created it. We think she did a bad destructive anti-woman thing and we get to say so, even if it does create a “binary.”

“Really, it’s about trans people’s right to exist and have their existence enshrined in law.”

Like hell it is. Nobody disputes trans people’s right to exist. It’s not about existence, it’s about definition. Catastrophizing talk of a right to exist is just more bullying.

“I did not set out to ‘cancel’ Amanda, and the very people who say I have now seek to ‘cancel’ me. Those who claim to hate bullying share my name and invite others to ridicule me and the work I do – the hypocrisy is astonishing. Judging a prize is an honour, not a right, and I am glad Mslexia have taken a stand in support of a persecuted minority.”

There’s that “persecuted minority” again. Men are not a persecuted minority.

So much stale empty jargon thrown down like poker chips. Look behind the damn jargon to see if it even means anything. Use your brain instead of your box of slogans.

We do except when we don’t

Sep 30th, 2020 7:52 am | By

Mslexia has issued a statement – a bad, stupid, smarmy, chickenshit statement.

All that plus difficult to read – but hey, tiny white print on a lavender background is so Feminine, amirite?

Mslexia exists to support all writers who identify as women, regardless of their prior background or current circumstances, including issues relating to their age, race, class, income, disability, sexual preference, location, health status, fertility, caring responsibilities and gender assignment. We stand against all forms of abuse and harassment.

Mslexia aims to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages women to express themselves across a wide range of literary genres in the knowledge that they, and their writing, will always be treated with respect.

Therefore, we absolutely respect any woman’s right to freedom of speech, within the law. However, if a Mslexia judge expresses views that threaten to undermine Mslexia’s climate of welcome and inclusivity, we will always ask her to step down from that role.

So “Mslexia exists to support all writers who identify as women” – as opposed to supporting all writers who are women. I’m ancient enough to remember a time when it was enough to just be a woman, and it wasn’t enough to just “identify as” a woman [while not actually being one]. I think we shouldn’t have swapped the one for the other. I think we should go on thinking of women as women, and leave it at that. Men who wish they were women are a separate issue, and frankly not our problem. That’s not to say we can’t be supportive or sympathetic, it’s just to say that it is literally not our problem and that women still have a lot of inequities and injustices to deal with; we don’t need to take on men’s issues along with ours, let alone instead of ours.

Notice that in that list of 11 items in under “including” that sex is not included. Mslexia exists to support all writers who identify as women, including men but not including all women. Uh…thanks? Mslexia exists to support all writers who identify as women but it will drop a woman like a stone if she supports a woman who supports a woman who fails to agree that men are literally women if they say they are.

(I still, after all these years, find it hard to believe – this new “feminism” that includes some men and excludes women who don’t agree that those men are literally women.)

Mslexia aims to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages women to express themselves across a wide range of literary genres in the knowledge that they, and their writing, will always be treated with respect.

No it doesn’t. Obviously not.

Therefore, we absolutely respect any woman’s right to freedom of speech, within the law. However, if a Mslexia judge expresses views that threaten to undermine Mslexia’s climate of welcome and inclusivity, we will always ask her to step down from that role.

That is, they don’t aim to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages women to express themselves across a wide range of literary genres in the knowledge that they, and their writing, will always be treated with respect. Despite the fact that they just typed words saying they do, they don’t, because immediately after typing words that say they do, they typed more words that say they don’t. You can’t have both, chums. You can’t say you support women and then say you dump women who fail to agree that men can be women.

Mitch said what?

Sep 29th, 2020 4:28 pm | By

I don’t understand.

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell dismissed the suggestion that Amy Coney Barrett would vote to scrap the Affordable Care Act.

“This mother of seven, including multiple children who were born or adopted facing preexisting condition medical challenges, is just itching to block families like hers from accessing medical care. What a joke,” McConnell said, per an NBC News reporter.

I’m not being sarcastic, I really don’t understand. If Evil Mitch said that, it means that he gets why universal health care is necessary, and is willing to let us know that he gets it. But they hate universal health care. They want it to be health care for those who can afford it. He’s admitting that it would be bad to scrap the ACA because scrapping it would mean millions would be unable to afford health care and/or get insurance if they had pre-existing conditions. But Mitch and his gang long to scrap the ACA.

I seriously do not understand why he would say that out in the open.

