The miracle of all time

Aug 18th, 2020 4:48 pm | By

The longer clip makes clear what a fool this Mike Lindell is. He’s the kind of guy that if he sat next to you on the train you would move to another car.

There is no evidence that oleandrin is a miracle cure.

Reports of this oleandrin push in the White House have raised eyebrows this week, as there is no evidence that oleandrin works to treat COVID-19 in humans. While oleandrin has been developed to treat cancer, it is still considered an “investigational new drug” that is not an approved cancer treatment in the U.S. What’s more, both oleandrin and the plant it is derived from are toxic to humans and animals; eating one oleander leaf can kill an adult.

Injecting bleach isn’t too healthy either.

Yet Lindell argued on Tuesday that oleandrin is “the miracle of all time,” and that “the tests are out there.” Indeed, he said he was contacted about it as far back as Easter Sunday, when he recalled that he “told the whole country to pray for the end to this pandemic.”

Oh well in that case there’s no more to be said. Bottle them babies up.

But the more Cooper grilled Lindell over any proof that oleandrin is effective against COVID-19, and that it has been tested for this purpose in humans in rigorous peer-reviewed, clinical trials, the more flustered Lindell became. “There has been studies the FDA has not published yet,” Liddell insisted. He repeated that one involved “a thousand people,” but he could offer no details about when or where it was done, or why the public hasn’t seen this report yet.

He said “a thousand people” a lot, in a very impassioned way, as if it were a clincher.

Good answer.

Sir, where is the test?

Aug 18th, 2020 11:58 am | By

Go Anderson!

Notice the cross worn outside the shirt, where a loosened necktie would be. Baby Jesus says oleander is MAGIC for the covid.

The hole in the family

Aug 18th, 2020 11:30 am | By

Female people aren’t human, they are merely the mechanism for creating humans and the mechanisms that make more humans and mechanisms, and so on. No mechanism is permitted to say no to the duty of a mechanism. It doesn’t matter if the mechanism is too small to create a human, the worst that can happen is that the mechanism will permanently break in the attempt. Nothing of value is lost.

Scores of Brazilian women have taken to the streets to protect a 10-year-old child who was being persecuted by religious extremists for trying to legally undergo an abortion after being raped, allegedly by her uncle.

So she’s a child, so she was raped, so the rapist is her uncle, so what – she’s a mechanism for creating humans (and mechanisms), she can’t refuse.

The girl, from São Mateus, a small town in the south-eastern state of Espírito Santo, was admitted to hospital on 7 August complaining of abdominal pain and doctors confirmed she was pregnant.

Saint Matthew in Holy Spirit state – they never let you forget, do they.

Brazil’s highly restrictive abortion laws – largely written in 1940 – permit terminations in cases of rape, when the mother’s life is at risk and when the birth defect anencephaly is detected.

Well it’s rape and childbirth is hella dangerous for a ten-year-old but what the hell, put her through it anyway, amirite? She probably seduced the uncle with her slutty ten-year-old ways.

She had to go 900 miles to Recife to get the abortion.

When the girl reached the hospital where the termination was to be performed on Sunday afternoon, its entrance had been occupied by far-right anti-abortion activists and politicians who were filmed hurling abuse at hospital staff and the child, and trying to stop them entering.

The child hadn’t been abused enough yet, I guess.

The activists appear to have discovered the hospital’s location, which was kept secret for security reasons, from a hardcore supporter of Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro.

In an online video, which was later deleted but the Guardian has seen, the pro-Bolsonaro extremist Sara Giromini names the girl and falsely claims authorities had kidnapped her and chartered a private jet to transport her to the termination.

“It’s just unbelievable this is happening in Brazil, that part of the population really believes abortion is worse than rape,” said Viana from the women’s rights group Curumim. “But we weren’t surprised because we know we have a president who is supportive of these shows of hatred.”

Their god hates women, so they hate women too.

