Bullying and threats

Jun 1st, 2021 12:01 pm | By

Stonewall even worse than we already thought surprise surprise.

Stonewall “threatened” to silence a gender-critical barrister they deemed “transphobic” by having her sacked, court documents have revealed.

Allison Bailey, a lesbian criminal barrister who helped to set up the LGB Alliance, is currently suing the embattled charity, claiming it collaborated with her chambers to put her under investigation.

Ms Bailey, who set up a crowdfunder to cover her legal bills, lodged a claim at the Employment Tribunal against Stonewall and Garden Court Chambers last year alleging that she was silenced “because both my chambers and Stonewall treat people such as me, who hold gender critical beliefs, as being bigoted and unworthy of respect”. 

The Telegraph has seen damning court documents and emails.

In a hearing in February at the London Central Employment Tribunal, Judge Stout refers to a “threat” from Stonewall to “remove” the barrister from Garden Court Chambers – which is a fee-paying member of the charity’s embattled Diversity Champions Scheme.

Rejecting the charity’s legal bid to strike out the barrister’s claim, Judge Stout said: “[It] plainly seeks to put pressure on Chambers to take action against the Claimant, indeed to the extent of urging Chambers to remove the Claimant from Chambers, and accompanies that with a threat about the ongoing relationship between Chambers and Stonewall itself if Chambers does not take action.”

What a good thing that more and more institutions are waking up to the reality that a relationship with Stonewall is not a relationship they want.

Separately, Ms Bailey released a leaked email from Stonewall’s Head of Trans Inclusion to her Heads of Chambers. The email accuses the barrister of: “targeting a woman who works for us (our trans empowerment manager) and calling her a man”, “calling our work on LGBT equality ‘gender extremism’” and “accusing Stonewall of ‘appalling levels of intimidation, fear and coercion’”.

Stonewall says, trying to ruin the career of a woman who disagrees with them.

The email continues: “These actions and their link to Garden Court Chambers, threatens the positive relationship yourselves have built with the trans community through holding events, round tables and meetings for trans people on trans equality and rights.[…] “

Yourselves have built? So they’re illiterate on top of everything else.

“However, for Garden Court Chambers to continue associating with a barrister who is actively campaigning for a reduction in trans rights and equality, while also specifically targeting members of our staff with transphobic abuse on a public platform, puts us in a difficult position with yourselves: the safety of our staff and community will always be Stonewall’s first priority.”

The email also contained a list of tweets that Ms Bailey had “liked” and “retweeted” questioning whether male-born people identifying as women are the same as biological women. 

So they spend their time checking on the likes and retweets of people who disagree with them. Much diversity champions.

Actually how it’s written

Jun 1st, 2021 11:18 am | By

Graham Linehan is not bowled over by Paris Lees’s memoir.

I think we’re going to have to do an emergency Mess We’re In on Paris Lees’ memoirs.

This is the start of it. I’m not making this up. This is real. This isn’t a parody. This is actually how it’s written.

Oh gawd, I hate dialect writing. Anyway it’s stupid because it assumes that non-dialect writing represents the way non-dialect people speak, but there are no non-dialect people, so the assumption is wrong and silly and bad.

And if you want any more proof that this is a revolution of mediocre men, have a look at this pathetic review in the Guardian by Kadish Morris. It’s a masterpiece in Trying Not To Give A Bad Review And Being Very Vague About Why It’s Good So You Don’t Humiliate Yourself More That You Have To. It reads like a review I would write if the author had kidnapped my dog.

Anita Rani did better than that on Woman’s Hour – she came across as thrilled and exhilarated enough for a World Cup win.

This is the strongest criticism she can manage. “It does, however, ramble in places, while the racist slurs directed at Black and Asian people are glossed over in a way that makes you question why they were even mentioned.” Talk about trans privilege! Can you imagine Martin Amis getting away that lightly!?

Let alone Dawn French.

H/t latsot

What goes around

Jun 1st, 2021 10:33 am | By

Anti-vax religious loony gets the Covid.

