A profound ethical breach

Jul 31st, 2024 11:37 am | By

I’ve never understood why boxing is a sport in the first place. I still don’t.

Even a temporary and mild brain injury is a brain injury, and brain injuries are bad. Really bad. It’s not like repeatedly getting a bruise to the shoulder. Brains are vital to human functioning and they are easily damaged and the damage doesn’t just go away. That’s why boxers end up with brain damage – it’s cumulative.

That’s why I’ve never understood why we consider it a sport and entertainment.

That of course goes double triple a hundredful when it’s men who claim to be women punching women.

This label here says so

Jul 31st, 2024 10:18 am | By


“They are women on their passports,” he says twice, irritably.

What does that mean?

People could “be” anything at all on their passports if the rules of passports allowed it. They could be ants, trees, nations, planets – because passports are just human artefacts, which humans can change at will. If a man’s fist smashes a woman’s face it really doesn’t matter what his passport says.

They are women on their passports, he says. Ok but are they women in their bodies? Are they women for real? Are they women in the sense we normally understand it?

I’ve been trying to find that out this morning and not finding it easy. The reporting is muddled.

But Mark Adams’s dismissive “They are women on their passports” suggests they are not women in their bodies, as women have been saying for the past few days.

It’s all so absurd. He might as well write on a piece of paper “They are women” and hold it up whenever a woman asks the question. “Look, it says right here they’re women, now stop asking.”


Jul 31st, 2024 5:38 am | By


Dr Laura Favaro:

Dear all,

I have excellent news: City, University of London and I have settled my Employment Tribunal claim and I hope soon to be regaining access to the rest of my research data (survey). I am extremely pleased with the resolution that we have reached.

This outcome was made possible by the generosity of people all around the world. It is only because of your donations that I have been able to pursue this claim with legal representation. I am also sincerely grateful for your messages of support and encouragement throughout these testing times.

I am pleased to confirm that there are remaining funds in my account. These will be allocated to other similar cases on the CrowdJustice platform, to support someone with a case similar to mine, including loss of employment and the inability to cover legal fees otherwise.

I hope shortly to be able to publish on all the data from my ‘gender wars’ research project. My latest article, entitled Let Us Be Free from ‘Academentia’, explores the detrimental impact of queer theory and politics at universities and beyond. Those of you interested in my work can check for updates on my X account, @DrLauraFavaro, as this CrowdJustice page will close today.

Onwards and upwards!

Eternally grateful,
Laura Favaro

But sir…

Jul 31st, 2024 5:21 am | By

Now listen here. Enough of all this drag queen nonsense, what you need to do is put men who pretend to be women front and center instead.


“Stop flooding every single stage with drag queens, and put speakers with meaning and depth, especially trans and non-binary people, on instead.”

Like this guy for instance. This guy with the long dangly blonde curls, the long dangly earrings, the priddy necklace, the rings on every finger, the long dress with the plunging neckline, the bracelets – [pause for breath] – flood every stage with guys like him instead of drag queens. There’s your meaning and depth right there!

An opportunity

Jul 31st, 2024 4:09 am | By

Could be interesting.

Donald Trump is set to field reporters’ questions at the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Convention in Chicago on Wednesday, as he re-tools his presidential campaign to combat his likely rival, Vice President Kamala Harris.

It’s hard to imagine he will come out of that looking good.

Trump will be speaking with Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner, ABC News senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott and politics reporter Kadia Goba of Semafor. It will be livestreamed at 1 p.m. ET on the group’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

The event gives Trump, who won just 12% of Black voters in his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden, an opportunity to directly appeal to voters of color.

Well, yes, and it also gives him an opportunity to antagonize voters of color, and/or to make a complete fool of himself.

The difficulty (for Trump) is that he’s already done such a thorough job of appealing to voters of racism that it’s tricky for him to pretend otherwise now.

The Trump campaign, in a press release Monday night announcing his NABJ appearance, claimed that he “accomplished more for Black Americans than any other president in recent history.”

And everyone laughed.

Guest post: Everything she’s worked for her whole life

Jul 30th, 2024 3:45 pm | By

Originally a comment by Sastra on Their primary duty is to ensure that somebody does not die.

A woman athlete who walks out has possibly just lost everything she’s worked for her whole life— her match, her eligibility, her standing, her reputation, and at least some of her friends. A group of women walking out simultaneously might manage to make a majority, but there will always be true believers and upcomers to step into their places on the team. Remember that the moral melodrama being trumpeted high and low is that transwomen are in the same position black athletes once were. You boycott, you take on the role of someone skipping class so they don’t have to sit next to a colored.