Vote for armed racist intimidation

Aug 18th, 2020 9:30 am | By

Fun choice:

Donald Trump has confirmed he will address the Republican convention next week from the White House, a controversial choice.

It’s not just “controversial,” it’s unethical and revolting.

But it’s worse than that: the racist couple who pointed guns at protesters are scheduled to speak at the Republican convention.

In a racially charged incident in late June, Patricia and Mark McCloskey, who are white, were pictured outside their mansion in St Louis, pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters heading for the mayor’s house nearby.

Mark McCloskey held an assault rifle, Patricia McCloskey a handgun. The couple, both lawyers, said they feared for their own safety and were defending their home.

Charges Filed Against McCloskeys, St. Louis Couple Who Pointed ...

And the Republican party said booya, we want more of that, let’s have them at our convention! Vote racist!

The magic of saying

Aug 18th, 2020 8:11 am | By


The epistemology is obviously a joke, but the allegiance underlying the joke is for real. His allegiance is to team men are women if they say they are, and his hostility is to team men are not women just because they say they are.

I would have thought that verification by “because I say so” would be anathema to scientists. I especially would have thought that when the issue is an obvious material fact which is being denied on the basis of an internal subjective mental state. That doesn’t work for other things – we can’t say “I am the Chrysler building” or “I am a humpback whale” or “I am the solar system” and expect to be believed, so why does it work for men who say they are women? Why does a scientist treat it as obviously and rock solidly true?

Granted “women” and “men” are squishier categories than those. It’s possible to masquerade as the other sex, and it may even be possible to fool people for a while. Several of Shakespeare’s plays are constructed around women (played by boys) masquerading as men, and women were not allowed to perform on stage in most cultures until quite recently. But actors play monarchs, murderers, extraterrestrials, all sorts of identities not their own; that doesn’t change the underlying realities. Burt Lahr was never in any danger of actually becoming a lion.

We can all pretend it’s true that men become women by saying the words, but feminists have been explaining why that would be the end of women’s rights so let’s not decide to do that. Apparently Phil Plait doesn’t give a shit, which is sad.

Big surge

Aug 17th, 2020 4:57 pm | By

Trump is bragging about…New Zealand?

Donald Trump has called out New Zealand for its recent Covid-19 outbreak, saying the places the world hailed as a success story is now facing a “big surge” in cases.

“The places they were using to hold up now they’re having a big surge … they were holding up names of countries and now they’re saying ‘whoops!’.

“Do you see what’s happening in New Zealand? They beat it, they beat it, it was like front-page news because they wanted to show me something,” the US president said at a campaign rally in Mankato, Minnesota.

That’s why they did it?

Of course the US has a lot more people. New Zealand has 4.8 million, the US has 328 million. The US would have to have around 600 new cases today to match New Zealand’s 9 but of course it has only…uh…42,000.

Overall 22 people have died from Covid-19 in New Zealand, compared with more than 170,000 in the US, the highest death toll in the world. It accounts for nearly 22% of deaths globally.

Yes but we have 66 times the population! 66 times 22 is…uh…1452.

Hurry up and trash it NOW

Aug 17th, 2020 4:22 pm | By

The demonic shit is pushing ahead with his plan to destroy the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge. No matter how busy one is golfing and watching Fox News and tweeting sexist insults, there’s always time to destroy irreplaceable wilderness.

The Trump administration is pushing ahead with plans to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The first leases to drill for oil and gas in the area could be sold by the end of 2020, Interior Department Secretary David Bernhardt said as his agency formally announced its leasing program on Monday.

We need more oil so that people can sit in their cars with the engines running for hours playing with their phones. It’s a basic human right.

Environmental groups have pledged to sue to stop the move. They said that once drilling rights are sold, it will be harder for a future president to reverse course.

“The Trump administration never stops pushing to drill in the Arctic Refuge — and we will never stop suing them,” said Gina McCarthy, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. “America has safeguarded the refuge for decades, and we will not allow the administration to strip that protection away now.”

