The entitlement of children

Sep 17th, 2021 11:13 am | By

The Tavistock ruling has been overturned, as many people predicted.

The court of appeal has overturned a controversial judgment that children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs.

So we’re back to first do lots of harm because 15-year-olds never get it wrong about what they will want at age 30, 50, 70.

Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust, which runs NHS England’s only gender identity development service (GIDS) for children, challenged a high court ruling last year in a case brought against the service by Keira Bell, a 24-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before detransitioning. The other applicant was the unnamed mother of a teenage autistic girl on the waiting list for treatment.

The Tavistock had argued that the high court ruling interfered with the entitlement of children to make decisions for themselves and was based on “partisan expert evidence”.

But of course adults interfere with children’s decisions for themselves all the time. Children aren’t competent to make all decisions for themselves, because they’re children.

Bell said she planned to seek leave to appeal to the supreme court, adding: “A global conversation has begun and has been shaped by this case. There is more to be done. It is a fantasy and deeply concerning that any doctor could believe a 10-year-old could consent to the loss of their fertility.”

Cross-sex hormones are only prescribed from the age of 16 and experts say puberty blockers do not cause infertility.

Mrs A, the other claimant alongside Bell, said: “A child experiencing gender distress needs time and support – not to be set on a medical pathway they may later regret.”

Jolyon Maugham is celebrating.

She hoped to get Covid

Sep 17th, 2021 9:38 am | By

So Covid is real?

Laura Loomer, an anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist running for Congress against incumbent GOP U.S. Rep. Dan Webster of Lake County, [Florida,] says she has tested positive for COVID-19.

Loomer, a social media provocateur, has been banned from most platforms in part for her Islamophobic statements and support of Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes and far-right activist Faith Goldy, who was banned for posting racist videos. She also has spread conspiracy theories about mass shootings and has been arrested multiple times for trespassing.

On the conservative platform Parler, she wrote in December, “I hope I get COVID just so I can prove to people I’ve had bouts of food poisoning that are more serious and life-threatening than a hyped-up virus. Have you ever eaten bad fajitas? That will kill you faster than COVID.”

So she got her wish! She must be very happy.

On Gettr, founded by Donald Trump acolyte Jason Miller, she wrote Thursday, “Yesterday I was feeling ill. I had a fever, chills, a runny nose, sore throat, nausea and severe body aches that made my whole body feel like I got hit by a bus, and after sleeping for a few hours, my symptoms started to remind me of how I felt when I had a bad case of the flu a few years ago. So I took a COVID test and it came back POSITIVE.”

She added, “I have not taken the COVID-19 vaccine, and I don’t plan on ever taking it because it is unsafe and ineffective.”

Well it’s too late to take it now.

Someone should explain vaccinations to her.

She said she was taking Azithromycin, an antibiotic that one recent study said was not effective in treating COVID symptoms, a dietary supplement called OrthoMune, and Hydroxychloroquine, the antimalaria drug pushed by Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis and others last year that studies have also shown is not that effective in treating COVID.

Cool. She should also take Ivermectin, Cyclobenzaprine, and Ciprofloxacin, because why not? Just choose random drugs off a list and pop them, but definitely don’t take anything actually recommended by people who know what they’re talking about.

As much of a priority

Sep 17th, 2021 6:10 am | By

Here’s a novel idea: the police should be policing violence against women. Who knew?!

Tackling violence against women and girls should be as much of a priority as countering terrorism, a police watchdog has said.

Really? You mean women and girls matter? I think that’s pushing the envelope a little too far, don’t you?

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) called for “fundamental cross-system change” after identifying continuing failings.

Three-quarters of domestic abuse cases are closed early without the suspect being charged, its report said.

Because it’s personal. A man’s right to get violent with the nearest woman is sacred.

According to official statistics, in the year ending March 2020 there were:

  • An estimated 1.6 million female victims of domestic abuse in England and Wales
  • 618,000 female victims of sexual assault
  • 892,000 female victims of stalking

Is the BBC kink-shaming?

Zoe Billingham, HM Inspector of Constabulary, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that police had “vastly improved” their response to tackling violence against women and girls in the last seven years.

But she warned we would not be able to “police our way out of the the breadth and depth of crimes being inflicted on women, day in, day out”.

There needs to be an “uplift in the prioritisation” of violence against women and girls, with a “bold and radical whole system approach”, she added.