This battle can’t be fought by an easy solution like a walkout unless the scale is massive and the numbers close to unanimous— and even then they need the science. The organizers have to change.

All about him

Jul 30th, 2024 11:30 am | By

Hey no biggy, just slashing some bitch who said no.

An EastEnders actor who slashed a woman with a knife after she turned down his sexual advances has been spared jail.

Oh well thank fuck for that. How dare she say no to his sexual advances?

Harry Rafferty, 34, flew into a “rage” and threatened to kill the woman during a confrontation at a friend’s home in Camden. He threw punches and slashed the woman across the stomach, chest and both sides of her face with a knife.

Which is a very natural and forgivable thing to do.

At Wood Green crown court, Judge David Aaronberg KC handed Rafferty a two-year jail sentence and agreed to suspend it, in part because of court delays and a lack of prison places.

“I don’t want to lock you up but you have got to get your life sorted out,” said the judge. “You have a drinking problem, and you are drinking in the last chance saloon.”

Yes it’s all about his life. The life of the woman he punched and slashed is so much garbage.

In a victim impact statement, the woman said that afterwards she lost friends, felt suicidal and became afraid to leave her own home.

Rafferty sobbed as he was sentenced earlier this month, telling the judge: “I’m deeply remorseful, I really am.”

Judge Aaronberg criticised him for pleading not guilty to the assault charge, in the face of “overwhelming” evidence, and subjecting the woman to cross- examination at trial.

So he’s not really all that remorseful, is he.

Selective information

Jul 30th, 2024 11:19 am | By

NBC News is pretending Khelif and Lin are actually women, not men pretending to be women.

Two boxers who were disqualified from competing with women at a global event last year have been permitted to fight in the Paris Olympics, the International Olympic Committee confirmed.

Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu‑ting of Taiwan failed to meet gender eligibility tests at the Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi last year, prompting their disqualifications. But they have been cleared to compete in the women’s 66-kilogram and women’s 57-kilogram matches in Paris this week, the IOC confirmed in an email Tuesday.

“Based on DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women,” the association’s president, Umar Kremlev, told Russia’s Tass news agency at the time. “According to the results of the tests, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition.”

Khelif and Lin have both always competed as women, and there’s no indication that either identifies as transgender or intersex, the latter referring to those born with sex characteristics that don’t fit strictly into the male-female gender binary.

Shifty. Very very very shifty. They’ve always “competed as women” – well what does that mean? And the issue isn’t really whether they identify as trans or intersex, but whether they are trans or intersex.

The reporter is an LGBTQ++++ reporter, but if he’s right in his insinuation that Khelif and Lin are not trans then why is this his beat?

This piece isn’t reporting but manipulation.

Fair what?

Jul 30th, 2024 10:44 am | By

Hmmm, will that include men who pretend to be women invading women’s boxing?

Choudary appeared shocked

Jul 30th, 2024 6:27 am | By

One violent man stopped.

Anjem Choudary, the leader of the banned terror group al-Muhajiroun, has been jailed for life and may never leave prison alive. He was found guilty of directing the group and encouraging support for it through online meetings

The sentence means that Choudary cannot seek to leave jail on licence until he is more than 85 years old. Choudary appeared shocked and rocked on his feet in the dock as he was given a minimum term of 28 years at Woolwich Crown Court.

Shocked was he? How does he think his victims felt?

Mr Justice Wall said Choudary’s group was a radical organisation that intended to spread sharia law, by violent means, to as much of the world as possible.

That’s not “spreading” sharia, that’s imposing it.

Al-Muhajiroun, which emerged in the late 1990s, has been linked to dozens of acts of terrorism with followers committing acts of violence both at home and abroad. Choudary has been at the heart of the organisation since its earliest days and became leader in 2014 after its founder was jailed in Lebanon.

He gives us two choices: submission or slaughter.

Their primary duty is to ensure that somebody does not die

Jul 30th, 2024 5:40 am | By

The Telegraph’s chief sports writer Oliver Brown points out that someone could get killed.

Boxing, in case you have not already noticed, is based on trying to knock someone out as the quickest route to victory. It is the sporting realm where sexual dimorphism is most pronounced, since men are biologically favoured with not just wider shoulders and longer reach than women, but 90 per cent increased bicep strength and 162 per cent greater puncher power.

To spell this out, this means that a man’s average punch has over 2.6 times the force of one delivered by a woman. It is a stark illustration of the responsibility that boxing’s authorities must carry when they match fighters up. Quite simply, their primary duty is to ensure that somebody does not die. And yet the International Olympic Committee has decided that two fighters who failed testosterone and gender eligibility tests only last year have fulfilled the criteria to compete in the women’s category in Paris.