Sierra Club lobbyist Athan Manuel has been fighting to keep rigs out of the refuge for more than 20 years. He said the Trump administration is rushing to get at least one company to bid on leases before the end of Trump’s term and the possible arrival of a new president who opposes drilling.

“I think they just want to ram this down people’s throats to show that they can still drill where they want to drill and still prop up the oil industry, even in the face of evidence of climate change,” he said.

Wilderness Society’s Alaska state director, Karlin Itchoak, said in a statement that the move by the Trump administration “ignores science and shortcuts the public process in an irresponsible rush to help oil companies secure leases on the coastal plain before the 2020 presidential election.”

They want to hurry up and break it while they can, in case the anti-breaking party wins.

The oleander sandwiches are on the table

Aug 17th, 2020 3:34 pm | By

Now Trump is promoting a poison to “treat” the virus.

President Donald Trump and Mike Lindell, the creator of MyPillow and an avowed supporter, participated in a July meeting at the White House regarding the use of oleandrin as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus, Lindell confirmed to CNN.

What other meetings are they having? Meetings regarding being run over by tanks as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus? Meetings regarding being sliced up by swords as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus? Meetings regarding jumping out of planes without a parachute as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus?

Oleandrin is an extract from the plant Nerium oleander. The raw oleander plant is highly toxic, and consumption of it can be fatal.

So let’s use the presidency to tell people to try it! To cure a deadly disease! Which everyone would like to see a cure for!

[Lindell] described the President’s response toward the extract as “enthusiastic.”

“He was enthusiastic, as he is on everything that’s going to help people,” he told CNN, adding that Trump wanted the Food and Drug Administration to “do its course.”

No, as he is on random things that random people mention to him and that he knows nothing about. Things that really are going to help people he’s not enthusiastic about at all.

Trump confirmed he’s “heard about” oleandrin when asked Monday on the White House South Lawn, but still seemed to be in an information-gathering phase.

Hahahahahaha is that what you call it.

Last week, Lindell was added to the board of Phoenix Biotechnology, which makes oleandrin, and received a financial stake in the company.

Well great, thank god Trump is getting his information from a disinterested observer.

“The reason I did that, I want this to get to the public so bad and I want to get it out there to help people,” he said.

As far as I can tell Lindell has no medical training. Wikipedia says his background is more in crack addiction.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Lindell was addicted to cocainecrack cocaine, and alcohol, leading to foreclosure of his house, and his wife filing for divorce. Lindell stated that he achieved sobriety through prayer in 2009, and, since then, has been clean.

That’s nice but it’s no substitute for medical or pharmaceutical training. You need that before it’s of interest that you’re “enthusiastic” about a poisonous plant as treatment for a virus.

How poisonous is it though? Pretty damn poisonous.

While it’s a beautiful shrub, all parts of it are toxic to people and animals. Ingesting any part can cause serious symptoms or even death. Skin contact also can result in irritation, such as rashes and sores. Plus, even smoke from burning the plant is toxic. 

But hey, let’s get all excited and “enthusiastic” about popping it for covid or to prevent covid or just on general principles.

It will be like the baby boom all over again

Aug 17th, 2020 11:16 am | By
It will be like the baby boom all over again

Sean Coughlan at the BBC explains now what:

The next part of the A-level U-turn jigsaw is that the government is allowing universities in England to add more places – to meet the extra demand from young people who have had their results upgraded.

To increase capacity, the government in England will lift the “student number controls” which would have capped places.

Which means universities can add more students but

But that still depends on it being possible – they will still need to have enough spare space, teaching staff and accommodation, along with the pressures of Covid-19 social distancing measures.

Which doesn’t just magically pop into being because it’s needed.

A later update (the BBC doesn’t provide links to each segment of live reporting, unlike the Guardian):

Queen Mary University of London said in a tweet it was “deeply sympathetic” to affected students, and that it would guarantee a place to any students who had originally missed but now met the terms of their offer.

