Trump v the civil service

Oct 24th, 2020 11:19 am | By

Alarm bells:

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S newest executive order, signed without fanfare this week, could prove one of his most insidious.

The directive from the White House, issued late Wednesday, sounds technical: creating a new “Schedule F” within the “excepted service” of the federal government for employees in policymaking roles, and directing agencies to determine who qualifies. Its implications, however, are profound and alarming. It gives those in power the authority to fire more or less at will as many as tens of thousands of workers currently in the competitive civil service, from managers to lawyers to economists to, yes, scientists.

Wo. That’s a terrible plan. It dynamites the whole point of having a civil service (the hilarities of Yes Minister notwithstanding).

This week’s order is a major salvo in the president’s onslaught against the cadre of dedicated civil servants whom he calls the “deep state” — and who are really the greatest strength of the U.S. government.

The administration grounds its action in the need to rid itself of “poor performers.” Certainly, there’s room for reform to the cumbersome process required to remove those who fall short of standards. But this president’s criteria for determining satisfactory performance begin and end with personal loyalty. The White House admitted last winter to seeking to purge from payrolls those deemed insufficiently reliable — the “bad people,” in Mr. Trump’s words. The protections for career civil servants currently in place at least put some roadblocks on that path, hence this legally dubious plan to erase those protections with a touch of organizational sleight of hand. Not only will politically motivated firing become easier, but it will also be easier to hire those who meet Mr. Trump’s standards: obsequiousness and, more often than not, a lack of qualifications. With no competitive process in place, leaders can appoint whom they please — or rather, who pleases them.

Trump world everywhere. Let’s not do that.

The final turn

Oct 24th, 2020 10:08 am | By

We’re still doing it wrong.

The United States on Friday was approaching a record for the number of new daily coronavirus cases, as a new study warned that the pandemic is set to cause half a million American deaths by February.

This means that with cases surging in many states, particularly the upper midwest, what appears to be a third major peak of coronavirus infections in the US could lead to nearly 300,000 people dying in just the next four months.

Compared to over 200,000 in the last eight months – so that’s a huge leap.

The news came as Anthony Fauci, the top public health official on the White House coronavirus taskforce, said Donald Trump has not met with the taskforce “for several months” and the body itself meets less frequently than it did earlier in the pandemic, despite the fact that [the] outbreak is not yet under control.

Well, it’s nice that he’s feeling relaxed about it.

At a campaign rally late on Friday afternoon, Trump instead claimed without evidence that the US was entering the “final turn” of the outbreak.

The final turn into the abyss, that is.

No, bud, that’s not the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s the fire in the furnace.

In fact the University of Washington warned that the situation will be even more disastrous if states continue to ease off on measures designed to restrict the spread of the virus, such as the shuttering of certain businesses and social distancing edicts. If states wind down such protections, the death toll could top 1 million people in America by 28 February, the UW study found.

Too bad we have a president who tells states to wind down those protections.

Princess of pristine

Oct 24th, 2020 9:51 am | By

Speaking of the princess…she’s sharing Trump’s idiotic “cleanliness” interpretation of environmentalism.

“Pristine” ffs. It’s the comprehension of a resort-owner. There must be NO DIRT anywhere. We need CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER and PRISTINE OCEANS AND BEACHES.

The hell we do. Sterile environments are by definition hostile to life. Biology needs a lot of muck, and it generates a lot of muck. Princess Ivanka makes it sound as if we should bleach everything. (Ask the coral reefs how that’s working out.)

I cannot wait to see the back of these people.

Jared and Ivanka have always been entitled bullies

Oct 24th, 2020 9:02 am | By

Hahahahaha Princess Ivanka and Prince Jared are SUING, they are SUING I tell you.

I’m sure they’ll win that suit because how could anyone possibly back up the claim that Princess Barbie is indifferent to the sufferings of people harmed by her criminal murderous daddy?

For the first time ever I feel a twinge of gratitude toward Princess and Prince, for giving us this bit of amusement in dark times.

The gents remained unchanged

Oct 23rd, 2020 5:18 pm | By

Why do they keep doing this?

This makes NO sense. Women are the ones subject to sexual violence and harassment and creeping (you know, cameras, peering over the partition, that stuff), not men. Women; not men. It shouldn’t be men who are given the toilets to themselves while women have to share them with men; that is backwards.