Conservative pastor Rick Wiles has apparently fallen ill with COVID-19 after condemning the vaccines that fight the disease, baselessly claiming they’re being used to carry out a “global genocide.”

Wiles—the founder of the conspiracy-promoting TruNews website and the senior pastor of Flowing Streams Church in Florida—asserted on this show in late April that he would not get vaccinated against COVID-19 and would survive the “global genocide.”

“I am not going to be vaccinated,” he said. “I’m going to be one of the survivors. I’m going to survive the genocide.”

He added, “You and I are witnessing the first global mass murder and it’s being led by Satan’s team on the planet. You must survive it. Do not be vaccinated.”

That last bit is why it’s good that he has it. He told people (people who look up to him) not to get vaccinated against a lethal virus; that’s a bad thing to do.

Then this week, TruNews, in a post to its official Gab account, noted that there was a COVID-19 outbreak at Wiles’ church and asked for prayers.

An outbreak he helped to cause. Nice guy.

Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine.

Everything Hour to replace Woman’s Hour

Jun 1st, 2021 8:59 am | By

Last week BBC 4’s Woman’s Hour had host Anita Rani interviewing Paris Lees, who is a man who identifies as a woman. I took the trouble to listen to it and found that Anita Rani was strikingly gushy toward him. Some women on Twitter were critical of this choice of subject and Rani’s gush. Her response:


If Woman’s Hour is a space to discuss everything then why is it called Woman’s Hour? Why isn’t it called Everything Hour?

More specifically, why do women have to empathise with men who identify as women at the expense of women? Why do they have to give up part of this one BBC hour that’s about women for the sake of yet another “story” from and about a man?

Why do women have to put up with having the subject changed from women back to men yet again even on a radio show that’s literally named woman’s hour? Why do we have to put up with being told to shut up and move over and share our hour with men even on Woman’s Hour? Why can’t we have one thing that’s for women?


Texas is a mistake

May 31st, 2021 6:14 pm | By

The Texas “no people like you can’t vote” bill has been blocked for now, because the Democrats walked out. The Gov is mad.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he intends to withhold paychecks to state lawmakers after House Democrats staged a walkout to block voting restrictions proposed by their Republican counterparts.

I wonder if he has that power. It’s not as if he sits up there every Friday handing them their checks.

A large group of Democrats walked out of the House chamber in Austin late Sunday, so there was no quorum and that prevented a final vote on the proposal, Senate Bill 7. The bill, which had appeared poised for passage, would cut back polling hours, reduce access to mail-in voting, and give more authority to partisan poll-watchers.

And it would allow an election to be overturned even without any finding of fraud. Just “because we want to,” basically.

Voting rights advocates say those and other provisions of the bill would make voting more difficult in Texas, and would disproportionately burden people of color. There’s been no evidence of significant voter fraud in Texas or elsewhere.

Oh picky picky picky. If there were no voter fraud how would any Democrats get elected? Everybody knows that Republicans are perfected and Democrats are communist socialist antifaist rabble.

The fight in the Texas Legislature comes as Republican state lawmakers across the country work to pass legislation they say is designed to crack down on voter fraud, but which would have the effect of making voting more difficult in many communities.

I’m not NPR, so I’m free to spell it out. Republican state lawmakers across the country are doing everything they can think of to make voting more difficult, because added difficulty always affects poor people more than rich people, and they want laws and policies that are good for rich people, not poor people. This isn’t subtle.

Guest post: A story of “top down” change

May 31st, 2021 12:04 pm | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Life-changing opportunities are missed.

Wallwork says it’s the IOC’s doing, and that’s true, and they suck, but it’s Hubbard’s doing too, and I think we absolutely can keep saying so. He’s blatantly cheating, and he knows it, and it’s simply revolting

Yeah, he didn’t end up on that podium accidentally, nor was a gun held to his head. “Validation” trumps fairness.