An hour down the page there is a student who was sad about her lost place at Queen Mary:

“I’m relieved but quite frustrated at the same time. It’s too late,” says Zainab Ali, 18, from London.

She’s come to terms with the fact that she’s going to her second choice, the University of Westminster, instead – but still feels frustrated because she had “always wanted” to go to Queen Mary’s since being a child.

So it looks as if she’ll get to go after all (perhaps with overcrowding).

Never mind

Aug 17th, 2020 9:59 am | By

That’s a bit of good news for a change – or just the undoing of a bit of bad news, as so often, but we take what we can get. They’ve said “Sorry, we’ll reverse the whole thing, sorry” about the exams-evaluations-algorithm mess. I was reading a lot of desperately sad tweets yesterday by parents of kids at state schools who’d earned a place reading engineering at Cambridge and then had it snatched away by the algorithm.

Gavin Williamson and Ofqual have apologised to students and their parents, as they announced that all A-level and GCSE results in England will be based on teacher-assessed grades.

In a spectacular U-turn, the education secretary announced the government would scrap the controversial standardisation model drawn up by the exams regulator to award grades in lieu of exams.

Instead, both A-levels and GCSE results will revert to centre-assessed grades, which were submitted by schools earlier this summer.

There are winners and losers either way, but since the losers were heavily weighted toward students in state schools as opposed to posh schools, it seemed doubly or triply cruel.

The climbdown comes after days of turmoil triggered by the publication of A-level results last Thursday, when almost 40% of predicted results were downgraded, with some students marked down two or even three grades, which resulted in many losing university places.

Hundreds of pupils took to the streets of London, demonstrating outside the Department for Education to express their anger, while others took to the airwaves and social media to describe their sense of devastation. Lawyers had began to consider taking action on behalf of affected teenagers.

Ofqual argued that the algorithm was essential to ensure results were standardised across the country and in line with previous years, but hundreds of individual stories documenting disappointment and an overwhelming sense of injustice among those affected proved too much to ignore.

However hard they tried.

The patriarchy is always other people

Aug 17th, 2020 9:13 am | By

Graham Linehan hosts a scorching retort by Victoria Smith to Rebecca Solnit’s smug glib mess of a Guardian open letter, starting from an essay of Solnit’s about male violence.

On this, you are totally right. Male violence is a global outrage. Why, then, have you written a piece which dismisses women’s fears as “really weird”, writes off actual occurrences of male violence as “lurid what-ifs”, euphemistically characterises sexual assault as “unpleasantness”, tells women which male people they’re allowed to be wary of (the ones who aren’t your mates) and accuses women of “posing a threat” if they are insufficiently accommodating? Do you have any idea what you sound like?

But of course, Victoria goes on, Solnit would say she’s not talking about people who are male, she’s talking about this much more sophisticated thing “because “science has gotten smarter in the decades since [the 1970s] and we now know it’s a complex interplay of chromosomes, hormones, primary and secondary sexual characteristics and other stuff”” blah blah blah.

Let me be clear: even if you can bodge together a sort-of argument to defend it, it’s disgraceful to tell a subset of female rape victims that their experiences don’t constitute male violence, that, on the contrary, they don’t constitute experiences at all, just “lurid what-ifs”. Disgraceful, too, to suggest that domestic abuse victims who require female-only shelters just haven’t understood that “complexity and fluidity can be a blessing”. Truly, what was your thinking here? That if these women hadn’t spent drab childhoods in Nowheresville but had spent more time in “the loudest, proudest queer town around”, they wouldn’t have become such bigots? Are you sure it’s your superior open-mindedness, and not your privilege, that’s talking here? 

What I’m seeing here is not a challenge to patriarchal thought. On the contrary, you’re supporting its endless repackaging. Don’t you realise that those of us who grew up beneath the shadow of domestic abuse, however “traditional” its presentation, rarely thought this was what was happening to us? The patriarchy is always other people, hence the ease with which you tell other women which male people they’re permitted to fear (not your friends, just everyone else’s).