Plus the whole…”well we don’t want to push men around because they might punch us, so we’ll just dump it all on you, because if you punch us we can smash all your teeth in.” It’s called bullying; it’s called unfair; it’s called taking advantage.

But what does “male”mean?

Oct 23rd, 2020 4:40 pm | By

I wish I’d heard that (or could currently find a recording of it):

Marina sent the perfect question:

Seriously. How can Kate Manne talk about something named “male entitlement” or “male privilege” if she doesn’t know who male people are? How does she know they’re not all trans women but just haven’t worked up the courage to say so yet?

Festival of Ideas blurbs the conversation:

Philosopher Kate Manne offers a radical new framework for understanding misogyny. She ranges widely across the culture — from the Kavanaugh hearings and ‘Cat Person’ to Harvey Weinstein and Elizabeth Warren — to show how the idea that a privileged man is tacitly deemed to be owed something is a pervasive problem. Male entitlement can explain a wide array of phenomena, from mansplaining and the undertreatment of women’s pain to mass shootings by incels and the seemingly intractable notion that women are ‘unelectable’. The consequences for girls and women are often devastating.

Male entitlement can explain a wide array of phenomena, from mansplaining and the undertreatment of women’s pain to mass shootings by incels and the seemingly intractable notion that women are ‘unelectable’ not to mention the ease with which men can announce that they’re trans or non-binary and instantly shed all trace of privilege and instead become the victims of those monsters, women who don’t believe men can become women.

As Manne shows, toxic masculinity is not just the product of a few bad actors; we are all implicated, conditioned as we are by the currents of our time. She sheds new light on gender and power and offers a vision of a world in which women are just as entitled as men to be cared for, believed and valued.

Unless they’re TERFs. Or Karens. Or both.

Sinking ship

Oct 23rd, 2020 12:10 pm | By

Aw, Bibi won’t play.

Speaking to “Bibi” on the phone in the Oval Office earlier today, Trump tried to goad Netanyahu into attacking Joe Biden.

“Do you think Sleepy Joe could have made this deal, Bibi?” Trump asked Netanyahu, referring to Biden by an insulting nickname. “You think he would have made this deal? Somehow, I don’t think so.”

Very appropriate. Just what heads of state are supposed to do – try to draw other heads of state into insulting a rival for the office. “Bibi” will have to work with Biden if we succeed in putting a stake through Trump’s gut, but Donnie Two Scoops can’t be bothered with details like that when they’re about other people.

But Netanyahu did not go along with Trump’s attack, instead saying, “Well, Mr President, one thing I can tell you, is, um, uh, we appreciate the help for peace from anyone in America, and we appreciate what you have done enormously.”

Misogynist bat signal

Oct 23rd, 2020 11:59 am | By

Peter Tatchell’s determined indifference to the concerns of women – which he names accurately and claims to “sympathize and empathize with” – is breathtaking to see.

The new regime

Oct 23rd, 2020 11:46 am | By

More voter suppression from the right-wing Supreme Court:

The Supreme Court has sided with Alabama state officials who banned curbside voting intended to accommodate individuals with disabilities and those at risk from the COVID-19 virus.

The high court issued its order Wednesday night, without explanation, over the dissent of the court’s three liberal justices.

At issue was the decision by the Alabama secretary of state to ban counties from allowing curbside voting, even for those voters with disabilities and those for whom COVID-19 is disproportionately likely to be fatal.

People like that won’t be voting for Trump so…

Actually the studies show

Oct 23rd, 2020 11:14 am | By

Tatchell reminds us he doesn’t give a shit about women.

Trans women are at a disadvantage in women’s sport? Really?



Oct 23rd, 2020 11:01 am | By

This goon. He says it AGAIN – I knew he was going to and flinched in advance and pow, there it was: the crystal clean water again.

But also…starting at 40 seconds, notice the energy with which he calls China filthy, India filthy. We can all see he’s not just thinking about “the air.”

The remaining archives will be sealed for 30 years

Oct 23rd, 2020 10:38 am | By

Remember those skeletons in the septic tank at the Catholic-run mother and baby prison [formally “home”] in Tuam? Let’s hush all that kind of thing up until everyone’s dead, ok?

