Wolf to Coventry

Jun 5th, 2021 8:38 am | By

Naomi Wolf pushed the vax conspiracy theorizing too far.

Another one

Jun 4th, 2021 5:09 pm | By

Ofsted is out.

Stonewall raised “concern” with Ofsted that inspectors do not always discuss trans issues with primary school children, The Telegraph can reveal.

Ahhhhhhhh now that’s damning. Stonewall was complaining to Ofsted that inspectors weren’t pushing primary schools to groom children.

The LGBT charity questioned an exemption in the school watchdog’s guidance allowing inspectors to avoid asking children as young as five about topics such as gender transitioning if a headteacher “reasonably believes” it is sensitive for pupils.

In an email to Ofsted, released under freedom of information laws, Stonewall said: “We are concerned that exempting inspectors from speaking to pupils about certain protected characteristics could undermine their ability to effectively assess a primary school’s compliance with the Equality Act 2010.”

In other words schools have to indoctrinate small children into the trans ideology or they won’t be doing their duty by “certain protected characteristics” and Stonewall will have to punish. What power-drunk shits these creeps are.

In the email to Ofsted, seen by The Telegraph, Stonewall’s director of education and youth wrote: “We know that some students who are bullied (for whatever reason) do not disclose this to teachers, so it is difficult to envisage how inspectors could make assessments on whether homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying is prevalent in schools, without being able to speak to pupils about all protected characteristics.”

Yes that will definitely solve the problem. “Johhny, do you bully any classmates because you’re biphobic? Do you bully any classmates because you’re homophobic? Do you bully any classmates because you’re transphobic? Jenny, does Johnny bully you because you’re bi? Does he bully you because you’re a lesbian? Does he bully you because you’re trans?” Makes you wish you could be a kid again.

Meanwhile, more public bodies have quit Stonewall’s diversity scheme. They include the Post Office, NHS Highland, Swim England, three police forces and several councils.

Police Scotland should quite Stonewall’s diversity scheme. Yesterday.

Some disquiet about the scheme

Jun 4th, 2021 4:53 pm | By

When Channel 4 goes

Channel 4 has become the latest organisation to pull out of the diversity scheme run by the charity Stonewall.

In US-speak “scheme” is mostly a pejorative. That’s less true in the UK but I still smirk at calling Stonewall’s (cough) campaign a “scheme.”

The broadcaster, which has been praised for its programmes highlighting LGBTQ issues, said it was withdrawing from the “diversity champions” scheme.

Yesterday Moon Beever, a law firm, severed its ties with the charity. The Equality and Human Rights Commission and the employment dispute service Acas have withdrawn for “cost reasons”, and the DVLA and the housing department have also pulled out.

Frances Coulson, senior partner at Moon Beever, told the legal blog RollOnFriday: “After some disquiet about recent actions of Stonewall we have decided to exit the Stonewall Diversity Programme.”

“Some disquiet” – there’s that suave understatement again.

After some disquiet

Jun 4th, 2021 12:39 pm | By

One more exit:

A law firm has ended its membership of a diversity scheme run by Stonewall citing concerns over its recent actions, saying it can no longer support the LGBTQ+ charity.

Moon Beever, based in Gray’s Inn and specialising in insolvency work, was one of 77 firms signed up to Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme.

But Frances Coulson, the firm’s Senior Partner, told RollOnFriday that Moon Beever had relinquished its membership.

“After some disquiet about recent actions of Stonewall we have decided to exit the Stonewall Diversity Programme”, she said. 

“This in no way detracts from our commitment to diversity and equality, but in common with the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Government Departments we no longer feel that we can support Stonewall”, said Coulson.

The Emperor's New Clothes | FreshPlans

Only a few cheaters

Jun 4th, 2021 12:10 pm | By

The NY Times:

CeCe Telfer is hoping to qualify for the United States Olympic trials, which begin June 18 in Eugene, Ore. The asphalt road is her primary training facility.

In 2019, Telfer became the first openly transgender woman to win an N.C.A.A. title; she was a fifth-year senior at Franklin Pierce University, a Division II school in Rindge, N.H. Now she is among a handful of transgender women seeking to reach the Tokyo Games, which begin in late July.

In other words in 2019 Telfer stole an N.C.A.A. title from a woman, and now he hopes to steal a place at the Tokyo Games from a woman.