We always want to make exceptions for our friends, Victoria goes on, which is why Harvey Weinstein got away with it for so long.

You know perfectly well, as The Longest War shows, that in condemning male violence we do not condemn all male people. This does not mean that we should pick out subsets of the male sex class – priests, respectable family men, friends of Rebecca Solnit — and grant them a free pass.

Another such subset: men who say they are women, men who say they identify as women, men who say they have a woman’s brain in a man’s body, men who say they have the soul of a woman.

You do know better than this. You just don’t want to because it would cost you too much in terms of social standing amongst your peers, who’ll cheer as you point the finger at the easy targets – the far-right politicians, the Christian fundamentalists, the incels – but start screaming bigot the moment you question whether male socialisation and entitlement lurks amongst them, too. Honestly, you, me and every feminist on Earth could have a lovely communal rant about what an evil patriarch Trump is, but some of us will still have to go home to allies who beat the crap out of us, and to violence which you insist requires no definition, no political context, no words at all. This thinking – this strategic ignorance – is what patriarchy depends upon. Without it the whole thing would fall apart. 

A scorcher. Read the whole thing.

All the world’s a sewer

Aug 17th, 2020 8:31 am | By

Remember when Trump gave Rush Limbaugh the “medal of freedom”? Obama gave it to John Lewis; Trump gave it to Limbaugh. So about Limbaugh

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): I have two stories about Kamala Harris. One’s from The Spectator, and one is — one of the — one of the oddball sports websites. The NBA has fired a freelance photographer because he insulted Kamala Harris. His name is Bill Baptist.

He’s ”a freelance photographer he’d been working for the NBA inside its bubble at the Disney World complex in Orlando” — as the NBA goes through its supposed season here. He’s an independent contractor, had the deal terminated by the league after he posted a “sexist Facebook post referencing Kamala Harris.

He posted an image that read ‘Joe and the Hoe,’” — h-o-e.

Aka ho, aka whore. Medal of freedom guy Limbaugh calls Kamala Harris a ho. This is hell, nor are we out of it.

Part two.

Then there is this from The Spectator: “Why It Should Matter to Women That Kamala Slept Her Way Up.” Whoa! You know what that’s about? That’s about Willie Brown.

“It’s no secret, but public knowledge that Kamala Harris slept her way up into California political life by being a very public escort and mattress for California Democrat kingmaker Willie Brown.”

Medal of freedom.

10 million acres

Aug 16th, 2020 5:06 pm | By

Iowa got clobbered a few days ago. Really clobbered. Nobody is paying attention.

On Monday, Iowa was leveled by what amounted to a level-two hurricane. But you wouldn’t know that from reading, listening to or watching the news.

Gusts of 112 mph were recorded in Linn County. As I drove through the town of Cedar Rapids on Monday, I saw billboards bent in half, whole buildings collapsed, trees smashed through roofs and windows. The scope and breadth of the disaster is still being calculated, but by some estimates, more than 10 million acres, or 43 percent, of the state’s soybean and corn crops have been damaged.

A quarter of a million Iowans are still without power. In Linn County, where I live, 79 percent of people are without power, still, three days after the disaster. Cell service is spotty, where it exists. The few gas stations and grocery stores with power only take cash. And good luck getting cash from your bank, which is most likely closed. Even if you have the money, lines snake around the gas stations, two hours long or more, and the grocery stores are chaos. A citywide curfew exists. You can see the Milky Way from the darkened downtown.

You know what all those days without power mean, right? A whole lot of spoiled food, and not much other food available.

My friend Ben Kaplan, a local photographer and videographer, described the situation this way: “There is no trash pickup. There are one hundred thousand fridges of rotting food. There are raccoons. There is no escape from the heat, except to run out of town to look for basic supplies in an air-conditioned car. Downtown, bricks and glass litter the sidewalks. Plate glass windows shattered during the storm. Many businesses have been physically destroyed. All restaurants lost all of their perishables. Factories are closed. Offices are closed. The economy — the whole thing — is stopped.” All of the destruction is compounded by complications from the pandemic, which make cleanup, charging stations and distributing meals all the more difficult.