In September, the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes said bespoke legislation would be required to safeguard and transfer a database of the mothers and children who were resident in the main mother-and-baby homes.

The bill provided for the database to be sent to Tusla, which raised concerns among former residents of the homes and their families over their ability to access the information held by the Child and Family Agency.

Under a 2004 act, the remaining archives will be sealed for 30 years. Last Friday, the bill passed all stages in the Seanad.

Sorry, archives are sealed! Can’t help you I’m afraid! Next!

The Catholic church is good at this business of sealing its own records so that the victims can’t find the evidence, along with the business of sending rapey priests to a different parish instead of stopping them or doing anything to help their victims.

The Catholic church is an evil institution. Most of the US Supreme Court is Catholic. That’s no accident.

In a statement to RTÉ News after the Dáil vote, Social Democrats TD Holly Cairns said: “I asked the minister on the outset, if he will be considering any of the amendments put forward by TDs that are based on input from survivors and human rights experts? He said no.

“We are talking about the most serious kinds of human rights violations – missing children, forced disappearances, illegal adoption and so much more horrific systematic institutional abuse,” she said. “The mother and baby homes commission was formed in light of the discovery of 800 dead children and babies in a misused septic tank,” Ms Cairns added.

“It is sickening that the Minister didn’t consider those affected and then wouldn’t even consider amendments myself and other TDs submitted – amendments based on inputs from survivors and human rights experts,”she said.

Demon God wins another round.

H/t tigger_the_wing

Forced pregnancy

Oct 22nd, 2020 5:35 pm | By

Joining the women-haters club:

The US has today signed an anti-abortion declaration with a group of about 30 largely illiberal or authoritarian governments, after the failure of an effort to expand the conservative coalition.

The “Geneva Consensus Declaration” calls on states to promote women’s rights and health – but without access to abortion – and is part of a campaign by Trump administration, led by secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to reorient US foreign policy in a more socially conservative direction, even at the expense of alienating traditional western allies.

You can’t promote women’s rights while imposing mandatory pregnancy on them. If women can’t say no to having their bodies taken over for nine months then they have no rights.

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Lot of Islamist countries. Funny how Trump hates Muslims when they want to immigrate here but loves them when they’re stamping out women’s rights.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

None of the top twenty countries on the Georgetown index – with the exception of the US (ranked 19th) – has signed the declaration.

The only other European signatory (apart from Belarus and Hungary) is Poland, where the constitutional court approved a near total ban on abortion on Thursday.

It’s shameful. He’s going to be shaming us as much as he can between now and the inauguration.

A virtual signature ceremony was co-hosted by Pompeo and US health and human services secretary, Alex Azar. They portrayed the declaration as a historic moment in a movement to stop abortion being supported as part of reproductive health care, and credited Donald Trump.

“Under President Trump’s leadership, the United States has defended the dignity of human life everywhere and always,” Pompeo said. “He has done it like no other president in history. We have mounted an unprecedented defense of the unborn abroad.”

That is, under pussy-grabber Donald Trump the US has done its best to make women captives of their own bodies again. What about the dignity of their lives? It’s not “dignity” to be forced to remain pregnant against your will.

I hope the frat boys get a humiliating defeat in 12 days.

What right would that be exactly?

Oct 22nd, 2020 4:51 pm | By

Again with this baffler.

That last one is the baffler. WHY is it their general human rights position that people have a right to have their gender identity recognized? WHY??

What they mean by “gender identity” is “fictional gender that is the opposite of the real one.” We dull-normal people don’t have “gender identities” because we forgot to decide to have one and now it’s too late, we can’t take it seriously. “Gender-identity”=claim to be the sex you aren’t. WHY would people have a “right” to have that recognized? Why why WHY? Nobody ever explains it, they just assert it.

It can’t be a right to force people to agree with your personal lie about yourself. That’s just not workable, or reasonable, or fair. I still don’t understand why venerable human rights organizations are taking the idea so seriously. I’ll never understand it.

What do they mean by “officially recognised for who they are”? The problem is that it’s who they are not. Why is it a moral duty to agree that people are what they are not?

The nonsense about “differential treatment based on their identities” is also gibberish. Why wouldn’t murderers and rapists just say their identities are “murderer” and “rapist” and it’s discrimination to give them differential treatment such as arrest and prosecution and imprisonment.

People have lost their damn minds.