Recent clashes over transgender athletes have made it more important for Telfer to capitalize on her opportunity for elite competition.

While people are still pretending it’s fair.

“It’s important for me to do it for these kids,” Telfer, 26, said while sitting on the back porch of her college psychologist’s house. “It’s important for me to do it for my people — whether it be women, Black people, transgender people, L.G.B.T.Q. people — anybody who is scrutinized and oppressed.”

Whether it be women? Really? But women are the people he’s doing his best to cheat.

At the start of the 2018-19 school year, Telfer said, she walked into her coach’s office with a friend and asked to compete with other women. She expected the coach to balk. Instead, she recalled, he responded: “Finally.”

Telfer was overcome with emotion.

Her excitement, she said, was tempered by a backlash. Parents of Telfer’s competitors objected, saying she had an athletic advantage.

There’s a reason for that. He does have an advantage. It’s called being male.

Citing supposed competitive advantages, but little evidence that transgender athletes were dominating women’s sports, lawmakers in more than 30 states have introduced bills aimed at barring transgender women and girls from competing on teams that match their gender identity.

Bolding mine. These fuckers. Of course they’re not “dominating” all of women’s sports (yet): this has only just gotten started. It doesn’t matter that they’re not dominating all of it: just a little cheating is still cheating.

In times of civil unrest and violence

Jun 4th, 2021 11:34 am | By
In times of civil unrest and violence

On the one hand Marion Millar is charged with a crime for disbelief in trans ideology on Twitter, on the other hand Trump is banned from Facebook for two years. Which of the two is really a threat to anyone?

Facebook has extended former President Donald Trump’s suspension for two years and says it will only reinstate him “if the risk to public safety has receded.”

The decision comes after Facebook’s Oversight Board told the company it was wrong to impose an indefinite ban on Trump after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Facebook says it is setting new rules for public figures in times of civil unrest and violence, “to be applied in exceptional cases such as this.” Trump has received the maximum penalty under those rules, “given the gravity of the circumstances” leading to his suspension. Because the company took his Facebook and Instagram accounts down on Jan. 7, they will remain suspended until at least Jan. 7, 2023.

I’m seeing some “Don’t gloat lefties it will be your turn next.”

That could be true, but it’s far from necessarily true. It’s pattern-detection, but there’s more than one pattern here. The pattern could be: “I know, let’s just silence everything we dislike.” But it could also be: “This guy actually incited a riot that got people killed and came way too close to a literal successful insurrection so we really need to stop giving him this particular channel.” If it’s “everything we dislike” then yes, we’re all vulnerable, but if it’s “he’s an ex-president who incited what almost became an insurrection” then we’re not. Patterns are important, but so are particulars.

Trump says he has the best particulars.

Facebook’s decision “is an insult to the record-setting 75M people, plus many others, who voted for us,” Trump said in an emailed statement, misstating the number of votes he received in the 2020 presidential election. (It was just over 74 million votes.) He also continued his baseless attacks on the legitimacy of the election.

So he’s saying it’s an insult to the people who didn’t vote for him as well as the ones who did. Nah. He tried to spark an insurrection in order to steal the election, so no, I don’t consider myself insulted by measures to curb his ability to try that again.

HE no longer feels safe

Jun 4th, 2021 10:37 am | By

Do we believe him?


I can’t say I do.

Mask slips

Jun 4th, 2021 10:04 am | By

No misogyny in trans activism though. Oh no no no, what would ever give anyone that idea.

Ah yes how dare women be middle aged. Bitches. They should all drop dead at 25 because what possible use are they after that? Stupid old ugly dullards.

Everything about this is wrong

Jun 4th, 2021 9:43 am | By

Some (necessarily cautious) reactions.

Immediate suspension and exclusion

Jun 4th, 2021 5:57 am | By

Brunel University has suspended the threats guy.

Murderous threats are the kind of thing that should be referred to police.

Internal memo, CC all

Jun 3rd, 2021 5:46 pm | By

Wild Woman Writing Club had a fine old rant and I’m just going to quote it instead of posting all the tweets.

to shoot women’s rights campaigners, and several more organisations have bailed out of the sinking Stonewall ship, and several more countries have rejected self-ID, and a think tank is calling women’s rights campaigners “feminazis,” and TRAs are still calling WRCs antisemites, and a ‘pro bono’ project is attempting to get a lesbian & gay group’s charitable status revoked. So much happening, with such speed. Change is gathering pace. It makes you wonder.