And yet, unless you were living here, you wouldn’t know.

But hey, football.

Adding a Fox News doctor

Aug 16th, 2020 4:38 pm | By

Donny’s found a new doctor buddy.

President Donald Trump has found a new doctor for his coronavirus task force — and this time there’s no daylight between them.

It’s gonna disappear, like things that disappear. It’s because of testing that we have so many cases. They were all old anyway. You can fix it by injecting a little bleach. We’re doing GREAT. Let’s watch some football.

Trump last week announced that Dr. Scott Atlas, a frequent guest on Fox News Channel, has joined the White House as a pandemic adviser. Atlas, the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a fellow at Stanford’s conservative Hoover Institution, has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases.

So what, he’s a DOCTOR.

But he has long been a critic of coronavirus lockdowns and has campaigned for kids to return to the classroom and for the return of college sports, just like Trump.

College sports! What could possibly be more important!?

“Scott is a very famous man who’s also very highly respected,” Trump told reporters as he introduced the addition. “He has many great ideas and he thinks what we’ve done is really good.”

This was the president talking? Not a five-year-old who wandered in from somewhere?

Atlas, the sole doctor to share the stage at Trump’s pandemic briefings this past week, has long questioned polices that have been embraced by public health experts both in the U.S. and abroad. He has called it a “good thing” for younger, healthy people to be exposed to the virus, while falsely claiming children are at near “zero risk.”

A good thing, hey? Even now that we know there’s little if any immunity? How is it a good thing then?

In an April op-ed in The Hill newspaper, Atlas bemoaned that lockdowns may have prevented the development of “natural herd immunity.”

That was April. Growing evidence is that there is no herd immunity. People have been getting the virus a second time.

Paul E. Peterson, director of the program on education policy and governance at Harvard University and a senior fellow at Hoover with Atlas, praised Atlas as “a really brilliant guy” with “a tremendous knowledge base” about the virus. Peterson said Atlas is someone who conducts ”the most rigorous and careful research before he comes to a conclusion.”

Some colleagues have found Atlas abrasive. But Peterson, who has written several op-eds with Atlas advocating the reopening of schools and who appeared with Atlas at a White House event this past week, praised Atlas as “delightful to work with” and stressed the value of Trump having input from people with a variety of backgrounds.

“If you get a variety of people from one perspective or one kind of training out there, that’s not desirable,” he said. “It’s extremely important to have diversity on the advisory board.”

Right. Some who say the pandemic is very serious and some who say it’s nothing and all we need is for more people to get infected.

Depth of feeling

Aug 16th, 2020 4:25 pm | By
Depth of feeling

Fabulous pairing.

The kids are all wrong

Aug 16th, 2020 4:11 pm | By

They’re so confident, so dogmatic, so lecturey with the bullshit. The hand goes up and down, the vowels are crisp, the voice is shouty.

“This includes transgender women,” purple hoody with glasses tells us forcefully, “because they are women – being transgender does not eliminate, whatsoever, their identity as a woman.”

Well that’s us told!

But it’s bullshit. Purple hoody can gesture at us all she likes, she can over-enunciate her words all she likes, it doesn’t make the bullshit true. Yes being a transgender man does eliminate his “identity as a woman” – whatever that might be. A man is a man even if he fantasizes that he’s a woman every hour of every day. Nobody, nobody at all, is required to join him in his fantasy, or assure him that it’s true. And lesbians for damn sure don’t have to pretend that yer man really is a woman and that they would just love to have sex with him.

And then on comes orange hair and wo mama, she’s worse than purple hoody. She’s a nightmare.

“What we’re saying, is that your ‘preferences’ [finger hooks in the air here] are based in transphobic dogma that’s been spread by society for centuries.”