I guess that’s because it’s only women who could die, so meh.

Imane Khelif of Algeria and Taiwan’s Lin Yu-Ting were both thrown out of the world championships in Delhi last year amid questions over their biological sex. Lest anyone imagines this is some state secret, it is openly acknowledged in the official Olympic profiles for both athletes. But where the International Boxing Association (IBA) saw fit to disqualify the pair, the IOC have given them a free pass to go up against female opponents in the most dangerous sport, and on the grandest stage of all.

Women, you see. Women don’t matter, unless of course they’re really men.

“You have to understand the unfairness,” says Dr Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist and a leading expert in how differences between the sexes translate to sporting performance. “Seeing three DSD athletes on the podium of a women’s 800m race was shocking, but at least you knew that nobody had risked their life. But this is a risk that is now being contemplated at the Olympics on ideological grounds. Instead of the IOC saying, ‘No, these athletes can’t be in a female sport, especially not in boxing’, they are trying to balance fairness, inclusion and safety. But safety is not about balance. Safety is a cut-off. If it is not safe, nobody cares if it is fair or inclusive. You canot do it.”

Unless of course you simply don’t give a shit if women are killed by men who claim to be women.

Mission creep

Jul 29th, 2024 5:19 pm | By

When unions go mad:

Why is it the business of all trade unions to oppose the Cass Report?

Why would unions be in the business of disrupting puberties and handing adolescents over to gender quacks to have their lives ruined? Why is submission to trans ideology a requirement for all trade unions? Why is it a requirement for any trade union?

Weird hobby first prize

Jul 29th, 2024 11:11 am | By

Seriously though…what kind of lunatic goes to a hotel and lies around near the pool to take photos of his legs and post them on Twitter?????

Who does that?? And why???


Jul 29th, 2024 10:08 am | By

Guardian lede omits the crucial point of the very story it’s reporting on:

The International Olympic Committee has confirmed that two boxers who were disqualified from last year’s world championships for failing gender eligibility tests will be allowed to fight in Paris.

Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu-ting of Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) both start their Olympic campaigns this week, with Khelif meeting the Italian Angela Carini in the 66kg category and Yu-ting expected to face an unnamed opponent in the 55kg category on Friday.

Just look at the Graun carefully not saying that these are men who will be allowed to beat up women in Paris. If you’re familiar with the pattern then the mention of Angela Carini tells you where you are, but even that is in the second paragraph. Two male boxers who failed gender eligibility tests last year will be allowed to fight women in Paris. How chickenshit of the Guardian to go out of its way not to say that.

The IOC’s decision will be controversial, with the former world champion Barry McGuigan expressing his unease. In a post on X, he wrote: “It’s shocking that they were actually allowed to get this far, what is going on?”.

Why is it controversial? Why did the former world champion express his unease? Why does he say it’s shocking they were allowed to get this far?

…the boxing in Paris is now being run under the auspices of the IOC’s Paris 2024 Boxing Unit, which has more relaxed rules than IBA.

Oh more relaxed are they. Is that what you call it. It’s more relaxed to let men beat up women for public entertainment. I don’t suppose the women find it more relaxed.

Rules regarding who should compete in the female category have been hotly contested in recent years. However there has been less debate about combat sports, where the risk of serious injury and even death is far higher.

Scientific research has also found that the average punching power is 162% greater in those who have gone through male puberty compared to females.

Too bad that clarity comes at the very end of the story.

The respondents have admitted discrimination

Jul 29th, 2024 8:30 am | By

Well well. Is the ship starting to turn at last?


And today, they capitulated at tribunal, admitting liability for harassment and discrimination. Lizzy has won! Book World – there is a lesson in here, if you would only listen to it. Well done, Lizzy and her legal team!

It seems Cambridgeshire County Council just said “It’s a fair cop, guvnor” and that was the end of that.


Consulting on next steps, again

Jul 29th, 2024 6:59 am | By

Guido Fawkes tells us:

Jolyon Maugham and his Good Law Project have faced yet another defeat. Earlier this year, Jolyon’s brigade attempted to overturn former Health Secretary Victoria Atkins’ ban on puberty blockers, raising a whopping £60,000 from gullible donors to fight their case. The High Court has now upheld the ban, citing a study that identified “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits” of puberty blockers. Another one bites the dust…

The Good Law Project took to X to bemoan their loss, promising they are “consulting on next steps.” This marks the second case Jolyon has managed to lose in less than a week. When will credulous donors wake up and realise that when it comes to campaigns, Jolyon seems to be the kiss of death?