Also, would the New Zealand Olympic team be as silent if other nations fielded male ringers, if their own women’s team was made up solely of, you know,women? Or what if other countries had bigger, burlier, stronger TIMs on their “women’” weightlifting rosters? Are they good with cheating as long as they’re the only ones doing it? And as long as they’re winning? An “advantage” in the rules like this one disappears as soon as others start to join in.

Just imagine an athletic arms race in which women are wholly supplanted by TIMs in certain sports. If it’s permitted, it will be done. Pretty soon everyone is building battleships, and pushing as much through the loopholes as is possible. “It would never happen,” has already turned out to be a lie in plenty of other instances (see for example: prisons). How likely is it to remain an improbable, scaremongering fiction if money and fame are on offer?

This has been very much a story of “top down” change, with institutional capture being inecessary for the success that trans activism and gender ideology has so far attained. How far can this be imposed on the rest of the general public? Perhaps appealing to the sports viewing audience might be of some use. I think many people are completely oblivious to all the furor and controversy that blows up on twitter and in academia. Their first exposure to the issue could very well be the intrusion of boys and men into female athletics, maybe watching Hubbard in Olympic competition. How many members of the average public will actually understand that they are seeing cheating men invading women’s sports? (Though it is not likely they will learn this from captured broadcasters and media outlets.) Will they see this as fair or just? Will the average member of the public stand for this? Do they really want to watch men cheat? Not “transgender” or “transwomen” athletes. MEN. This is why the fight for clear language is important.

Perhaps we have seen the high water mark of genderism, and that the apparently sudden, and growing, institutional concern over legal risk exposure at having been misled by Stonewall, marks a changing of the tide. I’m hoping there’s a potentially huge load of peak transing just about to happen…

Porn for the kids

May 31st, 2021 11:51 am | By

An item from the (very conservative) Federalist a week ago:

An exclusive New York City high school hired an educator to teach students about pornography, and it did not go over well with parents.

Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, an institution with a price tag of about $47,000 for the highest grade offered, held a sexuality workshop for all students in the junior class. Parents were not made aware of the training, and students were misinformed about the explicit content.

It seems to me there is a place in high schools for a certain kind of teaching about porn, though it would probably be futile. Porn-critical teaching could elucidate the ways porn endangers women, for instance by normalizing “choking” i.e. strangling, which keeps leading to news items about women who, surprisingly to all concerned, turn up dead as a result of “rough sex.” Remember that guy who lured a teenage girl to the top of Calton Hill in Edinburgh on a freezing January night, poured vodka down her, bit and strangled her, and then toddled off home leaving her to die of hypothermia? That’s porn, right there.

But, teenagers being what they are, the result of such education would probably be eye-rolling and a renewed determination to be kink-friendly. At any rate it’s not at all clear that that’s what this “sexuality workshop” was teaching.

One student told the New York Post he thought it was “just going to be about condoms or birth control.” On the contrary, the training was called “Pornography Literacy: An intersectional focus on mainstream porn.” It was taught by Justine Ang Fonte, the director of health and wellness at The Dalton School nearby.

Oh well thank god the focus is intersectional. Is it also inclusive? A worried nation wants to know.

The Federalist alas doesn’t make clear how the image is connected to the presentation. I haven’t been able to find out what exactly Justine Ang Fonte talked about.

The students were just irritated by it. They know about porn, duh.

After the Post published its report on Columbia Prep, head of the school William M. Donohue apologized to parents in an email, saying the “content and tone of the presentation did not represent our philosophy, which is to educate our students in ways that promote their personal development and overall health, as well as to express respect for them as individuals.”

Well what did they think it was going to be? Why are they bringing in external speakers when they don’t know what the content will be?

Fonte has a page of her “presentations” but it too is just titles and images but no real information. One title looks like the kind of thing I suggested – be safe type advice.

Get (Lit)erate on Porn

Sexual Assault & Consent Summit

But a more recent title sounds less…adult.

Are You a Porn Genre or Are You Privileged?