How can that happen when the police are so busy validating men who say they are women, and arresting women who say men are not women? How can it happen when the entire population is being systematically trained to not give a shit about women?

Refuge, a charity providing support for women and children experiencing domestic violence, said for too long there had been a failure to implement recommendations that would improve how violence against women and girls (VAWG) is tackled.

Step one: don’t let men take that support for themselves, no matter how they “identify.”

Assistant Commissioner Louisa Rolfe, the National Police Chiefs’ Council leader on violence, said the report set out a “clear way forward” for change and that there was “no lack of commitment” for this work.

She insisted that forces were recognising violence against women and girls as a “significant priority”, adding that chief constables were signing up to a national violence against women and girls strategy and a co-ordinator would be employed to to ensure the report’s recommendations were implemented.

But they’re also signing up to a national men are women if they say they are strategy, so that can get in the way. If they arrest a man for violence against a woman and the man says he’s a woman…what then?

What he would love to see us do

Sep 16th, 2021 4:30 pm | By

Peak Trans on Billingham:

These two tweets were directed at me during a Twitter spat I had with James Billingham a couple of months ago. Yes, he really is one of those men who presume to adjudicate on what feminism is. I can’t in all seriousness believe he thinks I care what he would “love” to see me do. Rather, I think these tweets were intentionally condescending to me in order to virtue-signal to his followers, who will probably applaud the insufferable arrogance of a man telling a woman old enough to be his mother how she should be doing feminism.

In order to virtue-signal and in order to tell a woman how she should be doing feminism. He loves it – he would love it even if no one applauded.

I am still against anti-feminists in the ‘atheist movement’, as he calls it – especially the ones in Humanists UK, whose numbers are growing. What has happened is that Billingham has joined their ranks as an honorary member of the trans Taliban (hat-tip to Julie Bindel for coining that very apt sobriquet). That he has done so exemplifies why we should be wary of men who self-identify as feminists. Men who genuinely want to support us know better than to do so. If your feminism includes men who talk over women – as they are wont to do – it’s not feminism.

And if your feminism “centers” men who say they are women and bullies women, it’s really not feminism.

Years ago, he was responsible for creating a ‘block bot’ on Twitter, about which Martin Robbins wrote,

The Block Bot started as a tool to create a safe space for women online and turned into a weapon to bully and silence women the community disagreed with.

There’s a great deal more about what a dedicated, persistent bully James Billingham is.

Doing the dirty work

Sep 16th, 2021 12:33 pm | By

Glinner takes a cold hard look at the ineffable James Billingham:

This is James Billingham, a man who has numerous sock accounts online, such as Kilgore Sprout, Sprout of Wrath, the only Sprout and Oolon, who appears to have a burning hatred of women who are invested in safeguarding women’s or children’s rights.

Billingham spends an inordinate amount of time doing the dirty work of some of the creepiest and most dangerous gender identity extremists. He minimised the vicious assault by a large man on Maria McLachlan as a slap ‘on the shoulder’ and suggested that McLachlan, a pensioner, was ‘by far the most violent person there’, an assertion completely contradicted by footage of the attack, for which Tara Wolf was convicted.

Billingham takes great pleasure in infiltrating or encouraging others to infiltrate feminist groups on Facebook. He then reveals out-of context messages, leaks membership lists or doxxes members in order to cause maximum distress and disruption. The wonderful Man Friday campaign for single-sex spaces ended after screenshots that outed some members of the group were leaked and publicised by a Sprout sock account via #TERFleaks. More recently, he set up a domain name almost identical to that of the LGB Alliance, which was linked to Stonewall’s site. The LGB Alliance tracked Billingham down and raised a dispute with Nominet Dispute Resolution Service, which they won.

He’s a giggling sadist whose sadism is directed at women. He’s as creepy as Buffalo Bill.

Platforming the bully

Sep 16th, 2021 10:43 am | By

Wadhwa continues his attack on women’s rights:

Women who oppose plans to make it easier to change gender have given a platform to “fascists who want to eliminate trans people”, according to the head of Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre.

Bad lede. We don’t care about changing gender, what we oppose is the absurd dogma that people can change sex, and we oppose that because it results in outrages like domineering male Mridul Wadhwa becoming the head of a rape crisis centre, where he can bully women into obeying him or simply kick them out altogether.

