
Nov 23rd, 2020 4:27 pm | By

Emily Murphy’s letter is getting shredded for being petty, unprofessional, egotistical, and rude.

She wants him to feel her pain.

Trump demands the credit

Nov 23rd, 2020 3:50 pm | By

Trump of course is pretending it’s totally his doing.

Just to nitpick…it’s not dedication and loyalty to the country to help a lying cheating criminal steal the election. More the opposite.

Oh ok you can have the damn money

Nov 23rd, 2020 3:36 pm | By

It’s about fucking time.


Whiny letter though.



Time with Tik Tok

Nov 23rd, 2020 1:04 pm | By

That article by Tina Traster dropped by Psychology Today and picked up by Transgender Trend:

Tina Traster is a socially-conscious, award-winning journalist, author, and filmmaker. She is the director of the award-winning documentary Catnip Nation and author of the award-winning memoir Rescuing Julia Twice: A Mother’s Tale of Russian Adoption and Overcoming Reactive Attachment Disorder. She has written about the transgender trend for Psychology Today. We are happy to re-publish her post here.

Traster notes that a lot of LGBQT teenagers are in foster care.

Let’s talk about trans kids. The generally accepted narrative among activists, the therapeutic community, and the media is that many trans kids are living with parents who reject them based on morality or intolerance. However, there are legions of parents who themselves are being rejected because they have not picked up a pair of pom poms to cheer their tween or teen through cross-dressing, name-changing, hormone-treatment and life-altering surgeries.

Parents who detected signs of gender dysphoria in their very young or prepubescent children might feel more comfortable in accepting that their child really has been disordered for a long time. But a different cohort – those grappling with a sudden “coming out” as trans at 13, 14 or even through their 20s, remain skeptical. That skepticism guided a study done by researcher Dr. Lisa Littman, who looked at why a sudden spate of teen girls were announcing themselves as trans.

Remember being a teenager? The way I remember it it involved a lot of reacting to the examples of one’s peers – sometimes against, sometimes for.

Littman’s ground-breaking but controversial research focused on feedback from parents who largely said their daughter’s decision to become “trans” came out of nowhere or appeared to be related to social contagion within a friend group. Littman coined the term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” which is threatening to those who believe any self-diagnosed trans-declared person deserves to be affirmed as such and should have access to any medical care to achieve transition.

And, more profoundly, that being trans is existential, is an absolute and incontrovertible truth, is as basic and true as being human, being alive, being conscious. (There are philosophical disputes over how true it is that we are conscious, but they don’t influence teenagers much.)

In today’s culture, children spend more time with Tik Tok, Reddit, and Instagram than they do with their parents. Children believe every question can be answered on Google. If they’re looking for role models, social media influencers are there to cheerfully guide any journey, particularly for children who are led to believe they may be trans. It’s a strong suction, the internet. One that parents can hardly compete with. Add to that the new normal – a world where the policies of schools, summer camps, therapists, doctors, and social communities – reinforce the notion that being trans is cool and normal and should be supported no matter what.

There’s a bit of a tension there, an interesting one. Being cool isn’t the same as being normal, and sometimes carefully deviates from it. Being cool is often a matter of rejecting the normal in favor of something more interesting or attention-getting. It’s true though that trans activism promotes both. This could help to explain some of the…peculiarity of the rhetoric.

Amid this pull, parents are experiencing parenting dysphoria, as they fight to preserve their relationships with children who are often taught to treat them as if they are the toxic ones. Parents tell their trans declared children that they are worried about them, that they don’t think they should make life-altering decisions, that they’re young and they should explore slowly. In return, trans children will recite what they’ve learned to parrot from internet influencers and activists. They will call these parents transphobes. They treat parents like the enemy. They will demand total buy-in or the gig is over.

And Jolyon Maugham QC, full-fledged adult, will come galloping over the horizon on his purple trans-horse to tell them they’re totally right and the oldies are wrong except for him, Jolyon Maugham QC.

A particular pattern

Nov 23rd, 2020 12:40 pm | By

JL at the Glinner Update reports on another successful “REMOVE THAT ARTICLE!!!” campaign.

On Friday, leading psychology journal, Psychology Today, published an article by one of its regular contributors, award-winning journalist and documentary maker, Tina Traster. It was called “Trans Kids May Reject Family, Not the Other Way Around”.