Grab that pen and sign

Sep 29th, 2020 3:22 pm | By

They’ve made the letter a petition now, so the whole world can sign. Signatures are flooding in.
Pen Solidarity Fist – Welcome to infinitefreetime dot com


Sep 29th, 2020 12:08 pm | By

If you sign a letter or say a thing in support of JK Rowling you must be punished.

Punish her. Never mind that she didn’t do anything wrong, punish her, just to be safe.

Is this ok?

Sep 29th, 2020 11:55 am | By

Barbie Norman Bates

Sep 29th, 2020 11:20 am | By

I started seeing stories on this about a week ago, and it was so…horror-movie like and gruesome I wasn’t sure what to do with it so decided to wait and see. New developments mean that waiting is over. Meet “Barbie Kardashian”:

Limerick, Munster. A teenager who was “born a male but identifies as a female” is facing four counts of making threats to kill or cause serious harm. The accused, who has demonstrated a pattern of criminal and extreme physical and sexual violence towards women, is eager to be held in female custody while awaiting trial.

So that he can have an abundance of new female victims. Well surely no one will go along with that plan.

Gardaí, the national police service of the Republic of Ireland, says 18-year-old Barbie Kardashian made threats of violence against two individuals in July, August and September of this year.

The youth was arrested on the night of Thursday, September 24, and has been remanded into custody.

Michèle Finan, solicitor for Mr Kardashian, insists her client would be “exceptionally vulnerable in a prison setting,” and is “very anxious she be detained in a prison facility for females, as she identifies as a female.” The solicitor requested that her client’s “certificate of gender recognition” be submitted to Limerick District Court, which is hearing the case.

Wait. Wait. Seriously, slow down, wait. WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER WOMEN?

This deeply disturbed kid has a history of violently attacking women so he should not be detained in a facility for women. How is that not blindingly obvious?

And when I say “violently” I’m not messing around.

In 2012, the boy was made subject to a care order after violently attacking his own mother. The mother had fled to a women’s refuge with her eight-year-old son in 2010 to escape his abusive father. Staff at the refuge expressed concern about the child’s violence toward his mother. Mother and son moved into a rented accommodation after a year and a half, until he carried out the particularly brutal attack on his mother at age 10. The child was then placed into care.

He continued sharing plans to kill his mother, including a scheme detailed to an aftercare manager that involved obtaining his mother’s new address and gaining entry to the home. At the advice of gardaí, the mother recently fled to a different part of the country to ensure safety from her son.

This is one time I’m giving a content warning. The next paragraph is the main reason I hesitated to post about this at all.

On May 1 of last year, the 17-year-old was a backseat passenger in a car when, suddenly and without provocation, he lunged forward and dug his nails into the eyes of the female care worker driving the vehicle. The teen boy “wrapped her legs around the victim’s head and chest, refusing to let go, and bit the care worker on the hand” while threatening to kill her. The care worker was left with torn eyelids. “Clumps” of hair had been ripped from her scalp. The woman had to be hospitalized.

But never mind all that – he wants to be housed with the women, so the kindly officials gave him what he wants.

A TEENAGER WAS today remanded in continuing custody on charges of making threats to kill two people.

Barbie Kardashian, (18), of no fixed abode, appeared before Limerick District Court, via video-link from the women’s section of Limerick Prison.

They did it. They went ahead and did it.

There’s a mug shot.

Barbie Kardashian

Certain rites and doctrines

Sep 29th, 2020 10:47 am | By

Gee, who could have guessed – it turns out that Trump is not a devout Christian after all. It was all an act!!! Are you amazed?

The president’s alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. “My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith,” he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year.

But it’s transparently a ploy, given that Trump had never given the slightest hint of religiosity until he decided to become king of Murka.

But in private, many of Trump’s comments about religion are marked by cynicism and contempt, according to people who have worked for him. Former aides told me they’ve heard Trump ridicule conservative religious leaders, dismiss various faith groups with cartoonish stereotypes, and deride certain rites and doctrines held sacred by many of the Americans who constitute his base.

We’re supposed to recoil in disgust at this point but I can’t oblige. I agree with him on this one. If that makes me a trumpish vulgarian on the subject then so be it.

The fraud on the other hand is a whole different matter.