You know what you can do with your “agreement”

Oct 22nd, 2020 12:30 pm | By

The 60 Minutes interview wasn’t Trump’s to post. CBS allowed the White House to tape it for archival purposes. Trump doesn’t honor agreements. Never do business with Trump.

CBS News on Thursday called out the White House for violating an agreement it had with the network and posting President Trump’s full “60 Minutes” interview online ahead of its Sunday air date.

“The White House’s unprecedented decision to disregard their agreement with CBS News and release their footage will not deter ’60 Minutes’ from providing its full, fair and contextual reporting which presidents have participated in for decades,” CBS News said in a statement.

CBS News has said the White House recorded the interview alongside the network, but agreed only to use the footage for archival purposes. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the agreement.

In other words Trump and the people who work for him are all cheaters and liars.

The interview began with Stahl asking the President if he was “ready for tough questions.”

Trump replied that he only wanted her to be “fair.”

“But you’re OK with some tough questions?” Stahl asked.

“No, I’m not,” Trump replied.

That’s so Trump. “No! No I don’t want to answer questions that don’t flatter me! No no no no no! You have to flatter me! Everybody does! Bring me two scoops of ice cream!”

But what are pronouns?

Oct 22nd, 2020 11:25 am | By

The BBC has been letting the children loose on their website again. The result is An Article About Bespoke Pronouns.

How to be an ally to friends who’ve changed their pronouns

Walk away. Don’t linger, don’t express regrets, don’t wave, just walk away.

There is no such thing as “their pronouns.” Pronouns aren’t a thing you can possess. Personal names, yes; pronouns, no. That’s pretty much the point of them. Personal names are, as the title suggests, personal to the people whose names they are. Pronouns are the short items that substitute for the personal names because it gets weird saying the name over and over. They are necessarily generic.

We all like to be referred to in a way that makes us feel accepted.

No we don’t. That’s childish. We don’t expect third parties to refer to us in a flattering or cuddly way at all times and in all circumstances. In fact not only do we not expect it, we would find it creepy and intrusive.

That claim is a claim for narcissism. That’s what’s wrong with Children’s Leftism these days: it’s all about the narcissism. There is nothing progressive about narcissism. Narcissism is inherently right-wing, and it’s also massively off-putting to people who aren’t narcissists. Don’t believe me? Look at Donald Trump.

This can include the use of our name, gender and pronouns.

Non-binary celebrities such as Jonathan Van Ness, Sam Smith and Lachlan Watson have done a lot to raise awareness and encourage conversations about being non-binary.

Well by god we certainly do want to derive our understanding of the world from non-binary celebrities such as Jonathan Van Ness, Sam Smith and Lachlan Watson, right?

But there’s a slight problem, which is that non-binary doesn’t mean anything. There is feeling that much of one’s behavior and appearance doesn’t match the irritating social rules about which sex does what, but that doesn’t = being literally neither female nor male.

On the back of this, you might have seen some discussions about pronouns online. But what are pronouns, how are they related to non-binary people, and why do you need to know?

Using information from Stonewall we’ve put together a quick guide to pronouns. Here are some tips and questions that can help you understand non-binary identities, and what you can do!

Oh hooray, information from Stonewall, put together quickly by deluded children who work for the BBC – what could go wrong?!

And of course right out of the gate, they get it…wrong.

Non-binary is an umbrella term for people who don’t fit comfortably into ‘male’ or ‘female’ categories. Not everyone uses ‘he’ or ‘she’ pronouns to express their identity.

Nobody uses third-person pronouns to express her/his identity, for the very simple reason that we don’t use third-person pronouns to refer to ourselves but only to other people. That’s why this whole idea of having bespoke pronouns for other people to use when talking about us is such a non-starter: we can’t control that. We can’t control it, and it’s narcissistic to want to, and it’s narcissistic plus idiotic to think we can.

There’s a bunch more stupid shite after that. It’s the usual stupid shite. It seems the BBC twitter person didn’t like the reaction to the stupid shite.

The “anarchy” memo

Oct 22nd, 2020 10:23 am | By

Trump wants to punish cities that don’t vote for Trump by starving them of funds.

The White House is considering slashing millions of dollars for coronavirus relief, HIV treatment, screenings for newborns and other programs in Democratic-led cities that President Donald Trump has deemed “anarchist jurisdictions,” according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

In other words anything to the left of Trump is basically criminal.