Parents responded to the article with gratitude and by sharing their own experiences, stories which reflect just what Traster has written about.


… the voices of concerned parents were drowned out by a barrage of abuse from trans rights activists in what looked like a co-ordinated campaign to get the article shut down. These comments all seemed to follow a particular pattern ie the article is irresponsible, the author is transphobic, parents are transphobic…

So, hours later, Psychology Today pulled the article, saying it was “more problematic than needed.” Oh really? Who decides such questions? Who measures the quantity of problematicality, and the amount of needed? Besides shouty incognito loons on Twitter?

Luckily, Transgender Trend have a far sturdier backbone and are happy to host this important piece on their site.

Because the safety and wellbeing of children depends on having this discussion.

Psychology Today has a much bigger audience though.

But never mind, the kids are fine with all this, and they must know better.

Be more like Him

Nov 23rd, 2020 12:08 pm | By

A variation on the Whig theory of history:

“The younger generations are always right” is the foundational belief and claim here. But is that true? Plenty of younger generations (it’s not clear how many Maugham thinks there are) belong to neo-Nazi groups, white power groups, Islamist groups, Brexit groups, pro-Trump groups.

And more generally and abstractly, what about the fact that people have time to learn more as they get older? What about the accumulation of experience and knowledge and information over time? Doesn’t that count for something? Of course that’s only as good as it is – one can accumulate bad information as well as good, but still, it’s not strictly a one-way process of becoming ever stupider and more wrong as one ages.

Ah yes. If you are a man, be sure to discount the views of that pesky stupid woman who lives with you and gets stuck with all the domestic work. What the hell does she know?! Bitch.

Ah yes, listening and learning, which he is so good at…unless it’s women talking. Also notice that his list of the ways his tribe is privileged doesn’t include “male.”

Emily Murphy to Congress: No

Nov 23rd, 2020 10:46 am | By

It seems that Emily Murphy was supposed to talk to a House committee today to explain why tf she is refusing to ascertain Biden as president.

Cool. So when is this happening exactly?


Ok I do not understand. What do they mean an underling will “brief” i.e. answer the questions of the Committee next week? The committee summoned Emily Murphy, not an underling, and the time was today, not next week. What is this shit? Besides a coup? Maybe nothing; maybe it just is a coup.

They think they’re the good people

Nov 23rd, 2020 10:35 am | By

Anne Applebaum notes that there are rules, and Trump and his rabble are breaking them in ways that no predecessor ever has.

Murphy is the head of the General Services Administration, the unglamorous bit of the federal government that actually runs the federal government. Part of her job—a part that no one has ever before considered controversial or even noteworthy—is to “ascertain” who has won the U.S. presidential election, and then to release the congressionally mandated funds that allow the winner to begin his transition. Usually, that process also unlocks cooperation between incoming and outgoing officials. Before leaving office in 2017, aides to Barack Obama had prepared elaborate explanations of the state of the world, including a 69-page playbook for how to manage a pandemic. They handed the documents over to Donald Trump’s transition team, which ignored them.

But the decision to bungle his own transition was Trump’s. The Obama team did not hinder him in any way, and the GSA certainly did not. Of course, many people were upset about Trump’s election at the time, and many suspected Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Those suspicions were more than justified: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would eventually show how Russian-controlled social-media accounts, coupled with the Russian security-service hack of the Democratic National Committee, sought to affect voters’ perceptions of Hillary Clinton. But they did not render the voting fake or the voting machines dysfunctional, and nobody in any senior post ever claimed that they had. Nobody—no civil servant, no political appointee, no politician—tried to stop the transition either. The rules were the rules.

But now it is 2020. For four years, the White House has been occupied by a team of people who do not care about the rules. The president and his family have disregarded rules about security clearances, rules about the use of private email for public purposes, rules about the intersection of political and government business. They have profited financially from the presidency while still in the White House. They have sought to use American foreign-policy tools for personal and political gain. While they did so, they accustomed everyone around them to accept new standards. Slowly, members of the Trump administration got used to tolerating blatant, bold-faced lies. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of lies—important lies, stupid lies, insignificant lies, lies about attendance at the inauguration, lies about economic growth, lies about a hurricane forecast in Alabama.