Mridul Wadhwa, 43, a trans woman who was appointed chief executive in May, accused those protesting against the Gender Recognition Reform Bill of legitimising far-right discrimination of trans people.

Wadhwa is a man and thus the wrong sex to be head of a rape crisis centre. It doesn’t matter what he “accuses” us of or what he thinks we give a “platform” to; what matters is that he’s a man who has the fucking gall to go after and get and occupy a job as head of a rape crisis centre.

A preliminary injunction

Sep 16th, 2021 9:55 am | By

Step one.

The Justice Department [has] asked a federal judge in Texas to temporarily block enforcement of the state’s new law that bans abortions after about six weeks.

This step, a major move by the Biden administration against the highly controversial law, follows a lawsuit filed by the Justice Department last week. The Biden administration asked the court late Tuesday to implement the preliminary injunction while the lawsuit plays out in federal court.

Texas’ abortion ban essentially stops the procedure in the country’s second-largest state. Most people WOMEN don’t know they are pregnant before six weeks.

In court documents, attorneys for the Justice Department said Texas’ law, also called SB 8, is unconstitutional and cannot stand.

A preliminary injunction “is necessary to protect the constitutional rights of women in Texas and the sovereign interest of the United States in ensuring that its States respect the terms of the national compact,” the attorneys say. “It is also necessary to protect federal agencies, employees, and contractors whose lawful actions S.B. 8 purports to prohibit.”

At least the Justice Department still knows this law is an attack on the rights of women.

Based on

Sep 16th, 2021 9:34 am | By


No. Feminism is not a movement “based on” (or aiming to or meant to or about or for) liberating “all of us.” It’s about liberating women. Women are allowed to have our own movement, and it’s called feminism.

It’s not anyone’s movement to give away to “all of us,” because it’s specifically and explicitly about women, not people in general.

And gender critical feminism is not “ganging up on transgender people,” it’s critical of the ideology that says men magically become women by saying so.

Health rebels

Sep 15th, 2021 4:08 pm | By

Pandemic, you say? Well then we’ll just make sure health officials can’t take necessary steps to deal with it.

Republican legislators in more than half of U.S. states, spurred on by voters angry about lockdowns and mask mandates, are taking away the powers state and local officials use to protect the public against infectious diseases.

Because what mad impetuous fool wants to be protected against infectious diseases?

A KHN review of hundreds of pieces of legislation found that, in all 50 states, legislators have proposed bills to curb such public health powers since the covid-19 pandemic began. While some governors vetoed bills that passed, at least 26 states pushed through laws that permanently weaken government authority to protect public health. In three additional states, an executive order, ballot initiative or state Supreme Court ruling limited long-held public health powers. More bills are pending in a handful of states whose legislatures are still in session.

God we’re a stupid people.

President Joe Biden last Thursday announced sweeping vaccination mandates and other covid measures, saying he was forced to act partly because of such legislation: “My plan also takes on elected officials in states that are undermining you and these lifesaving actions.”

Much of this legislation takes effect as covid hospitalizations in some areas are climbing to the highest numbers at any point in the pandemic, and children are back in school.

It’s as if they think the pandemic is an angry god and they can appease it by backing off prevention. Imbeciles.

International white male angst day

Sep 15th, 2021 3:28 pm | By

Trivia, but too funny to pass up.

There’s plenty of ahem ahem Chuck Berry HELLO – and I would add Motown I mean come on – but also when did Obama ever say young white men (or any other people) aren’t allowed to have angst? When did he ever say anything that even vaguely resembled it?

I will say this: a lot of rock & roll is about what whores women are. That aspect can get pretty annoying.

As healthcare workers struggle

Sep 15th, 2021 11:44 am | By
As healthcare workers struggle

Funny how states and provinces that are particularly heavy on the anti-vax trend are also heavy on the getting Covid trend. Alberta for instance:

A surge in coronavirus cases has pushed the healthcare system in the Canadian province of Alberta to the verge of collapse, as healthcare workers struggle against mounting exhaustion and a growing anti-vaccine movement in the region.

More and more cases, so let’s get more and more people campaigning against vaccinations. Brilliant. As the fire consumes more and more of the house, throw more and more stones at the firefighters.

The province warned this week that its ICU capacity was strained, with more people requiring intensive care than any other point during the pandemic – nearly all of them unvaccinated.

Alberta has long boasted of its loose coronavirus restrictions – including advertising the previous months as the “best summer ever” as it rolled back those few restrictions. It has also been the site of North America’s highest caseloads.