It’s not apparent who she is or what her expertise is or what it is about her that convinces administrators she should show up at their schools to tell the students things.

Changed eligibility rules

May 31st, 2021 10:26 am | By

Making history.

A Scot has made history by becoming the first transgender woman golfer to win a professional tournament in the US.

That’s not making history, it’s cheating. Different thing.

Ayrshire-born Hailey Davidson claimed victory in a mini-tour event at Providence Golf Club in Polk County, Florida.

Hailey, 28, was finally given the green light to compete in National Women’s Golf Association events after the United States Golf Association and the Ladies Professional Golf Association changed eligibility rules to make it easier for trans athletes to compete.

That is, after the United States Golf Association and the Ladies Professional Golf Association changed eligibility rules to make it easier for men to cheat by competing against women.

Hailey said she “finally feels whole” after undergoing gender reassignment surgery in January after being on hormone therapy since September 24, 2015 – a date that is tattooed on her right forearm.

She said: “Opposition to transgender women playing in female sport irritates me due to most being based on societal stereotypes and not actual facts and real athlete experiences.”

Men playing in female sport irritates me because it’s grossly unfair to the women.

Guidance on issues such as pronouns

May 31st, 2021 6:33 am | By

Stonewall is melting, melllltiiiinnnggg…

Liz Truss, the equalities minister, is pushing for all government departments to withdraw from Stonewall’s employment scheme following a row over transgender rights.

The Times understands that responsibility for co-ordinating participation in the scheme rests with the Cabinet Office. The scheme counts 250 government departments and public bodies among its 850 members, which pay for guidance on issues such as pronouns and gender-neutral spaces.

Why pay for that? There are a million sources on it that don’t charge anything, besides which, it’s all nonsense anyway. Nobody needs “guidance” on pronouns.

Stonewall says the scheme is “the leading employers’ programme for ensuring all LGBT staff are accepted without exception in the workplace”. 

Oh yes? What if a member of staff is incompetent or a bully or a misogynist abuser or all those? Does that member of staff have to be accepted?

That aside, why is Stonewall “the leading programme”? Who says it is? Leading in what sense? Is it any good at what it does? Is the “leading” thing just one of those self-perpetuating monopoly type deals? Those other people have Stonewall so we’d better have them too? Conformity in other words? Name recognition? Not actually anything to do with quality or expertise or skill?

Essex University, another member of the diversity champion scheme, apologised this month for dropping two speakers after they were accused of transphobia. The university published an independent report that concluded that Stonewall had provided officials with misleading and potentially illegal advice. The report expressed concern that Stonewall had misrepresented the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 to suggest that the legislation included “gender identity”. Academics have claimed that the alleged misrepresentation has resulted in speakers being prevented from debating trans rights.

No kidding; we’ve been watching it happen for the past several years.

Life-changing opportunities are missed

May 31st, 2021 5:56 am | By

Seriously bad joke.

A Belgian weightlifter says dealing with transgender issues in sport is “impossible” but the presence of Laurel Hubbard in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games is “like a bad joke” to women athletes.

The women athletes have been keeping quiet, though, for all the reasons we know about.

Anna Vanbellinghen of Belgium has broken the athletes’ silence with a considered statement on Hubbard’s achievement.

Vanbellinghen has a chance of qualifying in the same weight category, the over-87-kilogram super-heavyweights, and is therefore directly affected by the presence of Hubbard, who transitioned to female at the age of 35.

Others have voiced outrage at Hubbard’s presence in women’s sport, most often on social media, but Vanbellinghen is not making a personal criticism.

“First off, I would like to stress that I fully support the transgender community, and that what I’m about to say doesn’t come from a place of rejection of this athlete’s identity,” Vanbellinghen said.

Why would she “like to” stress that? Because of the relentless bullying that greets any complaints about male athletes stealing women’s prizes.

This athlete’s identity can be a dandelion or a wheelbarrow or the moons of Venus, it doesn’t matter, the point is what he is in fact, which is a person with a male body, aka a man.

