The Washington State ACLU is what???
From the WoLF piece:
The judge has issued a ruling in Andrea Kelly’s motion to intervene against the ACLU’s attempts to prevent the lawful public disclosure of records about male transfers into Washington State female correctional facilities. Judge Thomas Rice, who expressed clear indications from the beginning of the case that he sympathizes with the ACLU’s attempts to protect males transferred into women’s prisons, denied the motion to intervene and removed Kelly from the lawsuit – but not before Ms. Kelly obtained critical information from the Department of Corrections as part of the DOC’s court filings in this lawsuit.
The ACLU is protecting males transferred into women’s prisons, at the expense of women in women’s prisons. Males are the oppressed class and women are their oppressors.
The court records revealed the answers to many of the questions our client sought to obtain from the Washington State Department of Corrections through her Public Records Act Request, and also corroborated whistle-blower reports from local radio station KIRO-FM that a serial rapist is now being housed in the Washington Correctional Center for Women. However, the judge also granted an injunction against the public release of the responsive documents.
These records confirm our suspicion that the ACLU of Washington is seeking to suppress public records requests which prove that male rapists are being housed with vulnerable women in Washington prisons, and that there are official complaints of sexual assault by these men from within the prison.
The men’s right to privacy trumps the women’s right to safety, it seems. So the men get privacy to continue sexually assaulting the women.
WoLF’s client made a record request.
The request asked for documents pertaining to:
1. A complete and accurate count of inmates who identify as transgender (gender identity differs from sex identified at birth) in the custody of the Washington Department of Corrections [please break this information down by location]
2. Number of inmates that have been transferred from a men’s facility to a women’s facility since January 01, 2021
3. Total number of male persons who identify as female, non-binary, or any other gender identity that are currently housed in a women’s facility
4. Number of inmates who have transferred from a women’s facility to a men’s facility from January 01, 2021 to March 18, 2021
5. Number of female persons who identify as male, non-binary or any other gender identity that are currently housed in a men’s facility
In the following weeks, the ACLU of Washington and Disability Rights Washington (DRW) filed a lawsuit to prevent the release of documents requested by our client and members of the press. The ACLU claimed this was necessary for the “safety” of their clients who were supposedly at risk in the women’s prisons.
And the ACLU apparently didn’t give two shits about the safety of the women in the women’s prisons.
Despite the information obtained from the court record, the decision and logic of the judgment itself create a dangerous new precedent. WoLF has obtained descriptions of the responsive documents listed in the court record, including PREA complaints against violent male sexual offenders who have raped and terrorized women both in and out of prison. However, the judge has enjoined us from releasing these documents, citing his concern for the “safety” of the male prisoners.
From the beginning of this case, The Honorable Judge Rice has shown a blatant disregard for the safety, dignity, and human rights of women — treating both female prisoners and our client with outright contempt.
The decision has invented a new, completely fictional, exception to the Washington Public Records Act, and the state has failed to meet its legal obligation to release the records to the public.
In fact, our client still has not received a response to her first request: “A complete and accurate count of inmates who identify as transgender (gender identity differs from sex identified at birth) in the custody of the Washington Department of Corrections [please break this information down by location].”
In an ACLU webinar hosted last week, ACLU lawyer and spokesperson Chase Strangio named WoLF as an “enemy,” and claimed that the public records requested by our client were an “excuse to hype up a false sense of some sort of safety crisis,” “FOIA abuse,” and “the ultimate gaslighting.”
I wonder how Strangio explains to herself how it’s ok that women are being sexually assaulted by the men whose “privacy” she’s protecting.
But Judge Rice and the ACLU have all read the same documents we have — which prove that male rapists are being admitted to women’s prisons under “gender identity” policies and raping women in these facilities. However, throughout the course of the case, both the judge and the ACLU have pretended that they do not know this, that women’s concerns about being housed with these men are unfounded, and that the male rapists and murderers are the real victims in this case. This, in fact, is the ultimate gaslighting.
Also the ultimate “Meh, who cares, it’s only women.”