Weird thing to boast about under the circumstances. “Look at us, we’re the best at letting people get the deadly virus!”

In a province with a long history of skepticism towards government, the pandemic has become fertile ground for protests and anti-vaccine rhetoric, including from elected officials, firefighters and police officers. During the ongoing federal election, the People’s Party of Canada, a fringe rightwing party that has come out against public health measures has seen its largest support base in rural Alberta.

That skepticism towards masks and vaccines has come at a steep cost, say frontline workers.

In recent weeks, a number of anti-vaccine protests have been held across the country, including out front of hospitals in Calgary and Edmonton, compounding the exhaustion and frustration of frontline healthcare workers.

“I don’t have the energy to make sense of it any more,” said the nurse. “I’m barely functioning as it is, because we’re pouring from the cup that has a hole. We never get to fill it.”

Instead, nurses say they are left pleading with a narrow minority of the public that increasingly is ending up in the hospital.

And they get told it’s all their fault.

Failing to meet commitments

Sep 15th, 2021 11:23 am | By

No shit. In a world that still watches placidly as cruise ships burn 80 thousand gallons of fuel a day each, it turns out that nobody, nobody, is living up to the Paris climate agreement.

Every one of the world’s leading economies, including all the countries that make up the G20, is failing to meet commitments made in the landmark Paris agreement in order to stave off climate catastrophe, a damning new analysis has found.

Less than two months before crucial United Nations climate talks take place in Scotland, none of the largest greenhouse gas emitting countries have made sufficient plans to lower pollution to meet what they agreed to in the 2015 Paris climate accord.

This means the world is barreling towards calamitous climate impacts.

But that’s the future; right now people are enjoying those cruises. There are 323 of those ships toddling around.

Under the Paris deal, nations vowed to prevent the world’s average temperature rising 1.5C above pre-industrial times in order to avoid disastrous heatwaves, flooding, storms, drought and other consequences that are already starting to unfold. But the new analysis, by Climate Action Tracker, finds almost every country is falling woefully short of that commitment.

Well you can’t expect people to give up cruises. It would be inhuman.

This intransigence comes despite the looming climate talks and increasing signs of the climate crisis manifesting itself in catastrophic weather events, including massive floods in Germany and China, severe wildfires in the US and dangerous heatwaves sweeping several countries.

108F here in Seattle in June.

“An increasing number of people around the world are suffering from ever more severe and frequent impacts of climate change, yet government action continues to lag behind what is needed,” said Bill Hare, chief executive of Climate Analytics, another partner in the new study.

Elected governments can’t do much, and unelected ones don’t give a shit.

[John] Kerry risks entering the talks with no major climate victory to brandish, with emissions reduction provisions as part of a huge $3.5tn piece of Biden’s legislative agenda still a matter of disagreement even among Democrats in the US Congress.

This is what I’m saying. Reducing emissions isn’t popular, and elected governments are necessarily about what’s popular.

We’re just walking through an increasingly hostile wilderness toward the edge of a cliff.

Playing the brownie card

Sep 15th, 2021 6:58 am | By

She’s still at it.

That’s a stupid way to describe Joan Smith. I don’t know if Rafia Zakaria is really stupid or not but by god she says a lot of stupid things. That’s one of them. Joan Smith is the author of the classic Misogynies. She’s a feminist thinker and columnist and activist. She’s a star. She’s not “anti-trans,” she’s skeptical of some of the claims of the ever-expanding trans ideology.

To be the subject of a book review by Joan Smith is a high honor and a massive thrill. I don’t like to brag, or at least I don’t like to be too obvious about it, but I’ll brag about this: Joan Smith reviewed Does God Hate Women? and to me that was a very big deal.

Of course, it’s less pleasing if she thinks the book is crap, as she did Zakaria’s book, but then that’s the problem with writing a crap book. Zakaria’s bone-headed description of Joan as “committed to the status quo” just gives us all the more reason to think she (Zakaria) is uninformed as well as abusive. Women committed to the status quo don’t tell the Mayor of London why he should not have removed her from her position as co-chair of the violence against women and girls board. Women committed to the status quo don’t have such positions in the first place, because the status quo is that violence against women and girls is just part of life, not worth objecting to, not all that serious.

In search of a problem?