“However, anyone that has trained weightlifting at a high level knows this to be true in their bones: this particular situation is unfair to the sport and to the athletes.”

Vanbellinghen, 27, whose qualifying efforts were disrupted by injury, pointed out that the retained benefit of taking steroids, even years earlier, is widely known.

“So why is it still a question whether two decades, from puberty to the age of 35, with the hormonal system of a man also would give an advantage [in competing against women]?

“I understand that for sports authorities nothing is as simple as following your common sense, and that there are a lot of impracticalities when studying such a rare phenomenon, but for athletes the whole thing feels like a bad joke.

“Life-changing opportunities are missed for some athletes – medals and Olympic qualifications – and we are powerless.”

Well, that’s being a woman. Life’s tough.

A similar point was made by Jerry Wallwork, President of the Samoan Weightlifting Federation, which has had athletes competing against Hubbard since she transitioned in 2017.

“I was one of the people who opposed it [having Hubbard in Olympic qualifying] greatly back in 2018,” Wallwork said.

But I do feel that we cannot keep throwing mud at Laurel and blaming her, even though our female athletes are in direct competition with her and could miss out on competing at the Olympic Games.”

No, I disagree. Wallwork says it’s the IOC’s doing, and that’s true, and they suck, but it’s Hubbard’s doing too, and I think we absolutely can keep saying so. He’s blatantly cheating, and he knows it, and it’s simply revolting.

Turning too sharp

May 31st, 2021 5:38 am | By

The people who get elected to Congress these days

At about midnight four years ago, restauranteur Lauren Boebert, in her words, “turned too sharp,” and rolled her truck into a ditch near her home in Rifle, Colorado. She faced a careless driving and unsafe vehicle charges, and a court date was set for three months later.

Not an uncommon slip-up on rural roads at night. But Boebert, who’s now a Republican candidate for Congress, never showed up for her court hearing on October 5, 2016, according to records obtained by the Colorado Times Recorder from Colorado’s 9th Judicial District.

Now, nine months after the article appeared, she’s in Congress.

So there was a warrant for her arrest. The court sent her a nice letter explaining it all and telling her how to fix it by mail – she didn’t even have to show up physically! But she blew that off too.

After apparently ignoring the court’s letter, Boebert was arrested four months later, on Feb. 13, 2017, fingerprinted, photographed, and fined $100. The following month, she appeared in court, as ordered, and the matter was settled in a plea bargain, dropping the careless driving charge.

There was another arrest.

When arrested in 2015 for disorderly conduct, Boebert warned deputies at the time that she had “friends at Fox News.”

One deputy wrote that Boebert was “trying to get subjects to leave the custody of law enforcement,” according to the police report. Some of these “subjects” were detained for underage drinking. (Find the police report, with the deputy’s full description of Boebert’s behavior, here.)

Isn’t she just a character?

Newsline pointed out that Boebert recently criticized protesters for not respecting the law. “Civil order, rule of law, respect, and decency need to be restored!!!” Boebert tweeted June 23, as quoted by Newsline.

And today she’s been…criticizing.


Forget the streams

May 30th, 2021 4:40 pm | By

It’s not in the future, it’s not 20 or 10 years from now, it’s now. The Himalayas are losing their ice.

When Padma Thinles was 11 years old, he lived in a city called Leh, in the northern Indian territory of Ladakh, on the Western side of the Himalayas. Then, it was a small village with streams brimming with freshwater. Now, “forget the streams,” said Thinles, who is now 21 and still lives in the region.

“There’s no water left in the sewers, either,” he said.

Despite the location of Leh in the upper Indus River Valley, which is usually flushed with water, global warming has caused an immense water shortage that has led to the shutdown of many agricultural operations critical to the region.

“In Ladakh, we used to get 5 to 6 feet of snow every year, but in 2017, it didn’t snow an inch,” said Akshit Seth, 27, who runs a school for underprivileged children in Himachal Pradesh.

And that’s not “just” a local problem – it’s a problem for everything downhill. What’s downhill is India.