Why are so many people so seemingly desperate to make women shut up about the simple fact of human sexual dimorphism, and the simple fact that #SexMatters?

That the sex denialist AstroTurf project would slam into the buffers like this was on the cards from the beginning. It was never going to work, gaslighting entire populations to forget about the birds & the bees.

Careers are swirling down the pan, placing mortgage payments in jeopardy. The plug is being pulled on hundreds of thousands of immersive fictions, forcing people to confront their pain.

What we are seeing is the reflex to blame the bringers of unwelcome news, the news being that sizeable swathes of the liberal left have been riffing on an enormous lie for reasons historians will have to make sense of.

And now the lie is visible. And those who have defended it to the hilt are going to have to save their names however they can. Because the extent of this…scandal?…grift?… propaganda campaign?…is only beginning to be revealed.

There will be years of this to come. Will disappointed true believers & profiteers feel the need to persecute the messengers for years to come? Can we prevent any more women being scapegoated for a situation which was not of our making, to which we responded in self-defence?

Really, women had no choice but to fight against our erasure in law & in language. Now the most brittle gender identity ideologues are going to be given carte blanche to take scalps? Is that really how this works?

Can’t we instead have some kind of internal memo, CC all, which says ‘an amnesty for the terven, in recognition of the fact that they have been responding to an intense & sustained rights-grab, during which time they fought back with words, stickers & ribbons only.’

Let’s have that.

They must remove all gendered language

Jun 3rd, 2021 4:57 pm | By

I’m already climbing the walls with rage over Scotland’s assault on women, and now there’s yet another load of poison from Stonewall.

Stonewall has advised organisations to replace the term mother with “parent who has given birth” to help boost their ranking on an equality leaderboard, The Telegraph can reveal. 

That’s not “equality.” Pretending mothers don’t exist is not equality. Trying to erase women from childbirth is not equality. Trying to disappear women is not equality.

The controversial charity has advised employers wishing to be included on their Workplace Equality Index that they must remove all gendered language, and allow those who self-identify as a woman to use female toilets and changing rooms.

And “self-identify” means just “say.” A man can just say he identifies as a woman and march into the women’s areas at work.

The Ministry of Justice – which comes in fifth in the leadership board – has admitted that its HR policies have in recent years been updated to include non-gendered language and in some internal documents terms mother and father had been removed.

The Home Office, MI6, the British Army, the Department for International Trade, the Government Legal Department and the House of Commons all also appear in the top 100 on Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index.

Stonewall hates women.

Now a series of Freedom of Information requests, seen by The Telegraph, have led to warnings from lawyers that the LGBT+ charity is “misrepresenting” equality laws  in advice to Government departments, councils, police forces, NHS trusts and a raft of private companies.

Oh well, it’s only the government.

Documents released under FOI from several public bodies reveal for the first time the lengths employers must go through to get to the top of the Workplace Equality Index.

Feedback to organisations on how they can improve their application shows that several were advised by Stonewall they should “remove” the term mother and father from all their policies.

Edinburgh University were told that they would “recommend using a gender neutral term, such as ‘parent who has given birth’ whilst Merseyside Police were advised the “pregnant employee” was a “more inclusive term”.

Inclusive of what though? Not women, certainly. Going to absurd, confusing, head-scratching lengths to avoid using the word “woman” is the opposite of “inclusive.” It’s just the same old shit, where the male pronoun was the only pronoun and “man” was used as a synonym for “humanity.” It’s erasing women from public life, and we’ve had that already and campaigned against it and we don’t see why we should have to start all over again now.

The Welsh Government, which appears ninth on the list, deleted the term mother from its Maternity policy in 2019, though the term father appears once.

But it was still their Maternity policy?

The 13-page application form for the next scheme, which has been delayed until 2022 because of the coronavirus pandemic, provides both guidance for employees and examples of best practice.

It advises that the organisations should use “gender neutral language” and pronouns throughout their policies, avoid terms such as husband or wife, and offer employees the chance to use the pronoun Mx.

Ms and Mr aren’t pronouns, and neither is Mx. How about Comrade or Citizen?

They say that “guidance must make clear that all trans employees can use the facilities (e.g. toilets, changing rooms) they feel most comfortable using” and there should be “a formal commitment to introduce gender-neutral facilities”.

Thus underlining and adding exclamation points to their total, brutal indifference to women’s safety and privacy.