Sep 15th, 2021 5:48 am | By

The voting rights struggle continues:

Senate Democrats united on Tuesday around a pared-down voting rights bill, escalating their efforts to build a case for aggressive action by Congress to push past Republican opposition and counter a rash of new G.O.P.-written ballot restrictions in states around the country.

Why do Republicans write all these voting restrictions? Because they can’t win if everyone can vote without interference.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican and minority leader, quickly dismissed the measure, reiterating his view that the legislation represented unnecessary federal meddling in elections that have historically been the province of the states.

Yes and historically some of the states allowed slavery, too. Fuck “historically.”

“There is no reason for the federal government to take over how we conduct elections,” Mr. McConnell, a longtime foe of Democratic election and campaign proposals, told reporters on Tuesday. “It is a solution in search of a problem, and we will not be supporting that.”

Oh really? No reason at all for the feds to protect voting rights?

Containing Multitudes - American Studies UEA: A Busy Week at the Supreme  Court (Part II): The 1965 Voting Rights Act

A “shouldn’t” too many

Sep 15th, 2021 5:22 am | By

I was listening to a useful and interesting conversation on Fresh Air about the Supreme Court’s intention to kill Roe v Wade and then I hit a bump.

GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. I’m Terry Gross. Let’s get back to my interview with Ian Millhiser, who has been writing about the recent Supreme Court order allowing a restrictive Texas abortion law to go into effect. He’s also been writing about the court’s voting rights decisions, the increasing use of the shadow docket and the court’s larger move to the right. In his new book “The Agenda: How A Republican Supreme Court Is Reshaping America,” he writes that while Congress has become increasingly polarized and dysfunctional, the Supreme Court has become the locus of policymaking in the U.S., and the policies are largely conservative. Three of the six conservative justices were appointed by President Trump. Millhiser says some of the court’s least understood and most arcane decisions are fundamentally reshaping our nation. He’s a senior correspondent for Vox, where he focuses on the Supreme Court, the Constitution and threats to liberal democracy in the U.S. Millhiser is a lawyer and clerked for a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit.

So if the Supreme Court either out and out overrules Casey or Roe or uphold restrictions that are so severe that it leaves no time to get an abortion, that would be a federal ruling, but states would still be able to make their own laws, right?

MILLHISER: That’s right. So for the moment, the fight that we are having is over whether or not states can pass abortion bans or very severe abortion restrictions. I suspect that the next chapter in this litigation fight, you know – anti-abortion groups, there are some that believe in a theory called fetal personhood, which – you know, basically what fetal personhood means is it’s a way of reading the Constitution to say that the Constitution bans abortions. And so if fetal personhood were to become the law of the land, that would mean that abortions would be banned in all 50 states.

But I think the thing to understand here is that we are primarily talking about rulings that impact poor women and, you know, women who do not have means – I shouldn’t just say women, you know, women, trans people, nonbinary people, people who can become pregnant – who do not have the means to cross state lines.

There, obviously, is the bump.

Yes you damn well should “just say women.” It’s women who get pregnant, including when they don’t want to. It’s women who need abortion rights. It’s women who will be harmed if Roe is overturned. Women, women only, “just” women; not men. No you shouldn’t say “people” instead or in addition, because that just obscures the reality that attacks on abortion are attacks on women’s freedom and autonomy. Don’t obscure the reality.

Hunting them down

Sep 14th, 2021 9:58 am | By

Billingham continues his persecution of feminist women:

He hopes they will silence ALL the feminist women.

Aaaand she was thrown out

Sep 14th, 2021 8:43 am | By

Astounding. And horrifying.

Inc “work to ensure LGBT is embedded across South Yorkshire” ….they intend to target all commissioners

“At Edinburgh rape crisis we had to cleanse our history of not being trans inclusive” JFC – Wadwha is talking about “cleansing” the women’s movement.

Not sure of the stats on this…. “The rape crisis movement is largely run by white, cis, heteronormative women”….

No, really?! The rape crisis movement is run by women? What an outrage!

Desperately want to say something …. Wadwha talking about how Scotland is engulfed in transphobia and suggesting *this* is why service users are afraid to access rape crisis! They have to learn not to be “transphobic” @ForwomenScot

Now framing it as opposition from the right wing. Wadwha talking about Scottish women “exposing themselves in recent weeks …as right wing and …working with fascists” @ForwomenScot

Wadwha “there was a protest outside Scottish Parliament the week before last – organised by those who oppose the GRA reform …and also those who oppose the existence of trans people”


“We have been listening but at that protest there were people – that group of women were joined by fascist groups” @ForwomenScot

“They have given that space to them and that’s quite scary” …. Lies are scary Wadwha. Lies are really scary.

