It was Sex Week at Ohio State University last month! We missed it!
It was under the umbrella of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Department.
What is that about? Why are women and sexuality lumped together? Do men have nothing to do with sexuality? It’s hard not to conclude that the lumping together is because women are the consumer good, rather than because men have nothing to do with sexuality. It’s like this, see: when people (i.e. men) think about women they think about sex, so the two go together as an academic department. What non-people (i.e. women) think about when they think about men is of no interest or importance. Disciplines are organized according to what men think about, and women are just the raw material.
Anyway. Sexuality week is guaranteed to be fun and sex-positive.
Student Advocates for Sexual Health Awareness (SASHA) is hosting The Ohio State University’s annual Sex Week! Sex Week is dedicated to creating a judgement-free, inclusive, relatable space for the OSU community to explore sexual health. The week will include presentations and discussions on various topics including sex education, abortion stigma, pleasure, sex work, and more!
With no judgement! Of any kind! Always desirable in an academic setting.
Monday, February 15th
- “Kiss me Thru The Phone: Cybersex during COVID-19” (2:00pm – 3:00pm)
- “Beyond the Gender Binary with Alok” (5:00pm – 6:00pm)
- “The Policy on Our Bodies: A Panel on Current Legislation” (6:00pm – 7:00pm
Tuesday, February 16th
- “They Work Hard for the Money: Sex Work with Dr. Teela Sanders” (3:00pm – 4:00pm)
Who do? Pimps? Pimps don’t work hard for the money.
Friday, February 19th
- “Smashing the Stigma on Sex” (11:00am – 12:00pm)
- “Not Your High School Sex Ed” (2:00pm – 3:00pm)
- “Plan B(ingo)” (6:00pm – 7:00pm)
- “Kink 101” (7:30pm – 8:30pm)
Send your daughter to Ohio State to learn how to love being strangled during sex!
SASHA is a student organization that advocates educating the student body about sexual health in all its forms. Realistic sexual health is interdisciplinary and includes healthy relationships, methods of protection, and STI awareness, gender equality, and body acceptance.
Co-sponsored by The Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.
Feminism? What’s that got to do with anything?