Gender fluid employees should be given “multiple passcards with different forms of gender expression” so they can be a different gender each day, Stonewall states. Applicants could “choose a gender marker other than male or female” or even “remove gender markers and titles from your systems altogether”.

Why stop there? Why not give species fluid employees multiple passcards with different species on them, so that employees could be a tamandua one day and a blue whale the next?

The Welsh Government – which made it to number nine on the list in 2020 – has proven to be one of the more enthusiastic adopters of the advice offered by Stonewall.

In its application they noted: “The Maternity and Adoption Leave Policy was updated in April to incorporate gender neutral language, removing binary gender references wherever possible … An accompanying policy, previously called New & Expectant Mothers Policy has been renamed ‘Policy for Pregnant or Nursing Employees’.

Pregnant fathers have rights too.

Employers are told that they could signal their commitment with badges, mugs, bi and trans flags and by profiling transwomen on International Women’s Day.

Oh that’s nice – Stonewall actively telling employers to shove women aside on International Women’s Day, and then to kick them by profiling men. Stonewall really hates women.

In its submission, Edinburgh University referred to its use of Rainbow lanyards, pens, t-shirts, cakes, flags and banners 28 times, leading to “great” feedback from their Stonewall marker.

Childish enough?

The Metropolitan Police, after its failure to make it onto the equality leader board for 2020, noted in a feedback review that it should use Stonewall to review “all HR policies”, a service offered free of charge to all diversity champions.

Oh just arrest a few women for talking back, that will take care of it.

Thinky think-tank

Jun 3rd, 2021 12:01 pm | By

And in case we don’t have enough material yet…

Say again?


Wo. Feminist women are…Hitler in heavy makeup.

Let’s see if Sophia Siddiqui’s writing is as malicious as that image.

The rigid biological notion that ‘a man is a man, a woman is a woman’, is central to how the far Right mobilises across Europe in order to enforce heterosexual norms.

Is it “rigid” and a “notion” though? Or is it just reality? Is it a “rigid biological notion” to say that a giraffes is not an earthworm?

Gay and lesbian couples, trans people and progressive groups that advocate for reproductive rights and gender equality continue to be demonised under a vague and malleable  ‘gender ideology’ …

When do trans people advocate for gender [or sex] equality? Trans people, especially trans women, advocate for themselves.

Moral panics around ‘LGBT ideology’ have been central to electoral campaigns…

This is why the T needs to be separated out. Yes there is homophobia, no that is not the same thing as saying that men are not women.

The past few months have seen a backlash against trans rights in the UK, led by ‘gender critical’ feminists who contend that sex is immutable and cannot be changed.

Blah blah blah; same old shit. It’s not a backlash against rights, it’s resistance to the monstering and negation of our rights. Nobody is campaigning to take any genuine rights away from trans people.

Of course the whole article goes on like that, relying on the core misrepresentation to build the entire house of cards. Along with the Hitler in lipstick and mascara image.

Up to two years in prison

Jun 3rd, 2021 11:04 am | By

It’s now in the news. The Times:

A prominent feminist has been charged with a hate crime for alleged homophobic and transphobic social media posts.

Marion Millar, 50, from Airdrie, was charged under the Malicious Communications Act for tweets published in 2019 and 2020. If convicted she faces up to two years in prison.

The messages investigated by officers are understood to include a retweeted photograph of a bow of ribbons in the green, white and purple colours of the Suffragettes, tied around a tree outside the Glasgow studio where a BBC soap opera is shot.

Two years in prison for that?

Peak Stalinism.

It is one [of] at least six tweets reported to Police Scotland. The nature of the others is unclear. Millar, who owns an accountancy business, was bailed to appear at Glasgow sheriff court on July 20.

Has Police Scotland ever prosecuted anyone for sending actual violent threats to women on Twitter?

Marion Calder of For Women Scotland, which campaigns for sex-based rights, said it was “incredibly disappointing” that police had chosen to press charges. “Women won’t wheesht,” Calder said. “These charges are a fundamental attack on our human rights. We still have the right to free thought and the ability to speak our minds.”

The right but not, it seems, the freedom.

A report was made to police after a Twitter user, who was identified as a PhD student in Coventry, published a picture of a machinegun and tweeted: “Making a nice list of terfs tweeting @WomenWontWheesht because she needs target practice.” The message was removed for violating Twitter rules.