That sounds oddly familiar. It sounds oddly like “You don’t really prefer your own sex, you’re just confused/screwed-up/brainwashed by those confused screwed up kids you hang out with.” It sounds and is oddly and exactly like “you will let this man fuck you or else.” And it’s a woman saying it, and she’s saying it with all the venom of an angry Baptist preacher.

Via Morty.

First pour no Drano

Aug 16th, 2020 2:15 pm | By

From the Independent:

[warning – it’s gruesome]

A woman who fantasised about being blind claims to have arranged to have drain cleaner poured in her eyes to live the way she was “supposed to be born”, it has been reported.

Jewel Shuping, from North Carolina, said she was diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a psychological condition where healthy people believe they are meant to be disabled.

I would suggest wearing eye patches rather than pouring Drano into the eyes.

The 30-year-old’s desire to be blind reportedly began in early childhood. At the age of six she would spend hours staring at the sun after being told it could damage her eyes, she told Barcroft Media.

If that were true surely it would have worked. Hours??? Not credible.

BIID, a disorder coined by Dr Michael First, affects a small percentage of the population and is typically associated with the desire to have a specific body part amputated. Suffers often become envious of people who have the disability they crave.

A theory as to the disorder’s cause is that “the brain is not able to provide an accurate plan of the body” causing it to see the offending body part as “foreign and not actually part of the person, thus the desire to have it removed,” according to

Which does nothing to explain wanting to be blind, or thinking you want to be blind.

Trump says there’s nothing on teevee

Aug 16th, 2020 11:22 am | By

Trump’s brother died in the hospital yesterday. Trump played golf.

It’s getting to him today though.

What will they gain?

Aug 16th, 2020 11:06 am | By

Leo Igwe asks:

What will Islam/Muslims in Kano gain by executing a person who sang a song that was critical of Muhammad…….????


From Vanguard

The Muslim Lawyers’ Association (MULAN), Kano State branch has on Saturday okayed the death sentence judgment against one Sharrif Yahaya for blaspheming the holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).

This was also as it called on the Governor, Abdullahi Umar Ganduje to ensure strict compliance to the Judgement. The Muslim Lawyers’ in a statement signed by it Chairman, Muhammad Sani Garba Esq and made available to newsmen in the state. Garba said the judgment was the right thing as the convict deserves the death punishment.

“This is because the supreme court has decided in the case of Abubakar Shalla Vs State (2007) 12 MJSC at page 52-53 paragraph G-B that the position of the Law under Shariah is that any sane and adult Muslim, who insults, defames, or utter words or acts which are capable of bringing into disrepute, odium, contempt of the holy prophet (peace be upon him) such a person has committed a serious crime which is punishable by death.”

What did he do? He said some stuff.

The Prosecutor, Inspector Yargoje in a First Information Report, FIR said Sharif was charged to court for insulting religious Creed contrary to section 382 (6) of Kano State Shariah Penal Code Law 2000.

“That you, Sharrif Yahaya, resident of Sharif quarters, Kano on 28/02/2020 between the hours of 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs with the intention to hurt the feelings of Muslim faithful made a post via WhatsApp group named “Gidan Umma Abiha” some abusive and degrading audio statements in which you called Prophet Muhammad PBUH a theist (Mushrik) who propagate Shrik and whose position is lower than that of INYASS in the hereafter.”

Insulting religious Creed. Saying things about a guy who died 14 centuries ago. The death penalty for that.

Able swimmers

Aug 16th, 2020 10:26 am | By




The Indy has details:

Beachgoers in northern Germany were shocked by the sight of a wild boar approaching them from the Baltic Sea.

Well, you don’t expect it, do you. You expect humans, and maybe crabs, and an occasional otter, but not wild boars. The snout! The ears!

Footage from the scene shows the swine swimming for the shore with its snout and ears poking above the water.

It would make me rethink my leisure habits, for sure.

Wild boar are known to be able swimmers. There were reports last year of a herd of boar swimming several miles across the Malacca Strait from Indonesia to Malaysia and terrorising farmers upon arrival.

Be careful out there.