New York, Portland, Ore., Washington, D.C., and Seattle could lose funding for a wide swath of programs that serve their poorest, sickest residents after the president moved last month to restrict funding, escalating his political battle against liberal cities he’s sought to use as a campaign foil.

“Kill the poor!”

“But sir, who then will maintain your golf courses and clean your hotel toilets?”

The Department of Health and Human Services has identified federal grants covering those services, which are among the nearly 200 health programs that could be in line for cuts as part of a sweeping government-wide directive the administration is advancing during the final weeks of the presidential campaign and amid an intensifying pandemic Trump has downplayed.

Trump in a Sept. 2 order called on federal agencies to curtail funding to jurisdictions that “disempower” police departments and promote “lawlessness.” The memo argued that the cities haven’t done enough to quash riots stemming from this summer’s protests over systemic racism and police violence.

Blah blah blah. They don’t vote for Trump; the rest is window dressing.

… while the White House pores over existing funds, at least one department has already moved to implement Trump’s directive for new funding. The Department of Transportation earlier this month said Trump’s “anarchy” memo would factor into the department’s review of applications for a new $10 million grant program supporting Covid-19 safety measures.

Nice. Seattle is one of the four…which makes me kind of proud, but also makes me flinch. Public transportation here has of course taken a massive hit: ridership fell off and no fares were collected for months. Nice of Trump to make it worse out of spite.

“My Administration will do everything in its power to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking Federal dollars while they let anarchists harm people, burn buildings, and ruin lives and businesses,” Trump tweeted shortly after releasing the Sept. 2 defunding memo.

Almost three weeks later, Attorney General Bill Barr labeled New York City, Portland and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.” The White House budget office also instructed departments to also scrutinize funding for Washington, D.C.

DC – too many…[whispers] black people.

Tough questions

Oct 22nd, 2020 9:35 am | By

Trump has done what he said he was going to do, and had the raw interview posted on Zoshal Meeja. It’s 37 minutes of stupid. I haven’t watched all of it yet; none of what I have watched is anything remotely unfamiliar. He brings out the same stock phrases and then repeats them 900 times. He translates everything Stahl asks into his own stock phrases which he answers with his own stock phrases – it becomes Trump interviewing Trump. At the end he indignantly repeats Stahl’s question, “Are you ready for tough questions?” over and over and each time he puts on a special “this is you” voice and face, which looks and sounds nothing like Leslie Stahl but conveys his brainless hostility and inability to act like an adult.

He’s very angry that Biden doesn’t get the same kind of tough questions. There’s an obvious reason for that – a reason other than “the media are all in bed with the far left.” The obvious reason is that Biden has never done anything even half as absurd or outrageous as the things Trump does all day every day. Even if you loathe Biden and the Democrats and Obama, that remains true. Biden doesn’t make a sarcastic face every time he repeats a journalist back to herself, Biden doesn’t tell 10 lies in every sentence, Biden doesn’t insult people every chance he gets, Biden doesn’t shove his tongue down Putin’s throat, Biden isn’t going to give all his relatives jobs in the White House, Biden didn’t fail disastrously to flatten the coronavirus curve, Biden isn’t a malignant narcissist who tries to destroy anyone who doesn’t flatter him enough…and so on. Trump gets tough questions because he’s a mind-blowingly terrible human being and he’s ruining the country. Biden is not in the same league.

That behavior matters

Oct 21st, 2020 5:22 pm | By

This. This is what I keep saying. This is why I keep recording Trump’s outrages with fury and loathing. This is why I say I would despise and detest him even if he had outstanding policies. (He couldn’t, really, because the evil that wants to take health insurance away from people is the evil of everything else about him – but the point remains.)

It’s alligatorphobic to say you wouldn’t date an alligator

Oct 21st, 2020 5:05 pm | By

“Sophie LaBelle” of Assigned Male Comics has a new one out:

Image may contain: text

That Genitalia Board in the first panel is enough to give you nightmares, but aside from that…

No it isn’t. Nobody is required to “date” (i.e. fuck) trans people. Nobody is required to do it and nobody is required to be silent about refusing to do it. “Sophie” is way too narcissistic and entitled to be an appealing “date” object.