So people who work for Trump have had four years to get used to lying from the top. They’ve done a bang-up job of it, most of them. Chris Krebs refused and got fired for it last week, but most of them have become adepts.

But not everybody is Chris Krebs. Clearly, Emily Murphy is not Chris Krebs. Confronted with the reality of Joe Biden’s victory, and with the predictably mendacious reaction of the president, Murphy, along with an astonishing number of elected and appointed Republican officials, has chosen to stand by him too. “Friends” are now speaking to the national media on her behalf. One of these “friends” told CNN that Murphy is distressed: “She’s doing what she believes is her honest duty as someone who has sworn true allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and the laws that govern her position.”

Well, no. She is not doing her honest duty. She is behaving badly, dishonestly, unfairly. She is violating the Constitution of the United States of America by refusing to recognize that the election is over, that Trump’s lawsuits and legal games are frivolous, and that the transition has begun. But she, like so many others in the White House, seems to believe the exact opposite: that it is part of her job to support radical, norm-breaking, democracy-destroying lies. Like so many others in the Republican Party, she appears to think that election results do not need to be accepted; that legal votes can be challenged; that courts and political pressure can be used to change the result.

All for Donald Trump, a transparently rotten human being.

Increasingly outrageous

Nov 22nd, 2020 5:19 pm | By

But she sounds perfect for Trump.

[Sidney] Powell had made headlines in recent weeks for her increasingly outrageous and unsupported claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, repeatedly vowing to “release the kraken” of evidence, only to refuse to produce it when asked by reporters. She has accused election officials in multiple states of committing crimes, and in recent days turned on Georgia’s Republican governor, Brian Kemp, who on Friday helped certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state. Her attack on Kemp, which also included the threat of a “biblical” lawsuit, appeared to unsettle some of Trump’s allies.

It seems ethically questionable for lawyers to accuse people of crimes without offering any evidence. I’m being polite; I think it’s a good deal worse than “ethically questionable.”

“Sidney Powell accusing Governor Brian Kemp of a crime on television yet being unwilling to go on TV and defend and lay out the evidence that she supposedly has, this is outrageous conduct,” former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Sunday.

And if Chris Christie thinks so…

Gonna release it

Nov 22nd, 2020 4:14 pm | By

It’s all quite melancholy, really, because the thing is, she was going to release the Kraken, at least she said she was. Newsweek November 17:

Sidney Powell, one of the attorneys on Donald Trump‘s legal team contesting the election results, has been on the media circuit lately. She visited The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday and Mario Bartiromo on Fox News the day before. The appearance that’s really gained traction, though, happened days before on Lou Dobbs Tonight on the Fox Business Network. During that conversation, Powell repurposed a popular phrase that has since taken off on Twitter as a clarion call for the right while a source of mockery for the left.

“I’m going to release the Kraken,” Powell declared defiantly while saying she would expose [the fact that] the deck was stacked against Trump in the election by “Silicon Valley people, the big tech companies, the social media and even the media companies.”

And the Kraken is………………………….

a bunch of florid lies told by a hack lawyer who has now been disavowed by the very crooks she was hacking for.

On the one hand it’s funny, on the other hand it’s about as funny as the Reichstag fire.

Members of the team step forward

Nov 22nd, 2020 3:53 pm | By

One minute Sidney Powell is at a Trump team press conference spouting deranged conspiracy theories about the election, the next minute Giuliani is issuing a statement saying she’s not part of the Trump team. Probably the next item is Trump will do a presser holding Giuliani’s dripping head aloft.

President Trump’s campaign said in a Sunday statement that Sidney Powell is neither a member of its legal team nor a lawyer for Trump in his personal capacity.

Powell was a part of the campaign’s wild, conspiratorial Thursday press conference and baselessly floated unfounded conspiracy theories that included a claim that President-elect Biden won the 2020 presidential election thanks to “communist money” from the Venezuelan regime.

Which sounds funny, but we need to keep in mind that millions of damn fools believe all this shit. If Trump says it they believe it, and that’s scary.

As for the truth of the statement…

Ah. Eight days ago Sidney Powell was part of the “truly great team.”

Hair dye dribbler smacks back

Nov 22nd, 2020 12:56 pm | By

They’re gluttons for punishment.