As many as 2 billion people from South Asia to China are highly dependent for survival on the mountain range’s glaciers, which make up one of the world’s largest supplies of freshwater. And the world is set to lose about a third of that supply by 2100 because of global warming, a critical 2019 study found — even with the strictest possible climate crisis measures in place.

Are those measures in place? Hardly.

Glacial meltwater is an essential part of the region’s hydrology. The Himalayas are the source for a number of the world’s biggest rivers, which provide water for agriculture, drinking, and personal use: the Yangtze, the Ganges, the Indus and the Mekong. But the glaciers have lost about a third of their freshwater supply since 1975, a June 2019 study published in Science Advances found. And, more worryingly, in the 21stcentury, the rate of loss has been twice what it was in the last quarter of the 20th, according to a 2021 study published in the journal Nature.

What does that mean? It means literally billions of people affected by crop failures as well as lack of water. It’s as grim as it could get short of the planet sprouting thousands of live volcanoes all at the same time.

Also, there is a high interdependence between the glaciers located in the Himalayas and the energy security of India. Almost 33 percent of the country’s thermal electricity and 52 percent of its hydropower is dependent on the water from rivers originating in the Himalayas.

So add that. Water shortage, food shortage, power shortage.


May 30th, 2021 11:45 am | By

The Tulsa massacre almost got buried. One future historian got curious.

The white schoolboy Scott Ellsworth of Tulsa, Oklahoma, was left to wonder what the city’s darkest secret could be.

“As a 10- and 11-year-old, I would occasionally hear older adults, neighbours, talking about what we then called ‘the riot’ and they would always lower their voices or change the subject,” recalls Ellsworth, now 67. “I started to catch wind of these stories about bodies floating down the Arkansas River, machine guns on the roofs of town, but you couldn’t really find out anything about it.”

All that changed one day in 1966 when the local library installed a microfilm reader and Ellsworth and friends fed in daily newspapers from 1921. “We were just gobsmacked: hundreds die, martial law declared,” says the author and historian. “We weren’t sophisticated enough to put it all together but I knew at that point that the skeleton in the closet was true.”

The truth that could no longer be denied was that, on 31 May and 1 June 1921, a white mob had attacked Tulsa’s Black Wall Street, killing an estimated 300 people and wounding 800 more while robbing and burning businesses, homes and churches. Planes dropped explosives on the area, razing it to the ground. It remains one of the worst acts of racial violence in American history.

Ellsworth got the academic credentials and then he interviewed survivors.

“They had never been interviewed before. They didn’t talk about the massacre in their own family. I ended up being their witness. It didn’t have to be me. It could have been you or somebody else. It just happened to be me. That was one of the highest professional moments of my life.”

Conversely, Ellsworth found it almost impossible to get any white person to admit they had been involved in the carnage (none faced criminal charges). On one occasion he visited a white police officer who was happy to talk about his career but became taciturn when the subject came up.

Naturally not. The Nazis moved to Argentina; the Tulsa genociders just sat tight and became taciturn.

When Ellsworth’s Death in a Promised Land – the first comprehensive history of the massacre – was published in 1982, the survivors threw a launch party but the book was mostly ignored by the local white media. However, the author notes: “For a number of years it was the most stolen book out of the Tulsa City county library system. They’d even steal the branch copies. So once a year, I just sent them a box of books.”

Tulsa’s secret was out and could not be forgotten again. The massacre’s 75th anniversary in 1996 received national media attention. The Tulsa Race Riot Commission was formed a year later to carry out a long overdue investigation and make the case for reparations.

A lot of our history is long overdue.

For any insensitivity

May 30th, 2021 10:57 am | By

International embarrassment.

A hat shop in Nashville, Tennessee, has drawn condemnation and protests after it advertised an anti-vaccine yellow star like those forced on Jews by Nazi Germany.

The shop, Hatwrks, said in a now-deleted Instagram post that it was selling the patches for $5 (£3.50).