That’s a very opaque paragraph. What is “after” meant to convey there? Is there a connection between the machine gun tweet and the report to police? If so, what is the connection?

Police Scotland confirmed that a 50-year-old woman had been arrested and charged in connection with online communications offences. A spokeswoman said: “She has been released on an undertaking to appear at court at a later date. A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.”

Well, I hope they laugh a scornful laugh and throw the report out.

Some clarity

Jun 3rd, 2021 10:33 am | By

Guns identify as edgy jokes.

Threatening people with guns isn’t “an edgy joke.”

A lavender ribbon isn’t a noose, and a gun isn’t an edgy joke.

Men are not women, and men who say they are women are not victims of women who don’t agree.

To vicious online abuse

Jun 3rd, 2021 10:15 am | By

David Paisley tells Gay Ireland News & Entertainment what makes him so awesome:

David Paisley is a Scottish actor and LGBTQ+ activist. He has had roles in Holby City and Casualty and currently plays Rory Murdoch in the BBC drama series, River City. He has also been fighting against the wave of transphobia that has crashed across the UK in recent years.

Just speaking out in support of trans people, even as a cis white man, has led to vicious online abuse, being targeted by a certain Father Ted writer and threats of legal action from an MP. He recently set up an organisation called the LGBT+ Glitterati to “create a positive voice of support for all members of the LGBTQI+ community.” 

All? No no no no no, don’t be silly. Not lesbians for instance – unless they’re trans lesbians of course.

I passionately support not just LGBT+ rights but women’s rights, as an ally and campaigner for Women’s Aid in Scotland. There’s a very pernicious and false suggestion that if you support the rights of trans people you must in some way be in opposition to women’s rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. LGBT+ rights and women’s rights are complimentary; we are fighting the same system of oppression and are natural allies.

No we don’t and no we aren’t. The fact that women are women and men are not is not a “system of oppression” the way “women are feeble and stupid and useful for nothing but baby-having and being fucked” is.

How do you deal with the abuse you have faced from your activism and being visible? 

Block and move on mostly. I’ve been in the unfortunate position of having to speak with the police about some online activity that crossed the line in terms of my personal safety and wellbeing, and that’s been quite challenging. It can take quite a toll, so I do recommend stepping away from social media and spending time doing things you enjoy…

While the woman you reported to the police is charged with a hate crime for tweeting an image of a lavender ribbon.

A ribbon

Jun 3rd, 2021 9:49 am | By

Glinner on why they charged her:

I’ve been reliably informed that the tweet for which she is being charged is this one. It’s a Suffragette ribbon.


Unbelievably, they’re claiming that this is meant to be a noose.

What does a noose actually look like?

Return of the hangman's noose: Hate crimes on the rise in U.S. | National  Post

See the differences?

One, there’s that thick heavy overlapping knot, that’s built to take a lot of weight. Two, there’s the direction: the noose is at the bottom, so that the weight of the body pulls the knot tighter and strangles the victim. Three, there’s the coarse thick rope, again built to take a lot of weight. A piece of lavender ribbon with a small pinned loop at the top is not a noose. It’s not a symbol of a noose. US history actually features a lot of noose imagery used to terrorize, and it’s not whimsical or symbolic: the noose is a noose.

Photos of Trump Supporters Laying Siege to U.S. Capitol

That was just five months ago. That’s not a pretty ribbon with a loop at the top.

David Paisley, an actor who spends most of his time online trying to destroy gay communities, tweeted earlier this week that he was taking a Twitter holiday, and in this piece he says ”I’ve been in the unfortunate position of having to speak with the police about some online activity that crossed the line in terms of my personal safety and wellbeing, and that’s been quite challenging.”

I guess by “having to speak with the police” he means “I complained to the police”?

About a lavender ribbon.

Are females safe on your campus?

Jun 3rd, 2021 8:52 am | By

Speaking of “malicious communication” (not to mention threats) –


The instigators

Jun 3rd, 2021 8:36 am | By

Marion doesn’t “harass and intimidate” trans people. Also, she’s a woman, and thus at a physical disadvantage compared to men like India Willoughby. This claim of intimidation, from a man talking about a woman, is the usual gaslighting bullshit that’s so central to this evil berserk reverse-everything stupid ideology.

Not malicious then?

Jun 3rd, 2021 8:26 am | By



That’s perfectly all right yeah?