Nov 22nd, 2020 12:32 pm | By

More from the “individualism run amok” file:

Yeah yeah yeah, we’re all impressed, but the point you’re missing here is that your house FULL of people is a risk to other people, people who are not you and not part of your “we.” It’s not tough or self-reliant or brave or clever to take risks that endanger other people as well as you.

It shouldn’t be a “liberal” monopoly to want to avoid spreading a lethal virus. Why do conservatives want to wave that particular flag?

Trump ignores growing pressure

Nov 22nd, 2020 11:08 am | By

Is Trump finally running out of road?

Donald Trump faced growing pressure from Republicans on Sunday to drop his chaotic, last-ditch fight to overturn the US presidential election, as victor Joe Biden prepared to start naming his cabinet and a Pennsylvania judge compared Trump’s legal case there to “Frankenstein’s monster”.

Despite Republican leadership in Washington standing behind the president’s claims that the 3 November election was stolen from him by nationwide voter fraud, other prominent figures, including two of his former national security advisers, were blunt.

So, in other words, no, Trump is still marching up that road with Republican “leadership” right beside him. John Bolton said things on tv, but who cares.

And another former Trump administration national security adviser, HR McMaster, told CBS’s Face the Nation that Trump’s efforts were “very corrosive” and warned that his actions were sowing doubt among the electorate.

“It’s playing into the hands of our adversaries,” he said, warning that Russia, for example, “doesn’t care who wins” as long as many Americans doubt the result, undermining US democracy.

But, again, Trump doesn’t care, Pompeo doesn’t care, Pence doesn’t care, the Republican senators and reps mostly don’t care.

Just work AROUND the structural inequalities

Nov 22nd, 2020 10:11 am | By

Well whaddya know, Tory equality commissioner has a Tory idea of what equality is.

(Spoiler: it’s to stop whining and find some way to “circumvent” the obstacles that discrimination puts in place.)

Jessica Butcher, a successful digital entrepreneur, was last week appointed as one of four new commissioners at the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) by Liz Truss, the minister for women and equalities.

The EHRC’s role is to enforce the Equality Act, Britain’s key equality law, and to reduce inequality and tackle discrimination. Commissioners help set the body’s strategic direction.

But in a series of speeches, interviews and articles, Butcher – who describes herself as an “old-school feminist” – has criticised many recent feminist campaigns, including on issues in which the EHRC plays a significant role.

Nah she’s not an old-school feminist, she’s just a Tory.

Butcher has also criticised a feminist “narrative of discrimination” for reducing women’s confidence in pursuing careers. She does not deny that gender discrimination exists, but in an interview last year, she suggested that women who think they have been discriminated against should find a way around it rather than complaining.

“Even if it was due to discrimination, the most productive reaction to that is not wounded insecurity, go cry to someone about how you might have been gender-discriminated against,” she said, “but it’s to actually go ‘well come on then, I’ll show you’ and take the onus to circumvent the situation in some way.

“You know, resilience, it should be about resilience, and I feel that the narrative of discrimination and victimhood undermines both that confidence and that resilience and also the individual onus to take ownership of how you put yourself forward, and to mould yourself, change yourself to the circumstances as required.”

No. Of course that’s what Tories think, but it’s not any kind of feminism, it’s Ignore Inequality and Just Work Harder conservatism. Here’s why it’s crap:

One, it’s unjust. Why should women have to make extra efforts to overcome sexist barriers? Why should anyone have to make extra efforts to overcome any form of “you’re not one of us” barriers?

Two, it leaves the system untouched. Why should “you’re not one of us” barriers remain in place forever, forcing all the underling groups to expend more effort and time just to get an interview or hired or promoted?

Conservatives like the system that way, because they’re conservative, but no one else does.

Sam Smethers, the chief executive of the Fawcett Society, said: “With these appointments one can only conclude the government is more interested in undermining the credibility of the EHRC rather than ensuring we have an independent and effective statutory body with a strong understanding of structural inequalities. There are some experienced people working at the commission doing important work. They need commissioners who can be effective champions.”

Tories gonna Tory.

“Denied as moot” is trending

Nov 21st, 2020 4:33 pm | By

People are enjoying the smackdown.

SOMEbody is not so happy.

Trump wants to disenfranchise 7 million voters

Nov 21st, 2020 4:19 pm | By

Judge smacks Trump down hard.