The shop was criticised online and targeted by protesters, who held a sign saying “no Nazis in Nashville”.

A local rabbi said the star was an insult to Jews killed under the Nazis.

Being urged to get a vaccination against a lethal pandemic is not very comparable to being murdered by a fascist antisemitic state.

In a later Instagram post, the shop apologised “for any insensitivity”. It said it did not “intend to trivialise the Star of David or disrespect what happened to millions of people”.

Don’t be schewpid. Of course you did. You can’t flaunt a picture of a giggling person wearing a yellow star with “vaccination” on it without intending to trivialize the real yellow star.

During the pandemic some conspiracy theorists have been denounced for making extreme comparisons between Covid-19 measures and the fascist policies of Nazi Germany.

This week Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was criticised for equating Covid mask mandates with Nazis forcing Jews to wear yellow stars.

You have to watch out for the rabbit-hole beliefs because you just don’t know where they’ll take you. You don’t want to end up believing masks are like yellow stars or men are women if they say they are.

Especially proud

May 30th, 2021 9:46 am | By


Many women ask what’s inspirational about him.

Burns thinks rapists are more polite than feminist women.


Inspirational for rapists maybe.

Strong adhesive back

May 29th, 2021 11:54 am | By

About those anti-vax yellow stars…

  1. (Howard Forman []

Thousands for guidance

May 29th, 2021 11:22 am | By

More passengers are disembarking.

A string of high-profile public sector employers are cutting ties with the LGBT charity Stonewall amid mounting disquiet over its diversity training on transgender rights.

Campaigners have warned of a “flood” of departures from the Stonewall Diversity Champions scheme, after the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the equalities watchdog, did not renew its membership over “value for money” concerns.

The Telegraph says it knows of at least five more leavers.

The scheme counts 250 Government departments and public bodies among its members. They pay thousands for guidance on gender neutral spaces, pronouns and trans inclusion and are ranked on the charity’s Workplace Equality Index.

Imagine paying thousands for “guidance on pronouns” – i.e. on using the wrong ones. It’s all so cultish as well as wrong.

As scrutiny of the programme grows, last week its list of 850 members disappeared from public view on the Stonewall website.

But several major names on the list confirmed to this newspaper that they have left, though this was not related to the EHRC’s decision and they all stressed their commitment to inclusion and equality.

The House of Commons said it did not renew its membership for 2020. The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) said it exited in December, while Acas, the employment dispute service, said it had withdrawn “for cost reasons” last June.

Tired of paying thousands for guidance on pronouns, no doubt. Who wouldn’t be?

See also: Dorset Police and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. The Crown Prosecution Service is having a think.

Last night Stonewall’s chief executive, Nancy Kelley, prompted a furious backlash on Twitter by likening so-called “gender critical” beliefs to anti-Semitism. ‘Gender-critical’ academics and researchers argue that male-born trans women are not women, a view the EHRC has said is protected by equality law.

That is, we “argue” that men are not women, which is not so much a “view” as reality. The fantasy that men can identify out of being men is the “view,” not the awareness that they can’t.

Talking about protected groups

May 29th, 2021 9:49 am | By

Stonewall boss is fine with comparing gender-skeptical women to antisemites.

The new EHRC chair, Lady Falkner, has said women have the right to question transgender identity without being abused, stigmatised or risking losing their job.

Or threatened. All those “kill a terf” shirts and signs and posters – those are threats.

Ms Kelley said while Stonewall believed in freedom of speech, it was “not without limit”.

“With all beliefs including controversial beliefs there is a right to express those beliefs publicly and where they’re harmful or damaging – whether it’s anti-Semitic beliefs, gender critical beliefs, beliefs about disability – we have legal systems that are put in place for people who are harmed by that.”

That’s nice.

Challenged as to whether it might be considered offensive to compare anti-Semitic beliefs to gender-critical views, she insisted it was appropriate.

“We’re talking about protected groups. We’re talking about people that are protected on the basis of their sexuality, people that are protected on the basis of gender identity, people who are protected on the basis of race and that’s why I think the analogy is apt.”

