Right-wingers don’t like it when left-wingers are critical of the military.
When it’s Fox News on the other hand…
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has attacked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, calling him “a pig” and “stupid” for defending teaching cadets and service personnel differing viewpoints, including aspects of critical race theory.
Huh. Imagine if some mouthy feminist had said that.
The theory—which “maps the nature and workings of ‘institutional racism,'” according to Kendall Thomas, a law professor at Columbia University—was little known outside academic circles a few years ago, but is now at the centre of a culture war. Republicans in more than 20 states have proposed or passed legislation to ban the theory being taught in schools.
Or rather not “the theory” in the sense of mapping the nature and workings of institutional racism, but rather in the sense of any discussion of race that we don’t like. The latter is a good deal broader than the former.
On Wednesday, Gen. Milley told the House Armed Services Committee that it was important for members of the U.S. military to be “open-minded” and “widely read.”
“I want to understand white rage. And I’m white, and I want to understand it,” the general said. “What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out,” Gen. Milley said, referring to the Capitol riots of January 6.
Well Tucker Carlson isn’t going to put up with that.
On his Thursday night show on Fox, he said: “The race hate—and that’s what it is—has oozed from universities and it has infected the entire country, including at the highest levels.
“Mark Milley is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Carlson added. “He didn’t get that job because he’s brilliant or because he’s brave. Or because people who know him respect him. He is not, and they definitely don’t. Milley got the job because he is obsequious. He knows who to suck up to, and he’s more than happy to do it. Feed him a script and he will read it.”
Says Tucker Carlson of Fox News. I’m sure he has no idea whom to suck up to.