A US District Court judge Saturday dismissed a lawsuit by the Trump campaign trying to invalidate millions of Pennsylvania mail-in votes.

“Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the context of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated,” US District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote Saturday.

Plus, the case is crap.

“One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened,” Brann added. “Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence.”

It’s crap. Complete unmitigated crap. Crappity crap crap. A dog could do better.

“In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more,” the judge wrote. “At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted.”

This might become like the Dover ruling, something to read with vindictive pleasure.

Pennsylvania counties are supposed to certify the votes on Monday.

It’s over, Donald. Pack your nasty bags.


Nov 21st, 2020 12:47 pm | By

How to do better at pronouning.

Yes! That’s so important! Always get into the habit of interrupting people to tell them what to say. Life is drab and tedious without that.

What a fun afternoon that sounds like.

What if my authentic self is someone who doesn’t believe in specialty pronouns?

Brenda is a feminist

Nov 21st, 2020 12:11 pm | By

There’s another one of those Open Letters, this one from “the LGBTQ+ community” of Ireland.

For decades the transgender community has advocated, marched, and fought for equality, and inclusion. This fight has never once wavered in supporting movements that garner equality for all marginalised communities.

Well that’s a lie. “The trans community” doesn’t advocate or fight for all marginalized communities, it advocates and fights for its own. Individual trans people may have joined in, but the “community” has not, and it has gone way out of its way to shit on women.

Our work, our fight, our campaigns, have all been underscored by two things, intersectionality and solidarity. The transgender community has always worked in advancing the equal rights and acceptance of all without discrimination. 

Not true. Self-flattering bullshit.

For decades members of the transgender community marched in Pride, stood for women’s equality, all while our rights were left off the table.

Not true.

Even now, transgender people continue to work for reforms that will increase the rights of gay and lesbian parents in surrogacy and adoption. Never have transgender people sought to diminish the rights, or acceptance of others.


Now, unfortunately, we see a rise in discriminatory organisations and vocal transgender exclusionary activists using Twitter and divisive antics to attempt to a drive a wedge in queer communities between transgender people and fracture our support from feminists. For our decades of solidarity, some seek to repay our community with a call for division based on falsities and bigotry. Let us say unequivocally that the statements of newly launched organisations that seek to defend biology or fight gender identity and expression do not represent the wider LGBTI+ community nor feminists in Ireland. More importantly, they are not organisations at all, they have no governance, no accountability, and are simply Twitter accounts. Further, they are not supported by the wider Irish community. Ireland has dealt with these pseudo-feminists before…

That’s more like it – that’s the real attitude to feminism.

The K word

Nov 21st, 2020 11:51 am | By

Katherine Morgan says it’s white women’s fault:

The 2016 exit polls reported that 52 percent of white women had voted for Trump, though according to TIME, that number was closer to 47 percent.

The bookstore where I worked was similarly hectic in June: We received countless anti-racism book orders. And yet, despite all of the learning that supposedly took place via these books, in early November 2020 exit polls stated that among white women, Trump still held their support: An estimated 55 percent of white women voted for Trump. This is at least a two-point increase for this demographic since the previous election. As I sit with this number—more than half—I think about how one day at work I spent most of my eight-hour shift explaining to customers that we were out of So You Want to Talk About Race, because suddenly everyone wanted to talk about race, a subject that I had spent more than a decade talking about myself. It was suddenly essential, like the latest bag or pair of shoes. It had become an accessory, a badge of honor, proof of being a good white person. When I told one customer that her book was back-ordered, but there were an expected 20,000 books coming back into stock within two weeks to meet the unprecedented demand, she said, “But what I’m supposed to do now?” I wanted to tell her to read any other book—or, of course, to participate in any other active form of anti-racism—but I also needed my job.

Instead, I simply said, “We’re working on getting this sorted out. We appreciate your patience, and your eagerness to learn.” And I do appreciate their willingness to learn. The only question, especially given the continual support for Trump and other racist politicians by so many white women, is what do we do while we wait for it to sink in.

But why just white women? Why not men? Are men all voting Democratic?

As has been the case since 1980, women were more likely than men to vote for the Democratic candidate: 56% of women, compared to 48% of men, supported Joe Biden.

Well…ok…but white women are Karens. Case closed.