Are we talking about people who are protected on the basis of sex?

What is this idea of “protected” anyway? Protected how? By having the police arrest women who say a man is a man?

If people are protected on the basis of gender identity but not on the basis of sex – in other words if men who say they are women are protected but women are not protected – what exactly is the reason for that? What’s the reasoning behind it? What’s the thinking? The brute reality is that women need protection from men more than men need protection from women. It’s a perverse world that says that changes the instant a man says he is a woman.

Stonewall’s been criticised for using the term “gender identity” when referring to the Equality Act’s protected characteristic of “gender reassignment”.

But Ms Kelley described that as “the difference between natural language and statutory language”.

Uh, no. “Gender identity” is a much bigger, looser, easier to step in and out of bag than “gender reassignment.” Anybody can “identify as” anything, including a man who has just been arrested for assault.

New record

May 29th, 2021 9:06 am | By

Sport builds character.

On 17 May, 2021, it was announced that Valentina Petrillo is set to create a world record as the first, and so far only, male to participate in a female sports competition with male documents.

The software programmer and divorced father, who identifies as a woman and has not undergone cosmetic ‘gender’ surgery, is among the athletes chosen to compete in the European Paralympic Athletics Championship in Poland from June 1 to June 5. Seven athletes, including Petrillo, will compete on the Italian Team for Bydgoszcz 2021 in the women’s category, and 16 in the men’s.

The 47-year-old’s goal is to qualify for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympics.

Petrillo, who has a degenerative eye condition, skyrocketed to international fame in 2020 when the runner was recognized as the first male to compete in the women’s Paralympics, a series of international multi-sport events for athletes with a range of disabilities.

Before declaring a female identity in 2019, Petrillo competed with other men as Fabrizio, the name that still appears on the athlete’s legal documents. Petrillo won 11 national men’s titles between 2016 and 2018.

Seems legit.

Literally a yarmulke

May 28th, 2021 4:36 pm | By

Seen on Twitter:

For people in urban, liberal cities, the mask and associated rituals are articles of faith. It is literally a yarmulke or a prayer shawl. Not hard to understand if we see it as motivated by signaling “I’m part of the good tribe.”

No it isn’t. If the mask were literally a yarmulke or a prayer shawl then it would be literally a yarmulke or a prayer shawl. It isn’t, it’s a mask. You can tell it’s a mask because of the loops for the ears, and the size and shape. It doesn’t look like a yarmulke or a prayer shawl.

But more to the point, there’s no need to attach some weird political idenniny to it. I don’t know, maybe some people get a little “right-on!!” thrill from it, but it has to be very little, because…what’s political about it? There’s no political thrill to putting ice on a bruise, or washing a cut carefully, or taking aspirin for a headache. There’s little if any political thrill to trying to cover your cough when you’re around people (I read somewhere a few years ago that the best way is to cough into your elbow – and definitely is not coughing into your hand, which will just spread it). It’s just ordinary medical advice and basic (seriously, so basic) consideration for other people. I guess you can decide that’s “political” if you want to say that all Republicans are malicious boors who want to make other people sick, but otherwise it makes pretty much no sense.

I get what the idea is supposed to be, I think. Politics is groupthink, lefties are very susceptible to groupthink, this is just more of that. Wearing masks during a pandemic is groupthink, and it gives lefties a little righteous glow of being better than those rebellious independent thinkers over there in their MAGA caps.

But it’s just dumb. It wouldn’t be a right-left controversy in the first place if Trump hadn’t decided to make it one, and why would we take our ideas of what’s political and what isn’t from him?

We wear the damn masks (or did) because that was the medical advice, and it’s stupid to go all do-it-yourself on medical issues of all things, especially during a pandemic. There’s no thrill in it, it’s just the inconvenient thing we have to do (or did) to try to avoid spreading the Covid. That’s all, no psychoanalysis necessary.

Updating to add (h/t Mike @ 2)