Probably around the same time they realize people can’t change sex.

Dead pool status

Jul 28th, 2024 5:45 pm | By

The water is going away.

Two of the largest reservoirs in America, which provide water and electricity to millions, are in danger of reaching ‘dead pool status,’ a result of the climate crisis and overconsumption of water, experts say.

Lake Mead, in Nevada and Arizona, and Lake Powell, in Utah and Arizona, experienced their lowest ever levels last year. ‘Dead pool’ status would mean the water level in the dams was so low it could no longer flow downstream and power hydroelectric power stations.

The Lake Mead reservoir, which is the largest artificial body of water in America, was created in the 1930s by the construction of the Hoover Dam, an engineering masterpiece. Lake Powell, the second largest, was created in the 1960s with the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam.

“The conditions in the American west, which we’re seeing around the Colorado River basin, have been so dry for more than 20 years that we’re no longer speaking of a drought,” said Lis Mullin Bernhardt, an ecosystems expert at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “We refer to it as “aridification” – a new very dry normal.”

Other people just call it the desert.

Lake Mead and Lake Powell not only provide water and electricity to tens of millions in Nevada, Arizona, California, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Mexico, but they also provide irrigation water for agriculture. Experts warn that as the crisis deepens, water cuts will need to be introduced, but this may not be enough.

Ya think?

Puget Sound is cold

Jul 28th, 2024 5:07 pm | By

For refreshment, a rescue story. I love rescue stories.

Seattle tour boat captain rescues paddleboarder in distress

“I think on three occasions, [I’ve seen] humpback whales and on about six occasions, orca whales,” said Captain John Darmody, who has been a captain with Argosy Cruises in Seattle since 2021.

While being the captain for a private charter Wednesday, Captain Darmody chose to take a different route than normal due to high winds and the wind direction. “We went out past Alki Point and down towards Lincoln Park, which we pretty much never do,” said Darmody.

That’s where he saw something much more alarming than the normal sightseeing views. “I had noticed a paddleboarder earlier in that area paddling, and then on our way back, like out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the paddleboard, but I didn’t see anyone,” said Darmody. “So that was when I got my binoculars.”

He saw a man unsuccessfully trying to get on his paddle board multiple times, even going under water in the waves despite having a life jacket. “I got on the loudspeaker system to announce to the crew that we were going to assist a person in distress,” said Darmody.

There’s video of the moment the guy is pulled aboard. The captain looks about 16 years old.

Just kidding!

Jul 28th, 2024 2:33 pm | By

The 40 billionth Trump didn’t mean it literally he was just being Trump.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu on Sunday dismissed Republican president nominee Donald Trump’s statement Friday telling people they “won’t have to vote anymore” if they elect him as standard Trump rhetoric.

Well yes but guess what, it’s a problem that an ex-president and hopeful future president’s standard rhetoric is totalitarian in nature. The fact that he’s happy to say that kind of thing is the problem. The fact that he constantly threatens/promises to act like a dictator is the problem. The fact that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about any moral or political norms at all is the problem.

Furthermore, the fact (if it is a fact) that he doesn’t mean it literally is entirely irrelevant to what he would do if he got the chance. It’s not as if he would think back and say “Oh wait I was just kidding when I said that, tell the generals to stand down.” He doesn’t think back. He lives in the moment and does what he feels like. Whether he does or doesn’t mean what he says literally is neither here nor there.

“I think it was a classic Trumpism if you will,” he said to host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week.”

So why the fuck would anyone want such a person as president?

Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-N.Y.) posted the Trump clip on X and said: “The only way ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ is if Donald Trump becomes a dictator.” And Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said on X: “This year democracy is on the ballot, and if we are to save it, we must vote against authoritarianism. Here Trump helpfully reminds us that the alternative is never having the chance to vote again.” Liberal commentator Keith Olbermann boiled it down to: “Oh. Trump just cancelled the 2028 election.”

Republicans found the situation to be considerably less problematic, with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) saying on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the former president was “obviously making a joke.”

By their jokes shall ye know them.


Jul 28th, 2024 9:51 am | By

So I read the Guardian’s story on the Tommy Robinson protest to see if it too hauled in the trans protest for no apparent reason, and I was more impressed by the Guardian’s ability to stay focused with every paragraph I read. I really thought the Graun was going to make it, but then the very last paragraph says…

The day also saw a Trans Pride march from Langham Place, near Oxford Circus, to Hyde Park Corner. The march was originally planned to start at Trafalgar Square, but organisers changed the route to avoid Robinson’s protest. Police said a ninth person was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a steward at that event.

So close, but no prizes.