A white house spokeser asked for comment said blah blah plus

The president is also well known for joking and his terrific sense of humor, which he shares with people of all faiths.

Nah. His sense of humor isn’t terrific. He’s not intelligent enough for that.

It helped that Trump seemed to feel a kinship with prosperity preachers—often evincing a game-recognizes-game appreciation for their hustle. The former campaign adviser recalled showing his boss a YouTube video of the Israeli televangelist Benny Hinn performing “faith healings,” while Trump laughed at the spectacle and muttered, “Man, that’s some racket.” On another occasion, the adviser told me, Trump expressed awe at Joel Osteen’s media empire—particularly the viewership of his televised sermons.

It’s very Mark Twain, isn’t it. He’s the Duke and the Dauphin to the life.

The conservative Christian elites Trump surrounds himself with have always been more clear-eyed about his lack of religiosity than they’ve publicly let on.

See? We’ve known that all along. Of course they have – you’d have to be very dense and inattentive to think Trump meant any of it.

Accused of

Sep 28th, 2020 3:42 pm | By

Look at this stupid chain of “accused of”s and “previously criticized”s and “branded as”s all linked up to make a hearsay accusation of Wrongthink against…you’ll never guess…a woman. Funny how reliably it’s a woman these days.

A HISTORY professor accused of being transphobic will head a new women’s rights initiative at Oxford University.

Oh accused of; well what more do you need to know. It could be some random crackpot in the pub just before closing, but do let’s make it the basis for a story in the Oxford Mail because hey, it’s only a woman. Also why does she get to be a history professor when the inquisitors on Twitter don’t? What’s so great about her besides brains and education and discipline?

Professor of Modern History at Oxford University Selina Todd is one of the academics who will lead the research programme that was announced earlier this month.

But Prof Todd has previously been criticised by LGBT+ campaigners for holding ‘anti-trans’ views and supporting the group Woman’s Place, which was recently branded as a ‘trans-exclusionary hate group’ by the Labour Campaign for Trans Rights.

She’s one of the academics leading the research programme but wait wait wait SOMEBODY SAID SOMETHING.

Why is “somebody said something” even worth a newspaper story? Why do newspapers keep publishing them? The people who say this kind of shit tend to be very stupid and very blinkered and very aggressive toward women so why is it worth solemnly publishing their accusations in newspapers??

It is unclear how the new Women’s Equality and Inequality, which is part of the Oxford Martin Programme, will improve the rights of all women, including trans women, as both Prof Todd and Oxford University did not provide a comment when contacted by the Oxford Mail.

Improving the rights of all women does not entail improving the rights of trans women, because trans women are men. All this insisting that women can’t talk about women’s rights without being interrupted to be told we have to include men in women’s rights is such perverse backward-looking misogynist shit I can barely credit that we’re still arguing about it.

Also, “both X and Y did not” is bad English.

Guest post: Every self-deception was multiplied

Sep 28th, 2020 2:56 pm | By

Originally a comment by Nullius in Verba on How DO we put up with it?

Most murdered? Come off it. One look at official homicide statistics should put that to rest, but activists are actively hostile to data. Just as with the religious, statistics and math and facts are not how they came by their beliefs in the first place. Remember, “If your original Hebrew disagrees with my original King James — your original Hebrew is wrong. If your original Hebrew agrees with my original King James, your original Hebrew is right.”

They’ve heard the idea that trans people are being murdered and denied basic rights at a terrifying rate. They’ve heard it a lot. As Daniel Kahneman wrote in Thinking, Fast and Slow, “People tend to assess the relative importance of issues by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory.” Because they so easily recall claims of the dire straits of trans people, they are absolutely certain that any stats showing a contrary scenario are false. And now everyone they talk to treats the claim as obviously true.

Whether due to the company they keep or social media siloing, they’ve heard it about trans people more than any other group, and everyone they interact with is of like mind. As Albert Speer wrote:

… in normal circumstances people who turn their backs on reality are soon set straight by the mockery and criticism of those around them, which makes them aware they have lost credibility. In the Third Reich, there were no such correctives, especially for those who belonged to the upper stratum. On the contrary, every self-deception was multiplied in a hall of distorting mirrors, becoming a repeatedly confirmed picture of a fantastical dream world, which no longer bore any relationship to the grim outside world. In those mirrors I could see nothing but my own face reproduced many times over.