Absolutely incredible, and disgusting.

Importantly Wadwha was just discussing what you do to be more inclusive as an org. The language used terrified me. Talked of transphobic views surrounding us in society so Wadwha knows those views have been absorbed …

“We have to acknowledge those views in our organisations and see if they are views that can be changed or if they are permanent…. Can do this anonymously… it’s a journey”

The implication here is that anyone not in favour of admitting trans identified men to a women’s single sex service must be “found” and “changed” …. Honestly the most sinister talk I’ve been at

Some blowhard

Sep 14th, 2021 7:59 am | By

Laurie Penny decided to go all-in.

Imagine you’re throwing a party and somebody kicks off. It was going so well. You spent ages deciding on drinks and making a playlist, and now some blowhard is off on a homophobic rant. He’s not holding back, either. He’s getting loud and mouthing off with the vilest bigotry you can imagine, and people are getting uncomfortable. It’s your party. What do you do?

Well, one, it wouldn’t happen, because I don’t throw parties, and I have zero interest in drinks or playlists. Two – why would you invite “some blowhard” to your own party? If he’s “some blowhard” to you – some random unpleasant guy you don’t even know – what’s he doing at your party? So, three, I don’t believe your little thought experiment in the first place. Never mind, it’s not a real thought experiment. It’s a circuitous path to calling Graham Linehan names in a Substack post.

This is my first post on Substack, and it’s partly about why I’m on this platform, given that Substack continues to host and profit from the propaganda of, among others, transphobic hatemonger Graham Linehan.

Like that.

She’s a bit of a “hatemonger” herself, isn’t she – at least, those four words certainly look like hatemongering.

But wait, she’s not finished.

The best and most comprehensive breakdown of Linehan’s behavior and why it’s so abhorrent comes from Grace Lavery, also on this platform. I share her conviction that Substack ought to throw this deranged bigot out of their party right now, before anyone else gets hurt.

Does “deranged bigot” count as hatemongering? Or is that only when They do it?

I told my contacts at Substack that they ought to ban Linehan, along with anyone else doing deliberate, wilful, hateful harm to any oppressed minority.

Item 3. I think accusing someone of “doing deliberate, willful, hateful harm to an oppressed minority” is hatemongering.

What does it mean, then, when a company like Substack chooses to host this sort of malicious hate speech…?

She says “this sort” as if she had provided examples, but she hadn’t. She gave zero examples, she simply asserted – and in very strong language at that. This is childish. “Joey said bad things. Horrible things. Really really mean things. Joey must be expelled right now for this sort of malicious hate speech.”

Graham responded a couple of days later.

Grace Lavery is all excited.

Not just “vile bigot” I think. That could perhaps be defended as opinion (I don’t know enough about UK law to skip the “perhaps”). But hatemonger? Doing deliberate harm? Those claims look much harder to defend.

The joys of being a woman

Sep 13th, 2021 4:55 pm | By

A pretty story:

A former Met Police counter-terrorism officer has admitted using spy cameras to secretly film naked models.

What kind of models?

Pretending to be a pilot, Det Insp Neil Corbel arranged fake photoshoots in hotel rooms, flats and Airbnbs.

Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard he hid devices in tissue boxes, phone chargers, an air freshener and glasses to video his victims.

He was caught after a woman became suspicious of a digital clock and found it was a spy camera.

Oh a woman – that kind of model. I wonder if he asked them how they identified first.

Police found images of some 51 women on Corbel’s hard drive and were able to identify 19 victims willing to make statements against him.

51! He’s industrious about it.

“He set up the rooms well in advance with covert devices planted in strategic places capturing the women while they were undressing before the shoots,” said the prosecutor.

Mr Alabi said Corbel manoeuvred the models so that intimate parts of their bodies were filmed.

Uh huh; right up between the legs, no doubt.

Never mind, they were probably all Karens.

At the museum

Sep 13th, 2021 4:21 pm | By
May be an image of tennis, ball and indoor
A Golden Retriever at the Museum, 2013,
Painting by Pittsburgh, American Artist, Tom Mosser